Vikas DCS-II Course File NAAC
Vikas DCS-II Course File NAAC
Vikas DCS-II Course File NAAC
Sixth Semester
Sr. Item Annexure/Page
No. no.
1 Academic calendar 3
2 Syllabus of the Subject 4-5
3 Time table of the Sections 6
4 Time table of the concerned teachers 7
5 Scheme of Evaluation and attendance rules 8
6 Lecture planning and implementation sheet (Format already 9-14
7 Case study planning and execution sheet NA
8 Quiz (References to Teaching-Learning resources/ question 184-198
bank/websites/other study materials to be recorded) and
feedback of students/faculty.
9 Assignment Schedule 14-15
10 Surprise tests (Sample Paper) (Record to be maintained) 19
11 MST-1 and MST-2 (Samples) 20-21
12 Previous Semester Question or specimen papers 22-23
13 1. Lecture details (hand-notes, models, animations, videos 24-73
UNIT- planned to be used in class). 74-78
1 2.Tutorial sheets(based on lectures of the previous weeks) 79-83
3. Assignments (1) 84-85
4. Question paper of MST-1 along with marking scheme
14 1. Lecture detail 86-124
UNIT- 2. Tutorial sheets(based on lectures of the 125-128
2 previous weeks)
4. Assignments (2) 129-133
5. Question paper of MST-2 along with marking scheme 134-135
Academic Calendar Academic Year 2018-19
EVEN Semester
Date Working
S.No. Event Displayed
From To days
1 Faculty 02-Jan-19
Start of Semester
Students 07-Jan-19
2 First Fortnight 07-Jan-19 17-Jan-19 9 17-Jan-19
3 Second Fortnight 18-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 7 28-Jan-19
Third Fortnight 29-Jan-19 07-Feb-19 8 07-Feb-19
4 Annual Sports Meet 01-Feb-19 02-Feb-19 2
5 Assignments Unit-I 17-Jan-19 15-Feb-19
6 First Hourly Test 08-Feb-19 11-Feb-19 3
8 Fourth Fortnight 12-Feb-19 22-Feb-19 9 22-Feb-19
9 CU Fest 2017 15-Feb-19 16-Feb-19
10 Fifth Fortnight 18-Feb-19 07-Mar-19 12 07-Mar-19
11 Assignments Unit-II 20-Feb-19 18-Mar-19
12 Second hourly Test 08-Mar-19 11-Mar-19 3
14 Sixth Fortnight 12-Mar-19 21-Mar-19 8 21-Mar-19
Seventh Fortnight 22-Mar-19 01-Apr-19 7 01-Apr-19
15 Assignments Unit-III 20-Mar-19 05-Apr-19
16 Tech Invent 22-Mar-19 23-Mar-19 2
17 Innovation Day 03-Apr-19
19 Eighth Fortnight 02-Apr-19 12-Apr-19 9 12-Apr-19
Scheme of Evaluation
Internal 40 External 60
Department of Civil Engineering
Semester: 6th
Text Books
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher
T-1 Advance Reinforced Concrete S.S. Bhavikatti 2 nd 2005 Name
Design, vol-I&II international
T-2 Limit State Design of P. C. Varghese 2nd 2008 Prentice Hall
Reinforced Concrete India Learning
Private Limited
Reference Books
Sr No Title Author Edition Year
Sr No Title Author Edition Year
Schedule No. of Weeks No. of Scheduled No. of Scheduled
Lectures: Tutorials
Total 15 30 30
Lecture Description
Learning Outcomes
10 | P a g e
FOUNDATION: T-1, 9.8, Lecture Various types Students
Design of Ch-9, notes of footings: will
isolated pp--183 square,
Week Lecture footings circular, Get to know
2 3 sloped, having the design of
ourses/10 uniform ISOLATED
5105104/p thickness FOOTING
FOUNDATION: T-1, vol- .pdf Introduction Students
Design of 2, 9.1 and Various will
combined Ch-9, ourses/10 types of understand Lecture
Week Lecture footings pp-149 5105104/p combined the notes
2 4 df/m11l29 footings difference
.pdf between PPT
types of
FOUNDATION: T-1, vol- Detailed design Students
Detailed 2, 9.4 will be able
designing of Ch-9, ourses/10 to learn
Week Lecture trapezoidal sloped Notes in
pp-159 5105104/p
3 5 ,beam and df/m11l29 footing Course File
11 | P a g e
RETAINING T-1, vol- Benefits of Students Lecture
WALL:Desig 2, 10.6 providing will know
notes in
n of Ch-10 ourses/10 retaining walls where
cantilever 5101083/d cantilever file
retaining ownload/l walls are to
191 be provided PPT
wall ec26.pdf
Week Lecture
RETAINING T-1, vol- Detailed design Students
5 9 Lecture
WALL:Desig 2, 10.6 will know
n of Ch-10 ourses/10 the notes in
cantilever pp-185- 5101083/d functions of file
retaining ownload/l its essential
191 parts of
wall ec26.pdf PPT
RETAINING T-1, vol- Schematic Students
WALL:Desig 2, 10.7 diagram of will study
Week Lecture
n of Ch-10 ourses/10 counterfort the PPT
5 10 counterfort pp-192- 5101083/d retaining wall behaviour of
retaining ownload/l counterfort
203 retaining
wall ec26.pdf
DESIGN OF T-3, vol- Definition of walls and
Students will Lecture
CURVED 2, 1.1 w.structvill curved the
Week Lecture BEAMS IN beam,(Differen the concept
difference notes in
PLAN:(Intro ces between of Curved file
6 11 duction to pp-1-29 7/08/analy
Straight Beams
between the
sis-and- twoBeam
curved & Curved
beam) design-of- Beams) PPT
curved- applications
DESIGN T-3, vol- Design Students will Lecture curved beam) White
OF 2, 1.1- w.structvill Procedure of know about
CURVED ml curved beams the Ends notes in
Week Lecture BEAMS IN 7/08/analy
fixed at both Conditions of file
PLAN:( Ch-1 ends and Supports
6 12 Ends support pp-1-29 sis-and- Special Case :
conditions of design-of- semicircular
curved curved- beam fixed at
beam) the ends
ml Analysis of Students will
DESIGN T-3, vol- Lecture
OF 2, 1.1- w.structvill curved beam Analysis of
CURVED and solve the Curved notes in
Week Lecture 1.9
BEAMS IN numerical Beams file
Ch-1 7/08/analy
7 13 PLAN:
(Procedure pp-1-29
of curved design-of-
beam) curved-
DESIGN T-3, vol-
ml Design Students will Lecture
OF RING 2, 1.1- w.structvill Procedure of understand
Week Lecture BEAM Ring Beam and the Concepts notes in
7 14 (Procedure analysis of Ring of Ring file
Ch-1 7/08/analy
about ring Beams Beam
beam) pp-1-29 (numerical
design-of- solve )
DESIGN T-3, vol- curved-
file:///C:/U Definition of Students will Lecture
OF 2, 2.1-
sers/pc%2 domes, Types understand
DOMES(Int the concept notes in
Week Lecture 2.6 ml
01/Downlo of domes,
ads/Reinfo Nature of
of file
8 15 Analysis of Ch-2 performance
rced%20C Stresses due to
Spherical pp-57 parameter of
domes about ement%20 wind load Domes
domes ) Concrete- Nature of Students will
2438%20( Stresses in be able to
1).pdf Spherical and Analysis of
12 | P a g e solve
DESIGN T-3, vol- file:///C:/U Numerical Students will White Board
OF 2, 2.6 sers/pc%2 Solve for R.C.C be able to
Week Lecture DOMES(An Domes Design the
Ch-2 01/Downlo
8 16 alysis of Conical
pp-72 ads/Reinfo
Conical Domes
domes ) rced%20C
WATER T-3, vol- Concrete- General Design Students will Video or
TANKS:(Int 2, 3.1 2438%20( Requirements understand Animation
roduction to 1).pdf
in/108/1/1 of Water Tanks the concept
water Tanks( Ch-3 ,Joints of Water Lecture notes
pp-77 0401010.p of Water
Design of Tank, Method in course file
Week Lecture Rectangular df About Water Tank and
water tank ) Tank Design Use the IS
9 17 Codes (3370
Procedure of
Rectangular Part-II)
Section and
Solve the Students will
Numerical study the
Problems General
WATER T-3, vol- Design Requirement
Students will Lecture notes
Week Lecture TANKS:( 2, 3.4 Procedure of s of Water
study the in course file
Design of in/108/1/1 Cylindrical Tanks
9 18 cylindrical Ch-3 Section. And Requirement
pp-85 0401010.p
water tank) Solve s of Water
df Numerical Tanks and
WATER T-3, vol- Design Students will Lecture notes
Week Lecture TANKS :(
Procedure of
Apply the
be able to in course file
2, 3.9 Design
10 19 Design of
Ch-3 in/108/1/1 Under Ground General
Conditions to
Intz type Water Tank Requirement
pp-166 0401010.p solve the
tank water Section. And s Under
df Design cylindrical
Week Lecture
water tank) T-3, vol- Solve Ground will Lecture notes
TANKS:( Procedure waterabletank
2, 3.9 Numerical of be
Water to
Tank in course file
10 20 Design of
Ch-3 in/108/1/1 Tntz types
Problems General
and solve
Intz type Water Tank Requirement
pp-180 0401010.p
tank water Section. And sproblems
Intz types
tank)FLAT T-1, vol- df Introduction of
Solve Student
and solvewill PPT
Week Lecture SLAB:Introd be able to
2, 1.1 Numerical
flat slab and numerical
11 21 uction of flat Ch-1 /structural- Problems
Advantages of know what is
problems Lecture notes
slab and engineerin flat slabs the in course file
pp-1 Advantages
FLAT T-1, vol- g/54-flat- Proportioning Lecture notes
of flat slabs slab- ofStudent
flat slabs
Week Lecture SLAB:Propor 2, 1.2 of flat slabs will be able in course file
tioning of design-
structural- (drops, column to know
11 22 Ch-1
flat slabs and-
engineerin head, thickness types of
g/54-flat- of flat slab) flat slab
column pdf
head, T-1, vol- The direct Student will Lecture notes
Week Lecture SLAB:Theof design- design method be able to in course file
thickness 2, 1.4 and-
12 23 direct design
flat slab) Ch-1 structural- for flat slab know design
method detailing-
engineerin of
pp-4 pdf
FLAT T-1, vol- g/54-flat- design steps of Student will PPT
Week Lecture slab- flatable
be slabs
SLAB:design 2, 1.5
12 24 offlat slabs Ch-1 design-
structural- flat slabs know design Lecture notes
engineerin of in course file
STAIR detailing-
g/54-flat- Introduction of PPT
Week T-1, vol- Student will
Lecture CASE:Introdu 1, 10.1 pdf
slab- stair case, flatable
be slabs
13 design-
rses/10510 Types of stair know Lecture notes
25 ction of stair Ch-10
case, Types and-
5104/pdf/ case Types of in course file
of stair case detailing-
m9l20.pdf stair case
13 | P a g e
STAIR T-1, vol- Design of Student PPT
CASE:Design 1, 10.2 .courses/10 Tread-riser type will be able
Week Lecture 5105104/p Lecture notes
of Tread- Ch-10 stairs to know
13 26 df/m9l20 Design of in course file
riser type pp-221
stairs Tread-riser
type stairs
STAIR T-1, vol- Design of dog Student will Lecture notes
Week Lecture CASE:Design leg type stairs be able to in course file
1, 10.2
14 27 of dog leg
Ch-10 ses/105105 case know
type stairs 104/pdf/m Design of
pp-224 dog leg type
STAIR T-1, vol- 9l20.pdf Design of dog Student Lecture notes
stairs case
Week Lecture CASE:Design 1, 10.3 leg type stairs will be able in course file
of dog leg Ch-10 ses/105105 case to know
14 28
type stairs pp-238 104/pdf/m Design of
case 9l20.pdf dog leg
type stairs
MASONARY Lecture Introduction of Student will Lecture notes
Week Lecture notes in
neering.pu masonry
be able to in course file
15 29 :Introduction course file columns know what
of masonry ramirez/C is masonry
E479/FAL columns
Design and
columns Lecture Detailed Student Lecture notes
Week Lecture notes in L2004/DE
w.iabse.or discussion on in course file
discussion of will be able
15 30 SIGNOFR advancement in
course file g/Images/P
Burj Khalifa. to know
ublications DCS Design of
_PDF/SEI/ masonry
SEI.Burj% columns
Content of
Last date of
Assignment No. Date of Allotment (Assignment to be
allotted group-
G1: isolated
G3:strap and raft
Covering Unit-1 17 Jan 2019
15 Feb, 2019
th footings
G5: Combined
02 G1:curved beams
Covering Unit-2 20th Feb, 2019 19th March, 2019 G2: curved beam
G3:ring beam
14 | P a g e
G4:water tanks
G6: Domes
G1:flat slabs
03 G2:staircases
15 | P a g e
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
16 | P a g e
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic coverage)
Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
(case analysis, problem solving
Tutorial 1 Basics of flat slabs Theoretical game etc)
Tutorial 2 Numerical on flat slabs Problem solving
Tutorial 3 Numerical on flat slabs Problem solving
17 | P a g e
Tutorial 7 Introductions Problem solving
andNumericals on
Tutorial8 Numerical
masonryon masonry
columns Problem solving
Tutorial 9 Numerical on flat slabs Theoretical/Problem solving
18 | P a g e
2. From structural analyses, it is found that the following stress resultants develop
at a column base under the action of characteristic loads:
19 | P a g e
NOTE – Attempt all questions of Section A and attempt any two from section B
Section –A (2*3=6)
Q. I.
(3X6 =18)
Q. No. 3 4 Describe the various stability checks for designing retaining walls.
Explain step by step design procedure for designing shear key for the wall.
20 | P a g e
NOTE – Attempt all questions of Section A and attempt any two from section B
Section –A (2*3=6)
I. Q. I.
i. What do you understand by combine footing and
conditions for which combine footing is necessary to
ii. If the cross sectional area of the curved beam is 200 mm
X 1000mm. find out minimum percentage of steel used.
iii. What are the formulas for shear force and bending
moment for curved beam?
