Mastery Test Grade 4
Mastery Test Grade 4
Mastery Test Grade 4
I. Draw the musical symbol for each item. Then, write the corresponding time value in the next column.
1. Whole note
2. Whole rest
3. Quarter rest
4. Quarter note
5. Half rest
II. Identify the time signature that is being asked in each item. Write the letter of your answer on the
space provided.
2 3 4
A. B. C.
4 4 4
______ 2.
______ 3.
______ 4.
______ 5.
III. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the sentence is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer
on the space provided.
________ 1. Bar line is a musical symbol that divides the staff into measure.
________ 2. The fraction-like numbers found at the beginning of a staff is called time signature.
________ 3. Rhythm refers to the organized movement in music.
________ 4. Rest is a musical symbol for sound.
________ 5. Note is a musical symbol for silence.
I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
______ 1. It is the quality that makes the composition of the artwork stable.
A. Line B. Space C. Shape D. Balance
______ 2. It is the principle of design used to create the look and feel of action.
A. Movement B. Rhythm C. Harmony D. Emphasis
______ 3. It is the arrangement of elements to create a feeling of oneness.
A. Shape B. Balance C. Space D. Unity
______ 4. It is the principle of design concerned with making an element or object in a work stand out.
A. Emphasis B. Unity C. Shape D. Rhythm
______ 5. It is the regular repetition of lines, shapes, colors, and other art elements in the same or similar
ways to suggest flowing movement.
A. Variety B. Rhythm C. Balance D. Harmony
______ 6. It refers to the way things feel when they are touched.
A. Line B. Space C. Texture D. Balance
______ 7. It is the distance or area between, around, above, below, and within objects.
A. Line B. Form C. Shape D. Balance
______ 8. It is an element of art that refers to an object with three dimensions.
A. Space B. Line C. Form D. Texture
______ 9. It is the two-dimensional figure enclosed by a line.
A. Variety B. Space C. Harmony D. Balance
______ 10. It is a mark made by a moving point.
A. Unity B. Line C. Variety D. Space
I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.
______ 1. It is the ability of the body to change and control its direction while moving at a rapid pace.
a. cardiovascular fitness b. agility c. speed d. reaction time
______2. It refers to the range of movements that the body’s joints are able to do.
a. power b. agility c. flexibility d. speed
______ 3. It is the ability of the heart and the circulatory system to supply oxygen to working muscles
during exercise.
a. cardiovascular fitness b. agility c. speed d. coordination
______ 4. It refers to the relative percentage of body fat compared to lean body mass.
a. body composition b. power c. speed d. coordination
______ 5. It is the ability of a muscle group to continue working over an extended period of time without
experiencing fatigue.
a. muscular endurance b. balance c. flexibility d. agility
______ 6. It refers to the amount of time it takes to respond to stimuli.
a. cardiovascular fitness b. agility c. speed d. reaction time
______ 7. It is the ability to use the senses while moving the different parts of the body at the same time.
a. muscular strength b. coordination c. flexibility d. power
______ 8. It is the ability to move the body or parts of the body swiftly or rapidly.
a. speed b. balance c. agility d. power
______ 9. It refers to the amount of force that can be produced by the muscles against an opposing force.
a. muscular strength b. coordination c. power d. flexibility
______ 5. It is the ability to maintain an upright posture while standing still or moving.
a. flexibility b. balance c. speed d. coordination
II. Make your own physical activity pyramid with two examples of activity in each level. (8 pts.)
II. Identify the nutrients present in each food. Choose your answer from the box below. Write only the
letter of your answer on the space provided.