Ezhilan MBA

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The word market is a derivative of the Latin word Marcatus

meaning thereby merchandise, ware, traffic, trade, or a place where
business is conducted. Broadly speaking, for a layman and an educated
person idea of a market are not different from that of a businessman’s. If at
all there is any difference that may be of degree.

Definition of market

 Markets are people with money to spend and the desire to spend
 Market includes both place and region in which buyers and
sellers are in free competition with one another.
 The term market refers not to place but to a commodity or
commodities and buyers and sellers who are in direct
competition with one another.
 A market is a center about which or an area in which the forces
leading to exchange or title to a particular product operate and
towards which the actual goods tend to travel.

The concept of exchange leads to the concept of market. A

market consists of all the potential customers sharing a particular product
operate and towards which the actual goods tend to travel.


Marketing is the craft of linking the producers (or potential

producers) of a product or service with customers, both existing and
potential. Some form of marketing arises naturally in all capitalist societies
but is not limited to capitalist societies. Marketing techniques are also
applied in politics, religion, personal affairs, and many other aspects of life.

Marketing methods are informed by many of the social

sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Marketing
research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to
many of the creative arts. Successful marketers typically have a customer
orientation or focus.

Marketing has been defined in various ways, but generally

“Marketing is defined as a social, managerial, process by which individuals
and groups obtain what they need or want through, creating, offering, and
exchanging products of value with others.”
This definition of marketing rests on the following concepts:
Needs, want and demands;
Products value, cost and satisfaction;
Exchange, transaction and relationship;
Markets, marketing and marketers.

In popular usage, the term marketing refers to the promotion

of products, especially advertising and branding. However, in professional
usage the term has a wider meaning. It can be divided into four sections,
often called the "four Ps," only one of which is promotion. They are:

1. Product - The Product management aspect of marketing deals with
the specifications of the actual good or service, and how it relates to
the end-user's needs and wants.
2. Pricing - This refers to the process of setting a price for a product,
including discounts.
3. Promotion - This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and
personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the
product, brand, or company.
4. Place or distribution refers to how the product gets to the customer;
for example, point of sale placement or retailing.

These four elements are often referred to as the marketing

mix. A marketer will use these variables to craft a marketing plan. For a
marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "p's" must reflect the
wants and desires of the consumers in the target market. Trying to convince
a market segment to buy something they don't want is extremely expensive
and seldom successful. Marketers depend on marketing research to
determine what consumers want and what they are willing to pay for.
Marketers hope that this process will give them a sustainable competitive
advantage. Marketing management is the practical application of this

Some aspects of marketing, especially promotion, are the

subject of criticisms.


In economics, consumers are individuals or households that

"consume" goods and services generated within the economy. Since this
includes just about everyone, the term is a political term as much as an
economic term when it is used in everyday speech. Typically when

businesspeople and economists talk of "consumers" they are talking about
person-as-consumer, an aggregated commodity item with little individuality
other than that expressed in the buy/not buy decision. However there is a
trend in marketing to individualize the concept. Instead of generating broad
demographic and psychographic profiles of market segments, marketers are
engaging in personalized marketing, permission marketing, and mass

In standard microeconomic theory, a consumer is assumed to

have a budget which can be spent on a range of goods and services
available on the market. Under the assumption of rationality, the budget
allocation is chosen according to the preference of the consumer, i.e. to
maximize his or her utility function.

In time-series models of consumer behavior, the consumer

may also invest a proportion of their budget in order to gain a greater budget
in future periods. This investment choice may include either fixed rate
interest or risk-bearing securities.

In the context of mental health, consumer is also a term

applied to describe a person living with mental illness.

Concern over the best interests of consumers has spawned

much activism, as well as incorporation of consumer education into the
school curriculum. One non-profit publication active in consumer education
is Consumer Reports.

Within many selling companies "consumer" has come to be a

derogatory term which means a "purchaser of products who is not very
intelligent." This is in contrast to the meaning of customer, which is defined
as "an intelligent purchaser who has power in the purchasing relationship
between buyer and seller."


A customer is someone who purchases or rents something

from an individual or organization.

Types of Customers

Customers can be classified into two main groups; internal and

external customers. An internal customer is someone who works for the
organization, possibly in another department or another branch. External
customers are essentially the general public.
These two groups can be further broken down:

Internal Customers
← People working in different departments
← People working in different branches

External Customers
← Individuals
← Individuals of different needs
← Individuals of different cultures
← Business people
← Groups


Customers have needs and expectations that need to be

observed by the organization. A need is something that the customer needs,
like car insurance being low. An expectation is something that the customer

won't necessarily get but they expect to get, like a car getting from a
person's place of departure to their destination.

