4 - A7PL Ih 2 If 3
4 - A7PL Ih 2 If 3
4 - A7PL Ih 2 If 3
DLP No: 4 Learning Area: ARTS Grade Level: 7 Quarter: FIRST Duration: 1 hour
Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their uses and their
distinct use of art elements and principles. Codes:
Learning Shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific A7PL-Ih-2
Competency/ies: areas of the country, according to functionality, traditional specialized A7PR-
expertise , and availability of resources. If-3
Key Concepts/
Understandings to be Artifacts and art objects in terms of their uses and distinct use of art elemenst and principles.
1. Objectives
Knowledge List down some identified artifacts and art objects in Luzon.
Appraise the artifacts and art objects in terms of their uses and distinct use of art elements and
Demonstrate open-mindedness in appreciating the artifacts and art objects in Luzon in terms of
their uses and distinct use of art elements and principles.
Display appreciation of the environment with the used of indigenous materials in the arts of
2. Content/ Topic Arts of Luzon (Uses and distinct use of art elements and principles)
3. Learning Learner's material pages 4-29, TV,powerpoint presentation, manila paper,filt-tip-pen, pictures
(indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
4. Procedures: consume)
Routine.Prayer, Greetings, Arrangement,Attendance, Presentation of Objectives 1.
4.1 Introductory List down some identified artifacts and art objects in Luzon. Ask for volunteers to
Activitiy share their answer by writing it on the board.
(5 2. Does the identified artifacts and art obejcts still exists today? Where can we
minutes) find them?Who buys them?Are they expensive?
1. The class will be divided into five (5) groups. A manila paper and filt-tip-pen will be provided
in each group.
2. Viewing of pictures(powerpoint presentation), the group tasks is to
categorize the artifacts/art objects whether it came from highland or lowland areas.
4. 2 Activity 3. Through a brainstorming,the group must list down their
(15 minutes) relationship, uses,materials used and described how the art elements and principles play to
such objects. 4. Group
The teacher will asks the following questions after the activity:
1.What are the different elements and principles of arts? How are the different elements used
in the following objects?
2. Can you appreciate now how each crafts was made?
4.3 Analysis
After the group presentation, the teacher will give a brief discussion about the uses and distinct
4.4 Abstraction use of art elements and principles to an artifacts or art objects of Luzon as well as their
(10 minutes) relationship with each other.
Prepared by: