Petrophysics of Drilling Fluids - Page - Vickers
Petrophysics of Drilling Fluids - Page - Vickers
Petrophysics of Drilling Fluids - Page - Vickers
Chemical composition of the base oil, and A large fraction of the volume of investigation of most
comparison to predicted native hydrocarbons petrophysical measurements is within a few inches of
Chemical composition of solids components, the wellbore, and they are therefore affected by filtrate
especially if any form of mineral logging is being properties. Perhaps confusingly, the depth of
undertaken investigation of resistivity logs is defined as 50% of
Measurements of additional properties can be their response radial function, whereas it is 90% for
performed at the rigsite with suitable equipment, but in nuclear measurements. A density measurement is
general are not required. Instead, regular mud samples usually quoted as having a depth of investigation of
can be retrieved (once a day or when a major change around eight inches (however 50% of the signal comes
occurs) for future laboratory analysis, when mud from within three inches) and neutron measurement
formulation has the potential to affect the formation investigation is deeper at approximately 12 inches.
evaluation data. This difference should be considered when combining
Corrections for mud properties have a similar purpose density and neutron as they may be investigating
to detailed core analysis; they generally do not change different fluids. Acoustic measurements follow the
the overall picture of a quicklook analysis, but can help shortest travel path, and invading fluids may force the
refine the data at a later date. measurement deeper or shallower depending on
slowness contrasts between filtrate and formation
INVASION fluids, but they generally stay within a foot of the
borehole. Magnetic resonance has a precisely defined
An important consideration is how deeply liquids or depth of investigation between one and four inches.
solids invade the rock, relative to the depth of The resistivity logs are designed to either see a lot
investigation of the petrophysical measurements. There deeper, up to 10 feet or more, or to measure very
are two parts to this: shallow to define the flushed zone resistivity Rxo.
How deep do the drilling fluids and solids invade? Frequently, a range of depths of investigation is
How deep do the instruments measure? recorded to define the invading fluid depth profile.
Additionally, there may be a directional consideration Resistivity image logs are considered to be very
for deviated or horizontal wells where the invasion shallow reading, which the individual buttons are;
varies azimuthally around the wellbore, due to however, combined on a pad, the system as a whole
permeability anisotropy and gravity. responds to a deeper background resistivity between 15
Correctly sized solids should never invade more than a and 20 inch, providing a mix of Rxo and Rt responses.
few pores depth from the wellbore. This requires the Understanding and quantifying the invasion depth is
correct mix of small and larger particles in the mud, very important when invading fluids have a significant
sized relative to the expected pore diameters (Figure effect on formation properties. Resistivity is one of the
1). Mud filtrate invasion is dependent on time, borehole key measurements for estimating invasion depth. Many
(over)pressure, permeability, and mud cake programs and methods exist to derive an apparent depth
development. For LWD data recorded shortly after of invasion from at least three resistivity radial depths;
drilling this may only be a few inches, or may be ideally, one of these should be a shallow Rxo pad type
considerably deeper for wireline if not recorded until device reading within the first few inches. Although
several days or weeks later. Rxo and depth of invasion can be derived from
mandrel-type tools, their shallowest raw data are
approximately 10-inch deep, which is beyond the
important first few inches of the porosity logs depth of
Alternative methods for defining apparent invasion
depths include using the photoelectric effect (PE) for
fluids with a high PE such as caesium formate brines,
magnetic resonance fluid analysis in the 2 to 4 inch
depth range, and acoustic velocities variations in the
first few feet away from the wellbore. It should be
noted, however, that acoustic velocities may also be
affected by stress variations around the wellbore caused
by mud over-pressure, wellbore deviation, or natural
stresses. This could mask invasion affects unless there
Figure 1. Correctly sized solids should not enter the
is a large contrast between invading and native fluid
formation, where they could cause damage and affect
log responses.