(3X6 =18)
Q. No. 2 Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm
with 8 bars of 16 mm diameter carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300
mm x 500 mm with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter carrying a service load of 1200
kN. The column C1 is flushed with the property line. The columns are at 3.0 m
c/c distance. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2 at a depth of 1.5 m
below the ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for columns and footing.12
Q. No. 3
21 | P a g e
UID: …………………..……….. Printed Pages:
Chandigarh University
Paper ID: __________
B.E.-CE 6th Summer Term Examination
Design of Concrete Structures-II
Paper- CET-351
Time Allowed: 3 hours] [Maximum marks: 60
Instructions for Candidates:
1. Section-A is compulsory.
2. Attempt any 5 questions from section B, C and D, attempting not more than two questions from
each section B, C and D.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
a) Define counter fort type retaining walls.
b) What are the difference between strip footing and strap footing?
c) What are the Meridional and hoop stress in Dome?
d) Write the name of different type of water tank.
e) Define element of stair case
22 | P a g e
5. Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank of diameter 10 m and total
height 4m which is to be supported by ring beam of 7.5 m diameter. The
ring beam is to be supported by six columns equally placed. Use M25 and
Fe 415 steel. Design the following Components of water tank
(a) Top domes
(b) Top ring beam
6. Design a spherical dome over a circular room, for the following data:
(i) Inside diameter of room = 15 m
(ii) Rise of Dome = 3.5m
(iii) Live load due to wind, ice snow = 1.5 kN/m2
The dome has an opening of 1.6 m diameter at its crown. A lantern is
provided at its top, which causes a dead load of 30 kN acting along the
circumference of the opening. Use M20 concrete and steel of grade Fe 415.
7. A curved beam is in the form of a full continuous circle in plan with a
radius of 3m and is supported continuously on five supports. The beam
carries a uniformly distributed load of 50 kN/m length, inclusive of its own
weight. Determine the bending moment, twisting moment and shear force
at salient locations. Also, Plot the Bending Moment, Twisting moment and
shear force Diagrams for one span.
8. Design an interior panel of a flat slab of size 8mx 8m without drop and
column head. Size of columns is 600x600 mm and live load on the panel is
8kN/m2. Use M20 and fe 415.(10marks)
9. Design a Masonry column with axial load of 400 KN. Height of column is
23 | P a g e
Lecture No -01
Foundation &Types
24 | P a g e
Different types of foundation
If the soil conditions immediately below the structure are sufficiently strong and
capable of supporting the required load, then shallow spread footings can be
used to transmit the load. On the other hand, if the soil conditions are weak, then
piles or piers are used to carry the loads into deepermore suitable soil.
25 | P a g e
Lecture No -02
In general the loads and forces that may act upon foundation directly or by the
superstructures are going to be discussed below.
Dead loads are in general the most important loads in foundation design
particularly for the structures whose footings rest on soft cohesive soils. Dead
loads being permanent forces action upon the structures may cause considerable
settlements or dangerous shear failures. Dead load is the weight of the structure
and its permanent parts. The weight of the foundation itself and the weight of the
soil on the footing are also dead loads. In estimating dead loads for purposes of
foundation design the actual weights of construction materials must be used.
Many local building codes include (for example, institute of Turkish standards,
TS 498, 1967) the weight of different materials in the structure. If the complete
list of the weight of various materials is not available, the engineer must either
estimate the weight of material or measure it directly. In making a preliminary
estimate of the dead loads on the foundation of the certain structure, the
commonly accepted practice is to use approximate weight per unit area of the
roof. Floors and walls. The approximate unit weight of such elements of a
building may be obtained from the local codes or handbooks. It is also common
practice to make reasonable assumptions as to the distribution of weight to the
various parts of the foundation .If the weights are not uniformly distributed , care
must be taken in the evaluation of the distribution of foundation loads . For the
final design , the actual weight of various part of the structure and the
26 | P a g e
distribution of loads must be evaluated considering the nature of building frame
and the system of any other structures .
2. Live LOAD:
the weight of the structure may be assumed as live loads if they act temporarily
or intermittently during service life, For example, human occupancy, some
partition walls , furniture , some stock material and mechanical equipment in
residential and office buildings are live loads , Wind and snow loads are not
considered as live load and they will be studied separately within their specific
paragraphs . The weights of cars, trucks and pedestrians are major live loads that
must be included in the design of bridge foundation. In some special industrial
buildings some truck load will also be considered as live load on the same floors.
Cranes in industrial buildings may also cause very large live loads. In general
(with exception of some industrial buildings, silos, oil tanks etc...), live loads act
for a short time during the service life of structure or they act intermittently or
alternately. If a multistory office building is considered, for example, it is not
expected that every floor will be loaded with the maximum live load at the same
time. It is observed that maximum live loads practically do not occur
simultaneously on all floors of tall residential or office buildings. Taking into
consideration these facts, then commonly accepted assumption of reduced live
loads in the design of foundations is very reasonable practice.
It is widely accepted practice not to add the impact effect to the foundation loads
if they are not transmitted directly to the foundation . It is assumed that in most
cases the impact will be absorbed by the inertia of the structure when it reaches
the foundation . It is unnecessary , for example , to take into consideration the
impact effect of moving cars in the design of the foundation of massive bridge
piers or abutments. On the other hand, the impact effect to the machinery
foundation cannot be neglected, particularly heavy machines on concrete
pedestals resting on soil directly. Each manufacturer of machines and vibrating
in the foundation design if necessary. The following table may give a very rough
idea about the impact effect of some units. Table : 2.1 Live Load Increments
Due to Impact. ( From American Civil Engineering Practice – Robert W. Abbett,
Vol.I ) Unit producing impact Increments in live loads 1.Light motor-driven
machinery 20% 2.Cranes 25% 3. Reciprocating machinery and power units 50%
4.Elevators and their supporting units 100% 5.Rock crushers, cement mills 300%
( Note : Impact is the dynamic effect of the acting live load. The live loads
should be increased by given values in the table. ) In AASHO (American
Association of state highway officials , Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges ) it is recommended that impact shall not be applied to foundations of
bridges . On the other hand , theoretical live load reaction should include some
27 | P a g e
allowance for impact for foundations of short railroad bridges ( for spans of 60
meters or less)
Snow load should be considered in countries where winters are severe and long .
The snow load that is going to be included in the design is given in local codes .
In Turkey snow load is given in TS 498 and it depends to the altitude above sea
level and the slope of the roof . In zones where altitude is Less than 1000 meters
, snow load is given as Ps = 75 kg / m2 On horizontal roofs . If the altitude is
more than 1000 meters than snow load will be taken as Ps = 75 + (H – 1000 ) Х
0.08 Where H is the altitude in meters .
Wind load acts on all exposed surface structures . The magnitude of the design
wind pressure is given in local codes . The wind loads may be neglected in
designing the foundation unless caused loads on foundations exceeding one –
third of the load due to dead and live loads combined . In other words wind load
must be included in the foundation design if , qW> ( qD + qL ) where in qW ,
qD and qL are foundation pressure due to wind load , dead load and live load
respectively . However the above comment given is not a definite suggestion and
it will be judged by the designer . This problem also depends upon the frequency
of high winds in the locality under consideration . Full wind loads should be
absolutely considered in the design of the foundations of unusually tall and
narrow buildings , smokestacks and other tall structures . It should be
remembered that the foundations of the unusually tall structures may be even
subjected to uplift when the wind loads act on them . According to ( TS 498 )
wind load may be expressed by the following equation P = C = Cq Where in P =
wind load ( kg/m2 ) V = wind velocity ( w/sec ) C = shape factor
Design Considerations:
Cost (affordable)
Construction Procedure (simple)
Materials(mostly concrete)
28 | P a g e
Labor (does not need expertise)
Spread Footing
Strap Footing
Strip/continuous footings
Combined Footing
mat or raft footing
The footing which transfer the load of individual column to the under laying soil
called as isolated footing.
1. Spread Footing:
29 | P a g e
Fig: Isolated (spread) footing
Numerical Problems
Solution 1:
It is essential that the total factored loads must be transferred at the base
of column without any reinforcement. For that the bearing resistance should be
greater than the total factored load Pu.
Here, the factored load Pu = 400(1.5) = 600 kN.
σbr= 0.45fck(A1/A2)1/2
with a condition that
(A1/A2)1/2 ≤ 2.0
Since the bearing stress σbr at the column-footing interface will be governed by
the column face, we have A1 = A2 = 400(400) = 160000 mm2. Using A1 = A2, in,
we have
Pbr= Bearing force = 0.45fck A1= 0.45(20)(160000)(10-3) = 1440 kN>Pu(=
600 kN).
30 | P a g e
Thus, the full transfer of load Pu is possible without any reinforcement.
≤ 1.415
We have from Fig.a:
The plain concrete block 1250 x 1250 x 670 shall be provided with the
minimum reinforcement 0.12 per cent for temperature, shrinkage and tie action.
Minimum Ast = 0.0012(1250)(670) = 1005.0 mm2.
31 | P a g e
Provide 9 bars of 12 mm diameter (= 1018 mm2) both ways as shown in
Fig.11.29.1b. The spacing of bars = (1250 - 50 - 12)/8 = 148.5 mm c/c. Provide
the bars @ 140 mm c/c.
Total = 435.4375 kN
qa= 435.4375/(1.25)(1.25) = 278.68 kN/m2< 300 kN/m2
Hence, o.k.
32 | P a g e
Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear
Ord≥590.24 mm.
Provide total depth of footing as 670 mm, so that the effective depth = 670 –
50 – 16 – 8 = 596 mm.
(The total depth is, however, increased to 750 mm in Step 7.)
At the critical section 2222 (Figs.11.29.3a and b), the shear resistance =
4(400 + 596)(596)(0.25)(fck)1/2 = 2654.73 kN.
Total = 1714.32 kN
Gross bearing capacity = 1714.32 / (3.4)(3.4) = 148.30 kN/m2< 150 kN/m2.
Hence o.k.
= 1998800 mm2
The shear stress = 505232.792/1998800 = 0.2527 N/mm2< 0.28 N/mm2.
Hence, o.k.
Step 8: Revised area of steel
The bending moment in step 5 is 694.8495 kNm at the face of the column.
With d = 682 mm now, we have
Mu/bd2= 694.8495(106)/(3400)(682)(682) = 0.4394 N/mm2
Table 2 of SP-16 gives,p is less than 0.15 per cent. Provide p = 0.15 per cent
due to the one-way shear. So, Ast = 0.15(3400)(682)/100 = 3478.2 mm2.
31 bars of 12 mm (Ast = 3506 mm2), both ways. Effectively, the number of
bars has increased from 30 to 31 now.
34 | P a g e
Step 9: Transfer of force at the base of the column
35 | P a g e
Combined Footing:
It is used when the two columns are so close to each other that their
individual footings would overlap. A combined footing is also provided
when the property line is so close to one column that a spread footing would
be eccentrically loaded when kept entirely within the property line . By
combining it with that of an interior column ,the load is evenly distributed .A
combine footing may be rectangular or trapezoidal in plan. Trapezoidal
footing is provided when the load on one of the columns is larger than the
other column.
36 | P a g e
Taking moments about center line of left column. The distance of resultant from
property line.
[bar{x} = frac{340*16}{625}]
The distance of resultant from property line is;
= 2+ 8.704 = 10.704′
In order to have resultant at the middle of footing, the length of footing should
L= 10.704 x 2 = 21.41′
Now resultant of applied loads coincides with resultant of upward soil pressure.
Considering the footing as a beam of 21.4′ span supported on two columns and
subjected to a uniform upward pressure of
38 | P a g e
Vu (at outer face of left column) = 39.325 x ( 2 – 0.66)
Vu = – 52.69 Kips
So, Shear force diagram can be plotted. Now locate a point of zero shear.
Compare similar triangles or write a generalized shear force expression for mid
span and set it to zero.
X = 7.10′
M = + 1105.83 K-ft.
39 | P a g e
Now we will check the depth of footing for one way shear and two way shear.
From shear force diagram, maximum shear occurs at the critical sections, located
at a distance ”d” from the interior face of right column, as shown in the loading
diagram above.
d =Vu/Φ2b√f’c = 188×1000/0.75x2x6.5×12*√4000
d = 25.4”<31.5 ”
Hence, depth of footing is adequate against one way shear.
Two way shear or punching shear can be determined from critical perimeter
b0 = 4x(c + d) = 4 x (20 + 31.5)
40 | P a g e
Vu = 456 – 6.05(4.29)^2
Vu = 344.65 Kips
The Depth of footing is adequate with respect to two way shear or punching
As = 7.91 in²
ρmin = 0.0018
41 | P a g e
S = (6.5 x12 – 2 x3)/ 8 S = 10.28”
These bars are extended between the columns at top of footing with concrete
cover of 3” as place minimum reinforcement corresponding to temperature and
shrinkage reinforcement, corresponding to minimum area of 5.5 in². Use (7 #8
bars) they provide an area (As = 5 in²).
Now calculate the bending moment in shorter direction. The reinforcement under
each column is toplaced within a maximum band width equal to column width
plus twice the effective depth of footing.
Use full width of 6.5 ft as band width for concentrating reinforcement under;
Distance from free end to the face of left column. 2 – 8/12 = 1.33′
42 | P a g e
Assume jd = 0.9d d = 31.5″
Net Upward Pressure under Right column = Pu2/ Width of footing = 456 / 6.5
43 | P a g e
Lecture No 5.
Q: Design the footing of uniform base pressure considering that moments are
due to dead load and hence irreversible Other data of are: column size = 300
mm x 450 mm, longitudinal bars of column = 20 bars of 20 mm(Ast = 4021
mm2), Pu = 1620 kN, Mu = 170 kNm, safe bearing capacity of soil = 200
44 | P a g e
kN/m 2 at a depth of 1 metre below the ground level, grade of concrete = M
25 and grade of steel = Fe 415.
Assuming the weight of the footing and backfill as 15 per cent, the required
base area = 1620(1.15)/200(1.5) = 6.21 m2.
It is desirable that the cantilever projections in the two direction from the
respective column face should be equal. Accordingly, the footing is selected
as 2.7 m x 2.64 m where the centre line of column is located at a distance of
105 mm left from the centre line of footing, as shown in Fig.The
arrangement shows that the cantilever projections are equal (1200 mm).
Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, Table 19 of IS 456
gives τc = 0.29 for M 25 concrete. Accordingly, the resistance shear of the
section is 0.29(2700)d = 783d. From the condition that the resistance shear ≥
actual shear, we have783 d ≥ 736354.8 – 613.629 d, which gives d ≥
527.237. Let us use full depth = 527.237 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 601.237 mm, say
605 mm, so that
45 | P a g e
{(2.7)(2.64) – (0.997)(0.847)}(227.27) = 1428.06 kN< 2521.67 kN
Hence, o.k.
The critical section is marked by sec.33 in Fig., at the face of column, where
the bending moment is:
= 0.87(415)(16)/4(1.4)(1.6) = 644.73 mm
Hence, o.k.
46 | P a g e
Mu= (2.64){(1.2)(1.2)/2}(227.27) = 431.994 kNm
Hence, the section can carry this moment. Table 3 of SP-16 gives p =
0.16509 per cent. Accordingly,
Hence, o.k.
Since the column is having moment along with the axial force, some of the
bars are in tension. The transfer of tensile force is not possible through the
column-footing interface. So, the longitudinal bars of column are to extended
to the footing. The required development length of 20 mm bars =
0.87(415)/4(1.4)(1.6) = 805.92 mm.
The bars shall be given 90o bend and then shall be extended by 200 mm
horizontally to give a total length of 531 + 8(20) (bend value) + 200 = 891
mm > 805.92 mm.
Lecture No 6.
47 | P a g e
Strap footing
Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear strength of
M 20 τc = 0.28 N/mm2. From the condition that the shear strength ofthe section ≥
actual shear force in sec.11, we have:
0.28(1000)d ≥ (0.13636)(1000)(900 – d)
The critical section for the bending moment is marked as sec.2-2 in Fig..10,
where the bending moment (factored) is,
48 | P a g e
(2.76)(1000)(295)(295) = 240.189
The capacity of the section = kNm/m
> 68.18 kNm/m. Hence, o.k.
Provide 10 mm diameter bars @ 110 mm c/c which gives 714 mm2/m > 673.19
49 | P a g e
Strip footing
Problem :Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm
with 8 bars of 16 mm diameter carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300
mm x 500 mm with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter carrying a service load of 1200
kN. The column C1 is flushed with the property line. The columns are at 3.0 m
c/c distance. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2 at a depth of 1.5 m
below the ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for columns and footing.
50 | P a g e
Solution :
Step 1: Size of the footing
Assuming the weight of combined footing and backfill as 15 per cent of the
total loads of the columns, we have the required base area, considering qc = 200
Area of the base = (800 + 1200)(1.15)/200 = 11.5 m2.
It is necessary that the resultant of the loads of two columns and the centroid of
the footing coincide so that a uniform distribution of soil pressure is obtained.
Thus, the distance of the centroid of the footing y from column C1
51 | P a g e
(Fig.11.29.5b) is:
Y = 800(0) + 1200(3)/2000 = 1.8 m (Fig.11.29.5b). Since y is greater
than half the c/c distance of column, a rectangular footing has to be designed.
Let us provide 4 m x 3 m and the dimensions are shown in Fig.coinciding the
centroid of the footing and the resultant line of action of the two loads, i.e. at a
distance of 2 m from the left edge.
The critical section of one-way shear is sec.11 (at point K) of Figs.11.29.5a and
11.29.6a, at a distance of d + 250 mm from G (the location of column C2). The
one-way shear force is
Assuming p = 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear strength
of M 20 concrete = 0.28 N/mm2. Hence,
52 | P a g e
the shear strength of section 11 =(3000)d(0.28)(10-3) kN. From the condition
that shear strength ≥ shear force, we have
The critical section for the two-way shear around column C2 is at a distance of
666/2 = 333 mm from the face of the column and marked by 2222 line in Fig.5b.
The two-way punching shear force, considering the soil pressure = 750/3 = 250
kN/m2, is
As per cl. of IS 456, here ks = 0.5 + (500/300) but >/ 1.0; so, ks = 1.0.
Hence, o.k.
The effective depth of footing is 666 mm. The critical section is marked by
3333 in Fig.
Hence, o.k.
(ii) Due to weight of the footing: With a total depth of the footing = 724 mm,
the pressure = 0.724(25) = 18.1 kN/m2.
(iii) Due to backfill of 1500 – 724 = 776 mm, the pressure = 0.776(18) =
13.968 kN/m2.
The total pressure = 166.67 + 18.1 + 13.968 = 198.738 kN/m2< 200 kN/m2.
Hence, o.k.
Figure 11.29.6c shows the maximum positive bending moment = 720 kNm at a
distance of 1.4 m from the column C1 (at point J). With effective depth d = 666
mm, we have
Hence, o.k.
Figure 11.29.6c shows the maximum negative moment = 240 kNm at a distance
of 800 mm from the right edge. With the effective depth = 666 mm, we have
It is very nominal. So, provide 0.15 per cent steel, which gives Ast =
0.15(3000)(666)/100 = 2997 mm 2. Provide 27 bars of 12 mm (area = 3053
mm2) at spacing = (3000 – 50 – 12)/26 = 113 mm c/c; say 110 mm c/c.
Hence, o.k.
54 | P a g e
Step 6: Design of column strip as transverse beam
Figure shows the two column strips under columns C1 and C2.
The width of the transverse beam is 0.75d from the face of column C1. The
effective depth is 666 – 6 – 8 = 652 mm, as the effective depth in the
longitudinal direction = 666 mm, bottom bar diameter in longitudinal direction =
12 mm and assuming the bar diameter in the transverse direction as 16 mm. We
have to check the depth and reinforcement in the transverse direction considering
one-way shear and bending moment.
The factored load for this transverse strip = 1200/3 = 400 kN/m. The section of
the one-way shear in sec.44 (Fig.11.29.7) at a distance of d = 652 mm from the
face of column C1. The width of the transverse strip = 400 + 0.75(652) =889
55 | P a g e
To have the shear strength of concrete ≥ 0.447 N/mm2, the percentage of
reinforcement is determined by linear interpolation from Table 19 of IS 456, so
that the depth of footing may remain unchanged. Table 19 of IS 456 gives p =
0.43125. Accordingly, Ast = 0.43125(889)(652)/100 = 2499.65 mm2. Provide
13 bars of 16 mm (area = 2613 mm2), spacing = 889/12 = 74.08 mm c/c, say 70
mm c/c. However, this area of steel shall be checked for bending moment
consideration also.
(B) Bending moment at the face of column C1 in the transverse strip under
Table 2 of SP-16 gives p = 0.2608 < 0.43125. Hence, the area of steel as
determine for one-way shear consideration is to be provided. Provide 13 bars of
16 mm @ 70 mm c/c in the column strip of width 889 mm under the column C1.
Hence, o.k.
1.5(652) = 1478 mm, considering the effective depth of footing = 652 mm.
The factored load for this transverse strip = 1800/3 = 600 kN/m. The one-way
shear section is marked by sec.5.5 in a distance of d = 652 mm from the
face of the column C2.
One-way shear in sec.55 (of width = 1478 mm) = (1500 – 652 – 150)(600)(10-3)
= 418.8 kN
56 | P a g e
(B) Bending moment at the face of column C2 in the transverse strip under
column C2The bending moment = (1.35)(1.35)(600)/2 = 546.75 kNm. We,
therefore, have
Table 2 of SP-16 gives: p = 0.2544 < 0.404 per cent as required for one-way
shear. So, provide 20 bars of 16 mm diameter @ 75 mm c/c in the column strip
of width 1478 under column C2.
Hence, o.k.
The limiting bearing stress at the column face governs where the bearing stress =
0.45fck = 9 N/mm2, since the column C1 is at the edge of the footing.
The force that can be transferred = 9(400)(400)(10-3) = 1440 kN> 1200 kN, load
of column C1. Hence full transfer of force is possible without the need of any
dowels. However, four 16 mm nominal dowels are provided as shown
inFigs.11.29.5a and b.
57 | P a g e
Figure shows the dimensions to determine A1 and A2 for the column C2 and the
footing. Accordingly,
The bearing stress at the column face = 0.45fck = 9 N/mm2, and the bearing
stress at the footing face = 0.45fck(2) = 18 N/mm2. However, the bearing stress
of 9 N/mm2 governs.
1350 kN< 1800 kN. For the excess force (1800 – 1350) = 450 kN, dowels shall
be provided. The area of dowels = 450(103)/0.67(415) = 1618.414 mm2.
The length available = 652 – 20 = 632 mm Therefore, the dowels shall be given
a 90o bend and shall be extended horizontally by 100 mm to have a total length
of 632 + 8(20) + 100 = 892 mm >752.2 mm.
It is a large slab supporting a number of columns and walls under entire structure
or a large part of the structure. A mat is required when the allowable soil
58 | P a g e
pressure is low or where the columns and walls are so close that individual
footings would overlap or nearly touch each other. Mat foundations are use full
in reducing the differential settlements on non-homogeneous soils or where there
is large variation in the loads on individual columns .In this there are two types:
tobalancetheloads.4t/m2 tobalancetheloads.
TypicalRaft Foundation
59 | P a g e
Retaining wall
A retaining wall is a structure designed and constructed to resist the lateral
pressure of soil, when there is a desired change in ground elevation that
exceeds the angle of repose of the soil. A basement wall is thus one kind
of retaining wall.
Cantilever retaining wall are usually of reinforced concrete and work on the
principles of leverage. It has much thinner stem and utilize the weight of the
backfill soil to provide most of the resistance to sliding and overturning.
Earth slopes and earth retaining structures are used to maintain two different
ground surface elevations.
60 | P a g e
Function of Cantilever Retaining Wall
To retain the soil at a slope that is greater than it would naturally assume, usually
at a vertical or near vertical position.
Design Consideration
In order to calculate the pressure exerted at any point on the wall, the following
must be considered:
The effect of two forms of earth pressure needs to be considered during the
process of designing the retaining wall. They are:
1. Active earth pressure – It is the pressure that at all times are tending to move or
overturn the retaining wall
2. Passive earth pressure – It is reactionary pressures that will react in the form of a
resistance to movement of the wall.
61 | P a g e
Figure :Typical reinforced concrete cantilever walls
The drawing show typical section and pattern of reinforcement encountered with
these basic forms of cantilever retaining walls.
o The main steel occurs on the tension face of the wall and nominal steel (0.15%
of the cross-sectional area of the wall) is very often included in the opposite face
to control the shrinkage which occurs in in-situ concrete work.
o Reinforcement requirements, bending, fabricating and placing are dealt with in
the section on reinforced concrete.
63 | P a g e
Ring beam
1. Design a plain concrete footing for a column, 400 mm × 400 mm, carrying an
axial (service) load of 400 kN. Assume an allowable soil pressure of 350 kN/m
at a depth of 1.0 m below ground. Assume M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
74 | P a g e
1. Design the footing of uniform base pressure considering that moments are due
to dead load and hence irreversible other data of are: column size = 300 mm x
450 mm, longitudinal bars of column = 20 bars of 20 mm
(Ast = 4021 mm2), Pu = 1620 kN, Mu = 170 kNm, safe bearing capacity of soil =
200 kN/m 2 at a depth of 1 metre below the ground level, grade of concrete = M
25 and grade of steel = Fe 415.
1. Given axial load = 200 kN/m and safe bearing capacity of soil qc = 100 kN/m2
at a depth of 1 m below the ground level. Assuming the self-weight of footing
and backfill as 10 per cent, the area of the base required = 200 (1.1)/100 = 2.2
m2. Provide width of 2.2 m for every one metre to get the required area of 2.2
m2 .
1. Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm with 8
bars of 16 mm diameter carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300 mm x
500 mm with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter carrying a service load of 1200 kN .
The column C1 is flushed with the property line. The columns are at 3.0 m
c/c distance. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2 at a depth of 1.5
m below the ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for columns and footing.
76 | P a g e
77 | P a g e
78 | P a g e
1. Design an isolated footing for a square column, 450 mm × 450 mm, reinforced
with 8–25 φ bars, and carrying a service load of 2300 KN. Assume soil with a
safe bearing capacity of 300 KN/m2 at a depth of 1.5 m below ground. Assume
M 20 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel for the footing, and M 25 concrete
and Fe 415 steel for the column.
1.Design a combined footing for two columns C1 (400 mm × 400 mm with 4–25
φ bars) and C2 (500 mm × 500 mm with 4–28 φ bars) supporting axial loads P1 =
900 kN and P2 = 1600 kN respectively (under service dead and live loads). The
79 | P a g e
column C1 is an exterior column whose exterior face is flush with the property
line. The centre-to-centre distance between C1 and C2 is 4.5 m. The allowable
soil pressure at the base of the footing, 1.5 m below ground level, is 240 kN/m .
Assume steel of grade Fe 415 in columns as well as footing, and concrete of M
30 grade in columns and M 20 grade in footing.
80 | P a g e
2. Design an isolated footing for a square column, 450 mm × 450 mm, reinforced
with 8–25 φ bars, and carrying a service load of 2300 kN. Assume soil with a
safe bearing capacity of 300 kN/m at a depth of 1.5 m below ground. Assume
M 20 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel for the footing, and M 25
concrete and Fe 415 steel for the column.
81 | P a g e
1. Design a square footing for a rectangular column 300 mm × 500 mm, reinforced
with 6–25 φ bars, and carrying a service load of 1250 kN. Assume soil with an
allowable pressure of 200 kN/m at a depth of 1.25 m below ground. Assume Fe
415 grade steel for both column and footing, and M 20 grade concrete for the
footing and M 25 grade concrete for the column.
3. Design an isolated footing for a square column, 450 mm × 450 mm, reinforced
with 8–25 φ bars, and carrying a service load of 2300 kN. Assume soil with a
safe bearing capacity of 300 kN/m at a depth of 1.5 m below ground. Assume M
20 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel for the footing, and M 25 concrete and
Fe 415 steel for the column.
82 | P a g e
2. Design a square footing for a rectangular column 300 mm × 500 mm,
reinforced with 6–25 φ bars, and carrying a service load of 1250 kN.
Assume soil with an allowable pressure of 200 kN/m at a depth of 1.25
m below ground. Assume Fe 415 grade steel for both column and
footing, and M 20 grade concrete for the footing and M 25 grade
concrete for the column.
