Ofss Env Cloning
Ofss Env Cloning
Ofss Env Cloning
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
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This guide provides comprehensive instructions and steps in cloning OFSAA infrastructure v7.3.X and applications
from one environment to another.
This chapter focuses on the following topics:
The purpose of this document is to explain the steps involved in cloning OFSAA infrastructure v7.3.X and
applications from one environment to another.
If the products are installed with Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI), they
will be included in the Clone steps from source to target.
In the case of Full migration, OFSAA infrastructure need not be installed in the target environment. Instead,
OFSAAI will also be cloned from the source environment. you with a clear route to improving the performance and
scalability of your applications, albeit with increased administration of hardware and network resources.
1. Server (LINUX/AIX/SOLARIS) user in Target machine should have created in K-Shell with “chmod 755”
2. Pre-requisite software such as Java, Oracle Database and Web server (Tomcat /Websphere / Weblogic ) have
to be installed in target environment in similar way to source environment.
3. Config schema and same number of atomic schema has to created with same grants as Of source environment.
4. Ensure ports are available in target machine before updating the port numbers.
Note: Database users can be same name in case ORACLE SID is different for both environments, Different
name in case ORACLE SID used is same as source environment.
List of ports to check is available in $FIC_HOME/PortsDef.log
Note: The following sub directories under ftpshare contains environment specific data and can be ignored
while cloning:
Case 1
Database user id and password for Config Schema and Atomic Schema are the same in source and target.
DB Name (with which there should be an entry in the TNSNames.ora file in Oracle installation folder)
should be the same in source and target.
ORACLE SID is different for both environments.
Case 2
Database user id and password for Config Schema and Atomic Schema are different in source and target.
DB Name (with which there should be an entry in the TNSNames.ora file in Oracle installation folder)
should be the same in source and target.
ORACLE SID could be same or different for both environments
Note: Download the PDF to your local system to access the attached file.
2. Replace the old Config DBuser with new config DB user in the views of target atomic schema referring old
Config DB user and recompile.
To get this list of views, you can execute the following query for invalid views from USER_OBJECTS diction-
ary :
Case 3
In your source environment database, if you have created some unnecessary tables, views or any other database
objects, which you do not want in the target environment database. Then skip those objects and take the dump and
restore it in target database.
Whenever there is a change in the IP address of the machine where OFSAAI is installed following files need to be
updated with the new IP, without which the application will not work.
SERVLET_URL Update the old IP with the new WEB Layer IP
ICC_SERVER_HOST Update the Old APP IP Address with the new APP
Server IP Address
/ficapp/ Update the Old DB IP Address with the new DB IP
icc/conf/server.conf.propertie MESSAGE_SERVER_HOST Address
Update the Old IP Addresses with new APP Server
Update the Old DB IP Address with the new DB IP
$FIC_HOME ICC_SERVER_HOST Update the Old APP IP Address with the new APP
/ficweb/webroot/conf/ Server IP Address
$FIC_HOME FIC_WEBSERVER_IP Update the old IP with the new WEB Layer IP
/ficweb/webroot/WEB-INF/ address.
Execute the IP_Changes.sql(file attached) under Config schema, provided the placeholders in the sql file are updated
with the appropriate values.
Note: Download the PDF to your local system to access the attached file.
The table below shows the file locations where the Infrastructure port numbers has to be changed.
$FIC_HOME/ficdb/conf/FICDB.cfg FIC_SERVER_PORT the $FIC_HOME/conf/
Execute the PORT_Changes.sql(file attached) under Config schema, provided the placeholders in the sql file are
updated with the appropriate values.
Note: Download the PDF to your local system to access the attached file.
Update the VALUE having old Config DB user of " FIC_MASTER_USER_ID" with the new Config DB
3. $FIC_HOME/$FIC_HOME/ficweb/webroot/WEB-INF/web.xml
Update the old path of “FIC_PHYSICAL_HOME_LOC” with the new path.( This is the path of the
deployed location of OFSAAI in webserver)
Update the old path of “FIC_HOME” with the new path.(Same as FIC_PHYSICAL_HOME_LOC)
Update the old path of the “ICC_SERVLET_LOG_FILE" with the new path.(This is path of icc_servlet.log
in the deployed location of OFSAAI in webserver)
4. $HOME/.profile with the new paths of, JAVA_HOME, JAVA_BIN, CATALINA_HOME (if the webserver
type is Tomcat), FIC_HOME and ORACLE_SID
Update the old path of “ORACLE_HOME” with the new path.( This is the path of the ORACLE_HOME
directory of oracle client required in app, db and web layers)
Update the old path of “JAVA_HOME” with the new path.(This is the path of the JDK install directory)
Update the old path of the “CATALINA_HOME” with the new path.(This is path of tomcat install
directory , required only in case webserver type is Tomcat in web layer install)
Update the old path of “JAVA_BIN” with the new path.(This is the absolute path of the java executable in
required in app , db and web layers)
Update the old path of “FIC_HOME” with the new path.(This is your new OFSAAI install folder required
in app , db and web layers)
Update the old value of “ORACLE_SID” with the new Value in case your target DB server SID name is
different. (This is required in db layers)
Note: Download the PDF to your local system to access the attached file.
Note: Since you cannot get the encrypted password, you can skip the password setting step and after the
completion of the cloning activity, you can re-login to the application to re-set your password.Further, go to
System Configuration Server Details Screen to reset your password.
The following changes have to be done for configuring the log files with the new paths of OFSAAI and the
deployed location of OFSAAI in Webserver.
1. $FIC_HOME/conf/RevLog4jConfig.xml
2. $FIC_HOME/conf/AdminConsolLog4Config.xml
3. $FIC_HOME/ficapp/common/FICServer/conf/LogRegistry.xml
4. $FIC_HOME/ficapp/common/FICServer/conf/log4j.conf.properties
5. $FIC_HOME/ficapp/icc/conf/log4j.conf.properties
6. $FIC_HOME/ficapp/icc/conf/server.conf.properties
7. $FIC_HOME/ficdb/conf/AgentLog4jConfig.xml
8. $FIC_HOME/ficdb/conf/rev_config.ini
9. $FIC_HOME/ficweb/webroot/conf/ExportLog4jConfig.xml
10. $FIC_HOME/ficweb/webroot/conf/RevLog4jConfig.xml
11. $FIC_HOME/ficweb/webroot/WEB-INF/web.xml
12. $FIC_HOME/ ficweb/webroot/conf/PR2Logger.xml
13. $FIC_HOME/ ficdb/conf/PR2Logger.xml
14. $FIC_HOME/ ficweb/webroot/conf/RFDlogger.xml
15. $FIC_HOME/ ficweb/webroot/conf/mdblogger.xml
16. $FIC_HOME/ ficweb/webroot/conf/MFLOGGERr.xml
17. $FIC_HOME/ ficdb/conf/MFLOGGERr.xml
Attached "Update the ConfigAtomicuserid.zip", which will guide you on how to update the user id /password for
Note: Download the PDF to your local system to access the attached file.
1. Unzip the attached file and follow the instructions in the document.
2. Restart the APP and WEB Servers.
3. Login to OFSAAI.