East Java
East Java
East Java
The structural history of the East Java can not be separated from the structural history of the western part of the
island and the tectonics of the SE Asia region. This area is located on the southeastern edge of the Sundaland
craton where basement is Cretaceous to basal Tertiary melange. This old continental margin has a northeast to
southwest structural trend that is clearly seen on offshore north Java seismic data.
In general, the East Java region can be grouped into five tectonic provinces (Fig. 4.7; modified after Yulihanto et
al, 1995), from north to south are: • Northern slope includes the stable Rembang continental shelf and
Randublatung transitional zone • Kendeng Trough, the eastern extension of Bogor Trough, a labile deep sea
The Northern Slope covered the Northeast Java Basin which lies between the Sunda Craton to the north and a
volcanic arc to the south (the Java Axial Range). The basin can be classified as a classic back-arc basin. It
consists largely of a foreland shelf dipping gently southward, which is covered by a relatively thin stratigraphic
section (averaging less than 1850 meters). In contrast, the deep basin area contains more than 9000 meters of
sediments. The structural configuration of the western part of the onshore NE Java Basin incluse subbasins with
two different orientation. The Pati Trough trends NE-SW, whereas the Cepu and Bojonegoro subbasins are
aligned E-W. The NE-SW orientation of the Pati Trough typifies the development of assymmetrical half graben STRATIGRAPHY
The Northern Slope stratigraphy, represented by the Rembang and Randublatung zones are dominated by
stable continental shelf to basinal slope sediments. Stratigraphic and structural analyses by Yulihanto et al.
(1995) show four depositional cycles within the Tertiary sediments of this area: a Late Oligocene-Early Miocene
extensional phase, followed by Early Miocene basin subsidence, a Middle Miocene extentional phase, and
The initial extensional phase is characterized by the formation of NE-SW oriented asymmetrical half grabens.
These occur in association with left lateral motion along a NE-SW fault system that can be traced from the NE
Java Basin across to south Kalimantan (Barito and Asem-Asem basins). Three depositional sequences can be
Early Miocene sea level drop and includes a basin - floor and progradational slope complex. Basin floor
deposits formed mainly by carbonate debris - flows resulting from the collapse of the eastern margin fault scarp.
The progradational complex developed during the final phase of eustatic drop and consists of wacke -
packstone lenses.
2. Kujung Formation - transgressive systems tract: the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene sea level drop was
followed by a rise in relative sea level. The associated transgressive systems tract consists of fine grained
sediments in the lower part of the Kujung Formation. The dominant lithology is marl interbedded with thin
bedded green fossiliferous sandstone and limestone, and it contains larger forminifera, algae, and coral debris.
In the upper part of the Kujung, the monotonous marl is intercalated with bioclastic limestone. At the type
locality, the Kujung is 500 m thick. It was deposited in a deep, open marine environment during the Late
3. Prupuh Formation - highstand systems tract: The final extensional phase is topped by bioclastic limestone of
the Prupuh Formation. It consists of interbedded reefal bio-clacarenite, bio-calcilutite, and blueish gray marl.
Early Miocene subsidence developed a ramp-type depositional platform (Figs. 4.8). Sedimentation began in the
Early Miocene with progradation of a fine grained complex of lower shoreface or offshore deposits in a lowstand
systems tract (Tuban Formation). These may be associated in some places with development of incised valley
fill. A transgressive phase accompanied the subsequent sealevel rise, with accumulation of fine grained shale
and marl in the Tawun Formation. Basinal subsidence closed in the Early Miocene with accumulation of
bioclastic limestone in a highstand systems tract (upper part of Tawun Formation). The type locality of this
formation is in Tawun Village and its thickness is about 730 m. The lower part of the formation is dominated by
black-gray claystone and marl, changing gradually upward to gray siltstone. The siltstone intercalates with
bioclastic limestone, consisting of orbitoid wackstone-grainstone with large forams, coral fragments, algae and
molluscs. An upward increase in the bioclastic content of the limestone indicates an isolated shallow marine
The Middle Miocene extensional phase is characterized by formation of a NE-SW asymmetric half graben,
which appears to have migrated eastward from the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene graben (Fig. 4.8). This