The sales area generally is regarded as one of the ways for

pharmacists to get in to the pharmaceutical industry. The sales
representatives (also called Professional Services Representatives,
Professional Sales Representatives, Medical Service Representatives or
Detail men) usually call on pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and in some
cases dentists and veterinarians with details on the products of their

Sales Analysis of paracetamol tablets in Cuddalore district of

Tamilnadu state has been undertaken as a part of research project for the
Master of Business Administration programme in the Distance Education
Division of Annamalai University. The main objective of the study is to
analyze the sale of paracetamol in the district. The other important study that
will be carried out along with this study is about the various aspects of sales
of medicine, awareness of the pharmacists in the recent developments of
field of pharmacy and the awareness of the patients in purchasing the
medicine. This study will help us to understand the following.

1. Registered Medical Practitioners (RMP) prescribes Brand

name or Generic name of Paracetamol.
2. Most of consumers purchasing paracetamol tablets through
prescription or Over the Counter (OTC) sales.
3. Most of consumers prefer which type of paracetamols for fever
and headaches.
4. Registered Medical Practitioners (RMP) recommends the Over
The Counter (OTC) sales or not.

5. Which brand of paracetamol fastly move in counter without


There are a number of forces at work that are encouraging

change in pharmacy practice. The three most definitive forces are

1. The demand for prescription drugs

2. Pharmaceutical innovation
3. Health-care, cost-containment initiatives


The dispensing and compounding of drugs on the prescription

of registered medical practitioner as well as OTC drugs come under the
preview of the following.

Section 42 of pharmacy act – No person other than a

registered pharmacist can compound, prepare, mix or dispense any
medicine on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner.

Section 65 (1) and (2) of drugs and cosmetics Rules 1945 –

Dispensing and compounding against prescription shall be effected only by
or under direct and personal supervision of registered pharmacist.

Section 65 (9) of drugs and cosmetics rules 1945 –

Substances in schedule X shall not be sold by retail except on the
prescription of registered practitioner.

Section 65 (10) of drugs and cosmetics rules 1945 – The
prescription (a) shall be in writing and be signed by physician.

Section 65 (11) of drugs and cosmetics rules 1945 (a) – The

prescription must not be dispensed more than once unless the prescriber
has stated that it may be dispensed more than once.

Section 65 (15) of drugs and cosmetics rules 1945 (b) and

(c) – The medical stores under the prescription “Chemists Druggists” or
“pharmacy” licensed for retail sale of drugs, where the licensed for retail sale
of drugs, where the licenses employ the services of a registered pharmacist.




Paracetamol has been in use as an analgesic for home

medication for over 30 years and is accepted as a very effective treatment
for the relief of pain and fever in adults and children. The following
information on paracetamol is provided by the Paracetamol Information
Centre. Paracetamol is also known as acetaminophen.

The first observations about the analgesic and antipyretic

properties of paracetamol were made back in the late nineteenth century
when alternative compounds were being sought to reduce fever in the
treatment of infections.

The antipyretics commonly used at the time consisted of

preparations of natural compounds such as cinchona bark, from which
quinine is derived, or galenicals based on willow bark, the earliest source of
salicylate. Cinchona bark became in short supply and cheaper, synthetic
substitutes were needed.

Two alternatives that were developed included acetanilide in

1886 and phenacetin in 1887, both of which had the advantage over quinine
of possessing both antipyretic and analgesic properties.

In 1893, another compound, now known as paracetamol, was

noted also to have a prompt analgesic and antipyretic action. In 1895, further

work on this compound indicated that paracetamol might be present in the
urine of patients who had taken phenacetin and in 1889, paracetamol was
also shown to be a urinary metabolite of acetanilide.
However, it was not until 1948 that Brodie and Axelrod
established that paracetamol was a major metabolite of both phenacetin and
acetanilide. This, and other work, led to the belief that the clinical effect of
these two drugs was entirely due to rapid conversion in the body to
paracetamol. This belief was supported by the observation that the analgesic
and antipyretic effects of paracetamol were of the same order as those of its
parent compound. Some years later, it was shown that phenacetin had both
effects in its own right and that paracetamol formation was not essential for
its pharmacological action. However, because a very high proportion is
converted to paracetamol during first passage through the liver, phenacetin
itself exerts a direct analgesic effect only at very high doses.

The work of Brodie and Axelrod led to the introduction of 500

mg tablets of paracetamol in the United Kingdom in 1956, primarily as a
prescription product. In 1963, paracetamol was added to the British
Pharmacopoeia and its popularity as an over-the-counter analgesic
increased rapidly.

