CU5191-Advanced Radiation Systems

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



I SEMESTER M.E.(Communication Systems)

Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2017 – 18 (Odd Semester)

Prepared by
Ms.N.Subhashini, Assistant Professor-ECE

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 1
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.



SEM / YEAR : I / I year M.E.,Communication Systems


Wave equations, radiation pattern, HPBW,FNBW, gain and directivity, polarization, equivalent circuit, radiation
resistance, Radiation integrals, Radiation from surface and line current distributions – dipole, monopole, loop antenna,
Antenna parameters, Image theory; Induction, reciprocity theorem, Balance to unbalance transformer, Introduction to
numerical techniques.

Q.No. Questions Domain

1 “Antenna is a transitional Structure “- Discuss. BTL -2 Understanding

2 Summarize the fundamental parameters of an antenna. BTL -2 Understanding
3 Show the line current distribution in an antenna. BTL -3 Applying
4 List the CAD tools & their features for antenna analysis. BTL -1 Remembering

5 Formulate the polarization of the radiation, If a loop antenna of BTL -6 Creating

diameter λ/15 and the loop dipole are fed in phase with equal power,
6 Outline the features of beam efficiency and mention the applications BTL -5 Evaluating
that require high beam efficiency.
7 Using Poincare Sphere categorize the polarization BTL -6 Creating

8 Compare the bandwidth representation of narrowband antennas and BTL -1 Remembering

wideband antennas.
9 Discuss the significance of the impedance matching and effective BTL -2 Understanding
aperture of an antenna.
10 Illustrate induction field and radiation field of an antenna. BTL -2 Understanding

11 Identify how the radiation power density and radiation intensity BTL -4 Analyzing
related to antennas.
12 Define beam solid angle or beam area. BTL -1 Remembering

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 2
13 Differentiate linear, circular and elliptical polarization. BTL -4 Analyzing

14 State duality theorem. BTL -1 Remembering

15 Show the importance of BALUN in wave propagation. BTL -1 Remembering

16 Apply the knowledge of electromagnetics to show how radiation is BTL -3 Applying

17 Evaluate the directivity, if an antenna has a main lobe with both BTL -5 Evaluating
HPBWs of 20o .
18 Outline the impact of Polarization Mismatch. BTL -1 Remembering

19 Distinguish between FDM and MOM method in radiation analysis. BTL -4 Analyzing

20 Assess the different types of matching techniques. BTL -3 Applying

(i) Review the principle of reciprocity as applied to antenna. (6)
1 (ii) Describe the self oscillation in a Hertzian dipole antenna. BTL -2 Understanding
(i) Explain the line current distribution and obtain the (6)
2 radiation resistance of a simple dipole antenna. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) Discuss the relation between effective aperture and the
directivity of an antenna.
(i) Derive expressions for near field and far field region of a (7)
small dipole antenna. Applying
3 BTL -3
(ii) Sketch the regions around an antenna and explain reactive
near field region in detail.
(i) List out the numerical techniques and EM software used (6)
for the analysis of an antenna. Remembering
4 BTL -1
(ii) Outline the matching techniques used in broadband (7)
(i) Categorize the electric and magnetic field radiated by loop (7)
antenna. Analyzing
5 BTL -4
(ii) Examine the performance of Balanced to Unbalanced (6)
Transformer in wave propagation.
(i) Define and explain the parameters of an antenna. Write (7)
about the Friis transmission equation. Remembering
6 BTL -1
(ii) Show that the impedance of a half wave dipole is 73 ohms (6)
and state how the impedance can be improved.
(i) Deduce the expression for electric and magnetic field (7)
components of a dipole with a length l<< λ. Evaluating
7 BTL -5
(ii) Assess the characteristics of an antenna using image (6)
(i) Analyze the directivity of monopole antenna. (6)
8 (ii) Derive expressions for the radiation intensity, input (7) BTL -4 Analyzing
impedance of an antenna.

