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Submitted by:
Elma grace s. dalida

Submitted to:
Dr. junrey P. Petere,phd.
Teacher’s Commitment and Dedication to Student Learning


Teachers are distinguished by their commitment to achievement of their students.

Commitment is an essential element of successful teaching. Committed teachers are concerned
with the development of their students and they profoundly struggle how to keep students’
learning. They cultivate student’s curiosity and interest in learning. Showing commitment to
student learning can be an important factor in motivating students. Committed teachers recognize
and endeavor to fulfill their responsibilities to their students. The degree of loyalty of committed
teachers have, toward their profession is one of their distinguished characters. Teachers, who are
engage in their profession and committed to students and their learning play crucial role in
development of students.


Passion matters in that it motivates and inspires the teachers. Passion is a motivational
factor that affects teacher’s performance. It drives the teachers for a better student
accomplishment. Passionate teachers create an effective learning environment and increase
learning potential of students. Passion leads to creativity; therefore, passionate teachers have the
ability to think and produce new notions in an easy way. Passionate teachers are committed and
dedicated to their schools and a good education achievement is an outcome of this commitment
and dedication.
Teacher Commitment and Dedication to Student Learning

Teacher’s commitment has been identified as one of the most critical factors for the
future success of education and school Hubert (1993). Teacher commitment is closely
connected to teachers’ work performance and their ability to innovate and integrate new ideas
into their own practice.

“Those who feel the call to teach, who sense teaching is a profoundly meaningful past of
their life, have a passion for teaching”. Garrison, Liston (2004). Passion simply is defined as :
“a strong inclination or desire towards an activity that one likes and finds important and in
which one lives invests time and energy” Fernet & Guay (2008). Fried (2001) defines a
passionate teacher as : “ someone in love with field of knowledge, deeply stirred by issues and
ideas that change our world, drawn to the dilemmas and potentials of the young people who
come into class everyday . For a high quality student learning passion is indispensable. Olson
(2003) states that “when we discover and explore our passions about teaching and learning, and
began to share them with others, doors are opened, and the possibilities are endless. One of the
most important factors in the development of passion for teaching is teachers’ ongoing
commitment and dedication to students and learning. Passionate teachers are fiercely devoted to
their work and greatly inspire their students. “The strength of any profession depends upon the
degree of commitment of its members. Teaching is no exception” Fox (1999). It is widely
accepted that distinguish feature that teachers have is, their dedication , perseverance and
commitment to the development of student achievement. According to Kushman (1989) and
Rosenbelt (1992) in their studies put forward the relationship between teacher commitment and
student achievement. Fried( 2001) supporting this idea states that there is a strong connection
between passionate teaching and the quality of student learning and explains the reason as :

1. If students know that teachers get immersed in their subjects and sets high standards for
students, they take their studies more seriously. At this point, teaching ceases to be a job
done by force and turn into an inspiration for students.
2. There is a little chance of building a relationship based on the respect and trust between
teacher and student unless a collaborative learning environment and willingness to take
risks are not created.
3. Students will not have motivation to learn as long as they do not have a clear idea of how
to apply things they have learn to their own lives.

Teachers know that it is their role to encourage students for an active learning and concern
themselves with promoting students’ intellectual and moral development. Teachers with
passionate, work with enthusiasm, their dedication and commitment increase, and they
believe in the importance of their job. “ There are strong empirical grounds for believing that
teachers can and do make a difference and that consistent high quality teaching, supported by
strategic professional development, can and does deliver dramatic improvements in student
learning. Commitment to teaching contributes to teachers’ behaviors, attitudes, perceptions
and performance” Thapan (2003).

Committed teachers have a tendency to perform the role effectively that their job
requires and established a good teacher-student relationship in accordance with the professional
values. This approach facilitates student learning and development of terminal behaviors.
However, in the clash of the career goals and values, and the goals of school, the importance of
dedication and commitment increases. The basic goals and values to teaching profession
effectively shape student behavior change in accordance with the principles of education

Fried (2001) states that teacher passionate can be seen in three different areas:

1. Teachers may be passionate about their own subject knowledge.

2. Teachers may be passionate towards events developing in the world.
3. Teachers may have a passion for children.

Commitment to the institution in education manifest itself in identifying with the school,
like feeling like a part of the school, and being loyal to school. In successful schools teachers
have commitment to school as well as their profession. Commitment form a basis, propulsive
force, and resource in restricting.
Education researchers list some characteristic of committed teachers and principals for their
organization as Balci (1993):

1. Teachers constantly should talk about developing teaching approaches.

2. Teachers and principals should continuously observe each other’s performance, and
evaluate their own performances through this observation.
3. Teachers and principal should supply education materials.
4. Teachers and principal should help each other with development of teaching approaches.

Another factor that contributes to teachers’ commitment and dedication is administrative

implementation. Compatible administrative implementation strengthens teachers’ commitment.
The desire of the teachers spending more time at school, making more effort for school
achievement, approving compatibility of administration are among contributing causes of
commitment and dedication to school.