Subsequently, it also became an ingredient of compound

analgesics, being combined with such centrally-acting compounds as
codeine, dihydrocodeine and dextropropoxyphene, as well as with oral
decongestants in a variety of formulations for the relief of the symptoms of
the common cold, influenza and sinusitis.

Paracetamol is now the most widely accepted antipyretic and

analgesic in the UK.


Paracetamol is a painkiller, more technically described as a
non-opioid analgesic. As a painkiller, it's similar in strength to aspirin, but
does not have the anti-inflammatory action of aspirin.
How does paracetamol work?

Paracetamol is thought to work by blocking the production of

chemicals, known as prostaglandins, which are involved in pain
transmission. But, unlike aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, it blocks them in the brain not at the source of

What is paracetamol for?

Paracetamol can be taken to relieve mild to moderate pain due

to things such as headache, muscle and joint pain, backache and period
pains. It is also used to bring down a high temperature. For this reason,
paracetamol can be given to children after vaccinations to prevent post-
immunization pyrexia (high temperature). Paracetamol is often included in
cough, cold and flu remedies.

As it doesn't have any anti-inflammatory action, paracetamol is

not used for reducing inflammation and swelling in conditions such as

Side Effects

Side effects are rare with paracetamol when it is taken at the

recommended doses. Skin rashes, blood disorders and acute inflammation
of the pancreas have occasionally occurred in people taking the drug on a
regular basis for a long time. One advantage of paracetamol over aspirin

and NSAIDs is that it doesn't irritate the stomach or causing it to bleed,
potential Side effects of aspirin and NSAIDs.


An overdose of paracetamol causes liver damage that, if not

treated quickly, is very dangerous. As little as 10-15g (20- 30 tablets) taken
in one go can be fatal. A paracetamol overdose is particularly dangerous
because the damage sometimes isn't apparent for 4-6 days after the drug
has been taken. So, even if someone who has taken a paracetamol
overdose seems fine and doesn't have any symptoms, it is vital that they are
taken to hospital urgently. More rarely, paracetamol overdose can also cause
severe kidney damage.

How to use paracetamol

Paracetamol can be taken in tablet, capsule or liquid form, and

is also available as suppositories. Paracetamol can be bought without a
prescription from pharmacies and (in packs of up to 16 tablets) from other
shops. It's vital that you always take it in the doses recommended on the
packet. The recommend dose for adults is 500mg to 1000mg every 4-6
hours (one to two standard tablets), up to a maximum of 4000mg (8 tablets)
in 24 hours.

Children and Paracetamol

The doses for children depend on their age and weight and are
clearly given on the medicine's container. On a doctor's advice, it can be
given to young babies after vaccinations, but is otherwise not recommended
for babies under three months old. Syrups containing paracetamol, such as
Calpol can be easier to take for younger children. The paediatric version of

paracetamol syrup contains 120 mg of paracetamol per 5ml (teaspoon).
Sugar-free versions are available.

Paracetamol Products

Paracetamol is often contained in branded pain relieving

products (see list below) and cough and cold remedies. These also often
contain other painkillers such as codeine and other ingredients such as
caffeine or a decongestant.

Doctor can also prescribe paracetamol either on its own or in a

combination medicine containing another painkiller such as dihydrocodeine
or codeine. A preparation called Paradote is also available that contains
paracetamol plus an antidote to paracetamol poisoning, methionine.

Some common brands containing paracetamol are:

Paracetamol alone:

 Calpol
 Disprol
 Panadol

In combination with other ingredients:

 Beechams products (including powder and capsules)

 Boots Cold & Flu Relief Tablets
 Benylin Day and Night
 Day Nurse
 Feminax
 Hedex
 Lemsip products

 Migraleve
 Night Nurse
 Paracodol
 Paramol
 Propair
 Resolve
 Sinutab
 Solpadeine
 Veganin
 Vicks Medinite

Note: In the United States, paracetamol is known as acetaminophen.

Paracetamol is a para–amino phenol derivative. Paracetamols

is non–norcotic analgesic, which not only relieves pain but also possess
anti–inflammatory property. The so–called coal tar analgesics like
phenacetin and its active metabolite acetaminophen are effective
alternatives to aspirin as analgesic antipyretics. However unlike aspirin, their
anti-inflammatory activity is weak and seldom clinically useful.
Acetaminophen has less overall toxicity and is thus preferred to phenacetin.
Because acetaminophen is well tolerated, lacks many of the side effects of
aspirin and is available without prescription. However acute over dosage
causes total hepatic damage, and the number of self-suicides with
acetaminophen has grown alarmingly in recent years.

