Co Ordination Compounds MHT CET Synopsis PDF
Co Ordination Compounds MHT CET Synopsis PDF
Co Ordination Compounds MHT CET Synopsis PDF
• Tran a1'tion metals have property to un d ergo '~om iJ Iex ,.,o rm at,·on · It 's beca use th ey form a large nurnh_
•itr of
coordination compounds.-
·th study of coordination compounds 0
• Coordination chemistry: Branch of chemistry whi ch dea Is wi r coll'lpJ.
compounds . .
• • I . rround ed by number of oppositely char
Coordination compounds: conta in a ce ntral metal ion a tom su ged ion fJr
neutral molecule .
e.g. [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]2'
Central Metal ion __J L Neutral molecule
Chlorophyll (coordination compound of Mg
Coordination Red pigment Haemoglobin = (Fe)
compounds Catalyst
~ Analytical reagents
(5) Example of salt= PtCI , CoCl 3 , CuCl 2 and AgCI. (5) Exampl e = [Co(NH 3)i', [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 f and [Ag(NH 3)iJ'.
groups are firmly a tta ch ed to metal ion and outer sphere is ioni sati on sphere wh ere groups are loosely bonded ;
and can be separated by di ssolving a compl ex in suitabl e solvent.
* Werner introduced a s quare bra cket [ ] fo r coordin a ti on s phere of compl ex compound. . 1
e .g. In complex [Co(MH 3 ) 6 ]C1 3 . Six NH 3 molecules are in coo rdin ati on s phe re while three chloride ions are in
ionization sphere.
• Application of Werner's theory to Co(l11) amines:
For CoCl3 · 6NH3 / /Co(NH3 )J Cl3 : .
( l) On reaction with AgN0 3 gives precipitate whi ch co rrespond s to three er . These 3Cr must be in ionization
sphere and repre sent primary valen ces of Co . . . . he I
(2 ) On reaction with HCI , ammonia is n ot removed hen ce all sue NH 3 are in coordination sphere sat~
secondary valence of Co .
. ·di·,1c1iio11 (u 111po1111d1
(/IOI 397
<:belting ~igands: A bidentate or polydentate
cr , Br" , NH; donor site
hgand which forms more than one coordinate
H20 , 0 -
bond in su ch a way that a ring is formed .
Bidentate: To donor sites CH? - NH 2
Positive ligands I -
(COO-b, CH2 - NH 2
NO; , NH; , NO ' CH 2 - NH 2
CH 2 - NH 2 (Ethylenediamine)
Neutral ligands (E1 hylen ediarnine) Ambidentate ligands: Monodentate ligand which
H2~ , NH 3, CO Polydentate: More than contains more than one coordinating atom.
two donor sites M t-- 0 - - N = 0
EDTA (Hexadenate) ,1/ 0
M t- N:1/'
'JW Coordination Number: Ligancy (CN)
Ill Coordination Number: Th e number of ligands which are directly attach ed to metal atom ion in a coordination
compound/ compl ex .
e.g. In K3 1Fe(CN) 6 ], six CN (ligan d s ) with Fe :. CN of Fe 3 ' is 6.
121 Metal chelates: In m e tal ch elates , CN is number of electron pairs involved in bonding between liga nds and
metal atom/ion .
e.g. In ICu(en)l ' the 4 electron pai rs are bonded between Cu 2 ' and ethylene diamine (en). Hence CN of Cu 2 ' is 4 .
I 131 Complex ion: Complex ion is charged radical form ed when metal ion directly linked to ligands (neutral or - vely charged)
e.g. 1Cu(NH 3)S'
4 Coordination entity: Ce nt ral m e tal ion/ a tom with ne ut ra l molec ules or ion .
e.g, IFe(CN) l - and [Co(NH 3 ) 6 ]' 3
(S) Coordination sphere: Cen tra l metal ato m or ion and li gand s directly a ttac hed to it are w1;tten inside square
bracket is coordination sph e re.
e.g. In K3 !Fe(CN) 6 ], coordin a tion s ph ere is ife(CN) f,J
161 Oxidation number of central metal atoms: Oxidation numbe r is an electric c harge on metal a tom/ion which
has or appears to have when it is bond ed with liga nd.
e.g. In !Cu(NH 3) 4 ]2+, th e oxidation number of Cu is 2 a nd written as Cu(II)
Coo rdin a tion compound (co mpl exe s )
-- - -
I - - - - ..1 ,
1l 1l chnrge)
[Ni(NH3)6]2· + 2cr [Fe(C N) 6)--4 + 4K '
(Complex zon ·
carnes ··
ne t pos1twe (Comp Lex i·on carries net negative
~~ ~~ . .
