Launder1974 - Application of The Energy-Dissipation Model of Turbulence To The Calculation of Flow Near A Spinning Disc PDF
Launder1974 - Application of The Energy-Dissipation Model of Turbulence To The Calculation of Flow Near A Spinning Disc PDF
Launder1974 - Application of The Energy-Dissipation Model of Turbulence To The Calculation of Flow Near A Spinning Disc PDF
The T u r b u l e n c e Model
The t u r b u l e n t t r a n s p o r t c o e f f i c i e n t s UT and r T a r e o b t a i n e d from t h e
f o l l o w i n g system o f d i f f e r e n t i a l and a u x i l i a r y e q u a t i o n s ; explanation of the
132 B.]E. L a u n d e r and B . I . Sharma Vol. 1, No. 2
T u r b u l e n t t he r m a l o r
mass d i f f u s i v i t y : FT = PT/0.9p (23
( i . e . T u r b u l e n t P r a n d t l / S c h m i d t number = 0.9)
Turbulence k i n e t i c energy equation:
L - ~ j
+ + r - pe - zU (3)
pU ~ + pV 8y r 8y + ~T
+ 2.o o / + r (4)
cI = 1.44; ok = 1 . 0 ; ~E = 1 . 3 .
The independent variables r and y are respectively the radial distance from
the disc axis and the normal distance from the disc surface. The correspond-
ing velocities are U and V; V@ denotes the circumferential velocity. All
other notation is the same as in ref (1,2).
The above system of equations differ from that in (1) and (2) in two
(i) Extra source terms involving gradients of (Vo/r) appear in the equations
for k and c. Their appearance is due to the conversion of the cartesian-
tensor from of these equations to the present coordinate frame. The 7 are
not ad hoc terms.
(ii) The Reynolds number functions c and c 2 and the coefficient c I are
slightly different. This is the result of an overall reoptimisation of
coefficients reported in (3). We repeated the computation of some of the
50 50
• ERIAN [6] R ¢ = 9 9 3 x l o 5
40 -\
k %
3O 3O
2O 20
02 O 4 06 08 iO 12
Ve/T~ UITo~
Fig. i
Turbulent flow velocity profiles near a spinning disc
flows studied in (1,2) with the present coefficients: there were no sig-
nificant differences in the results from those originally reported.
Solution of Equations
Discussion of Results
0002 I I I I
5 6
1"2 ~ / v
Fig. 2
Torque coefficient for spinning disc
Vol. 1 No. 2 SPINNING DISC 135
• McCOMAS [9} ~ , /
COBB [IO] ~ / /
0 K I~EITH [12] X U / /
~ ER)
o x''O'°" MLH
i O2 - - °I /o / K -¢
, ,r]lll I i I i Illli I i
I0 5 i0 6
T2c~/ ",,;
Fig. 3
Heat and mass transfer from a disc rotating in still air
136 B.E. L a u n d e r and B.I. S h a r m a Vol. i, No. 2
The main conclusion is that the k~E model of turbulence, which had
been devised (1,2) specifically to predict certain low-Reynolds-number phe-
nomena in boundary layers and duct flows, has been found to predict accurately
the flow, heat and mass transfer in the neighbourhood of a rotating disc.
The result is of significance to the problem of predicting convective heat
transfer rates in turbine discs.
1. W.P. Jones and B.E. Launder, I n t . J . Heat Mass T r a n s f e r , 15, 301 (1972).
11. C.L. Tien and D.T. Campbell, J . F l u i d Mech. 17, 105 (1963).
Streamwise momentum:
au au I a
pu ~ +pv a--f = (A1)
r ~y (~ + ~T) + p ~--
Angular momentum:
3 rV 0 a rV 0 1 3
oU ar + pV ay 3 (n + n T) Ty j (A2)
pU ~a@ + pv a@
a-f = r1 aa y Ir (r + r T) 3@
~f 3 (A3)
Boundary conditions are applied at the disc surface (y=O) and beyond
the edge of the boundary layer (y=y~) as follows:
y = O: U = k = ~ = O; V 0 = mr; ¢ = CW
y = y : U = k = e = V 0 = O; ¢ = ¢ .