Porphyrias Lover

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JD2: Come on Porphyria, let's eat, don't
worry my treat.
Porphyria’s P: Okay, thanks I guess.

JD: I showed her my love till the very end,
until that day...

JD2: Since we've been dating for
JD: John Doe
months...(Kneels) Will you be my
PM: Porphyria's Mother Girlfriend?
J: Jury ...
P: Porphyria Is that a yes?
JD2: Young John Doe P: Ahm you see, I'm already dating
S: Sister of John Doe someone else... So no. I'm gonna go now.

F: Fiancé JD: Years. It's been years. I waited for

them to break apart. There wasn't a day I
L: Lawyer stop loving her. Then... I heard that rumor.
R: Reynolds
S: Sister of JD
S: Come on brother, it's been a long time.
S2: Young Sister of JD Porphyria, after all this time?
JD2: Always, okay. Always!

JD: Why won't you believe me! S: If that's the case, I have a very bad
news, I heard that Porphyria and
She didn't die in vain! I love Porphyria, I ________ are already enhance and
would never hurt her! they're about to get marry in three

PM: That's a lie! You bastard, how dare JD2: What? That's impossible to happen!
you! You killed my daughter! She's so Why Him!
young, and she's getting married! (Slaps)
JD: I don't know what happened to me in
those days, but I've never been fucked up
in my entire life. That's why I decided to
J: (Hammer Sounds) Silence! May I
make a plan. A plan to make Porphyria
request the mother of the victim to sit
mine. Once and for all.
down please... Continue your story Mr.
Doe. J: And that plan is to kill her the night
before her wedding?
JD: No! Of course not!
JD: Yes, I killed her. I killed her because I
do love her. These hands, these hands PM: You liar!
that give life to many, killed her because
J: (Hammering Sounds) I said silence in
of my love to her.
the court! Mr. Doe, please proceed.
Ladies and Gentlemen of this honorable
JD: My plan is to take Porphyria with me!
court, please listen to me, listen to my
Not to have revenge! I stated to myself
story before you give my verdict.
that I will ask her to come with me, to
Porphyria and I were once great lovers, I leave her dumb fiancé.
really loved her, and I think she loved me
too... I think so. Flashback:
(Door closed by P) detectives and I, Ms. Blank died through
strangulation, there is no much sign of
(JD2 looking in a distance)
force in the act seen in the victim's body.
(P will close her umbrella, then she will go
L: So you're saying that Ms. Blank died at
to the front)
11 pm? Is that correct?
P: Oh darling, it’s been a long day, really.
R: Approximately. Yes
Tons of phone calls to answer, to many
invitation reviews, even the wedding L: Is there anyone here in this court to
planners are getting into my nerves lately. support that?
Well, obviously you know that, ain't I right
R: Yes your honor, according to the
honey? Hey what's wrong? (Turns her
officers, one girl is found in that very
back to JD2) Hmmm I just can't believe it,
same room 1 hour after the crime. This
we're already getting married, our plans
girl I'm referring to is the sister of John
turns out successfully. I still can't believe I
Doe and she is here in this very same
fooled that silly Doe to love me! Can't you
believe it, he dated me for a year, without
even knowing about us-. L: May I request you to come please.
JD2: What did you say! S: As you please.
P: J-John, w-what are you doing at our L: Are you really there that night Ms. Doe
cottage? Where is _____!?
S: Yes your honor.
JD2: Tell me! Look at me in the eyes, and
L: Will you please give us information on
tell me; did you really ever loved me!
what you know.
P: J-J-John, your hurting me!
S: I don't believe that my brother should
JD2: Answer me! be considered wrong in the situation, your
honor. I am there that night, I same my
P: O-Of course!
brother holding her, I can see the
JD2: You liar! desperation in his eyes.
(P will get out in JD2s arm but JD2 will Flashback:
pull her hair. P will shout for help, but JD2
will hold her mouth shut) S2: John! What have you done!?

JD2: I have no intension in killing you my JD2: I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I did, I
love, but you left me no choice. killed her because o love her.

(JD2 will Tie P's hair to herself) S2: I'm sorry, but I'm calling 911... Hello. I
would like to report a crime (Address),
JD: I have and will always regret that day! thank you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Sorrryyyy Porphyria. I
love you. I'm sorry! S: It has not been a long waiting, when
the police came, that's when they decided
J: Silence in the court! (Hammering
Sounds) Seriously Ms Blank, if you stood P: John Doe, you are under arrest for
up without being ask again, I will have no murdering Ms. Porphyria Blank. You have
choice but to hold this trial... May I the right to remain silent, Everything you
request Dr.A.P. Reynolds in the Jury. say can be used against you.

L: Just like Mr. Doe said he killed Ms. J: Now, your honorable jurors, respected
Blank in that very same night my attorneys, defendant, witnesses, lawyers
strangulation, is that right Mr. Reynolds? and everyone in this room. Am I found
guilty for the things I have done. I killed
R: That is correct your honor,
her because I love her.
approximately 11 pm that night of august
10 according to the findings of the

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