Among the factors that decide teachers’ commitment and dedication degree are:
interaction between teachers, teachers-student relationship, the quality of the work teachers do at
school the compatibility of the school administration. Teachers who have commitment to school
display such attitudes as: being proud of the school he works for, evoking a desire to work
harder, being interested in the future of the school.

Fried (2001) list the ten basic characteristic of the passionate teacher as:

1. Likes working with young people, and takes an interest in knowledge and ideas.
2. That students lack knowledge and skills cannot be an excuse to decrease his feeling of
compassion for them.
3. Cares about students.
4. Is aware about world issues, and current events in the classroom and effectively reflect
them in his /her works at school.
5. Is serious and had sense of humor.
6. Tolerates absurd and meaningless things that students exhibit in their behavior but at the
same time critical and very attentive to manners that students must have.
7. Avoids condemning ideas of unpopular and young people and attempts to create a culture
of mutual respect.
8. Takes risks; therefore, as much as any person makes mistakes but derives lessons from
mistakes rather than ignore them.
9. Endeavors to establish and maintain learning environment where student can learn from
their mistakes.
10. Takes his /her mission seriously and reflect his ideas and beliefs clearly.

Croswell and Elliot (2001) state that teacher commitment is multi-dimensional and some
external factors may influence commitment degree:

1. The school or organization

2. Students
3. Career continuance
4. Professional knowledge base
5. The teaching profession

What makes a Teacher great?

Fried(2001) point out what makes a teacher great is “This caring about ideas and values,
this fascination with the potential for growth within people, this fervor about doing things well
and striving for excellence”.

Teachers’ are distinguished by their commitment to the achievement of their students.

Commitment is the essential element of successful teaching. Committed teachers are concerned
with the development of their students and struggle how to keep students learning. They cultivate
curiosity and interest in learning. Showing commitment to student learning can be an important
factor in motivating them. Being a committed teacher they recognized and endeavor to fulfill
their responsibilities to their students. Teachers who engaged in their profession and committed
to students and their learning, play a crucial role in development of students. Passion matters that
it motivates and inspires the teachers. Passion is a motivational factor that affects teachers
performance. It drives the teachers for better student accomplishment. Passionate teachers create
an effective learning environment and increase learning potential of students. Passion leads to
creativity; therefore, passionate teachers have the ability to think and produce new notions in an
easy way. Passionate teachers are committed and dedicated to their schools and a good education
achievement is an outcome of this commitment and dedication. Committed teachers have a
tendency to perform the roles effectively that their job requires and to establish a good teacher-
student relationship in accordance with the professional values. This approach facilitates
student learning and development of terminal behaviors.

The basic goals and values of teaching profession effectively shape student behavior
change in accordance with the principles of education. As a good teachers weave the fabric that
joins them with students and subjects, the heart is the loom on which the threads are tied.
Teaching tugs at the heart, opens the heart, even breaks the heart- and the more one loves
teaching, the more heart- breaking it can be. We became teachers for reasons of the heart,
animated by a passion for some subject and for helping people to learn. But many of us lose
heart as the year of teaching go by. Courage in teaching is the courage to keep one’s heart open
in those very moments when the heart is asked to hold more than it is able , so that teacher and
students and subject can be woven into fabric of community that learning, and living, require.
There are no techniques for reclaiming our hearts, for keeping our hearts open.

Indeed, the fulfillment of the teacher is in the heart that does not seek “fixes” but love,
insight and understanding. When we lose heart, we need an understanding of our condition that
will liberate us from that condition , a diagnosis that will lead us to- ward new ways of being in
the classroom simply by telling the truth about who we are. Willingness for changes : great
teachers always search for continuous professional development. They always desire to be a
good teacher and seek to enhance the effectiveness of teaching. Hansen writes : A teacher who
really “ knows and believes” that teaching is worthwhile will likely conduct him or herself
differently from a teacher who has lost faith in the endeavor or who resorts to expendiency in the
face of challenge.

Truth, not technique, is what heals and empowers the heart of a PASSIONATE TEACHER
that brings fulfillment to our earthly lives. “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative
expression and knowledge.” Albert Einstein

Great teachers are those who are make great changes in our lives. Their beliefs and
vigorous actions, motivations make us realize our inner values. Passion contributes a teachers
motivation and performance. A passionate teacher can gives effect on student achievement.
There is a strong correlation between passionate teaching and successful student learning.
Commitment, sense of adherence is a key factor that influences learning process of students.


Guay & Fernet .,(2008) The role of passion for teaching in intrapersonal and interpersonal
outcomes; journal education Psychology

Elliot B. & Crosswell, L.,(2001) Commitment to teaching : Perspective on the interplays of the
professional and personal in teachers’ lives.: journal education European research

Fried, R. L..,(2001) The passionate teacher: A practical guide; journal of education Beacon pres.

Garrison, J. & Liston, D. (2004) Teaching, learning, and loving . new york : Teachers college

Olson, D. L.,(2003) Principles, impracticality, and passion. Phi Delta Kappan

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