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Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Vol. 5(4), October 2006, pp. 484-488

Traditional medicinal formulation, Chyawanprash—A review

Milind Parle1* & Nitin Bansal2
Pharmacology Division, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru Jambheshwar University, Post Box No. 38, Hisar
Email: [email protected]
Lord Shiva College of Pharmacy, PB 63, Near Civil Hospital, Sirsa125055, Haryana
Email: [email protected]
Received 19 April 2005; revised 21 September 2005

Chyawanprash is a household remedy in northern India, popular for its nutritional value. In Ayurveda, Chyawanprash
is classified under the category of Rasayana, which aims at maintaining physique, vigour and vitality, while delaying the
ageing process. It is believed that Chyawanprash helps not only in maintaining homeostasis but also increases resistance of
the body. Chyawanprash is prepared by incorporating around 50 herbs including Amla, the richest source of vitamin C.
Herbs used in the preparation of formulation are boiled in water, then dried extract is combined with honey followed by ad-
dition of aromatic (like cardamom, cinnamon, and clove) herb powders. The finished product, which has consistency of a
fruit jam, is sour and spicy in taste. Chyawanprash deserves a scientific exploration so as to document its therapeutic utility.

Keywords: Chyawanprash, Ethnobotany, Ethnomedicine, Medicinal plants, Santal tribe, Traditional medicine, Tripura
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Chyawanprash, a household remedy in northern India herbs deep into the tissues9,10. Sugar and honey pro-
is popular for its nutritional value. In Ayurveda, Chy- vide sweet taste, which is rejuvenating. Chyawan-
awanprash is classified under the category of Ra- prash is named after sage Chyawan, who first pre-
sayana, which aims at maintaining physique, vigour pared the formulation to impart youth, charm, vigour
and vitality, while delaying the ageing process1-3. In & longevity11-14.
recent times, it has gained immense popularity all People around the world now use Chyawanprash,
over the world. It is a comprehensive herbal tonic, for its anti-stress and anti-ageing properties. It has
which serves as a nutrient for healthy individuals in- been found to be effective as an immunity booster,
cludes around 50 herbs. Chyawanprash can be con- vitalizer and a comprehensive general tonic. It is ex-
sumed in all seasons, as it contains ingredients, which tremely effective in preventing gastric problems,
are weather friendly nullifying the unpleasant effects common cold and cough. Chyawanprash improves all
due to extreme environmental and climatic condi- aspects of health (Table 1), when taken regularly15-18.
tions4-5. Chyawanprash is made in amalaki (Indian
gooseberry) base, which is the most useful rasayana Preparation of Chyawanprash
for maintaining homeostasis5. Amla fruit paste, the In absence of standard operating procedure (SOP)
major ingredient of Chyawanprash is the richest in ancient times, the method of preparation of Chy-
source of vitamin C6. Vitamin C present in amla does awanprash varies from manufacturer to manufacturer
not get deteriorated on heat exposure during prepara- and place to place. Standard method of preparation of
tion of Chyawanprash7. Chyawanprash is an admix- Chyawanprash is described as follows: 50 gm each of
ture of at least five tastes such as sweet, sour, bitter, the following plants, viz. Bel, arni, gambhari, arlu,
pungent and astringent, due to amla8. In Chyawan- patla, gokhru, shalparni, brihati, kantakari, kakdash-
prash, honey which works as ‘a carrier of herbs’, ingi, munnaka, harde, giloy, bala, bhumiamla, adusa,
called as Yogavahi, helps in absorption of various jivanti, kachur, pushkarmool, nagarmotha, magda-
—————— parni, mashparni, shalparni, prishparni, pippali,
*Corresponding author kaknasa, varahikand, vidarikand, punarnawa