83 | P a g e
NOTE – Attempt all questions of Section A and attempt any two from section B
Section –A (2*3=6)
Q. I.
(3X6 =18)
Q. No. 3 4 Describe the various stability checks for designing retaining walls.
Explain step by step design procedure for designing shear key for the wall.
84 | P a g e
Chandigarh University
Marking Scheme
1st Hourly Test
85 | P a g e
86 | P a g e
The distribution of stress in a curved flexural member is determined by using
the followingAssumptions.
1 The cross section has an axis of symmetry in a plane along the length of the
2 Plane cross sections remain plane after bending.
3 The modulus of elasticity is the same in tension as in compression.
It will be found that the neutral axis and the centroidal axis of a curved beam,
unlike a straight beam, are not coincident and also that the stress does not
vary linearly from the neutral axis. The notation shown in the above figures is
defined as follows:
ro = radius of outer fiber
ri = radius of inner fiber
h = depth of section
co = distance from neutral axis to outer fiber
ci = distance from neutral axis to inner fiber
r = radius of neutral axis
r-- = radius of centroidalaxis
e = distance from centroidal axis to neutral axis
To begin, we define the element abcdby the angle φ. A bending moment M
causes section bctorotate through dφ to b’c’. The strain on any fiber at distance
ρ from the center 0 is
Since there are no axial external forces acting on the beam, the sum of the
normalforces acting on the section must be zero. Therefore
Now arrange Eq. (2) in the form
87 | P a g e
and solve the expression in parentheses. This gives
This important equation is used to find the location of the neutral axis with
respect tothe center of curvature 0 of the cross section. The equation indicates
that the neutral and the centroidal axes are not coincident.
Our next problem is to determine the stress distribution. We do this by
balancing theexternal applied moment against the internal resisting moment.
Thus, from Eq. (2),
Note that r is a constant; then compare the first two terms in parentheses with
Eq.(4). These terms vanish, and we have left
The first integral in this expression is the area A, and the second is the product
Now, using Eq. (1) once more, and rearranging, we finally obtain
This equation shows that the stress distribution is hyperbolic. The algebraic
maximumstresses occur at the inner and outer fibers and are
The sign convention used is that M is positive if it acts to straighten on the
beam. Thedistance y is positive inwards to the center of curvature and is
measured from theneutral axis. It follows that ci is positive and co is negative.
88 | P a g e
These equations are valid for pure bending. In the usual and more general case
suchas a crane hook, the U frame of a press, or the frame of a clamp, the
bending momentis due to forces acting to one side of the cross section under
consideration. In this casethe bending moment is computed about the
centroidal axis, not the neutral axis. Also,an additional axial tensile (P/A) or
compressive (-P/A) stress must be added to the
Bending stress given by Eq. (7) to obtain the resultant stress acting on the
89 | P a g e
Stress in curved beams
Deformation analysis---------------stress and strain distribution
90 | P a g e
≤ The distance R from the center of curvature C to the neutral surface is
defined by the relation
R A dA
The Neutral surface does not pass through the centroid of the section.
[ centroid at r
A rdA ]
Stress formula
Ae(R y)
xM(r R)Ae
r1 R r1 r
r1 r
R h
ln r2
91 | P a g e
r r 1 h 87.5mm, r r 1 h 87.5mm
1 2 1 2
R R 99.477mm
ln 2
e r R10099.4770.523mm
(2) If M=500Nm, determine the largest tensile
and compressive stress
min 104.7MpaA
92 | P a g e
Example 2
Knowing that the
allowable compressive
stress is 50Mpa,
determine the largest
force P which may
be applied.
(1) Force
And couple
atcentroid D of
the cross P=?
(2) Superposition:
the total stress at
cross-section a-a
P M (r R)
A Aer
(3) Radius of neutral
R 0.04561m
e r R 0.00439m
(4) The largest
stress will occur
at point A, where
r=0.030m using
93 | P a g e
all 50MPawe obtain P=8.55kN
94 | P a g e
Deformation ∈ δ
… (1.1)
( −y
l r )dφ
The unit stress on this fibre is,
Stress = Strain × Young’s modulus of material of
σ∈ E … (1.2)
( rn−y )dφ
For equilibrium, the summation of the forces acting on the cross sectional area must
i.e., ∫σdA0
E ydαdA
or rn– y dφ 0
dα ydA
dφ ∫ r–y 0 … (1.3)
Also the external moment Mb applied is resisted by internal moment. From equation
1.2 we have,
E y 2d αdA
i.e., ∫ M
rn– y dφ
dα y 2dA
E ∫ M … (1.4)
d φ rn− y
Ed α ydA
i.e., M dφ ∫ ( −y )dArn ∫ rn− y … (1.5)
95 | P a g e
∫yσdA M
Note: In equation 1.5, the first integral is the moment of cross sectional area with respect toneutral
surface and the second integral is zero from equation 1.3.
Therefore, M E Ae … (1.6)
Here ‘e’ represents the distance between the centroidal axis and neutral axis.
96 | P a g e
Note: Since e = rc– rn, equation 1.9 can be used to determine ‘e’. Knowing the value of ‘e’,equation
1.8 is used to determine the stress σ.
For a given beam, Mb and ‘I’ are constant and hence σbαy, i.e., the variation of bending stress is linear
and is directly proportional to its distance from centre of gravity axis which coincides with neutral
The maximum bending (tensile) stress σb tensile at A and compressive at B are equal in magnitude at
A dome (from Latin: domes) is an architectural element that resembles the hollow upper half
of a sphere. The precise definition has been a matter of controversy. There are also a wide
variety of forms and specialized terms to describe them. A dome can rest upon rotunda or
drum, and can be supported by columns or piers that transition to the dome through
squinches or pendentives. A lanternmay cover an oculus and may itself have another dome.
Domes have a long architectural lineage that extends back into prehistory and they have
been constructed from mud, stone, wood, brick, concrete, metal, glass, and plastic over the
centuries. The symbolism associated with domes includes mortuary, celestial, and
governmental traditions that have likewise developed over time.
Domes have been found from early Mesopotamia, which may explain the form's spread.
They are found in Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, and Chinese architecture in the Ancient
world, as well as among a number of contemporary indigenous building traditions. They
were popular in Byzantine and medieval Islamic architecture, and there are numerous
examples from Western Europe in theMiddle Ages. The Renaissance style spread from Italy
in the Early modern period. Advancements in mathematics, materials, and production
98 | P a g e
techniques since that time resulted in new dome types. The domes of the modern world
can be found over religious buildings, legislative chambers, sports stadiums, and a variety of
functional structures
Beehive dome
Also called a corbelled dome, or false dome, these are different from a 'true dome' in that they
consist of purely horizontal layers. As the layers get higher, each is slightly cantilevered, or corbelled,
toward the center until meeting at the top. A monumental example is the Mycenaean Treasury of
Atreus from the late Bronze Age.
Cloister vault
Called domical vaults (a term sometimes also applied to sail vaults), polygonal domes, coved domes,
gored domes, segmental dome(a term sometimes also used for saucer domes), paneled vaults, or
pavilion vaults, these are domes that maintain a polygonal shape in their horizontal cross section.
The earliest known examples date to the first century BC, such as the Tabulation of Rome from 78
BC. Others include the Baths of Antonius in Carthage (145-160) and the Palatine Chapel at Aachen
(13th - 14th century). The most famous example is the Renaissance octagonal dome of Filippo
Brunelleschi over the Florence Cathedral. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States,
installed an octagonal dome above the West front of his plantation house, Monticello.
Design of dome:
99 | P a g e
Internal forces: A masonry dome produces thrusts down and outward. They are thought of in terms
of two kinds of forces at right angles from one another. Meridional forces (like the meridians, or
lines of longitude, on a globe) are compressive only, and increase towards the base, while hoop
forces (like the lines of latitude on a globe) are in compression at the top and tension at the base,
with the transition in a hemispherical dome occurring at an angle of 51.8 degrees from the top. The
thrusts generated by a dome are directly proportional to the weight of its materials. Grounded
hemispherical domes generate significant horizontal thrusts at their haunches.
Zone of transition: When the base of the dome does not match the plan of the supporting walls
beneath it (for example, a dome's circular base over a square bay), techniques are employed to
transition between the two. The simplest technique is to use diagonal lintels across the corners of
the walls to create an octagonal base. Another is to use arches to span the corners, which can
support more weight. A variety of these techniques use what are called "squinches".
A squinch can be a single arch or a set of multiple projecting nested arches placed diagonally over an
internal corner. Squinches can take a variety of other forms, as well, including trumpet arches
and niche heads, or half-domes.
100 | P a g e
Forces on Dome:
101 | P a g e
102 | P a g e
Meridian stress
Circular domes:
103 | P a g e
104 | P a g e
105 | P a g e
Water tanks:
Reinforced concrete water tanks are constructed for storing water. The design of
reinforced concrete water tank is based on IS 3370: 2009 (Parts I – IV). The design
depends on the location of tanks, i.e. overhead, on ground or underground water tanks
The tanks can be made in different shapes usually circular and rectangular shapes are mostly used. The tanks
can be made of reinforced concrete or even of steel. The overhead tanks (elevated tanks) are usually elevated
from the rooftop through column. In the other hand the underground tanks are rested on the foundation.
In this article, Design requirements of reinforced concrete water tanks are discussed.
Based on the water tank location and their shapes, they are classified as
the aesthetical view of the surroundings and the design of the construction controls shape of the
overhead tanks.
RCC water tank design should be based on sufficient resistance to cracking to avoid leakage and
adequate strength. For achieving these following assumptions are made:
Both concrete and steel are perfectly elastic and modular ratio value has a value given in IS 456-
In calculation of stresses. Both for flexural and direct tension or combination thereof relating to
resistance to cracking, the entire section of concrete including the cover together with reinforcement
can be taken into consideration provided that tensile stress in concrete limited to values provided
Water tank concrete shall be free of leakage. This may be achieved by selecting concrete M 20 grade
and greater, and concrete near water face need to such that no crack occurs.
So, to make concrete crack free at water face, water tank wall thickness shall be designed so that
stress on concrete is smaller than values provided in Table
In members less than 225mm. thick and in contact with liquid on one side these permissible stresses
in bending apply also to the face remote from the liquid.
107 | P a g e
Permissible stress in steel
The stress in steel must not be allowed to exceed the following values under different positions to
prevent cracking of concrete.
When steel is placed near the face of the members in contact with liquid 115 N/mm2 for mild steel
Bars and 150 N/mm2 for high strength deformed bars.
If steel is placed on the face away from the liquid for members 225 mm or more in thickness then
permissible stress in steel shall be 125 N/ mm2 for mild steel bars and 190 N/ mm2 for high strength
deformed bars.
When steel is placed on face away from liquid for members less than 225 mm in thickness same as
Reinforcement in water tanks
108 | P a g e
Estimation of forces :
109 | P a g e
110 | P a g e
111 | P a g e
Topic : Rectangular water tank
112 | P a g e
113 | P a g e
114 | P a g e
115 | P a g e
116 | P a g e
117 | P a g e
LECTURE : 19, 20
Design a intz tank with capacity of 4,00,000 liters. The tank is rest on firm level ground. The height of
the tank including a free board of 200 mm should not exceed 3.5 m. tank is open at the top. Use
m20 and fe-415 steel.
118 | P a g e
119 | P a g e
120 | P a g e
Design a intz tank with capacity of 7,00,000 liters. The tank is rest on firm level ground. The height of
the tank including a free board of 500 mm should not exceed 5 m. tank is open at the top. Use m20
and fe-415 steel.
121 | P a g e
122 | P a g e
123 | P a g e
124 | P a g e
Q.1 Design a circular water tank of capacity 2, 50,000 liters of total height 4.2m, which will be
resting on firm ground, if
Q.1Design a Rectangular water tank of size 7m x 5m x 3.5m deep resting on firm ground. Use m25
concrete and Fe-415 steel. Assume tank is open at the top.
Q.1A circular water tank of size 8m diameter x 4m deep is to be designed using M25 concrete and Fe
415 Steel. The tank rests on firm ground. Design the tank and draw the reinforcement details.
Q.1Design an Underground water tank of size 4m x 6m x3m deep. Using properties γs = 20kN/m3 and
ϕs = 30o. Subsoil water can rise up to top of tank.
125 | P a g e
Q.1Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank with dome roof of diameter 20m and total height
3.2m. It is to be supported by a ring beam of diameter 9m. The ring beam is to be supported by eight
columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel.
Q.1Design an Intz type water tank of capacity 2,8, 00,00 liters capacity supported on symmetrically
placed eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Q.2Design the staging for the water tank of Prob.5, staging height required is 15 m. Assume wind
pressure of 1.8 kN/m2.
Q.1Design an Intz type water tank of capacity one million liters capacity supported on symmetrically
placed eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
126 | P a g e
Q.1 Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank of diameter 10 m and total height 4m which is
to be supported by ring beam of 7.5 m diameter. The ring beam is to be supported by six columns
equally placed. Use M25 and Fe 415 steel. Design the following Components of water tank
(a) Top domes
Q.1A curved beam is in the form of a full continuous circle in plan with a radius of 3m and is
supported continuously on five supports. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 50kN/m
length, inclusive of its own weight. Determine the bending moment, twisting moment and shear force
at salient locations. Also Plot the Bending Moment, Twisting moment and shear force Diagrams for
one span.
Q.1A beam is curved in plan in the form of arc of circle with radius of 3m, and central angle of 120o
.The beam is fixed at the ends, and carries a super-imposed load of 30kN/m. the beam is rectangular
in cross- section, having width = 30 cm and depth = 60 cm. taking G= 0.4 E for concrete. Draw the
bending moment and torsional moment diagrams for beam.
127 | P a g e
Q.1 Design a spherical dome over a circular room, for the following data:
(i) Inside diameter of room = 15 m
(ii) Rise of Dome = 3.5m
(iii) Live load due to wind, ice snow = 1.5kN/m2
The dome has an opening of 1.6 m diameter at its crown. A lantern is provided at its top, which
causes a dead load of 30kN acting along the circumference of the opening. Use M20 concrete and
steel Fe 415.
Q.1Design a conical roof for a hall having a diameter of 15 m. The rise of dome has to be 4 m .
