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Abates Make Less Intense

Abdicate Resign
Abhor Ghrna Karana
abiding sthaayee , permanent / lasting a long time; enduring.
abode nivas abode nivas
abound prachur maatra mein
abrasive apagharshak / (of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a h
Absolve Out Of Date
Abstract Saar
Abundance Prachurata , Sufficiency
abyss rasaatal / a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm. abyss rasaatal / a deep or seemingly bottomless c
accessory sahaayak
Accolades Vaahavaahee
accumulations sanchay / the acquisition or gradual gathering of something.
Accusation Arrop
Accustomed Aadee
aching dard / having an ache in a part of one's body.
Acquiescence Razaamandee
acumen the ability to make good judgements and take quick dacumen the ability to make good judgements and ta
adamant atal /refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.
Admire Praise
Adolescence Kishoraavastha
Adoration Deep Love , Worship
adrenaline a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that increases rates of blood circulation, breath
Adversity Misfortune,
affectionately pyaar se
Affirmative Sakaaraatmak , Savikar Karna
Affirms Cirtify
afflicted pedet / (of a problem or illness) cause pain or troubleafflicted pedet / (of a problem or illness) cause pain
Affliction Yaatana
agility ability to move quickly and easily.
Agony Extreme Physical Or Mental Suffering
ailment rog / an illness, typically a minor one
Akin alike
alleviate decrease / make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Alliance Sandhi
allude suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at allude suggest or call attention to indirectly
allure the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating. / the quality of being powerfully a
ally combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefi
ambience maahaul / the character and atmosphere of a place.
Ambition A Strong Desire To Do Or Achieve
Amenable Esponsive To Suggestion;
Amiss Anuchit, wrong
amperage the strength of an electric current in amperes
Ample Prachur
Amply Plentifully
amputate kat dalna
Anecdotes upaakhyaanon / a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
Angst A Feeling Of Deep Anxiety Or Dread
annihilate destroy utterly
Anonymous Gumanaam
antagonistic virodhee
Antelop Mrg
Anticipate Asha
Appalling Darr Utpan Karne Wala
Apparently Sapast Roop Se
appetizing tempting
Apprehended Giraphtaar
Apprehensive Bhayabheet , Anxious
aptitude yogyata
Aptly In A Manner That Is Appropriate
Arbitrage panchaayat
arbitrary manamaana
Arena Stadium
argot boli / the jargon or slang of a particular group or class.
Arrogance Abhimaanee
Arsenal Shastraagaar
arsenic harataal / chemical compound
Articulate Spasht, Gaanthadaar
Ascendant Prabal AscendantPrabal
ascetic tapasvi ascetic tapasvi
aspiring aakansha / ichhha
Assassination Hatya
assemblage a collection or gathering of things or people.
Asses An Ancient Roman Copper Coin.Asses An Ancient Roman Copper Coin.
Association Sangati
assortment a miscellaneous collection of things or people. / vargeekaran
Astonish Surprise
Astounding Surprisingly Impressive
Atrophy Waste Away Atrophy Waste Away
Attenuate Durbal Hona
attorney a person, typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal matters
Attribute Quality
Attributes Gun
Attrition Sangharshan
Audacity fearless , daring
austere sidha sadha
Authentic Original
Autocracy Ekatantr , A System Of Government By One Person With Absolute Power
autonomous self govern
aversion hate / a strong dislikeaversion hate / a strong dislike or disinclination.
averted turn away
badger repeatedly ask (someone) to do something
Baffle Chakara Dena
banish nirvaasit karana /send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment.
barbiturates A barbiturate is a drug that acts as a central nervous system depressant
Barge Bajara
Barn Khalihaan , Stackyard
Basil Tulasee
Bask Garamaana
Bawdy Dirty
bearings behaviour
Bemoan Rona
Benefactor Daan Denevaala
Benevolent Bhali Karne Vale
bequeathed vaseeyat / leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.
Besieged Gher Liya
Bestow Provide
bewilderment ghabaraahat / bewilderment
Bifurcation The Division Of Something Into Two Branches Or Parts
Blabbing Bakna
blare make or cause to make a loud,
Bleary aspasht
Blighted Abhishapt
Blip An Unexpected
Bliss Paramaanand
Blissful Aanand
blob boond / a drop of a thick liquid or viscous substance.
Bogged Phans Gaya
bolster a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support. / support or strengthen.
boon varadaan /a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
Booted Kick (Something) Hard In A Specified Direction.
Bosom A Woman'S Chest
bother take the trouble to do something.
bowdlerize remove material that is considered improper
bragging deeng maarane ka
Brat A Child
Brawl A Rough Fight
brink kagar
Bristle Stand Upright Away From The Skin(Fur Or Hair)
Brooding Showing Deep Thought About Something That Makes One Sad
brothel veshyaalay / a house where men visit prostitutes.
Bureaucracies aphasarashaahee
cackle. khilkhilakar hasna
caliber the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability.
camaraderie mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
canyon vally
Captivating Lovely
Captor Kedi Banane Vala
Carved Out Khoda Hua
Catapult Gulel
Catastrophe Tabaahee
Catastrophes Aapadaon
Catatonia Abnormality Of Movement And Behaviour Arising From A Disturbed Mental State
Caustic Able To Burn Or Corrode Organic Tissue By Chemical Action
Caveat Chetaavanee
cease come or bring to an end.
Chariot Rath
charm aakarshan
chasm khai
Chides Phatakaar , Rebuke
cholera haiza
chorus gane walo ka giroh / a part of a song which is repeated after each verse.
circumscribed ghira
Citadel Gadh
clad dhaka hua
clasped laga hua
Clemency Daya
Cling Hold On Tightly To
cloak labaada / a sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
Clod Dhela
clumsy anadi
clung / cling remain very close to. / chipke rhna
coalesced ekatrit
cobwebs description
Coddle Lad Pyar Karna
Commodore the senior captain of a shipping line.
communion परसपर मन कक बबतत करनब
Communism Samajwad
Compassion Daya
Compel Majbur
Compelled Force To Do Something
Complying Anupalan Karna
Comprehend Samaj
Comprehensibly Understandable
comrade colleauge / a colleague or a fellow member of an organization.
Conceit Ego
Conceited Abhimaanee
Concern Related To
Concierge a resident caretaker of a block of flats or a small hotel.
Concise Sanshipt
Condemn Ninda Karana
Coneal Chipa Hua
confers provide
Confide Tell Someone About A Secret
Confinement Karavas
Confronted Samna
congenial anukool / (of a person) pleasing or liked on account of having qualities or interests that are similar to one's