The other classes of drugs used as Analgesics and Antipyretics

Pyrasalone derivatives
Indole-Acetic acid derivatives
Propionic acid derivatives


Paracetamol is a white crystalline powder, almost insoluble in

cold water, but soluble in hot water and in solutions of alkalihydroxides. It is
possessing slightly bitter taste.
Melts between 168 to 172.
pH (saturated solution) 5.3 to 6.5
Pka 9.51


Pharmacological Action

These compounds exert analgesic and antipyretic effects like

salicylates. Paracetamol is slightly more potent antipyretic than phenacetin
and is equianalgesic with aspirin in therapeutic doses, but both are devoid of
significant anti-inflammatory effect. This could be due to its weak activity on
peripheral prostaglandin synthetase. Unlike salicylates, these drugs do not
produce acid-base imbalance, electrolyte disturbances.

Absorption and Excretion

These are rapidly absorbed on oral administration. Major

portion is converted to. Paracetamols are mainly excreted in urine as
conjucation products of glucuronic and sulphuric acids.

Mechanism of Action

The paracetamols exerts analgesic and antipyretic activity is

thought to be due to its peripheral anti-inflammatory action as well as a

central effect on the hypothalamus. Its antipyretic action is thought to be due
to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

Therapeutic Uses

Paracetamol is a suitable substitute for aspirin for its analgesic

and antipyretic uses in patients for whom aspirin is contraindicated (those
with peptic ulcer) or when the prolongation of bleeding time caused by
aspirin would be a disadvantage.

Adverse Effects

In therapeutic dose levels, the drug is usually well tolerated.

Habitual use may be associated with the major manifestation being
Jaundice, hypoglycemia, and metabolic acidosis.


The label should carry the following:

“Do not give to children under 6 years of age or use more than 10 days
unless directed by a physician. Keep this medicine out of reach of children”


Usual adult oral dosage 300 mg to 1.0 gram, 3 to 4 times per

day, usual paediatric dose 175 mg per square meter of body surface, 4 times
a day.

60 mg, 3 to 4 times a day for children under 1 year of age. 60

mg to 120 mg, 3 to 4 times a day for children 3 to 5 years of age. 150 to 325
mg, 3 to 4 times a day for children 6 to 12 years of age.


Paracetamol tablets contain not less than 95% and not more
than 105% of the state of paracetamols.

Dosage Form

Tablets – 125, 250, 300, 500, and 650 mg

Capsules – 325 and 500 mg
Syrup – 125mg / 5 ml
Drops – 150 mg / ml
Dose 1 to 6 months 2 to 5 drops
6 to 12 months 5 to 12 drops
All 3 to 4 times a day
Suspension – 125 mg / 5 ml
Dose 1 to 3 years 2 to 5 ml



A survey of marketing of paracetamol has been undertaken as

a part of research project for the Master of Business Administration
programme in the Distance Education Division of Annamalai University. The
main objective of the study is to analyze the marketing of paracetamol
tablets in the state. Through different types of dosage forms of paracetamol
are available in the market, only tablet dosage form has been selected for
this project work, because of its popularity. Of late it has been voiced from a
section of the people that only generic name of a particular drug should be
prescribed by the R.M.P and not the trade name of the respective company
in order to avoid monopoly tendency. Further it has been noticed that the
common brand of paracetamol has been issued through the counter without
any prescription.

The main aim of this project work is to understand:

1. Whether the physician prefers brand name or generic.
2. The type of brand name of paracetamol which is moving
fast through the retail medical shop.
3. The type of brand name paracetamol preferred by
4. Relation between brand name and efficacy of the drug.
5. Relation between the price and the brand name.
6. Relation between the brand name and consumer’s

7. The order of preference of various brand names of
paracetamol by physician, pharmacists, and consumer.

The other important study that will be carried out along with
this study is about the various aspects of sales of medicines; awareness of
the pharmacists in the recent developments of field of pharmacy and the
awareness of the patients in purchasing the medicine. The study will help us
to understand the role of pharmacists in the field of community medicine and
also the need to investigate the development in the field of pharmacy.

Both the quantitative and qualitative approaches will be used in

this study. This study will help us to understand the pattern of the sale of
drugs in the district where the literacy rate 88.11%. In this study the
registered medical practitioners, Pharmacists and the consumers will be
contacted with the set of standard questions prepared as per the study
protocol. The result of the study will be analyzed by the shortcoming or
encouraging results.




For the field analysis, asset of questions in the form were

issued to the following. Registered Medical Practitioners, Consumers,
Pharmacy and their answers were compiled as shown in the table

Table No Personnel Numbers

1 Registered Medical 12

2 Consumers 18

3 Pharmacy 15

The following brand names of paracetamol tablets were

selected for this project work.

