Talk Series Winter Spring 2020

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Fulwood Free Methodist Church

Talks Series - Winter/Spring 2020

Sunday Mornings - 12th January 2020 to 16th February 2020
Conversations with Christians are one of the most important influences in
bringing people to faith. This series will inspire you to share your faith and will
give you practical suggestions to help you to be natural and relevant as you
talk about Jesus with the people you meet.
This series is accompanied by video and group discussion material that will be
used in home groups as we explore TALKING JESUS together.
Sunday Evenings - 12th January 2020 to 22nd March 2020
Jesus told many parables, stories that had a deep meaning. They mean a lot
to us today, but what did they mean to the people who heard them first?
These people didn’t live in Preston in 2020 though, they lived in Israel 2000
years ago, they saw these stories through middle eastern eyes.
12th January 2020
Morning: Everyone Talking Jesus | Mark 8:27-29
Ian Clarkson
Evening: The Parable of the good Samaritan | Luke 10:25-37
Andrew Gardner
19th January 2020
Morning: Talking Jesus - Found | Luke 15:1-7
Andrew Gardner
Evening: The Parable of the Pharisee & the Tax collector | Luke 18:9-14
Ian Clarkson
26th January 2020
Morning: Talking Jesus - Living Distinctively | Colossians 4:2-6
Lawrence Davie
Evening: The parable of the rich fool | Luke 12:13-21
Andrew Gardner
2nd February 2020
Morning: Talking Jesus - Sharing Your Story | John 9:8-25
Rachel Gardner
Evening: John Sainsbury
9th February 2020
Morning: Talking Jesus - Mission like the Messiah | John 4:1-42
Rebecca Parkinson
Evening: The Parable of the Noble Vineyard owner and His Son | Luke 20:9-
Lawrence Davie
16th February 2020
Morning: Talking Jesus - Go on Talking Jesus | Acts 3:3-39
Dave Sewell
Evening: The parable of the serving master | Luke 12:35-38
Ian Clarkson
23rd February 2020
Morning: Reuben - The man who might have been | Proverbs14:12
Ian Higginbotham
Evening: Parable of the unjust steward | Luke 16:1-8
Andrew Gardner
1st March 2020
Morning: All Age Communion
Dave Sewell
Evening: The parable of the pounds | Luke 19:11-27
Lawrence Davie
8th March 2020
Morning: TBC
Evening: The parable of the two builders | Luke 6:46-49
Our Young People
15th March 2020
Morning: Andrew Gardner
Evening: The Parable of the compassionate employer | Matthew 20:1-16
Ian Clarkson
22nd March 2020
Morning: Jason Buckler
Evening: Parable of the great banquet | Luke 14:15-24
Andrew Gardner
29th March 2020
Morning: Andrew Gardner
Evening: Jill Duff
5th April 2020
Morning: Palm Sunday
Ian Clarkson
Evening: Ian Higginbotham
12th April 2020
Morning: Easter Sunday
Andrew Gardner
Evening: Dan Feeny
19th April 2020
Morning: Lawrence Davie
Evening: Ian Clarkson
26th April 2020
Morning: Global Partnerships Sunday
Global Partnerships Team
Evening: Andrew Gardner

Fulwood Free Methodist Church, Lightfoot Lane, Preston

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