Paul Imbach - Antibody Therapy-Springer International Publishing (2018)
Paul Imbach - Antibody Therapy-Springer International Publishing (2018)
Paul Imbach - Antibody Therapy-Springer International Publishing (2018)
Antibody Therapy
Substitution –
Immunomodulation –
Monoclonal Immunotherapy
Antibody Therapy
Paul Imbach
Antibody Therapy
Substitution – Immunomodulation –
Monoclonal Immunotherapy
Paul Imbach
Department of Pediatrics
Medical Faculty of the University of Basel
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG
part of Springer Nature
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
The path of antibodies therapy from
substitution to immunomodulation to the
development/use of monoclonal antibodies
for patients with immune deficiencies,
inflammatory, autoimmune and oncological
diseases – based on the similarities of the
immune pathogenesis, namely the loss of
immune tolerance – is presented
In 1735, Werlhof described a clinical syndrome of bleeding and purpura long before
platelets were identified as the cellular component of blood that play an essential
role in primary hemostasis. Werlhof’s disease, as it became known, was later
renamed idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, from which the acronym ITP origi-
nally derives. Little followed from these observations until the early 1900s, and we
have just passed the centenary of the first successful treatment for the condition. In
1916, a medical student in Prague, Paul Kaznelson, proposed that, in an analogy
with hemolytic anemia, essential thrombocytopenia, as it was also known, resulted
from increased platelet destruction in the spleen. Kaznelson convinced his tutor to
perform a splenectomy in a 36-year-old woman with a history consistent with our
current definition of chronic ITP. The platelet count was 2 × 109/l prior to splenec-
tomy and rose to 500 × 109/l within four weeks from surgery with complete resolu-
tion of the purpura. This confirmed the role of the spleen in the pathophysiology of
ITP, and splenectomy has remained a mainstay of treatment ever since. The patho-
physiology of ITP remained elusive for many decades. Although some intriguing
observations by Dameshek and Miller in 1946 suggested reduced megakaryocyte
function, the “increased platelet destruction, reduced production” debate appeared
to have been settled by the classic Harrington-Hollingsworth experiments in 1951
that unequivocally demonstrated that ITP was characterized by reduced platelet sur-
vival due to a humoral factor that was soon identified as an antiplatelet antibody. In
his historical review of ITP in 2002, Paul Imbach reported that Harrington et al. had
also observed a child with purpura born to a mother with chronic ITP that resolved
in the child 3 weeks after birth, although the mother still had ITP, indicating that a
humoral antiplatelet factor had been passed from mother to child.
At the same time, the successful use of corticosteroids and adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) in elevating the platelet count was described by Wintrobe (1951),
and standard-dose prednisolone has been considered the initial treatment for newly
diagnosed ITP since then. Immunosuppressive agents were introduced in the 1960s,
when the autoimmune nature of ITP was clarified.
A milestone in the treatment of symptomatic ITP in children, however, was the
introduction of intravenous immunoglobulin by Paul Imbach in 1981. The efficacy
of this treatment was subsequently validated both in adults and in pregnancy by
Adrian Newland in 1983. Abdulgabar Salama introduced anti-D treatment and the
viii Foreword
concept of macrophage blockade in 1984. James Bussel and his group later expanded
the knowledge about the modalities of treatment with anti-D in various settings.
With an increasing understanding of the underlying molecular biology and with
advances in pharmacological technologies, targeted therapy became more attractive
and has been investigated since the 1980s in many conditions. In ITP, the most con-
sistent results with monoclonal antibody therapy have been obtained with ritux-
imab, an anti-CD20 chimeric antibody inducing B-cell depletion. Roberto Stasi first
reported the successful use of rituximab in adults with chronic ITP in 2001. This
agent has become the standard (albeit unlicensed) treatment for patients with this
condition in many countries, and its use has been extended to a variety of autoim-
mune conditions.
There is no doubt that in recent years, we have seen a major breakthrough in the
treatment of chronic ITP, with the introduction of the thrombopoietin receptor ago-
nists. The pioneering work of David Kuter with these agents has shown response
rates unequalled by previous medical therapies. These agents are almost as effica-
cious in splenectomized patients as in the non-splenectomized ones, and recent
studies have confirmed the efficacy and safety following long-term usage.
The second half of the twentieth century brought recognition on the autoimmune
components of ITP, hence the need for a new standard nomenclature, which has
been widely accepted. ITP currently stands for immune thrombocytopenia, a name
that more appropriately reflects the low platelet count rather than purpura as the
main feature of the disease and defines its underlying nature.
Advances in our knowledge of the disease have paralleled the burgeoning avail-
ability of new therapeutic agents, and we are now entering an era of treatment
options based on pathophysiological principles. There is no doubt that the enormous
expansion in our understanding of the condition and its treatment was stimulated by
the observations of Paul Imbach in children with thrombocytopenia. A relatively
rare disease with few treatment options, the disease suddenly became totem for
clinical study and laboratory investigation and a marker for the possibilities in other
autoimmune diseases. It was Imbach’s realization that intravenous immunoglobulin
was more than a replacement treatment but that it had a major impact on both immu-
nological and phagocytic functions that had implications in a wide variety of condi-
tions. This book systematically charts the history and the development of
immunoglobulin and its association with ITP while highlighting how treatment and
understanding of the latter has changed and how the former has developed into an
important therapeutic option. Our forebears would be astounded at the progress
over the last 50 years which is admirably described in these chapters.
x Contents
The book starts with a narrative description including citations of the first clinical
observation of immunoglobulin (IgG) administration in children with “idiopathic”
thrombocytopenia. This highlights the importance of clinical observation, inquisi-
tiveness and translational clinical research. This leads into a discussion of the fun-
damental discovery (Chap. 2).
Written in a practical fashion as manual, Chap. 3 describes some main indica-
tions of substitution by IgG in primary and secondary immune deficiencies and
Chap. 4 summarizes many of the new immunomodulatory indications, some of
which remain quite controversial.
Autoimmune disorders are characterized by complex heterogeneity of clinical
presentation and pathophysiological abnormalities of the innate and adaptive
immune system. Immunomodulatory IgG indications are rarely evidence based and
in general are disorder oriented with specific individual indications. Based on the
very large number of clinical and laboratory studies in the literature—over 40,000
peer-reviewed articles in Pubmed—a categorization of the indications is proposed
in the manual of autoimmune disorders.
One specific IgG preparation is Anti-D, which is a targeted product specifically
binding to the Fc receptors as its mechanism of action; in contrast the polyclonal
IgG concentrate induces a broad spectrum of synergistic immune challenges to the
imbalanced immune system in patients with autoimmune disorders.
Chapter 6 is dedicated to the general immunomodulatory effects of IgG followed
by a chapter that covers classical drugs, IgG and monoclonal antibodies with explo-
ration of their mechanisms of action. The combination of the different immuno-
modulators often results in a more effective clinical outcome in the individual
patient. The first part concludes with two expert reviews of the current use of IgG in
conjunction with other therapeutic options in both neurology and dermatology.
The second part of the book updates the basic knowledge of the IgG molecule
starting with historical aspects of polyclonal IgG. Currently production and the regu-
lations for a safe and effective IgG product are complex. Many such preparations are
now available internationally, and these are listed highlighting their specific charac-
teristics with a consideration of the future perspectives of IgG preparations.
Since ‘idiopathic’, now immune thrombocytopenia ITP was the key disorder of
the first observation of immunomodulatory effects of IgG, the third part summarizes
ITP as the model syndrome of autoimmune disorders. In the majority of children
xiv Introduction
with ITP the condition will resolve within weeks, months or very occasionally
years. In adults the position is more complex with few spontaneously remitting and
many developing chronicity. There has therefore been much interest in identifying
prognostic factors, studying clinical outcomes and reviewing health-related quality
of life issues in mild, moderate or severe disease. In order to standardize treatment
approaches guidelines have been developed and regularly updated. There is increas-
ing interest in secondary ITP and how it relates to the primary condition.
Newer aspects of platelet function are being recognized. Before 1980 the platelet
was mainly thought to be responsible for coagulation, but now it is increasingly
recognized as having an active role within the immune system (Chap. 17).
For many years the role of megakaryocytes has been suspected in the pathology
of ITP, and the recognition of reduced platelet production led to the development of
platelet stimulation by recombinant thrombopoietin and thrombopoietin receptor
agonists, which is the focus of Chap. 18. For patients with severe, chronic ITP, e.g.
with recurrent or at risk of life-threatening bleeding, thrombopoietin receptor ago-
nists have become a major option with a low adverse event profile and increasingly
have a place early in the treatment of refractory or relapsed disease. Chapter 18
summarizes the development and the characteristic of this long-term approach.
Nevertheless, in patients with acute, life-threatening bleeding immediate high
dose IgG and/or corticosteroid administration and occasionally platelet transfusion
remain the first choice.
The heterogeneity and immunological complexity of autoimmune diseases was the
reason to start worldwide online registries of patients with ITP. The first endpoint of
these registries is to distinguish subgroup of patients concerning demographics and
follow up of this rare disease (for details see Chap. 19 and There is
also a large adult registry in the UK ( Through recognition of
subgroups of an autoimmune disease, evidence-based trials might become feasible.
We are now entering an exciting new phase of a “bridge” from antibody therapy of
human origin progressing to monoclonal, engineered (or human adapted, e.g. CAR
cell) treatment as an immunomodulatory approach to both autoimmune disorders and
cancer. In a critical overview Chap. 20 explains the definitions, methods and adverse
effects of monoclonal antibodies and presents an extensive list of those currently
available monoclonal antibodies and their possible indications. One of the first anti-
bodies introduced into clinical use, anti-CD-20, is described in Chap. 21. The anti-CD
20 antibody was initially developed as an adjunct in the treatment of Non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma NHL, but its activity against immune competent B lymphocytes led to its
exploration in many immunological and oncological disorders—based on the simi-
larities of the immune pathogenesis, namely the loss of immune tolerance.
In summary the use of IgG, monoclonal antibodies and a variety of combinations
with other immunomodulatory approaches has opened up the path from translation
to more targeted biological, therapeutic approaches for patients with unresolved
immune and malignant disease.
We thank all our contributing authors and the staff of Springer, especially Mrs. Meike
Stoeck and Mrs. Dr. Isabelle Arnold, for their commitment to this extraordinary book.
Paul Imbach
The subject of the book highlights 37 years of experiences following the first observa-
tion emphasizing the importance of the skill of critical medical observation, the devel-
opment and production of a safe human blood extracts with minimal adverse effects,
and research on how the administration of IgG intravenously or subcutaneously bene-
fits patients with other autoimmune disorders and the potential mechanisms of action.
P. Imbach
Medical Faculty of the University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
ficiency with IVIG at the cancer research institute, who recommended to empirically
continue the daily administration of the same dose of IVIG. On Friday of that week
and after 5 × 0.4 g IVIG/kg body weight, the boy’s platelet count was higher than
150 × 109/L.
In the following PI asked for permission to administer the same IVIG treatment
regimen to other patients with severe, chronic ITP with platelet counts of less than
30 × 109/L and without hypogammaglobulinemia and as a control for two children
with aplastic anemia. The IVIG was provided by the Swiss Red Cross, who were the
local producers of the product. At this time, gamma globulin was the former name of
In this pilotstudy children with ITP consecutively responded to IVIG, but chil-
dren with aplastic anemia did not. Following these observations, the first manuscript
was produced with input of his consultant HpW (Imbach et al.; see some citations
(in cursive letters) and the Fig. 1.1 from the very first article below):
A new immunoglobulin (IgG) for intravenous use was given in high doses to 4 children
with refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and 2 children with idiopathic
aplastic anemia (IAA). Within 5-10 days after initiation of IgG therapy the platelets of the
children with ITP rose to 300,000-650,000/mm3 and could be maintained at normal levels
with one IgG infusion every 1-3 weeks. No response of platelet counts, was observed in the
2 patients with IAA… The IgG treatment was tolerated without complication by all patients.
The effect of intravenous IgG on the number of platelets is shown in Fig. 1. (see
below). The platelets of all patients with ITP rose to a maximum between 300,000 and
650,000 within 5 to 10 days and returned to values between 100.000 and 300,000/mm
3 within the next 10 days.
The platelet count of patients with aplastic anemia was not influenced by the IgG ther-
apy during the period of observation.
We do not know how i.v. IgG administration influences the elimination of platelets. One
could postulate that IgG acts primarily on the reticuloendothelial system and diminishes its
platelet-eliminating effect. This hypothesis would also explain why the non-splenectomized
child with chronic ITP (patient 3) required more frequent IgG infusions than the two sple-
nectomized patients with chronic ITP in order to maintain adequate platelet levels. We also
do not know whether infused lgG has a different effect on platelets of children with chronic
versus acute ITP. It should be noted that the child with acute ITP resistant to prednisone,
after a single 5-day course of IgG, remained in unmaintained remission for at least 6 weeks.
Despite the fact that IgG had no effect on the platelet counts of our 2 patients with
aplastic anemia, further trials, particularly in patients with immune aplastic anemia may
be rewarding.
Finally, since the intravenous IgG therapy described was well tolerated and had a strik-
ing effect on the platelet count of 4 children with chronic or acute ITP, the question arises
whether the use of intravenous IgG should be considered for other autoimmune diseases as
well. Obviously, the mechanism by which intravenous IgG exerts its effects should be known
more precisely (end of citation).
In parallel with the first publication, the investigators continued to treat a total of
13 children with acute (7 patients) and chronic (6 patients) ITP using the same treat-
ment regimen. Because all children in this pilot study showed responses to IVIG,
the statistician determined the consecutive response rate to be a new phenomenon.
1 The Clinical Tranlslation of IVIG from Substitution to Immunomodulation 3
Fig. 1.1 Effect of i.v. IgG: Patients 1–4 with refractory ITP: 0, 4 g i.v. IgG/kg body weight/day x 5
rose to 300–650 x 103/mm3 platelet counts within 5–10 days and could be maintained at normal
levels with one dose of i.v. IgG every1–3 weeks. Patients 5 and 6 with idiopathic aplastic anemia:
no reaction of platelet counts to the same doses of i.v. IgG
4 P. Imbach
The group sent their manuscript to The Lancet. The editor in chief of The Lancet,
made confirmation of the originality of the new observation, published it as a rapid
communication. In the article and Fig. 1.2a and b (Imbach et al. 1981), it was stated
(citations slightly modified):
‘Patients and Methods’
All patients first received, on 5 consecutive days, 0.4g IVIG/kg body-weight/day. IVIG is
a polyvalent Ig concentrate obtained by modified alcohol cryoprecipitation, including mild
acidification at pH4. The similarity of its in vivo biological half-life with that of normal
serum IgG, and its intact Fc-receptor mechanisms reflect the structural and functional
integrity of the 7S-IgG.
No patient had adverse effects during and/or after immunotherapy.
IVIG induced a dramatic initial response in all patients (Figs. 1 and 2). In twelve of the
thirteen children, the platelet count rose from pretreatment counts of <30x109/l platelets to
a maximum of 150–600 x 109/l within 5-10 days of onset of treatment and returned to
80-400/ during the next ten days. In the thirteenth patient (patient 7), maximum counts were
achieved after 10 days. Serum IgG levels rose to >2000mg/dl 10-20 days after onset of
IVIG treatment (Figs. 1 and 2).
The dramatic response to IVIG in patient 1 prompted us to give IVIG to other patients
with chronic ITP and, later, to patients with acute ITP.
Although all of our patients showed a dramatic initial response to IVIG, the rates of
increase and decrease and the maximum platelet counts differed between patients.
In view of the large IgG doses given, the mode of action of IVIG could be the over-
loading and blocking of the reticuloendothelial system by IgG catabolism. This expla-
nation might account for the differences in the response patterns between
splenectomized and non-splenectomized children with chronic ITP. Reaction with and
inactivation of circulating antiplatelet factor or interference with platelet-bound IgG
and/or C-3, could be responsible for immediate effects, and activation of T and sup-
pression of B cells for late effects of IVIG. In one patient with acute ITP (not included
in this study) 0.5 g of a pepsin-treated gammaglobulin (Fab’)2/kg body-weight/day on
3 consecutive days did not influence the platelet count, whereas a single dose of 0,4 g
of IVIG/kg body-weight raised counts from 1.7 to 6x109/l within 6 h and to 12.6x109/l
within 18 h.
How IVIG works still needs to be investigated. The most effective and economic dose
will also have to be determined.
This article has been followed up by one for adults with ITP at the neighbor-
ing university (Fehr et al. 1982), by two other hemato-immunologists (Newland
et al. 1983; Abe et al. 1983), and another colleague (Bussel and Hilgartner
1984). All confirmed the effects reported in the first publications. The observa-
tions led to much speculation on the many potential mechanisms of action and
stimulated worldwide interest and study from clinical and laboratory investigators
(see part III).
The nonprofit producer of IVIG was met with a high demand for the product and
proposals for IVIG studies. Sandoz (later named Novartis), as a professional, world-
wide distributor and coordinator of IVIG, took over that demand, while the local
Red Cross expanded human-derived IVIG production, development, and research.
The name changed from intravenous IgG to Sandoglobulin.
1 The Clinical Tranlslation of IVIG from Substitution to Immunomodulation 5
Fig. 1.2 (a) Patients with chronic or intermittent ITP (b) Patient with acute ITP
In a randomized, multicentre study treatment with intravenous IgG was compared to
oral corticosteroids in 108 children with untreated acute immune thrombocytopenic pur-
pura. IVIG was an efficient treatment with no severe adverse reactions reported. The effects
of corticosteroids and IgG were identical for rapid responders, who accounted for 62% of
all patients. In contrast, patients requiring more than initial treatment responded better if
randomized to IgG. The serum levels increased two-fold after IgG. A significant rise in IgM
levels was observed after both IgG and corticosteroids.
In a pilot study, the same preparation at a comparable dose was found to have a similar
effect in children with acute or chronic ITP and normal serum immunoglobulin levels. A
randomized trial was set up to compare the efficacy in raising platelet count, potential side-
effects, and the relapse rate and number of patients progressing to chronic ITP in previously
untreated children with ITP given intravenous IgG or oral corticosteroids.
Patients and Methods
After informed consent had been obtained from the parents, the patients were random-
ized according to a computer-generated code to receive either IgG 0.4 g/kg body weight
intravenously on 5 consecutive days or oral prednisone 60 mg/m2 daily for 21 days (initial
treatment). If the platelet count did not rise within the first 7 days (non-responder) or fell
below 30x109/l during the following 14 days (relapse), the patient was switched to the other
treatment regimen.
47 children randomized to IgG and 47 to corticosteroids could be evaluated. The two
groups were well matched (see table below and Fig. 1.3)
Corticosteroids IgG
n 47 47
M/F 22/25 23/24
Mean age 6 yr 3 mo 6 yr 10 mo
Mean initial platelat count (´109/1) (range) 9.8 (0.1–28) 9.3 (0.2–28)
Mean time from first symptom to
therapy (days) 16.8 13.0
Postinfectious 33 38
Insidious 14 9
% 50
> 30 x 109/l platelets
20 Corticosterold
0.18 0.005 0.05 0.23 0.2 p-value
20 60 120 180 240 300 360
% 50
> 100 x 109/l platelets
20 Corticosterold
0.09 0.03 0.20 p-value
20 60 120 180 240 300 360
% 50
> 150 x 109/l platelets
20 Corticosterold
0.06 0.14 0.29 0.39 0.45 p-value
20 60 120 180 240 300 360
Fig. 1.3 Percentage of patients with platelet count >30, >100, and >150 × 109/1
8 P. Imbach
In the above-cited randomized study, it was not clear why IgM increased
after both IVIG and corticosteroid treatment. Additionally, the results on
1 The Clinical Tranlslation of IVIG from Substitution to Immunomodulation 9
IgG g/l
IgM g/l
Fig. 1.4 Serum IgG and IgM before, during, and after IgG (●) and corticosteroid (○) therapy.
p-values indicate significance of differences between initial values and values at various times after
initiation treatment
platelet-associated IgG (PAIgG, not cited above: see original article) are ques-
tionable; the sensitivity of the PAIgG test is high, but the specificity is low.
Therefore, the author began to collect serum samples from children with ITP,
and supplemented these with samples from adults provided by a colleague AN
in the UK. With these samples, the author traveled to the Scripps Institute in La
10 P. Imbach
Jolla, CA, where he could analyze PAIgG under supervision of RMcM (Imbach
et al. 1991).
As mentioned above, after the pilot study was published in The Lancet in 1981,
and after the start of the randomized study (Imbach et al. 1985), it was evident that
“the high-dose IVIG treatment” had similar effects as 2 × 0.4 or 1 × 0.8 g IVIG/kg
body weight in patients with ITP, doubling their serum IgG levels. A large, 4-arm,
randomized, cooperative study was organized by Canadian colleagues, comparing
0.8 g IVIG/kg and 2 × 1 g IVIG/kg body weight with a higher dose (4 mg/kg body
weight/day of corticosteroids during a short duration (4 days, then tapering) and
anti-D IgG treatment, which confirmed the lower dose of IVIG treatment in ITP
(Blanchette et al. 1994).
1986 After completing the analysis of the randomized study in children cited above
and the UK study in adults, the FDA in the USA and, later, the EMA in Europe
accepted IVIG treatment as a new therapeutic for ITP. Thus, ITP became the first
immunomodulary indication of IVIG as an autoimmune disorder.
effects and probably the increase of the efficacy. The high demand, the shortage of
IVIG and the high costs of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies might be the
hindrance of such studies of antibodies combination.
Acknowledgment The author thanks Adrian C. Newland, London, UK, for his corrections and
suggestions of the chapter text.
Abe T, Matsuda J, Kawasugi K, Yoshimura Y, Kinoshita T, Kazama M. Clinical effect of intravenous
immunoglobulin on chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Blut. 1983;47(2):69–75.
Blanchette V, Imbach P, Andrew M, Adams M, McMillan J, Wang E, Milner R, Ali K, Barnard D,
Bernstein M, Chan KW, Esseltine D, de Veber B, Israels S, Kobrinsky N, Luke B. Randomised
trial of intravenous immunoglobulin G, intravenous anti-D, and oral prednisone in childhood
acute immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Lancet. 1994;344:703–7.
Bussel JB, Hilgartner MW. The use and mechanism of action of intravenous immunoglobulin in
the treatment of immune haematologic disease. Br J Haematol. 1984;56(1):1–7.
Fehr J, Hofmann V, Kappeler U. Transient reversal of thrombocytopenia in idiopathic thrombocy-
topenic purpura by high-dose intravenous gamma globulin. N Engl J Med. 1982;306:1254–8.
Imbach P, Barandun S, Baumgartner C, Hirt A, Hofer F, Wagner HP. High-dose intravenous gam-
maglobulin therapy of refractory, in particular idiopathic thrombocytopenia in childhood. Helv
Paediatr Acta. 1981a;46:81–6.
Imbach P, Barandun S, d’Apuzzo V, Baumgartner C, Hirt A, Morell A, Rossi E, Schoeni M, Vest
M, Wagner HP. High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin for idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur-
pura in childhood. Lancet. 1981b;317:1228–31.
Imbach P, Wagner HP, Berchtold W, Gaedicke G, Hirt A, Joller P, Mueller-Eckhardt C, Müller B,
Rossi E, Barandun S. Intravenous immunoglobulin versus oral corticosteroids in acute immune
thrombocytopenic purpura in childhood. Lancet. 1985;2(8453):464–8.
Imbach P, Tani P, Berchtold W, Blanchette V, Burek-Kozlowska A, Gerber H, Jacobs P, NewIand A,
Turner C, McMillan R. Different forms of chronic childhood immune thrombocytopenic purpura
defined by antiplatelet autoantibodies. J Pediatr. 1991;118:535–9.
Newland AC, Treleaven JG, Minchinton RM, Waters AH. High-dose intravenous IgG in adults
with autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Lancet. 1983;1(8316):84–7.
Further Reading
Imbach P, Lazarus AH, Kühne T. Intravenous immunoglobulins induce potentially synergistic
immunomodulations in autoimmune disorders. Vox Sang. 2010;98(3 Pt 2):385–94. Review.
Imbach P, Crowther M. Thrombopoietin-Receptor Agonists for Primary Immune
Thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med. 2011;365:734–41.
Imbach P, Kabus K, Toenz O. Successful treatment of a severe drowning accident after 20 minutes
submersion. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1975;105(48):1605–11.
Imbach P, Odavic R, Bleher EA, Bucher U, Deubelbeiss KA, Wagner HP. Autologous bone mar-
row reimplantation in children with advanced tumor. First experiences of feasibility. Schweiz
Med Wochenschr. 1979;109(8):283–7.
Imbach P, Kuehne T, Arceci RJ. Pediatric Oncology: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition,
Springer 2014.
Part I
Update of Substitutive and
Immunomodulatory Antibodies/
Drugs Indications
From Immune Substitution
to Immuno-modulation 2
Volker Wahn
2.1 History
V. Wahn
Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité University Hospital,
Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
subcutaneously and to reduce infusion numbers. All preparations are now approved
by many authorities, and the mode of treatment can be chosen on the basis of the
patients preferences.
Maintenance doses for IgG of between 400–1000 mg/kg body weight per month are
recommended. The major goal of treatment is the reduction of severe infections like
chronic rhinosinusitis or pneumonia and the avoidance of irreversible organ damage
like bronchiectases. The doses of IgG and the trough levels achieved vary among
patients depending on the underlying disease, the response to treatment, and the
presence or absence of chronic lung disease (Lucas et al. 2010). Probably, an indi-
vidualized approach comes closest to the patient’s needs.
Some general principles of treatment may reflect our current knowledge:
The second milestone in the history of the clinical use of immunoglobulins was
the publication by Imbach et al. (1981). The authors described seven children with
chronic and six with acute ITP in whom the platelet count was markedly increased
through high-dose administration of immunoglobulins. The course was variable,
with some patients needing IVIG infusions on a regular basis. Several publica-
tions by other authors confirmed these initial observations in controlled clinical
As Imbach’s paper had shown that certain immunopathological reactions may
be modified by IVIG, it encouraged many authors worldwide to exploit the poten-
tial of IVIG treatment in other diseases too. The number of diseases where this
mode of treatment was attempted may now exceed 100. Not all attempts were suc-
cessful, and only a few turned out to be “indications” on the basis of randomized
controlled trials (RCT). However, in some very rare diseases, the call for RCT may
be inadequate because the number of patients is simply too small. Keeping this in
mind even case reports may be meaningful. Many results and “indications” are
summarized in a small booklet (Wahn and Orange 2013) and in a recent review
(Perez et al. 2017).
Imbach et al. (1981) used a 7S preparation of IV gamma globulin (Sandoglobulin),
which had an intact Fc fragment. Later publications showed the poorer effect of
F(ab′)2 fragments (=5S IgG) (Burdach et al. 1986). In contrast, a good clinical
effect could be achieved with purified Fc fragments devoid of F(ab′)2 (Debré et al.
1993). A substantial part of the biological effect of IgG is thus dependent on the
presence of the Fc portion suggesting that the interaction of IVIG with the various
types of Fc receptors is crucial for its efficacy (Fig. 2.1).
Plt Binding to
IgG Fc receptor
Binding to blocked
Fc receptor by IgG
Fig. 2.1 In ITP, induced by known or unknown triggers autoantibodies bind to platelets which are
taken up by cells of the reticuloendothelial system via Fc receptors expressed at the surface. If such
receptors are blocked my therapeutic IgG, antibody-coated platelets remain in the circulation
18 V. Wahn
Beyond these interactions many other mechanisms may be effective either alone
or in concert which have been discussed in detail (Imbach et al. 2010; Matucci et al.
After having studied Imbach’s work, my colleagues and I were inspired to study the
potential role of IVIG in another pediatric disease affecting newborn babies, rhesus
hemolytic disease. The pathomechanism of disease can be illustrated as follows
(Fig. 2.2):
If so we hypothesized that IVIG could decrease the degree of hemolysis and thus
reduce the number of exchange transfusions required, the first three cases (Rübo
and Wahn 1990) suggested that, in fact, IVIG modified the course of bilirubin
incline and allowed us to avoid exchange transfusions. This observation motivated
us to study the effects of IVIG in a larger group of babies in a randomized controlled
trial (Rübo and Wahn 1991; Rübo et al. 1992). In this setting, we were able to show
that the number of exchange transfusions could be significantly reduced if IVIG was
given early enough in babies at risk for bilirubin encephalopathy.
As IVIG does not reduce the number of antibody-coated red blood cells but only
slows down their uptake by the RES, we followed all children for the development
of late anemia. In fact, a few IVIG-treated babies required blood transfusions for
late anemia. Because, however, the risk of a blood transfusion is by far lower than
the risk of an exchange transfusion, we considered this risk acceptable.