(9) Charge number of complex ion: is the algebraic sum of charges earned by central metal atom/Ion and liganch
e.g. [Ag(CNbr 1 Charge of Ag+ 2 x charge on cw
(+]) + 2 X (- 1)
+1 - 2
(10) Coordination polyhedron: It is arrangement of ligands about central metal atom/ion in the space .
(i) Square planar (ii) Tetrahedral (iii) Triagonal bipyramidal (iv) Octahedral (v) Square pyramidal
Cl Cl L L L L
""/ I 1/ L L~ / /L L"' //L
Pt M L-M M M
c1 / ""-c1 ~ I "' L I~ L L/ I~ L L/ "'L
11 Difference between double salts and coordination com ounds:
Coordination com ound Double salt
A coordination compound may or may not be ionic but A double salt is ionic compound and does not contain
the com lex art alwa s contains coordinate bonds. an coordinate bond.
A coordination compound (complex) retains its identity A double salt loses its identity in the solution.
Naming complex (a) Cation = name of ligand is followed by metal ion and oxidation state of
metal is written in bracket.
(b) Anion = name of ligand is followed by name of metal ending with suffix -ate.
(c) Neutral (non-ionic) = write as one word.
Alphabetical order If more than one ligands present, then name it alphabetically .
For anionic Names of ligands end with -0- and for the complexes containing cationic or
ligands neutral ligands are written in the same way except for H 20 (aquo) NH 3 (amine),
CO (Carbonyl), NO (nitrosyl) .
[ Prefixes Wh e n two or more same ligands are present then prefix will be di, tri, tetra and
for ch elate ligands = bis , tris, tetrakis
[ Preference of ligands J s t n ega tive ligand then ne utral and lastly positive ligands.
-=-_ l_ _ - -
Hydra te I
isorn e ris f!!_
isomcri~ _ Wh e n. a.n. a.mbidenta.te When both positive
isomersm . . Q7td
1 · h d,ijjrrer in th e h d to negatwe zon.s of a salt are
Compounds , which give Isom ers, w ,11c J' ligands is a.tta.c _e
number of wa te r molecules t 1 through different complex ions and t
different ions in solution I.Vo
isomers differ in the
due to the exchange of ions at-ta ched to the me tal atom me .a
or ion as ligands . compounds s aid to be distribution of ligands in
in coordination sphere and
two complex ions.
counter ions are called jCr(H 2O)<,]C l:i, linkage isomers.
[Co(NH 3),;][Cr(CN) 6 ],
ionization isomers. jCr(HP) ~Cl]Cl2·HP [Co(N0 2)(NH3)5]CI
[Co(CN) 6 ][Cr(NH 3 ) 6 ]
[CoBr(N H3 ) 5 ]SO 4 , [Co(ONO)(NH3)sCI
[CoSO 4 (N H3 ) 5 ]Br
(b) Stereoisomerisrn
Op tical isomerism
1 Geometrical or cis-trans ] . This isomerism arises due to
· 'ti
posz ans ⇒
If two identical ligands occupy ad1a.cent · non-superimposable m irror images
If occupy opposite positions ⇒ trans
I t J
-Ji, Only in octahedral complexes with
In square planar In octahedral 2 or 3 bidentate ligands
shown by
shown by
MABX2 f cis trans
I I optically inactive
f t f t
trans d-form
f t
If all three similar groups occupy If three similar groups are present around meridian
Adjacent position then Jae-isomer of octahedral then mer-isomer
• Geometrical isomerism is not shown by tetrahedral complexes.