Congruence agreement or harmony; compatibility
congruent anukool
Conguence Compatibility
conjectured anumaan lagaaya / an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
Conjuction Combination
Conjure Jaadoo
conquest vijay
conquest vijay / the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by military force.
consecration abhishek /the action of making or declaring something, typically a church, sacred.
consent sahamati
Consenting Agree
Consenting permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
Consience Ant Karan
consoling saantvana
consoling saantvana / serving to comfort someone at a time of grief or disappointment.
conspiracy saajish /a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
conspired saajish
Constrained Vivash
Contemplate Vichaar Karana
contemplation chintan
contemplation chintan / the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time.
contemporary living or occurring at the same time.
Contempt Nindniye
Contempt humiliation , contemp of coat
Contention Vivad
Contention Vivad, clash , competion , coflict ,combat
contentment satisfied
Context Refrence
Contingent aakasmik
contortionist an entertainer who twists and bends their body into strange and unnatural positions.
Contradict Oppose
Convene Bulaana
Convene ekatr hona , together , essemel , congregate
Convention Sequence
Convention rivaj , a way in which something is done
conversely reverse
conversely reverse / introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to.
Conversely ulta
conviction notion / Belief
Conviction Belief , arrop
corollary a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved. / parinaam
corroborating kee pushti
Council Parishad
covet lobh
Coveted pratishthit
Crabby Chidachida
cramming ratna , thusna
Cramp Ainthan
crank sanakee
crank sanakee / turn the crankshaft of (an internal combustion engine) in order to start the engine.
Credence Acceptance Of Something As True
Credence Acceptance Of Something As True ,a small side table,
Credentials A Qualification
Creed panth
creed a system of religious belief; a faith. / majhab
Crippling Disable
Crisis Sankat
Crucible Metal Container In Which Metals Or Other Substances May Be Melted
crumbled toot
crumbled toot / break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.
crux JAD
crux JAD / the decisive or most important point at issue.
culminated reach a climax or point of highest development. / samaapan hua
cumbersome large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy. / bojhil
Cunning Chaalaak
curtailed katautee/reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on
Cynicism Nakchadapan
dabble take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way
Dally Move Slowly
damsel yuvatee
darted akaek a ke pakrna /move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly.
Dealio Sauda
Deceit Dhoka Deana
decency shishtata
decisive nirnayaatmak
Decisive settling an issue; producing a definite result., decider
decorous shisht
decorous shisht / in keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained.
Deficits Undersupply
Defy Openly Resist Or Refuse To Obey.
defy upeksha karana
deity devata
deity devata / a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion)
deleterious haanikaarak
delight please (someone) greatly
Delude Make (Someone) Believe Something That Is Not True
delude make (someone) believe something that is not true.
Delude Make (Someone) Believe Something That Is Not True, deceive , dupe , double cross , mislead , fool
Delusion Maaya
delve gaddha /reach inside a receptacle and search for something./ dig; excavate
demagogues durjano ka neta
dementia paagalapan
denigrating badnam karna
deplorables khedajanak
Deprived Vanchit
Deranged Pareshan
Deranged make insane , unbalance , disturbed
Derive Arise From
descended move or fall downward
Desirable Vanchit
Despair Niraasha
Despair Niraasha, dipression , desolation , distress , melancholy
Desperate Bekaraar
despise ghrna / feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
Despite Irregardless
despondency niraasha
Deteriorate Bigarna
Deterioration The Process Of Becoming Progressively Worse
Deterioration Kshay
devised taiyaar
devised taiyaar / plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
devour eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly
dexterity nipunata
dexterity nipunata / skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.
dialects boli
Diaspora Pravaasee
dignitary a person considered to be important because of high rank or office
diktats pharamaanon / an order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent.
Dilemma Duvidha
diligence lagan
Diminish Ghataana
Diminishing Kam Hone Vala
Diplomatic Kootniti , Politics
dire extremely serious or urgent.
discrepancies an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility
Discrimination Bhed Bhav
disdainful showing contempt or lack of respect.
disentangle sulajhaana / free (something or someone) from something that they are entangled with.
Disgrace Apman
disguised chippa hua
disguised chippa hua / having changed one's appearance in order to conceal one's identity.
dislodge remove from a position of power or authority.
Dismal Niraashaajanak
Dismal Niraashaajanak , gloomy , dreary ,forlorn ,doleful miserable
dispel door ho jaana
dispel door ho jaana / make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.
dispels delete
Dispersed Titar - Bitar
Disposed Occupied
Disruption Break Down
Disruptive Haanikaarak
dissenters asantusht
Dissident Matabhed Karanevaala
Dissident Matabhed Karanevaala , objecter , protester , ashmati
dissipated gayab ho jana
distill tapakana
distill tapakana / purify (a liquid) by heating it so that it vaporizes, then cooling and condensing the vapour and co
Divisive Tending To Cause Disagreement
Divisive having a quality to divide or seprate
doctrine siddhaant , principle
Dogged Hathee
Dogged having or showing tenacity and grim persistence.
dole contribution / benefit paid by the state to the unemployed.
Dominating Par Haavee
Doomed Criminal
Dopey Baasee
Dopey stupyfy by drug(stupyfy-make (someone) unable to think)
Dorky Socially Inept Or Awkward.
Dorky unfashionable
Dormant Inactive
dormant nishkriy / having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a d
Dormant Inactive, asleep , temprary not active
Dormitory A Large Bedroom For A Number Of People In A Schoo
Dough Loee / Aatta
Dove Kabootar
Downer Tranquillizing Drug
Downright Sarvatha / Complete
Downright Sarvatha / Complete, absolute , utter , perfect , pure
draped lipatee
Drapery Parday
Dread Fear
drenched wet thoroughly
Droll Hansee Udaana
Drudgery Kathin Parishram
Drudgery Kathin Parishram , donkey work
Duty Bound Legally Obliged To Do Something.
Dwell Live , To Constrate
Dwindle Weaken
Dynamic Mobile
