JANE S FIGHTING STARSHIPS Babylon 5 Earth Alliance

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Babylon 5:
Earth Alliance
Credits and Thanks
Original FULL THRUST designed and written by: Jon Tuffley
CROSS DIMENSIONS developed by: Hugh Fisher
THE GAME SPACE of Pensacola, Florida: without whose generous support and encouragement this work would not be pos-
Thanks to Star Ranger for creating the original SSDs, the Gang at Emerald Coast Skunk Works for their diligence in
editing this, and everyone who contributed ideas or feedback, and to Jon Tuffley and GZG for permission to distribute this
book and for his most gracious support. This version would not exist without the earlier inspiration and hard work of Jon
Tuffley and all the previous contributors to FULL THRUST.
This publication has been produced as a free, non-commercial project with the agreement of Ground Zero
Games. All original text and rules taken from GZG’s Full Thrust rules and supplements are copyright of Jon Tuffley and
GZG, additional new material is by Emerald Coast Skunk Works.
None of the original Full Thrust material used in this publication may be re-used or further modified in any form
without the express permission of Jon Tuffley and GZG. Full Thrust is a trademark of Ground Zero Games, and is used here
with permission.
Owners of this publication are hereby granted permission to print any required System Status Displays or record
sheets for personal use only.
All artwork and images in this book were found on the internet and are assumed to be in the public domain how-
ever they are property of their creators and in no way is claimed by the producers.


All schematic images courtesy of

A Brief History on the Earth Alliance:
The Earth Alliance was founded in 2085 by the countries of Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland,
the Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States in the aftermath of World War III to replace the ineffectual United
Nations. The founding nations also made a strong attempt to explore space by setting up bases on the moon and a colony on Mars by 2090.

After making first contact with the Centauri, the Earth Alliance saw massive growth. With technology purchased from the Centauri
(chiefly with artistic and cultural items), the Alliance was able to technologically advance hundreds of years in just a few dec-
ades. Humans began establishing footholds in other star systems. After the expansion brought Earth into conflict with a number of alien races,
a military organization called EarthForce was created by the Alliance to protect Earth and her colonies from alien attack. In 2231, in response
to pleas for help from the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, the Earth Alliance became a galactic superpower when it declared war on
the Dilgar.

After the war with the Dilgar, the Earth Alliance continued to expand until 2245, when first contact was made with the Minbari, in
which a cultural misunderstanding ended in disaster. Misinterpreting a sign of respect for a hostile act, an Earthforce ship opened fire on a
Minbari cruiser, unleashing a war raged on for almost three years until mankind was beaten back to its home solar system. The last battle of
the war was the Battle of the Line, where on the verge of total victory over the Earth Alliance, the Minbari abruptly surrendered under myste-
rious circumstances.

In the years after the Earth-Minbari War, the Earth Alliance began a massive effort to rebuild its military strength. Great emphasis
was placed upon the development of new and improved weapons and warships. By 2257 a planetary defense grid protected the Earth; the
defense grid consisted of orbital platforms armed with anti-ship missiles, particle-beam cannons, and plasma energy cannons. Additionally,
larger and more powerful warships, such as the new Omega-class De-
stroyers, were built, and a new class of fighter was developed that was
faster and better-armed than the older versions, and which could fly into a
planetary atmosphere as well as space. The Earth Alliance also hoped to
prevent another war by starting the Babylon Project.

The first three Babylon stations were sabotaged or destroyed by

anti-alien terrorists from Earth. The Babylon 4 station was successfully
built, but it mysteriously vanished just a few hours before coming on-
line. Finally, the Babylon 5 station was built and opened in 2257 to inter-
stellar commerce and diplomacy.

Despite the attempts at reaching common ground with other

races, an increasing number of xenophobic groups sprouted up all over
the Earth Alliance. Groups such as Homeguard began to attack aliens. Secretly aided by the Psi Corps and the Shadows, Vice Presi-
dent Morgan Clark devised a plan to assassinate President Luis Santiago. In 2258 Santiago was killed when Earthforce One exploded at the
transfer point by Io. Shortly after this, Clark assumed the office of the President of the Earth Alliance. With an increasing hand in policy,
the Ministry of Peace and its enforcement arm, Nightwatch soon began to weed out people who were not completely loyal to Clark and his
administration. The Earth Alliance continued to take a turn towards an Orwellian-esque government.

In 2260 Commander Susan Ivanova, B5's executive officer, uncovered solid proof that Clark had planned and participated in Presi-
dent Santiago's death. When this evidence was presented to the Earth Senate, Clark suddenly declared martial law and suspended the Earth
Alliance Constitution, using an attack on an EarthForce research facility as cause to enact such orders. Now a dictator in all but name, Clark
disbanded the Earth Senate, placed military troops in charge of all the Earth's major cities, crushed any open opposition, and seized control of
the news media, such as the Interstellar Network News. He used the news media to spread propaganda supporting his views and to broadcast
the lie that he declared martial law to prevent aliens from taking control of the Earth. Such traditional rights as freedom of speech, freedom of
the press, and free elections were all abolished by Clark.

General William Hague, the Chairman of the Earthforce Joint Chiefs of Staff, soon
suspected a conspiracy around Santiago's death. This group soon began to expand, as many
within started to become skeptical of the events surrounding the death of the President. Evi-
dence was presented to the Earth Senate and coupled with the alien sighting at Ganymede,
Clark declared martial law throughout Earth Central, citing threats to Earth security. Shortly
afterwards he issued an executive order disbanding the Senate, then when the Senators refused
to cooperate, his elite guard opened fire on the Senate building. Meanwhile, Hague and a num-
ber of ships rebelled and went on the run, though Hague himself was later killed in action.

On Mars, the provisional government refused to carry out the martial law order. In
response, Clark ordered the bombing of civilian targets on the Mars Colony, which in turn
prompted the colonies at Proxima III and Orion VII to break away from the Alliance. In an
effort to prevent this from going public, the administration took control of the Interstellar Net-
work News, though not before a brief stellar cast was made, telling people of the secessions
before they could pull the plug. At the same time, an Earthforce task force was diverted to Babylon 5 with orders to arrest the command staff
and put the station under the control of Nightwatch. Babylon 5 joined with Orion VII and Proxima III and declared itself an independent
state. The EAS Churchill and EAS Alexander joined Babylon 5 in repelling the assault. The Churchill was destroyed during the engagement
and the Loyalist forces were eventually only turned back by the appearance of three Minbari warcruisers, led by Delenn aboard the White
Early in the following year, Clark ordered that Babylon 5 be added to the forbidden list for trade and travel, setting up a blockade
and embargo to isolate the station from the Earth Alliance. Warships loyal to Clark opened fire on civilians trying to escape, killing thou-
sands. Sheridan took a fleet of White Stars to Proxima and liberated the colony. As the fleet advanced, more ships would defect to Sheridan's
side and join the fight against Clark.

The fleet of defecting Earth Alliance ships traveled to Mars to fight an assembled Clark-loyal fleet commanded by General Robert
Leftcourt. With the help of cybernetically modified telepaths, the Clark-loyal fleet of over 30 Omega class destroyers was disabled, thus al-
lowing Sheridan to head straight for Earth without having to fight. After this, the fleet arrived at Earth and destroyed the weapons platforms
that Clark had turned towards Earth in an attempt to destroy the entire population.
Although this was not without losses, as many ships where destroyed to the Earth
planet defense grid. Clark committed suicide and Susanna Luchenko of
the Russian Consortium was named the new President of the Earth Alliance.
Shortly after this, Mars was granted its independence.

President Luchenko and the newly reformed democratic government of

the Earth Alliance joined the Interstellar Alliance in 2262 not long after its initial
formation by John Sheridan and Delenn. The deal was that Earth would join if she
allowed Mars' independence and withdrew all troops from the rebellious colonies
that wished to remain independent after the civil war and Earth would receive arti-
ficial gravity technology from the Minbari upon entrance to the Alliance. By 2267
Earth had gained enough access to advanced technology to take part in a joint re-
search and development program with the Minbari for a large scale tactical war-
ship. The results were the Warlock class destroyer and the Victory class destroyer.

In that year the Drakh attacked Earth, but their attack failed and their forces destroyed. However the Drakh were successful in start-
ing a serious plague that would kill all humans on Earth within 5 years if not stopped. The Alliance then loaned out the use of the surviving
Victory class prototype the IAS Excalibur to the Earth Alliance to help find a cure to the plague.

For “Fluff purposes”, you can separate your fleet based on the era of the Earth Alliance:
—Early Years (2220-2249) covers the formation of Earth Force up to the end of the Earth-Minbari War.
—Dawn of the Third Age (2250-2266) covers the recovery from the Earth-Minbari War, the building of
the Babylon stations, the Babylon 5 series & movies up to..
—Crusade Era (2267+) is the era during the Crusade Series and beyond.