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 3
(i) State and derive Lorentz reciprocity theorem for the (6)
9 receiving antennas. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) (7)
(i) Demonstrate the Thevenin equivalent circuit of (7)
transmitting and receiving antenna with neat diagrams.
(ii) A loss less λ/2 antenna with input impedance of 73Ω is to Analyzing
10 (6) BTL -4
be connected to a line whose characteristic impedance is
50 Ω. Assuming that the pattern of antenna is given by
U=Bo sin3θ. Find the overall maximum gain.
(i) Using Vector Potential in magnetic field and electric field (6)
11 discuss the features of Helmholtz equation. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) Estimate the expressions for the radiated field of a half (7)
wave dipole.
(i) Discuss about different Numerical techniques used in (6)
12 antenna parameter measurement. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Analyze the different Polarization methods. (7)
(i) Obtain the Friss equation for free space propagation. (6)
13 (ii) BTL -3 Applying
Illustrate the Antenna temperature with a neat diagram. (7)
(i) Formulate the wave equation using Maxwells equation (6)
for electromagnetic wave.
(ii) Design an antenna with omnidirectional amplitude pattern (7)
14 with a half-power beamwidth of 90◦. Express its radiation BTL -6 Creating
intensity by U = sinnθ. Determine the value of n and
attempt to identify elements that exhibit such a pattern.
Determine the directivity of the antenna.
A circular loop, of loop radius λ/30 and wire radius λ/1000, is used as
a transmitting/receiving antenna in a back-pack radio communication
system at 10 MHz. The wire of the loop is made of copper with a
conductivity of 5 .7 × 10 7 S/m. Assuming the antenna is radiating in
free space, figure out the
1 (a) radiation resistance of the loop (3) BTL -6 Creating
(b) loss resistance of the loop (assume that its value is the
same as if the wire were straight (3)
(c) input resistance (3)
(d) input impedance (3)
(e) radiation efficiency (3)
Assess when does a loop antenna radiate perpendicular to the (15)
2 plane of the loop, and when does a loop antenna have a null BTL -5 Evaluating
perpendicular to the plane of the loop?

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 4
(i) The electric field of an uniform plane electromagnetic (8)
wave in free space is ⃗⃗⃗ 𝐸 = 10(𝑎 𝑎𝑦 )𝑒 −𝑗25𝑥 .
⃗⃗⃗⃗𝑥 + 𝑗 ⃗⃗⃗⃗
Interpret the direction of wave propagation , frequency of
3 propagation and the nature of polarization of the wave BTL -5 Evaluating
(ii) Perform the mathematical evaluation of the directivity of (7)
quarter wave monopole is twice that of half wave dipole.
(i) Formulate the misconceptions related to the antenna (8) BTL -6 Creating
balance and discuss about balun.
4 (ii) Construct a transmitter to deliver 100W into a 50 ohms (7)
load, mention the significance of selecting 50 resistance
as load.
Field equivalence principle, Radiation from Rectangular and Circular apertures, Uniform aperture, distribution on an
infinite ground plane; Slot antenna; Horn antenna; Reflector antenna, aperture blockage, design considerations.
Q.No. Question Domain
1 How the concept of aperture is applied in an antenna? BTL -1 Remembering
At 2.7GHz, the increase in antenna temperature from Cygnus A with
2 a 20m dish antenna is 51k. Compute the aperture efficiency of the BTL -2 Understanding
3 Discuss the field equivalence principle. BTL -2 Understanding

4 State Huygen’s principle. BTL -1 Remembering

5 Analyze the merits of offset feed reflector antenna. BTL -4 Analyzing

6 Exhibit the concept of spill over in parabolic reflector. BTL -3 Applying

7 Illustrate with an example, when does a dipole and slot antenna are BTL -3 Applying
said to be complementary to each other.
A parabolic antenna having a circular mouth is to have power gain of
8 1000 at λ= 10 cm. Estimate the diameter of mouth and HPBW of the BTL -4 Analyzing
9 Summarize the significance of F/D ratio in reflector antenna. BTL -2 Understanding

10 State Fermat’s Principle. BTL -1 Remembering

11 Identify the limitations of reflector antenna? Name the methods to BTL -4 Analyzing
overcome them.
12 Observe how aperture blockage can be prevented in reflector antenna? BTL -2 Understanding

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 5
13 Find the diameter of aperture of a parabolic antenna to produce a null BTL -6 Creating
beam width of 10o at 3GHz
14 List the design considerations and the applications of an aperture BTL -1 Remembering
15 Asses the types of Feed widely used for reflector antenna and slot BTL -5 Evaluating
16 Outline the principle of Babinet used in slot antenna. BTL -1 Remembering
17 Classify the types of Horn antenna. BTL -3 Applying
18 Interpret the slot antenna with an example. BTL -5 Evaluating