second extensional phase is interpreted to result from rejuvenation of NE-SW left-lateral fault movement due to
Middle Miocene oblique subduction of the oceanic Wharton plate under the continental Sunda plate. Four
depositional sequences developed during this phase: (Tim Studi Cekungan Tersier, 1994; Figs. 4.8). The first
sequence consists dominantly of slope-front fill seismic facies, which are interpreted as slope-fan deposits of a
lowstand system tract. It can be correlated with the lower part of the Ngrayong Member. Subsequent sea-level
rise resulted in development of a transgressive system tract, including beach to shallow open marine deposits in
the middle part of the Ngrayong Member(Figs. 5-9). Sea-level rise ended with development of a highstand
systems tract of coastal plain and deltaic deposits. These are included in the upper part of the Ngrayong
Formation. The second sequence is less well developed. This sequence consists mainly of transgressive and
highstand systems tracts. These correlate with the Bulu Formation, which mainly consists of bedded grainstone
and wackstone, and the lower part of the Wonocolo Formation, composed of interbedded fossiliferous sandy
marl and thin bedded gray fossilliferous calcarenites. Similar to the second sequence, the third sequence
consists mainly of transgressive and highstand systems tracts (Fig. 4.8). The upper part of the Wonocolo
Formation is interpreted as the transgressive system tract of the third sequence, consisting of shale with
intercalations of calcarenite. The third sequence highstand systems tract is characterized by progradational
sediments in the lower part of the Ledok Formation. The type locality is in Ledok Village, Cepu, where the
thickness of this formation ranges from 100 to 250 m. The Lekok consists of thickening upward units of
glauconitic, fossliferous, greenish-gray calcareous sandstone, interbedded with thinning upward beds of
fossiliferous, greenish-gray sandy marl. The upper part of the Ledok Formation is characterized by bioturbation
and large cross bedding, indicating outer to inner neritic environments. Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the
fourth sequence indicates that the middle part of the Ledok Formation corresponds to progradational reflector
An erosional or unconformity surface separates Middle Miocene from the overlying Upper Miocene-Pliocene
section, associated with the formation of incised valley fill in many places (e.g., Cepu and Bojonegoro areas,
Yulihanto, 1993). The depositional history of the study area ended with sedimentation of the Mundu Formation,
which consists of marl and shale that accumulated in association with the Pliocene sea level rise. Fossiliferous,
greenish-gray marl dominates the lower part of the Mundu, while the upper part includes interbedded
fossiliferous, greenish-gray sandy marl of the so-called Selorejo Member. The formation was deposited in outer
The Kendeng Trough is a strongly folded and sometimes heavily faulted region, located to the south of the
northern slope. Structuring is very recent and is probably still active. Fold axes are oriented in an east to west
direction; an indicator that the adjacent and parallel volcanic chain is, at least in part, responsible for the
compression. The Kendeng Zone can be subdivided into eastern and western areas, roughly split at the location
of the Solo River outcrop sections at Ngawi. East of here folds are tight but not usually faulted, at least not on
surface. Note that going east from Ngawi the age of sediments outcropping in this zone gets steadily younger.
In the east, south of Surabaya, the folds are nearly lost under recent alluvium and even Pleistocene rarely crops
out. West of Ngawi, towards Semarang, the folds expose rocks as old as Early Miocene and much faulting has
been mapped. This east - west variation in structuring reflects a gravity anomaly trend, with the lowest gravity
values in the west of the zone. The complexity and thickness of the Tertiary sediments in the western part of the STRATIGRAPHY
The Kendeng Zone represents the central deep of the East Java Basin. Most lithological features show deep
marine influence. The stratigraphy of the Kendeng zone is shown in figure 4 and includes the following units:
The type locality for this formation is in Pelang Village, south of Juwangi. The Pelang Formation there consists
of 125 m. of alternating massive to bedded fossiliferous gray marls and gray claystones with intercalations of
bioclastic limestones. These strata accumulated in neritic environments during the Early Miocene.
The name of Kerek comes from Kerek Village, in the vicinity of the Solo River (Bengawan Solo). The formation
consists of about 800 m. of turbidites, made up mostly by fining and thinning upwards beds with sedimentary
structures typical of density flows. Lithologies include gray tuffaceous sandstones and gray claystones or marls.