Our observation has been confirmed in later publications reporting results in babies
with rhesus and ABO hemolytic disease. In 2004, the American Academy of Pediatrics
recommended prophylactic IgG as an alternative for blood exchange transfusions.
Fig. 2.2 During
pregnancy, fetal rhesus D+
red blood cells stimulate
Pre-and postnatal
the generation of maternal hemolysis
anti-Rh D alloantibodies. Rh
While the two previous examples are associated with disease-causing specific anti-
bodies, the experiences in Kawasaki disease (KD; for review see Agarwal and
Agrawal 2017) expanded the spectrum of IVIG efficacy to a pediatric vasculitis
with unknown etiopathogenesis but with massive proinflammatory cytokinemia.
The disease may be based on a complex interplay of genetic factors, infections, and
immunity. KD mainly affects infants and toddlers. The major problem is the devel-
opment of coronary artery aneurysms which are responsible for fatal courses.
Initially, the disease was treated with aspirin at high doses. However, despite such
treatment, aneurysms still occurred, and new modes of treatment had to be
Keeping this background in mind, the paper by Newburger et al. (1986) for the
first time showed that IVIG had an anti-inflammatory potential. In randomized
trial, aspirin alone was compared to the combination of aspirin + IVIG at a dose
of 4 × 400 mg/kg bw given on four consecutive days. Combination therapy
reduced the number of coronary artery aneurysms significantly after 2 (from 23 to
8%) and after 7 weeks (from 18 to 4%). In a subsequent trial (Newburger et al.
1991), the administration of 2 g/kg bw given on 1 day compared to 4 × 400 mg/kg
bw on 4 days further reduced the risk for aneurysms by another approximately
50%. Since then 2 g/kg bw is an effective treatment for most of the kids. If symp-
toms persist based on data from appropriate trials, German guidelines recommend
the addition of oral steroids. For resistant cases German Guidelines recommend
The mode of action of IVIG is not quite clear. Maybe that like in ITP several
mechanism may act in concert. The following figure illustrates only one of the
mechanisms described in the literature (Fig. 2.3).
Possible Mechanism:
Neutralization of Superantigens
T cell
α β Staphylococcal
enterotoxin B
A peptide V J J D V
Pep Staphylococcal
a few
enterotoxin B
T cell only MHC
APC activates a
enterotoxin B
Vβ family IVIG
Fig. 2.3 In specific T-cell responses the antigen-presenting cell presents peptides which are rec-
ognized by a single clone of antigen-specific T cells using α- and β-chain of the T-cell receptor. In
KD the so-called superantigens expressed by certain bacteria may activate a whole Vß family of T
cells leading to a massive cytokine response. IVIG may neutralize these superantigens and, thus,
reduce the inflammatory response
20 V. Wahn
Whatever the mechanism of disease and the mode of action of IVIG may be,
the fact remains that in addition to some autoimmune and alloimmune disorders
also some disorders characterized by massive inflammation can be influenced
by IVIG.
Hematology Rheumatology
Dermatology Organ Tx
Fig. 2.4 The efficacy of IgG treatment as a mode to modify abnormal immune responses was first
demonstrated in children with ITP. Since the several other potential applications have emerged
(summarized in Wahn and Orange (2013) and Perez et al. (2017))
2 From Immune Substitution to Immuno-modulation 21
Disclosures In the last years, the author has received honoraria for scientific lectures from
Octapharma, CSL Behring, Biotest, PPTA and the FIND-ID network. He was also paid for his
work in an advisory board (Pharming) and data safety monitoring board (Octapharma, Pfizer).
Agarwal S, Agrawal DK. Kawasaki disease: etiopathogenesis and novel treatment strategies. Exp
Rev Clin Immunol. 2017;13(3):247–58.
Bonagura VR, Marchlewski R, Cox A, Rosenthal DW. Biologic IgG level in primary immunodefi-
ciency disease: the IgG level that protects against recurrent infection. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
Bruton OC. Agammaglobulinemia. Pediatrics. 1952;9(6):722–8.
Burdach SE, Evers KG, Geursen RG. Treatment of acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura of
childhood with intravenous immunoglobulin G: comparative efficacy of 7S and 5S prepara-
tions. J Pediatr. 1986;109(5):770–5.
Debré M, Bonnet MC, Fridman WH, Carosella E, Philippe N, Reinert P, Vilmer E, Kaplan C,
Teillaud JL, Griscelli C. Infusion of Fc gamma fragments for treatment of children with acute
immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Lancet. 1993;342(8877):945–9.
Imbach P, Barandun S, d’Apuzzo V, Baumgartner C, Hirt A, Morell A, Rossi E, Schöni M, Vest M,
Wagner HP. High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
in childhood. Lancet. 1981;1(8232):1228–31.
Imbach P, Lazarus AH, Kühne T. Intravenous immunoglobulins induce potentially synergistic
immunomodulations in autoimmune disorders. Vox Sang. 2010;98(3 Pt 2):385–94.
Janssen WJ, Mohamed Hoesein F, Van de Ven AA, Maarschalk J, van Royen F, de Jong PA, Sanders
EA, van Montfrans JM, Ellerbroek PM. IgG trough levels and progression of pulmonary dis-
ease in pediatric and adult CVID patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017;140(1):304–306.e4.
Lucas M, Lee M, Lortan J, Lopez-Granados E, Misbah S, Chapel H. Infection outcomes in patients
with common variable immunodeficiency disorders: relationship to immunoglobulin therapy
over 22 years. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;125(6):1354–60.
Matucci A, Maggi E, Vultaggio A. Mechanisms of action of Ig preparations: immunomodulatory
and anti-inflammatory effects. Front Immunol. 2015;5:690.
Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Burns JC, Beiser AS, Chung KJ, Duffy CE, Glode MP, Mason WH,
Reddy V, Sanders SP, et al. The treatment of Kawasaki syndrome with intravenous gamma
globulin. N Engl J Med. 1986;315(6):341–7.
Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Beiser AS, Burns JC, Bastian J, Chung KJ, Colan SD, Duffy
CE, Fulton DR, Glode MP, et al. A single intravenous infusion of gamma globulin as com-
pared with four infusions in the treatment of acute Kawasaki syndrome. N Engl J Med.
Orange JS, Grossman WJ, Navickis RJ, Wilkes MM. Impact of trough IgG on pneumonia inci-
dence in primary immunodeficiency: a meta-analysis of clinical studies. Clin Immunol.
Perez EE, Orange JS, Bonilla F, Chinen J, Chinn IK, Dorsey M, El-Gamal Y, Harville TO, Hossny
E, Mazer B, Nelson R, Secord E, Jordan SC, Stiehm ER, Vo AA, Ballow M. Update on the
use of immunoglobulin in human disease: a review of evidence. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
22 V. Wahn
Rübo J, Wahn V. A trial with high-dose gamma globulin therapy in 3 children with hyperbilirubi-
nemia in rhesus incompatibility. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1990;138(4):216–20.
Rübo J, Wahn V. High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin in rhesus-haemolytic disease. Lancet.
Rübo J, Albrecht K, Lasch P, Laufkötter E, Leititis J, Marsan D, Niemeyer B, Roesler J, Roll C,
Roth B, et al. High-dose intravenous immune globulin therapy for hyperbilirubinemia caused
by Rh hemolytic disease. J Pediatr. 1992;121(1):93–7.
Wahn V, Orange JS. Clinical use of immunoglobulins UNI-MED science. 2nd ed. Bremen: UNI-
MED Verlag AG; 2013.
Manual of Primary and Secondary
Immunodeficiencies 3
Paul Imbach and Volker Wahn
3.1 Introduction
P. Imbach
University of Basel, CH 4031, Basel, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
V. Wahn (*)
Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité University Hospital,
Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
3.2.2 Pathophysiology
3.2.4 Diagnostics
IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE absent or very low. Absence of specific antibodies (tetanus,
pneumococci) despite regular vaccinations. Absence of CD19/CD20 positive B
cells. Typical mutations in the BTK gene.
3.2.6 Therapy
IV- or SC-IgG substitution to obtain a plasma level >8 g/l IgG, usually achieved by
doses of 0.3–0.6 g IgG/kg body weight every 3–4 weeks. Patients with bronchiecta-
sis may require higher doses.
Aim of treatment: prevention of severe infections, survival, and improved quality
of life.
3.2.7 Prognosis
With IgG substitution from early life onwards: normal to slightly reduced life expectancy
Without substitution: fatal infections in childhood
3 Manual of Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies 25
Combined cellular and humoral immunodeficiency with absent T cells and absent
or dysfunctional B cells. Prevalence: 1:50,000 (USA). Without treatment, usually
fatal within the first year of life.
3.3.2 Pathophysiology
T-B + Variants
Several mutations in genes for cytokine receptors, subunits of the T-cell receptor
complex, other membrane proteins, signal transduction molecules and coronin 1A
(necessary for thymic release of mature T cells).
Several mutations in genes responsible for stem cell maturation, B-/T-cell DNA
recombination, and purine metabolism (ADA)
–– Severe recurrent and opportunistic infections within the first months of life.
–– Chronic graft-versus-host disease caused by maternal T cells, severe CMV, bac-
terial and fungal infections, Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, chronic diarrhea
and/or failure to thrive, and complicated infections by live vaccines (rotavirus,
3.3.4 Diagnostics
–– Reduced lymphatic tissue, i.e., lateral thorax X-ray with small or absent thymus
in some genetic variants
–– FACS: Absence of T cells, some variants also lack B cells. Atypical findings with
maternal engraftment, Omenn phenotype, or leaky SCID variants
–– Serum IgG, IgM, IgA all markedly reduced
–– Impaired T-cell proliferation with mitogens and antigens, absent antibody pro-
duction after vaccinations
26 P. Imbach and V. Wahn
3.3.5 Treatment
3.4.1 Pathogenesis
3.4.3 Treatment
The diagnosis can be made in the absence of recurrent infections if (a)–(d) are
met (according to International Consensus 2016).
3.5.3 Treatment
Treatment of infections
Immunosuppression for autoimmune and granulomatous complications
Stem cell transplantation is not a standard treatment
3.6.2 Treatment
3.7.2 Management
3.8.1 Management
–– Selective IgA deficiency usually asymptomatic, slightly increased risk for celiac
disease, rheumatic diseases and allergies
–– Increased susceptibility to infections if associated with IgG2 deficiency
–– In rare cases, risk of anaphylactic reaction to IgG substitution or blood transfu-
sions due to the presence of autoantibodies to IgA
–– If IgG substitution is indicated: use of IgG-preparation with low IgA content
3 Manual of Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies 29
3.10.1 Pathogenesis/Etiology
–– X-chromosomal inheritance
–– Combined immunodeficiency with high levels of serum IgE and IgA and low
serum IgM, impaired polysaccharide responses
–– Defective protein (WASP) leads to impaired signal transduction and actin
poly-merization following lymphocyte activation
3.10.3 Treatment
3.11.1 Pathophysiology/Etiology
3.11.3 Treatment
–– Treatment of infections
–– IgG substitution may be useful if severe infections occur and specific antibody
responses are markedly impaired
–– Prognosis is still poor
3.12.1 C
hronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), Multiple Myeloma (MM)
and Treatment of Related Secondary
Immunodeficiency in Patients with Hematologic or
with Solid Tumor Malignancy with or without
General Aspects
Supportive Management
• IVIG and monoclonal B-cell depletion (i.e. rituximab) can be useful for desensi-
tization, especially before, during and after allogenic heart and/or lung transplan-
tation due to donor-specific HLA antibodies. Donor-specific HLA antibodies are
an important risk factor of bronchiolitis obliterans.
• In patients with antibody-related rejection of a transplantation, the combination
of IVIG, monoclonal B-cell depletion (i.e., rituximab), and eventually plasma
exchange is the recommended approach.
• Patients during and after non-HLA-identical or haploid HSCT may benefit from
IgG preventive treatment for a limited time, i.e., until reconstitution of the
immune functions.
• IgG substitution has shown positive effects for HIV infected children with CD4
T cells >200/μl in controlled clinical studies. However, these studies have been
performed before highly active antiviral treatment (HAART) became available.
Today, children with HIV infection treated with HAART show reconstitution of
T cells and normalization of antibody responses. Thus, IgG administration in
HIV infected children is an approved indication which is no longer practiced.
• IgG substitution in premature babies has been studied in many trials using a
prophylactic or therapeutic design. Based on the latest large trials, it became
clear that babies do not benefit from IgG treatment.
• Elderly people may have deficient adaptive and innate immune responses.
• Evaluation of the immune state and function is indicated, if recurrent, severe, or
difficult to treat infections are present, i.e., by anomalies of FACS, IgG, and sub-
classes, antibody responses to vaccines.
• IgG substitution may be considered in elderly patients with immune deficiencies.
Dosage as in Sect. 3.11.3.
• Adverse effects to IgG treatment see Chap. 10 are higher in patients over 60 years
of age.
• Serious adverse effects in older patients include higher risk of acute, transient
renal failure and venous thrombosis depending on comorbidities.
• Recommendation of administration of IVIG in elderly patients: sufficient hydra-
tion prior to IVIG, slow infusion rate, IVIG preparation with low concentration
of sucrose, and monitoring renal function.
• In the future: subcutaneous Ig SCIG administration may have less adverse
3 Manual of Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiencies 33
Paul Imbach
4.1 Introduction
This manual is a brief summary of extensive reviews of the literature extracted from
PubMed and a recent review by Perez et al. (2017), which mainly categorizes the
indications according to FDA/EMA approvals and evidence-based findings.
The manual is written by a physician involved in the clinical care of patients
considering the different individual manifestations and the complex characteristics
of the autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. It focuses on the clinical options of
recommended therapeutic, immunomodulatory effects of administration of IVIG
and categorizes them in respect to other treatment approaches.
P. Imbach
University of Basel, CH 4031, Basel, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
• The majority of autoimmune disorders which are rare and controlled clinical
studies often are not feasible; therefore, rare inflammatory or autoimmune dis-
eases are off-label indications of IVIG (category B, see below).
• Continuous discussion and assessment of each indication of administration of
intravenous or subcutaneous immunoglobulin (IVIG or SCIG) concentrate are
• By high dosage of IVIG usually 2 g/kg within 1–5 days per course (named HD
IVIG in the following texts); for other dosage recommendations and for the new
possibility of SCIG administration, see text of the respective disorder.
• By adverse effects of HD IVIG which are mild or moderate at a rate of 5%;
however, some severe side effects are known.
• By the high demand of IVIG, and this limits the potential indications because of
the shortages, of the costs, etc.
• By the immunomodulatory mechanisms of action of IVIG, which involves the
whole innate and adaptive immune response in a synergistic and complex way
(Imbach et al. 2010) and, therefore, remains unclear and often unexplained.
• By the health authorities, and the insurance providers who may disagree on cov-
ering the cost of this biological agent for certain indications.
In the above respect, the following categorization of the various IVIG indications
will be used:
4.5 Hematology
4.5.3 B
, a* Pure Red Cell Anemia Associated with Chronic
Parvovirus B19 Infection (*See Table 4.1)
4.5.4 B
, a, e* Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
(*See Table 4.1)
(Marriotti et al. 2014) See comment in PubMed Commons below (Marriotti et al.
4.5.6 B
, a, d* Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) and Evans
Syndrome (affecting 2–3 Hematopoietic Lineages)
(*See Table 4.1)
–– The third form binds IgG autoantibodies to erythrocytes in the cold, but not at
37 °C, named paroxysmal cold hemolysis due to Donath-Landsteiner anti-
bodies (rate 1–3%).
• First-line treatments are corticosteroids, rituximab or other immunosuppressive
drugs, splenectomy (in adults with severe wAIHA only), or plasma exchange:
–– CAD: avoidance of cold; if symptomatic (hemolysis), rituximab as mono-
therapy or in combination with fludarabine
–– Evans syndrome: IVIG, corticosteroids; when refractory, rituximab
• HD IVIG is frequently administered in children with wAIHA due to less adverse
effects and benefits with or without immunosuppressants.
• Prognosis: 40–64% complete recovery, 30–40% chronic/relapsing forms, and
4% mortality in case series.
4.5.8 B
, a, c* Acquired Autoimmune Coagulation Factor
Inhibitors and Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome
(*See Table 4.1)
• Common hereditary form and rare acquired form, mainly associated with lym-
pho- or myeloproliferative disorders with prolonged bleeding time.
• Deficiency of FVIII associated with hemostatic disorder or of von Willebrand
factor (VWF).
• Diagnosis: low levels of VWF and FVIII due to specific or non-specific autoan-
tibody forming immune complexes.
• Treatment for acute bleeding: desmopressin (DDAVP) and VWF/FVIII concen-
trate; when refractory, recombinant FVII.
• IVIG together with corticosteroids is effective in 70% of patients.
(Yamamoto 2007)
4 Manual of Intravenous and Subcutaneous IgG Indications in Autoimmune Diseases 41
–– Activation of endothelial cells, monocytes, and platelets leads to procoagula-
tion serum.
–– Presence of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies , also named lupus anticoagu-
lant, anticardiolipin antibodies, or beta2-glycoprotein-1.
• Diagnosis: in a. often mild thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia or skin altera-
tions, heart valve disease, and nephropathy.
• Treatment: the results are controversial.
a. B, d* Venous and arterial thrombosis: low-dose aspirin and low-molecular
heparin; when refractory, HD IVIG (*See Table 4.1)
b. B, c, d* Recurrent spontaneous abortion: low-dose aspirin, rituximab, eculi-
zumab; adjuvant or in patients with refractory to conventional treatment, 1 g
IVIG/kg and repetition every 2 weeks, eventually after apheresis (*See Table 4.1)
c. B, d* APS associated with other autoimmune disorders: treatment as under a
(*See Table 4.1).
d. B, c, d* CAPS: triple therapy with anticoagulants, corticosteroids, plasma
exchange, and/or HD IVIG and/or rituximab (*See Table 4.1)
• Women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and recurrent abortion may
have higher rate of regular birth after HD IVIG than with corticosteroid or
• Vasculitis with purpura of the skin, sometimes with gastrointestinal, renal, and
rarely cerebral hemorrhage.
• HD IVIG is effective in patients with bleeding.
4.6.4 B
, a, b, c, d* Systemic Juvenile Chronic Arthritis (Still’s
Syndrome) (*See Table 4.1)
4.6.8 B
, a, b, c, d, f * Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
(*See Table 4.1)
• IVIG did not show effects in prevention of cardiac sequelae of acute rheumatic
4.7.1 A
, c, C * Secondary Infections in HIV Infection of Children
with B- and/or T-Cell Deficiencies Despite Taking Highly
Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART) or Not Taking
HAART (*See Table 4.1)
• IVIG as adjuvant treatment was effective for reducing the rates of lethality, see
also Chap. 3.12.3.
4.7.2 B
, c* Bacterial Sepsis, Septic Shock, and Streptococcal
Toxic Shock (*See Table 4.1)
• IVIG as adjuvant treatment was effective for reducing the rates of lethality; how-
ever, the result is controversial, especially in:
–– Neonatal sepsis, suspected bacterial or fungal infection in neonates
–– Group B streptococcal disease in newborn
–– Invasive streptococcal syndrome
–– Postoperative sepsis
–– Trauma-associated sepsis
4 Manual of Intravenous and Subcutaneous IgG Indications in Autoimmune Diseases 45
(Alejandria et al. 2002; Crowley and Gropper 2016; Di Rosa et al. 2014; Sallam
et al. 2016)
4.7.3 B
, a, b* Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder
Associated with Streptococcal Infection (PANDAS)
(*See Table 4.1)
4.7.4 B
, c, f * Parvovirus B19-Associated Chronic Fatigue
(*See Table 4.1)
• The prevalence of B19 infections is high in the general population and in patients
with autoimmune disorders.
• IVIG or SCIG may decrease viremia and proinflammatory cytokine levels and
improve chronic fatigue syndrome.
• GBS variants are the acute axonal motor or motor sensory form (Miller Fisher
syndrome) and the acute dysautonomia form.
• Treatment: IVIG (0.4 g/kg b.w./day × 3–5) and/or corticosteroids or plasma
exchange depending on the grade of severity of the progression.
(Hughes et al. 2007, 2014; van Koningsveld et al. 2004; van Doorn et al. 2010)
4.8.2 A
, a* Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating
Polyneuropathy (CIDP) (*See Table 4.1)
(Dalakas et al. 2011; Dalakas et al. 2015; Berger et al. 2008; Eftimov et al. 2009;
Hughes et al. 2008)
4.8.5 B
, a* Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS)
(*See Table 4.1)
4.8.9 B
, a, d, e, f * Intractable Epilepsy in Children and Refractory
Pediatric Epilepsy (*See Table 4.1)
• HD IVIG reduces seizures, but not the progression of the disease, compared with
HD corticosteroids in children and adults.
4.8.13 B, a, f * Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) (*See Table 4.1)
• Stiff person syndrome is characterized by muscle rigidity and spasms and with
high anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies.
• Patients may benefit from IVIG administration resulting in reduced stiffness and
daily activities as well as improved quality of life.
• Case and anecdotal reports of patients with disorders associated with immune
dysfunctions (e.g., ITP) may profit from IVIG administration.
4.9 Dermatology
(Dalakas 1995, 2015; Dalakas et al. 1993; Sunderkötter et al. 2016; Cherin et al. 2016)
4.9.2 A
, a, B, f (C)* Dermatologic Mucocutaneous Autoimmune
Disorders (*See Table 4.1)
4.9.3 B
, a, c, d, e* Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic
Epidermolysis (*See Table 4.1)
• This rare skin disorder showed recovery with IVIG after 3–6 courses of 0.4 g/kg b.w.
4.9.5 B
, a, d* Scleromyxedema and Variants: Systemic Sclerosis/
Scleroderma with Skin Involvement, Linear Scleroderma,
Morphea, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Sjögren’s
Syndrome (*See Table 4.1)
4.9.6 B
, a* Chronic Urticaria and Delayed Pressure Urticaria
(*See Table 4.1)
• One third of patients with chronic urticaria have a related autoimmune process.
• HD IVIG may play a role in the aforementioned patients.
• Pathology: chronic active autoimmune hepatitis with high serum liver enzymes,
immune complexes, and periportal mononuclear infiltrates.
• HD IVIG improves the pathological findings with less adverse effects than with
immunosuppressives (corticosteroids, rituximab).
• HD IVIG improved cardiac function and decreased viral load in parvovirus B19-
associated cardiomyopathy.
A subgroup of patients with antibodies against islet cells responded to IVIG treat-
ment with higher rates and longer duration of remission.
(Heinze 1996)
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60 P. Imbach
5.1 Introduction
1. Rhesus D-negative (RhD−) male donors who have been intentionally immu-
nized with RhD+ RBCs (Crow and Lazarus 2008; Semple 2010)
2. RhD− female donors who have been naturally immunized by Pregnancy with an
RhD+ fetus (Semple 2010)
It is worth noting that although anti-D may be the desired antibody present in the
preparation isolated from plasma, a variety of other antibodies will invariably also
be included in the final solution, as will be discussed later (Crow and Lazarus 2008).
R. Khan, HBSc
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Keenan Research Centre of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital,
Toronto, ON, Canada
A.H. Lazarus, PhD (*)
Keenan Research Centre of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital,
Toronto, ON, Canada
Centre for Innovation at The Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Departments of Medicine and Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Currently anti-D is used clinically to prevent hemolytic disease of the fetus and
newborn (HDFN) and to treat immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) (Lazarus 2013;
Semple 2010). It may also be used to clear RhD+ RBCs from the bloodstream when
they have accidentally been transfused to RhD− individuals.
Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) occurs when alloimmuni-
zation causes the maternal immune system to destroy fetal RBCs expressing differ-
ent, and thus, foreign, antigens when compared to the mother’s RBCs (Hendrickson
and Delaney 2016). The most predominant antigen causing HDFN is the D antigen
(others include the Kell antigen and the Duffy antigen). RhD− mothers can be
exposed to RhD+ RBCs, either through blood transfusions or from previous preg-
nancies with an RhD+ fetus (Hendrickson and Delaney 2016). Once the mother has
been sensitized, subsequent pregnancies with an RhD+ fetus may be at risk of
HDFN as the anti-D produced by the maternal immune system can potentially cross
the placenta and destroy the fetal RBCs (Urbaniak and Greiss 2000). Currently, only
prophylactic anti-D injections are able to prevent HDFN from occurring, and in
many countries, the priority is to conserve it for HDFN prophylaxis instead of utiliz-
ing it to ameliorate ITP as discussed below (Lazarus 2013).
ITP is an autoimmune disorder characterized by low platelet levels primarily due
to clearance mediated by platelet-reactive autoantibodies (Lazarus 2013). These
antibodies are predominantly of the IgG1 and IgG3 isotypes although IgM and IgA
subtypes may also be present (Semple 2010). In severe cases, ITP patients may
experience lower energy levels and are at an increased risk of life-threatening bleed-
ing. Some of the therapies for ITP include steroids, IVIg, and anti-D. First shown by
Imbach et al. in 1981, high doses of IVIg are able to significantly raise platelet lev-
els in ITP patients (Imbach et al. 1981). However the mechanism(s) through which
IVIg is able to ameliorate ITP remains unclear even today. Anti-D is considered to
be a first-line treatment for ITP and is able to ameliorate ITP at approximately 5-log
fold lower dose than IVIg—50–75 ug/kg of anti-D is generally as effective as 1–2 g/
kg of IVIg administered to ITP patients (Eghbali et al. 2016). Moreover, compared
to other monoclonal antibodies that are used to modulate autoimmune diseases like
ITP (such as anti-CD20; Rituximab), anti-D is administered at an approximately
2-log fold lower dose for a similar therapeutic response (Rosman et al. 2013; Nair
and Jacob 2016). Nevertheless, like IVIg, the mechanism through which anti-D is
able to ameliorate ITP also remains unclear. Research has proposed a few potential
mechanisms which will be discussed later. If the first-line treatments are
5 Anti-D: A Type of IVIg 63
In 1995, the food and drug administration (FDA) granted approval for utilizing anti-
D as a therapeutic for ITP patients. However in 2010 the FDA issued a black box
warning for all anti-D products used in ITP. This mandated warning, to be printed
on the package insert, is used to signify an increased risk of intravascular hemolysis
associated with anti-D usage. It cautions about the increased risk of developing
anemia, acute renal insufficiency, renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagula-
tion (DIC), multisystem organ failure including acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), and death. The warning also provides physicians with guidelines on how
to proceed in the care of patients that had been injected with anti-D (FDA, 2009).
In response to the FDA-mandated warning, a working group was assembled at
the instigation of Cangene bioPharma to evaluate the safety of anti-D. This panel of
researchers, consisting of physicians and some scientists affiliated with the biotech-
nology industry, evaluated the safety data provided by Cangene and concluded that
the safety profile of anti-D in ITP is not significantly different than that of other
therapies, such as IVIg (Despotovic et al. 2012). The researchers also indicated that
the adverse side effects can be prevented through careful selection of patients (e.g.,
excluding patients with predisposing conditions that may lead to an increased risk
of DIC and ARDS) (Despotovic et al. 2012).
The underlying mechanism(s) through which anti-D acts to ameliorate ITP remains
unclear. Previous and ongoing work has allowed researchers to propose a number of
mechanisms that may be at play—these include mononuclear phagocytic system
(MPS) blockade, cytokine modulation, and the presence of anti-idiotype antibodies
(Semple 2010; Crow and Lazarus 2008).
Much of the research related to mechanisms of anti-RBC antibodies in ITP has
used mice as a model system. In the murine model of passive ITP, mice are injected
with an antiplatelet antibody, such as MWReg30 which binds the glycoprotein IIb/
IIIa (also known as αIIbβ3 or CD41/CD61) complex present on the surface of plate-
lets and leads to the development of thrombocytopenia. However the D antigen on
murine RBC is not immunogenic, and thus, other RBC antigens (and the corre-
sponding antibodies) are used as surrogates to mimic the anti-D effect. One of the
most common antibodies used in lieu of anti-D is TER-119. TER-119 binds the
glycophorin-A (GPA)-associated protein on murine RBCs and has been shown pre-
viously to work successfully in murine models of ITP (Crow and Lazarus 2008;
Deng and Balthasar 2007).
64 R. Khan and A.H. Lazarus
The mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS) is a part of the immune system that
includes macrophages. Macrophages are a major phagocytic cell population in the
immune system and are found in most body tissues (Hume 2006). Macrophages
express Fc receptors (FcRs) on their cell surface that bind the Fc portion of an anti-
body. These Fc receptors can be classified based on the type of antibody they bind—
the most important ones for mediating phagocytosis of opsonized particles (such as
RBCs and platelets) are the Fc-gamma receptors (FcγR) that bind IgG antibodies
(Semple 2010). The human FcγR family includes several activating members (such
as FcγRI, FcγRIIA, and FcγRIII) and an inhibitory member (FcγRIIB) that differ in
their affinity to bind different molecular structures of IgG and in their ability to
potentiate or inhibit immune responses (Bruhns and Jönsson 2015).