Find the complementary slot impedance when the transmitting and

19 receiving antennas are separated by 100km, while operating at a BTL -6 Creating
frequency of 10GHz.
20 Write the expression for far electric field for a circular aperture. BTL -1 Remembering

(i) Derive the radiation components of field from a (7)
rectangular aperture in an absorbing screen.
1 (ii) The aperture dimension of a pyramidal horn is 10 x 5 cm2. (6) BTL -6 Creating
It is operating at 6.6GHz. Find Beamwidth, Power gain
and directivity.
(i) Write short notes on Field equivalence principle, uniform (6)
2 aperture distribution on slot antenna and aperture BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) State & explain Huygens principle for aperture antennas. (7)
(i) Express the far electric field component using Fourier (7)
transform technique, for an antenna, assuming aperture
3 dimensions and aperture distributions are known. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) Interpret the uniform aperture distribution on ground (6)
(i) Distinguish horn antenna from parabolic reflector. Bring (6)
4 out the design details of pyramidal horn antenna. BTL -4 Analyzing
(ii) Categorize the Ridge Horns and explain in detail. (7)
(i) What is reflector antenna? Explain with design procedure. (8)
(ii) Calculate the angular aperture for a paraboloid reflector
5 antenna for which aperture number is (1) 0.25 (2) 0.50 (5) BTL -1 Remembering
(3) 0.60 . Given diameter of reflector mouth as 10m,
calculate the position of the focal point with reference to
the reflection mouth in each case.
A rectangular aperture with a constant field distribution with
a=4λ and b=3λ, is mounted on an infinite ground plane.
6 Calculate the BTL -5 Evaluating
(a) FNBW and HPBW in E-plane (6)
(b) FSLBW and FSLMM in E-plane and Directivity (7)

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 6
(i) Predict the rectangular aperture and derive the expressions (6)
7 for its uniform distribution on an infinite ground plane and BTL -3 Applying
(ii) Demonstrate the far electric field for a circular aperture. (7)
(i) Analyze the working and design methodology of a Slot (6)
8 antenna. BTL -4 Analyzing
(ii) Derive an expression for input impedance of a slot (7)
(i) Summarize the different types of horn antenna used for (6)
9 radiation. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) Describe the working of pyramidal horn antenna and (7)
derive the expression for directivity.
(i) A rectangular aperture with a constant field distribution (7)
with a = 3 λ and b = 2 λ is mounted on infinite ground
10 plane. Compute, in E-plane, HPBW,BWFN, FSLBW and BTL -4 Analyzing
(ii) Compare the features of uniform and tapered apertures. (6)
(i) Obtain the expressions for effective aperture. (6)
(ii) Two half wave dipoles are positioned along x-axis and are (7)
11 separated by distance “d”. The lengths of dipole are BTL -2 Understanding
parallel to z-axis. Find the total field of the array. Assume
uniform amplitude excitation and a progressive phase
difference of β.
(i) Describe the geometry of Cassegrain feed. (6)
12 (ii) ”A horn antenna may be regarded as a flared out BTL -1 Remembering
waveguide”, Justify. (7)
(i) The earth subtends an angle of 17o when viewed from geo- (6)
stationary orbit, What are the dimensions and gain of a
13 horn antenna that will provide global coverage at 4GHz BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Enumerate the field components of a circular aperture on (7)
Infinite ground plane.
(i) Explore the design and construction principles of a (6)
14 parabolic reflector antenna. BTL -3 Applying
(ii) Demonstrate the construction of the lens antenna and (7)
mention its merits and demerits.
Show that a feed pattern of (15)
𝐺𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑐 4 ( ) 0 ≤ 𝜃 ′ ≤ 𝜃𝑜
1 𝐺𝑓 (𝜃 ′ ) = BTL -5 Evaluating

