Anticoagulant Activity of Horseradish Moringa Oleifera and Oregano Coleus Aromaticus Leaf Extracts and Kamias Averrhoa Bilimbi Fruit Juice On Human Blood Samples

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Anticoagulant Activity of Horseradish Moringa oleifera and Oregano Coleus aromaticus Leaf Extracts and

Kamias Averrhoa bilimbi Fruit Juice on Human Blood Samples

By: Avee Joy B. Dayaganon, S. Ma. Lydia Sarpong, Julidette B. Sapilan, Angellie M. Fernandez


Blood tests are routine laboratory analyses that require the use of anticoagulants like ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
(EDTA). Commercially prepared EDTA tubes are costly. The study aimed to investigate and compare the anticoagulant
property of three plants namely horseradish (Moringa oleifera), oregano (Coleus aromaticus), and kamias (Averrhoa
bilimbi) towards development of possible alternative for EDTA. M. olieifera and C. aromaticus ethanolic leaf extracts and
A. bilimbi fruit juice were prepared by standard laboratory protocols. Human blood cells were appropriately NSS-
suspended, stained, and treated with the plant extracts, analyzed microscopically and macroscopically and compared
with cells treated with EDTA as positive control. Results showed that of the test treatments, C. aromaticus leaf extract
showed the highest capability as an anticoagulant. M. oleifera leaf extract showed a similar anticoagulant effect but
could hold the blood sample for a shorter period. A. bilimbi fruit juice exhibited the shortest period of anticoagulation
and most clumping and crenation of cells. Statistical analysis using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the experimental
data demonstrates significant difference (p<0.05) on the anticoagulant activity of the four treatments; meaning, C.
aromaticus, M. oleifera, and A. bilimbi extracts and EDTA had varying in vitro capacity to hold the normal structure of
the human blood cells. Post hoc multiple statistical analysis showed no significant difference (p<0.05) between C.
aromaticus anticoagulant activity and that of EDTA as positive control; meaning, C. aromaticus leaf extract and EDTA
showed comparable capacity to hold blood normal structure in vitro. Hence, C. aromaticus leaf extract can potentially be
developed as an alternative to commercial EDTA as blood anticoagulant.


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Momordica charantia seed extract exhibits strong anticoagulant effect by specifically interfering in intrinsic
pathway of blood coagulation and dissolves fibrin clot
Manjappa, Bhagyalakshmia; Gangaraju, Sowmyashreea; Girish, Kesturu S.a; Kemparaju, Kempaiahb; Gonchigar, Sathish J.c; Shankar,
Rohit L.d; Shinde, Manohara; Sannaningaiah, Devarajaa
The current study explores the anticoagulant and fibrin clot-hydrolyzing properties of Momordica charantia seed extract
(MCSE). MCSE hydrolyzed casein with the specific activity of 0.780 units/mg per min. Interestingly, it enhanced the clot
formation process of citrated human plasma from control 146 to 432 s. In addition, the intravenous injection of MCSE
significantly prolonged the bleeding time in a dose-dependent manner from control 150 to more than 800 s, and
strengthened its anticoagulant activity. Interestingly, MCSE specifically prolonged the clotting time of only activated
partial thromboplastin time, but not prothrombin time, and revealed the participation of MCSE in the intrinsic pathway
of the blood coagulation cascade. Furthermore, MCSE completely hydrolyzed both Aα and Bβ chains of the human
fibrinogen and partially hydrolyzed the γ chain. However, it hydrolyzed all the chains (α polymer, α chain, β chain and γ-γ
dimmers) of partially cross-linked human fibrin clot. The proteolytic activity followed by the anticoagulant effect of the
MCSE was completely abolished by the 1,10-phenanthroline and phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride, but iodoacetic acid,
EDTA, and ethylene glycol-N,N,N′,N′-tetra acetic acid did not. Curiously, MCSE did not hydrolyze any other plasma
proteins except the plasma fibrinogen. Moreover, MCSE was devoid of RBC lysis, edema and hemorrhagic properties,
suggesting its nontoxic nature. Taken together, MCSE may be a valuable candidate in the treatment of blood
clot/thrombotic disorders.

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