dysentery infection of the intestines resulting in severe diarrhoea with the presence of blood and muc
Ease Aaraam
Eavesdrop Secretly Listen To A Conversation.
ecstasy an overwhelming feeling of great happiness
effervescent chamakata hua / (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy.
Elementary Primary
elicit nikalna
elicit nikalna / evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.
elicits prakash me lana
eloquently arthapoorn
eloquently in a fluent or persuasive manner.
eluded nahin mil paaya
eludes tallana
elusive maayaavee
emanated utpann hua
Emancipation Mukti
Embark Begin
embezzled steal or misappropriate / amanat ki rakam kha jana
embitters kadva banana
emblematic indicator
embody avataar lena
embodying sangathit
Emboldened utsahit
Emboldened utsahit / give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
Embrace Hug
Embracing Gale Lagana
Embroiled Ulajhaana
Eminent Prakhyaat
empathic वह वयकक जज ददसरर कक भबवनबओओ कज पहचबनतब हह एवओ उनकर सबथ घदल-कमल जबतब हह
Empathize Sahanubhuti
Empathize Sahanubhuti, feel togetherness , be in tune , fell at one
Emphatic Expressing Something Forcibly And Clearly.
empowering adhikar dena
empowering adhikar dena / give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
emulate match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. / anukaran karana
emulate anukaran karana
Emulsified Mixture Of Two Or More Non Mixing Subtance
endears khase lokpriye
Endemic Native To Particular Region
Endorsed Samarthan Kiya
Endowment To Give
Endure Sahana
Enduring Durable
Engender paida karana
Engross Talleen
Enigma Mystery
Enlighten Give (Someone) Greater Knowledge
Enmeshed Cause To Become Trap In Something.
ennobles give (someone) a noble rank or title.
Enonmous Vishal
Enormous Vishaal
Enslaving Make (Someone) A Slave.
ensued laagoo
ensues happen or occur afterwards or as a result.
Entails Jaroorat Par Jor Deta
Entails shamil hona , any investment entails risk
Enterpreneur Buisness Man
enthralled romaanchit
Enthusiasm Utsaah
entourage ghera
Entrenched Firmly Established
Entrusted Assigned , Saumpa
entwined juda hua
Envision Kalpana Karana
epidemic mahamari
epigenetics the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than
Epigram Remark Expressing An Idea In A Clever And Amusing Way
Epigram Expressing An Idea In A Clever And Amusing Way
Epithet Visheshan
Epithet Visheshan, nickname, tag , label
epitome a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.
Equestrian Relating To Horse Riding.
Equestrian Relating To Horse Riding, jockey
Eradicate Ukhar Fekna
erratic anniyamit
erratic anniyamit / not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
erroneous wrong; incorrect.
erstwhile former
erudition the quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning
eschew tyaag karana / deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
eschewed parahej
Escorts A Person, Vehicle, Or Group Accompanying Another For Protection
esoteric gupt / intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowled
esoteric gupt
Essence Saar
Eternal Everlasting
Ethics Achar Vichar
Ethos Nature
eugenics ache logo ka samuh
eulogy kisi ki parshansha karna
Euphoria Utsaah
euphoria athadhik parsanta
Eutopio ram rajay ek ese jagha jha sab kuch sahi ho
Evading Escape
Evading Get away by trick and cleverness
evangelist a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching.
Evasive Kapatapoorn
Evasive Kapatapoorn, talmatol karna
even-handed fair , neutral
even-handed fair , neutral / fair and impartial in treatment or judgement.
Exacerbate Bad Situation
exaggerated express an idea with higher level of emotion
Exaggeration Kisi Bat Ko Bada Chada Ke Batana
Exasperated Hataash
Excruciating Kashtadaayee
Exertion Strain
Exhilarating Making One Feel Very Happy,
Exigency Zaroorat
Exotic Videshi
expedition campaign
expedition campaign / a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of explora
Explicitly Spasht Roop Se
Exquisitely Najaakat
extensively bade paimaane par
extolled gunagaan
extolled gunagaan / praise enthusiastically.
Extravagant Fijool Kharch
exuberance the quality of being full of energy,
exuberance adhikata /the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.
exuberant full of energy
Fable Kalpit Kahani
Fallacies Bharam
fanatic kattar
fanciful kaalpanik
fanciful kaalpanik / over-imaginative and unrealistic.
Fantasy Imaginary
Fasination Sammohit
fatalistic bhagye vadi
Fatalistic Bhaagyavaadee
fatalistic bhagye vadi / relating to or characteristic of the belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inev
Fatique Thakaan
fawning chaapaloos
fawning chaapaloos / displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious.
feat karatab / an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.
feebly in a way that lacks strength or force./nirbalata se
feign pretend to be affected by
felons apradhi
Ferociously Bhayaanakata Ke Saath
Fidget Chanchal
fierce bhayankar
fierce bhayankar / having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.
fiercely in a savagely violent or aggressive manner / jamkar
fissure daraar
fissure daraar / a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth
Fizzle Surasuraahat
Flabbergasting Surprise (Someone) Greatly;
flabby soft, loose, and fleshy.
flanked ghire
Flaws Ghaltiya
Fledge To Help Them To Fly
fletcher a person who makes and sells arrows
Flick A Sudden Quick Movement
flounder1 strugling mentally
flounder1 atakna / be in serious difficulty
fluke an unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck.
Flunk Unuthhern
flurry ghabaraahat
flutters fadfadana
foe an enemy or opponent.
Forbearance Sahanasheelata
Forge Make
Forged jaalee
forged fake
forged fake / copied fraudulently; fake.
Formidable Jis Par Vijay Pana Muskil Ho
forsaking abandon or leave
Fortification Built A Defensive Wall To Strengthen A Place
Fortified Kilaband
Fortify Mazaboot Karana
Fortitude Dhairy
Foster Nurture
Fragile Naazuk
Fragment Tukada
Frail Weak
frail anaitik , immoral
Frantic Anxiety
fraught bhara hua
Fray Danga
frenzy a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour.
fretted be constantly or visibly anxious.
frolic ullaas / play or move about in a cheerful and lively way.
Frontier Border Separating Two Countries
Frugal Mitavyayee, Economical
fumble tatolna / do or handle something clumsily.
Fumbled Tatolna
fumigated disinfect or purify (an area) with the fumes of certain chemicals.
furlough leave of absence, especially that granted to a member of the services or a missionary.
Furrowing Kund
Fuss Mess
Futile Vyarth
Futility Uselessness
Gamut Sargam
garadi jadoo
garland maala
gasping haamphate
gasping haamphate / catch one's breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment.
gazing ekatak
