Rental Car Management System
Rental Car Management System
Rental Car Management System
Spring- 2016
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Submitted by:
Golam Rakib
ID: 1621707
Masters in Software Engineering
Submitted to:
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Table of Contents
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Items not to be Tested ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Test Environment/System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 16
HARDWARE INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 16
SOFTWARE INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 16
COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 17
Standards/Reference material .......................................................................................................................... 17
Testing Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Unit Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Smoke Testing ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Feature level testing ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Functional Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Integration Testing ........................................................................................................................................... 18
System Testing ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Security Testing ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Test Schedule and Resources ............................................................................................................................... 18
Major Activities Schedule:............................................................................................................................... 18
Test Phases and Completion criteria .................................................................................................................... 18
Issues and Risks ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Test Cases Functional .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Work Breakdown Structure of the Rental Car Management System....................................................................... 24
Critical Path ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Gantt Chart of the Rental Car Management System ................................................................................................ 26
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Overall operational concept of the system.
This chapter of the project document which provides a general introduction about the Rental Car Management
system project. The chapter contains and describes about background of the organization, existing system
functions and problems.
This chapter also describes about the proposed system, objective including the general and specific objectives of
the project.
Prime Car Rental (PRC) organization gives car rental service for both foreign and local customers. This
organization carries out its daily work by providing; their service to the customers using manually system. The
organization uses a manual system for reserving, renting, register and to keep record of all the rental activities and
customer information. The detailed existing system functions are listed as follows: -
During vehicle reservation the customers reserve a vehicle by making a phone call to the
organization; otherwise he/she is expected to go to the organization to make reservation.
During renting a vehicle the customer personal information, payments status and rent
agreements are filled in the car rent agreement form; in order to hold legal contract between the
customer and organization for renting the vehicle.
The organization normal work time schedule is from 8:00am – 11:00pm; therefore the
organization gives services for fifteen hours a day.
The organization makes a general report about the rented vehicles once at the end of the month and generates a
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Problem and difficulties in the current system
The existence system has a number of problems in the working procedure for the organization and customers.
These problems are: -
1. During reservation a customer reserve a vehicle on phone or expected to go to the organization for
reserving. This has its own problem in the business sector.
The organization phone may be busy or may not work when customer is calling to make
It may be difficult to customers to get the phone number or the location of the organization.
The customers may be resulted to unnecessary extra expense and waste their time.
Their may accrue duplicated reservation of the same vehicle.
The organization may not be able to serve many customers.
The customers may not get service of the organization 24/7 ( twenty four hours a day and seven
days a week).
2. During renting a vehicle, the customer information and contract made between them are filled in a
The contract form made between the customer and organization may be difficult to find incase
of misplacing or disappearing due to massive collection of data.
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Proposed Envisioned Distributed system with Rich picture
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Benefit of the Envisioned/proposed system
First of all it would be a growth-oriented car rental organization by efficiently serving value-conscious customers
for all of their car rental occasions.
Secondly it will consistently deliver a quality product, friendly service and great value that make customers
confident that Budget is their best car rental choice.
Functional Requirement
Functional requirements these are statements of services the system should provide, how the system should react
to particular inputs, and how the system should behave in particular situations. It specifies the software
functionality that the developers must build into the product to enable users to accomplish their tasks.
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
17. The system shall allow staff to register customers into rental list.
18. The system shall allow staff to update about customer rent record details in the rental list.
19. The system shall allow staff to display customers, who rent vehicles.
20. The system must provide printable summary for successful committed rent.
Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements, as the name suggests, are requirements that are not directly concerned with the
specific services delivered by the system to its users. They may relate to emergent system properties such as
reliability, response time, and store occupancy. Alternatively, they may define constraints on the system
implementation such as the capabilities of I/O devices or the data representations used in interfaces with other
systems. Non-functional requirements, such as performance, security, or availability, usually specify or
constrain characteristics of the system as a whole.
The system provides a help and support menu in all interfaces for the user to interact with the
The user can use the system by reading help and support.
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
The system provides username and password to prevent the system from unauthorized access.
The staffs’ password must be greater than eight characters.
The system response time for every instruction conducted by the user must not exceed more than
a minimum of 10 seconds.
The system should have high performance rate when executing user’s input and should be able to
provide response within a short time span usually 50 second for highly complicated task and 20
to 25 seconds for less complicated task.
