Rear Light Removal & Earthing Fix
Rear Light Removal & Earthing Fix
Rear Light Removal & Earthing Fix
P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* - Nissan Primera Owners Club
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norbert eggcup Topic: P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* Post Options Thanks(36) Quote Reply
Posted: 14 Aug 2008 at 12:18am
NPOC Guest
It is well documented on these forums that the P12 can suffer from electrical gremlins.. The biggest of all is a lack of power or
juddering when indicating. This is due to a dodgy earth in the rear light cluster(s). Nissan know all about this as well! They have
released a replacement rear loom that you can buy and fit (circa £40).
But if you wanted to DIY this and see how you get on.. Do read on.
Swiss Tony
tools needed: 10mm socket, crosshead screwdriver & small flat screwdriver
Joined: 06 Dec 2006
Location: in a civic
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first you need to unclip curved black plastic trim next to light... 1/6
2018. 12. 01. P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* - Nissan Primera Owners Club
...after which light unit unclips from two pegs pictured here 2/6
2018. 12. 01. P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* - Nissan Primera Owners Club
the wiring connector needs to be un-plugged this is where the small screwdriver comes in handy to lift clip 3/6
2018. 12. 01. P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* - Nissan Primera Owners Club
a note from Big Luigi who would appear to have a p12 loon
Saw your post and thought it would practacable to inform you of the P12 saloon (non rear wiper)fitment/removal.
It involves a 8mm spanner. Simply unclip the finishing at the rear, remove the two nuts with an 8mm ring spanner remove cluster
refit is reverse Viola!!
Big L
P12 army 4/6
2018. 12. 01. P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* - Nissan Primera Owners Club
then thread the wire through one of the vents on the back of the cluster and put white cap back on
use sandpaper on the washer of the light retaining bolt to make sure of good metal to metal contact for terminal
then bolt light back in with new terminal between bolt and light unit 5/6
2018. 12. 01. P12 rear light removal *now with simple earth fix* - Nissan Primera Owners Club
it certainly aint pretty but it has solved the problems i have had including the cruise control not working!
Post Reply 6/6