Early Years (2220-2249): Crusade Era (2267+):

Artemis-class Frigate Apollo-class Cruiser (and variants)
Avenger-class Heavy Carrier Chronos-class Attack Frigate
Hermes-class Transport Delphi-class Advanced Scout (and variants)
Hyperion-class Cruiser (and variants) The Excalibur Destroyer
Nova-class Dreadnaught Hermes-class Transport
Olympus-class Corvette (and variants) Hyperion-class Cruiser (and variants)
Oracle-class Scout Cruiser (and variants) Marathon-class Advanced Cruiser
Orestes-class System Monitor Omega-class Destroyer
Sagittarius-class Cruiser Poseidon-class Super Carrier
Tethys-class Cutter Warlock-class Advanced Destroyer

Dawn of the Third Age (2250-2266):

Artemis-class Frigate
Avenger-class Heavy Carrier
Hermes-class Transport
Hyperion-class Cruiser (and variants)
Nova-class Dreadnaught
Olympus-class Corvette (and variants)
Omega-class Destroyer
Oracle-class Scout Cruiser (and variants)
Poseidon-class Super Carrier
Warlock-class Advanced Destroyer
Special Rules:
Battle Riders:
Most older Earth ships don’t come with Jump Engines *Note on the rules used: This fleet book was written with
(FTL). To compensate for this in the NPV calculation, the Full Thrust: Continuum rules in mind. The carriers all
the points cost of the FTL is added onto any ship with- have Launch Tubes/Flight Deck icons associated with the
out FTL. This is denoted by the (+ X BR) on the NPV hangars. If your group does not use these then simply dis-
value. regard them. Many SSDs also have a note about using ‘0’
Mass ADFCs. Again if your group does not use this rule
Fire Arcs: feel free to disregard this upgrade.
The design, construction, and physics of many weapons
limits their effective arcs. While some weapons can be Earth Alliance Ships are not subject to the ‘Critical Hits on
mounted in such a way that they can fire in any direc- Hangar Bays’ rule. Their carrier bays have more compart-
tions, most are limited in their field of fire. There are six mentalization than most are willing to incorporate into
60-degree arcs around a ship. These are normally situat- their designs.
ed so that the front 60-degree arc faces directly forward,
extending 30- degrees to either side of the centerline. Tips for printing these SSDs: These SSDs are formatted to
This is known as the front arc. To left and right are the fit on letter sized paper. Just print as “Portrait” orientation,
left-forward and right- forward arcs. Behind them are and fold the paper in half and you are ready.
the left-rear and right-rear arcs. Directly behind the ship
is the rear arc. This is called the Alpha orientation and
is considered the ‘default’ for most ships.

Fire arcs can be offset by 30 degrees. This is most often

done in ships configured for broadside-combat, as op-
posed to front-assault combat. This is called the Beta
EA Apollo class Bombardment Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Apollo class Bombardment Cruiser

In Service: 2267+
TMF: 120
NPV: 448

MISSILES Twin Particle Array

Range 24 MU 2 Beam Dice out to 24 mu
Salvo: D6 in salvo, D6 DP each May be used as PDS limited to arcs of

PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Apollo class Strike Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Apollo class Strike Cruiser

In Service: 2267+
TMF: 120
NPV: 475

Standard Range K-Gun Beam Batteries

6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
If hit scored, roll again; roll GREATER Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor,
than K-gun class = DP equal to all reroll damage is on hull.
class, roll LESS THAN OR EQUAL to PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
class = DP equal to class x 2. Natu- or missile (reroll on 6).
ral roll of 6 is always =DP. First DP Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
on armor, remainder penetrates. Class 3 Battery 3 2 1

Twin Particle Array

2 Beam Dice out to 24 mu PDS (Point Defense System)
May be used as PDS limited to arcs of Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
turret Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and re-
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Artemis class Heavy Frigate

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Artemis Class Heavy Frigate

In Service: 2190+
TMF: 70
NPV: 268+ 14 BR

Standard Range K-Gun Beam Batteries

6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6 Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
If hit scored, roll again; roll GREATER Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor,
than K-gun class = DP equal to all reroll damage is on hull.
class, roll LESS THAN OR EQUAL to PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
class = DP equal to class x 2. Natu- or missile (reroll on 6).
ral roll of 6 is always =DP. First DP Dice at range: 0-12
on armor, remainder penetrates. Class 1 Battery 1

PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and re-
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Avenger class Heavy Carrier

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Avenger class Heavy Carrier

In Service: 2240-2266
TMF: 100
NPV: 470

PDS (Point Defense System) Beam Batteries

Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all
reroll damage is on hull.
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 1 Battery 1
Class 2 Battery 2 1
EA Chronos class Attack Frigate

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Chronos class Attack Frigate

In Service: 2268+
TMF: 50
NPV: 192

GRASERS Semi Armor Piercing Beam Batteries

Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36 Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Class 1 Battery 1 Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
Class 2 Battery 2 1 Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor,
Hit damage all reroll damage is on hull.
Damage is D3 per hit. PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
PDS (Point Defense System) Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile Class 1 Battery 1
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Delphi class Frigate

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Delphi class Frigate

In Service: 2268+
TMF: 80
NPV: 306

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all reroll
reroll damage is on hull. Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1 Twin Particle Array
2 Beam Dice out to 24 mu
May be used as PDS limited to arcs of
EA Delphi class Advanced Scout

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Delphi class Advanced Scout

In Service: 2268+
TMF: 80
NPV: 318

ADS (Area Defense System) ADFC (Area Defense Fire Control)

12MU range, fires twice at 6MU. Against Fight- Allows ship to share PDS/ADS with
ers or SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, any friendly ship within 6mu
4-5 kills ONE fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and
allows a reroll (reroll kills are same as for first
die roll).
Twin Particle Array
2 Beam Dice out to 24 mu
May be used as PDS limited to arcs of
EA Hermes class Transport

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Hermes class Transport

In Service 2168+
TMF: 50
NPV: 189

MISSILES Beam Batteries

Range 24 MU Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Salvo: D6 in salvo, D6 DP each Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
Penetrating—All initial damage is on ar-
mor, all reroll damage is on hull.
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
PDS (Point Defense System)
or missile (reroll on 6).
Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Dice at range: 0-12
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Class 1 Battery 1
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Hyperion class Assault Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Hyperion class Assault Cruiser

In Service: 2230+
TMF: 90
NPV: 390

PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles
and reroll
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage

ADFC (Area Defense Fire Control)

Allows ship to share PDS/ADS with any
friendly ship within 6mu
EA Hyperion class Heavy Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Hyperion class Heavy Cruiser

In Service: 2246+
TMF: 90
NPV: 321

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all reroll
reroll damage is on hull. Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 1 Battery 1
Class 2 Battery 2 1
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1
EA Marathon class Advanced Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Marathon class Advanced Cruiser

In Service: 2266+
TMF: 120
NPV: 476

GRASERS Semi Armor Piercing Beam Batteries

Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36 Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Class 1 Battery 1 Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
Class 2 Battery 2 1 Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor,
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1 all reroll damage is on hull.
Hit damage PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
Damage is D3 per hit. or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24
PDS (Point Defense System) Class 1 Battery 1 2
Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Nova class Dreadnought

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Nova class Dreadnought

In Service: 2241+
TMF: 130
NPV: 488

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all reroll
reroll damage is on hull. Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24
Class 2 Battery 2 1
EA Olympus class Corvette

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd Turn 8 Spd

EA Olympus class Corvette

In Service: 2202-2265
TMF: 30
NPV: 105 + 6 BR

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
all reroll damage is on hull.
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one
fighter or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24
Class 1 Battery 1
Class 2 Battery 2 1
EA Olympus class Escort Corvette

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd Turn 8 Spd

EA Olympus class Escort Corvette

In Service: 2202-2265
TMF: 30
NPV: 121 + 6 BR

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Penetrating—All initial damage is on ar- Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
mor, all reroll damage is on hull.
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12
Class 1 Battery 1
ADFC (Area Defense Fire Control)
Allows ship to share PDS/ADS with
any friendly ship within 6mu
EA Omega class Destroyer

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Omega class Destroyer

In Service: 2250+
TMF: 140
NPV: 519

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all and reroll
reroll damage is on hull. Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 1 Battery 1 Pulse Torpedoes (Semi Armor Piercing)
Class 2 Battery 2 1 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1 Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6
DP 1D6, ignores shields
EA Oracle class Frigate

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Oracle class Frigate

In Service: 2216+
TMF: 70
NPV: 243

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
Penetrating—All initial damage is on ar- reroll
mor, all reroll damage is on hull. Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 1 Battery 1
Class 2 Battery 2 1
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1
EA Oracle class Scout Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Oracle class Scout Cruiser

In Service: 2216+
TMF: 70
NPV: 251

Beam Batteries PDS (Point Defense System)