{ 0 𝜃 ′ > 𝜃𝑜

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 7
In conjunction with a parabolic reflector, leads to an ideal
aperture efficiency of 𝜀𝑎𝑝 = 1. Determine the value of Go that
will accomplish this.
(i) Apply the principle of equality of path length to design a (10)
Pyramidal Horn Antenna , illustrate the design with
appropriate diagram. (10)
(ii) Determine the length L,H –Plane aperture and flare angles
2 in the E and H planes of a pyramidal horn for which (5) BTL -6 Creating
the E-plane aperture aE = 10λ .The horn is fed by a
rectangular waveguide with TE10 mode.Let δ=0.2λ in the
E-Plane and 0.375λ in the H plane .Also find the
beamwidth and directivity.(5)
(i) Validate why an antenna using a paraboloid reflector is (8)
likely to be a highly directive receiving antenna?
3 (ii) Assess the different feeding methods of Parabolic BTL -5 Evaluating
reflector. Under what conditions this method of feed is (7)
(i) Show that for a slot in a conducting plane, the impedance (5)
Zslot is given by Zdipole Zslot=Z02/4 where Z0 is the
4 impedance of free space. BTL -6 Creating
(ii) Design a rectangular aperture in an absorbing screen and (10)
derive the radiation components of field.
Introduction-General structure of phased array, linear array theory, variation of gain as a function of pointing direction,
effects of phase quantization, frequency scanned arrays, analog beamforming matrices-Active modules, digital beam
forming, MEMS technology in phased arrays-Retrodirective and self phased arrays.

Q.No. Question Domain

Draw the field patterns of broad side and end fire antenna arrays. What
1 BTL -1 Remembering
is the difference?

2 Distinguish end fire and broad side array. BTL -4 Analyzing

Outline the features of a grating lobe , how it can be eliminated in an
3 BTL -1 Remembering
4 Differentiate FNBW and HPBW? BTL -4 Analyzing
5 Why is the phased array called as the scanning array? BTL -1 Remembering
6 Assess the features of binomial array. BTL -5 Evaluating
7 Classify antenna arrays. BTL -2 Understanding

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 8
8 What is adaptive array? Where is it employed? BTL -1 Remembering
9 Illustrate the effects of phase quantization? BTL -4 Analyzing
10 Exhibit the behavior of the frequency scanned arrays BTL -3 Applying

11 Interpret the features retro directive arrays. BTL -2 Applying

12 Categorize the need for phase shifter in phased array antennas. BTL -1 Remembering
A linear end fire, uniform array of 10 elements has a separation of λ/4
13 BTL -6 Creating
between elements. Find the directivity of array.
14 List the features and advantages of linear array. BTL -1 Remembering

15 Formulate the feed network to be used in phased array antenna. BTL -6 Creating

16 What is the principle of phased array antenna? BTL -2 Understanding

17 Sketch the radiation pattern as a result of Pattern multiplication BTL -3 Applying

18 Express Dolph-Chebyshev distribution for linear array? BTL -2 Understanding

19 Generalize the features of pattern multiplication and its advantages. BTL -2 Understanding

20 Discriminate Binomial and Chebyshev distributions. BTL -5 Evaluating

(i) Outline the 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional arrays (5)
1 through an example. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Generalize the expression for antenna array factor and
explain its significance
An array of dipoles of λ/2 length in end fire mode is to produce (13)
2 a power gain of 24.Find (i) Array length, number of elements BTL -2 Understanding
when spaces λ/2 (ii) Null to Null beamwidth.
(i) Find the beamwidth between the nulls and half power (8)
points of the radiation pattern of a paraboloid operating at
10GHz, which has a mouth diameter of 0.15m. Also find
3 power gain. BTL -5 Evaluating
(ii) Determine the Half Power beam Width (in degree) and
maximum directivity (in dB) of a 10 element binomial (5)
array with the spacing of λ/2 between the elements.
(i) Analyze the radiation mechanisms of broad side antenna (8)
4 array and End fire antenna array with neat sketches. BTL -4 Analyzing
(ii) Compare the characteristics of broad side and end fire (5)
5 (i) Inspect the expression for steering vector of phased array (5) BTL -4 Analyzing

