Chapter 8 - Part I PDF
Chapter 8 - Part I PDF
Chapter 8 - Part I PDF
Redox titrations
I. Introduction
Overview of the redox reactions. Electrochemical cells. Cell potential
and electrode potential. Calculation of the equilibrium constant.
II Redox titration curves
Calculating the titration curves. Characteristics of the redox titration
curves. Factors affecting the titration curves.
III. Detection of the end point
Autoindicators. Specific indicators. Redox indicators.
V. Applications
A li ti
Applications off reducing
d i standards.
t d d Applications
A li ti off oxidizing
idi i standards
t d d .
Analytical Techniques
Degree in Farmacy, 2nd Year Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
• Based on a redox reaction between a titrant agent and an analyte.
• Wide range of applications: both inorganic and organic compounds.
• The main issue is the detection of the end point.
• Redox indicators
• Instrumental methods (potentiometric and amperometric).
• The low speed of some redox reactions causes the use of catalysts
and the indirect volumetric determination or “back-titration” [an
excess of the standard solution (R) is added, which is subsequently
determined via a second titration with another standard solution (R´)]
millimoles analyte = total millimoles R – millimoles of second titrant (R´)
• The pursued magnitude is the redox potential of a given system, which
is calculated by the Nernst equation
Analytical Techniques
Degree in Farmacy, 2nd Year Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
• Oxidation: Loss of electrons or increase in the oxidation state
Zn0 Zn2+ + 2e-
• Reduction:
R d ti G i off electrons
Gain l t or decrease
d i the
in th oxidation
id ti state
t t
Cu2+ + 2e- Cu0
• Redox reaction
Zn0 + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu0
Analytical Techniques
Degree in Farmacy, 2nd Year Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
An oxidation/reduction reaction (redox reaction) is that in
which electrons are transferred from the reducing agent (species
that gives e-) to the oxidizing agent (species that accepts e-):
n2 OX1 + n1 RED2 n2 RED1 + n1 OX2
Analytical Techniques
Degree in Farmacy, 2nd Year Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
0,412 V
High resistance
Cl- K+
Salt Bridge
Cu Ag
2Ag+ + Cu (s) 2Ag(s) Cu2+
Cu(s) CuSO4
(s) + Cu
Solution Solution
Direct contact reducing-oxidixing agent:
“Silver tree”, formed by immersion of
[Cu2+]=0,02M [Ag+]=0,02M
a Cu wire in a AgNO
g 3 solution.
2Ag+ + Cu (s) 2Ag(s) + Cu2+
Analytical Techniques
Degree in Farmacy, 2nd Year Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
When a high resistance voltmeter is connected, the cell is said to be at “open circuit”,
no overall reaction takes place, although the cell has potential to perform work.
The voltmeter measures the voltage between the two electrodes, a measure of the
tendency towards the equilibrium of the cell reaction
0,412 V
High resistance
High resistance
Cl- K+
Cu Ag
Salt Bridge
g 3
C 2+
2 ]=0,02M [Ag+]=0,02M
[A ] 0 02M
Analytical Techniques Galvanic cell at open circuit
Degree in Farmacy, 2nd Year Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Anodic reactions:
Catodic reactions:
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Cell connected to an external low resistance circuit that allows flow of e-. As the
reaction takes place, the potential decreases from 0.412 V (open circuit) to 0
q ) At the equilibrium,
q , the direct and inverse reactions take p
place at the
same speed, and no work is carried out.
The concentration of Cu2+ and Ag+ is given by the equilibrium constant :
Low resistance circuit
_ +
Cu Ag
Salt Bridge
C (s) Cu
Cu C 2+ + 2e
2 - Ag+ + e- Ag
A A (s)
Galvanic cell carrying out work
Course 2019‐20
Reduction at the
at the
- M +
connected to the right-hand electrode
Zn Cu
ZnSO 4 CuSO 4
Zn 0 Zn 2+ + 2e - Cu 2+ + 2e - Cu 0
( a Zn 2+ = 1,00) ( a Cu 2+ = 1,00)
1) A vertical line (I) phase limit or interphase where a potential can be developed.
2) 2 vertical
ti l lines
li (II) t
two li id li id junctions
liquid-liquid j ti att both
b th sides
id off the
th salt
lt bridge.
b id
3) The e- carry the charge between the electrodes through the external conductor.
By agreement,
agreement the electrical current I flows in opposite direction to the e
e- flow.
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Cellll Potentiall
The potential difference between the electrodes of the cell (Ecell) is a
measure of the tendencyy of the reaction
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
According to the IUPAC and taking into account that the cell is composed
of two half-cells :
This implies
p that we always
y measure the cell p potential by
y connectingg the
positive lead of the voltmeter to the right-hand electrode (plus right rule)
Ecell is a measure of the tendency of the cell reaction
Ej. Cu(s) + 2Ag+ Cu2+ + 2Ag(s) to occur spontaneously from left to right.
Cu Cu2+ Ag
g+ Ag
g ΔG = -nFEcell
Cu metal is oxidized to Cu2+ in the left-hand compartment and Ag+ is reduced
to Ag metal in the right-hand compartment
If Ecell is positive, ΔG is negative spontaneous reaction.