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
Penetrating—All initial damage is on ar- reroll
mor, all reroll damage is on hull. Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36 ADFC (Area Defense Fire Control)
Class 1 Battery 1 Allows ship to share PDS/ADS with any
Class 2 Battery 2 1 friendly ship within 6mu
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1
EA Orestes class System Monitor

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Orestes class System Monitor

In Service: 2228+
TMF: 110
NPV: 417 + 22 BR

Beam Batteries Standard Range K-Gun

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6
Penetrating—All initial damage is on ar- If hit scored, roll again; roll GREATER
mor, all reroll damage is on hull. than K-gun class = DP equal to class, roll
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter LESS THAN OR EQUAL to class = DP equal
or missile (reroll on 6). to class x 2. Natural roll of 6 is always
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 1 Battery 1
Class 2 Battery 2 1 PDS (Point Defense System)
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1 Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
EA Poseidon class Super Carrier

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Poseidon class Super Carrier

In Service: 2255+
TMF: 200
NPV: 946

Beam Batteries
Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all
reroll damage is on hull.
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24
Class 2 Battery 2 1

Short Range Pulse Torpedoes (Semi

PDS (Point Defense System) Armor Piercing)
Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile 4 mu 8 mu 12 mu 16 mu 20 mu
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6
reroll DP 1D6, ignores shields
EA Sagittarius class Missile Cruiser

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Sagittarius class Missile Cruiser

In Service: 2230+
TMF: 110
NPV: 380+22 BR

Beam Batteries MISSILES

Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage Range 24 MU
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Salvo: D6 in salvo, D6 DP each
Penetrating—All initial damage is on ar-
mor, all reroll damage is on hull.
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter PDS (Point Defense System)
or missile (reroll on 6). Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and
Class 1 Battery 1 reroll
Class 1 Battery 2 1 Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Tethys class Police Cutter

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd Turn 8 Spd

EA Tethys class Police Cutter

In Service: 2230+
TMF: 10 ea
NPV: 36 ea + 1 ea BR
111 per stand

SUBMUNITION PACK PDS (Point Defense System)

Dice at range: 0-6 6-12 12-18 Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile
One Shot 3 2 1 Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage
EA Warlock class Advanced Destroyer

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Warlock class Advanced Destroyer

In Service: 2261+
TMF: 170
NPV: 718


Roll 4 or 5 = 1 point of damage 6 mu 12 mu 18 mu 24 mu 30 mu
Roll 6 = 2 points of damage and reroll Hit 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6
Penetrating—All initial damage is on armor, all If hit scored, roll again; roll GREATER than
reroll damage is on hull. K-gun class = DP equal to class, roll LESS
PDS mode (Class 1) - Roll 5 or 6 = kill one fighter THAN OR EQUAL to class = DP equal to class
x 2. Natural roll of 6 is always =DP. First DP
or missile (reroll on 6).
Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36
Class 1 Battery 1 GRASERS Semi Armor Piercing
Class 2 Battery 2 1 Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36 36-48
Class 1 Battery 1
PDS (Point Defense System)
Class 2 Battery 2 1
Roll 4 or 5 = Kill one fighter or missile Class 3 Battery 3 2 1
Roll 6 = Kill two fighters or missiles and reroll
Class 4 Battery 4 3 2 1
Anti-Ship Mode—Roll 6 = 1 point of damage Hit damage
Damage is D3 per hit.
EA Victory class Destroyer

ID: Turn 1 Spd Turn 2 Spd Turn 3 Spd Turn 4 Spd Turn 5 Spd Turn 6 Spd Turn 7 Spd

EA Victory class Destroyer

In Service: 2266+
TMF: 275
NPV: 1236

GRASERS Semi Armor Piercing Twin Particle Array

Dice at range: 0-12 12-24 24-36 2 Beam Dice out to 24 mu
Class 1 Battery 1 May be used as PDS limited to arcs of
Class 2 Battery 2 1 turret
Class 3 Battery 3 2 1
Hit damage
Damage is D3 per hit.
Medium Beam Spinal Mount
36mu Range, 1.5 mu Width
ADS (Area Defense System) DP = 12 BD for each weapon.
12MU range, fires twice at 6MU. Against Fighters or May only fire every other turn, ship may
SMBs, roll 1 die per PDS: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 kills ONE
fighter or missile, 6 kills TWO and allows a reroll not maneuver the turn after firing. All
(reroll kills are same as for first die roll). must fire at the same time.

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