Jurnal Injeksi Subkutan
Jurnal Injeksi Subkutan
Jurnal Injeksi Subkutan
Objective: Bruising that result from heparin injections increases patients’ anxiety and reduces their
confidence in nurses’ efficiency, resulting in refusal to further injections This undesired effect can be
diminished using the proper technique and taking a few simple measures. This study aimed to
examine the effect of applying pressure for a minute on bruising in subcutaneous heparin injection.
Methods: The study, experimental study with a control group, was conducted at an orthopedic clinic.
The sample consisted of 49 patients who agreed to participate in this study and to whom heparin was
injected subcutaneously. Experimental and control practices were performed on the abdominal area of
the same patient using the same amount of heparin. The study data were collected using an
information form, subcutaneous heparin observation form, and Opsite Flexigrid assessment tool. The
data analysis was performed using percentage distribution, chi-square test, and Fisher’s exact test.
Results: This study found that bruising occurred significantly (p < 0,05) less in the area on which
pressure was applied for a minute using dry cotton compared with the area where pressure was
applied for a short time.
Conclusions: Applying pressure on the injection area for a minute following a subcutaneous heparin
injection reduced the development rate of bruising. Thus, the study concluded that this method was
effective in preventing the formation of bruising in subcutaneous heparin injection practices.
development rates of bruising between the practice, this rate was 50% in the control
experimental and control practices (p <0.05) practice. The development rate of moderate-
(Table 2). sized bruising was 72% in the experimental
The sizes of bruising were practice and 36% in the control practice.
examined, and no significant difference was Although large bruising developed in all
found between the experimental and control hours of the control practice within the first
practices. However, the sizes of the practice, they did not develop in the
numerical values were found to range experimental practice. Regarding the second
(Table 3). Although small bruising practice, the development rate of large
developed in 28% of the patients in the bruising seen in the control practice was
experimental practice 24 h after the first found to be higher (Table 3).
How to cite this article: ÇİT N, ŞENTURAN L. Pressure application to prevent bruising in
subcutaneous heparin injection. Int J Health Sci Res. 2018; 8(4):159-165.