Assume the live and other loads as 1700 N/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Q.1a Spherical domes, span 12 m and rise 2 m, has a shell which is 120 mm thick. It carries a lantern
load of 5000 N at its apex. The wind load on dome is estimated to the equivalent to 1200 N/m 2.
Examine the stresses in domes and design suitable reinforcement. Also design the ring beam. Use M
20 concrete and Fe 415 steel reinforcement.
128 | P a g e
Q.2 Design a conical roof for a hall having a diameter of 20 m. The rise of dome has to be 4 m.
assume the live and other loads as 1500 N/m . Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Q.3 A beam is curved in plan in the form of arc of circle with radius of 3m, and central angle of 120
.The beam is fixed at the ends, and carries a super-imposed load of 25 kN/m. the beam is
rectangular in cross- section, having width = 40 cm and depth = 70 cm. taking G= 0.4 E for concrete.
Draw the bending moment and torsional moment diagrams for beam.
Q.5 Design an Intz type water tank of capacity one million liters capacity supported on symmetrically
placed eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Q.6A rectangular water tank of size 4m x 8m x 4m deep is to be designed using M25 concrete and Fe
415 Steel. The tank rests on firm ground. Design the tank and draw the reinforcement details.
Q.3 a Spherical domes, span 10 m and rise 2 m, has a shell which is 120 mm thick. It carries a lantern
load of 5000 N at its apex. The wind load on dome is estimated to the equivalent to 1200 N/m . 2
Examine the stresses in domes and design suitable reinforcement. Also design the ring beam. Use M
Q.4 Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank of diameter 10 m and total height 4m which is
to be supported by ring beam of 7.5 m diameter. The ring beam is to be supported by six columns
equally placed. Use M25 and Fe 415 steel. Design the following Components of water tank
Q.1 A semi-circular beam is simply supported on three equally spaced columns. Show that the
maximum bending moment and the maximum twisting moment are equal to 0.429 wR and 0.1045 2
wR .
Q.2 Design a spherical dome over a circular room, for the following data:
130 | P a g e
(i) Inside diameter of room = 12 m
The dome has an opening of 1.6 m diameter at its crown. A lantern is provided at its top, which
causes a dead load of 22 kN acting along the circumference of the opening. Use M20 concrete and
steel Fe 415.
Q.3 Explain the design principles of various element use in water tank?
Q.5 A rectangular water tank of size 4m x 8m x 4m deep is to be designed using M25 concrete and
Fe 415 Steel. The tank rests on firm ground. Design the tank and draw the reinforcement details.
Q.6a Spherical domes, span 10 m and rise 3 m, has a shell which is 100 mm thick. It carries a lantern
load of 9000 N at its apex. The wind load on dome is estimated to the equivalent to 1500 N/m . 2
Examine the stresses in domes and design suitable reinforcement. Also design the ring beam. Use M
25 concrete and Fe 415 steel reinforcement.
Q.2 Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank with dome roof of diameter 12m and total
height 3.2m. It is to be supported by a ring beam of diameter 9m. The ring beam is to be supported
by eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel.
Q.3 Design an Intz type water tank of capacity 8, 00,00 liters capacity supported on symmetrically
placed eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
131 | P a g e
Q.4 a Spherical domes, span 10 m and rise 2 m, has a shell which is 120 mm thick. It carries a lantern
load of 5000 N at its apex. The wind load on dome is estimated to the equivalent to 1200 N/m . 2
Examine the stresses in domes and design suitable reinforcement. Also design the ring beam. Use M
20 concrete and Fe 415 steel reinforcement.
Q.5 A curved beam is in the form of a full continuous circle in plan with a radius of 5m and is
supported continuously on five supports. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 50 kN/m
length, inclusive of its own weight. Determine the bending moment, twisting moment and shear
force at salient locations. Also Plot the Bending Moment, Twisting moment and shear force
Diagrams for one span.
Q.6A semi-circular beam is simply supported on three equally spaced columns. Show that the
maximum bending moment and the maximum twisting moment are equal to 0.429 wR and 0.1045 2
wR .
Q.1 Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank with dome roof of diameter 12m and total
height 3.2m. It is to be supported by a ring beam of diameter 9m. The ring beam is to be supported
by eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel. Staging height required is 15 m. Assume wind
pressure 1.8 kN/m .
Q.3Design a Rectangular water tank of size 6m x 4m x 3m deep resting on firm ground. Use m25
Q.5 A beam is curved in plan in the form of arc of circle with radius of 3m, and central angle of 120 o
.The beam is fixed at the ends, and carries a super-imposed load of 25 kN/m. the beam is
132 | P a g e
rectangular in cross- section, having width = 40 cm and depth = 70 cm. taking G= 0.4 E for concrete.
Draw the bending moment and torsional moment diagrams for beam.
Q.1 Design a circular water tank of capacity 1, 50,000 liters of total height 3.2m, which will be resting
on firm ground, if
Q.3 A curved beam is in the form of a full continuous circle in plan with a radius of 6m and is
supported continuously on five supports. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 100 kN/m
length, inclusive of its own weight. Determine the bending moment, twisting moment and shear
force at salient locations. Also Plot the Bending Moment, Twisting moment and shear force
Diagrams for one span.
Q.4 Design an Underground water tank of size 4m x 6m x3m deep. Using properties γ = 16 kN/m s
Q.5 Design a flat bottom circular elevated water tank with dome roof of diameter 12m and total
height 3.2m. It is to be supported by a ring beam of diameter 9m. The ring beam is to be supported
by eight columns. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel.
133 | P a g e
NOTE – Attempt all questions of Section A and attempt any two from section B
Section –A (2*3=6)
II. Q. I.
i. What do you understand by combine footing and conditions for which combine
footing is necessary to provide.
ii. If the cross sectional area of the curved beam is 200 mm X 1000mm. find out
minimum percentage of steel used.
iii. What are the formulas for shear force and bending moment for curved beam?
(3X6 =18)
Q. No. 2 Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm with 8 bars of 16 mm
diameter carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300 mm x 500 mm with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter
carrying a service load of 1200 kN. The column C1 is flushed with the property line. The columns are
at 3.0 m c/c distance. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2 at a depth of 1.5 m below the
ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for columns and footing.12
Q. No. 3 4 A rectangular water tank of size 4m x 8m x 4m deep is to be designed using M25 concrete
and Fe 415 Steel. The tank rests on firm ground. Design the tank and draw the reinforcement details.
134 | P a g e
Chandigarh University
Marking Scheme
2nd Hourly Test
Q.1 (a) Definition 1 marks, types of combined footing 1 marks total 2 marks.
(b) Calculate minimum percentage of steel for given cross section. 2 marks.
135 | P a g e
Lecture21: Introduction of flat slab and Advantage
Common practice of design and construction is to support the slabs by beams and support the beams
by columns. This may be called as beam-slab construction. The beams reduce the available net clear
ceiling height. Hence in warehouses, offices and public halls some times beams are avoided and slabs
are directly supported by columns. This types of construction is aesthetically appealing also. These
slabs which are directly supported by columns are called Flat Slabs.
136 | P a g e
Lecture 22: Proportioning of flat slabs
137 | P a g e
Lecture 23 and 24: The direct design method and Design of flat slab:
For this IS 456-2000 permits use of any one of the following two methods:
(a) The Direct Design Method
(b) The Equivalent Frame Method
(c) When the span adjacent and parallel to an edge is being considered, the distance from the
edge to the centre-line of the panel shall be substituted for L2.
Positive design
µ aj c
moment µ
= 0.63 –
0.28 y
¡ 1 ¡ 0
¡µ 1 + ¡
j ac
Exterior negative design moment
= µ 0.65 yM
¡µ1 + 1 ¡¡ 0
aj c
where ac is the ratio of flexural stiffness at the exterior columns to the flexural stiffness
of the slab at a joint taken in the direction moments are being determined and is given
K c
ac =
K s
Kc = Sum of the flexural stiffness of the columns meeting at the
joint; and Ks = Flexural stiffness of the slab, expressed as moment
per unit rotation.
Distribution of Bending Moments Across the Panel Width
The +ve and –ve moments found are to be distributed across the column strip in a panel
as shown in Table 1.1. The moment in the middle strip shall be the difference between
panel and the column strip moments.
139 | P a g e
Table 1.1 Distribution of Moments Across the Panel Width in a Column Strip
Problem: Design an interior panel of a flat slab of size 5 m × 5 m without providing drop and column
head. Size of columns is 500 × 500 mm and live load on the panel is 4 kN/m2. Take floor finishing load
as 1 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Since drop is not provided and HYSD bars are used span to thickness ratio shall not exceed
1 1
32 28.8
Minimum thickness required
Span 5000
= = 173.6 mm
28.8 28.8
Self weight of slab = 0.20 × 25 = 5
kN/m2 Finishing load =1
Live load = 4 kN/m2
Total working load = 10 kN/m2
Factored load = 1.5 × 10 = 15 kN/m2
Ln = 5 – 0.5 = 4.5 m
Total design load in a panel W = 15 L2 Ln = 15 × 5 × 4.5 = 337.5 kN
WLn 4.5
Panel Moment = = 337.5 × = 189.84 kNm
8 8
140 | P a g e
Panel –ve moment = 0.65 × 189.84 = 123.40 kNm
Panel +ve moment = 0.35 × 189.84 = 0.35 × 189.84 = 66.44 kNm
Distribution of moment into column strips and middle strip:
Column Strip in kNm Middle Strip in kNm
–ve moment 0.75 × 123.40 = 92.55 30.85
+ve moment 0.60 × 66.44 = 39.86 26.58
500 675
141 | P a g e
Staircases provide means of movement from one floor to another in a structure. Staircases
consist of a number of steps with landings at suitable intervals to provide comfort and safety for
Some common types of stairs are shown in fig these include straight-flight stairs, quarter-turn
stairs, half-turn stairs, branching stairs, and geometrical stairs.
(d) (e)
(f) (g)
142 | P a g e
(h) (i) (j)
Figure (a); (b) Straight flight stairs; (c) Quarter-turn stairs; (d)
Half-turn stairs; (e) Branching stairs; (f) Open-well (half turn);
(g) Open-well with quarter turn landing; (h); (i); (j)
Geometrical stairs
Technical Terms
The definitions of some technical terms, which are used in connection with design of stairs, are
a. Tread or Going: horizontal upper portion of astep.
b. Riser: vertical portion of astep.
c. Rise: vertical distance between two consecutivetreads.
d. Flight: a series of steps provided between twolandings.
e. Landing: a horizontal slab provided between twoflights.
f. Waist: the least thickness of a stairslab.
g. Winder: radiating or angular taperingsteps.
h. Soffit: the bottom surface of a stair slab.
i. Nosing: the intersection of the tread and the riser.
j. Headroom: the vertical distance from a line connecting the nosingsof all treads and the
Figure shows main technical terms associated with stairs design.
143 | P a g e
Figure: Stairs main technical terms
Types of Stairs
For purpose of design, stairs are classified into two types; transversely, and longitudinally
a- Transversely supported (transverse to the direction ofmovement):
Transversely supported stairs include:
Simply supported steps supported by two walls or beams or a combination ofboth.
Steps cantilevering from a wall or abeam.
Stairs cantilevering from a central spinebeam.
b- Longitudinally supported (in the direction ofmovement):
These stairs span between supports at the top and bottom of a flight and unsupported at the
sides. Longitudinally supported stairs may be supported in any of the following manners:
a. Beams or walls at the outside edges of thelandings.
b. Internal beams at the ends of the flight in addition to beams or walls at the outside edges
of thelandings.
c. Landings which are supported by beams or walls running in the longitudinaldirection.
d. A combination of (a) or (b), and(c).
e. Stairs with quarter landings associated with open-wellstair.
144 | P a g e
Design ofStairs
Figure shows a stair, simply supported on reinforced concrete walls.
The waist is chosen to accommodate the reinforcement using appropriate concrete cover. A
waist t of 7.5 cm is reasonable for this type of stair.
a. Deadload:
The dead load includes own weight of the step, own weight of the waist slab, and surface
finishes on the steps and on thesoffit.
b. LiveLoad:
Live load is taken as building design live load plus 150 kg/m2, with a maximum value of 500
145 | P a g e
Design for Shear and Flexure:
Each step is designed for shear and flexure. Main reinforcement runs inthe transverse direction
at the bottom side of the steps while shrinkage reinforcement runs at the bottom side of the slab
in the longitudinal direction. Since the step is not rectangular, an equivalentrectangular section
can be used with an average height equals to
t R
g cos 2
Lecture 26
Design a straight flight staircase in a residential building that is supported on reinforced
concrete walls 1.5 m apart (center-to-center) on both sides and carries a live load of 300 kg/m2.
The risers are 16 cm and goings are 30 cm. Goings are provided with 3 cm thick marble finish
while 2 cm thick plaster is applied to both the risers and bottom surfaces of theslab.
Use f250kg/cm2, f 4200 kg/cm2 , γ 2.2 t/m3 , and 2.6 t/m3 .
c y plaster marble
Minimum stair thickness required to satisfy deflection requirements is given by
l 150
7.5 cm
n 20 20
a. Deadload:
Own weight of step = (0.30) (0.16/2) (2.5) = 0.06 t/m of step
Own weight of slab = (0.34) (0.075) (2.5) = 0.06375 t/m of step
Weight of marble finish = (0.03) (0.30) (2.6) = 0.0234 t/m of step
Weight of plaster finish = (0.02) (0.34 + 0.16) (2.2) = 0.022 t/m of step
b. Live load:
Live load = (0.30) (0.3) = 0.09
146 | P a g e
wu1.20.060.063750.02340.0221.60.090.35 t/mof step
Shear Force:
0.35 1.5
Vu,max 0.263 t
d = 16.5 – 2.0 – 0.6 = 13.9 cm
Vc0.750.53 2503013.9/10002.62 t0.263 t
i.e. step thickness is adequate for resisting beam shear without using shear reinforcement.
Bending Moment:
0.35 1.52
147 | P a g e
Figure Reinforcement details
Question-Design a trade-riser staircase spanning longitudinally. Landing slabs are
supported on beams spanning transversely. The dimensions of riser and trade are 160 mm
and 270 mm, respectively. The finish loads and live loads are 1 kN/m2 and 5 kN/m2,
respectively. Use M 20 and Fe 415.