If Ecell is negative,
g , ΔG is p
positive non-spontaneous
p reaction
The reverse reaction tends to occur
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Electrode potential or Half-Cell Potential
E (half-cell potential) cannot be measured alone (absolute electrode
potential) since all devices measure differences of potential
need to compare with another electrode relative electrode potential
The potential of the half-reaction is determined vs. a reference electrode
(i standard
(i.e. t d d hydrogen
h d electrode
l t d (SHE))
• The electrode potential is the potential of a cell in which the electrode
in q
question ((i.e. Ag/Ag
g g+) is the right-hand
g electrode and a reference
electrode (i.e. SHE) is the left-hand electrode. It is a reduction
• Ecell = Eright – Eleft = EAg – ESHE = EAg – 0,000
0 000 = EAg
Depends on:
• Electrode
El t d Chemical
Ch i l nature
t ▪ Reactant
R t t concentrations
t ti
• Speed of the reactants towards the electrode surface
• Electrode physical properties (shape and size)
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
U i l reference
f electrode,
l t d easy to
t construct,
t t reversible
ibl and
d highly
hi hl reproducible.
d ibl
It is a gas electrode
Standard hydrogen potential
The representation for SHE:
H2 gas at Pt(s), H2 (g, 1 atm) I H+ (aq, a = 1.00)
1 atm
By convention, the
potential for SHE
h been
has b asigned
i d
a value of 0.000 V
V at any temperature
The metal conductor is a piece of Pt
coated with platinum black to increase
its specific surface area.
Solution of HCl The electrode is immersed in 1M HCl
1M solution. The solution is kept saturated
with H2 by bubbling the gas at a
pressure off 1 atm
t over the
th electrode
l t d
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Standard electrode potential (E0):
Electrode potential when the activities of the reactants and products are all unity.
i.e. For the cell: Pt, H2(p=1.00 atm) H+ (aH+ =1,00) Ag+(aAg+ =1,00) Ag
SHE Ag+(aAgg+ =1,00) The standard electrode potential for the silver half reaction or Ag+/Ag
couple is: Ag+ + 1e‐ Ag(s) EoAg+/Ag = +0,799 V
E0 is independent of the number of moles of reactant and product shown in the
balanced half-reaction.
half reaction Thus,
Thus Fe2+ Fe3+ + e- E0 = 0
771 V
5Fe2+ 5Fe3+ + 5e- E0 = 0.771 V
When a half-reaction is multiplied by a number, E0 value should not be
multiplied by such number.
Example: Calculate Eo for the reaction: Cd(s) + 2 Ag+ Cd2+ + 2Ag(s)
DATA: EoAg+/Ag = +0,799
+0 799 V; EoCd2+/Cd = -0,403
0 403 V;
2 x (Ag+ + e- Ag(s)) reduction
Cd(s) Cd2+ + 2 e- oxidation
Eo = 0,799
0 799 –(-0,403)
( 0 403) = 1,202
1 202 V
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Salt bridge
Eº´ is 0.792 V en 1M HClO4
Eº is 0.799 V.
Br2 + 2e- 2Br-
+ 11,087
Ag+ + 1e‐ Ag0 + 0,799
Fe3+ + 1e
+ 1e‐ Fe2+
+ 00,771
Cu2+ + 2e‐ Cu0 + 0,337
2H+ + 2e
+ 2e‐
R f
Reference H2 0 000
Cd2+ + 2e‐ Cd0 - 0,403
Z 2+ + 2e
Zn 2 ‐ Z 0
Zn - 0,763
0 763
Fe3+ + e- Fe2+
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
= 0,337
0 337 – 0,0503
0 0503 = 0
2867 V
Salt bridge
Platinum Platinum
electrode electrode
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
= 0,771
0 771 – (-0,0236)
(-0 0236) =0
7946 V
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Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Ag electrode
AgCl solid
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
= 0,222
0 222 – 0,0592
0 0592 log 0
0200 = 0,3226
0 3226 V
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Calculation of redox equilibrium constants
Reaction: Cu(s) + 2Ag+ Cu2+ + 2Ag(s)
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Calculation of the redox equilibrium constants
g+ Cu2+ + 2Ag
Reaction: Cu(s) + 2Ag g(s)
¡The Nernst
equation is EAg = ECu
applied to
each balanced
Eo Cu2+/Cu = 0.337 V
Eo Ag+/Ag = 0.799 V
l 15,61 = 4,1 x 1015
Keq = antilog
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
General Equation to calculate the equilibrium constant of redox reactions
General half‐reactions
f at Aox + n1e- Ared
the electrodes
Box + n2e- Bred
At the equilibrium
At the EA = E
= EB
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
n2Ared+ n1Box n2Aox + n1Bred
Apply the Nernst Equation to each half‐reaction (1) and (2)
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Calculation of the redox equilibrium constants
The same equation can be obtained from the change in free energy of the
ΔGo = -nFEocell = -RT ln Keq
n F Eocell
At 298,15 K
n Eocell n (E0right – E0left )
The higher the difference between the standard potentials and the
larger th number
the b off electrons
l t exchanged
h d in
i the
th redox
d reaction,
ti th
higher the equilibrium constant.
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Calculation of the redox equilibrium constants
Reaction: 2MnO4- + 3Mn2+ + 2H2O 5MnO2(s) + 4H+
MnO4-+ 4H+ + 3e- MnO2(s) + 2H2O
MnO2(s) + 4H+ + 2e- Mn22+ + 2H2O
Course 2019‐20
Chapter 8. Redox titrations
Calculation of the redox equilibrium constants
Reaction: 2MnO4- + 3Mn2+ + 2H2O 5MnO2(s) + 4H+
47,1 = log
g Keq