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 9
(ii) Point out the significance. Give an account of beamforming
networks for phased array antenna. (8)
(i) Discuss how analog and digital beam forming is achieved (8)
6 with an antenna array with a neat diagram. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) Interpret the advantages of MEMS technology in the (5)
implementation of phased array?
(i) Obtain the expression for the far field of a continuous array (5)
7 of point sources of uniform amplitude and phase. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) Describe and prove mathematically for finding directions
of pattern nulls of the array.
(i) How does the directivity of an array represent the figure of (8)
merit on the operation of the system? Derive expressions
8 for the directivity of broadside array and end fire array. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Write short note on MEMS technology in phased arrays, (5)
Retro directive and self- phased arrays.
(i) What is meant by Dolph-Tschebyscheff distribution for (8)
9 linear array? BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Outline the different topologies of Retrodirective array. (5)

Write short note on MEMS technology in phased arrays, Retro (13)

10 directive and self- phased arrays. BTL -3 Applying

(i) Differentiate broad side antenna array from End fire (5)
11 antenna array. BTL -4 Analyzing
(ii) Model the principle of phased array antenna with a neat
(i) In an array of identical elements list out the controls to (5)
12 shape the overall pattern of the antenna. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Draw the far field geometry and phasor diagram of N-
element array of isotropic sources positioned along z-axis.
Manipulate and tabulate the parameters of broadside array, end (13)
13 fire array and Hansen – Woodyard array. BTL -3 Applying

Devise the design procedure for a broad side Dolph- (13)

14 Tschebyscheff array of 2M or 2M + 1 elements with spacing ‘d’ BTL -6 Creating
between the elements.
Verify that the value and utility of an antenna array determine (15)
1 the received or transmitted power as a function of the arrival BTL -5 Evaluating
angle. Enumerate the performance of a phased array antenna.
Design a 10 x 8 (10 in the x direction and 8 in the y) element (15)
uniform planar array so that the main maximum is oriented along
2 θ = 10o ,φ = 90o. For a spacing of dx=dy = λ /8 between the BTL -6 Creating
elements, find the progressive phase shift in both directions,
directivity of the array.

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 10
(i) Formulate how the directivity can be improved by using a (8)
3 number of antennas in any broad side or end fire array. BTL -6 Creating
(ii) Deduce and Sketch the Pascal's triangle upto m=7 for a
Binomial array.
Evaluate the performance of Analog and Digital beamforming in (15)
4 the construction of phased array with neat diagram. BTL -5 Evaluating


Radiation mechanism from patch; Excitation techniques; Microstrip dipole; Rectangular patch, Circular patch, and Ring
antenna – radiation analysis from transmission line model, cavity model; input impedance of rectangular and circular
patch antenna; Microstrip array and feed network; Applications of microstrip array antenna.

Q.No. Question Domain

1 What is the radiation mechanism of microstrip dipole antenna? BTL -1 Remembering

2 List the applications of microstrip array antenna. BTL -1 Remembering

3 State Babinet’s principle & its use in microstrip antenna design. BTL -1 Remembering

4 Develop the radiation conductance of microstrip antennas. BTL -6 Creating

5 Generalize the most commonly preferred substrate material for BTL -2 Understanding
microstrip antenna. Mention their features.
6 Compare transmission line model and cavity model in microstrip patch BTL -4 Analyzing
7 An array of four λ/2 patches with spacing ‘d’ connected by microstrip BTL -4 Analyzing
lines to a 50Ω source has a total HPBW of 26o . Calculate its directivity.
8 What is ring antenna? Give its design specifications. BTL -1 Remembering
9 Observe the drawbacks of microstrip array. BTL -2 Understanding
10 Analyze the excitation techniques used in patch antennas? BTL -4 Analyzing

11 Sketch the equivalent circuit of microstrip line. BTL -3 Applying

12 Enumerate the representative shapes of microstrip patch elements. BTL -1 Remembering

13 Discuss about the substrate materials for microstrip antenna. BTL -2 Understanding

14 Why microstrip antennas are preferred for space applications? BTL -1 Remembering

15 Categorize the types of feeding mechanism. BTL -5 Evaluating

16 Give the main idea of cavity model. BTL -2 Understanding

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 11
17 Assess the advantages, limitation and applications of microstrip BTL -5 Evaluating
18 Devise the mode of propagation in a rectangular patch antenna. BTL -6 Creating
19 Demonstrate the transmission line model of rectangular patch antenna. BTL -3 Applying
20 Interpret the various micro-strip antennas radiation pattern. BTL -3 Applying