The distribution of loads on landings common to two spans perpendicular to each other
shall be done as per cl. 33.2 of IS 456 (50% in each direction), since the going is supported
on landing slabs which span transversely. The effective span in the longitudinal direction
shall be taken as the distance between two centre lines oflandings.
148 | P a g e
Step 1: Effective span and depth of slab
Figure shows the arrangement of the landings and going. The effective span is
4200 mm. Assume the thickness of trade-riser slab = 4200/25 = 168 mm, say 200 mm.
The thickness of landing slab is also assumed as 200 mm.
149 | P a g e
The total loads including self-weight, finish and live loads on projected area of going
(1500 mm x 2465 mm) is first determined to estimate the total factored loads per
(i) Self-weight of going
Total = 54.855 kN
Due to common area of landings only 50 per cent of this load should be considered.
So, the loads = 12.375 kN/m. The loads are shown in Fig
+ 12.375(0.885)(0.885)(0.5)}/4.2 = 52.09 kN
The distance x from the left support where shear force is zero is now determined:
150 | P a g e
52.09 – 12.375(0.85) – 32.38(x – 0.85) =0
= 65.69 kNm
151 | P a g e
Table2ofSP-16gives,p=0.4416,tohave Ast= 0.4416(1000)(174)/100=
768.384 mm /m. Provide 12 mm diameter bars @ 140 mm c/c (= 808 mm2) in form of
Provide 8 mm diameter bars @ 200 mm c/c. The reinforcing bars are shown in Fig.
(i) Factored load of landing slab A = 50% of Step 2 (iv to vi) @ 12.375 kN/m =
12.375(3.324 = 41.1345kN
152 | P a g e
Maximum shear force VG = VH= 145.32/2 = 72.66 kN
153 | P a g e
Design the exterior panel of a flat slab of size 6 m ×6 m with suitable drop to
support a live loadof 5 kN/m2. The floor system is supported by columns of size
500 mm × 500 mm. Floor tofloor distance is 3.6 m. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415
Design the typical interior panel of a flat slab floor of size 5 m × 5 m with suitable
drop tosupport a live load of 4 kN/m2. The floor is supported by columns of size
450 mm×450 mm.Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch the reinforcement
details by showing cross sections (i) at column strip(ii) at middle strip.
For the flat slab system of size 6 m×6 m provide suitable drop and fix up overall
dimensions. The floor system is supported by columns of size 500 mm×500 mm,
the floor height being 3.6 m. Calculate the design moments at various strips in the
interior and exterior panels. Give the plan of the floor system showing these design
Design a ‘waist slab’ type staircase comprising a straight flight of steps, supported
between two stringer beams along the two sides. Assume an effective span of
1.5m, a riser of 150mm and a tread of 250mm assume a live load of 3.0kn. use
M20 and Fe 250 steel. Assume mild exposure conditions.
154 | P a g e
Design the staircase slab, shown in Fig. The stairs are simply supported on beams
provided at the first riser and at the edge of the upper landing. Assume a finish
load of 0.8 kN/m2 and a live load of 5.0 kN/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415
steel. Assume mild exposure conditions.
Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 6X6 m supported by columns of
size 500X500 mm. Provide suitable drop. Take live load as 4 kN/m2. Use M20
concrete and Fe 415 steel
Design an interior panel of a flat slab of size 5 m X 5 m without providing drop and
column head. Size of columns is 500X500 mm and live load on the panel is 4 kN/m 2.
Take floor finishing load as 1 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
A flat slab system consists of 5 m ×6 m panels and is without drop and column head.
It has to carry a live load of 4 kN/m2 and a finishing load of 1 kN/m2. It is to be
designed using M20 grade concrete and Fe 415 steel. The size of the columns
supporting the system is 500 ×500 mm and floor to floor height is 4.5 m. Calculate
design moments in interior and exterior panels at column and middle strips in both
155 | P a g e
1. Design the typical interior panel of a flat slab floor of size 5 m ×5 m with suitable drop
tosupport a live load of 4 kN/m2. The floor is supported by columns of size 450 mm ×
450 mm.Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch the reinforcement details by
showing cross sections (i) at column strip (ii) at middle strip.
2. Design the exterior panel of a flat slab of size 6 m×6 m with suitable drop to support a
live loadof 5 kN/m2. The floor system is supported by columns of size 500 mm×500
mm. Floor tofloor distance is 3.6 m. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
3. For the flat slab system of size 6 m ×6 m provide suitable drop and fix up overall
dimensions. The floor system is supported by columns of size 500 mm ×500 mm, the
floor height being 3.6 m. Calculate the design moments at various strips in the interior
and exterior panels. Give the plan of the floor system showing these design moments.
3. Design the staircase slab, shown in Fig. The stairs are simply supported on beams
provided at the first riser and at the edge of the upper landing. Assume a finish load of
0.8 kN/m2 and a live load of 5.0 kN/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Assume
mild exposure conditions.
156 | P a g e
1.Design a (‘waist slab’ type) dog-legged staircase for an office building, given the following data:
157 | P a g e
1. Describe the common geometrical configurations of staircases. Explain the basic
difference in structural behaviour between ‘stair slabs spanning transversely’ and
‘stair slabs spanning longitudinally’.
2. The gravity loading on a ‘waist slab’ type flight can be resolved into components
normal to the flight and tangential to the flight. Describe their load effects on the
waist slab if it is (i) spanning transversely, (ii) spanning longitudinally.
1. In the case of ‘tread-riser’ type stairs spanning longitudinally, discuss the load effects
produced by gravity loading.
2. Sketch the appropriate detailing of longitudinal bars in longitudinally spanning ‘waist
slab’ type stairs at the junction of the flight and (i) lower landing slab, (ii) upper
landing slab. Are there any special requirement re-entrant corners?
3. What is meant by “stair slab supported on landings”? explain the code
recommendations for the effective span other stair slab in such cases
1. Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 6X6 m supported by columns of
size 500X500 mm. Provide suitable drop. Take live load as 4 kN/m2. Use M20
concrete and Fe 415 steel.
2. Design an interior panel of a flat slab of size 5 m X 5 m without providing drop and
column head. Size of columns is 500X500 mm and live load on the panel is 4 kN/m2.
Take floor finishing load as 1 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
3. A flat slab system consists of 5 m ×6 m panels and is without drop and column head.
It has to carry a live load of 4 kN/m2and a finishing load of 1 kN/m2. It is to be
designed using M20 grade concrete and Fe 415 steel. The size of the columns
supporting the system is 500 ×500 mm and floor to floor height is 4.5 m. Calculate
design moments in interior and exterior panels at column and middle strips in both
158 | P a g e
Question Bank
2. Do not delete/move the position of chapter and its difficulty level in the below format of
question bank.
3. Type the question by making virtual chapter of the Unit (if unit not divided into
chapters)and properdifficulty level in the appropriate cell so that from each chapter the
question may be selected for Tests.
4. For long Answer type questions, HODs are requested to decide that how many subparts
are required for their course i.e. 2 subparts or 3, keeping in consideration the level of
5. All the sub parts, equations, pictures if any are to be placed in the same cell of the table
for the same question.
7. Do not repeat the question which may leads to duplicate question in Test
8. Do not repeat the similar question in short and in long answer type question.
159 | P a g e
L2 CO-1 Unit Pen down foundation and what are the different types of
-1 foundation?
1 (cha
L2 CO-1 Unit Describe the pressure being exerted by soil under footing.
3 (cha
L2 CO-1 Unit
4 (cha
Elaborate the meaning of punching shear effect? What will be
the permissible punching shear stress for concrete?
L2 CO-1 Unit Spot the differencesbetween Strip footing and Strap footing.
6 (cha
L2 CO-1 Unit
-1 Scribe a note onactive and passive earth pressure.
160 | P a g e
L2 CO-1 Unit
8 (cha
-2) Differentiate cantilever and counterfort retaining wall?
L2 CO-1 Unit Sketch detailed plan and elevation of cantilever retaining wall.
9 (cha
L1 CO2 Unit
11 (cha
pter Ring beams and curved beams, how are they different from each
-1) other?
L2 CO2 Unit
Opine on the minimum reinforcement required in curved
12 (cha
pter beams& water tank.
L2 CO2 Unit
(cha Pen down dome and types of dome based on structural use.
161 | P a g e
L2 CO2 Unit
14 (cha
-2) Enlist the reason to provide opening in case of domes?
L1 CO2 Unit
15 (cha
-2) Mention hoop stresses in conical and spherical domes.
L2 CO2 Unit
16 (cha
-3) Why do we design water tank by working stress method?
L1 CO2 Unit
17 (cha
pter Reinforcement has a major role to play in structures. What is the
-3) minimum reinforcement required in a water tank?
L1 CO2 Unit
18 (cha
pter Enlist the various types of water tank.
L2 CO2 Unit
19 (cha
pter Write down the criteria for distribution of bending moment in a
-1) flat slab?
162 | P a g e
L2 CO3 Unit Drops are provided on the top of columns while designing flat
-3 slab. Your opinion on the same.
21 (cha
L1 CO3 Unit
23 (cha
-1) Individuate: flat slab and one way –two way slab.
L3 CO3 Unit
24 (cha
-1) How to calculate punching shear in a flat slab?
L2 CO3 Unit
25 (cha
-1) What do you mean by column strip in a flat slab?
L1 CO3 Unit
26 -3 Classify the different types of staircases based on geometrical
163 | P a g e
L1 CO3 Unit
27 (cha
-2) Define effective Span of Stairs.
L1 CO3 Unit
-3 Explain the basic difference in structural behavior between ‘stair
slabs spanning transversely’ and ‘stair slabs spanning
28 (cha longitudinally’.
L2 CO3 Unit
-3 The gravity loading on a ‘waist slab’ type flight can be resolved
29 (cha into components normal to the flight and tangential to the flight.
pter Describe their load effects on the waist slab if it is spanning
-2) transversely,
L2 CO3 Unit If R and T are rise and tread of a stair spanning horizontally, the
-3 steps are supported by a wall on one side and by a stringer beam
30 on the other side, what is the beam width required for designing
1 L1 CO1 Unit -1 Design an isolated footing for a square column, 500 mm x 500 mm
Averag carrying service loads of 1000 kN. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415
164 | P a g e
e steel. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 180 kN/m2. Use M 20 and
Fe 415.
r -1)
L2 CO1 Unit -1 Design an isolated footing for a square column, 400 mm x 400 mm
Averag carrying service loads of 1500 kN. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415
2 e steel. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 250 kN/m2. Use M 20 and
Fe 415.
r -1)
L2 CO1 Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm
Unit -1
Averag carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300 mm x 500 mm
e carrying a service load of 1200 kN. The column C1 is flushed with
the property line. The columns are at 3.0 m c/c distance. The safe
(chapte bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for
r -1)
columns and footing.
L2 CO1 Unit -1 Design a circular footing for a circular column of diameter 500 mm
Averag carrying a working load of 900 kN. SBC of soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M
4 e 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -1)
L2 CO1 Unit -1 Design a sloped footing for a square column of 400 mm x 400 mm
Averag carrying a service load of 1400 kN. Use M 20 and Fe 415 both for
5 e column and footing slab. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 150
r -1)
L2 CO1 Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm
Unit -1 carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300 mm x 500 mm
Averag carrying a service load of 1200 kN. The column C1 is flushed with
6 e the property line. The columns are at 3.0 m c/c distance. The safe
bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for
(chapte columns and footing.
r -1)
165 | P a g e
L2 CO1 Unit -1 Design a circular footing for a circular column of diameter 550 mm
Averag carrying a working load of 1000 kN. SBC of soil is 220 kN/m2. Use
7 e M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -1)
L1 CO1 Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 600 mm x 600 mm
Unit -1 carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300 mm x 500 mm
Averag carrying a service load of 900 kN. The column C1 is flushed with the
8 e property line. The columns are at 3.0 m c/c distance. The safe
bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M 25 and Fe 415 for
columns and footing.
r -1)
L2 CO1
L2 CO1 Unit -1 Describe the various stability checks for designing retaining walls.
Averag Explain step by step design procedure for designing shear key for
10 e the wall.
r -2)
L3 CO1 Unit -1 Design a sloped footing for a square column of 600 mm x 600 mm
11 - Difficul carrying a service load of 1600 KN. Use M 20 and Fe 415 both for
L4 t column and footing slab. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 180
166 | P a g e
(chapte KN/m2.
r -1)
L5 CO1/C Unit -1 A isolated concrete footing for a column, 400 mm × 400 mm,
/L Difficul needs to be designed carrying an axial (service) load of 800 kN.
167 | P a g e
6 O2 t 2
Assume an allowable soil pressure of 350 kN/m . Assume M 20
(chapte concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -1)
L5 CO1/C Unit -1 4. Design a square footing for a rectangular column 300 mm × 500
/L O2 Difficul mm, and carrying a service load of 1250 kN. Assume soil with an
6 t 2
18 allowable pressure of 200 kN/m . Assume Fe 415 grade steel for
(chapte both column and footing, and M 20 grade concrete for the footing
r -1) and M 25 grade concrete for the column.
L5 CO1/C Unit -1 5. Carve out an isolated footing for a square column, 450 mm × 450
/L O2 Difficul mm, and carrying a service load of 2300 kN. Assume soil with a
19 6 t 2
safe bearing capacity of 300 kN/m . Assume M 20 grade concrete
(chapte and Fe 415 grade steel for the footing, and M 25 concrete and Fe
r -1) 415 steel for the column.
L5 CO1/C Unit -1 Design a rectangular footing for a square column, 450 mm × 450
/L O2 Difficul mm, and carrying a service load of 2300 kN. Assume soil with a
6 t safe bearing including a spatial restriction of 2.5 m on one of the
plan dimensions of the footing. M25 concrete & Fe415 steel.
r -1)
L4 CO1/C Unit -1
/L O2 Difficul Design a circular footing for a circular column of diameter 550 mm
5/ t carrying a working load of 800 kN. SBC of soil is 180 kN/m2. Use M
L6 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch details of reinforcement.
r -1)
L4 CO1/C Design a counter fort type retaining wall to suit the following
/L O2 data:
5/ Safe bearing capacity of soil = 200KN/m2
L6 Unit -1 Height of the soil above GL = 7m
Unit weight of soil = 18 KN/m2
24 t
Angle of internal friction = 30o
(chapte Spacing of counter fort = 3m centers
r -2) Grade of concrete = M20
Grade of steel = Fe 415 HYSD bars
169 | P a g e
r -2)
L2 CO2 Unit -2
e How to calculate S.F., B.M. & T.M. in case semicircular beam acting
udl? Mention the design requirements of curved beam in details.