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
mud systems for exploration wells, where successful (Figure 2). For this reason, these muds do not conduct
well testing is essential. electrical currents at the normal voltages and
Many of these effects can be identified and corrected if frequencies of resistivity logs. It is also assumed
log data are calibrated to core. However, coring is (sometimes wrongly) that only the oil continuous phase
expensive, not available in many wells and rarely over invades the formation through a mudcake. The
entire reservoir intervals. If the log data under analysis properties of this oil filtrate will therefore affect log
are calibrated to core from other wells or intervals, the measurements most.
analyst should ensure that the mud and logging
conditions were comparable to the current well.
compressible than mineral oils, which sometimes - Acoustic measurements are generally not possible
appears like a gas effect on formation tester pretests. as they require borehole fluid to couple the signals
For more detailed additional information on ester muds in and out of the formations
refer to: Amin et al, 2010; Badruzzaman et al, 2005; - Borehole corrections for density and neutron
and Lugol et al, 2000. measurements will be larger than for regular mud
The physical properties of these base oils vary widely, systems. The lack of a radiation absorbing medium
with densities typically between 0.75 and 0.85 g/cc and surrounding the instruments will result in higher
HI approximately 1.0. The lower the density of the base count rates and lower densities and neutron
oil, the more solid weighting materials need to be used porosities. Wireline instruments are likely to be
to achieve the same mud weight. Some examples are affected more than LWD due to the smaller
shown in Table 1. fraction of the borehole they occupy.
At surface conditions, a typical base oil has a density of - Formation tester pretests will exhibit draw-ups, as
0.8 g/cc and HI of 1.01; it will expand with increasing formation pressure will be higher than hydrostatic.
temperature and contract under pressure. The This may require reprogramming the analysis logic
temperature expansion is of similar magnitude to that of to interpret when pressures have stabilized, and for
water; however the pressure contraction is, unlike determining permeability. The higher formation
water, of a similar magnitude to the temperature pressure will also push the sealing pad off the wall,
expansion, but in opposite direction. This results in resulting in more lost seals.
downhole properties similar to those at surface. The - Induction and propagation resistivity logs should
example oil with 0.8 g/cc density and 1.01 HI at surface work effectively, however shallow and lateral-type
would have a density of 0.78 g/cc and a HI of 0.99 at logs may not work, due to increased mud
120°C and 6000 psi. These values assume no resistivities, and it may be necessary to use an oil-
absorption of gas. An oil of this density at these base imager tool even in water-base fluids.
downhole conditions can absorb up to a GOR of 1700
ft3/bbl, resulting in a density of only 0.6 g/cc and a HI CHEMICALS - LIQUIDS
of 0.89, although only a small amount of formation gas
is generally absorbed by filtrate. Brines - Many different salt brines are used in addition
to NaCl solutions, allowing different density base water
to be created, from 1.0g/cc up to more than 2.0g/cc for
the pure liquid phase alone (without solids) (Table 2).
As these brines get denser, their HI also decreases.
Saturated sodium bromide brine, for example, has a
density of 1.52 g/cc and a HI of only 0.8 (at surface
conditions). This is due to the high weight fraction of
salts displacing hydrogen in the dissolving water
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
these products are long chains of carbon, oxygen and These muds may have significant effects on formation
hydrogen atoms, and will have minimal log effects testing and sampling as the permeability of the wellbore
(Figure 11). They are designed to be removable from surface is permanently damaged. Crystalline solids may
the rock surface under production or chemical treatment precipitate on moving surfaces and valves causing
to restore production permeability. Asphalt can be blockages, and seals to fail if cut. The alkaline
difficult to remove and could permanently inhibit environment is also detrimental to many elastomer seal
production. compounds. Additionally, any instruments run in these
muds should be thoroughly washed inside and out
immediately on return to the surface as the precipitate
may encase them in a thin permanent glass film,
jamming threads and moving parts.
The precipitate may affect the operation of mud
turbines and pulsers for LWD operations, and acoustic
data has been reported to be affected by either the hard
fast layer within the rock wall and/or plugging of the
instruments, shorting out the acoustic energy directly.
Shallow measurements such as resistivity and density
will also be affected, and the density correction curve
may show a dense (negative correction) mudcake.