Explain the following in relation with a patch antenna
(a) Patch parameters (3)
1 (b) Methods of bandwidth control (3) BTL -2 Understanding
(c) Shape of antennas (3)
(d) Characteristic impedance (4)
(i) Describe the radiation principle of a rectangular patch (6)
2 antenna with a neat diagram. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Outline the working of circular patch antenna and derive (7)
the expression for resonant frequency.
Write the design procedure involved in the Microstrip array and (13) 11aRememberi
3 feed network design. (13) BTL -1
(i) Illustrate in detail the various feed techniques for (5)
4 microstrip antenna with neat diagrams. BTL -3 13aApplying
(ii) Interpret the input impedance of a rectangular & circular (8)
patch antenna with appropriate expression.
Design a rectangular microstrip antenna using a substrate (13)
5 (assume) with dielectric constant of 2.2, h=0.1588 cm (0.0625 BTL -4 Analyzing
inches) so as to resonate at 10GHz.
(i) Derive expressions for the radiated fields of a Microstrip (8)
6 antenna. BTL -3 Applying
(ii) Demonstrate the corporate feed to the microstrip antenna
with relevant diagram. (5)
(i) With a neat diagram explain the radiation mechanism of a (8)
patch antenna. What are the excitation techniques
7 (ii) available? BTL -2 Understanding
Express the feeding networks for the microstrip array with (5)
required diagram.
8 Describe the radiation analysis of a ring antenna from cavity (13) BTL -1 Remembering
(i) Recognize the various micro-strip antennas and draw its (6)
9 radiation pattern. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Recall the transmission line model of rectangular patch (7)
10 Examine the radiation mechanism from microstrip antenna and (13) BTL -4 Analyzing
also discuss about its excitation techniques.
11 (i) Analyze the radiation parameters of the circular patch (8) BTL -4 Analyzing

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 12
(ii) Illustrate the excitation of circular patch and input (5)
impedance with appropriate diagram.
12 Discuss about ring antenna construction, operation and analyze (13) BTL -2 Understanding
radiation from cavity model with neat sketch.
13 Assess the vector and scalar potential of the microstrip dipole (13) BTL -5 Evaluating
14 Construct the circular patch antenna and obtain the mode field (13) BTL -6 Creating
Design a rectangular microstrip patch antenna for operation at
2GHz. The lossless substrate has a dielectric constant at 10 and
a height of 0.127cm.
(a) Determine the physical dimensions(width and length) of the (5)
1 patch (in cm.) . BTL -6 Creating
(b) Approximate range of lengths (in cm) between the two (5)
radiating slots when input to be real.
(c) Find the location of a coaxial feed so that the total input (5)
impedance is 150 ohms.
Determine the impedance of a single-section quarter-wavelength (15)
impedance transformer to match a 100-ohm patch element to a
2 50-ohm microstrip line. Determine the dimensions of the line BTL -5 Evaluating
assuming a substrate with a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a height
of 0.1575 cm.
3 Devise a microstrip patch antenna operating at the frequency of (15) BTL -6 Creating
2.4GHz for wireless application.
4 Devise the parameters for circular patch and obtain the (15) BTL -5 Evaluating
directivity of 8dB and plot the radiation pattern of the patch.
Mobile phone antenna ,base station, hand set antenna, UWB antenna, PIFA, Vivaldi antenna, Antenna for automobiles,
Broadband antenna, antenna factor, Gain, impedance and radiation pattern measurements, Test sites and anechoic chamber.

Q.No Bloom’s
Question Domain
. Taxonomy
1 Outline the methods to increase the bandwidth for PIFA. BTL -1 Remembering
2 Why antenna measurements are necessary? BTL -2 Understanding
3 Analyze the drawbacks in measurement of antenna parameters. BTL -4 Analyzing
4 Interpret the measurement error. BTL -4 Analyzing
5 List out few antenna configurations used in base station. BTL -1 Remembering
6 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of Vivaldi antenna BTL -1 Remembering

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 13
7 Summarize the characteristics of near field and far field. BTL -2 Understanding
8 Interpret the role of a folded dipole in yagi antenna. BTL -3 Applying
9 Categorize the different types of UWB antennas. BTL -6 Creating
Formulate the Antenna factor and method to measure the antenna
10 factor? BTL -6 Creating