gazing ekatak / look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
Generic Samane
Genocide Narasanhaar
Gestalt An Organized Whole That Is Perceived As More Than The Sum Of Its Parts
Giddy Chakkar
Gimmick A Trick To Attract Attention
Gin Alcoholic , Card Game
gird bandhanna / encircle (a person or part of the body) with a belt or band.
Glade An Open Space In A Forest
glanced najar
glanced najar / take a brief or hurried look.
gleaned bennana / obtain (information) from various sources, often with difficulty.
Glitter Chamkila
glossary shabad kosh
Gnarly Aintha Hua
gnashing peesana
gnashing peesana / grind (one's teeth) together as a sign of anger (often used hyperbolically).
gnawing CUT BY TEETH /bite at or nibble something persistently. / persistently worrying or distressing.
Gory Covered In Blood
gospel the teaching or revelation of Christ.
grandeur shaan, splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style.
grapple engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.
grapple cath , pakadna
Gratify Give (Someone) Pleasure Or Satisfaction.
Gratitude Thankfullness
gregarious jhund mein rahanevaala/ fond of company; sociable. / living in flocks or loosely organized communities.
Gridlock A Situation Of Very Severe Traffic Congestion.
Grievances Shikayat
Grin Smile Broadly.
Grit Dhairy
groggy sharaabee
Grooves Khancha
gross kul , very obvious and unacceptable.,very rude or coarse; vulgar.
Grouchy Bad Tempered
grove Upvan
Grudges Shikayat
Grudgigly Anicha Se
grueling bheeshan
grueling extremely tiring and demanding.
Grumbling Badabada
Grungy Dirty
Grunt Make A Low Inarticulate Sound
Guerrilla Freedom Fighter
gullible bhola ,easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
Gusto Enjoyment
halo prabhaamandal
halo prabhaamandal / a circle of light shown around or above the head of a saint or holy person to represent th
hamstrung cripple (a person or animal) by cutting their hamstrings.
Harboring Sharan
Harness Coat Of Horse
harp talk or write persistently and tediously on
hasten jaldee karana
hasten jaldee karana / be quick to do something.
haul dhona
haul dhona / ) pull or drag with effort or force./ of a vehicle) pull (an attached trailer or carriage) behind it./ a qu
havoc tabahi / widespread destruction.
Heckler A Person Who Interrupts A Performer Or Public Speaker With aggressive Comments
heinous cruel
hindrance a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
Hindsight Durdarshi
Hitch Adachan
Hoarding Jamakhori
hodgepodge golmal
Holy Moly Used To Express Surprise
Honchos diggajon
hone sharpen (a blade).
Hone Sharpen
Honing Sharpen
hunch koobad
Hurdle baadha
hurled phenke
hurls throw or impel (someone or something) with great force.
Hurtling Zor Se Phainkana
hyperbole atishayokti
hyperbole atishayokti / exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Hypocrite Paakhandee
hysteria exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
imbibing absorbe /drink (alcohol).
imbue rangana
imbue rangana / inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality).
immensity vishak'
immensity vishak / the extremely large size, scale, or extent of something
Impart Dena
imparts pradhan
impasse gatirodh, a situation in which no progress is possible , dead lock
Impeded Delay , Avrudh
Impediment Obstruction In Doing Something
Impediment Badha
Impediments Limitations
Impend Sameep Aa Jaana
impending Present
impending Present / be about to happen.
imperative jaruri
imperative jaruri / of vital importance; crucial.
imperative of vital importance; crucial.
Imperceptible So Slight
Imperiled Sankat Me Dalna
impetus the force or energy with which a body moves.
impetus prerana, impetus, Encouragement, Causation, exhortation, Impulsion, promptin
implication uljhan
implication uljhan / the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
Implore Praarthana Karana
impoverished gareeb
Impulsive Done Without Forethought.
Inadvertently Anjane Me
Inception Aarambh
Indignation Rosh , Aakrosh
indignities, apman'
indispensable absoluteky necesarry
indoctrinate raazee karana
Indomitable Unable To Change
Indulge Lipt
ineptitude ayogyata
ineptitude ayogyata / lack of skill or ability.
Inevitable Mandatory
inexplicable akathaneey
inexplicable akathaneey / inexplicable
inexplicably bevajah
infallible achook
Infant Shishu
ingest niglan
ingest niglan / take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it.
ingestion ghosse
ingestion ghosse / the process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing i
inhibitory nirodhaatmak
injure ghaayal
insatiable laalachee
Insightful Showing An Accurate And Deep Understanding
instigator bhadakaanevaala vyakti / a person who brings about or initiates something.
instilled gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person's mind.
Instinct Parvariti
Instinctively Without Conscious Thought
Insurmountable Durgam
intact barakaraar
integrity akhandata
Intellectual Bauddhik
intellectuals buddhijeeviyon
Interpret Vyaakhya , Explain
Intimate Inform , Private
Intimidate Dhamakaana
Intimidated Dhamakaaya
Intimidation dhamakee
intricate jatil
intricate very complicated or detailed.
Intricately In A Very Complicated Or Detailed Manner
intrigue arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.
Intriguing Dilchasp
introspection aatmanireekshan
intruder to enter without permissions
Intuit Sahaj , Spontanuous
Intuition The Ability To Understand Something Instinctively
intuition you understood it so well that there is no need to think
intuitive sahaj gyaan yukt
invariably in every case or on every occasion; always.
Invasion Aakraman
Invigorated Majboot Karna
Invigorating Sphoortidaayak
Invincible Ajey
Inwardly Within Mind
irrevocably aprivartniye
itinerary yaatra kaaryakram
Jaded Bored Or Lacking Enthusiasm
jangled jiggle
javelin bhaala
jostling dhkelna
Jotted Down Write Down
Jousting Ghudasavaar Bhaala-Yuddh
Juglar Throat
Justification The Action Of Showing Something To Be Right
juvenile kishor / for or relating to young people.
kilter. out of harmony or balance
kindred aatmeey
lackluster lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.
Lame Langada
Lame Unable To Walk Without Difficulty As The Result Of An Injury
lamented khed vayakt karna
lamenting vilaapee
lamenting vilaapee / express passionate grief about.
Languishing Sust
lash chaabuk
lashing dand
lashing dand / a beating with a stick or whip.
Latent Existing But Not Yet Developed
laureates puruskar vijata
laureates puruskar vijata / a person who is honoured with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievem
Laverages Tolana
Lavish Luxurious
laxatives. julaab
leaden dull
Leaps Jump
Legacy Virasat
Legislature Vidhaayika , Having The Power To Make Laws.
Levitating Rise Or Cause To Rise And Hover In The Air