Salama et al. (1984) were the first to demonstrate the efficacy of anti-D in ame-
liorating ITP. Although the mechanism was not elucidated, they had postulated that
anti-D was exerting its therapeutic effects through MPS blockade. The MPS block-
age theory hypothesizes that since the RBCs are present in a much larger quantity
than platelets, anti-D-opsonized RBCs competitively inhibit platelet phagocytosis
by binding free FcγRs on macrophages, (Fig. 5.1) particularly those that are present
in the spleen which is a primary site of MPS activity (Salama et al. 1983, 1984;
Crow and Lazarus 2008). Over the years, MPS blockade was indirectly supported
by various studies as the mechanism of action of anti-D in ITP (Becker et al. 1986;
Bussel et al. 1991; Ware and Zimmerman 1998; Ambriz-Fernández et al. 2002).
Evidence supporting this theory includes the therapeutic inefficacy of anti-D in ITP
patients that are RhD− (Boughton 1991; Oksenhendler et al. 1988). However, of
these RhD− patients, those who were positive for the Rh c antigen (on RBCs) did
respond to anti-c therapy, and an increase in platelet counts was observed
(Oksenhendler et al. 1988). This suggested that anti-RBC antibody (against the c, D,
or presumably any other Rh antigen present on the surface of RBCs) sensitized red
blood cells and blocked MPS consequently preventing platelet phagocytosis. More
evidence supporting MPS blockade as the mechanism of action of anti-D stems
from the observation that ITP patients who have previously had a splenectomy do
not respond well to anti-D therapy (Bussel et al. 1991); however it has also been
found that two splenectomized ITP patients did in fact respond to anti-D therapy
(Ramadan and El-Agnaf 2005). Thus, more work is required to clearly determine
whether or not anti-D functions (at least partially) through MPS blockade and how
the presence and absence of a spleen affects that function.
5.2.2 FcγRs
anti-D-opsonized RBCs. However much work has been done regarding the role of
FcγRs in murine models of ITP using surrogate antibodies (such as TER-119).
It was recently shown that the Fc portion of the anti-RBC antibody TER-119 is
required for ITP amelioration in a murine model (Yu et al. 2015). The results show
that although the F(ab’)2 region of TER-119 alone is able to bind to the RBCs, it is
unable to mediate phagocytosis. The F(ab’)2 region of TER-119 was unable to
increase platelet levels in an ITP model or cause significant anemia. The same
results were observed for TER-119 with a deglycosylated Fc region (Yu et al. 2015)
demonstrating that both the Fc domain of TER-119 and Fc glycosylation are
required for ITP amelioration and for inducing anemia. On the other hand, an earlier
study done with TER-119 but with a murine model of autoimmune hemolytic ane-
mia (AHA) lacking FcRr chains (the signaling component of activating FcrRs in
mice) chains had concluded that FcγR-mediated mechanisms are not required by
TER-119 to cause anemia (Chen et al. 2014). These seemingly differing results
indicate that TER-119 may be inducing anemia through multiple different mecha-
nisms in ITP and AHA and that in the ITP model, the native glycosylated Fc domains
of the antibody are essential for disease amelioration.
The above results indicated that at least in murine passive ITP, FcγR binding is
required for amelioration. Earlier work had attempted to determine which FcγRs
might be involved. In 2005 Song et al. established a correlational relationship
between anti-RBC antibody-mediated increase in platelet levels and the downregu-
lation of FcγRIIIA on splenic macrophages in a murine model of ITP (Song et al.
2005). FcγRIIIA is an activating receptor found on the surface of macrophages, and
based on the results of this study, it is likely that these anti-RBC antibodies modu-
late, inactivate, or neutralize FcγRIIIA or the FcγRIIIA pathway (Lazarus 2013).
This, in turn, suggests that inhibition of MPS is, at the very least, a partial contribu-
tor to the mechanism of action of the anti-RBC antibodies used.
It was also shown that anti-RBC antibodies are able to ameliorate ITP in mice
lacking FcγRIIB (Song et al. 2005). FcγRIIB is considered to be an inhibitory
receptor present on macrophages, and when activated, it has been suggested to
downregulate the phagocytic activity of the macrophage. Later research per-
formed by Yu et al. in 2015 again found that TER-119 was able to ameliorate ITP
in mice lacking inhibitory this receptor (FcγRIIb−/−) indicating that these recep-
tors are not required by the anti-RBC antibodies used to perform their function in
ITP (Yu et al. 2015).
The research thus far had shown anti-RBC antibodies might be dependent on
FcγR-mediated mechanisms to ameliorate ITP (e.g., by neutralizing FcγRIIIA func-
tion) and that the inhibitory receptor FcγRIIB was probably not an essential compo-
nent of this mechanism. Building on this, further work showed that mice treated
with the Fab region of a monoclonal antibody 2.4G2, an inhibitor of both FcγRIIB
and FcγRIIIA, and with antiplatelet antibody (to induce ITP) developed a similar
degree of anemia as the control group when treated with TER-119. This indicated
that these receptors might not be required by the TER-119 anti-RBC antibody to
cause anemia—however in vitro assays showed partial inhibition of RBC phagocy-
tosis by RAW264.7 macrophages treated with 2.4G2. Combining this with the ear-
lier results, at least two possibilities emerge:
66 R. Khan and A.H. Lazarus
Taken together, some potential concepts advanced by the various studies include:
Numerous groups have documented the ability of anti-D to induce cytokine modu-
lation. In 1994, Davenport et al. demonstrated in in vitro experiments that anti-D-
opsonized red blood cells stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
to secrete interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) (Davenport et al. 1994). IL-1Ra
is structurally similar to IL-1 and can bind its receptor with equal affinity but is
unable to induce signal transduction—thus IL-1Ra acts as a competitive inhibitor of
IL-1 (Dripps et al. 1991).
Semple et al. followed up on this observation with a study in children with
chronic ITP and demonstrated that along with IL-1Ra, several other pro- and anti-
inflammatory cytokines and chemokines were present at increased levels. These
included IL-6, GM-CSF, MCP-1α, TNF-α, and MCP-1 (Semple et al. 2002).
Notably, IL-1Ra levels in serum were approximately 60-fold higher than baseline
within 3 h of anti-D administration but returned to baseline by day 8 (along with the
other cytokines and chemokines that were also observed to be elevated).
The researchers further went on to show that early increases in IL-1Ra levels
were correlated with decreased platelet phagocytosis. An in vitro assay demon-
strated that IL-1Ra directly inhibited the phagocytosis of anti-D-sensitized RBC by
monocytes and granulocytes (Coopamah et al. 2003). However Crow et al. (2007)
demonstrated in a murine model that while TER-119 was able to increase IL-1Ra
levels, it was also able to ameliorate ITP in mice lacking the IL-1R receptor, the
receptor for IL-1 and IL-1Ra. This indicated that at least in mice, IL-1R may not be
essential for amelioration of ITP. This difference in the human and murine studies
performed by Semple et al. and Crow et al., respectively, may be attributed to sev-
eral reasons including the differences between species and methodologies (Semple
2010). It may also be because of differences between the antibodies used—TER-
119 is able to mimic anti-D effectively in murine models, but it is in fact a surrogate
antibody which may potentially account for some of the differences observed.
5 Anti-D: A Type of IVIg 67
Further research is needed to help clarify the role and significance of IL-1Ra modu-
lation in anti-RBC antibody-mediated ITP amelioration.
Other groups have also supported Semple et al.’s finding of increased levels of
certain chemokines and cytokines (Malinowska et al. 2001; Branch et al. 2006;
Cooper et al. 2004). Specifically, Cooper et al. found that 2 h after the anti-D treat-
ment, there were increased levels of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, and MCP-1. This is in
contrast with IVIg which induced an increase only in IL-10 levels 2 h posttreatment,
suggesting that IVIg and anti-D may be exerting their therapeutic effects via differ-
ing mechanisms (Cooper et al. 2004).
Researchers have also shown that anti-D-induced cytokine changes in vitro can
lead to a rapid (within 10–30 min) but transient increase in the production of reac-
tive oxygen species, ROS, by human macrophages (Coopamah et al. 2003; Branch
et al. 2006). This production of ROS induced by anti-D administration may be acti-
vating the MPS by providing “danger” signals (Semple 2010). The significance of
these anti-RBC antibody-mediated changes in cytokine levels still remains to be
elucidated fully.
Monoclonal replacements for anti-D have been tested in HDFN with mixed
results—many were observed to decrease RBC immunization as desired although to
a lesser extent than polyclonal anti-D, while others actually worsened the immune
response (Kumpel 2007).
For ITP, one single monoclonal antibody was tested in seven adult patients in
the late 1990s but led to disappointing results. It was found to bind RBCs and
cause a similar degree of anemia as anti-D. However, there was little to no
increase observed in platelet counts for six patients, while the seventh patient
with mild ITP showed a transient response (Godeau et al. 1996). This study
hinted at the possibility that perhaps monoclonal anti-D therapy is not efficacious
for ITP patients. Following the publication of the results of this study, many
researchers worked on murine models of ITP using various monoclonal antibod-
ies (such as TER-119) to determine their efficacy and underlying mechanism
(Lazarus 2013).
5.3.1 Rozrolimupab
Fig. 5.1 Mononuclear phagocytic system blockade as a potential mechanism of action of anti-D
in ITP. Left: In ITP, platelets are opsonized by anti-platelet antibody. Opsonized platelets then bind
to FcγRs on macrophages leading to platelet phagocytosis thus decreasing platelet counts. Right:
Anti-D binds to RhD+ RBCs and these opsonized RBCs outcompete opsonized platelets, thus
sensitized RBCs occupy a greater number of FcγRs present on the surface of the macrophages (i.e.
competitively inhibiting sensitized platelets from binding to the macrophage FcγRs). The macro-
phages phagocytose the bound RBCs leading to a decreased RBC count in some patients while
platelet levels are elevated. Macrophages; FcγR; Platelet; Platelet surface antigen;
Anti-D is a polyclonal immunoglobulin (IgG) directed against the D antigen pres-
ent on human red blood cells and is used clinically to treat ITP and prevent
HDFN. As a donor-derived product, it is present in limited quantities and carries
the theoretical risk of potentially transferring pathogens. Coupled with the fact
that the first priority for anti-D usage is in preventing HDFN, there is incentive
present for developing a replacement to be utilized for ITP treatment. However
the mechanism of action of anti-D in ITP remains unclear. To date, research has
proposed MPS blockage, cytokine modulation, and the presence of idiotypic anti-
bodies to contribute to the potential mechanisms. The discovery and efficacy of
rozrolimupab, a monoclonal blend of anti-D, have provided support against idio-
type antibodies as a potential mechanism of action and proved that it may be pos-
sible to replace polyclonal anti-D with a blend of multiple monoclonal
recombinants. Building on the information already present, further research can
help elucidate the mechanism of anti-RBC antibodies which can then be utilized
to synthesize a replacement recombinant antibody for clinical use.
70 R. Khan and A.H. Lazarus
Ambriz-Fernández R, Martínez-Murillo C, Quintana-González S, Collazo-Jaloma J, Bautista-
Juárez J. Fc receptor blockade in patients with refractory chronic immune thrombocytopenic
purpura with anti-D IgG. Arch Med Res. 2002;33:536–40.
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5 Anti-D: A Type of IVIg 71
6.1 Introduction
Anti-idiotype antibodies are found in normal healthy individuals and are antibodies
that can bind the antigen-combining region of pathogenic antibodies and neutralize
them. One of the concepts in autoimmunity is that the normal repertoire of a patient’s
antibodies is dysregulated which contributes to autoimmune tissue destruction.
Since a normal repertoire of anti-idiotype antibodies would be expected in IVIg, it
was hypothesized that this could explain IVIg anti-inflammatory effects (Table 6.1).
IVIg has been known to display anti-idiotype antibodies relevant to a number of
diseases including lupus, pemphigus vulgaris, antiphospholipid syndrome and other
diseases. Early work demonstrated that IVIg contains antibodies capable of neutral-
izing the activity of autoantibodies directed against the major platelet autoantigen,
6 Mechanisms of Action and Immunomodulation by IVIg 75
glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa (Berchtold et al. 1989). Conversely, however, other work
found IVIg to be ineffective in autoantibody neutralization in patients with ITP
(Barbano et al. 1989). In murine and rat models of passive ITP, studies from two
different groups showed that anti-idiotype antibodies were not necessary for disease
amelioration (Crow et al. 2001; Hansen and Balthasar 2002).
Thus at least in ITP, the contribution of anti-idiotype antibodies to IVIg activity
could be questionable.
It is important to note that IVIg has efficacy in a large number of different auto-
immune diseases and inflammatory states. While it would be nice, or convenient, to
consider that IVIg may have the same mechanism of action in all diseases, it is
equally possible that IVIg works by different mechanisms in different diseases.
Recent data in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) patients
has shown that following IVIg administration, there is an increase in the measurable
number of IgG dimer levels in some responding patients. Although it is certainly
possible that the formation of these IgG dimers could mediate IVIg activity by
mechanism not involving autoantibody neutralization (discussed in the immune
complex section of this review), the IgG dimers formed in the patients after admin-
istration of IVIg actually contained antibodies with reactivity against peripheral
nerve fibres (Ritter et al. 2015). These results allowed the authors to speculate that
the immune complexes formed following IVIg administration in these patients
likely included autoantibodies from the patients and anti-idiotype antibodies from
the IVIg. Whether neutralization of the autoantibodies is the mechanism underlying
IVIg anti-inflammatory effects in CIDP remains to be explored but is certainly a
mechanism worthy of exploring further in this disease and perhaps others.
In ITP, the site of platelet clearance is largely considered to be the spleen and liver
which are organs that also host the MPS (previously referred to as the reticuloendo-
thelial system). In patients with autoantibodies directed to the major platelet
76 A.H. Lazarus
autoantigen (GPIIbIIIa), phagocytic platelet destruction by the MPS has long been
considered to be the predominant mechanism contributing to the thrombocytopenia.
Early direct experiments that MPS blockade by IVIg could rescue antibody-
opsonized cells from phagocytosis were experiments by Fehr et al. (1982) who
demonstrated that in patients with ITP who were not splenectomised, that IVIg
treatment prolonged the in vivo clearance of antibody-opsonized erythrocytes.
These results have been confirmed by others (reviewed in; Crow and Lazarus 2008).
The first report of the treatment of an autoimmune disease with IVIg was by
Imbach et al. (1981) who demonstrated that IVIg improves ITP. Salama then noticed
that IVIg caused anaemia and postulated that the success of IVIg in treating ITP was
due to IVIg binding erythrocytes and competitively inhibiting macrophages in the
MPS by the sensitized erythrocytes (Salama et al. 1983). One year later Salama and
colleagues showed that anti-D could treat ITP in RhD-positive patients (Salama
et al. 1984). This elegant hypothesis and clinical success firmly cemented in the
concept that IVIg and anti-D both work by competitively blocking the MPS, and
most ITP-treating physicians have used IVIg and anti-D interchangeably in RhD+
Clarkson and colleagues also showed that direct inactivation of the MPS using
antibodies that bind and block activating Fc receptors were also able to ameliorate
ITP (Clarkson et al. 1986). In the passive murine ITP model, recent work has shown
that a monomeric antibody-fusion protein which binds and blocks activating Fc
receptors was also able to ameliorate the thrombocytopenia (Yu et al. 2016).
Although MPS blockade is an accepted theory to explain the mechanisms of
action of IVIg in ITP, some patients have responded to F(ab′)2 fragments of IVIg
which essentially have no Fc receptor binding activity (Tovo et al. 1984; Burdach
et al. 1986). The original concept behind MPS blockade was that MPS blockade is
due to a direct competitive mechanism whereby opsonized platelets are competing
with IVIg which bound to an antigen in a patient. However, this is not the only
potential mechanism of MPS blockade; another possibility includes that IVIg-
opsonized erythrocytes, once phagocytosed, poison the macrophage by the release
of iron. Although it seems likely that inhibition of the MPS likely underlies at least
some of the activity of IVIg, further work is needed.
IL-33 (Anthony et al. 2011) or CSF-1 (Bruhns et al. 2003) may explain IVIg activity
in murine models of autoimmunity. Work from the author’s laboratory using mice
separately deficient for the IL-1 receptor, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12β, TNFα, interferon γ
receptor and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)1α showed that IVIg could
still ameliorate murine ITP demonstrating that the presence of these individual cyto-
kines is not critical in the amelioration of thrombocytopenia (Crow et al. 2007). In
addition IVIg worked normally in mice deficient for the common cytokine receptor
γ chain (an immune signalling component required for signal transduction through
the receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21) in the same study. In addi-
tion, work from Aubin and colleagues showed that mice exposed to IVIg displayed
no modulation of messenger RNA for 84 different cytokines, chemokines, or recep-
tor messenger RNAs (Aubin et al. 2007). Recent data has shown that IVIg can
upregulate the expression of the MiR-146a microRNA controlling cytokine signal-
ling pathways in human monocytes affecting the expression of several cytokines
(Loubaki et al. 2017).
A recent study performed in 11 patients with CIDP treated with IVIg interest-
ingly showed decreases in mRNA from blood cells for three genes related to the
TNFα receptor 1 (TNFR1) pathway in patients who responded to IVIg (Richard
et al. 2016). In this study, the authors analysed pretreatment levels of each mRNA
with responses 3 weeks after the initiation of IVIg therapy.
Some of the challenges with assessing the contribution of different cytokines to
IVIg action include the time of cytokine analysis, whether cytokines are being
examined from plasma or a cell fraction, and in mRNA studies whether these tran-
scripts actually result in the release of the cytokine. In addition, there is always the
possibility that changes in a mRNA from a particular cellular subset may be over-
shadowed by other subsets present in the sample. Again it cannot be overempha-
sized the additional possibility that IVIg works by different mechanisms in different
IgG has a long half-life in serum, and this is largely contributed to by the activity of
FcRn which binds IgG and protects it from intracellular degradation allowing it to
be trafficked out of the cell (Roopenian and Akilesh 2007). IVIg has been shown to
accelerate the clearance of pathogenic antibodies (Li et al. 2005). Because IVIg is
given at a very high dosage, it has the capability of saturating the FcRn and acceler-
ating the clearance of IgG molecules from the host. The accelerated clearance of
IgG from the host would include all antibodies including those that are pathogenic
as well as the IVIg itself.
To directly address the hypothesis of the contribution of FcRn activity to IVIg
effects in ITP, we used two different models of FcRn genetically-deficient mice and
clearly showed that IVIg ameliorated antiplatelet antibody-mediated thrombocyto-
penia in the absence of FcRn (Crow et al. 2011). These results demonstrated that
IVIg is not dependent on FcRn expression for its ameliorative effect in acute murine
78 A.H. Lazarus
passive ITP. Although it is possible that in other diseases there is a role for FcRn
activity in IVIg action, this could be unlikely given our results in the ITP model. An
additional complexity for FcRn in mediating the effects of IVIg in ITP is that IVIg
effects can be seen in patients within 1 or 2 days, whereas the ability of FcRn to
significantly deplete autoantibodies generally tends to take longer. For this reason
we do not favour the FcRn hypothesis for explaining IVIg effects.
Perhaps one of the most controversial areas of IVIg mechanisms is in the area of
IgG Fc region sialylation. IgG molecules have an asparagine amino acid corre-
sponding to position 297 on the Fc region of IgG which is occupied by N-linked
glycosylation. The glycan structure at this position generally determines the ability
of the IgG to interact with Fc receptors as well as activate complement. Different
glycan structures at this position can increase or decrease the ability of the IgG to
interact with Fc receptors generating antibodies that can have altered inflammatory
activities (Schwab and Nimmerjahn 2013). In the case of IVIg, it was hypothesized
that an altered glycan structure could also mediate anti-inflammatory activity. This
anti-inflammatory activity was shown to be mediated by the presence of a terminal
sialic acid on the glycan structure. A number of high-impact papers published on
this hypothesis have demonstrated a very specific anti-inflammatory pathway
through which these sialic acid-containing IgG molecules mediate immunomodula-
tory effects in autoimmunity. The pathway was demonstrated to commence by the
sialic acid expressing IgG Fc region interacting with a molecule on the surface of
dendritic cells called dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-
grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) in humans. Stimulation of this pathway then led
to the involvement of a number of intermediates including IL-33, basophils and the
inhibitory Fc receptor (FcγRIIB) mediating anti-inflammatory activity. Although
several investigators have shown support for this theory, a much larger number of
investigators have addressed various aspects of this pathway and not found support
for the hypothesis. For those who are interested, readers are referred to reviews
which discuss this hypothesis from a positive perspective (Anthony and Ravetch
2010; Schwab and Nimmerjahn 2013) as well some which discuss the concept less
favourably (von Gunten et al. 2014; Crow and Lazarus 2016).
DC play a central role in the priming of adaptive immune responses, yet they can
also tolerize peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and DC have been viewed as
promising targets for immunotherapy. IVIg has been known to inhibit T-cell prolif-
eration and T-cell cytokine production, but the mechanism of how IVIg could medi-
ate these effects was originally unknown. IVIg was then shown to inhibit the
6 Mechanisms of Action and Immunomodulation by IVIg 79
endogenous mouse albumin or mouse transferrin could all mediate IVIg-like activ-
ity in both murine ITP and in a murine model of arthritis. Because these immune
complexes worked at a 1000-fold lower dose than IVIg, this gave rise to the concept
that IVIg could potentially be replaced with either an immune complex or a modi-
fied “synthetic immune complex”. The advent of molecular engineering and the
ability to create IgG Fc fusion proteins consisting of multiple Fc regions linked to
each other has given rise to a number of different potential IVIg recombinant
Multimerized IgG Fc products fall into a number of different categories and have
been recently discussed and compared in detail (Zuercher et al. 2016). One type of
IgG multimer, called a Stradomer has used fusion of the human IgG2 hinge region
to a human IgG1 Fc, allowing the IgG1 Fc fragment to form multimers. These
Stradomers have protective effects in murine passive ITP, collagen-induced arthri-
tis, a mouse model of myasthenia gravis and an experimental autoimmune neuritis
model (Niknami et al. 2013). Hexa-Fc or HexaGard was selected to oligomerize
monomeric Fc into well-defined hexameric oligomers capable of binding to high-
affinity Fc receptors (Czajkowsky et al. 2015). Another molecule called SIF3 is a
trimeric Fc molecule where the Fab portions of IgG have been substituted with
human IgG Fc fragments and has anti-inflammatory activity in the passive murine
ITP model and murine arthritis. In addition, a number of other similar strategies are
available and have recently been discussed (Zuercher et al. 2016).
In addition to the mechanisms and therapeutics discussed in this review, there are a
number of other potential mechanisms of IVIg action including the ability of IVIg
to affect programmed cell death or apoptosis and the ability of IVIg to mediate
effects in conjunction with complement and effects on B cells. Although IVIg is
used worldwide to treat a multitude of different autoimmune syndromes, its
mechanism(s) of action remain unresolved. The push to replace IVIg with a mono-
clonal antibody will hopefully alleviate many of the problems with IVIg and give
rise to a more effective product for patients.
Aloulou M, Ben Mkaddem S, Biarnes-Pelicot M, Boussetta T, Souchet H, Rossato E, Benhamou
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Anthony RM, Ravetch JV. A novel role for the IgG Fc glycan: the anti-inflammatory activity of
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inflammation through a novel TH2 pathway. Nature. 2011;475(7354):110–3.
Aslam R, Burack WR, Segel GB, McVey M, Spence SA, Semple JW. Intravenous immunoglobulin
treatment of spleen cells from patients with immune thrombocytopenia significantly increases
the percentage of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Br J Haematol. 2017. [Epub ahead of print].
6 Mechanisms of Action and Immunomodulation by IVIg 81
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antibody disposition in a rat model of immune thrombocytopenia. Blood. 2002;100(6):2087–93.
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Wagner HP. High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
in childhood. Lancet (Lond Engl). 1981;1(8232):1228–31.
Kapur R, Aslam R, Kim M, Guo L, Ni H, Segel GB, Semple JW. Thymic-derived tolerizing den-
dritic cells are upregulated in the spleen upon treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin in a
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Li J, van der Wal DE, Zhu G, Xu M, Yougbare I, Ma L, Vadasz B, Carrim N, Grozovsky R, Ruan
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Loubaki L, Chabot D, Paré I, Drouin M, Bazin R. MiR-146a potentially promotes IVIg-
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6 Mechanisms of Action and Immunomodulation by IVIg 83
The traditional classification of the human immune system divides the host response
to external pathogens and transformed cells into innate immunity and adaptive
immunity (Parkin and Cohen 2001). The innate immune system is comprised of
neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, NK lymphocytes, and the
plasma complement proteins. More recent definitions have expanded the innate
immune system to include platelets, endothelium, and the coagulation cascade
(Parkin and Cohen 2001; Blumberg et al. 2009; Mantovani et al. 1997; Loof et al.
2011). The innate immune system represents the first line of host defense against
foreign pathogens. Innate immunity performs its immune surveillance function via
Toll-like receptors which recognize conserved pathogen-associated molecular pat-
terns (PAMPS) but also pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and NK receptors
(Kawai and Akira 2011). The initial response of the innate immune systems feeds
into and directs the subsequent responses of adaptive immunity by antigen process-
ing and cytokine production (Parkin and Cohen 2001).
Adaptive immunity involves the expression of a targeted lymphoid response
against foreign pathogens involving thymic (T) lymphocytes and antibody-
producing B lymphocytes. The targeted responses of the adaptive immune system
can further recruit and amplify the cellular responses of the innate immune system
(Parkin and Cohen 2001). This is performed in large part by antibody-mediated
pathogen clearance. Antibodies can also mediate complement lysis of pathogens in
cellular populations or agents that inhibit signaling pathways which can mediate
their effect by blocking extracellular or intracellular targets. The contemporary rep-
ertoire of immune-modulating agents has expanded from such cytotoxic chemo-
therapeutic agents as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 6-mercaptopurine to
now include humanized monoclonal antibodies that either are lymphocyte cyto-
toxic, cytokine inhibitory, and cytokine receptor inhibitory or block important traf-
ficking molecules for neutrophils, monocytes, or lymphocytes. In addition, there are
an expanding number of small molecules that inhibit important intracellular signal-
ing pathways in lymphocytes. These can be cytotoxic for selected lymphocyte cel-
lular populations or downregulate lymphocyte cellular responses to activating
7.4 Glucocorticosteroids
Glucocorticosteroids (GC) were the first (Hench et al. 1949) and remain one of the
most important agents for the treatment of autoimmune disorders with the broadest
spectrum of immune-modulatory effects (Van der Goes et al. 2014). The spectrum
of their biologic effects can change with increasing doses. At low doses they affect
immune cell trafficking, downregulate FcR expression on macrophages and neutro-
phils, and modulate cell signaling. With higher doses they can induce apoptosis of
eosinophils and mast cells, inhibit dendritic cell differentiation, and suppress cyto-
kine production from T lymphocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells, and smooth
muscle cells. At very high doses, they can induce apoptosis of plasma cells and T
and B lymphocytes. Corticosteroids can inhibit B-lymphocyte differentiation into
plasma cells (Yan et al. 2015). Long-lived T-lymphocyte memory cells appear to be
resistant to the cytotoxic effect of corticosteroids. A recently described subset of T
lymphocytes termed IL-17 producing CD4/CD8 double-negative T lymphocytes
were described in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome. When studied this subpopula-
tion of thymic lymphocytes was resistant to dexamethasone treatment when com-
pared to CD4+ and CD8+ thymic lymphocytes (Alunno et al. 2013). This and other
studies show that different subsets of T lymphocytes may have significant differ-
ences in their sensitivity to corticosteroids.
Compared to other immune-modulating agents, the onset of action by glucocor-
ticoids can be very rapid. Upon binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the
complex of the receptor with the glucocorticoid (GR/GC) is rapidly transported to
the nucleus where it binds to the glucocorticoid binding sites for transcription of
specific genes. Among such gene products are other transcription factors which
work with the GR to induce transcription of additional gene products in what is
termed a feed-forward gene regulatory loop (Meijsing et al. 2009; Psarra and Sekeris
2009; Sasse et al. 2013). In addition to its role in gene transcription, the GR/GC
complex has direct and indirect effects on mitochondrial function and as yet unex-
plained cytoplasmic cellular effects.