11 Define absolute gain and gain transfer in gain measurements. BTL -1 Remembering
Demonstrate the instruments required to accomplish an antenna
12 measurement task. BTL -3 Applying

Characterize the two important goals especially for antennas of small

13 portable phones. Which planar antenna is preferable for mobile BTL -4 Analyzing
14 Interpret the role of a folded dipole in yagi antenna. BTL -2 Understanding
15 Assess the types of anechoic chamber design. BTL -5 Evaluating

16 What do you understand Broadband antennas BTL -3 Applying

17 Evaluate the path loss in free space using absolute values. BTL -5 Evaluating
18 Indicate the suitable antenna placement on a regular passenger car BTL -2 Understanding
19 Outline the types of anechoic chamber. BTL -1 Remembering
20 What is the range used for antenna testing? BTL -1 Remembering
Analyze the Principles and requirements of UWB antenna and (13)
1 BTL -4 Analyzing
discuss its characterization parameters
Assess the nature of absorbing material and the anechoic (13)
2 BTL -5 Evaluating
chamber. Explain the design aspect of anechoic chamber.
(i) Is current distribution measurement important in an (6)
antenna? Justify. How it is being measured?
3 (ii) Explain it through an experiment setup. Derive FRISS (7) BTL -4 Analyzing
transmission formula and hence deduce an expression for
gain of an antenna.
Design log periodic antenna array to cover a frequency range of (13)
4 84 to 200 MHz and to have a 7.5dB gain. Compute the required BTL -6 Creating
element lengths and spacing for optimal working.
Interpret with a neat block diagram for antenna radiation pattern (13)
5 & gain measurement. Explain the procedure in detail. Describe BTL -3 Applying
the compact Antenna Test Ranges and near field ranges with
neat diagrams.

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 14
(i) Review the features of anechoic chambers and Absorbing (7)
6 materials used for Antenna measurements. BTL -2 Understanding
(ii) With Schematic diagram explain both direct and indirect (6)
method of measuring gain of the antenna.
(i) Point out the construction and working of Log periodic (6)
7 dipole antenna with a neat diagram. Derive an expression BTL -3 Applying
for spacing factor. (7)
(ii) Describe about base station and hand set antenna.
(i) With suitable diagrams prove that the input impedance is (7)
8 four times the transformed impedance for a folded dipole. BTL -1 Remembering
(ii) Describe the frequency independent feature and operation (6)
of equiangular spiral antenna
With neat diagrams, explain how transmitter and receiver (13)
9 antenna factors are measured. BTL -2 Understanding

(i) Recall the three antenna method of gain measurement (7)

with mathematical substantiation. Remembering
10 (ii) Describe all the non-adaptive and adaptive base station BTL -1

antennas of mobile communication with neat diagrams. (6)

“Free space ranges are designed to suppress the contributions (13)
11 BTL -4 Analyzing
from the surrounding environment ” Justify.
List the two types of antenna measurements and explain (13)
12 impedance measurement bridge method for low frequency and BTL -1 Remembering
slotted line method for high frequency.
Review a neat block diagram for antenna factor measurement (13)
13 BTL -2 Understanding
and explain the procedure in detail.
Draw and explain the anechoic chambers and Absorbing (13)
14 BTL -1 Remembering
materials used for Antenna measurements.
Analyze the CATR reflector edge treatments to reduce the (15)
1 BTL -5 Evaluating
diffracted fields in the quiet zone.
. (i) For cellular (mobile) phone systems, the handset (phone) (8)
antennas are nearly omnidirectional, while by contrast
base-station antennas are fairly directional (at least in the BTL -6 Creating
vertical direction).Analyze how this difference in
directionality might be desirable, and/or inevitable
. (ii) Assess the design constraints of mobile phone antenna. (7)
Examine the working of a helical antenna, sketch the end fire (15)
3 mode field components and also write the applications of helical BTL -6 Creating
Consider an AM broadcast antenna working in the frequency
range of 530-1800 kHz. Evaluate , Evaluating
4 BTL -5
(i) Fractional bandwidth of the signal. (7)
(ii) Can we consider the antenna as an UWB antenna? (8)

CU5191_ARS_N.Subhashini AP/ECE 15

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