Cell Structure 3-A

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Cell Structure
Mark Scheme 1

Level International A Level

Subject Biology
Exam Board CIE
Topic Cell Structure
Sub Topic Cell Structure
Booklet Theory
Paper Type Mark Scheme 1

Time Allowed : 64 minutes

Score : / 53

Percentage : /100

Grade Boundaries:

A* A B C D E U

>85% 777.5% 70% 62.5% 57.5% 45% <45%

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1 (a A = nucleus ; R nucleolus R nuclear R nuclei

B = chloroplast ; A chloroplasts

C = vacuole ; A vacuoles A large / central / AW, vacuole [3]

(b) both must be correct

microvillus / microvilli
centriole / centrioles any two structures for one mark ;
cilium / cilia A lysosome(s) [1]
flagellum / flagella

(c) 1 apoplast = cell wall (and intercellular spaces) (pathway) ;

A between cell walls
R if cell wall and, cytoplasm / vacuole / plasmodesmata
R if linked to osmosis / facilitated diffusion / active transport

2 symplast = cytoplasmic (pathway) ; R if facilitated diffusion / active transport

reference to only cytoplasmic / not including vacuoles

mps 1 and 2 allow one mark only if no ref. to terms apoplast and symplast
e.g.cell wall v cytoplasmic pathw

3 osmosis, linked to passage across membranes ; must be in correct context

4 detail of membranes involved ; either tonoplast / vacuolar membrane or cell

(surface) membrane of, ‘first cell’ entered directly from xylem / AW

5 via plasmodesmata ; ignore ref. to mechanism

6 (includes) vacuolar pathway / (through) vacuoles ;

7 non-living pathway ; ora

8 ref. greater volume / higher rate / less resistance / AW ; ora

A faster / fastest R amount for volume

9 ref. to, hydrogen bonding / adhesion, to cell walls ; [max 4]

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(d) (i) (maintain) turgor / turgidity / prevents flaccidity / prevents plasmolysis ;

A provides support for cell R provides support for plant
A pushes chloroplast to edge (of cell)

(reactant in) photosynthesis ;

hydrolysis (reactions) ; A named reaction that involves hydrolysis solvent

A (medium) for cell, / metabolic / chemical, reactions (to take place)
R if in context of outside cell or entering cell or as a transport medium [max 2]

(ii) (part / used in synthesis, of) chlorophyll (molecule) ;

R gives chlorophyll green colour

in translation / joining of large and small subunits (of ribosomes) ;

enzyme, cofactor / activator / described ; idea of role in enzyme catalysis

A correctly named enzymes, e.g. DNA polymerase

e.g. stabilizing, cell wall / proteins / nucleic acids / membranes ;
important in energy transfers / ATP synthesis ;
DNA, synthesis / replication ;
ref. to role in, light absorption / capture (for photosynthesis) ; [max 1]

[Total: 11]
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2 (a 1 electron microscope has, higher / AW, resolution (than LM) / ora ;

2 explanation of resolution as ability to differentiate between two points (close together) ;
3 ref. to (internal) membranes (of A and B) which cannot be seen in LM ;
A named membranes e.g. cristae, grana
4 AVP ; e.g.
(resolution of) EM is 0.5 nm (0.0005µm) and LM is 200 nm (0.2µm)
A 0.5 to 1 nm (0.001µm)
resolution is equal to half the wavelength (of medium used)
ref. to shorter / AW, wavelength (of electrons) / ora (must have a comparison)
ref. to, width of membranes / distance apart of membranes, e.g. width of membranes
in A and B is 7 nm (+/– 1) [max 3]

(b) C – rough endoplasmic reticulum ; penalise once only for ER instead of endoplasmic
D – ribosome ; A ribosomes ignore 70S
E – smooth endoplasmic reticulum ; A smooth ER if full term used for C

award one mark if E = rough endoplasmic reticulum and

C = smooth endoplasmic reticulum [3]

(c) any one relevant e.g.

store of / holds, cell sap ; R if contains organelles

store of / holds, water / ions / named ion(s) / minerals / salts / pigments / (named) sugars ;
R substances / molecules
R storage unqualified
pushes chloroplast to edge of cell ;
gives, turgidity / turgor pressure / hydrostatic pressure / support / AW ;
A makes, firm / rigid
A controls / maintains, turgidity
R gives shape / strengthen
store of / holds, waste (products)

R reactions occur in vacuole, unqualified [1]

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(d) no marks for identifying F and G

if only F or G described max 3
if F and G incorrectly identified, accept mark points correctly linked to membrane and wall
to max 3

1 F partially permeable A selectively permeable

and G (fully / freely / AW), permeable / porous ;

F is partially permeable cell surface membrane

2 phospholipid (bilayer);
3 permeable to, lipid-soluble molecules / oxygen ;
A other terms for lipid-soluble
treat reference to water as neutral
4 impermeable to, water-soluble / AW, molecules / ions / AW ;
A other terms for water-soluble
treat reference to water as neutral
5 aquaporins / proteins, provide (increased) permeability to water ;
6 transport proteins provide permeability to, ions / polar molecules ;
A channel / pore / carrier, proteins