1. Crocin – Smith
2. Metacin – Themis
3. Calpal – Burrough’s welcome
4. Fepanil – Citadel
5. Malidens – Nicolas
6. Pyrigesic – East India
7. P-500 – Apex

As shown in the label, the entire tablet contains 500mg of
Paracetamol. The cost of paracetamol for different brand names as obtained
from 18 medical stores in Cuddalore district.




Local Tax) TABLET
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95
2 Calpol Burrough welcome 10.25 1.05
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05


Name of the Physician :

Qualification :
Official Address :

1. May we know in what conditions you will prescribe paracetamols to

the patients?

2. Will you prefer branded paracetamols as a single drug or in

combination with other drugs?

3. Will you prefer brand name or generic name in the prescription?

4. If so why?

5. Which brand name will you prefer for paracetamols?

6. Why do you prefer that particular brand name?

7. In your view, will you find any difference in the efficacy of the drug
between various brand names available in the market?

8. What is your opinion in selling paracetamol without a prescription of a

Registered Medical Practitioner?


Name & Address

of RMP 1 2 3 4

Dr. M. Narayanan,
M.B.B.S., D.C.H.,
163-B, Nethaji Road, Fever & Single Brand quality varies
Manjakuppam, aches drug name with company

Dr. P.S Krishnamoorthy

To reduce So that
M.B.B.S., D.C.H., temperature chemist will
& to relieve Single Brand not substitute
217, Nethaji Road,
pain drug name other brands

Brand name
Dr. K.N.Gnanasundari Tablets with less
potency might
M.B.B.S., D.G.O., be dispensed If I
Fever & Brand
48/207, Nethaji Road, yes mention generic
aches name name

Dr. K. Rajendran M.S.
Fever & Single Brand Convenient to
48/207, Nethaji Road,
headaches drug name chemist

Dr. R. Selvaraj M.D., So that

chemist will
87 Barathi Road, Fever & Single Brand not substitute
Cuddalore pain drug name other brands

Dr. Krishnamoorthy M.D

Krishna Hospital, Fever & Single Brand Convenient to
17A Hospital Road, headaches drug name chemist

Name &
Address of RMP 1 2 3 4

Dr. D. Shanmugam M.D., So that

chemist will
189/2, Barathi Road, Fever & Brand not substitute
Cuddalore. aches Single drug name other brands

Dr. S. Kannan, M.S., Combination

with other
Vallivilas Hospital To reduce drug.we have
temperature to write brand
189/2 Barathi Road, Combination Brand
& to relieve name
Cuddalore pain drug name naturally

Dr. R. Muthukumaran., Brand name

M.D., Tablets with
less potency
R.K. Nursing Home, might be
14/15, Murugan Street, Fever & Brand dispensed If I
aches name mention
Chidambaram. generic name

Dr. Ramesh M.D.,

Fever & Brand Convenient
Kanagasabai Nagar,
headaches Single drug name to chemist

Dr. Sammantham, M.B.B.S. So that

chemist will
VGP Street, Brand not substitute
Chidambaram Fever & pain Single drug name other brands

Dr. Ladha, M.B.B.S.,D.G.O.

Fever & Brand Convenient
S.P.Koil Street,
headaches Single drug name to chemist

Name & Address
of RMP 5 6 7 8

M.B.B.S., D.C.H., Calpol Acceptable For
Fepanil to patient emergency it
S.P Koil Street, Yes
Pyregesic cost factor is OK

Dr.K.Shanthi, M.B.B.S,
D.G.O., Crocin Superior to No much Should be
East car street, Fepanil others difference discouraged

Dr. Balachandran M.D., medication
North car street Pyregesic should be
Calpol No avoided
Chidambaram. companies

Dr. Ravichandran
M.B.B.S., D.C.H., Calpol
West Car Street Companies Yes Accepted

Dr. Ilankovan
M.B.B.S., D.C.H., Calpol For
Pyregesic Nothing emergency it
East Car Street Crocin Yes is OK

Dr. Gnanamani Self

M.B.B.S., D.G.O., Calpol
Standard medication
South Car Street, companies No should be
Chidambaram. avoided

Name &
Address of RMP 5 6 7 8

Dr. Arumugam M.B.B.S Calpol Acceptable For

Main Road Fepanil to patient emergency
Pyregesic cost factor Yes it is OK

Dr. Varma M.D., Crocin

Superior to No much
Main Road, P-500
others difference It’s wrong
Sethiyathope Fepanil

Dr. Valarmathi M.D Self

Main Road, Calpol Standard
No should be
Sethiyathope. Crocin companies avoided

Dr. Tamilselvi
M.B.B.S. D.G.O P-500
New Street Companies Yes Accepted

Dr. Sivanesan M.B.B.S., Calpol

Nothing Better with
Santhaithope Street Pyregesic
special Yes prescription
Sethiyathope Crocin

Dr. Pazhaniyammal
M.B.B.S., D.G.O., Calpol
Fepanil Standard No much
South Car Street, should be
Metacin companies difference avoided


Name :
Age : Sex :
Occupation :
Address :

1. Do you ever purchased drugs from medical stores without a

prescription of a qualified person?