(6 ) Formation of [CoF6 r 3
l1lj1lr31rr/rj Im [TI]
1d 4s 4p
Co (~round
s tu tt·)
l l
111,j ll i i f l I I11I I 1 I Co
(grou nd state) r-- -------------- - - -
Co ' ~,und
sta te)
111 ] rr'~I rIrI 1
] I j <rj
___ __ ____________ ___- - - - - -,
I Co" [ lD'I~Ff1J
{Hybrid ised sta te)
PJt!J_~ ~-
., 2
s p 'd hybridi sed orbitals
-~ .
Co •o;, bridmi
st a t e)
I 1lilll J~tI J [] [ ''.1n
i CoFJ , ffil r I;ifru ~ y : xx
s p 1 d 2 hy bridisation
2 3
d s p h ybridised orbitals x Electron pair from
----1 r
1co(NH.,l( /1l l1l l1l l /x/xl xlxlx/xj Geometry: Octahedral
Magnetic property: Paramagnetic
d 2 sp 3 hybridisation
x ~ Electron pair from NH 3 {Unpaired electrons)
Geometry: Octahedral
: ;D~im~a~ ;;e~tic;;N~o~un~;~arr~·~ed~~el~e;ctr;o~n~s;~::~:i.~~:;::~~~~~~i~~l - - - - - - - - - -
•§@ Magnetic Properties of Coordination Compounds based on VBT
• !fe(CN) 6 r 3 is paramagnetic (1 unpaired electron)
• !fe F6r 3 is paramagnetic (5 unpai red electrons)
I • !CoF6r 3 is paramagnetic (4 unpaired electrons)
1• !Co(C 2 0 4 b]"'1 is diamagnetic
!Co(C 2 0 4 r undergoes d 2 sp 3 hybridisation (I nner orbital complexes).
3 3
!Fe(CN) 6r ,
3 3
!feF6 r , (CoF6r undergoes sp 3 d 2 hybridisation {outer orbital complexes)
Limitation of VBT:
Cannot explain order of reactivity of
Cannot explain spectra] property
mner orbitals of d 3 , d4, d 5 , d 6 ions. (colour)
® G)
Cannot predict exactly tetrahedral / Does not explain magnetic moment
squa re planar structure of 4-coordinate. due to orbital motion of electrons.
O f s ; ! ! ~_t _Fea!ure·~- ~i C~ ·1 . .
(i) The ce ntra l _m e t a l a t o m / to n m a c ompl e x 1s s urround e d by a tom s or g roup of a to m s ca ll e d liga nd s whi c h are
eithe r n ega tive ly c h a rge d (C l , C N) or n e utra l m o lec ul es h a ving lon e pa ir of e lec tron s (H 2 O, NH 1 ) .
(ii) Th e m e t a l ion n nd li ga nd s ac t as point c h a r g<' s h e n ce interac tion a mong th e m is pure ly e lec tros ta ti c .
(iii) The liga nd s wh e ~ a pp roac h to w a rds m e t a l a tom will not c om e (doubl e ). Th e e lec tron s o f m e ta l ato m a nd liga nd s
re pe l eac h 0 th e 1 whi c h d e s t. roy d ege n eracy o f 'd ' orbita ls a nd s plit th e m into two group s t 2 g and eg g roup s.
(crysta l fi e ld s plittin g). Th e diffe re n ce b e twee n e n e rgy le ve ls is call e d crys tal fi e ld s plittin g e n e rgy is re presente d
by 6. and a rbit ra rily t a k e n as IO Dq .
(iv) The e lec tro n of m etal a t o m occ upy th ese s plitte d 'd ' orbita ls accordin g to Hund 's rul e.
(vi As the ove rl a pping o f o rbi tals o f m e t a l a tom a nd ligand s is not involve d h e n ce c ova le nt c h a ra c te r does n't e xi s t in
(vii The s t a bili ty of co mple x d e p e nd s upon cry stal fill e d s tabilisation energy (CFSE) . High e r th e amount of C FSE,
m ore is s ta bili ty o f c ompl ex . Th e ga i n in e n e rgy a c hieve d by preferential filling of e lec tron s in o rbital s is c all e d
cry st a l fi e ld s t a bilisa tio n e n ergy (CFSE) .
(viii If CFSE val u e is zero , complex is unstable .