90 H.A. Liebman
7.6.1 Cyclophosphamide
7.6.2 Methotrexate
Less is known about the dose-related immunologic effects of 6-MP, AZA, and MMF
on T-lymphocyte subsets. AZA, 6-MP, and MMF influence purine synthesis by
inhibiting the proliferative response of lymphocytes to activating stimuli. AZA and
6-MP inhibit the first step of de novo purine synthesis suppressing both T and B
lymphocytes. The antiproliferative effect is nonselective and can result in significant
neutropenia from bone marrow suppression at higher doses (Maltzman and Koretzky
2003). MMF is more selective for lymphocyte suppression by both inhibiting purine
synthesis and by competitive inhibition of inosine monophosphate dehydroge-
nase (IMPDH). Activated lymphocytes are highly dependent on the IMPDH sal-
vage pathway for purine synthesis (Allison and Eugui 1996). Therefore, there is less
direct bone morrow suppression and greater lymphocyte selectivity (Sollinger
92 H.A. Liebman
The B-lymphocyte antigen, CD20, was the first target for the development of a
humanized monoclonal antibody. This was antigen originally selected as a potential
target for treatment of B-cell lymphomas. Rituximab, the first of these humanized
monoclonal antibodies to target the CD20 antigen on B lymphocytes, has been suc-
cessfully utilized in the treatment of a number of autoimmune disorders. There are
case reports and Phase II clinical trials on its use in patients with autoimmune
hemolytic anemia, immune thrombocytopenia, coagulation factor VIII inhibitors,
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, cryoglobuli-
nemia, multiple sclerosis, and neuromyelitis optica (Dierickx et al. 2015; Patel et al.
2012; Franchini and Lippi 2008; Coca and Sanz 2012; Cacoub et al. 2012;
Rubenstein et al. 2006). However, in the United States, rituximab is only FDA
approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in combination with methotrex-
ate. It is frequently combined with corticosteroids and other immune-modulating
agents when used to treat autoimmune disorders (Bussel et al. 2014; Gupta et al.
2002). What is notable in regard to these antibody-mediated disorders is that the
pathogenic antibodies are IgG immunoglobulins, produced primarily by plasma
cells which show minimal CD20 expression. Despite this, treatment responses,
depending upon the specific immunopathic disorder, range from 20 to 80%. In ITP,
studies by Stasi and colleagues found that specific changes in the T-lymphocyte
repertoire best define those patients who obtain a complete response to rituximab
treatment compared to patients who failed to respond (Stasi et al. 2007, 2008).
Increases in CD4+FOXP3+ T regulatory cells number and function are seen in the
patients who obtain long-term complete remissions (Stasi et al. 2007, 2008). This
effect may be due to modulation or B- and T-lymphocyte cross talk or depletion of
7 Immunomodulatory Drugs and Monoclonal Antibodies 93
7.7.2 N
oncytotoxic Immune-Modulating Monoclonal
ulcerative colitis, and psoriasis (Rutgeerts et al. 2005). The first of these antibodies,
infliximab, which targets TNFα, has documented efficacy in inflammatory bowel
disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and ankylosing spondylitis (Aggarwal 2003;
Rutgeerts et al. 2005; Sands et al. 2004; Maini et al. 1999; Fong et al. 2016).
Golimumab, adalimumab, and certolizumab are the second, third, and fourth anti-
TNF-α inhibitory antibodies with the same general clinical indications as infliximab
(Hibi et al. 2017; Colombel et al. 2007; Weinblatt et al. 2017). Adalimumab was the
first totally humanized monoclonal therapeutic antibody, but except for this struc-
tural difference, there appear to be no significant therapeutic advantages to this anti-
body over the other two approved TNF-α inhibitory antibodies. A TNF receptor
fusion protein, etanercept, acts as a competitive inhibitor of TNF binding to its
receptor and is a therapeutic alternative to direct TNF inhibition.
The next generation of inhibitory antibodies targeted interleukin 1 (IL-1). IL-1 is
produced by cells of the innate immune system, macrophages, monocytes, fibro-
blasts, and dendritic cells. It may also be produced by endothelial cells, NK cells,
and B lymphocytes. There are 11 members of the IL-1 cytokine family, with IL-1
alpha and IL-1 beta being the most often studied (Garlanda et al. 2013). IL-1 is a
central mediator of the inflammatory response of the body against infection. It
induces expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells which results in neu-
trophil and monocyte adhesion to the vessel wall, rolling, and diapedesis into tis-
sues. It is also the major inducer of TNF and the febrile response to infection.
Canakinumab was the first FDA-approved humanized monoclonal directed against
IL-1 beta to treat auto-inflammatory syndromes such as cryopyrin-associated peri-
odic syndromes and more recently to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (Kuemmerle-
Deschner et al. 2016; Orrock and Ilowite 2016). The antibody also has documented
efficacy in familial Mediterranean fever and other rare inflammatory syndrome
(Kucuksahin et al. 2017; Gattorno et al. 2017). Similar to the TNF receptor competi-
tive inhibitor, etanercept, interleukin 1 receptor competitive inhibitors, anakinra and
rilonacept, have also demonstrated activity in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
and other inflammatory disorders.
Therapeutic inhibitory humanized monoclonal antibodies inhibitory of interleu-
kin 6 (IL-6), tocilizumab; inhibitory of interleukin 17 (IL-17), secukinumab, ixeki-
zumab, and brodalumab; inhibitory of the interleukin 12/23 complex (IL12/23),
ustekinumab; and inhibitory of B-cell-activating factor (BAFF), belimumab, are
now approved for various immunopathic disorders.
Tocilizumab has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis
(Teitsma et al. 2016) and giant cell arteritis (Ostrowsk et al. 2014). Secukinumab,
ixekizumab, and brodalumab have FDA approval and efficacy in the treatment of
refractory psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (Mease 2015; Mease et al. 2016, 2017).
Ustekinumab by inhibition of IL12/23 downregulates the production of IL17 (Mease
2015). Therefore, it is not surprising that it has similar efficacy in the treatment of
psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (Kavanaugh et al. 2016). Belimumab is the first
immune-modulating therapy approved for the treatment of systemic lupus erythe-
matosus (Lutalo and D'Cruz 2014). The antibody also shows promise in the treat-
ment of primary Sjogren’s disease (Mariette et al. 2015).
7 Immunomodulatory Drugs and Monoclonal Antibodies 95
7.9 Summary
The increasing number of therapeutic agents for autoimmune disorders has signifi-
cantly improved the outcomes for many patients but has resulted in only a small
number of sustained unmaintained remissions. The variability of treatment out-
comes to individual agents has clearly heterogeneous. As suggested by Cines and
colleagues, many autoimmune disorders, like immune thrombocytopenia, should
best be termed a syndrome and not a disease (Cines et al. 2009). Unraveling the
heterogeneity of the various autoimmune disorders should result in better selection
of therapeutic agents for the treatment of such patients.
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Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin
in Neurology 8
Marinos C. Dalakas
8.1 Introduction
periodic assessments are now advocated for these patients to establish their need for
continuous immunotherapy, by tapering the IVIg dose or temporarily stopping IVIg
to ensure its judicious use for continuous chronic long-term therapy (Lunneman
et al. 2015a, b). Management
Based on at least two randomized trials, one dose of IVIG (5-day regimen of 0.4 g/
kg/d) was comparable to plasmapheresis (PE) in outcome measures including time
to unaided walking and discontinuation of ventilation [class I evidence]
(Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barré Syndrome Trial Group 1997). Combining IVIG with
PE or with 500 mg intravenous methylprednisolone produced no incremental
response (Lunneman et al. 2015a, b; Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barré Syndrome Trial
Group 1997). IVIg also remains the treatment of choice in childhood GBS, based on
observations attesting to a faster recovery and reduced morbidity, but controlled
studies are not available and may not be ever conducted.
GBS is a monophasic disease, but many patients remain with significant
weakness within the first month of the disease, in spite of the early initiation of
IVIg therapy. Whether a second IVIg infusion may add more benefit when
improvement has not occurred or it is inadequate 3 weeks after the first infusion
remains unclear in spite of anecdotal evidence. A controlled study assessing the
benefit of a second IVIG infusion is currently ongoing in the Netherlands. This
is immunologically justified because a small increase in serum IgG level,
2 weeks after one IVIg infusion, was independently associated with signifi-
cantly slower recovery and more disability at 6 months (Kuitwaard et al. 2009).
It is anticipated that this study will provide credence to the observation that a
low DeltaIgG 2 weeks after the initial infusion may be a sign that a higher dos-
age or a second infusion might be helpful for patients who exhibit poor
8 Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neurology 103
8.2.2 C
hronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
(CIDP) Management
Controlled studies have shown that steroids, plasmapheresis, and IVIG are equally
effective on a short-term basis (Dalakas 2011). The ICE trial, the largest ever con-
ducted in CIDP, has showed that IVIG is safe and effective not only for short-term
but also for long-term leading to the first FDA-approved indication for a brand of
IVIG (class I evidence) (Hughes et al. 2008). A strong and positive effect on quality
of life and improvement in some electrophysiological measurements were also
noted. In most patients, IVIG becomes clearly effective after 6 weeks, necessitating
the need for at least 2–3 infusions before concluding that it is ineffective. Although
IVIg is generally considered as first-line therapy based on the ICE trial, the choice
of how best to initiate therapy (choosing between prednisone, IVIg, or plasmapher-
esis which are all effective) is judged against cost, long-term side effects, patient
age, venous access, disease severity, and concurrent illnesses. Clinically, patients
more likely to respond to IVIG therapy are those with disease duration of less than
a year, a relapsing course, no difference in strength between arms and legs, and
electrophysiological signs of demyelination with conduction block (Lunneman
et al. 2015a, b). FcγRIIB expression was reported to be decreased in treatment-naïve
CIDP patients and upregulated upon clinically effective IVIG therapy suggesting
that the effect on FcγRIIB may be a factor predicting the patients more likely to
respond to IVIG (Lunneman et al. 2015a, b). Increased Fc glycosylation seems also
associated with disease remission and response to IVIg, but the evidence is not yet
strong enough to serve as a disease biomarker.
IVIg is not effective in patients who have a demyelinating neuropathy, resem-
bling CIDP, accompanied by an IgM monoclonal gammopathy with antibodies to
myelin-associated glycoprotein, based on a controlled study (Dalakas et al. 1996). Management
Unlike CIDP and GBS, MMN does not respond to steroids or plasmapheresis but
responds only to IVIG. Efficacy has been established with a number of controlled
trials, and IVIg is now FDA-approved for MMN (Hahn et al. 2013). The improve-
ment lasts from 3 to 6 weeks, requiring a new reinfusion at almost predictable time
periods. As symptoms diminish, the electrophysiologic conduction block may
resolve. Therapy starts with 2 g/kg, but the response can be maintained with a 1 g/
kg, a pattern also followed for CIDP. Management
Patients with MG respond fairly well to the available therapies, such as anticholin-
esterases, steroids, or immunosuppressants. Plasmapheresis is effective for crises or
severe exacerbations. The use of IVIG in MG has been examined in randomized
trials for treating exacerbations in lieu of plasmapheresis. In two randomized trials,
IVIG was as effective as plasmapheresis at day 15 (Gajdos et al. 1997). In one of the
studies, there was no difference between patients randomized to 1 g/kg for 1 day
versus 2 g/kg for 2 days (Gajdos et al. 2005). IVIG was also superior to placebo,
14 days after therapy, in patients with moderate to severe MG and “worsening
weakness” (Lunneman et al. 2015a, b; Gajdos et al. 2012). Although IVIG may be
effective on a short-term basis, its role in the chronic management of the disease or
as a steroid-sparing drug has not yet been established, but two currently ongoing
trials are precisely aimed to address these questions. At present, IVIG may be justi-
fied in lieu of plasmapheresis for acutely worsening disease to prevent or minimize
impending bulbar or respiratory failure or prepare a weak patient for thymectomy.
IVIG may be also effective in Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome, based on a
small placebo-controlled study, that showed a statistically significant increase in
muscle strength compared to placebo, 2–4 weeks after therapy (Bain et al. 1996).
weakness and a violaceous rash on the face and extremities. Early deposition of
membranolytic attack complex (MAC) on the endomysial capillaries leads to capil-
lary destruction, muscle ischemia, and inflammation. Polymyositis is a rare T-cell-
mediated disease T cell Receptor clonality (O’Hanlon et al 1994), causing subacute
onset of muscle weakness; NAM is a macrophage-mediated, and possibly-antibody-
fixing, process, directed against muscle fibers that cause more severe, and often
acute, muscle weakness. IBM is a chronic disease with slowly progressive proximal
and distal weakness along with muscle atrophy caused by a combination of T-cell-
mediated cytotoxicity along with a degenerative process associated with protein
misfolding (Dalakas 2015). Management
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, IVIg was effective in dermatomyositis
patients resulting in significant improvement of strength and muscle function, com-
pared to placebo, and a marked improvement of the active skin rash as shown in
Fig. 8.1 (Dalakas et al. 1993). Repeat muscle biopsies demonstrated significant
improvement in the muscle cytoarchitecture including increased muscle fiber diam-
eter, as shown in Fig. 8.2, revascularization, reduction of inflammation, interception
of complement deposition, resolution of immunopathology, and downregulation of
inflammatory mediators at the protein, mRNA, and gene level (Raju et al. 2005;
Courtesy of Dalakas MC
Fig. 8.1 Two patients with refractory Dermatomyositis participating in the controlled study
(Dalakas at al 1993) after 3 months of IVIg therapy show a dramatic imrprovement in muscle
106 M.C. Dalakas
Courtesy of Dalakas MC
Fig. 8.2 Muscle biopsy specimens from the same patient taken from the left arm (before) IVIg
and the right arm (after) after IVIg therapy. The number of capillaries (left)and the perifascicular
atrophy with inflammation before therapy have been completely resolved after therapy coinciding
with the resolution of muscle strength. The number of capilaries with the dilated lumen (left) were
also normalized due to neovascularization
Dalakas et al. 1993; Basta and Dalakas 1994). IVIg seems effective in some patients
with polymyositis and NAM (Dalakas 2004b; Lunneman et al. 2015a, b), but a con-
trolled study has not been performed. IVIg is ineffective in IBM based on two con-
trolled studies; it did however statistically improve the patients’ dysphagia (Dalakas
et al. 1997). Management
In a placebo-controlled, crossover study, IVIG significantly decreased stiffness
scores, and substantially increased walking and functions of daily activities (Dalakas
et al. 2001). The study concluded that IVIG is effective as supplementary therapy in
8 Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neurology 107
patients with SPS who do not adequately respond to first line drugs, such as diaze-
pam, baclofen, and other GABA-enhancing drugs.
Bain PG, Motomura M, Newsom-Davis J, et al. Effects of intravenous immunoglobulin on muscle
weakness and calciumchannel autoantibodies in the Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome.
Neurology. 1996;47:678–68.
Basta M, Dalakas MC. High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin exerts its beneficial effect in
patients with dermatomyositis by blocking endomysial deposition of activated complement
fragments. J Clin Invest. 1994;94:1729–35.
Dalakas MC, Elder G, Hallett M, et al. A long term follow-up study of patients with postpoliomy-
elitis neuromuscular symptoms. N Engl J Med. 1986;314:959–63.
Dalakas MC. Morphological changes in the muscles of patients with post-poliomyelitis neuromus-
cular symptoms. Neurology. 1988;38:99–104.
Dalakas MC. The use of intravenous immunoglobulin in the treatment of autoimmune neurological
disorders: evidence-based indications and safety profile. Pharmacol Ther. 2004a;102:177–93.
Dalakas MC. Inflammatory disorders of muscle: progress in polymyositis, dermatomyositis and
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Dalakas MC. Intravenous immunoglobulin in autoimmune neuromuscular diseases. JAMA.
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Dalakas MC, Gooch C. Close to the node but far enough: what nodal antibodies tell us about CIDP
and its therapies. Neurology. 2016;86:1–2.
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treatment for dermatomyositis. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:1993–2000.
Dalakas MC, et al. A controlled study of intravenous immunoglobulin in demyelinating neuropathy
with IgM gammopathy. Ann Neurol. 1996;40:792–5.
Dalakas MC, et al. Treatment of inclusion-body myositis with IVIg: a double-blind, placebo-
controlled study. Neurology. 1997;48:712–6.
Dalakas MC, et al. High-dose intravenous immune globulin for stiff-person syndrome. N Engl J
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Dodel RC, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulins containing antibodies against beta-amyloid for the
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004;75:1472–4.
Federico P, Zochodne DW, Hahn AF, Brown WF, Feasby TE. Multifocal motor neuropathy improved
by IVIg: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Neurology. 2000;55:1256–62.
8 Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neurology 109
Gajdos P, Chevret S, Clair B, Tranchant C, Chastang C. Clinical trial of plasma exchange and high-
dose intravenous immunoglobulin in myasthenia gravis. Myasthenia Gravis Clinical Study
Group. Ann Neurol. 1997;41:789–96.
Gajdos P, et al. Treatment of myasthenia gravis exacerbation with intravenous immunoglobu-
lin: a randomized double-blind clinical trial. Arch Neurol. 2005;62:1689–93.
Gajdos P, Chevret S, Toyka KV. Intravenous immunoglobulin for myasthenia gravis. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2012;12:CD002277.
Gold R, Stangel M, Dalakas MC. Drug insight: the use of intravenous immunoglobulin in neurol-
ogy—therapeutic considerations and practical issues. Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2007;3:36–44.
Gonzalez H, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin for post-polio syndrome: a randomised controlled
trial. Lancet Neurol. 2006;5:493–500.
Hahn AF, Beydoun SR, Lawson V, et al. A controlled trial of IVIG in multifocal motor neuropathy.
J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2013;18:321–30.
Hughes RA, et al. Intravenous immune globulin (10% caprylate-chromatography purified) for
the treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (ICE study): a
randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol. 2008;7:136–44.
Hughes RA, Dalakas MC, Cornblath DR, et al. Clinical applications of intravenous immunoglobu-
lin in neurology. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009;158(Suppl 1):34–2.
Kuitwaard K, et al. Pharmacokinetics of intravenous immunoglobulin and outcome in Guillain-
Barre syndrome. Ann Neurol. 2009;66:597–603.
Lunneman JD, Quast I, Dalakas MC. Efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin in neurological
diseases. Neurotherapeutics. 2015a;13:34–46.
Lunneman JD, Nimmerjahn F, Dalakas MC. Intravenous immunoglobulin in neurology: mode of
action and clinical efficacy. Nat Rev Neurol. 2015b;11:80–9.
O’Hanlon TP, Dalakas MC, Plotz PH, Miller FW. Predominant α/β T cell receptor variable and
joining gene expression by muscle-infiltrating lymphocytes in the idiopathic inflammatory
myopathies. J Immunol. 1994;152:2569–76.
Raju R, Dalakas MC. Gene expression profile in the muscles of patients with inflammatory myopa-
thies: effect of therapy with IVIg and biologic validation of clinical relevant genes. Brain.
Relkin NR, Thomas RG, Rissman RA, et al. A phase 3 trial of IV immunoglobulin for Alzheimer
disease. Neurology. 2017;88:1–8.
Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barré Syndrome Trial Group. Randomised trial of plasma exchange,
intravenous immunoglobulin, and combined treatments in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Plasma
Exchange/Sandoglobulin Guillain-Barre Syndrome Trial Group. Lancet. 1997;349:225–30.
Vincent A. Unravelling the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis. Nat Rev Immunol. 2002;2:797–
Yuki N, Hartung HP. Guillain-Barre syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2012;366:2294–304.
Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulin
in Dermatology 9
Jochen H.O. Hoffmann and Alexander H. Enk
a b
Fig. 9.1 Pemphigus vulgaris. Images of the chest area of a patient with severe mucocutaneous
pemphigus vulgaris resistant to treatment with oral prednisolone (up to 3 mg/kg body weight),
mycophenolate mofetil (3 g/day), and hemolysis in response to dapsone (a). We initiated concomi-
tant treatment with IVIg (2 g/kg body weight) over a course of 2 days every 4 weeks. Under the
combined immunosuppression, disease activity finally subsided. The dosage of prednisolone and
mycophenolate mofetil could be reduced stepwise. The patient is still in remission after 4 years (b)
IVIg treatment. Several case series highlight the effectiveness of IVIg in mucous
membrane pemphigoid and epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Furthermore, based on
analogy and case reports, the use of IVIg is advocated in severe and treatment-
resistant cases of other autoimmune blistering diseases with a similar pathophysiol-
ogy. IVIg is recommended as an adjuvant second- or third-line treatment after
unsuccessful application of a conventional immunosuppressive combination ther-
apy including a systemic steroid and, most commonly, mycophenolate mofetil or
azathioprine (Eming et al. 2015; Enk et al. 2016; Feliciani et al. 2015; Venning et al.
2012). The initiation of IVIg is usually flanked with high-dose oral corticosteroids
(prednisolone 1–2 mg/kg body weight) to initiate remission. Usually, 2 g/kg body
weight of IVIg distributed over the course of 2–5 days is infused every 4 weeks
(Table 9.2). If no sustained response is observed after four to six treatment cycles,
temporary escalation with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab can be considered
(Ahmed et al. 2006). In case of a response, the systemic steroid is tapered to 5 mg/
day prednisolone, followed by a taper and discontinuation of the steroid sparing
conventional immunosuppressive. Subsequently, the intervals of IVIg treatment are
extended to 6 weeks, and, finally, IVIg treatment is discontinued.
9.3 Dermatomyositis
9.5 Scleromyxedema
Kawasaki disease designates an acute generalized vasculitis that mainly affects chil-
dren. It was hypothesized that the disease might be triggered by an unknown infec-
tious agent in genetically predisposed individuals. Clinically, Kawasaki disease
starts with high fever (>40 °C), which is accompanied by unilateral cervical lymph-
adenopathy in most cases. Subsequently, a pronounced erythema of the tongue and
oral cavity, conjunctival injection, and morbilliform, scarlatiniform, or purpuric
exanthema usually ensue. The disease can be complicated by myocardial, coronary,
neurological, and gastrointestinal involvements, which are mainly responsible for
mortality and residual functional impairment.
116 J.H.O. Hoffmann and A.H. Enk
The mainstay of the treatment of TEN is the cessation of the causative drug and
best supportive care. Given the large-scale erosions, patients are usually admitted to
a burn intensive care unit. IVIg contains inhibitory antibodies, in particular, anti-
FAS antibodies that may, in theory, prevent keratinocyte apoptosis. The available
data on the effectiveness of IVIg in TEN is, however, contradictory. Some authori-
ties suggest that IVIg may only be beneficial at high doses in TEN. Indeed, a recent
meta-analysis found an inverse relation between the dose of IVIg and mortality
(Barron et al. 2015). The recommended dosage is, therefore, a single cycle of at
least 3 g/kg body weight IVIg over the course of 2–5 days (Table 9.8). Given the
favorable risk profile of IVIg, the harsh prognosis of TEN, and the lack of reliable
alternative therapeutics, the current European IVIg guideline states that IVIg treat-
ment is justified in TEN (Enk et al. 2016). If the decision for the application of IVIg
is made, however, treatment should commence as early as possible. It is important
to stress that, apart from the cessation of the offending drug and best supportive
care, no generally accepted treatment guidelines for TEN exist. Alternative treat-
ment options that were very recently labeled promising in a comprehensive meta-
analysis by the group of Maja Mockenhaupt (Zimmermann et al. 2017) are systemic
steroids and cyclosporine, while insufficient evidence was found to support the use
of IVIg in TEN.
Ahmed AR, Spigelman Z, Cavacini LA, et al. Treatment of pemphigus vulgaris with rituximab and
intravenous immune globulin. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:1772–9.
Amagai M, Ikeda S, Shimizu H, et al. A randomized double-blind trial of intravenous immuno-
globulin for pemphigus. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:595–603.
Amagai M, Ikeda S, Hashimoto T, et al. A randomized double-blind trial of intravenous immuno-
globulin for bullous pemphigoid. J Dermatol Sci. 2017;85:77–84.
Barron SJ, Del Vecchio MT, Aronoff SC. Intravenous immunoglobulin in the treatment of Stevens-
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: a meta-analysis with meta-regression of
observational studies. Int J Dermatol. 2015;54:108–15.
Boletis JN, Ioannidis JP, Boki KA, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin compared with cyclophos-
phamide for proliferative lupus nephritis. Lancet. 1999;354:569–70.
Dalakas MC, Illa I, Dambrosia JM, et al. A controlled trial of high-dose intravenous immune
globulin infusions as treatment for dermatomyositis. N Engl J Med. 1993;329:1993–2000.
118 J.H.O. Hoffmann and A.H. Enk
Eming R, Sticherling M, Hofmann SC, et al. S2k guidelines for the treatment of pemphigus vul-
garis/foliaceus and bullous pemphigoid. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2015;13:833–44.
Enk AH, Hadaschik EN, Eming R, et al. European Guidelines (S1) on the use of high-dose intra-
venous immunoglobulin in dermatology. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016;30:1657–69.
Feliciani C, Joly P, Jonkman MF, et al. Management of bullous pemphigoid: the European
Dermatology Forum consensus in collaboration with the European Academy of Dermatology
and Venereology. Br J Dermatol. 2015;172:867–77.
Fortin PM, Tejani AM, Bassett K, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin as adjuvant therapy for
Wegener’s granulomatosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013; CD007057.
Furusho K, Kamiya T, Nakano H, et al. High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin for Kawasaki dis-
ease. Lancet. 1984;2:1055–8.
Group NICRW. Criteria for the clinical use of intravenous immunoglobulin in Australia. 2nd ed.
In: 2012.
Hahn BH, Mcmahon MA, Wilkinson A, et al. American College of Rheumatology guidelines for
screening, treatment, and management of lupus nephritis. Arthritis Care Res. 2012;64:797–808.
Jayne DR, Chapel H, Adu D, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin for ANCA-associated systemic
vasculitis with persistent disease activity. QJM. 2000;93:433–9.
Mulhearn B, Bruce IN. Indications for IVIG in rheumatic diseases. Rheumatology (Oxford).
Neudorf U, Lilienthal E. Vaskulitiden – Kawasaki-Syndrom. In: AWMF – Leitlinien. 2013.
Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Burns JC, et al. The treatment of Kawasaki syndrome with intrave-
nous gamma globulin. N Engl J Med. 1986;315:341–7.
Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Gerber MA, et al. Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management
of Kawasaki disease: a statement for health professionals from the Committee on Rheumatic
Fever, Endocarditis and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young,
American Heart Association. Circulation. 2004;110:2747–71.
Perricone R, De Carolis C, Kroegler B, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in pregnant
patients affected with systemic lupus erythematosus and recurrent spontaneous abortion.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008;47:646–51.
Provan D, Chapel HM, Sewell WA, et al. Prescribing intravenous immunoglobulin: summary of
Department of Health guidelines. BMJ. 2008;337:a1831.
Sunderkotter C, Nast A, Worm M, et al. Guidelines on dermatomyositis—excerpt from the inter-
disciplinary S2k guidelines on myositis syndromes by the German Society of Neurology. J
Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2016;14:321–38.
Tunnicliffe DJ, Singh-Grewal D, Kim S, et al. Diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of systemic
lupus erythematosus: a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines. Arthritis Care Res.
Venning VA, Taghipour K, Mohd Mustapa MF, et al. British Association of Dermatologists’ guide-
lines for the management of bullous pemphigoid 2012. Br J Dermatol. 2012;167:1200–14.
Zimmermann S, Sekula P, Venhoff M, et al. Systemic Immunomodulating therapies for Stevens-
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
JAMA Dermatol. 2017;153(6):514–22.
Part II
Basics of IgG Concentrates
Historical Aspects of Polyclonal IgG
Preparations 10
Volker Wahn and Peter Späth
10.1 Introduction
Today we can choose between several polyclonal IgG products for both replace-
ment and immunomodulation. However, it was a long way to go to reach this stage.
In this chapter, we try to illustrate the major stages of IgG product development
which began more than 70 years ago.
V. Wahn (*)
Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité University Hospital,
Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Späth
Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
10.3 T
he Early Days of Clinical Development
of IgG Therapies
From 1941 onward, therapies with protein concentrates from fractioned plasma were
developed under contract between the Office of Scientific Research and Development
and Boston Harvard University. Charles A. Janeway (1909–1981) was put in charge.
At that time, he was running the infectious and immunology laboratory at the Peter
Bent Brigham Hospital and was member of the Harvard Medical School Department
of Bacteriology and Immunology, and in 1940 he furthermore joined the laboratory
of Edwin J. Cohn in the Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Chemistry
(Geha 2005; Rosen and Janeway 1994). After initial studies in 1941 in humans with
bovine (fatal outcomes) and human serum albumin (successful), in 1943 he turned to
study Cohn fraction II (+III), the plasma fraction(s) enriched in IgG. The initial stud-
ies largely remained restricted to the prevention or attenuation of viral infections,
particularly of measles infections (Ordman et al. 1944). The initial restriction to viral
diseases probably was because from the late 1930s onward, the dawn of antibiotic
treatment, Janeway built up an outstanding expertise in the treatment of bacterial
infections with these emerging new drugs (Smith 1977).