2. If so, name the drugs you usually purchase without prescription?

3. If you have to purchase a tablet for your headache, what brand you
ask for?

4. Do you have any reason for purchasing that particular brand name?

5. For common cold, headache, and fever do you want to see a doctor
or just purchase a drug of your choice of medical shop?

6. Any other thing you want to say about paracetamol?

(Such as cost factor, efficacy, Brand name etc.)


Name & Address
of consumer 1 2 3 4 5 6

G. Ramesh,
Age: 40/M, introduced by
Barathi Street, Coldarin my family Purchase from
Yes Metacin Crocin doctor -
Cuddalore-1. medical shop

Age : We should see
38/M,Clerk, Ibuprufen Easily the doctor in the Less
Crocin available in extreme case
Nethaji Street, Yes Metacin cost
Metacin the market

Srinivasan, First I buy

Age: 45/M, medicine from
Pillaiyar Koil Novalgin shop,Even if I did
Street Good
Crocin B- Quick Action not get relief,I will
Yes Crocin effect
Cuddalore. Complex go to the doctor

Age: 35/F,
Houswife, Crocin We should see
Easily Less
Manjakuppam, Coldarin the doctor in the
Yes Metacin available cost
Metacin extreme case

Age; 35/M,
Teacher, Ibuprufen Easily
I use to take on
Crocin available in
S.P. Koil street, Yes Crocin my own -
Metacin the market

Age: 30/M,
Engineer, Crocin
Easily Purchase from Good
S.P. Koil Street, Coldarin
Yes Calpol available medical shop Action

Name &
of consumer 1 2 3 4 5 6

K. Murugan,
Age; 35/M,
Farmer, Crocin
I often use Yes, I want to
V.G.P. Street, Yes Metacin that drug see a doctor No

G. Vasanthi,
Age: 47/F Ibuprufen Because Purchase
Housewife, Crocin of familiar from medical
Yes Coldarin Crocin name shop -
V.G.P. Street,

Age: 35/M, Novalgin
Helper, Crocin Easily I use to take Good
Yes Calpol
Muthiah Nagar, B-Complex available one by one effect

Age: 42/M. We should
Worker, Calpol Because see the
doctor in the Less
S.P. Koil Coldarin of familiar
Yes Metacin extreme case cost
Street, Metacin name

A. Lenin,
Age: 27/M,
Student, Ibuprufen
Quick Purchase
Crocin No
S.P.Koil Street, Yes Crocin action myself

Age: 35/M, Crocin Purchase Cheap,
Kanagasabai Coldarin Easily from medical good
Nagar, Yes Metacin Calpol shop effect

R. Thillai,
Age: 38/M, Yes Ibuprufen Because of Yes, I want
Photo Studio, Coldact Metacin familiar to see a Good
Metacin name doctor action

R. Mohan, Calpol Purchase

Age; 38/M, Yes Crocin Crocin I often use from -
Coldarin that drug medical
Main Road,

Ramasamy, We should
Age: 40/M, Metacin see the Cheap
Crocin doctor in the and
Farmer, Yes Calpol Easily extreme Good
Main Road, B- available case
Complex effect

Age: 40/M, Calpol Metacin Because of I use to take Less
Farmer, Yes Coldarin familiar one by one cost
Metacin name
Pillaiyar Koil

Kannan, Previously
Age: 42/M, Calpol introduced Purchase
Crocin by my family myself
Farmer, Yes Calpol No
Coldact doctor
Pillaiyar Koil

Suresh, Purchase
Age; 38/M, Crocin Easily from Good
Coldarin available medical effect
Farmer, Yes Crocin
Ibuprufen shop
East Street,


Name of the shop :

Address :

1. Which are the drugs that are sold fastly without a prescription from
your shop?

2. Which brand names for paracetamol, the patients ask for? (give order
of preference)

3. Which brand names for paracetamol you receive prescription from the
doctor? (give order of preference)

4. Which brand name for paracetamol you are having the highest turn
over per month? (give details)

5. Which brand name for paracetamol you are getting highest profit?

6. If a patient asks for just paracetamol tablets, which brand name you
supply and please give the reason for the same?


Name &
Address 1 2 3 4 5 6

Alagappa 150strips Crocin.
Medicals, Crocin Because it
Paracetamol Crocin Calpol Profit
is familiar to
26 B, Nathaji Calpol Crocin 150strips same
Cold tab customers
Road, Metacin Fepanil for all
B-Complex brands
Cuddalore-1 P-500 80strips

Mass Crocin
Medicals, 150 strips
2F, Barathi Calpol Metacin Crocin Calpol Generic People
Road brand knows
Cuddalore –1 Brufen Calpol Metacin 100 strips
more Crocin very
Crocin P-500 Fepanil profit well
30 strips
40 strips

Lena Crocin Generic Crocin.