Unusual invasion profiles may develop, which require
multiple depths of investigation resistivities to solve for
a true Rt.
For more detailed additional information on silicate
muds refer to: El Essawy et al, 2004; Van Oort et al,
1996; Ward et al, 1999.
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
emulsions, unpacks and dissolves filter cake, and papers over the years, helped organise several
solubilises carbonate particles. Solids are converted to conferences, including the SPWLA 2008 symposium in
100% water wet. The result is significant reductions in Edinburgh. In his spare time, he teaches the
skin and 100% cleaning efficiency. Oil-covered petrophysics course of the Aberdeen University
wellbore equipment that has been in wells containing Integrated Petroleum Geoscience M.Sc. program.
these fluids returns to surface as if it has been polished.
These fluids are highly beneficial in completions Stephen Vickers is the Eastern
applications to improve well productivity; however if Hemisphere Technical Manager for
these fluids were included in drilling mud they could Reservoir Services for Baker
significantly alter the wettability and properties of the Hughes. He originally qualified as a
invaded formations. mining engineer but changed
disciplines and since has enjoyed 30
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS years working in the oil industry,
first as a drilling engineer and then
In most cases, mud chemicals do not cause significant in fluids and chemical engineering. Stephen is based at
problems to petrophysical evaluation; however, their the Eastern Hemisphere Technology Centre in
properties should be evaluated and effects accounted Aberdeen and has specific responsibilities for the
for in a petrophysical interpretation. Additional care application and design of reservoir fluids, also
and information is required in formate and silicate specialising in the prevention and remediation of
muds. formation damage.
Petrophysicists should pay attention to mud chemistry,
and for important wells and reservoir sections, review ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the mud components at regular intervals over the drilled
sections, not just at the end of the drilling phase, as the The authors want to thank Baker Hughes management
mud properties are not static. They should also preserve for its support and permission to publish this paper, and
regular mud samples for later analysis. all those who have contributed pieces of information
The petrophysical properties of the filtrate are as and experiences.
important as those of the whole mud, as the filtrate
invades the rocks being analysed. The exact chemical REFERENCES
composition of many of the specialist muds is
proprietary and closely guarded by the mud companies; Al-Harbi, A., Ersoz, H., AbdrabAlreda, S.H., 2005,
however, the majority bulk components can usually be ce of Sodium/Potassium Formate-Based
identified. Drilling Fluid on
Understanding the invasion profile is key to applying Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum
corrections for invading filtrate. Ultimately, the best Engineering Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-
solution is to calibrate the log interpretation to core, 23rd June.
however the analyst should verify that the mud and Amin, R.A.M, Clapper, D.K., Norfleet, J.E., Otto, M.J.,
wellbore conditions are exactly the same when Xiang, T., Hood, C.A., Goodson, J.E., Gerrard, D.P.,
transferring data from one well to another. velopment of an Environmentally
This is a working document and the authors will Acceptable Ester-Based Drilling Fluid SPE 132693,
appreciate any feedback, additional information and Trinidad and Tobago Energy Services Conference,
experiences regarding this topic. Port of Spain, Trinidad, 27-30th June.
Badruzzaman, A., Adeyemo, A. O., Logan, J. P., and
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Sheffield, J., 2005, The Ubiquitous Neutron/Density
Tool Response in Petrofree Mud: New Insights to
Geoffrey Page studied physics at Addressing Unresolved Issues? paper KK, SPWLA
the Royal College of Science in 46th Annual Logging Symposium, New Orleans,
London. He began his oilfield USA, 26-29th June.
career as a Dresser Atlas field Berg, P.C., Sandtorv, E., Lauritsen, A., Behjat, N.,
engineer 31 years ago, moved into Hagerup-Jenssen, S., Howard, S., Olsvik, G., Downs,
Petrophysics in Aberdeen 23 years
ago, and is now UK Petrophysical Completion, and Open Hole Formation Evaluation of
Advisor for Baker Hughes based in High-Angle Wells in High-Density Cesium Formate
Aberdeen. He is a former President of the Aberdeen Brine: The Kvitebjorn Experience, 2004-2006
chapter of the SPWLA (AFES) and was honoured with SPE/IADC 105733, SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
a life membership. He has written and presented several Amsterdam, Netherlands, 20-22nd February.