The first human ever receiving an IgG concentrate was Janeway himself—with
almost fatal consequences as the lot was contaminated with bacterial toxin (Rosen and
Janeway 1994). Aiming for rapid increase of antibodies in the circulation and pursu-
ing the “tradition” set, the “lot-release” for intravenous application of toxin free prep-
arations was a self-infusion to one or the other collaborators of Janeway. Repeated
severe and one almost fatal adverse event let Janeway note: “One mystery about nor-
mal serum gamma globulin which has defied explanation is its toxicity on intravenous
injection. Although reactions have been practically nonexistent on intramuscular
injection for measles prophylaxis, intravenous injection of the most highly purified
preparations into normals in moderate doses and into patients ill with acute infections
in much smaller doses has led to acute vasomotor reactions followed by severe chills
and hyperpyrexia. This has occurred so regularly that one wonders whether it has
genuine physiologic significance” (cited from Janeway 1948). Therefore, intravenous
application of “standard IgG” was given up in favor of the intramuscular route.
10.4 F
rom Intramuscular “Standard IgG”
to Intravenous Preparations
Until the early 1950s, two slightly different cold ethanol fractionation methods were
established. In the USA the Cohn-Oncley method provided a highly pure “standard
IgG.” The method was a lavish one with high volumes during fractionation and a
low recovery of IgG (Cohn et al. 1944; Oncley et al. 1949). The other was the
Kistler-Nitschmann method established as the “European” method for plasma frac-
tionation (Nitschmann et al. 1954). With this method, volumes to handle during
fractionation were considerable lower and the recovery higher at cost of some impu-
rities, mainly IgA. Both methods provided a “standard IgG” concentrate.
10 Historical Aspects of Polyclonal IgG Preparations 123
Most likely gamma globulin therapy would have stayed in the shadow of antibi-
otic treatment, if not agammaglobulinemia would have been described in 1952 by
OC Bruton. Applying plasma electrophoresis to the serum of an 8-year-old boy, he
realized an association between recurrent severe infections (starting at an age of
four and a half years of age) and a very low gamma globulin in serum. In an attempt
to reduce susceptibility to infections, he administered “standard IgG” subcutane-
ously and demonstrated an increase of gamma globulin in blood, clinically a
decrease of infections. Some remarkable facts of Bruton’s work have to be high-
lighted: (a) despite the overwhelming position of the Boston group, he selected the
less painful subcutaneous route of administration for his young patient; (b) he
detected a new disease; and (c) he provided the therapy. Although less painful, at
that time, only low doses of “standard IgG” could be administered via this route,
and the need for i.v. preparations allowing administration of larger doses became
evident (again).
The first human immunoglobulin preparations were Cohn fraction II at 16% strength
without any dedicated polishing step, i.e., a “crude” IgG concentrate. The effort of
Barandun and colleagues shed light on Janeways “mystery about normal serum
gamma globulin”: “standard IgG” contained IgG aggregates capable of activating
the complement system. This activation process generated anaphylatoxins like C3a
and C5a and caused acute intolerance reactions if “standard IgG” was given intrave-
nously. Thus, from the beginning of the 1960s onward, research focused on the
reduction of aggregates as the cause of anticomplementary activity (ACA) in order
to create preparations that were tolerated upon intravenous use. Even today, ACA
assessment is a release criterion for IVIG lots.
Only a very few of these products are still available in some regions of the world,
mainly because the above measures to achieve i.v. tolerability provided markedly
impaired structures and functions of IgG. Some procedures destroyed IgG3.
Currently, the plasma fractionating companies use combinations of procedures to
achieve high recovery as well as high purity and leave their product as native as pos-
sible, nevertheless well-tolerated by the i.v. route (see Chaps. 12 and 13).
In pivotal trials, rarely placebo controlled, the biological activity of most of the
older products was assessed measuring protection from infections of antibody-
deficient patients. Head-to-head comparisons of different products in vivo or
placebo-controlled trials were rarely performed. A few clinical trials in patients with
primary Immunodeficiencies illustrating developmental steps should be mentioned:
Ammann et al. 1982; Steele et al. 1987; Garbett et al. 1989; Schiff et al. 1997;
Lamari et al. 2000; Roifman et al. 2003; Kallenberg 2007).
In order to define some quality characteristics for IgG preparations a WHO/IUIS
expert committee met in 1983 and defined minimal requirements for IVIG products
(IUIS 1983):
At that time, not all products fulfilled these requirements. However, keeping
these goals in mind the different companies intensified their research heading for
products that came as close to these requirements as possible. After a one and half
decade of development, the first “native” 7S IgG concentrate came to the market in
Switzerland: Ig-SRC (SRC = Swiss Red Cross). The clue to reach intravenous toler-
ability was the polishing of “standard IgG” at low pH and traces of pepsin. This step
rendered remaining aggregates ineffective. Other manufacturers applied other
10 Historical Aspects of Polyclonal IgG Preparations 125
Severe adverse events (sAEs) from the very beginning of transfusion science and its
clinical application have been a threat to the recipients. sAEs encompass incompat-
ible transfusion reactions, TRALI, anaphylactic reactions, organ damage, and trans-
mission of pathogens. Plasma products mediate some of these sAEs as well. Back
in the early 1940s, an elevated risk for “homologous serum jaundice” was associ-
ated with the use of pooled serum (for stabilizing yellow fever vaccine). The same
was true for the first product prepared from pooled plasma, albumin (Spurling et al.
1946). Great efforts made already in 1945 available a virus inactivation method for
albumin concentrates, pasteurization at 60 °C for 10 h (Gelli et al. 1948).
Unfortunately, this method was not applicable to “standard IgG” and sporadic trans-
mission of hepatitis occurred (see below).
The recommendations by the WHO/IUIS expert committee in 1983 were based
on causes of adverse events known at that time. A major problem at that time were
immediate anaphylactoid reactions caused by anti-IgA antibodies (IgG or IgE iso-
type) in the patients and “phlogistic” reactions delayed by about 2–3 h after start of
the infusion (= patient-related) or anticomplementary, PKA or kinin activity in the
products (= product-related).
The worst of the adverse events with IgG concentrates which occurred after the
WHO/IUIS recommendation was the transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV; “hep-
atitis non-A, non-B” termed at that time) by some polyvalent IgG preparations
(Lane 1983; Lever et al. 1984; Stephan and Dichtelmüller 1983; Weiland et al.
1986; Welch et al. 1983; Williams et al. 1989) as well as with an anti-D immuno-
globulin prepared in the former German Democratic Republic. It became apparent
that Cohn fractionation II of human plasma alone was limited in its capacity to
inactivate transmissible viruses while products remained free from the threat of
virus transmission, particularly those prepared by the Kistler-Nitschmann fraction-
ation technique, most likely due to the low pH applied at polishing. Several patients
infected by HCV experienced a severe course of infection and a few died (Björkander
et al. 1988; Razvi et al. 2001) making viral safety a crucial issue for IgG products
(Cuthbertson et al. 1987). Driven by the virus transmission risks of blood transfu-
sion and the obvious elevated risk of virus transmission by coagulation factor con-
centrates, authorities always orient themselves to the highest risk level and require
accordingly measures to guarantee product safety. IgG therapy on one hand com-
prises a particular set of risks, while on the other hand the fractionation technique
126 V. Wahn and P. Späth
and the polishing steps offer particular opportunities for virus inactivation/removal.
The particular risks with IgG therapy are:
Table 10.1 Transfusion medicine from the very early days onward was struggling with transmis-
sion of pathogens, particularly viruses
Genus Viruses
Herpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human
herpesviruses (HHV)-6, -7, -8
Papovaviruses John Cunningham (JC) and BK (initials patients) viruses
Parvoviruses Parvovirus B19V, adeno-associated virus (AAV)
Hepadnaviruses Homologous serum jaundice (HBV)
Circoviruses Transfusion transmitted virus (TTV), TTV-like mini virus or torque teno
mini virus (TLMV)
Retroviruses Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1,-2, human T-cell
lymphotropic virus (HTLV III, LAV)
Flaviviruses Hepatitis C virus (HCV), West Nile virus (WNV), Zika virus (ZIKV),
yellow fever virus (YFV), other arboviruses
Alphaviruses Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), (W,E,V) equine encephalosis viruses
Coronaviruses SARS-associated virus
Bornaviruses Borna disease virus
Picornaviruses Hepatitis A virus (HAV), human enteroviruses
Bunyaviruses La Crosse, Sin Nombre, Hantaan
Arenaviruses Lassa fever, Junin, Machupo
Hepaviridae Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
Listed are some viruses found in blood donations. Pooling of plasma elevates the risk of infecting
clusters of recipients by a single lot of a plasma product. Those viruses, which might represent a
potential threat for transmission by plasma products, are depicted in bold
10 Historical Aspects of Polyclonal IgG Preparations 127
In order to lower the risk of pathogen transmission, validated processes for elimi-
nation/inactivation of pathogens became mandatory for plasma products (see
Chap. 12).
It needs to be mentioned that up to date not a single case of HIV infection
acquired through IgG preparations even before dedicated virus inactivation and
removal steps have been introduced to the fractionation and polishing processes.
Furthermore, no case of variant CJD transmission by plasma products has been
reported worldwide (Helbert et al. 2016). The problem with hepatitis C seems to be
solved because since more than 25 years no new cases of HCV transmission have
been reported. Nevertheless all companies producing IgG concentrates are
extremely alert with respect to pathogens possibly emerging/re-emerging in the
–– The immune status of the diseased patient at the time point of the infusion, i.e.,
the subtle and extreme wide array of recognition by infused IgG of the patients’
immune structures and vice versa, the recognition by patients’ immune system,
the exogenous IgG (for details see P. Späth et al. 2015).
Delayed adverse reactions might all be associated with risk factors the diseased
patient brings along. These factors are discussed to render patients particularly sen-
sitive to effects of the interrelation of applied IgG and patient’s immune status. Such
128 V. Wahn and P. Späth
“risk factors” may exist subclinically. Some of the more common adverse events
seen primarily with IVIG are (modified from Cherin et al. 2016):
–– Migraine headaches
–– Aseptic meningitis (patient dehydrated? Local meningeal inflammation induced
by IgG on the basis of infused IgG recognizing “risk factors?”) (Sekul et al.
1994; Scribner et al. 1994; Hopkins and Jolles 2005; Berg and Fuellenhals 2016)
–– Osmotic nephrosis caused by sugars like saccharose in the products, associated
with “risk factors” of the kidney
–– Other renal impairments due to diuretics and renin–angiotensin system
–– Thrombosis/embolic events and myocardial infarction (probably caused by acti-
vated faxtor XI, high sodium content, and high osmolality) (Hefer and Jaloudi
2004; Elkayam et al. 2000; Ammann et al. 2016)
–– Hemolysis (probably caused by isohemagglutinins and alloantibodies)
–– Neutropenia (cause unknown)
–– Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI; speculation on pathogenetic role
of anti-neutrophil antibodies)
–– Hyponatremia, pseudohyponatremia (rare, defect in urinary free water
–– Hyperviscosity syndrome (possibly caused by preexisting very high levels of
IgG in patients) (Hague et al. 1990; Oh et al. 1997)
–– Necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn babies (cause unknown, immaturity?)
(Figueras-Aloy et al. 2010; Kara et al. 2013; Navarro et al. 2009; Yang et al.
10.9 Summary
Manufacturing and safe clinical use of IgG concentrates has gone a long stony but
finally successful way. Compared to “old” products currently available, IgG con-
centrates combine better recovery and higher purity, are more convenient in their
10 Historical Aspects of Polyclonal IgG Preparations 129
use due to liquid formulation and storage at room temperature during their shelf life,
and have a higher pathogen safety, tolerability, purity, and efficacy than the products
40 years ago (Gelfand 2006; Cherin et al. 2016).
The development of products for s.c. administration expanded the spectrum of
treatment options. The option of self-administration by patients increased their
quality of life because this treatment can be given at home. S.c. products also help
to treat patients who have repeated intolerance reactions to IVIG. S.c. products are
increasingly studied in chronic autoimmune/inflammatory conditions, e.g., chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), multifocal motor
neuropathy (MMN), and various dermatological and collagen-vascular diseases.
Results from clinical trials will be available soon. Whether or not ITP can be treated
by s.c. route remains to be clarified. One boy with ataxia telangiectasia developed
ITP while being on s.c. replacement for his immunodeficiency (Heath and Goldman
The availability of human IgG has enabled clinicians all over the world to treat
several diseases with relatively low toxicity. Nevertheless, the obstacles illustrated
in this chapter should be kept in mind to motivate authorities and the plasma indus-
try to enforce efforts to further optimize their products.
Ammann AJ, Ashman RF, Buckley RH, Hardie WR, Krantmann HJ. Use of intravenous gamma-
globulin in antibody immunodeficiency: results of a multicenter controlled trial. Clin Immunol
Immunopathol. 1982;22(1):60–7.
Ammann EM, Haskins CB, Fillman KM, Ritter RL, Gu X, Winiecki SK, Carnahan RM, Torner
JC, Fireman BH, Jones MP, Chrischilles EA. Intravenous immune globulin and thromboem-
bolic adverse events: a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs. 2016. Am J Hematol.
Berg R, Fuellenhals E. Aseptic meningitis following therapy with immune globulins: a
combination of product features and patient characteristics? Transfusion (Paris). 2016;
Berger M. Adverse effects of IgG therapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2013;1(6):558–66.
Björkander J, Cunningham-Rundles C, Lundin P, Olsson R, Söderström R, Hanson LA. Intravenous
immunoglobulin prophylaxis causing liver damage in 16 of 77 patients with hypogammaglobu-
linemia or IgG subclass deficiency. Am J Med. 1988;84(1):107–11.
Bruton OC. Agammaglobulinemia. Pediatrics. 1952;9(6):722–8.
Cherin P, Marie I, Michallet M, Pelus E, Dantal J, Crave JC, Delain JC, Viallard JF. Management
of adverse events in the treatment of patients with immunoglobulin therapy: a review of evi-
dence. Autoimmun Rev. 2016;15(1):71–81.
Cohn EJ, Oncley JL, Strong LE, Hughes WL, Armstrong SH. Chemical, clinical and immunologi-
cal studies on the product of human plasma fractionation. I. The characterization of the protein
fractions of human plasma. J Clin Invest. 1944;23:417–32.
Cuthbertson B, Perry RJ, Foster PR, Reid KG, Crawford RJ, Yap PL. The viral safety of intrave-
nous immunoglobulin. J Infect. 1987;15(2):125–33.
Dantal J. Intravenous immunoglobulins: in-depth review of excipients and acute kidney injury risk.
Am J Nephrol. 2013;38(4):275–84.
Dhainaut F, Guillaumat PO, Dib H, Perret G, Sauger A, De Coupade C, et al. In vitro and
in vivo properties differ among liquid intravenous immunoglobulin preparations. Vox Sang.
130 V. Wahn and P. Späth
11.1 Introduction
The future of the use of antibodies as drugs for the prevention and treatment of
infectious, autoimmune diseases and cancer is bright. The global normal pooled
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) market grows by 6.8% each year and is
expected to reach $11.6 billion (230 tons) by 2021 (see
IgG is composed of two heavy and two light polypeptide chains linked to each
other by disulfide bonds. Each of the two antigen-binding (Fab) fragments is com-
posed of a light chain and a portion of a heavy chain. The light chain has two
immunoglobulin domains—regions of compactly folded structure—while the
heavy chain has four (see Fig. 11.1). The amino-terminal domains of both chains
are highly variable (V domains), while the others are referred to as “constant.” The
variable (V) domains of both form the antigen-binding site (paratope). They are not
encoded in full in the genome, but by a combination of multiple variants of differ-
ent gene segments. Two or three gene segments (for the V regions of light and
heavy chains, respectively) are assembled by a process known as gene rearrange-
ment forming a complete V-region sequence. There are 34–38 V-kappa and
5 J-kappa; 29–33 V-lambda and 4–5 J-lambda light chain V segments, as well as
heavy immunoglobulin
36–46 V-, 23 D-, and 6 J functional heavy chain V-gene segments. The combina-
tion of any V-light chain variant with any V-heavy chain should result in approx.
2.106 antigen-binding site specificities. Further diversity is generated by the sub-
traction (by endonucleases) and by the addition (by the enzyme terminal deoxy-
nucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and by the incorrect DNA chain repair) of nucleotides
during the process of gene fragment recombination. The somatic hypermutation of
the already rearranged V-region genes of the activated B cells in the secondary
lymphoid organs increases the diversity still further. These processes result in the
ability to generate about 1012 different specificities of immunoglobulin B cell
receptors and of circulating immunoglobulins. B cells with strong anti-self reac-
tivities are eliminated, become anergic, or change their receptors by receptor edit-
ing in the bone marrow. The repertoire of immunoglobulin B cell receptors and
circulating immunoglobulins is regarded as being quasi-complete—i.e., although
purged of strong self-reactivities, they can still interact with practically any xeno-
antigen. The same is true for the antibody diversity in pooled therapeutic immuno-
globulins produced from healthy donor plasma pools. The antibody repertoire is
discussed in more detail below.
Between 15 and 25% of all Fab variable regions have additional complex
branched glycans linked to N-glycosylation sites that emerge during somatic hyper-
mutation. These glycans affect antigen binding by both BCR and circulating immu-
noglobulins (van de Bovenkamp et al. 2016).
The Fc fragments are built of a pair of the CH2 and CH3 heavy chain domains
(Fig. 11.1). The two CH3 domains are paired, while the two CH2 are not. Fc frag-
ments are much less variable than the Fab antibody fragments. In addition to iso-
typic and allotypic differences, there are also hundreds of variants of the glycans
coupled to it. The “hinge” region is located in between the F(ab)2 and Fc fragments.
Its length and flexibility determine the ability of both Fab arms to assume different
arm angles—from 00 to 1800. IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies have longer and flexible
hinge regions, and this relates to their strong ability to activate complement and
antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity. IgG2 and IgG4 have short hinge regions and
are weak complement activators.
The IgG binding to a toxin or to a virus particle can prevent the interaction with
their surface receptors on target cells, thus neutralizing them. For other pathogens,
however binding is not sufficient to disarm them. To fight them the Fc-fragment-
dependent activation of complement and/or Fc receptors on immune cells is needed.
This has as a result the launching of effector molecules—reactive oxygen species,
cytokines, as well as antibody-mediated killing by complement-dependent cytotox-
icity (CDC), by antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC), and by the antibody-
dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP).
While monomeric IgG does not bind the C1q complement component, IgG that
is part of immune complexes does so efficiently. Activating the complement system
136 T.L. Vassilev et al.
Table 11.1 Overview of the cell expression and Fc-binding affinity of human type 1 FcγRs
Type 1 FcγRs
Expression Monocytes, Myeloid B, myeloid, NK cells NK cells, Granulocytes
macrophages, and and dendritic macrophages,
granulocytes dendritic cells monocytes
Fc-binding High Low Low Low Low Low
138 T.L. Vassilev et al.
Some IgG molecules tend to aggregate in concentrated solutions. While IgG mono-
mers and dimers are normal components of therapeutic immunoglobulin
11 Basics of Immunoglobulins as Effector Molecules and Drugs 139
While most immunoglobulin preparations used today contain pooled human IgG
isolated from plasma of healthy donors, there is still a small niche for specific high-
titer immunoglobulins of animal (mostly equine) origin, as well as increasing niches
for high-titer preparations of polyclonal human IgG as well as of human monoclo-
nal immunoglobulins for passive prophylactic immunization and immunotherapy of
infectious diseases.
Normal pooled IgG preparations contain antibodies neutralizing various bacte-
rial toxins, viruses, etc. The levels of the respective protective antibodies in indi-
vidual production lots are only known when being parameters of lot release.
High-titer preparations are from reconvalescent plasma, from plasma of immunized
volunteers, or from pre-screened individual donors. The levels of respective anti-
bodies are standardized and the optimal doses to be administered are well known.
A hundred and twenty five years after the first use of hyperimmune horse serum
in children with diphtheria, animal immunoglobulins are still used for the treatment
of patients with diphtheria, tetanus, food-borne botulism, venomous snakebites, etc.
The side effects and dangers of injecting animal antibodies to humans are serious and
very well known. Their half-lives are short (approx. 5 days) and the lifelong sensiti-
zation to the administered animal proteins is inevitable. These preparations have an
additional disadvantage—they could not be injected intravenously, but only intra-
muscularly. Passive immunization is an emergency procedure which works well
when the antibodies are injected intravenously and reach the tissues quickly (Bayry
et al. 2004). The reason for the continuous production and use of animal immuno-
globulins is that they are cheaper and more easy to produce, while their human ana-
logs are expensive, are not available worldwide, or are even nonexistent.
Several specific high-titer human immunoglobulins are available for intravenous
administration: anti-D, anti-tetanus, anti-cytomegalovirus, anti-botulism, etc.
(Lazarus et al. 1998); Arnon et al. 2006; Alexander et al. 2010). A human specific
intravenous immunoglobulin for the treatment of Crimean/Congo hemorrhagic
fever has been shown to be effective in a small clinical trial (Vassilenko et al. 1990),
but its orphan drug status prevented its further production. The therapeutic potential
of reconvalescent serum and monoclonal anti-Ebola virus monoclonal antibodies
for Ebola virus disease has been proved in recent epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa
(Moekotte et al. 2016).
A good recent example for the successful use of a human monoclonal antibody in
a bacterial-caused disease is that of bezlotoxumab in severe Clostridium difficile
11 Basics of Immunoglobulins as Effector Molecules and Drugs 141
infection. The administration of this antibody, specific for the A toxin of the pathogen,
has resulted in a significantly lower rate of recurrent infections (Wilcox et al. 2017).
The surface of all living cells is covered by a layer of complex carbohydrates (gly-
cans) also referred to as glycocalyx. Exposed to the cellular environment, these car-
bohydrates, often attached to glycoproteins or glycolipids, harbor multiple functions
including charge repulsion effects, ligand-receptor interactions, adhesion, immuno-
logical identification (e.g., blood group antigens), and protection. Microbes often
carry characteristic glycan structures, such as contained in bacterial cell walls or
capsules, which are exploited for diagnostic purposes or as targets of antimicrobial
therapy. In multicellular organisms there are species-dependent and interindividual
differences of glycosylation, with carbohydrate xenoantigens and blood group
142 T.L. Vassilev et al.
Fig. 11.2 Typical IVIg reactivity with a human protein array. Multiple natural anti-self reac-
tivities are observable. Human proteome arrays (HuProt™, Cambridge Protein Arrays) were
treated with 0.7 μM IgG from native or Fe2+-exposed IVIg. Only block #19 (out of 24 blocks)
is shown as an example. The labeled proteins indicate that the natural reactivities include not
only sequestered intracellular proteins but also some receptors and secreted proteins (see
Table 11.2)
Table 11.2 Identity and function of the self-proteins bound by IVIg (see Fig. 11.2)
Gene Protein name Notes
DNAJA4 DnaJ heat shock protein Heat shock protein
family (Hsp40) member
LAX1 Lymphocyte Membrane, regulator or TCR and BCR
transmembrane adaptor 1 signaling
KIF19 Kinesin family member 19 Role in platelet development, motor
protein in cilia
PLEKHM2_frag Pleckstrin homology and Golgi, membrane movements,
RUN domain containing salmonella-induced filaments
H2AFY H2A histone family Medulloblastoma antigen
member Y MU-MB-50.205
PRKAR2B Protein kinase CAMP-
dependent type II
regulatory subunit beta
ODC1 Ornithine decarboxylase 1
CFAP36 Cilia- and flagella-
associated protein 36
EPCAM Epithelial cell adhesion Tumor-associated GI tract, interaction
molecule, CD326 between intestinal epithelial cells and
intraepithelial lymphocytes
Nol3 Nucleolar protein 3 Antiapoptotic
Nc2b Downregulator of Chromatin organization
transcription 1
Lin28a Zinc finger CCHC Posttranscriptional regulator of genes
domain-containing protein involved in developmental timing and
1 self-renewal in embryonic stem cells,
tumor antigen
THOP1 Thimet oligopeptidase 1 Cleaves cytosolic peptides, making them
unavailable for display on antigen-
presenting cells
SH3BGR SH3 domain-binding Skeletal muscles, myocytes, proline rich,
glutamate-rich protein glutamate rich
MASP1 Mannan-binding lectin Lectin pathway of C′
serine peptidase 1
VWA8 von Willebrand factor A
domain containing 8
IBSP Integrin-binding Rich in bone. Acidic amino acid clusters
also influence tumor progression (Boligan et al. 2015). IVIg contains reactivity to an
extensive range of complex carbohydrates (Schneider et al. 2015). Recognized gly-
cans included certain blood group antigens, tumor and microbial antigens, including
bacterial cell wall, and capsular or exopolysaccharides. IVIg reactivity is not
restricted to microbes, but include bacterial and viral glycan receptors (attachment
sites), as well as carbohydrate tissue attachment sites of the exotoxins Shiga toxin
from Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and the verotoxins SLT-I and SLT-II from
144 T.L. Vassilev et al.
groups—isotypic, allotypic, and idiotypic. The isotypic ones are present in all mem-
bers of a given immunoglobulin class or subclass. The allotypic ones are inherited
as alleles and each person inherits particular allotypes.
The idiotypic determinants (idiotopes) are unique antigen determinants of an
antibody variable region. The idiotype of an individual antibody molecule is the
combination of all its idiotopes. All antigen-binding molecules, free circulating
immunoglobulins, membrane-bound immunoglobulin receptors of B cells, as well
as T cell antigen receptors, have idiotopes. The latter can be “public”—when they
are shared between several antibody clones— or “private” when they are unique for
the antigen receptor of a cell and the antibodies produced by its progeny.
Immunoglobulin preparations contain a vast diversity of IgG molecules that can
network by idiotype-anti-idiotype interactions. This results in the formation of
dimers during the shelf-life of a liquid preparation (see above).
Niels Jerne (Nobel prize for 1984) has hypothesized in 1974 that the self-
recognition of antigen-binding cell receptors and circulating immunoglobulins based
on idiotype/anti-idiotype interactions ensures their connectivity and is the main con-
trol mechanism in the immune system. According to this “network” theory, the
immune system is self-controlled by using signals generated within itself. The
immune response to an antigen is considered as a temporary imbalance between the
antigen-specific clone and the anti-idiotypic clones (Jerne 1974). Autoimmune dis-
eases are believed to be the result of defective self-control of the immune network.
The network hypothesis might in part explain the beneficial effects of infusions of
large doses of normal pooled IgG to patients with autoimmunity. Beneficial effects
are provided by the introduction of components of a healthy immune network that
helps repair their dysfunctional ones. The philosophical beauty of these ideas is evi-
dent. However, quarter of century ago, the interest in them faded after the discovery
of the main mechanisms of immune tolerance and memory. The new knowledge
rendered the immune function explanation by network emergent properties largely
Nevertheless, discarding idiotype interactions as biologically irrelevant may be
premature. Their role in the beneficial effects of pooled immunoglobulins cannot be
ruled out. A single IVIg infusion to patients with autoimmune hemophilia has
resulted in the rapid disappearance of 95% of the disease-associated anti-factor VIII
antibodies. The effect was proven to be due to the binding of anti-idiotype IgG anti-
bodies from the administered preparation to the idiotypes of pathological IgG with
anti-factor VIII reactivity in the patients (Rossi et al. 1989).