170 | P a g e
r -1)
L5 CO2 Unit -2
/L Averag
33 2 e
r -3) Discuss in detail the design requirements of water tank.
L2 CO2 Unit -2
/L Averag
5 e Expound on the procedure of underground rectangular water tank
in detail.
r -3)
L4 CO2 Unit -2
/L Averag Design an Underground water tank of size 4m x 6m x3m deep.
5 e Using properties γs = 16 kN/m3 and ϕs = 30o. Subsoil water can rise
up to top of tank. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel.
r -3)
L5 CO2 Unit -2
Averag Design a circular ground water tank with diameter 12m and total
e height 3.2m.Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel. Design the tank
and draw the reinforcement details.
r -3)
L5 CO2 Unit -2
Averag Rectangular water tank of size 7m x 5m x 3.5m deep resting on
e firm ground needs to be designed. Use M25 concrete and Fe-415
steel. Assume tank is open at the top.
171 | P a g e
r -3)
L2 CO2 Unit -2
e Reveal in detail the design principles of various element used in
water tank.
r -3)
L2 CO2 Unit -2
Averag An Underground water tank is of size 4m x 6m x3m deep. Using
e properties γs = 20 kN/m3 and ϕs = 30o. Design the tank. Subsoil
water can rise up to top of tank.
r -3)
172 | P a g e
L6 CO2 A curved beam is in the form of a full continuous circle in plan
with a radius of 4m and is supported continuously on six supports.
Unit -2
The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 60 kN/m length,
inclusive of its own weight. Determine the bending moment,
44 t
twisting moment and shear force at salient locations. Also Plot the
(chapte Bending Moment, Twisting moment and shear force Diagrams for
r -1) one span.
L6 CO2 Unit -2 Carve out in details the stresses developed in conical dome of
t uniform thickness. Also write the procedure for designing a ring
(chapte beam supported by the dome.
r -2)
L6 CO2 Unit -2
t Expoundon the step by step design procedure for spherical type
(chapte RCC domes.
r -2)
L6 CO2 Design a spherical dome over a circular room, for the following
Unit -2
Difficul (i) Inside diameter of room = 15 m
48 t
(ii) Rise of Dome = 3.6m
r -2) (iii) Live load due to wind, ice snow = 1.6kN/m2
L6 CO2 Design a spherical dome over a circular room, for the following
L6 CO2 Unit -2
Difficul Design a conical roof for a hall having a diameter of 15 m. The rise
t of dome has to be 4 m. Assume the live and other loads as 1700
N/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -2)
L4 CO2 Unit -2
t Derive an expression for Hoop stress & meridian thrust developed
in spherical dome of uniform thickness.
174 | P a g e
r -2)
L2 CO2 Unit -2 Design a conical roof for a hall having a diameter of 10 m. The rise
Difficulof dome is such that angle at base =30˚Assume LL =2500 N/m2.
53 t
Take allowable stress in tension in concrete =2MPa and
(chapte compression in concrete 5MPa. Stress in steel both in tension &
r -2) compression =120MPa.
L2 CO2 Unit -2
54 t
Design a conical roof for a hall having a diameter of 20 m. The rise
(chapte of dome has to be 4m. Assume the live and other loads as 1500
r -2) N/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
L4 CO2 Unit -2 Design long and short walls of an underground water tank 4 m x 9
Difficulm x3 m deep. The sub-soil consists of sand having angle of repose
t of 300, and saturated unit weight of 17.5 KN/m3. The water table is
likely rise up to ground level. Use M25 concrete and HYSD bars.
(chapte Take unit weigh of water as 9.81 KN/m3 .
r -3)
L2 CO2 Unit -2
Difficul Write a detailed step by step design procedure for designing
t elevated Intz tank with sketch. Also mention codal
recommendations for designing Intz tank.
r -3)
L4 CO2 Unit -2
Difficul A rectangular water tank of size 4m x 8m x 4m deep is to be
t designed using M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel. The tank rests on
firm ground. Design the tank and draw the reinforcement details.
r -3)
L4 CO2 Unit -2
/L Difficul
58 2 t
A circular water tank of size 8m diameter x 4m deep is to be
(chapte designed using M25 concrete and Fe 415 Steel. The tank rests on
r -3) firm ground. Design the tank and draw the reinforcement details.
175 | P a g e
L6 CO2 Unit -2
Difficul An Underground water tank of size 4m x 6m x3m deep. Using
t properties γs = 20 kN/m3 and ϕs = 30o. Subsoil water can rise up to
top of tank. Design Long and short walls.
r -3)
L3 CO2 Unit -2
Difficul Design a circular ground water tank with a capacity of 60000
t liters. Take total height of tank as 3.2m. Use M25 concrete and Fe
415 Steel.
r -3)
L3 CO3 Design the typical interior panel of a flat slab floor of size 5 m × 5
m with suitable drop tosupport a live load of 4 kN/m2. The floor is
Unit -3 supported by columns of size 450 mm x 450 mm.Use M20
Averag concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch the reinforcement details by
e showing cross sections
(chapte (i) at column strip
r -1)
(ii) at middle strip.
L3 CO3 Unit -3 Design the interior and exterior panel of a flat slab of size 6 m x 6
Averag m with suitable drop to support a live load of 5 kN/m2. The floor
62 e system is supported by columns of size 500 mm x 500 mm. Floor
tofloor distance is 3.6 m. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -1)
L2 CO3 Design the flat slab system of size 6 m x 6 m provide suitable drop
Unit -3 and fix up overall dimensions. The floor system is supported by
Averag columns of size 500 mm x 500 mm. Calculate the design moments
63 e at various strips in the interior and exterior panels. Give the plan of
the floor system showing these design moments. Use M20
Concrete and Fe415 steel. Assume L.L. as 4kN/m2.
r -1)
176 | P a g e
L2 CO3 A straight stair in a residential building is supported on wall at one
Unit -3
side and by stringer beam on the other side, with a horizontal span
of 1.4 meters. The risers are 160 mm and tread 320mm. Design
64 e
the steps. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel Take live load as 4
(chapte kN/m2.
r -2)
L2 CO3 Unit -3
65 e
Elucidate the distribution of loadings of open-well stairs and for those
(chapte where the landings are embedded in walls.Also Illustrate the simplified
r -2) analysis of longitudinally spanning free-standing staircases.
L3 CO3 Unit -3 Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 7X7 m
Averag supported by columns of size 500X500 mm. Provide suitable drop.
66 e Take live load and finishing load as 4 kN/m2&1 kN/m2. Use M20
concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -2)
L4 CO3 Unit -3 The gravity loading on a ‘waist slab’ type flight can be resolved
Averag into components normal to the flight and tangential to the flight.
68 e Describe their load effects on the waist slab if it is (i) spanning
transversely, (ii) spanning longitudinally.
r -2)
L3 CO3 Unit -3
Averag Elucidate the methods of determining the effective spans of stairs.
69 e
r -2)
177 | P a g e
L3 CO3 Unit -3
70 e Discuss four general considerations for the design of a staircase. Also
shows loading on stairs with open wells.
r -2)
L3 CO3 Unit -3
Difficul Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 6X6 m supported
71 t by columns of size 500X500 mm. Provide suitable drop. Take live load as
4 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel
r -1)
L3 CO3 Unit -3
Difficul Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 6X6 m
t supported by columns of size 500X500 mm. Provide suitable drop.
Take live load as 4 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -1)
L3 CO3 Unit -3 Design the exterior & interior panel of a flat slab of size 6 m x 6 m
Difficul with suitable drop to support a live load of 5 kN/m2. The floor
t system is supported by columns of size 500 mm ×500 mm. Floor
tofloor distance is 3.6 m. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
178 | P a g e
r -1)
L3 CO3 Design the typical interior panel of a flat slab floor of size 5 m x 5 m with
suitable drop tosupport a live load of 4 kN/m2. The floor is supported by
Unit -3 columns of size 450 mm x 450 mm.Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Sketch the reinforcement details by showing cross sections
76 t
(i) at column strip
r -1) (ii) at middle strip.
L3 CO3 Design the flat slab system of size 6 m x 6 m provide suitable drop and fix
Unit -3 up overall dimensions. The floor system is supported by columns of size
Difficul 600 mm x 600 mm. Calculate the design moments at various strips in the
t interior and exterior panels. Give the plan of the floor system showing
these design moments. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Assume a
live load of 5 kN/m2.
r -1)
L3 CO3 Unit -3
Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 6X6 m
supported by columns of dia. 500 mm. Provide suitable column
78 t
head. Take live load as 4 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415
(chapte steel
r -1)
L4 CO3 Unit -3 Design an interior panel of a flat slab of size 5 m X 5 m without providing
Difficul drop and column head. Size of columns is 500X500 mm and live load on
79 t the panel is 4 kN/m2. Take floor finishing load as 1 kN/m2. Use M20
concrete and Fe 415 steel.
r -1)
L4 CO3 Unit -3 A flat slab system consists of 5 m x6 m panels and is without drop and
Difficulcolumn head. It has to carry a live load of 4 kN/m2 and a finishing load of
t 1 kN/m2. It is to be designed using M20 grade concrete and Fe 415 steel.
The size of the columns supporting the system is 500 x500 mm and floor
(chapte to floor height is 4.5 m. Calculate design moments in interior and
r -1) exterior panels at column and middle strips in both directions.
179 | P a g e
L4 CO3 Unit -3
Design an interior panel of a flat slab with panel size 5X6 m
supported by columns of dia. 550 mm. Provide suitable column
81 t
head. Take live load as 4 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415
(chapte steel.
r -1)
L4 CO3 Unit -3 Design a flat slab system (interior panel) to suit the following data:
Size of the floor = 20 x 30m.Column interval = 5m c/c Live load on
82 t
slab = 5kN/m2.Materials used are Fe415 HYSD bars and M20
r -1) concrete
L3 CO3 Unit -3 Design an interior panel of a flat slab floor system of size 24m x
24m, divided into panels 6m x 6m size. The live load on the slab is
83 5kN/m2 and the columns at top and bottom are at diameter
(chapte 400mm. Height of each storey is 3m. Use M20 concrete and Fe415
r -1) steel.
L4 CO3 Unit -3
Difficul “Stair slab supported on landings”, comment. Explain the code
t recommendations for the effective span other stair slab in such
r -2)
L4 CO3 Design a dog-legged staircase for public building where floor to floor
Unit -3
height is 3.5 m. The dimension for space of stair case is 2.6 m x 6 m. The
live load may be assumed as 4.5 kN/m2. The grade of concrete and steel
85 t
is M20 and Fe 415 respectively. The size of tread is 260 mm and size of
(chapte riser is 140 mm.
r -2)
L4 CO3 Design a dog-legged staircase for public building where floor to floor
Unit -3
height is 4.5 m. The dimension for space of stair case is 3 m x 6 m. The
86 live load may be assumed as 6 kN/m2. The grade of concrete and steel is
M25 and Fe 500 respectively. The size of tread is 270 mm and size of
(chapte riser is 150 mm.
180 | P a g e
r -2)
L4 CO3 Unit -3
DifficulDesign a dog-legged staircase for public building where floor to floor
t height is 3.4 m. The dimension for space of stair case is 4 m x 6 m. The
88 live load may be assumed as 5 kN/m2. The grade of concrete and steel is
(chapte M20 and Fe 415 respectively. The size of tread is 270 mm and size of
r -2) riser is 150 mm.
L5 CO3 Design a dog-legged staircase for public building where floor to floor
Unit -3
height is 3.5 m. The dimension for space of stair case is 5 m x 6 m. The
live load may be assumed as 4 kN/m2. The grade of concrete and steel is
90 t
M25 and Fe 415 respectively. The size of tread is 260 mm and size of
(chapte riser is 160 mm.
r -2)
181 | P a g e
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain, Nem Chand &
Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
5.Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam, Oxford & I.B.H.
Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
7.Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8.Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements, by I.C.Syal and
R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler& Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9.Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel, A.H.Wheeler& Co.
Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10.Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi,
11.Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin and
Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
13.Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville, Longman, 2000.
15.Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4thRevision), IS 456:
2000, BIS, New Delhi.
182 | P a g e
16.Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978, BIS, New Reinforced Concrete
Limit State Design, 5th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 1999.
183 | P a g e
Q.1In a combined footing if shear stress exceeds 5 kg/cm2, the nominal stirrups
provided are:
A. 6 legged
B. 8 legged
C. 10 legged
D. 12 legged
C. 4%
D. 1%
Q.3The number of treads in a flight is equal to
A.risers plus one
D. none of these.
Q.4 Thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column, is technically known as
B. none of these.
C. drop panel
184 | P a g e
D.column head
B.In the toe slab of a retaining wall, reinforcement is provided at the bottom of the slab
C. In the heel slab of a retaining wall, reinforcement is provided at the top of the slab
D.None of these.
Q.6 Bottom bars under the columns are extended into the interior of the
footing slab to a distance greater than
A. 42 diameters from the outer edge of the column
Q.8 For initial estimate for a beam design, the width is assumed
A.1/25th of span
B.1/15th of span
C. 1/30th of span
D.1/20th of span
185 | P a g e
Q.9 Cantilever retaining walls can safely be used for a height not more than
B. 5m
C. 4m
D. 7m
C. equal to 6
D. equal to 7
Q.11 An R.C.C. beam not provided with shear reinforcement may develop
cracks in its bottom inclined roughly to the horizontal at
A. 45°
C. 35°
B. 44
C. 50
D. 55
186 | P a g e
Q.13 The shear reinforcement in R.C.C. is provided to resist
A. horizontal shear
B.vertical shear
C. diagonal compression
D.diagonal tension.
