BCG A Circular Solution To Plastic Waste July 2019 - tcm58 223960
BCG A Circular Solution To Plastic Waste July 2019 - tcm58 223960
BCG A Circular Solution To Plastic Waste July 2019 - tcm58 223960
to Plastic Waste
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A Big and Growing Problem
New Circular Technologies
The Business Case for Pyrolysis
Decomposition or Conversion or plastic-to-fuel
monomer recycling (PTF) recycling
• Chemolysis • Pyrolysis
• Hydrolysis • Fluid catalytic cracking
• Methanolysis • Hydrogen technologies
• Glycolysis • KDV1 process
• Aminolysis • Gasification
• Other methods • Hydrothermal liquefaction2
• Other methods
The analysis was reviewed with experts from the chemical industry,
waste management companies, circular-economy organizations, and
academia. (See the sidebar “Our Thanks to the Experts.”)
Our main conclusion is that while the financial and business challeng-
es vary, conversion technologies such as pyrolysis are economically vi-
able in all the market types we studied. In some, pyrolysis can have
an immediate and substantial impact—it has the potential to treat up
Harald Friedl, CEO, Circle Economy The authors also thank the chemical
companies from across the world, global
Ladeja Godina Kosir, executive director, waste management companies, consumer
Circular Change industry companies, and environmental
NGOs that contributed invaluable input
Lars Krejberg Petersen, CEO and without wanting to be referenced by name.
administrative director, Dansk Retursystem
1. “Chemical recycling of waste plastics for new materials production,” Rahimi and
Garcia, Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2017:1;0046.
2. “Use of super-critical water for the liquefaction of polypropylene into water,” Chen
et al., ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2019:7;3749–58.
China 88,132 10 40
US 30,834 10 15
Japan 8,571 21 59
Brazil 8,015 2 5
Germany 7,856 38 61
Turkey 6,958 10 0
Russia 6,949 4 02
Mexico 5,884 10 14
Italy 5,671 27 33
Indonesia 5,019 2 5
Thailand 4,683 20 25
France 4,527 21 42
UK 3,431 29 31
Vietnam 3,332 8 20
Spain 3,110 34 16
Canada 3,052 25 3
Poland 2,882 26 19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# PET and PVC are not optimal feedstock for a pyrolysis unit.
Source: The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics, World Economic Forum, 2016.
Mechanical recycling mechanical recycling • Closing the loop of high-value materials (e.g., PET, PP, HDPE)
(designed for recyclability) Purification process • Requirement for sorting technologies or separated collection systems
Decomposition or
Chemical recycling or monomer recycling • Recycling of low-value materials (e.g., foils, blends)
plastics regeneration Conversion or PTF • Value proposition in remote areas for decentralized solutions
Leakage into • Worst-case scenario with waste leakage into the environment and
the environment eventually into the ocean
Source: BCG.
types of companies that have committed to diversify their recycling portfolios and adapt
using a certain share of recycled raw materi- more plastics to mechanical recycling.
als. In fact, for some high-value plastics—such
as PP, PET, and HDPE—the demand for recy- As recycling and the use of recyclable materi-
cled resin has been greater at times than the als become more important, an increasing
current supply, and recycling has become a number of companies, such as Borealis, are
lucrative business. The profit margins for re- putting greater emphasis on designing for re-
cycling used plastics for higher-value applica- cyclability. But this process involves signifi-
tions can reach 30% to 50%, depending on the cant technical challenges. Mechanical recy-
type and color of the plastic; this presents a cling cannot process blended materials, for
viable business model often linked with ex- example. Consequently, during the product
tended product responsibility (EPR) or depos- design phase, the use of additives (such as
it schemes, according to several examples we glue) needs to be considered carefully. For
have seen. some products, such as beverage containers
and food grade packaging, design and materi-
Many consumer goods companies have made al standardization has become the norm, but
recycling commitments. Evian water bottles other types of plastics applications still lack
will be manufactured with 100% recycled explicit design standards for recyclability,
plastics by 2025. Unilever has pledged to which prevents mechanical recycling from
make 100% of its plastic packaging recyclable achieving its full potential.