liberates set (someone) free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression.
Liberating Freeing A Place Or People From Enemy Occupation
lieu badala
Linger stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave
Lodged Darj Karaee
lofty of imposing height.
longing Lalsa
longing Lalsa / a yearning desire.
Looming Come Into View
lopsided ekatarapha
Lore Vidya
Lousy Ghatiya
Lug Peechhe Peechhe Phirana
Lugging Ghisaav
lumber move in a slow, heavy, awkward way.
lurch1 make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
lush raseela
Lustful Showing Strong Feelings Of Sexual Desire.
maestros shikshakon
Magnanimity Generosity
Magnificence Shaan
malaise asvasthata
Malice Hatered
Malleable Lacheela
Maneuvers Yuddhaabhyaas
Manifest Visible
Manipulate Control In A Skilful Manner.
manoeuvre paintarebaazee/ a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
Martyr Shaheed
Marveling be filled with wonder or astonishment.
masculine mardaana
masculine mardaana / having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men.
materialize amal mein laana
Mattered Ahamiyat
meddle hastakshep karana / interfere in something that is not one's concern.
Medieval Madyakalin
meekly narmee /in a quiet, gentle, and submissive manner.
melodramatic thiyetar ka
Menace khatara
Menace khatara / a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.
Menstruation Maasik Dharm
Merchandise Vyaapaar
Mere Maatr
merely keval
Mesmerized Jhoom Uthe
mesmerized, hypnotise
Metaphor Roopak
Metaphysical Aadhyaatmik
Midget Bona
Minutiae The Small
mirage mrgatrshna
misappropriated misuse
Mischief Misbehave
Miserable Dukhi
Mitigate Kam Karana
Monumental Huge
Moron Moron
morsel a small piece or amount of food;
mortally praanaghaatak
Moviegoers A Person Who Goes To The Cinema
muck kooda-karkat
muddle gadabadee
gadabadee /
muddle bring into a disordered or confusing state.
muddled avyavasthit
mundane sansarik
Musing A Period Of Thought
muster ginatee
Myopia Nikat Drshti Dosh
Myriad Uncountable
Mystic Rahasyavaadee
Nagging Harrashing Someone To Do Something
Narcissism Ahankaar
nebulous badal se ghira hua
nebulous badal se ghira hua / in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
Negated Deny
Negligence Failure To Take Proper Care Over Something
Neurosis A Relatively Mild Mental Illness That Is Not Caused By Organic Disease
niche aala
nonchalantly uddasin
nonchalantly uddasin / in a casually calm and relaxed manner.
Nook Corner
Notion Dharana
novices aarambh karne vala
Nutshell Trifle , A Thing Of Little Value
Oasis shaadval
Obfuscate Andhera Karana
Objective Lakshy
Obligated Baadhy
Obligation Kartavy
obliterate likha hua hatatna
Obliterate Destroy Utterly
obliviate bhula diya jana
OBLIvio bhul jana
Oblivion gumnami
Oblivious bekhabar
Oblivious bekhabar / not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one
oblivious bhullakkad
Obliviousness Bhulakkadee
obnoxious apriye
obscenity behoodaapan
obscenity behoodaapan / the state or quality of being obscene.
Obsessed Junnun Savar
Obsolete Out Of Date'
occult rahasyamay / mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena.
Offence Apman
Omnipotent Having Unlimited Power
Optimistic Aashaavaadee
Oratory The Art Or Practice Of Formal Speaking In Public
orientation ask rek
orientation the action of orienting someone or something relative to the points of a compass or other specified positio
Orthodox Roodhivaadee
outcrop pata
pata lagana
lagana /
outcrop a rock formation that is visible on the surface.
Overhaul Transmutation
overt. khula
Overwhelmed Nervous
pacifist a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable
padding gaddee
panoramic manoram
panoramic manoram / with a wide view surrounding the observer; sweeping.
Paradox Virodhaabhaas
Paramount aala darje ka
paranoia pagallpan
Paraphrase sankshipt vyaakhya
Partaking Bhaag Lena
passivity shansheelta'
passivity shansheelta/ acceptance of what happens, without active response or resistance.
Pastor Paadaree
Pat Thap Thapana
patriarch kulapati
Patronize Guard , Help
pecking choch
pecking choch / strike or bite something with its beak.
peddled try to sell (something, especially small goods) by going from place to place.
Pediatrician Bachchon Ka Chikitsak
Penchant Lagan
perceived maana jaata hai
perceiving become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.
Perceiving Maanata
Perception Sensibility
perceptual avadhaaranaatmak
perceptual avadhaaranaatmak / relating to the ability to interpret or become aware of something through the senses.
Perceptual Become Aware Of Something Through The Senses
perched baithe
perched baithe / bird) alight or rest on something. / (of a person) sit on something high or narrow
Percolate Filter Gradually Through A Porous Surfac
perennial lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time
perfidy namakaharaamee
peril jokhim / serious and immediate danger.
peril jokhim
perished maare gae
permeated spread throughout (something); pervade. // risssna
Perpetrate Execute
perpetuate yaadagaar banaana
Perpetuating Make (Something) Continue Indefinitely
perplexed uljhan me
perplexed uljhan me / completely baffled; very puzzled.
Persecution Harassment,
Perseverance Persistancy
perseverance dhardhta
persuasive prerak
Persuation Samjhana Bhujana
Pertains Be Appropriate
pervade spread through and be perceived in every part of.
pervasive vyaapak
pervasive vyaapak / especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or
pervasive vyaapak, fallne vala / (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughou
pervasiveness the quality of spreading widely or being present throughout an area or a group of people.
perverted vikrt
Pessimist Niraashaavaadee
pickaxe mitti khodne ka
pinnacle shikhar
pious pavitr
Pipsqueak Tuchchh Baat
Piqued khapha
pitfalls nuksan / a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.
Pitied Feel Sorrow For The Misfortunes Of.
Plausible Seeming Reasonable
ploy chaal
plunge dubakee
plunge dubakee / jump or dive quickly and energetically.
Podcast A Digital File Made Available On The Internet For Downloading
poignant maarmik , touching
Ponder Vichar Karna
Porridge Khichadee
pragmatic vyaavahaarik
pragmatic vyaavahaarik / dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than th
Preacher Mentor
Preachy Showing A Tendency To Give Moral Advice In A Tedious Or Self-Righteous Way
precept niyam
Precision Shuddhata
predicament sthiti, dhsha
predicament sthiti, dhsha / a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
predicament sthiti
predicament a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
preparatory serving as or carrying out preparation for a task or undertaking.
Prestigious Having High Status
presuppositions poorvadhaaranaon
pretentious kapti