Medicals, brand Because
Analgesic Crocin Fepanil 75 strips
206, Nathaji more
Antipyretic Calpol Pyregesic Malidens profit
Road customers
P-500 Malidens 50 strips

Varma Crocin Same Crocin.

Medical, for all Because
Paracetamol Metacin Metacin 150 strips
2B, Nathaji Calpol many
Crocin Calpol
Road customers
100 strips

Krishna Crocin
Pharmacy 150 strips
17A, Hospital
Road, Crocin Calpol Calpol Generic According to
Cuddalore-1 availability
Drugs for Calpol Malidens 100 strips brand
headache Metacin Fepanil Fepanil more
30 strips profit
40 strips

Name &
Address 1 2 3 4 5 6

Vani Calpol
Pharmacy 110strips
Crocin for
West Car Crocin
Paracetamol Crocin Calpol Profit speedy
Street, 75strips
Cold tab Calpol Crocin Fepanil
same for
Chidamba Metacin Fepanil all
ram B-Complex 30strips
P-500 Malidens Others

Kumar Crocin
Medicals, 100 strips
S.P. Koil Calpol
Street Drugs for Metacin Crocin
fever Calpol Metacin 75 strips Profit is Calpol
Fepanil same
ram. Crocin Calpol
20 strips
50 strips

Jawagar Crocin Same for

Medicals, 110 strips all brand
S.P. Koil Calpol
Street, Drugs for Crocin Crocin brand Crocin.
headache & Calpol Calpol 65 strips more Because
fever Metacin profit more
Metacin Metacin
30 strips customers
40 strips

Kamala Crocin
medicals, 110 strips
S.P. Koil
Street Paracetamol Metacin Generic Calpol Same for According to
Chidambar Calpol 65 strips all brand availability
am Cold tab Crocin
Crocin Metacin
P-500 30 strips
40 strips

Lakshmi Crocin
Medicals, 75strips Calpol.
South Car Calpol
Street Crocin Crocin Generic More
Chidambra Calpol Calpol Calpol 65 strips brand effective
m Fepanil than
Metacin Metacin more
30 strips others
40 strips

Name & Address 1 2 3 4 5 6

S.L.S Medicals, Calpol

Main Road, 50strips Profit Calpol,
Sethiyathoppe Crocin same for More
Calpol Crocin Calpol
all effective
Calpol Crocin 70strips
brands than
Metacin Others others

SR Medical, Crocin
Main Road, 100 strips
Drugs for Metacin Crocin Calpol Profit is
fever 80 strips same,
Calpol Metacin Calpol
Fepanil Generic
Crocin Calpol
20 strips is more
Generic profit
50 strips

Saravana Crocin
Medicals, Main 110 strips Same for
Calpol all brand
Palayamkottai Drugs for Crocin Crocin Crocin.
headache 65 strips Because
Calpol Calpol brand
& fever Metacin more more
Metacin Metacin
30 strips profit customers
40 strips

Srinivasa Crocin
Medicals, Main 110 strips
Paracetam Metacin Generic Calpol Same for Crocin for
ol Calpol 75 strips all brand speedy
Cold tab Crocin Metacin
Maligens 30 strips
50 strips

Balaji Medical, Crocin

Anna Street, 75strips Calpol.
Srimuzhnam Crocin Crocin Calpol Generic More
65 strips effective
Calpol Calpol Calpol brand
Fepanil than
Metacin Metacin more
30 strips others
40 strips



Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 150
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 150
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 25
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 80
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 30
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 150
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 100
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 20
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 30
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 5
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10

Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 75

2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 30
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 50
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 15
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 150
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 100
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 50
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 20
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 15
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 -


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 100
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 80
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 15
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 15
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 110
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 75
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 15
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 30
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 15
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 100
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 75
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 20
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 15
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 20
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 5


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 110
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 65
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 75
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 65
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 110
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 65
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10

Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum
S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 70
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 50
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 -
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 -
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 100
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 80
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 15
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 5


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 70
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 50
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 15
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 20
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 10
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 5


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 75
2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 65
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 10
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 10
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 -
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10


Name of Name of the Price of 10 Price of Maximum

S.No the drug Company Tablets (Inclu. one Sales
Local Taxes) tablet (Strips)
1 Crocin Smith 9.32 0.95 110

2 Calpol Burrough 10.25 1.05 75
3 Metacin Themis 9.72 1.00 30
4 Pyrigesic East India 8.80 0.90 12
5 Fepanil Citadel 8.64 0.90 18
6 P-500 Apex 6.97 0.70 5
7 Malidens Nicolas 10.37 1.05 10




The paracetamol content in each tablet was estimated as per

I.P 1985 Procedure.