by the same year. Walmart has announced
that, by 2025, 100% of the packaging for its Newer technologies, such as purification, that
private-label products will be recyclable. Con- go beyond conventional mechanical recycling
currently, testing and product development are gaining traction. They work by dissolving
efforts are under way at chemical companies plastics into solvents and separating the
to improve the recyclability of materials. blends to purify the plastics through the ex-
traction of additives and dyes, leaving a de-
Multiple large recycling systems or compa- contaminated polymer. These technologies
nies (including Veolia and Suez, founded in focus on the same materials as conventional
France and active globally; the DSD system in mechanical recycling, such as PET, HD, and
Germany; Renewi in Belgium, the Nether- PP, but they are still nascent technologies that
lands, and Luxembourg; and Reliance in In- have yet to see large-scale implementation.
dia) have built strong businesses around recy- Outside of such material limitations, other
cling HDPE, PP, or PET products. Chemical factors also restrict the use of these new tech-
companies are also increasing their efforts to nologies. In the US, for example, the FDA
The addressable volume Feedstock acquisition Pyrolysis design capacity Revenues from the sale
of plastic waste and treatment costs and operating costs of pyrolysis liquids
• The quantity of plastic waste • The cost of acquiring plastic waste • The design throughput capacity of • Available markets for the pyrolysis
generated each day from various channels the pyrolysis unit liquids
• The volume of plastic waste • The cost of cleaning and processing • The associated operating and • The estimated price point of each
feedstock available through plastic waste into pyrolysis feedstock capital costs barrel of pyrolysis liquid product
cost-effective channels
Exhibit 7 | Pyrolysis Has a Positive Investment Outlook in All Three Market Categories
(30-kt/y capacity plant) REVENUES: SINGAPORE EXAMPLE
(30-kt/y capacity plant)
Crude price
453 –14 14
500 445 446 ($40/bbl | $60/bbl | $80/bbl)
300 145 –4 5
($50/t | $10/t | ($40)/t)
145 82
200 Cash cost
($250/t | $214/t | $170/t)
–4 4
100 214 200
173 Capital-equipment investment
($35 million | $30 million | $25 million)
–3 4
0 10
Mature: Moderately Nascent: –20 –10 22% 10 20
Singapore developed: China1 IRR (%)
US Gulf Coast
Margin Capital cost2 Cash cost3 Feedstock4 Product economics Local market Operational
Ten rivers account for some 85% of global because PTF technology can be used to
plastic waste carried to the ocean—the dispose of the waste cost-effectively once
Yangtze River alone carries 50%, or some it is collected. Small, portable, and modular
200 tons a day of plastic waste, into the pyrolysis reactors, such as the ones being
East China Sea. But collection technologies tested by RTI (with an annual capacity of
aimed at recovering usable plastics from approximately 5 kilotons to 7 kilotons),
the water, while innovative, so far take the could be trucked to, and operated at, waste
form of small-scale pilots or concepts that collection sites and may pave the way
lack funding and technological support. forward for treating riverine plastic waste.
More-effective efforts to clean up the
Yangtze, potentially through partnerships,
could have a huge impact on the problem
of global marine plastic waste, especially
Value Total cost Margin Revenues Breakeven Rate of
capacity Handling Processing
(kt/y) ($/ton2) ($/ton2, %) ($/ton2, $/bbl3) cost of return
Acquisition and Pyrolysis of plastic Transport and sale
feedstock (%)
pretreatment of feedstock of pyrolysis ($/ton)
pyrolysis feedstock liquid to market
Collected Treated
mixed-plastic plastic Pyrolysis
waste feedstock products
$75/ton $445/ton
30 kt/y $169/ton $196/ton1 $5/ton $370/ton
(17%) $75.81/bbl
$244/ton 22%
entering the Value chain step
current step
Activity in the current step
incinerators or landfills. Only approximately margin of about $135 a ton, or 30%. Contin-
25 to 30 tons is recycled, and current EU ued fallout from China’s decision to restrict
regulations favor mechanical recycling over imports of recyclables adds to the address-
pyrolysis. To ensure sufficient supply for a able volume and reduces costs for potential
30-kt/year plant, an operator would need to operators.