Table 1—Ingredients of Chyawanprash

Plant name Common names Uses

Adhatoda vasica Nees Adusa, Vasaka Cardiotonic, expectorant, diuretic, cardiac & respira-
tory disorders.
Aegle marmelos Correa Bilva, Bel Useful in chronic dysentery, diarrhoea & dyspepsia.
Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. Agar, Agarkashta Aromatic, neurotrophic, carminative & aphrodisiac
Bambusa arundinacea Willd. Vanshlochan Stimulant, astringent and aphrodisiac.
Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. Punarnawa, Punarnava, Gad- Cardiotonic, hematinic, diuretic & helps in anemia
Cinnamomum tamala Nees & Tamalpatra, Tejpatra, Patra Helps in general debility, anorexia & indigestion,
Ebrm. uterine stimulant.
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Breyn. Dalchini Anemia, general debility, abdominal distension &
Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. Kachur, Sathi kehora Stimulant, tonic, depurative, vertigo & during preg-
Cyperus rotundus Linn. Nagarmotha, Mustak, Motha Neurotrophic, carminative, helps in constipation,
Desmodium bulbifera Desv. Shalparni, Sarivan General debility, nervine tonic, cardiac, blood & respira
tory disorders.
Elettaria cardamomum Maton Elaichi, Cardamum General tonic, useful in anorexia and flatulence.
Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Amalaki, Amla, Awala, Indian Rejuvenative, neurotrophic, hepatoprotective, antiox
Gooseberry dant, cardiotonic, rich source of vitamin C.
Gmelina arborea Roxb. Gambhari, Khambhari, Kash- Promotes lactation & helps in indigestion.
Inula racemosa Hook. Pushkarmool, Pohkarmool Cardiotonic, carminative, antiseptic, diuretic, dys-
pepsia, indigestion, chronic cough and general debil-
Leptadenia reticulata Wight & Jivanti Cooling, eye tonic, nutrient and aphrodisiac.
Martynia diandra Glox. Kaknasa, Kakakshi, Kauathodi Hepatotonic, cholagogue, laxative, anorexia, indiges-
tion & constipation.
Mesua ferrea Linn. Nagkesar Nutrient, cardiotonic, brain tonic, carminative and
Nelumbium speciosum Willd. Kanwal, Neelkamal Neurotrophic, cardiotonic & helps in general debility.
Oroxylum indicum Vent. Arlu, Sona patha, Shyonak General debility, diarrhoea & dysentery.
Phaseolus trilobus-sensu Ait. Mudgparni, Van-mug, Mataki Aphrodisiac, mild sedating, fatigue, general debility,
Phyllanthus niruri Linn. Bhumyaamalaki, Bhumi- Appetizer, cholagogue, laxative, hepatoprotective &
amla,Bhueawala antiviral.
Piper longum Linn. Pippali General debility, dyspepsia, flatulence, respiratory
tract infection.
Pistacia integerrima Stewart-ex Kakdashingi, Karkatshingi, Expectorant, carminative, anorexia, cholagogue, cough
Brandis Shringi & asthma.
Premna integrifolia Linn. Arni, Agnimantha Laxative, helps in indigestion & cough.
Ptertocarpus santalinus Linn.f. Lal Chandan Skin, blood & eye disorders, used as disinfectant to
mucus membranes of genito-urinary & bronchial
Sesamum indicum Linn. Til oil, Sesame oil Cooking oil, tonic, nutrient, aphrodisiac, diuretic,
cures dry cough, asthma, lung diseases, inflamma-
tion, ulcers, urinary diseases, migraine & vertigo.
Sida cordifolia Linn. Bala, Bariyara Cardiotonic, stomachic, aphrodisiac & general tonic.

Table 1—Ingredients of Chyawanprash—Contd

Plant name Common names Uses

Solanum indicum Linn. Brihati, Bari kateri, Vanbhantha

Cardiac tonic, astringent, carminative & helps in
Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. & Kantakari, Chhoti kateri, Kashta- Mucolytic, expectorant, allergic bronchitis, bronchial
Wendl. kari asthma, and common cold.
Stereospermum suaveolens De Parul, Patla, Patha, Padhal General debility, dyspepsia, blood disorders, cough
Prodr. & acidity.
Teramnus labialis Spreng. Mashparni, Van-udadh, Aphrodisiac, mild sedative, general debility, malnu-
Mashvan trition & fatigue.
Terminalia chebula Retz. Harde, Haritaki, Harad, Abhaya Neurotrophic, carminative, infertility, cardiac and liver
Tinospora cordifolia Guduchi, Giloy, Amrta General tonic, immunomodulator, helps in degenera-
Miers ex Hook f.& Thoms. tive disorders.
Tribulus terrestris Linn. Gokhru, Gokshura Aphrodisiac, diuretic & cardiotonic.
Uraria picta Desv. Prishniparni, Pithwan, Devala General debility, nervine tonic, cardiac & blood dis-
orders, antidote for snake venom.
Vitis vinifera Linn. Draksha, Munnaka Nutrient, stomachic, demulcent, laxative, anorexia,
hepatoprotective, dyspepsia & constipation.
Animal fat Ghee Nutrient
Honey Obtained from honey bees Mild laxative, bactericidal, sedative, antiseptic, useful
for cold, cough, fever, sore eyes, throat, tongue, duo-
denal ulcers & liver diseases.
Sucrose Sugar Sweetening agent.
Substituents for Ashtvarga (Ridhi, Vridhi, Medha, Mahamedha, Jeevak, Rishabh, Kakoli & Ksheerkakoli)
Asparagus racemosus Willd Shatavari, Shatavar, Substituent Aphrodisiac, nutrient, potent galactogogue, good
for Medha, Mahamedha tonic for lactating mothers.
Dioscorea bulbifera Linn. Varahikand, Varahi, Substituent Aphrodisiac, useful in acidity & ulcers.
for Ridhi, Vridhi
Ipomoea digitata Linn. Vidarikand, Substituent for Aphrodisiac, tonic, helps in nervous debility, skin
Jeevak, Rishabh problems, hepatic disorders & constipation.
Withania somnifera Dunal Ashwagandha, Asgandh, Substitu- Aphrodisiac, antioxidant, loss of memory, loss of
ent for Kakoli, Ksheerkakoli muscular energy.
Special Additives
Ayurvedic Preparation Abhrak Bhasam General debility, useful in asthma & cough.
Ayurvedic preparation Shukti Bhasam As calcium supplement, neurotrophic, useful in cardia
and bone disorders.
Ayurvedic preparation Shring Bhasam Useful in pneumonia, rheumatic pain & cough.
Ayurvedic preparation Makardhawaj Aphrodisiac, nervine tonic and helps in rheumatic
Eugenia caryophyllus Linn. Lavang, Clove Antiseptic, aromatic, carminative, stimulant & fla-
voring agent.
— Chandi, Silver foil General debility and improves overall physical fit-

