Zebi Whitepaper V2.0.1
Zebi Whitepaper V2.0.1
Zebi Whitepaper V2.0.1
Dated: 6-OCT-2019
This document is intended to be a high-level business version of the whitepaper, explaining Zebi’s
vision and how we intend to pursue it.
It covers business problems in the blockchain world that Zebi believes are important and outlines
the approach in solving the technology problems that are important in achieving Zebi’s vision.
The technical documentation for each of these is intended to be released over time, along with
the code libraries.
In PoS, a security deposit is required to participate in the consensus process and avoid being
diluted by inflation. As in proof-of-work, the consensus protocol relies on an honest majority for
its security which is incentivized directly by the ZPB protocol by penalizing dishonest behavior
and rewarding honest behavior. If a participant behaves dishonestly, they can lose their deposit.
Users who do not wish to participate directly in the consensus protocol have the option to
delegate their rights to other users to participate on their behalf.
Byzantine fault tolerance is another feature that has been built into ZPB through the use of
Tendermint BFT, which is part of the COSMOS SDK.
ZebiCLI is a Zebi Command Line Interface that also exposes several REST APIs at the Node. This
layer supports the various modules that are required for a Public Blockchain,
• Z-Wallet: This is a web-based application that allows account creation in ZPB that
comprises of a Public Key, 24-word Mnemonic and a Private key. UserID and Password are
Challenges addressed
Distributed ledger technologies (DLT) have the potential to disrupt and transform existing
markets in multiple industries. ZPB address the problems of existing blockchain by combining
best research results and engineering practice in an optimally tuned system. ZPB makes
breakthrough in following aspects
The most compelling use cases for DLT require hundreds of thousands of transactions per second,
and many require consensus latency measured in seconds. ZPB supports thousands of
transactions per second and can have block time on the order of 1 second.
ZPB is secure and has a mechanism to hold its participants accountable for their actions. It is not
only fault tolerant, its optimally byzantine fault-tolerant.
ZPB used POS algorithm for instant finality as long as less than 2/3 of validator are malicious.
ZPB is built on Cosmos and its token economics in general follows the rules set by Cosmos.
Below table Explains the different parameters involved with ZPB Platform.
Like in SMTP, Message Transport Agent (MTA) client can be resident on each of the zones.
Multiple such MTA Client components communicate with the nearest MTA Server that is resident
on nearest Hub. Thus ZCP protocol logic can be suitably modified for the following attributes:
Authentication: Identification of the sender and receiver will be as per the attributes of the
specific source Blockchain in a standardized domain specific manner.
• Message Relay: Message relay is built into the SMTP protocol and as long as the sender’s
and recipient’s addresses (in the From: and To: parts of the message header) are defined in a
standardized manner, mail relay agents relay the message hopping from one MTA server to
another till the nearest domain of the destination To: address is reached.
• Data Confidentiality & legibility: Minimum data necessary for correct operation of the ZCP
is made available & legible (serialized in a standardized format) through the MDA (Message
Delivery Agent) whose job is to receive messages from a local MTA and write them to disk in the
proper format and the proper place, depending on the recipient. The relevant data can also be
encapsulated in the message envelope’s body section even with an attachment.
• Reliability: SMTP is time tested for decades and it is reliable and secure
• Statefulness: MTA client and server architecture is designed to handle multiple
connections in a simple protocol that maintains and ensures state information about the
blockchain that is embedded in the body of the message is maintained. The handshake
When someone wants to verify the identity of an individual, the blockchain platform is queried
with a verifiable claim, which will have the public identifier(such as Zebi ID) of the individual. The
verifier gets a safe response verifying the claim. These verification works on zero-knowledge
proofs methodology. This module also facilitates the subject of data to permit access to verifier
on only specific part of the data.
Zero-knowledge proofs let you validate the truth of something without revealing how you know
that truth or sharing the content of this truth with the verifier. This principle is based on an
algorithm that takes some data as input and returns either ‘true’ or ‘false’. This helps in verifying
the data without actually revealing the full data.
One of the biggest challenges with ZKP is the possibility of brute force attacks in the case of
formatted data/ metadata, where a prescribed pattern can be used to reverse engineer actual
data. MetaHash allows the use of storing data on a chain without exposing these risks.