pretentious kapti / attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.
prevalence the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness. / prasaar
Pricks Chubhan
primacy pradhaanata
Probing Janch
proclaimed announce officially or publicly.
Proclamation Ghoshana
profane apavitr
profane apavitr / not relating to that which is sacred or religious; secular.
Profound Deep
Prolong Extend The Duration Of.
prominent prasiddh
Prompts Get Exited
Prophecy Bhavishvani
propounding explain
prospect aasha / the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.
Prosperity Samrddhi , Wealth
protracted fella hua
Provinces Praant
Provoke Bhadkana
Provoking Irritating
prowess skill or expertise in a particular activity or fiel
Prudence Vivek
Psalmist bhajan banaanevaala
puckered compress
puerile bachakaana
Pursue Follow Or Chase
quadriplegic affected by or relating to paralysis of all four limbs; tetraplegic.
Quaral Argument
quench quench
quest khoj / a long or arduous search for something.
Quip Tana
radical fundamental , basic
Raking Ayyassi Karna
Rampant Aniyantrit
ravaged severely damaged; devastated.
ravenous hinsak
ravenous hinsak / extremely hungry.
realm shetr , field / a kingdom.
realm a kingdom
Rebelled Riot
Rebellion Vidroh
Reckon Compute
reclamation improvement
reclamation improvement / the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.
recluse vairaagee / a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people
reconcile samaadhaan karana
reconcile samaadhaan karana / restore friendly relations between.
Reek Smell Strongly And Unpleasantly;
Reeked Smoke
regal fit for a monarch / shahi
Regardless Paravaah Kie Bina
Regurgitate Bahana
Reinforcements Strengthening
Rejoice Aanand
Relentless Dayaaheen
Relinquished Tyaag Kar Diya
relish svaad / great enjoyment.
Reluctantly Anicha Se
Remarkable Extra Ordinary
remorse pashchaataap
remorse pashchaataap / deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
rendered melted in order to separate out the impurities. / provide or give
repent pachhataana
Reprimended Datna
repugnant extremely distasteful
Resemblence Linkeness
Resentment Narajgi
Resilience The Capacity To Recover Quickly From Difficulties
Resilient Flexible
Resonate Produce Or Be Filled With A Deep, Full, Reverberating Sound
Respite A Short Period Of Rest Or Relief From Something Difficult
resurgence punarutthaan
retrospect beetee baaton kee jaanch / a survey or review of a past course of events or per
reverberation prolongation of a sound; resonance.
Reverence Shraddha
revolt take violent action against an established government or ruler; rebel. / vidhroh
Rhetoric The Art Of Effective Speaking
Rickety Sooka Rogee
riddled chhalanee / a person or thing that is difficult to understand or explain.
Rigidly Sakhtee Se
Rill Flow
Riot Danga
Rivalries Virodhi
rogues badmas
rogues badmas / a dishonest or unprincipled man.
Rolodex a type of desktop card index.
rumbled gadgadana
Rupture Tootana
ruse a trick
ruse a trick / an action intended to deceive someone; a trick.
Ruts Pakki Habbit
Sabbatical Vaccation
Sabotage Tod-Phod
Sacred Dharmic
sacrilege apavitreekaran
sacrilege apavitreekaran / violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred.
sacrilege violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred.
Saddlebags A Pair Of Bag Attached In The Back Of Horse
sagely sant jaisee
Sagging Sinking
Salvage resque
Sanguine Optimistic
savagery kroorata
Scabs Rough Protective Crust That Forms Over A Cut
scalpel churi / a knife with a small, sharp, sometimes detachable blade, as used by a surgeon.
scapegoat bali ka bakara
scapegoat bali ka bakara / a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for rea
scarce durlabh
Scatterbrained Disorganized And Lacking In Concentration
Scold Daantana
Scones Lightly Sweetened Cake Made From Flour
scrutinize examine or inspect closely and thoroughly / taakana
secular dharm nirapeksh
Seemingly apparantly / Maaloom Hota Hai
seldom kabhee kabhee
semantics arth vigyaan
Senate Prabandhakaarinee Samit
Senators A Member Of A Senate
Sensuous Attractive
Sentient Sanvedanasheel
serendipitous aakasmik laabh
Serenity Shaanti
sermon upadesh
Servitor Sevak
shimmy ek prakaar ka nrty
Shove Fekna
Shoving Push Someone Roughly
shrewd chaalaak
shrewd having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
shrouded chipa hua
shudder kap kapi
shun cast away
Sieve Challani
skeptic sandehavaadee
skeptic sandehavaadee / a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions
skeptic sandehvadi
skeptical ulajhan mein
skimmed remove (a substance) from the surface of a liquid.
Skirmishes Fight/ short argument
Slay Kill In A Violent Way
Sleazy Corrupt
slumber sleep
slur kalank
slurp drink or eat (something) with a loud sucking noise.
smattering a small amount of something.
Smug Aatmasantusht
Snoop Guptchar
Snooty Showing Disapproval Or Contempt Towards Others
Snug Garam , Pleasant
Sobbing Weeping
Sojourn A Temporary Stay , Dera
Solace Saantvana
Solitary Akela
sophomore dviteey
Sought khoj
sovereign a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
Spanked Slap With One'S Open Hand
spawned produce
Spectacularly Shaanadaar
speculate kalpana karana
spewing ugal
spewing ugal / expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly.
Spiel Speak At Length
Splendour Majesty , Vehbhav
spook' frighten
spook' frighten
sprained moch aa
sprung uchhala
spur a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive. / star shape shoe tail
spurious jali
squabble jhagada
squalid malin / extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neg
squandering phijoolakharchee
Squirming Wriggle Or Twist The Body From Side To Side
Squishy Soft
staggered ladhkhadana
Stagnant Thara Hua
stagnation sthir , vikas henn
Stagnation Sthirata
stagnation sthir , vikas henn / the state of not flowing or moving.
stalling roke jana/stop running, typically because of an overload on the engine.
Stammering Speak With Sudden Involuntary Pause
starlit lit or made brighter by stars
steadfastly lagatar
steadfastly lagatar / in a resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering manner.
steed ladai ka ghoda
steep khadee
Stellar Relating To A Star Or Stars.
Stereotype Purane Khayalo Ka
Stern Kathor
Stewing Cooked Slowly
Stiff Kathor
Stiffle Unable To Breath
Stoic Udaaseen
Stoicism Vairaagy
stoking bhadakaane / add coal or other solid fuel to
Stomp Tread Heavily And Noisily,
Stomping Heavy Beat
stoutest tagra
Stowing Pack Or Store (An Object) Carefully And Neatly In A Particular Place
Straining Tanaav
strand kinara
Stranglehold Bolabaala
stray move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place.
strenuous requiring or using great exertion. / zoradaar
Strenuous Zoradaar
strenuously in a way that requires great physical exertion.
Stride Jump
