PT - Mathematics 5 - Q3

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Third Quarter Examination in Mathematics V

Name: ___________________________________________________________ Section: ______________________

Teacher: _________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. Change 100 into decimal number.

A. 0.33 B. 3.3 C. 3.30 D. 3.33

_____2. The school garden is about 25% of the total land area of the school. How will you write 25% in
A. 2.5 B. 0.25 C. 2.50 D. 0 .25%
_____3. What do you call the underlined digit in this mathematical sentence, 25% of 8 = 2?
A. base B. rate C. percentage D. ratio
_____4. Express 0.4 in percent.
A. 0.4% B. 4% C. 40% D. 4.0%
_____5. 12 is 40% of 30, which of these represents the percentage?
A. 40% B. 12 C. 30 D. 1.2
_____6. Express 2/3 in decimal form.
A. 0.12 B. 0.16 C. 0.66 D. 0.60
_____7. 25% of 900 = 225; 25% is called____
A. Rate B. percentage C. base D. percent
_____8. 35% of 60 is N: what is N?
A. 12 B. 21 C. 31 D. 13
_____9. What is asked in this mathematical problem, 32 is what percent of 80?
A. base B. rate C. percentage D. proportion
_____10. Two of the 50 pieces of tomatoes in a basket are rotten. This is 4% of all the tomatoes in the
basket. Which is the rate?
A. 2 B. 4% C. 48 D. 50
_____11. 25% of what number is 12?
A. 0.021 B. 2.083 C. 3 D. 48
_____12. Marco, a basketball player, usually scores 80% of his field shots. If he attempted 40 field shots
during the game, how many did he score?
A. 0.02 B. 2 C. 8 D. 32
_____13. James’ grade in Math increased by 15%. If his last grade is 80, what is his grade now?
A. 82 B. 85 C. 88 D. 92
_____14. There are 45 pupils in a class. 40 pupils are present. What percent of the class are absent?
A. 8% B. 11% C. 89% D. 90%

_____15. A polygon with eight sides is called____?

A. Pentagon B. hexagon C. heptagon D. octagon

A. Octagon B. nonagon C. decagon D. dodecagon

_____17. A pentagon whose sides measures 5cm is ______ polygon.
A. Regular B. irregular C. congruent D. not equal
_____18. A polygon shows a ______ polygon.
A. Regular B. irregular C. congruent D. not equal
_____19. Which of these is a hexagon.
A. B. C. D.

_____20. What figure shows a polygon?

A. B. C. D.

_____21. Which of these are congruent polygon?

A. B. C. D.

_____22. Which shows congruent to this triangle

A. B. C. D.

_____23. What do you call the endpoints where the sides of a polygon meet?
A. angle B. line segments C. vertices D. corner
_____24. What do you call a polygon with twelve sides?
A. heptagon B. nonagon C. hendecagon D. dodecagon
_____25. Polygons are classified according to __________________.
A. line segments B. vertices C. corners D. number of sides
_____26. What do you call the polygons with equal sides?
A. regular polygons C. irregular polygons
B. congruent polygons D. similar polygons

_____27. What do you call the polygons with the same size and shape?
A. regular polygons C. irregular polygons
B. congruent polygons D. similar polygons
_____28. Which of the following statements DO NOT describe similar polygons?
A. They have exactly the same shape.
B. The corresponding interior angles are the same.
C. The corresponding sides of each polygon are in the same proportion.
D. The corresponding sides of each polygon have different measurement of sides.

Study the figure. (for items 29-32)


_______29. Base on the figure above, which polygons are congruent?
A. B and C B. G and H C. B and E D. B and I

_____30. What polygon can you form by combining B, C and D?

A. hexagon B. octagon C. nonagon D. decagon

_____31. Which of the following DOES NOT form a pentagon?

A. A, B and C B. F, G and H C. D and E D. C and D

_____32. What do you call a closed plane figure that is not made up of line segments?
A. triangle B. circle C. octagon D. sphere

_____33. How do we name a circle?

A. by its radius B. by its diameter C. by its center D. by its side

Study the figure. (for items 34-37)

E 7.5 cm


_____34. What do you call line segment N?

A. radius B. diameter C. secant D. tangent

_____35. What do you call the distance from point R to point M?

A. radius B. diameter C. secant D. tangent
_____36. What is the diameter of the circle?
A. 7.5 cm B. 14.10 cm C. 15 cm D. 22.5 cm
_____37. What do you call the instrument that is used in drawing circles?
A. ruler B. compass C. protractor D. triangle
_____38. These are three dimensional figure made up of plane figure whose all sides are joined
together to form a close figure.
A. polygons B. circles C. prisms D. solid figures
_____39. A solid figure with two circular bases, no edges and no vertices.
A. cone B. cylinder C. pyramid D. sphere
_____40. A solid figure with a circular base and one vertex.
A. cone B. cylinder C. pyramid D. sphere
_____41. How many faces a cube has?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

_____42. A solid figure two triangular faces and polygonal base.

A. triangular prism B. triangular pyramid C. cube D. rectangular prism
_____43. A sardine’s can is an example of _______.
A. cone B. cylinder C. prism D. pyramid
_____44. What solid figure resembles this object?
A. cone B. cube C. cylinder D. sphere

_____45. Which of these objects is an example of rectangular prism?

A. shoe box B. dice C. ball D. funnel
_____46. A solid figure with a circular base and one vertex.
A. cone B. cylinder C. pyramid D. sphere
_____47. What is the missing term in this number sequence 2, 4, 12, ____, 240?
A. 14 B. 24 C. 48 D. 60
_____48. Find the missing term in this number sequence 82, 81, 78, ____, 66?
A. 69 B. 73 C. 75 D. 76
_____49. Which solid figure is represented by the object?

A. cone B. prism C. rectangular prism D. rectangular pyramid

_____50. What is the rule in this number sequence 2, 8, 26, 80, 242?
A. x3, + 2 B. +6 C. +2, x4 D. +6, x 2


An honest zero is better than a stolen one hundred,

An honest seventy five is much better than a stolen one hundred,
An honest one hundred with nothing stolen is the BEST.


Key To Corrections

1. A 16. D 31. B 46. A

2. B 17. A 32. A 47. C
3. B 18. A 33. C 48. C
4. C 19. A 34. D 49. D
5. B 20. D 35. B 50. A
6. C 21. A 36. C
7. A 22. A 37. B
8. B 23. C 38. D
9. B 24. D 39. B
10. B 25. D 40. A
11. D 26. A 41. C
12. D 27. B 42. A
13. D 28. D 43. B
14. C 29. D 44. C
15. D 30. A 45. A
Answer Key

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. D
21. B
22. C
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. D
27. B
28. A
29. C
30. C
31. B
32. C
33. C
34. D

35. 30 MINUTES
36. 1 HOUR
37. 5 PEOPLE
40. 200.00
41. 4 HOURS
42. 11:55 AM
43. 2 HOURS & 15 MINS.
44. 34.54 INCHES
45. 106.76 INCHES
46. 27 CIRCLES

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