Visual Foxpro - An Introduction

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Visual Foxpro – An Introduction


Visual FoxPro is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS),

which allows you to work with several logically related tables of data
simultaneously. A Table in a database contains a number of Rows and
Columns. One row in the table is equivalent to one record and one column is
equivalent to one field.

Concept Of Database Management System (Dbms)

Before you understand the concept of Database Management System.

(DBMS), it is necessary that you understand few basic terms related to
DBMS. Let us begin with data. Anything can be data, e.g., a number, name
of a person or place, address, etc. When a data is meaningful, it is called
Information and a Database is an organized collection of related information.
You can use database for
– retrieving desired information
– taking meaningful decision
– reorganizing information
– processing information

Database Management System (DBMS) is a generalized software package

used to build and manage the database, i.e., add, modify (edit), update,
delete and sort (arrange in a particular order) information in the database.
DBMS also helps to retrieve the desired information in the required format
from the database.
Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro is a leading database Management System. It is a member of

Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual FoxPro is one of the Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS). It is windows based Graphical User
Interface (GUI) RDBMS. The database is a broader concept in Visual
FoxPro in which the information is stored in related tables. The table is
equivalent to database of the earlier version of FoxPro. A database is a
collection of various records comprising rows and columns. One row is one
record and one column is one field. A record is collection of logically related
fields and a field is one column information. In Visual FoxPro, there can be
more than one table storing different stream of information. A table in a
database contains a number of Rows and Columns. One row in the table is
equivalent to one record and one column is equivalent to one field.


The minimum hardware/software configuration of the machine required for

installing Visual FoxPro is that you should have a Pentium Series of
Computer with 32 MB RAM and 10GB of Hard Disk Drive with Windows
95 or higher operating system. Here we have discussed 6.0 version of Visual
Foxpro In order to start with Visual FoxPro, you must ensure that Visual
FoxPro system is already installed on your computer. To invoke Visual
FoxPro, Double click the My Computer Icon on the Desktop Window. Then
double click C: drive. Now, click on Program Folder and then Microsoft
Visual Studio. Now double click the Microsoft Visual FoxPro icon as shown
in Fig. below :
You can also make a shortcut of Visual FoxPro icon on your desktop for
directly loading the system as shown in Fig. below :
In this case double click the Visual FoxPro icon from the desktop itself and
then Visual FoxPro window will appear on your screen as shown in Fig.
Figure 4

Alternatively, you can invoke Visual FoxPro by clicking mouse on Start

menu then click on Programs. Place the mouse on Microsoft Visual Studio
6.0. You will see a number of options. Place mouse on Microsoft Visual
FoxPro 6.0 option as shown in Fig. 4 and
click the left mouse button on it.

Fig. 4: Visual FoxPro through Start Menu

The Visual FoxPro window will appear on your screen as shown in the
above fig. 3.
Using The Visual Foxpro Menus
The Visual FoxPro Menu system can be classified into the following
components as:
1) Menu Bar
2) Menu Pad (Item)
3) Menus (Pull Down Menu)
4) Menu Options
5) Toolbar

Fig. 5: Visual FoxPro Menu Systems

Menu Bar
A Menu Bar is located at the top of the screen and displays all the available
titles for menu as shown in the figure 1.5. The content of the menu bar
changes when you move from one title to another title of the menu bar.

Menu Pads (Items)

The titles displayed on the menu bar are called Menu Pads (Items). You can
use either the mouse or the keyboard to display the menu associated with
each menu pad. Using the mouse, click on the title of the menu you wish to
use. To access the menu bar from keyboard, press <ALT> or <F10> key and
then type the underlined letter for the menu you wish to use. For example
<ALT>+F for invoking File Menu. You can also use the Left and Right
arrow keys to move from one menu pad to another menu pad, and press
<RETURN> key. You will also find that some of the menu pads appear
dimmed and
cannot be highlighted or selected. These menu pads are disabled. You cannot
display the menu if the menu pad is disabled.