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
Cabot Specialty Fluids, Formate Technical Manual, Ucok, H., Ershaghi, I., Olhoeft, G.R., 1979 Electrical Resistivity of Geothermal Brines SPE 7878. SPE
El Essawy, M., bin Hamzah, R., Malik, M.M., Knox, International symposium on oilfield and geothermal
D., Monem, M.R., Oswald, R chemistry, Houston Jan 22-24th.
Application of Sodium Silicate Fluids Achieves Van Oort, E., Ripley, D., Ward, I., Chapman, J.W.,
Significant Improvement of the Drilling Efficiency -based
and Reduce the Overall Well Costs by Resolving Drilling Fluids: Competent, Cost-effective and
Borehole Stability Problems in East Africa Shale, benign Solutions to Wellbore Stability Problems
IADC/SPE 88008, IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling IADC/SPE 35059, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference,
Technology Conference and Exhibition, Kuala New Orleans, USA, 12-15th March.
Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-15th Ward, I., Chapman, J.W., Williamson, R., 1999,
Galford, J., Truax J., and Moake G. L., 2005, Borehole
and Formation Invasion Effects of Formate-Based on Field Experience SPE Drilling and Completion,
Mud Systems on Nuclear Logs paper LL, SPWLA Vol 14, No. 1, March.
46th Annual Logging Symposium, New Orleans,
USA, 26-29th June.
Gallino, G., Guarneri, A., Maglione, R., Nunzi, P.,
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011
Wireline and LWD density tools measure bulk The hydrogen index (HI) of any liquid can be estimated
formation density using a gamma ray source via if its volumetric components and density are known.
compton scattering, which measures an electron density Pure water with a density of 1.0g/cc at surface
that is converted to bulk density (g/cc) by the conditions is defined as having an HI of 1.00. For any
calibration process. other material, HI is the relative amount of hydrogen
The conversion process is calibrated for an electron to per unit volume compared to water.
nuclear mass ratio Z/A of 0.5, which is correct for most Water has two hydrogen atoms (atomic weight 1.0) and
rocks. The Z/A ratio of hydrogen, however, is 1.0, one oxygen atom (atomic weight 16), and therefore,
resulting in a water Z/A of 0.55 (There are 18 electrons consists of 2 / 18 or 0.111 g of hydrogen per cc of
and 8 protons+neutrons in H2O). If a correction was not water. A similar calculation can be used for another
applied, water would read a density of 1.1 g/cc. The pure liquid. For example, octane has eight carbon atoms
porosity corrections are built into the calibration (atomic weight 12) and 18 hydrogen atoms (atomic
systems for all tools to ensure that pure water reads weight 1), for a total hydrogen by weight of 18 / 114. If
1.0g/cc, and reduce with decreasing porosity up to the density of octane is 0.71 (at surface conditions) then
100% solid rock (no correction) defined as limestone of the hydrogen fraction of octane is 18 / 114 x 0.71 =
density 2.71 g/cc (Figure 12). Minerals with a matrix 0.112. The HI of octane is therefore 0.112 / 0.111 =
other than a pure limestone at 2.71g/cc read slightly 1.01.
incorrectly. Quartz corrections (very small) are To calculate the HI of a solution, one requires to know
available for some tools but rarely used. the percentage by weight of the solute (usually a salt)
and of the solvent (usually water), and the density of
the mixture. The hydrogen index of each component is
calculated and then combined. A saturated sodium
chloride solution of 250 ppk (by weight) has a density
of 1.2 g/cc; NaCl HI = 0 (no hydrogen) and water HI =
1.0. The HI of the solution is therefore (0.25 x 0) +
(0.75 x 1.0) x 1.2 = 0.9.