G is permeable cell wall

7 cellulose ;
8 fibres ;
9 ref. to, spaces / gaps / holes / pores, (between, fibres / other cell wall
components) ; [max 4]

(e) 1 allows transport of, water / sucrose / amino acids / organic substances / ions /minerals /
salts / lipids / hormones / ATP, (from cell to cell / between cells) ;
R if linked to an incorrect transport mechanism e.g. sucrose moves by osmosis
2 without crossing, membranes / walls ; A without going through protein channels
3 this is movement through the symplast ;
4 any e.g. ; companion cell to (phloem) sieve tube (element / cell)
between mesophyll cells
mesophyll cell to companion cell
cortical cell to cortical cell / across cells of the cortex
cortical cell to endodermal cell
endodermal cell to, pericycle cell / xylem / phloem
ignore between sieve tube elements
5 allows, communication / signalling, between cells ; [max 3]

[Total: 14]
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3 (a plant cell because presence of

cell wall ; A cellulose cell wall R incorrect cell wall materials
plasmodesma ; A plasmodesmata
tonoplast ; A vacuolar membrane
large/central, vacuole ; ignore permanent [2 max]


name of diagram of organelle(s) as one function of organelle cell type(s) in

organelle seen under the electron which
microscope (not to scale) organelle is
all 3 for one mark aerobic respiration/ATP,
production/synthesis ;
oval/circular shape
and A oxidative phosphorylation
two membranes A ref. β oxidation fats
close together A ref. urea/ornithine cycle
inner membrane infolded as R any answer that refers to
two or more cristae ; synthesis/production, of
centrioles ; animal ;

A centriole
A centrosome
both for one mark animal and
plant/both ;
two membranes
ribosomes on external
surface ;
R if ribosomes are
excessively large
packaging, of, proteins/
molecules ;
A description of modification
e.g. glycosylation
A production of, secretory/
Golgi, vesicles
A production of lysosomes
R protein synthesis

chloroplast ;


[Total: 10]
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4 (a one mark per row

penalise once for stated ecf and then mark to max 4 [6]

name of organelle function

A cell surface membrane control of movement of substances into and out of the

B nucleolus production of, ribosomes / rRNA / tRNA ;

C mitochondrion one from ;

A mitochondria aerobic respiration
ATP synthesis/ production / AW
link reaction
Krebs cycle
oxidative phosphorylation
R produces energy / ATP energy

D smooth endoplasmic lipid / sterol / cholesterol / steroid,

reticulum synthesis ;
R SER or smooth ER ecf if SER, or Golgi is named organelle

E rough endoplasmic one from ;

reticulum protein / polypeptide, synthesis
R RER or rough ER translation
modification of protein / described (e.g. folding,
protein transport (to Golgi)
ecf if RER

F Golgi (body / complex one from ;

/apparatus) modification of protein
glycosylation / described
modification of lipid
pack(ag)ing (of), protein / lipids
production of, (Golgi / secretory) vesicles / lysosomes
ignore synthesis of protein

allow ecf if smooth endoplasmic reticulum

G lysosome contains /storage of, hydrolytic /

or digestive, enzymes
Golgi / secretory, or if Golgi vesicle
vesicle transfer / transport, of, protein / lipids ;
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(b) max 3 if only structure or only explanations given

polysaccharide ;

chains of α-glucose (residues) ; only need α once

α1–4 glycosidic bonds / links ;

branches ;
(because of) α 1–6 glycosidic bonds ; only need glycosidic once

idea that many ‘ends’ to easily, add / remove, glucose ;

compact / AW ;
insoluble ;
will not affect, water potential / ψ ; AW
AVP ; [max 4]

[Total: 10]
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5 accept first on row

accept phonetic spellings

A name mitochondrion ;
A mitochondria

function (site of) ; ATP, synthesis / production / AW

aerobic respiration
link reaction
Krebs cycle
oxidative phosphorylation
R ATP energy

B name Golgi (apparatus / body / complex) ;

A dictyosome A Golgi

function (site of) ; modification of protein / glycosylation / described

modification of lipid
pack(ag)ing (of), protein / lipids
production of (Golgi / secretory) vesicles / lysosomes
ignore synthesis of protein
(incorrect name)
lysosome function = contains / storage of hydrolytic / digestive, enzymes
Golgi / secretory, vesicles = transport, protein / lipids

C name chloroplast(s) ;

function (site of) ; photosynthesis

light-dependent, reactions / stage (of photosynthesis)
light, absorption / AW
light-independent, reactions / stage (of photosynthesis)
Calvin cycle
carbon fixation
A ATP synthesis
ignore (treat as neutral) ref. to, glucose / oxygen, synthesis
ignore chlorophyll
R light / dark, stage / reactions

D name rough endoplasmic reticulum ;

R RER or rough ER R endoplastic

function (site of) ; protein / polypeptide, synthesis

modification of protein / described (e.g. folding)
protein transport (to Golgi)
(incorrect name)
smooth endoplasmic reticulum = lipid / steroid / cholesterol, synthesis / AW
endoplasmic reticulum = ecf as above for RER / SER

[Total: 8]

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