Proof of Trail
Query capability to get responses based on cross blocks data, unified with precedence rules
applied, to return complete and semantically correct information. This query module
superimposes various versions of the data in the blockchain, enabling tracking of events of an
entity, to provide an immutable proof of trail. For example, this enables tracking asset ownership
changes in Land Registry data.
Dynamic schema
Dynamic schema capability lets the platform efficiently store heterogeneous entities’ data that
are added, in the transactions of the same block. Queries are enabled that will provide only the
responses from the data pertaining to a single entity. The platform stores different structures of
data without incurring a data model change. At the same time the solution is privacy preserving
as the data is encrypted.
Key Management
Data in the blockchain is encrypted with state of the art 256bit encryption and stored on the
platform. Even an extreme theoretical event like a malicious insider stealing a datafile doesn't
cause data breach due to this encryption. There is no human handling of keys or sensitive data
at any stage of the entire cycle. The encryption key is never persisted in the blockchain or in any
of our systems. It is stored only with the individual. The platform’s key management process
meets or exceeds OWASP standards. When a data verification request is received, the data owner
shall provide consent and key to decrypt and verify the data. As a different key is used for each
individual, key shared by one client cannot be used to decrypt another client’s data.
An important aspect of blockchains and smart contracts is how we can bring data from the
outside world into the blockchain. This is broadly referred to as oracles, or gateways/
mechanisms to bring points of truth on chain. Zebi is building several of these oracles to help
plug into applications
Zebi Edu Chain is a digital credential management solution that offers a full suite for storing,
retrieving and verifying the data online for both students and universities. It allows people to
streamline the workflow by using digital flows.
Zebi Doc Chain allows verified institutions to store vital documents data on to the blockchain. It
provides a platform for controlled issuance of both physical and digital documents – Digital token
for physical document security and blockchain for enhanced digital security. Zebi Doc chain
provides a platform to verify the authenticity of vital documents in secured and convenient way.
Zebi Asset Chain is a fool-proof blockchain based solution that stores the property details and
transaction data, making it immutable and tamper-proof. It Provides an ease to use interface for
different stakeholders. It minimizes the ownership disputes, speedup the transaction process and
improves buyer-Seller Confidence.
Zebi AI chain is an effective tracking system for hospitality industry. It is a comprehensive solution
to manage the digital identity including the characteristics and persona of the customer. It also
helps the government officials to report the criminal activities and maintain law and order.
Zebi Secure Cloud is log management, collects logs from different providers and avoid log
tampering by storing them cryptographically providing immutable log storage using distributed
ledger technology. It Uses Machine learning and predictive analytics for log analysis and flag
suspicious activities in real time crucial for fast, effective monitoring and reduce false positives
Zebi Tru Chain is an asset tracking and management platform to track and provide transparency
and history of the asset. It gathers and share key product information in a secure and trustworthy
Below is the current roadmap for ZPB and its products. Please refer to website for latest and
updated roadmaps.
Q3 Q1 Q1
Ø ZPB: Security enhancements in ZPB Ø Zebi Chain 3.0 Ø Target 50 Million Records into ZPB
Ø ZPB: Reduction/removal of Node- Q2 Q2
affiliation restriction Ø Asset Chain: additional features Ø IBC: Token Swap module
Ø ZPB: Open sourcing ZPB code Ø Zebi Communication Protocol Beta
Q3 Q3
Ø Blockchain for State Govts Ø ZPB: Sample code for Data
Q4 verification Zapp
Ø Additional query screens in Asset Chain Q4
Ø Supply Chain enhancements Ø ZPB: Support Inter Blockchain
Ø ZPB: Security enhancements Communication
Ø ZPB: Support for Hardware wallet Ø ZPB: Support multiple tokens
Ø ZPB: Publish sample code for Zapps Ø Zebi Communication Protocol
Ø ZPB: Sentry Node support approach finalization
Ø Zebi Secure Cloud
To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, Zebi shall not be
liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort,
contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of
use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this Whitepaper
or any part thereof by you.
Zebi does not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or
undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, except as specifically set forth under
this Whitepaper.