either look beyond the Seine-Maritime prov-
ince to other regions for supply or use plastics Improved sorting efficiency could cut costs
extracted from landfills, which would require further because of lower contamination. (The
cleaning and sorting. Either solution adds US state of Rhode Island, for example, saw
costs. A variety of planned and potential contamination levels drop 20% in one year
regulatory initiatives—including steps to re- after it promoted standardized labels for re-
duce plastic waste, redirect waste from land- cycling bins and increased efforts to address
fills, expand sorting, and improve sorting consumer confusion about recyclables sort-
efficiency—contribute to a somewhat fluid ing.) Once recycling efforts produce streams
cost and supply picture for the foreseeable of well-sorted, very clean plastics, mechanical
future. recycling becomes a viable option in the re-
gion, however.
Government Regulations
Mandates at the government level can incen-
tivize the development of plastic waste solu-
tions through the promotion of and invest-
ment in new processes and technologies as
well as by regulating usage and disposal of
plastics. Europe has been a leader in the lat-
ter regard. In recent years, the EU has:
BCG publishes regularly on the What Companies Can Learn from The Role of Green Projects in
subjects of sustainability and total World Leaders in Societal Impact Scaling Climate Investments
societal impact. Some previous A report by Boston Consulting Group, An article by Boston Consulting Group,
publications include the following: April 2019 February 2018
About the Authors Miriam Benedi Díaz is a senior For Further Contact
Holger Rubel is a managing knowledge analyst for total soci- Holger Rubel
director and senior partner in etal impact and sustainability in Managing Director and Senior Partner
the Frankfurt office of Boston the firm’s Madrid office. You BCG Frankfurt
Consulting Group. He is the firm’s may contact her by email at +49 69 91 50 20
global topic leader for green energy [email protected]. [email protected]
and an expert on total societal
impact and sustainability. You Acknowledgments Udo Jung
may contact him by email at The authors are grateful to Kanika Senior Advisor
[email protected]. Gupta and Andres Morales for their BCG Frankfurt
contributions to developing the +49 69 91 50 20
Udo Jung was a senior partner at content of this report. They also [email protected]
the firm for more than two dec- thank Katherine Andrews, Siobhan
ades focusing on chemicals and Donovan, Kim Friedman, Abby Clint Follette
polymers. He is now a senior Garland, Frank Müller-Pierstorff, Managing Director and Partner
advisor to BCG and a member of and Shannon Nardi for editorial BCG Houston
the supervisory board of a company and production support. +1 713 286 7000
focusing on innovative, viable [email protected]
solutions to push the boundaries
for mechanical recycling of multi- Alexander Meyer zum Felde
layer, multipolymer films. You Associate Director, Total Societal
may contact him by email at Impact & Sustainability & Circular
[email protected]. Economy
BCG Hamburg
Clint Follette is a managing +49 40 30 99 60
director and partner in the firm’s [email protected]
Houston office and a leader of
the petrochemical sector. You Santosh Appathurai
may contact him by email at Principal
[email protected]. BCG Houston
+1 713 286 7000
Alexander Meyer zum Felde is an [email protected]
associate director for total societal
impact & sustainability & circular Miriam Benedi Díaz
economy in BCG’s Hamburg office. Senior Knowledge Analyst
You may contact him by email at BCG Madrid
[email protected]. +34 91 520 61 00
[email protected]
Santosh Appathurai is a princi-
pal in the firm’s Houston office.
He is a core member of BCG’s
energy practice area and works
on total societal impact and
sustainability strategy projects.
You may contact him by email at
[email protected].
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