The father of immunochemistry Karl Landsteiner has proven 90 years ago that anti-
bodies can bind an antigen with exclusive specificity, but he has never claimed that all
antibodies are monospecific. In the next five decades, however, that was the conven-
tional paradigm. The ability of an individual immunoglobulin molecule to bind to two
or more structurally unrelated antigens was formally proven only by studying
146 T.L. Vassilev et al.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 11.4 Immunoblot analysis of the reactivity of seven different licensed IVIg preparations to
human liver antigens (the first two are produced using a fraction stage at acid pH). 1 human serum,
2 Octagam, 3 Sandoglobulin, 4 Gammagard S/D, 5 Endobulin S/D, 6 Intraglobin F, 7 Immunovenin
Intact, 8 Venimmun N (from Scand. J. Immunol. (2005), 61, 357)
11 Basics of Immunoglobulins as Effector Molecules and Drugs 147
that includes the newly acquired binding to at least one pro-inflammatory cyto-
kine—interferon gamma. The comparative study of the effects of passive immu-
notherapy in mice with bacterial lipopolysaccharide- induced systemic
inflammation (endotoxemia) has shown that while the administration of intact
IVIg had no effect on survival, a single dose of the same preparation, exposed to
a pH 4.0 buffer, significantly decreased the mortality (Djoumerska et al. 2005;
Djoumerska-Alexieva et al. 2010). This is an important observation, as it points
to the fact that commercially available immunoglobulin preparations may have
different antigen binding as well as different therapeutic properties. To the best
of our knowledge, no clinical trials have been conducted so far to compare the
therapeutic effects of “unmodified” IVIg and preparations exposed to acidic con-
ditions during its production.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), ferrous ions, and free heme are aggressive
protein-modifying molecules that are released in vivo at sites of inflammation,
severe trauma, hemolysis, etc. This led us to formulate the hypothesis that the circu-
lation of IgG molecules through a local inflammation site might modify their
antigen-binding behavior. The experimental testing fully confirmed this predic-
tion—both in vitro (Dimitrov et al. 2006, 2007) and in vivo (Mihaylova et al. 2008).
Sepsis and other aseptic severe inflammatory response syndromes (SIRS) are
medical disasters that respond poorly to available treatments. The unfavorable
prognosis of these patients is now believed to be due to the quick and dramatic
change in gene expression affecting more than 80% of all cellular functions and
pathways referred to as “genomic storm” (Xiao et al. 2011). This “storm” could
well explain the failure of treatment approaches targeting single inflammation-
related molecules. Passive immunotherapy with pooled IgG is a logical therapeutic
approach because of its broad specificity that encompasses many pathogens—as
well as self-antigens. The results from clinical trials on patients with SIRS are,
however, inconclusive. If the anti-inflammatory effects of IVIg are partially attrib-
utable to its polyspecific natural antibody reactivity, could it be that by additionally
enhancing the polyspecificity would improve its effectiveness? IVIg, preexposed
in vitro to pro-oxidative ferrous ions, was used for the passive immunotherapy of
mice with experimental sepsis or aseptic SIRS induced by the injection of bacterial
lipopolysaccharide (LPS), of live E. coli, of zymosan or by the colon puncture and
ligation technique. The low single dose of only 50 mg/kg of the modified prepara-
tion but not of the native, commercially available IVIg significantly increased sur-
vival in all models of severe generalized inflammation (Fig. 11.5). IVIg exposed to
pro-oxidative ferrous ions was more efficient than the acid pH-exposed IVIg
(Djoumerska-Alexieva et al. 2015).
The intravenous injection of pooled human IgG antibodies to the treated patient
ensures the administration of the quasi-complete IgG antibody repertoire of a big
healthy donor population. There are many questions regarding this treatment that
are still waiting to be answered and mysteries to be solved. One is sure—the better
understanding of the mechanisms of action of normal human immunoglobulins will
result in the optimization of presently used therapeutic approaches and in increasing
the range of potential new ones.
148 T.L. Vassilev et al.
75 * 75 75
% Survival
* *
50 50 50
25 25 25
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Days after sepsis induction
Fig. 11.5 The administration of a single dose of IVIg with additionally enhanced polyspecificity
improves survival in experimental sepsis and aseptic severe inflammatory syndromes. Survival
curves in endotoxemia (left panel), zymosan-induced systemic inflammation (middle panel), and
polymicrobial sepsis (right panel). Animals were injected intravenously with a single dose of the
native IVIg (black triangles), of the Fe(II)-exposed IVIg (black circles), or with PBS pH 7.4 (open
squares), *p < 0.05, Mantel-Haenszel log-rank test (from Molec. Med. (2014), 21, 1002)
Alexander BT, Hladnik LM, et al. Use of cytomegalovirus intravenous immune globulin for the
adjunctive treatment of cytomegalovirus in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
Pharmacotherapy. 2010;30(6):554–61.
Arnon SS, Schechter R, et al. Human botulism immune globulin for the treatment of infant botu-
lism. N Engl J Med. 2006;354(5):462–71.
Avci FY, Li X, et al. A mechanism for glycoconjugate vaccine activation of the adaptive immune
system and its implications for vaccine design. Nat Med. 2011;17(12):1602–9.
Baumgarth N, Herman OC, et al. B-1 and B-2 cell-derived immunoglobulin M antibodies are
nonredundant components of the protective response to influenza virus infection. J Exp Med.
Bayry J, Lacroix-Desmazes S, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin for infectious diseases:
back to the pre-antibiotic and passive prophylaxis era? Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2004;
Blasczyk R, Westhoff U, et al. Soluble CD4, CD8, and HLA molecules in commercial immuno-
globulin preparations. Lancet. 1993;341(8848):789–90.
Boligan KF, Mesa C, et al. Cancer intelligence acquired (CIA): tumor glycosylation and sialylation
codes dismantling antitumor defense. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015;72(7):1231–48.
Bolli R, Woodtli K, et al. L-Proline reduces IgG dimer content and enhances the stability of intra-
venous immunoglobulin (IVIG) solutions. Biologicals. 2010;38(1):150–7.
Bouvet J, Stahl D, et al. Induction of natural autoantibody activity following treatment of human
immunoglobulin with dissociating agents. J Autoimmun. 2001;16:163–72.
Dimitrov JD, Ivanovska ND, et al. Ferrous ions and reactive oxygen species increase antigen-binding
and anti-inflammatory activities of immunoglobulin G. J Biol Chem. 2006;281(1):439–46.
Dimitrov JD, Planchais C, et al. Antibody polyreactivity in health and disease: statu variabilis. J
Immunol. 2013;191(3):993–9.
Dimitrov JD, Roumenina LT, et al. Antibodies use heme as a cofactor to extend their pathogen elim-
ination activity and to acquire new effector functions. J Biol Chem. 2007;282(37):26696–706.
Djoumerska I, Tchorbanov A, et al. The autoreactivity of therapeutic intravenous immuno-
globulin (IVIG) preparations depends on the fractionation methods used. Scand J Immunol.
Djoumerska-Alexieva IK, Dimitrov JD, et al. Exposure of IgG to an acidic environment
results in molecular modifications and in enhanced protective activity in sepsis. FEBS J.
11 Basics of Immunoglobulins as Effector Molecules and Drugs 149
Wilcox MH, Gerding DN, et al. Bezlotoxumab for prevention of recurrent clostridium Difficile
infection. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(4):305–17.
Xiao W, Mindrinos MN, et al. A genomic storm in critically injured humans. J Exp Med.
Essentials of the Production of Safe
and Efficacious State-of-the-Art 12
Polyclonal IgG Concentrates
Peter J. Späth
12.1 Introduction
From the very beginning of the clinical use of plasma-derived protin concentrates
severe noninfectious adverse events (AEs) and transmission of pathogens by plasma-
derived protein concentrates were threats to recipients (see Chap. 10 for additional
information). First anti-infectious plasma potein concentrates were the “standard
IgG” preparations. They were produced by the cold-ethanol fractionation methods
and did not make an exception to the above: noninfectious severe AEs occurred
while infectious AEs were rarely reported. Indeed, prior to the introduction of mass
screening for infection markers of plasma donations, inadvertent transmission of
HIV to recipients of factor VIII and factor IX concentrates did occur, while IgG con-
centrates obtained from the same plasma pool did rarely transmit HIV (Morgenthaler
2001). Rare transmissions were restricted to products not exposed to low pH. The
very few incidences of HIV and some incidences of HCV transmission by IgG con-
centrates in the early 1990s, together with many cases of coagulation factor concen-
trates transmitted viral disease, clearly demonstrated the need to establish standardized
measures to render plasma products pathogen safe. In the second half of the 1990s,
authorities shifted regulatory emphasis from a scientific review of the processes to a
focus on compliance to current good manufacturing practice (cGMP). The focus on
cGMP compliance was applied to all aspects of plasma fractionation and the clinical
use of plasma products. Court injunctions and warning letters were the consequences
of this paradigm shift by authorities. This in turn resulted in a paradigm shift how the
modern plasma industry operates (Steinhardt 1998).
The strict implementation of the recommendations by authorities resulted in
today’s immunoglobulin concentrates in general being well tolerated and safe
regarding the transmission of known blood-borne viruses, the agent of the
P.J. Späth
Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 12.1 Strongly simplified outline of fractionation of pooled plasma to pathogen free, well-
tolerated IgG concentrates. Side fractions of the process are starting material for plasma products
other than IgG. Level A of manufacturing: generating a large volume of plasma with optimal
safety. Level B: plasma deprived of cryoprecipitate that contains relevant blood-clotting factors.
Level C: a series of steps resulting in a crude IgG concentrate that is not tolerated intravenously.
Level D: a sequence of steps rendering an IgG concentrate clinically well tolerated. Level E:
lyophilized products are adjusted to the appropriate concentration, the excipient is added, the solu-
tion is filled into the vials, and the product is lyophilized. Liquid formulations are finalized simi-
larly while leaving the freeze-drying process. Bottles with lyophilizate or IgG solutions are labeled
and are ready for shipping
production step under consideration.” At the time when GMP was introduced, well-
established fractionation procedures were in place. For validation studies, the pro-
cesses had to be downscaled to a laboratory scale. In a first step, it had to be
demonstrated that the scaled-down process mimics the process in production, i.e.,
ideally has identical process parameters. Furthermore, authorities request at least
two “dedicated” virus removal/inactivation steps in sequence during the fraction-
ation. The two methods should represent two different principles of action thereby
assuring that virus reduction is complementary.
When fractionating plasma on the fundaments of cGMP and applying the “full
package” of complementary recommendations a state-of-the-art immunoglobulin
preparation results.
Any activity from plasma collection to delivery at the door of a customer that is
not performed and documented according to the standards may have severe conse-
quences to the noncompliant company. Deficiencies in adherence to GMP detected
during inspections of companies can lead to consent decrees, and severe deviations
can have the consequence of a company forced to cease distribution of its products
WC500097037.pdf;; both accessed April 2017).
The leading regulatory agencies, which are enforcing the adherence to QA frac-
tionation recommendations, are the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA; and the European Medicines Agency (EMA; www.ema., while in all countries own agencies govern the enforcement of recom-
mendations. A list of regional offices for Africa, for the Americas, for the Eastern
Mediterranean, for Europe, for Southeast Asia, and for the Western Pacific can be
found under:
lation/ListMRAWebsites.pdf (accessed April 2017).
12.3 P
lasma Collection: The Starting Point for Quality
and Safety of a Plasma-Derived Product
IgG concentrates belong to the stable blood products. Ensuring quality of an IgG
concentrate starts with collection of plasma, its correct handling, and cautious
Donor selection (level A, Fig. 12.1): Plasma fractionated to current best prac-
tice IgG concentrates all are from donors donating blood or plasma from free will.
There are two types of donations: whole blood from which plasma is collected
after centrifugation (recovered plasma) or plasma obtained by apheresis device
(apheresis or source plasma) (Table 12.1). There is epic, for several decades’
ongoing debate which of the two ways of plasma collection is of higher ethical
and better biological quality. There is no reason to step into this discussion in this
book chapter. However, it has to be acknowledged that apheresis plasma collec-
tion of volumes at the upper end of what is allowed might have an influence on
protein composition of the donated plasma (Laub et al. 2010). As GMP covers
minimal requirements for quality, and because having been accused remunerated
12 Essentials of the Production of State-of-the-Art Polyclonal IgG Concentrates 155
donations being of lesser quality and safety, the apheresis plasma collecting and
fractionating industry has introduced additional voluntary regulations. These are
the International Quality Plasma Program (IQPP) introducing qualified donor
standard, implementation of a donor deferral registry, and a drug abuse screening
and the Quality Standards of Excellence, Assurance, and Leadership (QSEAL).
QSEAL covers control on incoming plasma, inventory hold, NAT testing, inter-
mediates purchased form external suppliers, recovered plasma specification, qual-
ified donor, and viral markers (
standards/qseal; accessed June 2017). With the implementation of these voluntary
standards, no relevant differences are found in pathogen marker frequencies of
either type of plasma donation (EMEA 2002). In summary, the main goal of donor
selection is to ensure that donors with high risk are excluded form donating, or
their donation is withheld from further processing (Table 12.2). The donor is
informed if HIV positive.
Finally yet importantly, plasma donations require careful handling to prevent
formation and accumulation of vasoactive (e.g., prekallikrein activator (PKA)) or
coagulation promoting (e.g., coagulation factor FXIa) substances. Due to their
physicochemical properties, their removal during the manufacturing process may
remain imperfect, and they may induce severe adverse events.
156 P.J. Späth
Table 12.3 Some human pathogens transmissible or theoretically transmissible by blood and
plasma productsa
Suspected cases of
transmission most
likely through
Ascertained depleted red blood
Ascertained transmission transmission by cell concentrates or
by blood or plasma blood or plasma contaminated
products with possibly products with no No report of plasma-derived
severe clinical known clinical transmission by factor VIII
consequences consequences transfusion concentrate
Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis D virus TSE agent of classical/ TSE agent of the
(enveloped, HBV) (enveloped) sporadic CJD (sCJD)d,g variant form of
CJD (vCJD)d,f
Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis F virus Severe acute respiratory
(enveloped, HCV) (non-enveloped) syndrome-associated
coronavirus (SARS-
CoV, enveloped)
Human immunodeficiency GBV-C/hepatitis Chikungunya virus
virus 1/2 (HIV 1/2, G virus (CHIKV, enveloped)
enveloped) (enveloped)
Human T cell leukemia SEN virus
virus HTLV I/II (enveloped)
West Nile virus (WNV, TT virus
enveloped) (enveloped)
Hepatitis A virus
(non-enveloped, HAV)
Hepatitis E virus (HEV,
Erythrovirus B19 (B19V,
Zika virus (ZIKV,
After implementation of virus reduction steps in the fractionation process of plasma-derived
medicinal products and thorough the enforcement by authorities of the rigorous implementation of
good manufacturing practice (GMP) rules, no further proven transmission of (enveloped) viruses
was reported. Criteria invariably present in true virus transmission by stable plasma products are
(1) several patients infected with the same virus, (2) cluster of transmission (e.g., a restricted num-
ber of hospitals), (3) it is possible to identify one/a few lots that were used in all of the affected
hospitals, and (4) the same virus is identified in the relevant product lot(s) and in patients treated
with these lots. If these criteria are not fulfilled, transmission by plasma products of pathogen
remains uncertain
HEV infection by genotypes 1 and 2 cause large epidemics in in tropical and subtropical regions.
The transmission is via the fecal-oral route. Infections by genotypes 3 and 4 are an emerging threat
in countries of the northern hemisphere and are a food-borne disease. Pigs are the animal reservoir
for this zoonotic virus. These genotypes have been identified in blood donors in Europe. Transfusion
associated with HEV infection was reported (Tamura et al. 2007). Significant acute hepatitis can
be the result of chronic HEV infection in immune compromised patients (Motte et al. 2012), while
in immunocompetent patients, HEV infection has been associated to neurological complications
158 P.J. Späth
Table 12.3 (continued)
Human parvovirus B19
CJD = Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; aberrantly folded prion proteins (PrPSc) are considered to be the
infectious agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) diseases, sCJD sporadic CJD,
vCJD variant CJD
Reports on transfusion, solid organ transplantation, or sexually transmitted ZIKV disease are
available (Barjas-Castro et al. 2016; Nogueira et al. 2017; Venturi et al. 2016). Prenatal infection
is associated with microcephaly, while infection in adults can be fatal or be associated with
Guillain-Barré syndrome or severe thrombocytopenia
The transmission by non-leukocyte depleted erythrocyte concentrates might represent a risk for
transmission. Four possible transmission events by non-leukocyte-depleted erythrocyte concen-
trates have been reported. In one case of probable transmission, the most likely route of infection
was by contaminated plasma-derived factor VIII concentrate
In May 2017 a report on two patients receiving blood-clotting factor concentrates dying form
sCJD was posted electronically (Urwin et al. 2017). A causal link between the treatment with
plasma products and the development of sCJD has not been established
Serology With NAT
Fig. 12.2 Estimated risk of an undetected donation entering the blood supply when mass screen-
ing is by serology only or NAT is performed in addition (Offergeld et al. 2005). The reciprocal of
risk rate of undetected infectious donations is given; the higher the bar, the lower the risk rate
being reactive, the X/Y layout allows the identification of the reactive donation. The
contaminated donation is withheld from pooling and is destroyed safely.
Plasma fractionation starts with pooling of individual donations to an appropri-
ate volume. Before starting the fractionation process, an in-process control is per-
formed to ascertain absence of potential contaminating viruses (Table 12.4). This
reduces the risk of pathogen transmission and reduces the financial risk of losing an
entire lot of IgG concentrate.
12.4 F
ractionation Methods in Use to Obtain From Plasma
Well-Tolerated, Highly Pure IgG Concentrates
Over many decades, the development of IgG fractionation was driven to achieve
intravenous tolerability and increase recovery and purity of the concentrates. Today
two different main methods are in place how to fractionate plasma: the cold-ethanol
fractionation and the ion-exchange chromatography process (Fig. 12.1). Before
applying either method, frozen plasma is thawed at 0 °C. The part remaining insol-
uble at 0 °C is separated and represents the cryoprecipitate that harbors the blood
coagulation factors (level A to B in Fig. 12.1). The supernatant is the cryo-poor
plasma that contains a wide array of plasma proteins, including immunoglobulins
and albumin.
Cold-ethanol fractionation is either according to Cohn/Oncley or to Kistler-
Nitschmann (Oncley et al. 1949; Nitschmann et al. 1954) (see Chap. 10 as well).
From cryo-poor plasma, a precipitate is obtained which contains the immunoglobu-
lins (level B, Fig. 12.1). The supernatant is the starting material for albumin frac-
tionation. Further suspension/precipitation steps of the precipitate containing the
160 P.J. Späth
Table 12.5 Polishing steps to achieve particular properties of clinically applicable IgG, e.g.,
intravenous tolerability
• Polyethylene glycol precipitation, removes aggregates
• pH 4 and traces of pepsin; alters aggregates; low pH is a virus inactivating step
• pH 4; virus inactivation; reduction of aggregates
• Depth-/ultra-/diafiltration; not to confound with virus filtration
– Depth filtration uses a filter on which the precipitated protein is separated from the
supernatant using “filter aids.” Filter aids help to maintain high flow rates during the
filtering process and at the same time may adsorb pathogens and or pathogen-protein
complexes quite efficiently: is predominantly applied during cold-ethanol preparation
of crude IgG, and can remove aggregates and adsorb viruses
– Diafitration serves to remove, e.g., salts from an IgG solution with the help of
semipermeable membranes
– Ultrafiltration uses pressure or concentration gradients and semipermeable membranes
• Reduction of isoagglutinins anti-A and anti-B by immunoaffinity chromatography step
(Dhainaut et al. 2013; Höfferer et al. 2015); elevated isoagglutinin titers are associated with
the chromatographic fractionation method; reduction in rate of hemolytic adverse events
immunoglobulins finally end up what is termed “IgG bulk” (level C, Fig. 12.1). This
crude IgG concentrate then undergoes various polishing steps (Table 12.5). Polishing
steps and the final formulation are those differing the most among various compa-
nies (levels D and E, Fig. 12.1).
The early “standard” IgG concentrates underwent only few polishing steps of
the “IgG bulk” material. They contained aggregates that rendered them not tol-
erable when applied intravenously. Typically, these i.m. products were of a solu-
tion strength of 16–16.5%. By introducing virus inactivation/removal steps to
the original manufacturing process, some of these products survived to our
A “first generation” of IgG products for intravenous use (IVIGs) was deprived of
unwanted Fc-effector functions by harsh enzyme treatment. The digested IgG mol-
ecules were heavily impaired in their biological functions however were well toler-
ated. One product still available posted on a Japanese website (see Chap. 13). For a
“second generation” of IVIGs, intact IgG molecules were chemically modified in
order to prevent overt spontaneous complement activation in the recipients’ circula-
tion. Only a very few of these chemically modified products are still available in
some regional markets. They are mentioned in Chap. 13 of this book. The “third
generation” of IVIGs was made intravenously tolerable by gentle polishing steps
(level D, Fig. 12.1).
Although in many aspects excellent, the two cold-ethanol fractionation methods
reach their limits when pushing for improved recovery without loss of purity. For
this reason, the plasma industry is moving toward the ion-exchange chromatogra-
phy fractionation of IgG. This manufacturing method allows relative high recover-
ies at high purity. Before cryo-poor plasma or the intermediate fraction deprived of
albumin can be fed onto ion-exchange columns, they must be free of lipids (level B,
12 Essentials of the Production of State-of-the-Art Polyclonal IgG Concentrates 161
Fig. 12.1). The most widely used technique to get rid of lipids is by octanoic acid
(=caprylic acid) precipitation. Caprylic acid precipitation was the first to be used in
combination with DEAE cellulose columns for the isolation of IgG from plasma at
good yield (Steinbuch and Audran 1969).
During chromatographic fractionation, lipid-free plasma undergoes several
anion- and/or cation-exchange chromatography steps (Bertolini 1998; Dhainaut
et al. 2013; Cramer et al. 2009; Trejo et al. 2003). The resulting IgG solutions again
undergo polishing steps in order to achieve tolerability (Table 12.5).
With some chromatographically obtained preparations, an elevated frequency
of hemolytic reactions emerged. These adverse events were supposed being
related to the presence of higher titers of isoagglutinins than seen in products
obtained with the cold-ethanol fractionation. In order to reduce levels of isoag-
glutinins anti-A and anti-B, a particular polishing step was introduced by some
manufacturers: immunoaffinity chromatography using columns with corre-
sponding trisaccharides coupled to the matrix (Dhainaut et al. 2013; Höfferer
et al. 2015; Späth et al. 2015).
12.5 W
idening the Pathogen Safety Margins During
Fractionation and Polishing
Table 12.7 Human viruses and their model virusesa recently used for validation studies
Human pathogen Model virus Size of the viruses (nm)
B19 virus (Parvoviridae) Minute virus of mice (MVM); 18–25
canine parvovirus (CPV)
Hepatitis A, poliovirus Encephalomyocarditis virus 30
(Picornaviridae) (EMCV)
Hepatitis B virus (enveloped Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis 200
DNA viruses) virus (IBRV)
Hepatitis C, West Nile Bovine viral diarrhea virus 40–60
(Flaviviridae) (BVDV); WNVb; Sindbis virus 70
Human immunodeficiency HIVb 80–100
virus (Retroviridae)
Herpes 1 and 2, HHV-8 Pseudorabies virus (PRV) 100–180
Vaccinia, cowpox, smallpox Approx. 250 and higher
TSE agent (PrPSc) 1 IU is assumed to
contain ≥20 aggregated
proteins having a
calculated size of
16–56 nm
Viruses used in validation studies should be well characterized in size, represent as closely as pos-
sible viruses which might be present in plasma, cover a wide range of physicochemical properties
of viruses, e.g., enveloped, non-enveloped, various size, DNA and RNA viruses, and viruses with
high resistance to physicochemical treatment. In validation studies with immunoglobulins, care
has to be taken that results are not misleading due to the presence of cross-reactive and/or neutral-
izing antibodies
Although human pathogen, viruses grown in cell cultures are all considered “model”
1. Inactivation
• Solvent/detergent (S/D) treatment: disruption of virus envelope
• Caprylic (octanoic) acid treatment
• Treatment a low pH: destructive conformational changes of structural
• Heat: dry or wet (wet = pasteurization), disruption of envelope and destruc-
tive conformational change of structural proteins (e.g. capsid proteins)
2. Elimination based on size: virus filtration (formerly termed nanofiltration).
Elimination at large scale of possibly contaminating pathogens based on size is
the most recent technique to free plasma products form pathogens. Virus filtra-
tion at large scale was introduced by the Central Laboratory of the Swiss Red
Cross, Blood Transfusion Service in the late 1990s (virus filtration on a modest
size (Stucki et al. 1997); virus filtration at large scale: submission dossier for
Sandoglobulin NF in 1999). With the progress in manufacturing of filters with
smaller and smaller pores, virus filtration has become a universal key process in
assuring pathogen safety—size matters only.
164 P.J. Späth
The highest level of product safety is achieved when all three principles are
applied in a stepwise and diligent manner during the fractionation process
(Table 12.8). As an example the LRFs obtained by various methods are listed in
Table 12.9. LFRs obtained on basis of varying principles are additive in defining the
safety margin of an entire manufacturing process.
Table 12.9 Examples are depicted of margins of pathogen inactivation and removal during frac-
tionation of IVIG staring from possibly contaminated starting material
Principal mechanism and methods of pathogen
reduction HIV HAV HCV HHV B19V
Partitioning (separation into different physical phases)
Depth filtration with filter aids (A) 11.5 4.6–10.2 12.4
Depth filtration with filter aids (B) ≥5.3 4.2 2.1 ≥6.3 2.3
Ion-exchange chromatography (1)
Ion-exchange chromatography (2) ≥3.0 ≥1.4 4.0 ± 0.3 ≥3.3
Inactivation by alteration of structures which are essential for the infectivity of the pathogen
Pasteurization (wet heat) ≥5.5 ≥5.4 ≥5.7
Low pH ≥5.4 4.6 ≥5.9 >3
Low pH and traces of pepsin 6.1 <1.0 >4.4 and >5.3 n.a.
Solvent/detergent treatment ≥6.0 n.a. ≥7.8 ≥8.4 n.a.
Caprylate incubation ≥4.5 n.a. ≥4.5 ≥4.6 n.a.
Combination of partitioning and inactivation 4.0 3.4 1.4–3.6 3.6
Elimination based on size
Virus filtration A ≥5.3 >5.1 >5.1 and
Virus filtration B ≥5.3 ≥3.7 ≥2.7 ≥5.5
Numbers indicate logarithmic reduction factors (LRFs). Examples are taken from literature and
package inserts. The human pathogen viruses aimed to eliminate or inactivate are indicated on
column heads. The effectively used model viruses are given in Table 12.6
12 Essentials of the Production of State-of-the-Art Polyclonal IgG Concentrates 165
Table 12.10 Emerging zoonotic human pathogen viruses and their model viruses used for valida-
tion studies
Size of the
viruses Validation
Human pathogen Model virus (nm) studiesa
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV, Bovine viral diarrhea 40–60 Leydold et al.
enveloped; Flaviviridae) virus (BVDV) (2012)c
Sindbis virus (SINV)b 50–70
CHIKV strain
Hepatitis E virus (HEV, non- Feline calicivirus (FCV) 32–34 Farcet et al.
enveloped; Herpesviridae) (2016)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome- Frankfurt-1 strain of Yunoki et al.
associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV (2004)
enveloped) SARS-CoV isolate Rabenau et al.
FFM-1 (2005)
West Nile virus (WNV, enveloped; Bovine viral diarrhea 40–60 Kreil et al.
Flaviviridae) virus (BVDV) (2003)
Zika virus (ZIKV, enveloped; ZIKV strain 40–60 Blümel et al.
Flaviviridae) PF13/251013-18 (2017)
ZIKV isolate H/ 40–60 Kühnel et al.
PF/2013 (2017)
Except for HEV, all are enveloped viruses
The logarithmic reduction factors (LRFs) are given in the publications.
A model virus of the early days of validation studies
This study provides solid reassurance for the safety of plasma products in regard to emerging
viruses. Furthermore, the results verify that the use of model viruses is appropriate to predict the
inactivation characteristics of newly emerging viruses when their physicochemical properties are
well characterized
Also of animal origin is the agent of the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), a
TSE. vCJD with great certainty was transmitted from cow (mad cow disease or bovine
spongiform encephalitis = BSE) to humans (Bruce et al. 1997). BSE emerged due to
an “optimized” production process of animal carcass-derived material fed to cows
(Wilesmith et al. 1991). Other forms of human spongiform encephalitides exist and
can be iatrogenic/sporadic, inherited/genetic, or acquired/infectious (Table 12.11).
Spongiform encephalitides are mediated by the misfolded isoform “scrapie” of a
normal cellular prion protein, PrPC which is ubiquitous in cells and is a protein
highly conserved over the evolution. The misfolded “scrapie” prion protein (PrPSc)
12 Essentials of the Production of State-of-the-Art Polyclonal IgG Concentrates 167
Animals Humans
Kuru (cannibalism; acquired/infectious)
Sheep → Scrapie
Deer & Elk → Chronica Syndrome (GSS; inherited)
wasting disease (CWD)
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI; inherted)
Mink → MSE Creutzfeldt-jakob Disease; classical =
idiopathic/sporadic form (CJD or
Cat → FSE cCJD/sCJD)
pathogenic prion protein almost
exclusively located in the CNS
Live stock carcass derived
material fed to ruminants Creutzfeldt-jakob Disease; new variant
form (vCJD; acquired/infectious)
Bovine → BSE
pathogenic prion protein found in
CNS but also in abundance in some
lymphatic tissue
Furthermore, the declining incidence of vCJD, the stringent donor selection due to
geographic donor deferral policy, and the additive nature of removal steps render the
agent of vCJD unlikely to be transmitted by plasma products. Indeed, no proven
transmission of vCJD by IgG concentrates was ever reported (Ritchie et al. 2016),
even not when the administration of a possibly PrPSc contaminated IgG concentrate
occurred (El-Shanawany et al. 2009). Ascertained transmission by other plasma
products has not been described neither.