This Whitepaper is solely for your information and may not be reproduced, disclosed or
distributed to any other person, unless authorized by us. By accessing and/or accepting
possession of any information in this Whitepaper or such part thereof (as the case may be), or
acting on it, you represent and warrant to Zebi and agree to be bound by the disclaimers,
limitations and restrictions described herein, and in addition to the following:
(a) you agree and acknowledge that the ZPB Tokens do not constitute securities in any form
in the jurisdiction of which you are a citizen, resident (tax or otherwise) or green card holder;
(b) you agree and acknowledge that this Whitepaper does not constitute a prospectus or
offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation
for investment in securities which is registered with the appropriate regulatory authorities in the
jurisdiction of which you are a citizen, resident (tax or otherwise) or green card holder.
(c) you agree and acknowledge that no regulatory authority has examined or approved of
the information set out in this Whitepaper, no action has been or will be taken under the laws,
regulatory requirements or rules of any jurisdiction and the publication, distribution or
dissemination of this Whitepaper to you does not imply that the applicable laws, regulatory
requirements or rules of the jurisdiction of which you are a citizen, resident (tax or otherwise) or
green card holder have been complied with.
(d) the distribution or dissemination of this Whitepaper, any part thereof or any copy thereof,
or acceptance of the same by you, is not prohibited or restricted by the applicable laws,
regulations or rules in your jurisdiction, and where any restrictions in relation to possession are
applicable, you have observed and complied with all such restrictions at your own expense and
without liability to Zebi;
No Advice
No person has been or is authorised to give any information or representation not contained in
this Whitepaper in connection with Zebi and its business and operations, the ZPB Tokens, and
the Zebi Token Sale (each as referred to in the Whitepaper) and, if given, such information or
representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by or on behalf of Zebi. The
Zebi Token Sale (as referred to in the Whitepaper) shall not, under any circumstances, constitute
a continuing representation or create any suggestion or implication that there has been no
change, or development reasonably likely to involve a material change in the affairs, conditions
and prospects of Zebi or in any statement of fact or information contained in this Whitepaper
since the date hereof.
The distribution or dissemination of this Whitepaper or any part thereof may be prohibited or
restricted by the laws, regulatory requirements and rules of any jurisdiction. In the case where
any restriction applies, you are to inform yourself about, and to observe, any restrictions which
are applicable to your possession of this Whitepaper or such part thereof (as the case may be) at
your own expense and without liability to Zebi.
Persons to whom a copy of this Whitepaper has been privately distributed or disseminated,
provided access to or who otherwise have the Whitepaper in their possession shall not circulate
it to any other persons, reproduce or otherwise distribute this Whitepaper or any information
contained herein for any purpose whatsoever nor permit or cause the same to occur.
Zebi is committed to ensuring that your data is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access
or disclosure, Zebi has put in place suitable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to
safeguard and secure your data.
All the data provided to us is stored in a secure computing environment protected by secure
firewalls to prevent unauthorized access. The company controls access so that only people who
need to access the purchaser data are granted access. All team members of Zebi are provided
security training and are required to adhere to a comprehensive set of security policies,
procedures, and standards related to their jobs.
When you use secure areas of the Zebi website, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is used with
128-bit encryption. This means that all the information sent between your computers and the
The failure by Zebi to obtain prior regulatory authorization in a jurisdiction where it has operated
or the refusal of a regulator to grant that authorization in a jurisdiction where it may wish to
operate could prevent Zebi from maintaining or expanding the Zebi Blockchain solution. Failure
to comply with the applicable laws or orders resulting from the inspections can lead to significant
penalties, ranging from fines to administrative or criminal prosecution of Zebi’s officials.
Actions of Public Authorities
Sometimes public authorities show a high degree of freedom. Under the influence of commercial
or political considerations, they act selectively, arbitrarily, without prior notice, or in a manner
contrary to the law. This creates risks for Zebi’s operations. Furthermore, such conditions allow
competitors to gain various privileges and preferences from public authorities, equating to direct
competitive advantages.
Privacy Concerns
Privacy concerns and laws or other domestic regulations may drive the adoption of the ZEBI
Blockchain solution but at the same time may reduce its effectiveness. Our applications require
the storage and transmission of the proprietary and confidential information of our clients and
their clients, including personal or identifying information, as well as their financial and payroll
A wide variety of domestic and foreign laws and regulations apply to the collection, use,
retention, protection, disclosure, transfer, disposal and other processing of personal data. These