DLL December 5-9
DLL December 5-9
DLL December 5-9
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (RL) Portal
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students
which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their
learning process, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Establishing a purpose What is Burma in the present Unlocking of difficult words The teacher will present
for the lesson times? The other group Your teacher pictures and let the students
will distribute strips of paper, describe the presented picture.
wherein one set includes
words to be defined and the
other for definitions.
from the class match the
words with their partner.
B. Review/ Drill – Review What do you know about the What do you know about the What are adjectives?
Lesson and Previous people of Myanmar/ Burma? country Burma? Its people? Give examples and use it in a
Lesson or presenting the and its culture? sentence.
new lesson
C. Presenting examples/ Discuss the introduction to The teacher will present the From the given sentences, let
instances of the new the Literature of Myanmar. poem entitled “ Vision” by students identify the adjective
lesson Feraya and the object being described.
D. Discussing new concepts Do Activity 7 on p. 339. The teacher will discuss
and practicing new skills Examples of Adjective
#1 Complement
E. Discussing new concepts Read/ discuss “On the Three The teacher will discuss
and practicing new skills Evils” on p. 341 Examples of Adjective
#2 Complement
F. Developing mastery Do Activity 10 on p. 340 Form triads, read the copy of the The students will create a
(Leads to formative poem for the second time and tourist brochure and apply the
Assessment) answer the Character Analysis proper use of adjective
Model based on the questions. complement to describe a place
G. Finding practical How important is it to What do you feel about the Why is it important to know
applications of concepts become contented in life? people in Burma? Do you have the different examples of
and skills in daily living the same vision with them? adjective complement in
(Valuing) describing a person, place,
thing or object?
H. Making generalizations What can you say about What was the poem all about? What are the examples of
and abstraction about Burmese literature? What message does it convey adjective complements?
the lesson or (General to you as reader?
I. Evaluating Learning Fill out the butterfly organizer The teacher will give an essay The students will answer a
(Evaluation) on p. 340 test...She will let the students 10-item quiz
reflect on the activity in
relation to the Burmese
people in their response to the
challenges of modernity in
relation to the poem they
have read.
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation)
V. REMARKS Accomplished Accomplished Proceed Accomplished