Interview Question - Power BI-Part4
Interview Question - Power BI-Part4
Interview Question - Power BI-Part4
This is the basic Power BI Interview Questions asked in an interview. Go to getting data Sources
(where we find data sources from a different domain) and select the sources (Excel, CSV, SQL) then
Load it. To see the data, click Data view.
To choose the table click on the fields and you can pick a visualization to generate a report.
Data handling It drags down slow when handling huge data. Handles bulk data.
What is power Pivot and what are the filter writes in Power BI?
Power Pivot is an in-memory component that enables highly compressed data storage. It is used to
build a data model, relationship, creating formulas, calculated columns from various resources.
Filters are applicable in:
Visualization level
Page Level
Report Level.
Give the difference between Power BI Gateway and Data Management Gateway?
Power BI Gateway – It is a software that works on-premise Network (the data that are not stored in
the cloud). It can be used for a single data or multiple data sources (SQL Server, SQL SERVER
ANALYSIS SERVICES, other data sources, files, share point). The data are stored encrypted in the
gateway-cloud service.
Data Management Gateway – This component gets continuous data, expose tables and views.
What is the need of the new selection pane in the report Power BI desktop?
It is used to control the tab order between visuals on a page.
We can combine two or more visual page into one visual group.
It is used to select data in a visual for highlighting and drill down.
Let us move to the next Power BI Interview Questions.
What data sets can be used to create a dashboard with streaming data tiles?
1.Streaming datasets (we need to have data which is cached in a memory before we use streaming
data sets).
2.Hybrid Datasets.
What are DAX and the criteria to write DAX Expressions that references Calculated columns
and measures?
This is the advanced Power BI Interview Questions asked in an interview. DAX is the language used
by Power BI, abbreviated as Data Analysis Expressions. It is a functional Language, the execution
flows with function calls. They are structured to work with tables.
Example of DAX formula
= SUM( FILTER( Values(‘Date[Year]’),)))
Execution in DAX starts from inner function and works outside. It includes a variety of Time
intelligence functions. There are two types of context:
1. Row context – It applies to measures.
2. Filter context – Applying filters to calculations.
When referencing a Calculated column, we must include a table name and DAX code automatically
has row context for the table in which calculated column is defined.
When referencing a measure, we can optionally include a table name.
·Power Query
·Power BI Service
·Power View
·Power Pivot
·Power Map
·Power BI Q&A
·Data Catalogue.
·Data Management Gateway.
It assists in analyzing our data and settle on convenient business choices without the requirement of
IT support. The large scale of data gets empowered from numerous data sources into one single Excel
sheet. It gives you the opportunity to make connections between complicated data. Also, helps in
creating Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.
What is DAX?
DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula expression language. It can be used in different BI and
visualization tools. DAX is also known as function language in which the full code is kept inside a
o DAX works on column values.
o DAX cannot insert or modify the data.
o We can create a calculated column and measures with DAX, but we cannot calculate rows
using DAX.