The system should always be available for access at 24 hours, 7 days a week. Also in the
occurrence of any major system malfunctioning, the system should be available in 1 to 2 working
days, so that business process is not severely affected.
Here we will use Three-tier architecture. Three-tier architecture is a client–server software architecture pattern
in which the user interface (presentation), functional process logic ("business rules"), computer data storage and
data access are developed and maintained as independent modules, most often on separate platforms.
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Data services
Master DB Data warehouse
Primary Slave DB DB
Servers Servers
| P1 acustomers
ge Agent 1 customers Agent 2 customer Agent 2 customers Agent 3 customers Agent 3 customers
Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
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Detailed description
Central car rental system allows agents to plug-in to the system and allows agents to reserve, look-up, follow-up,
track any vehicle associated with the agent. Agent system consumes core UI services for all functional
requirements and allows agents create them on application on top of the enterprise stack.
Individual providers are also provided with a portal to register and hire-out cars to agents. Provider portal uses
core UI services in the ecosystem.
Core UI services is loosely coupled in the enterprise stack and only loads the Façade component from enterprise
service bus. Enterprise service bus is responsible to handle the downstream system and it only knows which
component to consume and interact for certain functionality in the functional requirements.
Downstream components i.e. Agent directory, provider profile, vehicle etc. are behind the enterprise system bus
and they are loaded in the enterprise stack loosely within the container.
Data provider bus encapsulates the data providers and data access are provided by services which only provides
CRUD operations.
OLAP cubes are created from DB by administrator and synchronized to OLAP cubes periodically.
Enterprise grade solution
Very loosely coupled and allows components to be removed and plugged in easily
New agents can consume exposed API and get connected to global car rental ecosystem.
System designed to handle hundred thousands of requests.
Properly designed to encapsulate functional requirement defined for each component.
Requires extensive expertise to alter system architecture.
Ecosystem is expensive to incorporate in the first phase.
Infrastructure is not designed to multi-region and require significant changes to the system design.
This chapter of the project document provides end to end Quality Control Process.
Test Plan
Project Name
Rental Car Management System
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Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
Project Leads:
1.1.1. Project Manager: A. M. Rashed Mahamud
1.1.2. Development Lead: Md. Golam Rakib
1.1.3. Test Manager: Mir Noor-UL-Haque Pias
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Testing Synopsis
Items to be tested Items
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Items not to be Tested
The system provides a help and support menu in all interfaces for the user to interact with the system. The user
can use the system by reading help and support.
The system provides username and password to prevent the system from unauthorized access. The staffs’
password must be greater than eight characters.
The system response time for every instruction conducted by the user must not exceed more than a minimum of
10 seconds. The system should have high performance rate when executing user’s input and should be able to
provide response within a short time span usually 50 second for highly complicated task and 20 to 25 seconds for
less complicated task.
The system should always be available for access at 24 hours, 7 days a week. Also in the occurrence of any major
system malfunctioning, the system should be available in 1 to 2 working days, so that business process is not
severely affected.
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ID # Software Component Requirement
SI-3 Web Server Glassfish 3.1
SI-4 Server Host OS Windows 8.1
SI-5 Sandbox/Commercial Any open source Rest API Testing
terminal tool or need to develop for testing
SI-6 API load testing Any open source Rest API load testing
Standards/Reference material
1.1.20. The followings are the Test deliverables/documents
1. Test Plan
2. Test Cases.
3. Reviewed/Revised copy of Test cases.
4. Test Report and Defect Report.
Testing Scope
Unit Testing
The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts
are correct. A unit test provides a strict, written contract that the piece of code must satisfy. As a
result, it affords several benefits. The test team take 5 to 10 minute to test a single module. Most
of the test case are done by the unit testing method.
Smoke Testing
This is a set of acceptance criteria—conditions that must be met before testing can begin. A smoke
test should represent the bare minimum of acceptance testing. If any particular, specialized test
cases listed in other test case document can be used here. The test manager done it he first lists
down all the test case and he decided to which test case are doing and which tools are using for the
test case.
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Functional Tests
The test cases will be designed from requirements to test the functionalities with both positive
and negative scenarios. Test team are doing their work in a big amount of time to functional
tests. They take almost time of testing for functional tests.
Integration Testing
All the components which are selected for testing. first of the test team are check those components for if there
some are defected the test are not being done well.