kanwal, agar, chandan, shatavari and ashwagandha, to one quarter. After removing the cloth, seeds are
are suspended in around 16 l water. 500 Indian discarded from amla; rubbing the peels of amla on a
gooseberry fruits (each weighing around 15-20 gm, mesh, fibers are discarded and finally, amla pithi is
total weight approximately 6.5 kg) are wrapped in a prepared. Decoction is filtered and marc is discarded.
clean cloth and are dipped into the above admixture of Amla pithi is mixed with 500 gm ghee and 500 gm til
plants. Mixture is heated until the volume is reduced oil in an iron pan and heated until red. Decoction of

plants and sugar syrup poured in the pan is heated sound sleep. Nagkesar, guduchi, nagarmotha, vidari-
until ghee starts separating. After removing the pan kand, kanwal, agar, ashwagandha, shalparni, prish-
from fire, powder of 150 gm vanshlochan, 100 gm niparni and amalaki help to sharpen the CNS. Several
pippali and 10 gm each of nagkesar, elaichi, tamal- of these ingredients possess antioxidant and anti-
patra and dalchini is mixed. After cooling, 250 gm inflammatory properties21,22.
old honey is added and finally the finished product, Chyawanprash is a powerful cardiotonic and
which is dark shining brown in colour with fruit jam strengthens heart, improves force and rate of contrac-
like consistency is prepared. Some Ayurvedic addi- tion of heart by improving the blood supply to cardiac
tives, shukti bhasam 100 gm, abharak bhasam 100 muscles. It helps in purification of blood and elimina-
gm, shring bhasam 100 gm, makardhawaj 25 gm, tion of toxins. Chyawanprash also lowers cholesterol
lavang (clove) 25 gm and chandi (silver foil) 75 in levels by improving blood lipid profile25,26. Amalaki,
number, for special health benefits are added1-5, 7, 15-17, kanwal, punarnawa, pushkarmool, kachur, vasaka,
. Chyawanprash is to be consumed in a quantity that bala, shalparni, prishniparni, brihati and gokhru help
does not influence the hunger and appetite for food1-5, in streamlining the Central vascular system
7, 15-17, 29, 30
. Chyawanprash (12-28 gm) is taken with (CVS)21,22.
100-250 ml milk30,31. It is advised to avoid milk and Regular intake of Chyawanprash makes sexual life
curd intake for individuals suffering from pleasuresome. It is effective and enhances libido and
asthma/respiratory disorders31. fertility in both the sexes. It thickens semen in males
and streamlines menstrual cycle in females2,3. Gokhru,
Uses varahikand, til oil, shatavari, vidarikand, bala, ji-
Chyawanprash is helpful in clearing the accumu- vanti, mudgparni, mashparni, ashwagandha and van-
lated excreta by promoting digestion and excretion. It shlochan, have been found to act as aphrodisiacs21,22.
relieves nausea & vomiting and corrects hyperacidity, Chyawanprash strengthens immunity and facili-
dyspepsia & flatulence. Chyawanprash is helpful in tates healing process. It comprises ingredients pos-
gastritis, peptic ulcer and intestinal cramping16. It is a sessing antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and an-
hepatoprotective, strengthens liver, streamlines the timutagenic activities27,28. It lowers blood glucose
metabolism of fats and proteins19,20. The ingredients levels and promotes hair growth. It strengthens bones
of Chyawanprash such as nagkesar, tamalpatra, and teeth by increasing absorption of calcium and
elaichi, dalchini, patla, arni, gambhari, bel, arlu, improves muscle tone by increasing protein synthesis.
shalparni, draksha, harde, honey, bhumyaamalaki, It stimulates growth in children, helps to increase
kachur, pushkarmool, nagarmotha, kaknasa, vidari- weight in lean and thin individuals. It fights dermal
kand and agar help in correcting digestive system infections and improves skin complexion. It improves
related complaints21,22. overall personality by imparting splendor, loveliness,
The smooth functioning of the tracheobronchial youthfulness, wisdom, vigour and glow21,22.
tree of the respiratory system is ensured by regular
intake of Chyawanprash. Adequate hydration is main- Acknowledgement
tained in the respiratory system. It alleviates cough, Authors are thankful to Dr DK Mahipal, Ayur-
asthma and bronchospasm of seasonal or non- vaidrattan for extending valuable help and expertise in
seasonal origin, thereby strengthening the respiratory the preparation of the manuscript.
system. It is also useful in respiratory infections,
common cold and tuberculosis23. Pippali, kantakari, References
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2 Sharma PV, Cakradatta: A Treatise on Principles and Prac-
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