Q.14 the radius of a bar bend to form a hook, should not be less than
A. thrice the diameter
Q.15 The length of lap in tension reinforcement should not be less than the bar
diameter x (actual tension / four times the permissible average bond stress) if
it is more than
A. 24 bar diameters
C. 30 bar diameters
187 | P a g e
A. as one sixth of overall height of the wall
B.60 cm
C. 30 cm
D.20 cm
Q.20 Design of R.C.C. simply supported beams carrying U.D.L. is based on the
resultant B.M. at
A. quarter span.
C. mid span
D.every section
188 | P a g e
Q.21 If T and R are tread and rise respectively of a stair, then
A. R + 2T = 60
B.2R + T = 30
C. 2R + T = 60
D.R + 2T= 30
C. 3cm
Q.23 according to I.S.: 456, 1978 the thickness of reinforced concrete footing
on piles at its edges, is kept less than
A. 30 cm
B.20 cm
C. 40 cm
D.50 cm
C. less than 2
189 | P a g e
Q.25 If the ratio of the span to the overall depth does not exceed 10, the
stiffness of the beam will ordinarily be satisfactory in case of a
A. continuous beam
C. cantilever beam
D.none of these.
D.none of these.
Q.27A reinforced concrete cantilever beam is 3.6 m long, 25 cm wide and has
its lever arm 40 cm. It carries a load of 1200 kg at its free end and vertical
stirrups can carry 1800 kg. Assuming concrete to carry one-third of the
diagonal tension and ignoring the weight of the beam, the number of shear
stirrups required, is
D. 50
Q.28 If the sides of a slab simply supported on edges and spanning in two
directions are equal, the maximum bending moment is multiplied by
A. 0.5
190 | P a g e
C. 0.3
Q.29 The amount of reinforcement for main bars in a slab, is based upon
A. maximum shear force
D.minimumshear force.
B.shrinkage stress
C. load
D. All
191 | P a g e
Q.32 A flat slab is supported
A.on columns
D.on beams
Q.33A raft foundation is provided if its area exceeds the plan area of the
building by
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 40%
D. 50%
B.sine is equal to the ratio of the maximum resistance to sliding on any internal inclined plane
to the normal pressure acting on the plane
C.cosine is equal to the ratio of the maximum resistance sliding on any internal inclined plane
to the normal pressure acting on the plane
D.none of these.
Q.35 If the size of a column is reduced above the floor, the main bars Zof the
columns, are
B. stopped just below the floor level and separate lap bars provided
C. continued up
192 | P a g e
D.bent inward at the floor level
C. drop hammer
D. all
B. greater of 40 mm or diameter
C. smaller of 40 mm or diameter
D. smaller of 25 mm or diameter
C. thickness of the concrete topping 0d) half the thickness of the rib
B. 8d
Q41.Top bars are extended to the projecting parts of the combined footing of
two columns L distance apart for a distance of
A.0.1 L from the outer edge of column
Q.42 Ifdepth of slab is 10 cm, width of web 30 cm, depth of web 50 cm, centre
to centre distance of beams 3 m, effective span of beams 6 m, the effective
flange width of the beam, is
B. 200cm
C. 100cm
D. 250cm
194 | P a g e
Q.43 in a singly reinforced beam, if the permissible stress in concrete reaches
earlier than that in steel, the beam section is called
A.critical section.
B. under-reinforced section
D. economic section
B. free end
C. fixed end
D. mid span
B. 0.5 H
C. 0.7 H
D. 0.6 H
Q46 the length of the lap in a compression member is kept greater than bar
diameter x (Permissible stress in bar / Five times the bond stress) or
A.30 bar diameters
B. 24 bar diameters
C. 18 bar diameters
D. 12 bar diameters
195 | P a g e
Q.47 A part of the slab may be considered as the flange of the T-beam if is built integrally with the beam
D. All
Q.48 In a slab, the pitch of the main reinforcement should not exceed its
effective depth
B. 5times
C. 3times
D. 6times
Q.49 Ifthe length of an intermediate span of a continuous slab is 5m, the length
of the end span is kept
B. 4.5m
C. 3.5m
D. 5.5m
196 | P a g e
B. 210cm
D. 200cm
Q.51 Lapped splices in tensile reinforcement are generally not used for bars of
size larger than
A.30 mm diameter
B. 24 mm diameter
C. 18 mm diameter
D. 36 mm diameter
B. 4mm
C. 3mm
Q.53In case the factor of safety against sliding is less than 1.5, a portion of slab
is constructed downwards at the end of the heel slab, which is known as
A. a cut-off wall
B. a key
C. a rib
D. a rib
197 | P a g e
A. 0.40
B. 0.50
C. 0.80
D. 0.20
B. 0.6
C. 0.8
D. 0.9
198 | P a g e
TOPIC ON ADVANCEMENT: Design and discussion of Burj Khalifa.
The Burj Dubai Tower is the world’s tallest structure, passing all previous height records.
Such a project by necessity requires pushing current analysis, material, construction
technologies, and building systems to literally new heights. However, as such a building
height has never before been attempted, it is also necessary to ensure all technologies and
methods used are of sound development and practice. As such, the designers sought to be able
to use conventional systems, materials, and construction methods — modified and utilized in
new capacities — to achieve such a lofty goal.
The 160-plus-story Burj Dubai Tower is the centrepiece of a $20 billion multi-tower
development located just outside of downtown Dubai. The Burj Dubai project consists of the
tower itself, as well as an adjacent podium structure, and separate six-story office annex and
two-story pool annex. The 280,000-square-meter (m2) (or 3 million-square-foot, ft2)
reinforced concrete multi-use tower is predominantly residential and office space, but it also
contains retail space and a Giorgio Armani hotel. The tower and podium structures —
combined 465,000 m2 (5 million ft2) — are currently under construction, and the project is
scheduled for completion in late 2009.
199 | P a g e
Architectural Design:
The primary design concept of the tower is an organic form with tri-axial geometry and
spiralling growth that can be easily seen in the final design. Additionally, traditional Islamic
forms were utilized to enrich the tower’s design, and to incorporate visual references to the
culture and history of the surrounding region. As such, the floor plan of the tower consists of a
tri-axial, “Y” shaped plan, formed by having three separate wings connected to a central core.
As the tower rises, one wing at each tier sets back in a spiralling pattern, further emphasizing
its height. The Y-shape plan is ideal for residential and hotel use in that it allows the
maximum views outward without overlooking a neighbouring unit. The wings contain the
residential units and hotel guest rooms, with the central core housing all of the elevators and
mechanical closets. The tower is serviced by five separate mechanical zones, located
approximately 30 floors apart over the height of the building. Located above the occupied
reinforced concrete portion of the building is the structural steel spire, housing
communication and mechanical floors, and completing the architectural form of the tower.
The result is an efficient building in terms of its functionality, structural system, and response
to wind, while still maintaining the integrity of the initial design concept.
200 | P a g e
Structural system:
The entire building structure was analyzed for gravity (including P-Delta analysis), wind, and
seismic loadings utilizing ETABS version 8.4, from Computers and Structures, Inc. The 3D
analysis model consisted of the reinforced concrete walls, link beams, slabs, raft, piles, and
the spire structural steel system. Under lateral wind loading, the building deflections are well
below commonly used criteria. The dynamic analysis indicated the first mode is lateral sides
way with a period of 11.3 seconds. The second mode is a perpendicular lateral sides way with
a period of 10.2 seconds. Torsion is the fifth mode with a period of 4.3 seconds.
The Burj Dubai Tower utilizes the latest advancements in construction techniques and
material technology. The walls are formed using Doka’s SKE 100 automatic self-climbing
formwork system. The circular nose columns are formed with circular steel forms, and the
floor slabs are poured on MevaDec panel formwork. Wall reinforcement is prefabricated on
the ground to allow for fast placement. Three primary self-climbing Favco tower cranes are
located adjacent to the central core, with each continuing to various heights as required. The
cranes have been specially modified to be able to lift the extreme lengths of cable required, as
well as 25-metric-tonne (27.5-ton) payloads, at high speeds. High-speed (120-m/minute, 393-
foot/minute), high-capacity (3,200-kg, 7,050-pound) construction hoists were used to
transport workers and materials to the required heights. Because of limitations of conventional
surveying techniques, a specialized GPS monitoring system has been developed to monitor
the verticality of the structure.
The construction sequence for the structure has the central core and slabs being cast first, in
three sections; the wing walls and slabs follow behind; and the wing nose columns and slabs
follow behind these. Concrete is distributed to each wing utilizing concrete booms that are
attached to the jump form system. Two of the largest concrete pumps in the world were used
to deliver concrete to heights over 600 m (1,968 feet) in a single stage. A horizontal pumping
trial was conducted prior to the start of the superstructure construction to ensure pump ability
of the concrete mixes.
Burj Dubai Tower has eclipsed all previous height records, and is the tallest structure ever
built. It represents an enormous collaboration and coordination effort of many individuals
across all sectors of the building profession. Conventional and cutting-edge technologies and
building systems were utilized, developed, and further advanced to create this unprecedented
structure, taking this building and the profession to literally new heights.
201 | P a g e
Design of Concrete Structure-II
List of PPT
Sr. No. Topic Remarks
6. Domes Unit-2
202 | P a g e
Analysis and feedback of the contents by Faculty
Course was well structured to achieve the learning outcomes (good balance of lectures,
learning resources, tutorials, practical etc.)
The Course was well organized (e.g. teaching hours, content flow, access to materials,
notification of changes, etc.)
The syllabus was need based; Emphasis on fundamentals, coverage of modern/ advanced
topics, good balance between theory and application.
The books prescribed/listed as reference materials are relevant, updated and appropriate.
203 | P a g e
Max marks 30
Average marks 21
No. of Students
CIVIL who score less 8
7CE1 52
ENGINEERING than 12 marks
Percentage of
students who
score less than 12
Max marks 34
Average marks 25
No. of Students
CIVIL who score less 2
7CE1 64
ENGINEERING than 12 marks
Percentage of
students who
score less than 12
204 | P a g e
205 | P a g e
Timetable for slow learners:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
206 | P a g e
Name of Subject with Subject Code: DESIGN OF CONCRETE STRUCTRES-II./CET-
Branch and Semester: Civil Engg./ 6th AFTER MST-1
2 21.2.2019 8
207 | P a g e
Name of Subject with Subject Code: DESIGN OF CONCRETE STRUCTRES-II./CET-351
Branch and Semester: Civil Engg./ 6th
No UID NAME 14 -02-2019 21-2-2019 28-2-2019 7/3/2019
208 | P a g e
Max marks 34
Average marks 25
No. of Students
CIVIL who score less 2
7CE1 64
ENGINEERING than 12 marks
Percentage of
students who
score less than 12
209 | P a g e
210 | P a g e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
211 | P a g e
Name of Subject with Subject Code: DESIGN OF CONCRETE STRUCTRES-II./CET-
Branch and Semester: Civil Engg./ 6th
3 28.3.2019
Design of circular water 2
4 04.4.2019
Design of Under Ground 2
water tank
212 | P a g e
Name of Subject with Subject Code: DESIGN OF CONCRETE STRUCTRES-II./CET-351
Branch and Semester: Civil Engg./ 6th
Sr. No UID NAME 14 -03-2019 21-3-2019 28-3-2019 4/4/2019
1 16BCE1060 Shrey Sharma P P P P
213 | P a g e
Best Practices adopted by the faculty
5. Student Mentoring
214 | P a g e
Chandigarh University follows Outcome Based Education (OBE) and ensure the attainment of
Course outcomes (COs) and Program outcomes (POs). The Course Objectives and Course
Outcomes are mapped with concerned Program educational objectives and outcomes. The
testing and evaluation of the students are done to ensure that PSOs are ensured through the
competencies attained by the students in terms of knowledge and skills.
Assignments, class discussions, mid semester tests, online quiz, end semester examination etc.
are all focused on measuring the course outcomes by creating material and questions based on
critical thinking and analysis. The university uses both direct and indirect methods of assessment
to ensure attainment of PO, PSO and COs.
1. Assignments
2. Class Test
3. Group Discussion
5. Student Project(s)
The data used for evaluating CO attainment is obtained from the students score for these
2. Alumni Survey
3. Employer Survey
4. Co-curricular Activities
5. Extracurricular Activities
215 | P a g e
Procedure for Attainment of Program Outcomes
At the end of the each programme, the PO/PSO assessment is done from the CO attainment of
all curriculum components. The description of Assessment tools used for the evaluation of
program outcomes is given in Table 1.
In each course, the level of attainment of each CO is compared with the predefined targets, if is
not; the course coordinator takes necessary steps for the improvement to reach the target.
With the help of CO against PO/PSO mapping, the PO/PSO attainment is calculated by the
216 | P a g e
Direct Industry To test student’s concepts Project reviews are conducted NA As per
Oriented in design, creative regularly using rubrics and curriculum
Project thinking and independent internal evaluation and end term
analysis. Project reviews examination records are
are conducted considered for attainment of CO.
Direct Comprehensiv To assess the student’s The assessment is carried out by NA As per
e Viva Voce technical and analytical HoD and three senior faculty curriculum
Examination skills in the domain of members along with student’s
Civil Engineering and overall academic performance in
also communication the Viva.
Direct Major Project To test student’s concepts Continuous assessment is carried NA As per
in design, creative by the Project review committee.
thinking and independent First review emphasizes on
analysis. Literature survey and
problem identification, second
Design methodology and the third
review on validation of the model
and documentation.
The external examiner assessment
is considered as another
assessment tool for project work.
Final CO attainment is calculated
by considering all the above
Indirect Course End This survey gives the The indicators in the survey form NA At the end of
Survey opinion of the student and are framed in line with the each course
faculty on the attainment respective Course outcomes.
of course outcomes.
Indirect Graduate Exit This survey gives the At the end of the programme, the NA At the end of
Survey opinion of the graduate graduate exit survey is collected the program
on the attainment of from the graduates and
Programme outcomes. considered for the PO attainment
under indirect PO
University gives different weight age to these assessment tools in the overall course assessment.
Attainment levels of course outcomes are set as follows:
The University follows student-centric system with focus on what the students are expected to
demonstrate at the end of the program. The outcomes are assessed and evaluated to identify the
extent to which learning goals are accomplished. The gaps thus identified are addressed through
review of the performance criteria that are used to measure the achievement of learning outcomes.
217 | P a g e
Students attainment of COs, POs, and PSOs are assessed by customized evaluation pattern to suit
the course and its course outcomes.
218 | P a g e
219 | P a g e