System Testing
All features will be tested to ensure that all elements of the integrated system function properly.
Security Testing
Security must be ensured using HTTPS mechanism.
1.3. The severity of found defects will be assessed and the priorities on resolving them will be set
by collaborating with the developer(s), project managers and the system analyst on this.
1.4. The criteria that must be fulfilled before each stage of testing can be considered complete are:
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The Blocker, Critical, Major issues and Minor issues (according to point 2) will
be fixed.
The Known issues (if any) will be listed and notified to clients in release notes.
1.5. Identify issues that have yet to be decided as of this draft of the plan. Note these as risks to
the schedule, scope, or quality of the test effort.
1.6. Identify other risks that may have an impact on the success of the plan. Use the risks outlined
in the course book and the attached speaker notes as a guideline to identifying common risks.
These are risks to the schedule, scope, or quality of the test effort:
The feedback (issue fixing/not fixing) from developers on Test and defect report needs
to be well communicated. If not, testing schedule may be hampered.
Bug fixing and retesting part needs to be very interactive and well communicated among
developers and testers. Otherwise there is risk to ensure bug density minimization.
The same risk is there for Smoke test at the end (only one cycle of testing is planned).
If planned/allocated resources are not available the functional test, retest and regression
test may hamper.
01 Register for Enable customer Customer has Click register button. Customer will be
reservation to register in the valid email id. Provide required registered in the
system information such as, system.
name, email, phone
Verify email provided
by using verification
link sent to email.
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Rental Car Management System Final Project -CSC445
particular vehicle Click on a particular system are
vehicle. displayed upon
Detailed description of request.
that vehicle will be
05 Display list of Enable customer Customer is Click on the button All vehicles
available to view the list of logged into the available vehicles available for
vehicle for vehicles available system A list of vehicles reservation will be
reservation for reservation available for on the list.
reservation will be
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clearance to view
11 User log in Enable Users to User has required Input username If verified, grant
log in to the credentials to log Input password access to the
system in Select user type system.
(customer, manager, If not, show error
employee) message.
Verify username,
password and type
12 Create new Enable new Customer has Click sign up button. Customer will be
customer customers to use valid email id Provide required registered in the
account the system information such as, system after
name, email, phone verification.
Verify email provided
by using verification
link sent to email.
13 Create new Enable manager Manager has Click register new Employee will be
employee to register required employee button registered in the
account employees in the information of Provide required system after
system employee information such as, verification.
name, email, phone
Verify email provided
by using verification
link sent to email.
14 User log out Enable user to log User is logged in Click log out button. User will be logged
out of the system out
15 Change Allow user to User exists in the Click forgot password Log in credentials
password change password system in log in page or will be updated
change password in with new
account settings. password.
If forgot password,
then recovery link will
be sent to email.
After clicking link,
input new password,
save password.
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If from account
settings, input current
password, input new
password, save
18 View vehicle Enable employees Employee is Select view all List of all vehicles
list to view list of all logged in vehicles of the company
vehicles will be displayed
19 View available Enable employees Employee is Select view available List of vehicles
vehicle list to view list of logged in vehicles available for
available vehicles reservation will be
20 View rented Enable employees Employee is Select view rented List of vehicles
vehicle list to view list of logged in vehicles currently rented
rented vehicles will be displayed
21 View off duty Enable employees Employee is Select view off duty List of off duty will
vehicle list to view list of off logged in vehicles be displayed
duty vehicles
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specific records by Employee has Input desired category. categories will be
category specified clearance to view displayed.
parameters rent records If no such records
exist, then error
message will be
25 Display list of Enable employee Employee is Open list of customers A list of customers
customers who to see which logged in who rented vehicles. who rent vehicles
rented vehicles customers have Employee has will be displayed.
rented vehicles clearance to view
customer list
26 Display Enable employee Employee is Select view customer Rent records of that
customer rent to see rent records logged in rent records. specific customer
records of customers Employee has will be displayed.
clearance to view This will be true
customer rent for all customers in
records the system
27 Print summary Enable user to User is logged in. Open summary of System will print
of successfully print a summary User has clearance successfully the summary of
committed rent of successfully to print summary committed rent. successfully
committed rent of successfully Click print committed rent.
committed rent
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Work Breakdown Structure of the Rental Car
Management System
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Critical Path
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Gantt Chart of the Rental Car Management System
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