strides pragati
Striving Paryas
stroll chahalaqadamee
strolled tahalna
Stumble Thoker
stunted chhote qad ka
stunted chhote qad ka / having been prevented from growing or developing properly
Stupor A State Of Near-Unconsciousness Or Insensibility.
subjugate adheen karana
subjugated vashibhoot
Sublimate Modify
subordinate treat or regard as of lesser importance than something else
Subside Become Less Intense,
Subsidized Sabsidee
Substantive mool , origin
subtle, sookshm
subtlest sookshmatam
subtlest sookshmatam / (especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or d
Suburb An Outlying District Of A City
subvert palat dena / undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution)
Succumb Die
Suffrage The Right To Vote In Political Elections.
sully dirty / damage the purity or integrity of.
surefire certain to succeed.
surmise shanka
surmise shanka / suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Surplus An Amount Of Something Left Over When Requirements Have Been Met;
sustenance jeevika
sustenance jeevika / food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment.
sway bolabaala
swaying laharaate
swaying laharaate / move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to side
Swirling Move In A Twisting Pattern
sycophants chaplus
sycophants chaplus / a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage.
symphony svar kee samata
syntax a set of rules for or an analysis of the syntax of a language
taciturn alpabhaashee
taciturn alpabhaashee / reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
Tack keel
Tangible Theoretical
Tantrum Gusse Ka Aavesh
tapestry kapda jisme chitr bana ho
teeming be full of
teeming be full of / be full of or swarming with.
Tempo Speed, Rate
Tempted Lubhana
tenacious drdh
tenacious drdh / tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely.
Tenacity Tap
Tenant Kiraayedaar
Tenderly With Gentleness
tenets sidhant
tenets sidhant / a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.
tenterhook a hook used to fasten cloth on a drying frame or tenter.
Tenure Kaaryakaal
Terrain Strech Of Land
testimony gavaahee
thatched phoos
thawed pighalaaya hua / become liquid or soft as a result of warming up.
thimble nok
thoroughfare. a road or path forming a route between two places
thread dhaga , sutr or formula
Threat Dhamakee
Threshold The Magnitude Or Intensity That Must Be Exceeded For A Certain Reaction
throbbing beating with a strong, regular rhythm; pulsating. , causing pain in a series of regular beats.
Throng Bheed
Thwarted naakaam / prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
Thwarted Naakaam
tickled gudgudi
tickled gudgudi / lightly touch or prod (a person or a part of the body) in a way that causes mild discomfort or itchi
ticks chichad
Timid Cowardly
tingle sansanana
Toil Work Extremely Hard
topple overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall.
Transcands Atikarman
Transcend Go Beyond The Limits
Transcript A Written Or Printed Version Of Material Originally Presented In Another Medium.
Transgressed Ka Ullanghan
traumatized aaghaat , ghav karna
travesty a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something
treatise nibandh
Trepidation Ghabrahat
Tribulation Klesh
Triump Victory
trivial tuch
trivial tuch / of little value or importance.
trivialize mahatvaheen
trivialize mahatvaheen / make (something) seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is.
Truncated Shorten
tug pull (something) hard or suddenly.
Turmoil Uthal-Puthal
Twinge A Sudden, Sharp Localized Pain
Tyrannical Atyaachaaree
tyranny utpeedan
tyranny utpeedan / cruel and oppressive government or rule.
unbeknownst without the knowledge of (someone)/ anajaan
unbridled nirankush
unbridled nirankush / uncontrolled; unconstrained.
unbridled nirankush /uncontrolled; unconstrained.
unbridled uncontrolled; unconstrained.
uncanny alaukik
uncharted na sulajha hua
Undermine Kamjor
undersatement express an idea with lower level of emotion
Unencumbered Free Of Debt
unfathomable incapable of being fully explored or understood.
Ungoldy Dharmabhrasht
unify make or become united, uniform, or whole
uninhibited behichak
uninitiated without special knowledge or experience.
Unleashing Free
unperturbed bephikr
Unravel Investigate
unshackle set free
unshackle set free / release from shackles, chains, or other physical restraints.
unsullied shuddh / not spoiled or made impure.
uproarious upadravee
ushered shuruaat
utility upayogita / the state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial.
utter perfect
utter perfect / complete; absolute.
Uttered bola
Utterly Bilkul
Vaguely Uncertain Way , Slightly
valiant bahaadur
vanguard mohrah
Vanity Ghamand
Vastly To A Very Great Extent
Veracity Accuracy
Verbiage Excessively Lengthy Or Technical Speech
Verdict Nirnay
vexation the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Vibes A Person's Emotional State
vicissitudes ulatapher
Vigor taaqat
vigor physical strength and good health.
Vindicated Pushti
viselike extremely tight and firm
Vitality Praan , Jivan Shakti
vitiated bigade
vitiated bigade / spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of.
vogue prachalan
volley fire
voyage jalayaatra / a long journey involving travel by sea or in space.
Voyage Jalayaatra
Vulnerable Exposed To The Possibility Of Being Attacked
Wacky Amusing In A Slightly Odd Or Peculiar Way.
Waddle Walk With Short Steps
wading walk with effort through water or another liquid or viscous substance.
wafting anna
wafting anna / pass or cause to pass gently through the air.
Wager Daanv
Wailing Crying With Pain
wallow (of a person) indulge in an unrestrained way in (something that one finds pleasurable). / (chiefly of large m
Wallowing Roll About Or Lie In Mud
wanderlust a strong desire to travel
wantonly behoodagee
Whine Karaahana
whiplash moch
whittle carve (wood) into an object by repeatedly cutting small slices from it. / reduce something in size, amount, o
whooping kali
wield hold and use
Wily Chatur
Wisdom Buddhimatta
wisp a small thin or twisted bunch, piece, or amount of something.
Wit Intelligence
Withering nasht hote
Workaholic Works Excessively Hard
Wragled Ladaee
Wrath Extreme Anger
wrench twisting in a forcefull manner
yanked pull it with a jerk
yearn tarap
yearn tarap / have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been sepa
yield praapti
yield praapti / produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).
yielded. samne aye /produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product). / give way to arguments, dem
yielding upaj
yielding upaj / (of a substance or object) giving way under pressure; not hard or rigid.
Zealots Katarpanthi
zest intrest
polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding

a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.

y to make good judgements and take quick decisions. / kushaagrata

es of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and prepares muscles for exertion

of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.

or call attention to indirectly; hint at. / sanket karana

/ the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
cial punishment.

ort. / support or strengthen.

interests that are similar to one's own.

mplete information.

military force.

al positions.

t been made or referred to.

oved. / parinaam

to start the engine.

ess of deterioration.
uble cross , mislead , fool

careful thought.

ut popular consent.
entangled with.

and condensing the vapour and collecting the resulting liquid.

r a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep

e presence of blood and mucus in the faeces.

karan karana
gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.

people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

public preaching.

purpose, especially that of exploration, research, or war

s; ebullience.
predetermined and therefore inevitable.

plitting, especially in rock or earth.

a missionary.


rrying or distressing.
oosely organized communities.

int or holy person to represent their

trailer or carriage) behind it./ a quantity of something that has been stolen or is possessed illegally.

thing or someone.
dead lock

ation, Impulsion, prompting

not explicitly stated.

ing or absorbing it.

body by swallowing or absorbing it.

g creative or intellectual achievement.
of movements; stagger.

ring skill and care.

one's concern.
compass or other specified positions.

of something through the senses.

g high or narrow

ing widely throughout an area or a group of people.

ffect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
group of people.

s based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

an is actually possessed.
st course of events or period of time.
by a surgeon.

r faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency

a result of poverty or neglect.
se as to be difficult to analyse or describe.

m or institution)

forwards or from side to side

order to gain advantage.

eligion or philosophy.

of regular beats.

hat causes mild discomfort or itching and often laughter

mplex than it really is.

pleasurable). / (chiefly of large mammals) roll about or lie in mud or water, especially to keep cool or avoid biting insects

duce something in size, amount, or extent by a gradual series of steps. / chheelana

ing that one has lost or been separated from.

uct). / give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

d biting insects

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