Principles :
It is estimated by UV spectrophotometry by measuring the
absorbance at 257 nm in alkali medium. It was calculated taking the
absorbivity 715.

Procedure :
20 tablets of paracetamol are powdered. The powder
equivalent to about 0.15 gm of paracetamol was weighed accurately. To that
powder 50 ml of 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide was added and diluted with 100 ml
of water. The solution was shaken for 15 minutes, sufficient water was added
to produce 200ml, mixed and filtered. 10 ml of a filterate was diluted to
100ml with water. 10ml of the resulting solution was added to 10 ml of 0.1N
Sodium Hydroxide solution and diluted to 100ml with water and mixed. The
extinction of a 1 cm layer of the resulting solution was measured at the
maximum at about 257nm. The content of paracetamol was calculated
taking 715 as the value of E(1 percent, 1 cm), at the maximum at about 257



I. The following points were observed from the answers given

by Registered Medical Practitioners

1. Most of the physician prefers the paracetamol as a single


2. All the physician prefers only brand name and not the
generic name.

3. Fifty percent of the physician preferred Calpol as drug of

choice and equal number preferred Fepanil as drug of choice
for paracetamol, the reason for their choice are :
i. They are from standard company.
ii. Cost Factor.

However when the paracetamol content of each formulation

was analyzed as per the I.P 1985 procedure, all the brand names contains
the required quantity of paracetamol i.e. 500mg / tablet. Also there is no
much difference in the cost factor between brand names of paracetamols.
The cost ranges from Rs 6.50 / 10 tablets to Rs10.50 / 10 tablets.

4. Though paracetamol is considered as a OTC product, majority

of the physicians advice to sell the paracetamols only against
the prescription of a R.M.P. The reason is to avoid the self

II. The following points were observed from the Statements
given by the Consumers :

1. About 40% of consumers preferred Crocin, while 25% preferred

Calpol and 16% preferred Metacin. The reasons given by them are
i. Easily available in the market.
ii. Familiarity with the name.
iii. Quick action.

2. Most of the consumers prefer to purchase paracetamol tablets

without prescription, since they could not afford the money to the

III. The following points were observed from the Statements

given by the Propreiters / Pharmacist of 15 medical stores in Cuddalore
district :

1. 70% of the medical stores reported that Crocin sold very fast
without the prescription. However Calpol is the drug choice of
physician, which is understood by the receipt of more than 40% of
the prescription of the physician.

2. It is inferred that the margin of profit is same for all the brand
names of paracetamol. But they will get more profit from the
generic brand of paracetamol tablets.

3. Crocin is a popular brand often asked by the consumers from

medical stores.

4. Among all the formulation, Crocin is having the highest turn in

most of the medical stores.


From the project work undertaken, the following conclusion is

arrived regarding the marketing of the paracetamols.

1. The physician / surgeon prefers only brand name and not the generic
name for the paracetamol tablets.

2. The brand name Crocin is moving fast than any other brand name of

3. Paracetamols

4. Most of the Registered Medical Practitioner prefers Calpol among

other paracetamol formulations.

5. Much difference in the cost of the tablet has not been observed
among various paracetamol formulations.

6. Most of the consumers prefer Crocin.

7. While the pharmacists and consumers prefer Crocin as their drug of

choice, the physician prefers Calpol.

 Goodman and Gilman, The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics, Tenth Edition, 2000, Macmillan publishing company,
New York. (Pg 692, 693, 696).

 Satoskar, Kale, Bhandarkar, The Pharmacology and

Pharmacotherapeutics, Eleventh Edition, Vol – 1, Published by
Prakashan private Ltd. (Pg 136, 145, 146 ).

 Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,

Pharmacopoeia of India, Third Edition, 1985, Vol – 1 & 2, Published
by the controller of publications, New Delhi – 3. (Pg 559, 502, 560).

 Indian Pharmaceutical Guide, 1988, 26th Edition published by

Pamposh Publication, New Delhi – 11. (Pg 523, 526, 555, 585).

 Principles and Practice of Marketing in India by Mamoria & Joshi,

Published by Kital Mahal, Allahabad. (Pg 5, 6).


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