This formation has a type locality along the Kalibeng River, north of Jombang. It consists of massive
fossiliferous greenish gray marl intercalated with thin bedded tuffs. These sediments accumulated in a bathyal
environment during Pliocene time. The upper part of the Kalibeng (Atasangin Member) is composed of
interbedded white tuffaceous fine to coarse sandstones, white tuffs, and brown volcanic breccias. These were
deposited as turbidites. Other facies of the Kalibeng are the Cipluk Member, with marl and claystone (200-500
m.); The Kapung Member, which is composed of bioclastic wackstone and grainstone; and the Kalibiuk
The type locality is in Sonde Village, west of Ngawi, where the thickness is 260 m. The lower part of this
formation (Klitik Member) is dominated by sandy marl interbedded with calcareous sandstones and white tuffs,
while the upper part consists of balamnus packstone and grainstone. The formation was deposited in shallow
conglomeratic-coarse sandstones, tuffaceous sandstones, volcanic breccias, and black clay containing fresh
water molluscs. This formation was deposited in a limnic environment during Late Pliocene to Pleistocene time.
Kabuh Village, north of Jombang, has the type locality for this formation. The formation is 150 m. thick, more or
less, and it consists of interbedded coarse sandstones with cross bedding, vertebrate fossils, lenses of
conglomerates, and yellow tuffs. These accumulated in continental, fluvial and limnic environment during the
In the Central and East Java region the Tertiary volcanic arc has been recorded as having three distinct phases
of activity. Based on groupings of radiometric ages (Bellon et al., 1990) and the stratigraphic occurrence of
volcanic beds, the following phases can be recognized: 1. An early active volcanic phase from about 50 to 19
Ma (mid Eocene to mid Early Miocene). 2. A period of relative quiescence from about 19 Ma to about 11 Ma
(late Middle Miocene). 3. A considerable increase in volcanic activity at about 11 Ma, with the volcanic chain
moving about 50 kilometers north to its present position. 4. At about 3 Ma the volcanism changed with a new
series of active volcanoes along the main arc, but also more K-rich volcanoes lying off the arc trend (e.g.
Gunung Muria [1.1-0.4 Ma], offshore to the north on Bawean Island [0.8-0.3 MYBP], and Gunung Lasem [1.6-
1.1 Ma, but not especially K-rich]). DSDP holes in the Indian Ocean west and south of Java yield data
supporting the end of the second, the third and the last phase listed above. These wells contain tuffs dated as
11 MYBP and younger, with a notable increase in pyroclastic content in Late Pliocene or basa1 Quaternary
times (about 2-3 Ma). The location of these sites on a northwards drifting oceanic plate precludes them
recording Javanese volcanic activity much before 11 MYBP. For instance at 19 MYBP, when the ”Old Andesite”
phase came to an end, ’ the DSDP sites would have been some 400 kilometers further south of the volcanic arc.
Note that between,’ these main volcanic events there was still some continuing background volcanism, as seen
by the tuffs present in Middle Miocene beds in the south of Java (Lunt et al, 1996). See chapter 4.4 for further
The southern slope regional uplift is also known as the southern mountains, consist of the ”old andesite”
volcanic and volcaniclastic suite, initially interbedded with and then more completely overlain by Miocene
limestones. These limestones often develop as reefal facies such as in the area south of Malang, the island of
Nusa Barung, the Puger area and the Blambangan Peninsula. The southern mountains today are the site of
dramatic karstified topography that is relatively young, i.e. it is probably the result of Quaternary uplift on the
southern flanks of the modern volcanic chain. The most extensive Miocene reefal facies are in the south and
east of Java. Also in the eastern area, in addition to the andesitic extrusives, there is reported to be a granite
batholith near Merawan. This granite and associated dikes intrude and reported alter some older Miocene
limestones and andesites but are then covered by the reefal limestones. Detailed data on the granite and the
reefal limestones in this area is scarce but Van Bemmelen deduced that the limestones that follow the intrusion
are equivalent to the reefal Wonosari Limestones further west in the Southern Mountains. The western
Wonosari Limestones are probably latest Early to Middle Miocene in age. It would therefore appear that the
Merawan granite is related to the older, 19 to 50 MYBP, volcanic phase, although there is still a question of how
a ”granite” occurs so far from a continental margin, and intrudes at such shallow depths (Lunt et al., 1996).
There are many signs pointing to a southerly quartz provenance that is separate from the Ngrayong sands of
the north. These include the petrographic data in Muin (1985) that consistently records nearly 30% of sand
grains as quartz in the Early to mid-Middle Miocene volcaniclastics Kerek Beds. In addition papers such as
those by Kadar and Storrs Cole (1975) from the later Early Miocene of the Southern Mountains note
biostratigraphy samples containing abundant quartz grains along with the transported larger forams they were