Ins Dec7
Ins Dec7
Ins Dec7
empty Coca-Cola cases recovered could have come only from the
vessel’s deck cargo. It is settled that carrying a deck cargo raises the SAN MIGUEL V HEIRS OF INGUITO
presumption of unseaworthiness unless it can be shown that the
deck cargo will not interfere with the proper management of the PHILIPPINE MANUFACTURING V UNION INSURANCE GR NO 116473
ship. NOV 22 1921
• However, in this case it was established that “MV Asilda” was
not designed to carry substantial amount of cargo on deck. The
inordinate loading of cargo deck resulted in the decrease of the
vessel’s metacentric height thus making it unstable.
o The strong winds and waves encountered by the vessel are but the
ordinary vicissitudes of a sea voyage and as such merely contributed
to its already unstable and unseaworthy condition.