Menus (Pull Down Menu)

When you choose a menu pad from the menu bar by clicking the menu pad,
Visual FoxPro displays a pull-down menu. A Menu is a list of related
options displayed in the pull-down menu. When you choose an option from
a menu, Visual FoxPro executes it. Choosing an option means activating a
highlighted option by clicking with mouse or pressing the <Spacebar> key
or <Return> key.
Menu Options
When you choose a menu pad from the menu bar, Visual FoxPro displays a
pull-down menu. A pull-down menu contains options as shown in the fig. 3.
The options on each menu are logically related to menu pad.

To choose a desired menu option you want, use one of the following

Move to the menu pad and click. The pull-down menu appears. Click on the
desired option you want. Press <Alt> key or <F10> key and then press the
underlined letter (hot key) in the menu pad name. Type the underlined key
for the menu option you want.

Use the Left and Right Arrow keys to the menu pad you want to use and
then press <Return> key. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the
desired option and then press the <Return> key or <Spacebar> key.

You will find that some of the menu options have an ellipsis (…) after the
option. This indicates that the option will further open a dialog box. A dialog
box appears to request the additional information.

The Toolbar appears below the menu bar and displays the icons as shown in
Fig. 5. To access the toolbar using the mouse, click on the icon you want to
Modify Command is the standard Text Editor of the Visual FoxPro. In short
it is also called modi comm. It allows you to create and modify text. Using
this text editor you can code or modify a Visual FoxPro program. The
following keys can be used for selecting and editing text.

Key(s) Action
Cursor Movement
Right Arrow To move the cursor one character to the right.
Left Arrow To move the cursor one character to the left.

Up Arrow To move the cursor up one line.

Down Arrow To move the cursor down one line.
Home To move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
End To move the cursor to the end of the current line.
Page up To move the cursor up the height of the current line.
Page down To move the cursor down the height of the current line.
Ctrl+Home To move the cursor to the beginning of the current text.
Ctrl+End To move the cursor to the end of the current text.
Ctrl+Right Arrow To move the cursor one word to the right.
Ctrl+Left Arrow To move the cursor one word to the left.

Selecting Text
Shift+Right Arrow To select one character to the right of the cursor.
Shift+Left Arrow To select one character to the left of the cursor.
Shift+Up Arrow To select one line up to the cursor.
Shift+Down Arrow To select one line down to the cursor.
Ctrl+A To select all text.
Deleting Text
Backspace To delete the selected text or the character to the left of the cursor
if no text is selected.

Del To delete the selected text or the character to the right of the cursor if no
text is selected.

Inserting Text
Ins To switch between insert and overwrite mode.


Visual FoxPro provides various shortcut Keys to choose the menu options.
Some of them are listed below.

Key(s) Action
Ctrl+A To select all the current objects.
Ctrl+C To copy the current selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl+D To start a Visual FoxPro Program
Ctrl+G To move the cursor to the designated line in a text or in the
command window.
Ctrl+M To resume a program.
Ctrl+P To Print.
Ctrl+R To redo.
Ctrl+S To save the file.
Ctrl+V To paste the content of the clipboard at the current cursor position.
Ctrl+W To leave the current operation and to save any modification.
Ctrl+X To cut the selected object from its current location and to place it on
the clipboard.
Ctrl+Y To append new record.
Ctrl+Z To undo.
Ctrl+F1 To activate the next window open within Visual FoxPro.
Ctrl+F2 To display the command window.
Ctrl+F4 To close the current window.
Ctrl+F5 To restore the current window to its original size.
Ctrl+F7 To move the current window with the arrow key.
Ctrl+F8 To increase/decrease the size of the current window.
Ctrl+F9 To minimize the current window to an icon.
Ctrl+F10 To maximize the current window.
Esc To exit current editing without saving the modification.
F1 To activate on-line help.
F2 To open the view window.
F3 To list the content of the current table.
F4 To list the files in the current directory.
F5 To display the structure of the current table.
F6 To display the status.
F7 To display the current memory variables.
F8 To display the field names and the current record of the current table.
F9 To open the Browse window in append mode.
You can exit Visual FoxPro by using any one of the following methods:

Type quit in the command window and press <Return> key.

Open the File menu and choose the Exit option.
Click mouse on the Control Menu Box from the Title bar of the main Visual
FoxPro window as shown in the figure 4

Press <Alt+F4> key.

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