The sporadic/iatrogenic CJD (sCJD) is not the same as vCJD (Table 12.11).
sCJD represents about 85% of all spongiform encephalitides of humans and affects
elderly people. There exist several surveillance studies on the transmission of sCJD
by blood and blood products. These are conducted by the American Red Cross, in
the UK and in France (Crowder et al. 2017; Martin and Trouvin 2013; Urwin et al.
2016). These studies did not report sCJD in patient populations treated with blood
and plasma products. This was the basis not to consider sCJD transmissible by
blood transfusion or by plasma products. However, the Emerging Infectious Disease
Journal in May 2017 posted in electronic form a report on two patients receiving
coagulation factor concentrates and dying from sCJD. Authors conclude (citation):
“A causal link between the treatment with plasma products and the development of
sCJD has not been established, and the occurrence of these cases may simply reflect
a chance event in the context of systematic surveillance for CJD in large popula-
tions.” It will be of outmost importance whether and how many new cases will be
reported in future.
12.8 C
ompleting the Full Package for a Safe and Efficacious
Immunoglobulin Concentrate
Final formulation: To ensure stability/tolerability of a product over its shelf life, the
right selection of stabilizers is of particular importance. Products can by lyophilized
(=freeze-dried). The basic physicochemical process of freeze-drying is the replace-
ment of the layer of water surrounding the IgG molecules. This layer, which is also
termed “hydration shell” or “hydration sphere,” keeps the IgG molecules in solution
(Makarov et al. 2002). In dehydrated products, e.g., oxidation of the preparation is
largely prevented, and aggregation or dimer formation is suppressed. Hence, the
excipient only to a part serves stabilization of a freeze-dried product, while its major
role is to make sure the lyophilized protein can be reconstituted entirely within rea-
sonable time (no aggregates remaining). The compounds that can be injected intra-
venously with the best physicochemical properties to simulate water are sugars
followed by some amino acids. Although associated with osmotic nephrosis in
patients at risk, several lyophilized products containing sucrose are still on some
markets (see also Chap. 13).
In response for the request of more convenient handling, the liquid preparations
were developed. In liquid preparations, aging and continuous interaction of mole-
cules are inherent. The stabilizer has to preserve the characteristics without hamper-
ing their quality by preventing oxidation and IgG-IgG interactions, e.g., limiting
12 Essentials of the Production of State-of-the-Art Polyclonal IgG Concentrates 169
IgG dimer formation. The most widely used stabilizers for liquid preparations are
glycine, L-proline, maltose, and sorbitol.
Cleaning and sanitation of a production line: Prevention of cross-contamination
through surface-adsorbed infectious agent is a measure to be taken under
cGMP. Cleaning validations involving infectious agents are problematic, e.g.,
because the cleaning process has to be scaled down. This in most cases is impossi-
ble, e.g., because the rheological properties are different on a small scale. Typically
NaOH or sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) are used for plant sanitation after a run and
at appropriate concentrations are sufficient to destroy virus infectivity. However,
how about the TSE agent of vCJD? It needed a particular effort to show that there
are sanitation measures that can destroy the TSE agent PrPSc. PrPres served this pur-
pose (Table 12.13). The validation strategy was to show that PrPres after NaOH/
NaClO exposure becomes on one hand noninfectious and on the other hand sensi-
tive to proteinase K digestion. NaOH and NaClO treatment both destroy PrPres even
at low NaOH and NaClO concentrations. Regulatory agencies consider current
cleaning regimes adequate to assure batch-to-batch segregation.
Traceability: GMP requirements for blood and plasma derivatives include the
traceability of batches from donor to recipient. The industry is responsible for inter-
linking a given batch of plasma product with information such as responses of the
donor has given on the medical questionnaire, results of mass screening and pooling
information. Traceability also has to interconnect batches and the hospital where the
product was delivered. It is the responsibility of the hospital to complete traceability
by documenting which IVIG batch has been given to which individual patient(s).
Table 12.13 Some physicochemical properties of prion proteins of mammals in health and
Condition/prion protein
Origin (agent) Some properties
Mammals Health/PrPC An ubiquitous, normal, native, noninfectious
protein of cells encoded on the short arm of
chromosome 20
No tendency to aggregate
Complete degradation by proteinase K
Mammals Spongiform encephalitides/ Aberrantly folded prion protein
PrPSc Tendency to convert PrPC into the misfolded
form thereby aggregating and forming
filaments and plaques that destroy CNS cells
Only partially digested by proteinase K
Detection by Western-blotting indicates
infection of the tissue examined
Various strains known
Artificial No biological function/PrPres Fragment of PrPSc resistant to digestion upon
prolonged incubation with proteinase K;
PrPSc ≠ PrPres
General term of disease = transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) mediated by PrPSc;
PrPSc is a generic term for aberrantly folded, “infectious” prion proteins and does not refer exclu-
sively to the suspected agent of scrapie of sheep
170 P.J. Späth
This enables “look backs” in case any problem should be identified at the donor or
recipient end. The basis of the traceability is a bar code identification system. A
proper traceability system ensures that each lot can be recalled, should this be nec-
essary. It further allows the handling of post-donation information and pharmaco-
vigilance in an efficient and safe manner.
Obtaining the final proof of clinical efficacy and pathogen safety of an IgG con-
centrate: Quality assurance through surveillance programs extends product quality
after its distribution. Pharmacovigilance, post-marketing studies and surveillance
programs are the pillars on which the final proof for the quality of an IgG concen-
trate stands. Pharmacovigilance ensures the continued safety of medicinal products
in use by collecting, monitoring, and assessing any type of adverse drug reactions
related to the product (Ball et al. 2016),
macovigilance_en. For some infections, incubation time might be long. Surveillance
programs are currently the only means to conclusively obtain long-ranging safety
information. Clinicians are encouraged to report adverse events, especially those
that are unexpected or unusual.
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12 Essentials of the Production of State-of-the-Art Polyclonal IgG Concentrates 171
Cai K, Gröner A, Dichtelmüller HO, Fabbrizzi F, Flechsig E, Gajardo R, von Hoegen I, Jorquera
JI, Kempf C, Kreil TR, Lee DC, Moscardini M, Polsler G, Roth NJ. Prion removal capacity
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Current IgG Products and Future
Perspectives 13
Peter J. Späth
13.1 Introduction
Most international IG products are FDA and/or EMA approved. For some countries,
some IG products might have formulation characteristics that allow their safe use
although the supply chain might be less well standardized as in others. In case a
country might not be willing to build up the complex organization necessary for
plasma fractionation, an established fractionation company might be willing to offer
a fractionation technique they formerly have used. In such a case, the country
designs a dedicated organization that is responsible for plasma collection under
supervision of authorities, and the collected plasma is shipped to a fractionating
company for fractionation. The final product is shipped back to the country and is
distributed to hospitals. The entire process is termed “toll manufacturing.”
Progress in IG manufacturing and formulations always are driven by enhancing
recovery without losing in purity. Liquid formulation and storage at room tempera-
ture are important for hospital pharmacies and bedside activities. Tolerability at
high infusion rates/high strength of the IG solutions is a hospital and medical prefer-
ence. Subcutaneous application first reported in 1952 (Bruton 1952) and not prac-
ticed for the next 30 years (Berger et al. 1980) has meanwhile enhanced convenience
and partly shifted the IG administration from hospital to home.
The tables intend giving an overview and serve as an orientation. The tables were
generated from summaries of product characteristics, prescribing information, form
package inserts, websites of regulatory agencies, and the literature. It has to be
stressed that the tables do not replace a package insert and that they should not serve
a basis for therapies.
Excluded from the tables are the maximal infusion rates of the different products,
which are the main source for adverse events (Späth et al. 2015).
P.J. Späth
Institute of Pharmacology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
Tables below provide the update on available IgG concentrates. The tables focus on
the characteristics and contents of the IG preparations.
The first Table 13.1 lists the products obtained by processes mainly using ion-
exchange chromatography. The roots of isolation of IgG from human plasma by
ion-exchange chromatography go back to the late 1950s (Fahey and Horbett 1959).
The first industrial applications were small-scale isolations using DEAE-sepharose
(Baumstark et al. 1964; Bowman et al. 1980; Hoppe et al. 1973). The chromato-
graphic method allowed obtaining products for intravenous use at relative high
recovery (Friesen et al. 1985).
Table 13.2 lists products fractionated with the “cold ethanol” techniques to which
the most recent improvements have been added.
Table 13.3 depicts products with which many important clinical breakthroughs
were achieved and which represent the fundament for the products in Table 13.2.
Table 13.4 summarizes the subcutaneously applicable IG products for replace-
ment therapy and for immunomodulation in chronic diseases.
Table 13.5 lists hyp erimmune globulins fractionated from plasma of selected
(convalescent) donors or donations having high titers in a given antibody
Table 13.6 lists some “domestic” IgG concentrates.
Table 13.1 (continued)
IgG concentrate of the
(manufacturer, IgG solution
financial Polishing and validated cont. ready to Storage Carbohydrate Sodium IgA cont.
background) pathogen reduction Formulation (%) use (%) conditions Osmolality stabilizers cont. pH (mg/mL)
Intragam P® b (CSL Initial cold ethanol Liquid maltose, ≥98 6 2 °C–8 °C Isotone Maltose NR 4.25 ≤0.025
Behring, CSL Ltd., step, delipidation 0.1 g/mL (10% (refrigerator);
Australia) pasteurization, low pH w/v) or store below
25 °C and use
3 months
Iqyumune® (LFB Initial cold ethanol Liquid, ≥95 10 24 months, 281 mOsmol/kg None None 4.6–5.0 ≤0.028
Biomedicaments, step; caprylic acid glycine, RT added
LFB SA, France) precipitation; polysorbate 80
chromatography, S/D
treatment; virus
filtration, ultrafiltration
Privigen® (CSL Initial cold ethanol L-proline ≥98 10 4.8 mL/kg/h 320 mOsmol / None Traces 4.6–5.0 ≤ 0.025
Behring, CSL Ltd., step; octanoic acid 210– (EU) 0.04 mL/ kg
Australia) precipitation; pH 4; 290 mmol/L kg/min in
virus filtration; depth chronic ITP
filtration; and 0.08 mL/
immunoaffinity kg/min in PID
chromatography (US)
P.J. Späth
IgG concentrate of the
(manufacturer, IgG solution
financial Polishing and validated cont. ready to Storage Carbohydrate Sodium IgA cont.
background) pathogen reduction Formulation (%) use (%) conditions Osmolality stabilizers cont. pH (mg/mL)
Rhophylac® (CSL Rhophylac is a polyclonal hyperimmune anti-blood group Rh(D) IgG concentrate; for details see Table 13.5
Behring, CSL Ltd.,
Tegeline New® Tegeline New is identical to ClairYg and is distributed e.g. in Brazil (
(LFB nova-imunoglobulina-intravenosa-liquida-do-grupo-lfb-tegeline-newy/
LFB SA, France)
All preparations listed are liquid formulations
13 Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives
Main fractionation by ion-exchange chromatography for most products include pre-purification by cryo-precipitation and one cold ethanol step to separate
from the starting material for albumin fractionation (see Chap. 12). This forefront technique allows high recoveries at high puritiesc
cont = content, max = maximum, NR = not reported, w/w = weight/weight, CSL Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, LFB Laboratoire Français du Fractionnement
et des Biotechnologies
RT = room temperature, i.e., not over 25 °C
Intragam P was the first large-scale chromatographically purified IgG concentrate. The author knows about earlier attempts for chromatographic purification
in Humgary (Human, Gödöllő) using a Pharmacia chromatographic system
The first mainly chromatographically obtained products were WinRho® SDF and Varizig® (Aptevo BioTherapeutics, Emergent BioSolutions, USA).
Manifacturing used DEAE-Sephadex a method no more the most forefront chromatographic technique. WinRho SDF and Varizig are polyclonal hyperimmune
anti-blood group Rh(D) and anti-varizella IgG concentrates, respectively- For details, please consult Table 13.5
Table 13.2 Newer IgG concentrates obtained by the cold ethanol fractionation techniques according to Cohn and Onlcey (C&O) or Kistler and
Nitschmann (K-N)
of the
IgG concentrate solution
(manufacturer, Type of cold Polishing and IgG ready for
organization, ethanol validated pathogen cont. infusion IgA cont.
country) fractionation reduction Excipient (%) (%) Osmolality Sugars Sodium cont. pH (mg/mL)
Line extensions of well introduced liquid IVIGs as indicated in Table 13.3
Flebogammadif® C&O PEG precipitation; D-sorbitol 5% ≥97 10 240– None <3.2 mmol/L 5.0– ≤0.006
10% DIF (Grifols, ion-exchange 370 mOsmol/L 6.0
Grifols SA, Spain) chromatography;
10% low pH;
virus filtration
Gammagard® C&O Cation- and Glycine 250 mmol/L ≥98 10 240– None No added 4.6– ≤0.037
liquid (Baxalta, anion-exchange 300 mOsmol/kg sodium 5.1
Shire plc, Jersey) chromatography;
low pH; S/D; virus
Gammaplex® 10% C&O Ion-exchange Glycine200–300 mM, ≥98 10 Typically None ≤30 mM 4.9– ≤0.02
(BPL, Creat Group chromatography, polysorbate 80 280 mOsmol/kg 5.2
Corp., China)a S/D treatment, virus 1–6 mg
filtration, low pH
P.J. Späth
of the
IgG concentrate solution
(manufacturer, Type of cold Polishing and IgG ready for
organization, ethanol validated pathogen cont. infusion IgA cont.
country) fractionation reduction Excipient (%) (%) Osmolality Sugars Sodium cont. pH (mg/mL)
Intragam P 10% C&O Low pH, Glycine NR 10 350 mOsmol/kg None NR 4.25 Typically
(CSL Behring, pasteurization 2.25 g/100 mL <0.025
CSL Ltd.,
Intratect® 10% C&O Octanoic acid/ Glycine 300 mMol/L ≥96 10 300 mOsmol/kg None <10 mmol/L NR ≤1.8
(Biotest pharma, calcium acetate;
Biotest AG, cation-exchange
Germany)a chromatography;
13 Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives
ultra and diafiltration
Kiovig® (Baxalta, Kiovig® corresponds in its composition to Gammagard liquid, except for the IgA content which is ≤0.14 mg/mL; Kiovig® is the trade name for
Shire plc, Jersey) the EU market; see further details at Gammagard liquid
Octagam® 10%a C&O Chromatography; Maltose 90 mg/mL ≥95 10 ≥240 mOsmol/ Maltoe ≤30 mmol/L 4.5– ≤0.400
(Octapharama, pH 4; solvent/ kg 5.0
Octapharma AG detergent;
Switzerland) ultrafiltration
Panzyga® K-N Ion-exchange Glycine ≥95 10 ≥240 mOsmol/ None <0.03 mmol 4.5– <0.3
(Octapharma, chromatography S/D 17.0 ± 0.29 mg/mL kg (or 0.69 mg)/ 5.0
Octapharama, AG, treatment 20 nm mL
Switzerland) virus filtration
Table 13.2 (continued)
of the
IgG concentrate solution
(manufacturer, Type of cold Polishing and IgG ready for
organization, ethanol validated pathogen cont. infusion IgA cont.
country) fractionation reduction Excipient (%) (%) Osmolality Sugars Sodium cont. pH (mg/mL)
Recent IVIGs with new formulations
Bivigam™ (Biotest C&O Partitioning, S/D 0.20–0.29 M glycine, ≥96 10 NR None 0.100–0.140 M 4.0– ≤0.2
pharma, Biotest treatment, 35 nm 0.15–0.25% 4.6
AG, Germany)b virus filtration polysorbate 80
Vigam® (BPL, C&O Cation-exchange Human albumin 20% ≥95 5 NR Sucrose Sodium added 4.8– <0.014
Creat Group Corp., chromatography; Glycine added 5.1
China) low pH; S/D Sucrose
In most cases, 5% preparations were developed further to obtain a stable, safe and clinically well-tolerated solution of 10% IgG. Products intended for intrave-
nous use are listed
C&O: (Cohn et al. 1944; Oncley et al. 1949); K-N: (Nitschmann et al. 1954)
BPL Bio Products Laboratory, CSL Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
In some countries several distributors for the product might exist
Distribution in the USA of Bivigam™ by Kedrion US terminated as of January 2017:
P.J. Späth
Table 13.3 IgG preparations for i.v. use available for decades
of the
Type of protein
cold Polishing and solution
IgG concentrate ethanol validated IgG ready for
(manufacturer, fractio- pathogen Excipients cont. infusion Sugars as IgA cont.
organization, country) nation reduction stabilizer (%) (%) Osmolality excipients Sodium cont. pH (mg/mL)
Liquid polyclonal IgG concentrates registered for intravenous application
Flebogamma® 5% DIF C&O PEG D-sorbitol 5% ≥97 5 240–350 mOsmol/L None <3.2 mEq/L 5.0–6.0 ≤0.05
(Grifols, Grifols SA, precipitation;
Spain) ion-exchange
Gammaplex® 5% (BPL, C&O Ion-exchange D-sorbitol ≥95 5 NR None <0.85% 4.9 ≤0.01
Creat Group Corp., China) chromatography, Glycine
S/D treatment, Polysorbat 80
13 Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives
virus filtration,
low pH 2–25 °C
for 24 months
IG Vena N (Kedrion, C&O Low pH; S/D Maltose 10% ≥95 5 NR Maltose 3 mmol/L NR <0.05
Kedrion Biopharma
S.p.A. Italy)
Gammaplex® 5% (BPL, C&O Ion-exchange D-sorbitol ≥98 5 NR Sorbitol Yes, NR 4.8–5.1 ≤0.01
Creat Group Corp., China) chromatography, (max 55 mg/
S/D treatment, mL), glycine,
virus filtration, polysorbate
low pH 80
0.52 mmol/L
Table 13.3 (continued)
of the
Type of protein
cold Polishing and solution
IgG concentrate ethanol validated IgG ready for
(manufacturer, fractio- pathogen Excipients cont. infusion Sugars as IgA cont.
organization, country) nation reduction stabilizer (%) (%) Osmolality excipients Sodium cont. pH (mg/mL)
Intragam P (CSL K-N Low pH, Maltose ≥98 6 NR Maltose NR 4.25 Nominally
Bioplasma, CSL Ltd., pasteurization 10 g/100 mL ≤0.025
Intratect 5% (Biotest C&O Glycine ≥96 5 None NR ≤0.9
Pharma; Biotest AG,
Octagam® 5% C&O Chromatography; Maltose ≥95 5 310–380 mOsmol/ Maltose ≤0.015 mmol/L 5.1–6.0 ≤0.2
(Octapharma,Octapharma, pH 4; solvent/ 10 mg/mL kg
AG, Switzerland)a detergent;
Nanogam® (Sanquin, K-N pH 4.4/trace Glucose ≥95 5 NR Glucose NR NR ≤0.006
Sanquin Plasma Products pepsin; solvent/ 50 mg/mL
B.V., Netherlands) detergent;
3 years at
2 °C–8 °C (in a
Lyophilized polyclonal IgG concentrates for intravenous use after reconstitution
Carimune/Carimune® NF K-N Partitioning; Lyophilized ≥96 3, 6, 9, 192–1074 mOsmol/ Sucrose <20 mg/g of 6.6 720
(CSL Behring, CSL Ltd., pH 4/trace powder 12 kg (depending on protein
Australia) pepsin; the IgG
nanofiltration concentration of the
P.J. Späth
of the
Type of protein
cold Polishing and solution
IgG concentrate ethanol validated IgG ready for
(manufacturer, fractio- pathogen Excipients cont. infusion Sugars as IgA cont.
organization, country) nation reduction stabilizer (%) (%) Osmolality excipients Sodium cont. pH (mg/mL)
Gammagard S/D 5% C&O DEAE Glucose 20%, ≥90 5 636 mOsmol/L Glucose <8.5 mg/mL 6.8 ± 0.4 <0.001
(Baxalta, Shire plc, Jersey) chromatography glycine 0.3 M
S/D human
albumin 3%
Sandoglobulin®/ Sandoglobulin® NF identical to Carimune® NF; see above
Sandoglobulin® NF (CSL Carimune®/Sandoglobulin® are virus filtered as well
Behring, CSL Ltd.,
Tegéline® LFB, LFB SA, K-N pH 4/trace Sucrose 2 g/g >97 5 NR Sucrose 8 mg/10 mL NR 17 mg/g
13 Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives
human hyaluronidase
(rHUPH20), 160 U/mL
Polyclonal IgG concentrates registered for i.m. and s.c. use
Gammaplex® 5% and 10% For details regarding Gammaplex see Tables 13.2 and 13.3
Polyclonal IgG concentrates intended for i.v. use applied s.c.c
Carimune® NF For details on Carimune NF, see Table 13.3
Gammagard® liquid For details regarding Gammagard liquid, see Table 13.2
without hyaluronidase
Gamunex® For details regarding Gamunex, see Table 13.1
Polyclonal IgG concentrates intended for i.m. use applied s.c.
BayGam® BayGam is also marketed as GammaSTAN; see below
Table 13.4 (continued)
Cytogam® (CSL Behring, CSL Ltd., 5 Liquid for i.v. NR NR S/D Sucrose 5% 20– Trace
Australia) Human 30 mEq/L amount albumin 1%
CMV immunoglobulin-VF (CSL 55–65 Liquid, for i.v. 1.5 million Yes 292 mmol/L 4.25 <0.5 mg/
Behring, CSL Ltd., Australia) units per maltose mL vial
Table 13.5 (continued)
Table 13.6 “Domestic” IgG concentrates. Toll-manufactured products might be widely used in
some of the countries listed
IgG concentrate (manufacturer, financial Main fractionation method/
background) reference
Australia and New Normal immunoglobulin-VF (CSL Formulation: Liquid for i.m.
Zealand Behring, CSL ltd., Australia) IgG content: ≥98
All “local” Strength of the solution for
products toll infusion: 160 mg/mL
manufactured Stabilizer: Glycine 22.5 mg/
pH: 6.6
Various “Australian & New Zealand (Young et al. 2017)
Immunoglobulins” (CSL Behring
(Australia) Pty ltd)
China Human immunoglobulin (IM) (Shanghai
Raas, blood products Co. Ltd., China)
Gammaraas (Shanghai Raas, Blood Formulation: Liquid for i.v. at
Products Co. Ltd., China) pH of 4 with sorbitol
Strength of the solution for
infusion: 50 mg/mL
IgG content: ≥95
Pathogen safety: Low pH and
virus filtration
Shelf life: 36 mo at 2–8 °C
This product has a market
penetration in some countries
beside China
Human hepatitis B immunoglobulin Ascertained specific IgG
(IM) (Shanghai Raas, Blood Products content: 100, 200, 400 IU per
Co. Ltd., China) flask
Human tetanus immunoglobulin (IM) Ascertained specific IgG
(Shanghai Raas, Blood Products Co. content: 250 IU/vial
Ltd., China)
Human rabies immunoglobulin (IM) Ascertained specific IgG
(Shanghai Raas, Blood Products Co. content: 100 IU/mL
Ltd., China)
Normal human immunoglobulins Application: i.v.
A comparative study on
concentrations of antibodies
against β-amyloid 40/42
monomer and oligomers in 11
Chinese IVIGs
(Ye et al. 2017)
Cuba Intacglobin (Macías-Abraham et al. 2016)
13 Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives 193
Table 13.6 (continued)
IgG concentrate (manufacturer, financial Main fractionation method/
background) reference
India Immunorel (Reliance Life Science,
Globucel (INTAS Pharma, Ahmedabad, Formulation: Liquid
India) Strength of the solution for
infusion: 50 mg/mL
Seroglob (Virchow/Gsk Healthcare Pvt. Strength of the solution for
Ltd.) infusion: 50 mg/mL
Immuglo (Hemarus Therapeutics Strength of the solution for
Limited, Hyderabad, India) infusion: 50 mg/mL
V-immune (Virchow Healthcare Pvt. Formulation: Liquid
Ltd. Mumbai, India) Strength of the solution for
infusion: 50 mg/mL
Japan Kenketsu Globulin “KAKETSUKEN” Formulation: Freeze-dried,
(Nihon Pharmaceutical Co., Takeda enzymatically degraded to the
Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.) F(ab)2 part by harsh pepsin
Kenketsu Venilon-I (Nihon Formulation: Freeze-dried,
Pharmaceutical Co., Takeda chemically modified by
Pharmaceutical company Ltd.) S-sulfonation
Glovenin-I (Nihon Pharmaceutical Co., Formulation: Freeze-dried,
Takeda pharmaceutical company Ltd.) polyethylene glycol-treated
human normal
DRIED HB GLOBULIN for Formulation: Freeze-dried
l.M. Injection 200 units INICHIYAKU Strength of the solution for
infusion: 200 mg/mL
Ascertained specific IgG
content: 250 U/vial
TETANUS GLOBULIN for Ascertained specific IgG
l.M. Injection 250 units INICHIYAKUJ content: 250 U/vial
ANTl-D GLOBULIN for l.M. Injection Ascertained specific IgG
1000 INICHIYAKUJ content: 1000 U/vial
South Africa Intragama (National Bioproducts, South (Peter et al. 2014)
Polygamb (National Bioproducts, South (Peter et al. 2014)
194 P.J. Späth
Table 13.6 (continued)
IgG concentrate (manufacturer, financial Main fractionation method/
background) reference
South Korea IV-globulin SN™, (Green Cross Fractionation: Cold ethanol
Corporation, Yongin, Korea) and DEAE-sepharose
Formulation: Liquid, maltose
at 100 mg/mL
Pathogen safety: S/D
treatment and virus filtration
Strength of the solution for
infusion: 50 mg/mL
Marketed in Korea, Brazil,
India, and Iran (Yoon et al.
2017; Stein et al. 2015)
Gamma globulin an i.m. concentrate (Tejada-Strop et al. 2017)
GC5101B (Green Cross Corporation, A Green Cross product
Yongin, Korea, and the Sungkyunkwan purified further (Park et al.
University, Suwon, Korea) 2017)
Furthermore, in several of the countries “nondomestic” products listed in the above tables are
available. The table is not a complete listing of all domestic products
BPL Bio Products Laboratory, CSL Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, LFB Laboratoire de
Fractionnement Bilogique,
In Australia and New Zealand, the predecessor preparation of Intragam P was Intragam
Under the trade name Polygam the American Red Cross sold Gammagard in the USA; after the
transmission of HCV, the product is no more on the market
immunomodulatory potential of IVIGs was first reported (Imbach et al. 1981).
Following a distribution agreement with Sandoz, the product was renamed
Sandoglobulin. Sandoglobulin was the first IVIG which came onto the US market
after having been tested in the first IVIG registration study ever performed
(Cunningham-Rundles et al. 1984). Sandoglobulin was also the first product that
underwent large-scale virus filtration during manufacturing (Kempf and
Morgenthaler 1999). Sandoglobulin®/Sandoglobulin® NF is identical to
Carimune®/Carimune® NF and is also identical to Panglobulin®/Panglobulin®
NF. Panglobulin®/Panglobulin® NF was toll manufactured for the American Red
Cross (ARC). Panglobulin® /Panglobulin® NF is no more available. In contrast,
Sandoglobulin® NF/Carimune® NF is, at least in some markets, still available.
Outside the field of primary immune deficiencies, the clinical use of IgG concen-
trates in bacterial infection is almost inexistent. Table 13.5 does not list a single
antibacterial hyperimmune globulin. However, this might change. There are aston-
ishingly few reports which preemptively address a possible last resort role of IgG
therapy in fighting antibiotic-resistant/multiresistant infections (Diep et al. 2016;
Farag et al. 2013). Interest in IgG suddenly might awake, i.e., as soon as the spread-
ing of the mrc-1 gene located on plasmids of Gram-negative bacteria accelerates.
The mrc-1 gene has broken away the very last line of defense against antibiotic-
resistant Gram-negative bacteria (Liu et al. 2016).
The past decade has seen a rapid appearance of innovative new immunosuppressive
and immunomodulatory drugs in clinics with currently three broad classes of bio-
logic therapies, i.e., tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, lymphocyte modulators,
and interleukin inhibitors. Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, peptides, and fusion
proteins or engineered chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells are the basis of these
new therapies (Batlevi et al. 2016). Combination of these with well-established
196 P.J. Späth
et al. 2016) and in a few other conditions. Usually only severe, refractory cases are
receiving combination therapies, and hence the number of treated patients is small.