Application of CFT to Octahedral Complexes
In octahedral complex, the m e tal atom lie s at centre while six ligands occupy the X
,, ,, ,,
,, ,, ,,
/~ ~~--------- ---------
/ D egenerate 'd' orbitals ................ .... L\o = 0.4 Dq
~ / ofmeta lionin ' , , ....
~ crystal field
Degenerate ' d ' orbital s
of m etal/ion Splitting of 'd' orbitals
(Absence of ligands) in octahedral crystal field
• The ½g h as less e n e r gy by a n amount 0.4 6. 0 or 4Dq while eg has higher amount of energy by 0 .6 6. 0 or 6Dq than
dege n era te o rbi tals in crysta l fi e ld. The electron entering in t 2 g orbitals stabilies complex by 0.4 6. 0 or 4Dq a nd
electron e nte ri ng in e g orb it al d est a bilizes complex by 0 .6 6 0 or 6Dq .
• Th e en e r gy gain is o b tain e d by pre fe re ntial filling of electrons in orbitals whic h is called crystal field stabilisa tion
en ergy (C F SEI.
• In s tron g ligand fie ld 6 0 is hi g h whil e in w eak ligand fie ld 6. 0 is less .
• Spectrochemical series: De p e nding upo n the power of splitting of 'd' orbitals , the common li gands a r e arrange d
in ord e r of th e ir d ecr easin g fi e ld s tre n g th calle d spectrochemical series . The dec reasing fi e ld stre ngth is as
follow s CO > NH > e n > NH > E DTA > NCS > H O > C 2O4 2 > OH- > F- > s- > er > SCN- > Br > 1- .. ....
3 2
Tetrahedral Complexes I
In te trahedral compl e xes, th e m e t a l is place d a t centre of t e tra h e dron a nd four liga nds a re placed a t four c orners
of tetra h edron as foll ow s:
Uttam 's MHT-C£r .
404 (Chern
,,------1-~---- '
z' 0/ -~---- ------/ j,-- Y'
v ·
-t--+- z
'' ''
. .
Photon (hv)
d xy'd yz' d xz d xy,d yz,d xz
Cd -+ 2 + 4CW ~ [Cu(CN) 4 r
cyano complexes
/Cu(CNJ 4 r 2 being more stable than [Cd(CN) 4 r 2
, on passing H 2 S only CdS is precipitated .
(ii) Group I (Detection of Ag+):
If precipitate containing AgCl, Hg2 Cl 2 and PbC1 2 is treated with aqueous solution of ammonia the
AgCI forms a complex with ammonia and dissolves in solution while Hg2 C1 2 and PbC½ don 't , n
complexes and remain undissolved in the solution.
AgCl + 2NH3 ~ /Ag(NH 3 b ]C1
(B) Quantitative Analysis: Nickel can be detected and estimated by treating with dimethyl glyoxime to form
red precipitate of complex.
(3) Biological importance: The complex compounds play an important role in processes occurring in plants and
e.g. haemoglobin in blood is iron complex while vitamin B 12 is cobalt complex.
(4) In medicine: The complex compounds are used in medicine.
I e.g. platinum complex Cisplatin used in cancer treatment, EDTA used for lead poisoning.
(5) Electroplating of metals: Complex compounds are used in electroplating of noble metals like Au , Ag e.g. Gold
and silver can be electroplated from the complexes K[Ag(CNb] and K/Au(CNb]
Estimating hardness of water: EDTA (Hexadentate ligand) forms stable complexes with Ca +2 and Mg+2 . It can
be used for estimating hardness of water by a volumetric method. Since stability constants of Ca +2 and M{
complexes are different, selective estimation of ions is possible .
(7) Modifying the redox behaviour of metal ions: Cobalt can be be oxidised from +2 to +3 in presence of ligands ,
which is used by enzymes containing metal ions (Mo , Fe, Cu used in catalysed biological reactions) .
(8) Catalysts: Complex compounds are used as a catalyst in many reactions
e.g. Olefin into alcohol using Co(CO) 8 catalyst
Hydrogenation of alkene using Wilkinson catalyst (Ph 3 P) 3 RhC1. Ethylene and propylene into polyethene using
complexes of Ti and Al. Zi egler- Natta catalyst i s TiC1 4 + (C 2 H 5 ) 3 Al OR (CH 3 bA1.