The “fragment crystallizable” (Fc) together with the hinge region of immunoglobu-
lin molecules mediates the effector functions of the molecules. For IgG the
Fc-fragment accomplishes the binding to the Fcγ receptors and the binding of the
complement component C1q (initiation of the classical pathway of complement).
The hinge region is the site where complement components C3 and C4 are bound.
Already in the first report on immunomodulatory potential of polyclonal immuno-
globulin preparations, an important role for the Fc-fragments was recognized (cited
from (Imbach et al. 1981): “In one patient with acute ITP 0.5 g of a pepsin-treated
gammaglobulin [F(ab')2]/kg body-weight/day on 3 consecutive days did not influ-
ence platelet count, whilst a single dose of 0.4 g of Ig-SRK/kg body-weight raised
counts from 1.7 to 5 × 109/L within 6 h and to 12 × 109/L within 18 h.” Interestingly
enough, there exists one single study using Fc-fragment of IgG to treat ITP (Debré
et al. 1993). The study was successful, was never repeated, and, nevertheless,
together with other in vitro or in vivo studies, kept alive the interest about the rele-
vance in immunomodulation by Fc- fragments, the F(ab)- fragments, or the intact
IgG molecules. In a series of very elegant studies a research group around Jeffrey
Ravetch, The Rockefeller University, New York, from 2001 onward (Samuelsson
et al. 2001) added and continuously refined their concept how Fc-fragments might
take a role in immunomodulation: terminal sialic acid-guided interaction with
inhibitory Fcγ receptors being the key event (Kaneko et al. 2006; Schwab and
Nimmerjahn 2013; Schwab et al. 2015). A recent publication describes a robust,
controlled sialylation process to generate tetra-Fc–sialylated IVIG and its tenfold
enhanced anti-inflammatory effect in a mouse model of collagen antibody-induced
arthritis using a prophylactic dose (Washburn et al. 2015). The above concept is
based on mice experiments, and results are discussed controversially due to con-
flicting findings from other groups (Bazin et al. 2006; Campbell et al. 2014; Crispin
et al. 2013; Guhr et al. 2011; Käsermann et al. 2012; Leontyev et al. 2012; Leontyev
et al. 2012; Othy et al. 2014; von Gunten et al. 2014; Yu et al. 2013; Schneider et al.
2017). In humans an exclusive role of terminal sialic acid-guided interaction with
inhibitory Fcγ receptors as anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory principle remains
open. The mechanism of action of IgG concentrates might involve such interaction
however; it is likely that this interaction is not sufficient to explain the anti-
inflammatory/immunomodulatory potential of polyclonal normal IgG concentrates.
Nevertheless, in humans terminal sialylation of Fc-fragments might be involved in
some immunoregulatory processes. As an example, in pregnancy partial suppres-
sion of the maternal immune system is required to ensure tolerance of the fetus
(Trowsdale and Betz 2006). In successful pregnancies, an increase in IgG Fc-linked
198 P.J. Späth
N-glycan galactosylation and sialylation and decrease after delivery were observed
(Jansen et al. 2016). How far this and no other changes in glycans during pregnancy
is responsible for tolerance remains open.
The interest in the biological role of Fc-fragments of IgG and their
N-glycosylation is unbowed. The aim is to reproduce effector mechanism of poly-
clonal IgG at lower doses, and this has opened out into generation of engineered
forms of Fc-fragments and their N-glycans. Multimerized recombinant Fc is one of
the options. Momenta Pharmaceuticals is, among others, working on a trimeric Fc
structure, and the start of a phase I study is planned for 2017 (Ortiz et al. 2016).
Another avenue is pursued by Gliknik. GL-2045 is a stradomer, a multimeric IgG2
hinge-Fc in preclinical safety studies. The hinge region allows the binding of com-
plement C3 and C4 and is an inhibitor of complement-mediated cytotoxicity (Zhou
et al. 2017). HexaGard™ is a hexameric IgG1Fc with IgM tailpiece [L309C/
H310L], i.e., is a biomimetic substitute of IVIG for triggering inhibitory receptors
involved in controlling unwanted inflammation in autoimmune disease (http://
immunoglobulin-ivig-for-the-treatment-of; accessed July 2017). UCB Celltech is
working on a hexameric, hybrid IgG1/4Fc IgM tailpiece. A subject-blind, investi-
gator-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, first-in-human study evaluates the
safety/tolerability and pharmacokinetics of single ascending intravenous and sub-
cutaneous doses of UCB7858 in healthy subjects (
show/NCT02879877; accessed July 2017). Argenex has created a monomeric
IgG1Fc with high affinity for FcRn (ARGX-113). ARGX-113 is in phase II trials
in myasthenia gravis and ITP. ARGX-113 enhances degradation of circulating
disease-causing autoimmune antibodies by competing for binding to the Fc recep-
tor of the newborn (FcRn), an MHC class I-like Fc receptor (Yu and Lennon 1999).
FcRn is the receptor on endothelial cell that recirculates IgG and prolongs the half-
lives in circulation to above 2 days (except IgG3) (Andersen and Sandlie 2009).
FcRn is also the receptor for transplacental passage of IgG from mother to fetus
(Firan et al. 2001). A more broad review regarding these new developments was
published recently (Zürcher et al. 2016). More recently engineered IgG Fc domains
that bind C1q but not effector Fcγ receptors mediated the clearance of target cells
with kinetics and efficacy comparable to those of the FcγR-dependent effector
functions, while they circumvented certain adverse reactions associated with FcγR
engagement (Lee et al. 2017).
Beside the avenue of anti-inflammation/immunomodulation, even host defense
was addressed by engineered Fc-fractions. Lysibodies are IgG Fc fusions with
lysin-binding domains targeting Staphylococcus aureus cell wall carbohydrates for
effective phagocytosis (Raz et al. 2017). Lysibodies target bacterial structures con-
served over the evolution and thus escape mutations have a lesser chance for
In summary, innovative clinical trials with polyclonal normal IgG are not shin-
ing on the horizon. A considerable effort is taken to elucidate the biologic role of
13 Current IgG Products and Future Perspectives 199
Andersen JT, Sandlie I. The versatile MHC class I-related FcRn protects IgG and albumin from
degradation: implications for development of new diagnostics and therapeutics. Drug Metab
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Batlevi CL, Matsuki E, Brentjens RJ, Younes A. Novel immunotherapies in lymphoid malignan-
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Baumstark JS, Laffin RJ, Bardawil WA. A preparative method for the separation of 7S gamma
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Part III
Immune Thrombocytopenia: The First
Immunomodulatory IgG Treatment
Updates in Immune Thrombocytopenia:
Terminology, Immunomodulation 14
and Platelet Stimulation, and Clinical
Guidelines and Management
Cindy Neunert
14.1 Introduction
• Severe ITP: Patients who have clinically relevant bleeding defined as the pres-
ence of bleeding symptoms either at presentation or subsequent new bleeding
symptoms which require therapeutic intervention with a different platelet-
enhancing agent or an increased dose of current medication. Patients can present
with emergency bleeding events. These include life-threatening bleeding such as
intracranial hemorrhage, abdominal bleeding, and/or bleeding in the setting of
trauma. Physicians should consider symptoms and history in order to promptly
recognize and manage these events.
• Refractory ITP: Patients who have failed splenectomy or relapsed following
splenectomy and have severe ITP or have a risk of bleeding that in the opinion of
the physician requires therapy
• Response Criteria:
–– Complete response—any platelet count 100 × 109/L AND resolution of
–– Response—any platelet count 30 < 100 × 109/L AND at least doubling of the
baseline count and resolution of bleeding
–– No response—any platelet count <30 × 109/L OR less than doubling of the
baseline count and resolution of bleeding
• Limitations to Definitions:
–– No established bleeding score to determine exact definition of severe disease
based on bleeding symptoms alone (Neunert and Arnold 2015)
–– Definition of refractory requiring that patients have undergone and failed
splenectomy may not apply to certain populations such as children or those
with a contraindication to splenectomy
–– The need to account for the variable time to response for different treatments
–– The need to account for therapies which require ongoing treatment (such as
TPO-RA) compared to those that are given at a single time point (such as
The earliest understanding of ITP came from the experiments of Dr. Harrington. In
1950 Dr. Harrington injected himself with blood from a patient with ITP (Harrington
et al. 1951). He had a rapid decline in his platelet count, giving some of the first
evidence that ITP was a blood disorder. Later it was understood that this “blood fac-
tor” was antibodies interacting with the surface of the platelets and causing them to
be removed from circulation by Fc gamma receptors on splenic macrophages (van
Leeuwen et al. 1982). More recently, however, we have also come to appreciate the
highly complex process that appears to be disrupted in patients with ITP. These take
on two distinct pathways: reduced tolerance to self and increased immune activation
(Panitsas et al. 2004; McKenzie et al. 2013; Olsson et al. 2003).
14 Updates in Immune Thrombocytopenia 207
14.3.2 Immunomodulation
Table 14.1 (continued)
Agent Mechanism of action Dosing Response data
Cyclophosphamide Cross-links DNA 0.3–1.0 g/m2/dose 24–85%
causing inhibition of every 2–4 weeks × 1–3
DNA replication doses and then 50–200
Mechanism in ITP orally after response
unclear can tapered to 50 mg
Vincristine Binds to tubulin and Vincristine: 1–2 mg IV 10–75%
inhibits cell division weekly × 3–6 doses
Vinblastine Vinblastine: 10 mg IV
weekly × 3 weeks
Dapsone Blockade 75–100 mg Qday 40–75%
Mechanism unclear in
Mycophenolate mofetil Inhibits inosine-5′- 250–1000 mg BID 11–80%
dehydrogenase and
impairs T and B
Danazol Unclear in ITP 50–800 mg/d orally 10–70%
divided into 2–4 doses
per day
It has more recently been shown that IgG from patients with ITP binds to and sup-
presses megakaryocyte production (Chang et al. 2003; McMillan et al. 2004).
Megakaryocytes in the bone marrow also demonstrate abnormal changes consistent
with apoptosis and inflammation (Houwerzijl et al. 2004). These discoveries lead to
the development of thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs), which stimulate
platelet production.
There are two current TPO-RAs that have been widely studied in adult and pedi-
atric trials, eltrombopag and romiplostim, each outlined below.
• Eltrombopag
–– 25–75 mg PO Qday (titrated based on platelet count)
–– Results of mean platelet counts during clinical trial (Saleh et al. 2013)
14 Updates in Immune Thrombocytopenia 209
Median Platelet Count (×103/µL)
BL 1 2 3 4 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 156
Number of patients 299290285272 272 243 166 128 107 94 68 77 78 71 72 61 50 43 31 12 12 15 12 11 10
• Romiplostim
–– 1–10 mcg/kg SC weekly (titrated based on platelet count)
–– Results of mean platelet counts during clinical trial (Kuter et al. 2013)
Platelet Count x 10 /L
Median (01-03) 9
0 6 15 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 206 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272
Study Week
n = 291 257 242 233 227 228 210 210 194 156 129 110 100 95 92 86 83 81 82 80 75 74 67 57 45 41 31 26 22 23 19 17 13 14 11
Current clinical practice guidelines exist for the management of ITP (Neunert
et al. 2011; Provan et al. 2010). Most guidelines reference treatment for patients
with newly diagnosed ITP who require first-line therapy and then additional guid-
ance for those who develop more long-standing ITP and/or become refractory to
first-line therapy. General management for adult and pediatric patients is outlined
Bussel JB, Buchanan GR, Nugent DJ, et al. A randomized, double-blind study of romiplos-
tim to determine its safety and efficacy in children with immune thrombocytopenia. Blood.
Bussel JB, de Miguel PG, Despotovic JM, et al. Eltrombopag for the treatment of children
with persistent and chronic immune thrombocytopenia (PETIT): a randomised, multicentre,
placebo-controlled study. Lancet Haematol. 2015;2(8):e315–25.
Chang M, Nakagawa PA, Williams SA, et al. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) plasma
and purified ITP monoclonal autoantibodies inhibit megakaryocytopoiesis in vitro. Blood.
Cuker A, Neunert CE. How I treat refractory immune thrombocytopenia. Blood.
Gaines AR. Disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with acute hemoglobinemia or
hemoglobinuria following Rh(0)(D) immune globulin intravenous administration for immune
thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood. 2005;106(5):1532–7.
Grainger JD, Locatelli F, Chotsampancharoen T, et al. Eltrombopag for children with chronic
immune thrombocytopenia (PETIT2): a randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled trial.
Lancet. 2015;386(10004):1649–58.
Harrington WJ, Minnich V, Hollingsworth JW, Moore CV. Demonstration of a thrombocytopenic
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Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients
with Immune Thrombocytopenia 15
Robert J. Klaassen and Nancy L. Young
15.1 Introduction
I walked into the examination room to see my second patient of the day—five other
families were quietly sitting in the waiting room awaiting their turn. She was a
15-year-old girl with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) diagnosed just over 1 year
ago. Her platelet count ranged from 20 to 30 × 109/l, but she had not required any
emergency department visits or had any significant bleeding events over the past
6 months. All in all she seemed stable, so my plan was to continue with the current
treatment approach of “watch and wait”.
I was about to wrap up the visit when I noticed that she was looking dejected and
asked her how she was doing. She explained that she had been very active in rugby
before the diagnosis, and now she had no energy and spent most of her time on the
couch. I had, on multiple occasions, previously reassured her that she could fully
engage in all non-contact sports, but she still felt restricted and run down. Because
of this interaction, I changed my plan and discuss in detail the many second-line
treatment options available for chronic ITP.
This clinical example illustrates that patients’ perceptions contribute an essential
component of the history which in turn has a central bearing on the treatment plan.
It also shows that elucidating this information in the clinic setting often occurs by
chance. In this chapter, we will discuss options for a more intentional and system-
atic approach, using quality of life assessment tools.
15.2 W
hat Is Quality of Life and Health-Related Quality
of Life (HRQoL)?
Quality of life (QOL) has been defined by the World Health Organisation as “an indi-
viduals’ perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value sys-
tems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and
concerns” (WHOQOL Group 1993). They organised QOL into six domains: physical,
psychological, level of independence, social relationships, environmental and spiritual/
religion/personal beliefs. A more concise way of looking at QOL is the gap between our
expectations and our experience (Calman 1984). Further narrowing the concept is the
term health-related quality of life (HRQOL), which excludes some of the domains that
are generally not influenced by health services, such as spiritual beliefs and finances
(which may be relevant depending on the local health care system). In many instances,
the terms are used interchangeably, but we will focus this chapter on HRQOL.
Two general types of measures can be used to measure HRQOL: (1) generic and (2)
disease specific, each having their own advantages and disadvantages (Eiser and
Jenney 2007). Generic HRQOL tools can be used across disease groups and can
even be administered to “healthy” populations (Varni et al. 2003). This allows for
comparisons between different patient populations using the healthy population as
a reference. Because these tools can be used in many different settings, they are well
known to clinicians and are therefore easier to understand, with the resulting scores
being easy to interpret. Examples include the medical outcomes study short-form
15 Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia 215
The KIT was initially developed in North America specifically for children with ITP
and their parents (Barnard et al. 2003) and later refined (Klaassen et al. 2007; Klaassen
and Young 2010) and cross-culturally validated for other regions of the world
(Klaassen et al. 2013). It has three versions: one for the child (child self-report), where
the child is asked to focus on what he/she thought about and did; another for the parent
to complete on behalf of the child (parent proxy report), where the parent is asked to
focus on their child’s HRQOL; and finally one for the parent complete about them-
selves (parent impact report) to capture the HRQOL experience of the parent. All of
the versions consist of 26 questions with the total score ranging from 0 (worst) to 100
(best) HRQOL. There are no subscales. Data supporting the validity, reliability and
responsiveness of KIT has been published (Klaassen et al. 2007). The KIT has been
cross-culturally translated into 24 languages in 21 countries.
The ITP-PAQ is a questionnaire developed for use in adults with chronic ITP to
measure HRQOL, consisting of 44 items grouped into 10 scales: Physical Symptoms
216 R.J. Klaassen and N.L. Young
(6 items), Bother-Physical Health (3), Fatigue/Sleep (4), Activity (2), Fear (5),
Psychological Health (5), Work (4), Social Activity (4), Women’s Reproductive
Health (6) and Overall Quality of Life (5) (Mathias et al. 2007, 2009). No summary
score is calculated. Each scale is scored from 0 to 100, with higher scores represent-
ing better HRQOL. It was found to be valid with moderate correlation to the SF-36
and was able to differentiate ITP patients on treatment from those off treatment
(McMillan et al. 2008). The ITP-PAQ can be used to describe the burden of illness
as well as an outcome measure to assess the efficacy or effectiveness of ITP
15.5.1 Paediatric
100.0 *
Parental Disease Burden
Diagnosis 1 week 6 months 12 months
b Study Visit
* *
HRQoL Child
Diagnosis 1 week 6 months 12 months
c Study Visit
* *
HRQoL Proxy
60.0 *
Diagnosis 1 week 6 months 12 months
Study Visit
Fig. 15.1 Change in KIT scores for parent (a), child (b) and proxy (c) questionnaires from diag-
nosis through 12 months (parent, p = 0.009; child, p < 0.0005; proxy p = 0.001). Asterisks denote
statistically significant improvement in score from six pairwise comparisons (p < 0.008; 0.05/6).
Adapted from Flores et al. (2017)
218 R.J. Klaassen and N.L. Young
15.5.2 Adult
Adults with ITP have consistently been shown to have lower HRQOL when com-
pared to the healthy population in studies measuring the SF36 in China, the USA,
the UK and Italy (Fig. 15.2) (Efficace et al. 2016; McMillan et al. 2008; Snyder
et al. 2008; Zhou et al. 2007) and the EQ-5D in the USA, the UK, France, the
Netherlands and Spain (Sanz et al. 2011; Snyder et al. 2008). In particular, between
five and seven of the eight domains of the SF36 were significantly lower, with only
bodily pain not affected (which makes sense clinically). General health, role physi-
cal (the ability to get things done), vitality (energy) and social functioning were the
domains consistently discrepant across studies from the control population, point-
ing to the impact of ITP on overall functioning (McMillan et al. 2008; Snyder et al.
2008; Zhou et al. 2007). When compared to other patient populations, ITP patients
had worse SF36 scores than patients with hypertension, arthritis and cancer, similar
scores to diabetes and higher scores than patients with congestive heart failure or
missing a limb.
As opposed to the situation in paediatrics, adult therapeutic studies have
clearly shown that second-line therapies result in significant improvements in
HRQOL when compared to placebo (George et al. 2009; Kuter et al. 2010; Sanz
et al. 2011). An analysis of two phase 3 randomised placebo-controlled European
studies of romiplostim that incorporated the EQ-5D, a health utility-based mea-
sure which can be used in economic evaluation, showed a significant
ITP patients Population norms
P < 0.001*
P < 0.001* P < 0.001*
80 ∆=-16.0** P = 0.347 ∆=-6.3 P = 0.002*
81.5 ∆=-1.7 ∆=-8.4* P = 0.417
76.1 75.2 P = 0.008 75.6 ∆=-1.1
70 P = 0.350 71.4
69.3 71.4 ∆=-4.0
∆=-3.0 69.1
60 62.7 63.9 65.2
61.4 59.7
59.0 57.2 56.5
Physical Role Bodily General Vitality Social Role Mental
Functioning Physical Pain Health Functioning Emotional Health
Fig. 15.2 Adjusted comparisons of SF-36 scales between pITP patients (overall population) and
general population norms. Legend Δ mean differences were adjusted for age, sex, education, geo-
graphic area and marital status: *The score difference exceeds the minimally important difference
(i.e. 8 points); **The score difference exceeds twice the minimally important difference; # statisti-
cally significant after Bonferroni adjustment (adjusted alpha = 0.05/8 = 0.00625). Adapted from
Efficace et al. (2016)
15 Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia 219
improvement over 6 months in the index score (0.05 vs. −0.03, p = 0.015) but did
not achieve significance with the visual analogue score (6.42 vs. 0.48, p = 0.066).
Using the disease-specific measure ITP-PAQ, an analysis of two American ran-
domised placebo-controlled trials, again of romiplostim, showed significant
improvement in seven of ten scales (Symptoms, Bother, Activity, Fear,
Psychological Health, Social Activity and Women’s Reproductive Health) when
compared to placebo (George et al. 2009). This was confirmed in an open-label
comparison of romiplostim to standard of care, which showed statistically sig-
nificant improvement in six scales (Symptoms, Bother, Activity, Fear,
Psychological Health, Social Activity) and Overall QOL for patients given
romiplostim. Eltrombopag has much less adult QOL data available, with the
landmark NEJM published in 2007 s howing no change in SF36 scores. This is
likely due to the fact that they did not incorporate a disease-specific tool into
their trials (Bussel et al. 2007).
15.6 Fatigue
A specific mention needs to be made of the issue of fatigue in ITP, since this is an
important symptom that has been reported in numerous studies in spite of the lack
of a clear pathogenic link to ITP (Efficace et al. 2016; Newton et al. 2011). A large
combined US and UK study published in 2011 of 653 adults using the Fatigue
Impact Scale (FIS) found significantly increased rates of fatigue when compared
to the healthy population (UK 39%, USA 22% with FIS score ≥40 vs. 2.5%,
respectively; p < 0.0001) (Newton et al. 2011). This was confirmed in an Italian
ITP study which used the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) and again
found significantly worse general, mental and physical fatigue as well as reduced
activity (p for all dimensions <0.001) (Efficace et al. 2016). Children experience
fatigue as well, with a study that administered the Fatigue Scale-Child, Adolescent
and Parent (FS-C, A, P) to 102 children with ITP showing that children as young
as seven experienced significantly more fatigue than the healthy population (Grace
et al. 2016).
ITP patients have been complaining about this symptom long before it was docu-
mented in the literature but was often dismissed by clinicians as unrelated to their
disease. A review article on the topic by Hill et al. proposed a pathogenic model
(Fig. 15.3) linking ITP with peripheral inflammation, bruising and activity restric-
tions, anaemia and iron deficiency, tied in with social factors and cognitive/behav-
ioural issues all contributing to fatigue (Hill and Newland 2015). Going forward,
assessment of fatigue needs to be included in the arsenal of patient-reported out-
comes for this illness.
220 R.J. Klaassen and N.L. Young
Tcell (Th1)
Social factors
• Work/carer
Drug therapies responsibilities
• Steroids • Social support
Sleep disturbance
• Immunosuppression
• Illness beliefs
Bruising & activity • Perceived stress
restrictions • Mood
Fig. 15.3 Model of the pathogenesis of ITP-associated fatigue. ITP, immune thrombocytopenia;
B cell, autoantibody-producing B lymphocytes; T cell Th1, T lymphocytes with a T helper 1 polar-
isation; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor alpha; IFN-γ, interferon gamma; MP, microparticles; CNS,
central nervous system. *T cells can attack platelets directly, secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines
and drive formation of autoreactive B cells. This results in antibody- and complement-mediated
platelet destruction. Platelet microparticles are prothrombotic and able to activate the pro-
inflammatory complement pathway. Adapted from Hill and Newland (2015)
All of this leads to the recommendation proposed at the start of the chapter: How do
we implement a more intentional and systematic approach, using HRQOL assess-
ment tools? Unfortunately, most of the available HRQOL tools were developed for
the research setting and need to be further assessed in the clinic to determine if they
can be used for clinical decision-making. A number of investigators have been
focusing on this task, with the International Society of Quality of Life releasing a
user’s guide in 2015 for the implementation of patient-reported outcomes in clinical
practice Older lit-
erature has not clearly shown that using these tools in the clinic has influenced the
management of patients’ problems (Greenhalgh 2009), but fortunately that early
work has clarified different strategies to make this successful in the future. With the
widespread implementation of electronic health records by many clinicians, the
reality of integrating HRQOL tools into routine clinical practice has become tanta-
lisingly close.
Returning to my patient described in the introduction, after our discussion of
possible second-line ITP therapies, she elected to receive a course of rituximab.
Fortunately she experienced no significant side effects, and a few months later, she
15 Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia 221
was in remission with a respectable platelet count. Clinically she felt much better
and was smiling with renewed energy. A fortunate outcome that should hopefully
become more commonplace with the systematic integration of HRQOL tools into
the clinic.
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ITP in Childhood: Predictors of Disease
Duration 16
Carolyn M. Bennett
16.1 Introduction
inciting event and may cause serious morbidity and mortality (Kuhne et al. 2003;
Psaila et al. 2009).
The majority of children with ITP will have spontaneous disease resolution
within weeks to months of presentation (Imbach et al. 2006). About 20–30% of
children will have persistent thrombocytopenia beyond 6 months of diagnosis.
However, in contrast to adults with ITP, a significant proportion of children with
persistent ITP at 6 months will have disease resolution by 1 year (Imbach et al.
2006). The long-term remission rate is high, and in most children with chronic ITP,
the outcome is favorable (Rosthoj et al. 2012; Donato et al. 2009; Watts 2004;
Akbayram et al. 2011). Only about 5–10% of children who present with ITP will
have clinically significant chronic ITP that requires treatment (Bennett and Tarantino
2009; Aronis et al. 1994).
Since serious bleeding is unusual and spontaneous resolution common, children
with newly diagnosed ITP are often observed closely without treatment (Neunert
et al. 2011; Provan et al. 2010). Pharmacologic therapy can be reserved for patients
with significant or troublesome bleeding. Patients with chronic ITP who have mild
to moderate thrombocytopenia and minimal bleeding may be managed with close
observation alone or with standard first-line ITP therapies: corticosteroids, intrave-
nous immune globulin, or anti-D immune globulin (in patients who are Rh positive
and have intact spleens) (Neunert et al. 2011; Provan et al. 2010; Blanchette et al.
1994; Andrew et al. 1992; Papagianni et al. 2011; Blanchette et al. 1993; Imbach
et al. 1985). The small but significant group of children with severe thrombocytope-
nia and bleeding present a difficult therapeutic challenge. Second-line therapies
include splenectomy (Rijcken et al. 2014; Montalvo et al. 2014; Kuhne 2013),
immunosuppressive therapy, (rituximab, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, mycophe-
nolate mofetil) (Rao et al. 2005; Provan et al. 2006; Saleh et al. 2000; Bennett et al.
2005; Sobota et al. 2009; Hilgartner et al. 1970), and thrombopoietin-receptor ago-
nists (eltrombopag, romiplostim) (Tarantino et al. 2016; Grainger et al. 2015). Only
eltrombopag and romiplostim are FDA approved for the treatment of chronic
ITP. While splenectomy is effective in children with ITP, it is often avoided in this
age group because of the lifelong risk of overwhelming bacterial sepsis (Ahmed
et al. 2016; Aronis et al. 2004; Kuhne et al. 2007). Immunosuppressive therapies
may be used as splenectomy sparing treatments but are not effective in many
patients. Thrombopoietin-receptor agonists may show higher efficacy, but long-
term treatment is usually necessary to maintain adequate platelet counts. There is no
standard of care for children with severe, symptomatic ITP, and treatment decisions
are usually based on patient preference, age, activity level, provider experience,
anecdotal evidence, expert opinion, and consensus guidelines.
While the long-term outcome for most children with ITP is favorable, during
periods of severe thrombocytopenia, there can be significant patient and family
anxiety about the ongoing risk of bleeding. Many children with chronic ITP have
activity restrictions which impact quality of life negatively. The ability to predict
disease course reliably would be helpful for families to manage anxiety and improve
quality of life. The identification of predictors of chronic disease in children with
ITP would be extremely beneficial to providers and families in making treatment
16 ITP in Childhood: Predictors of Disease Duration 225
16.2 Challenges
The design of a prospective clinical trial with adequate power requires ample patient
numbers. Since chronic ITP is a rare disease, generating the numbers necessary for a
clinical trial at a single center is difficult. However, large multicenter studies are chal-
lenging and expensive to complete. Hence, the majority of studies investigating prog-
nostic factors in ITP are prospective observational studies or retrospective studies and
while these are valuable in forwarding our knowledge of the natural history of ITP,
they have limitations. A large proportion of patients in prospective long-term observa-
tional studies may be lost to follow-up, thereby limiting the analysis and subsequent
conclusions. In small single-center studies, the findings may not be generalizable to
all populations. In the many published ITP studies over the last decades, widely dis-
crepant criteria are used to evaluate patient characteristics, define chronic disease,
measure responses, and report outcomes. The resulting heterogeneity complicates the
interpretation of results and their application into clinical practice. The International
Working Group in ITP has recommended standardization of terminology for diagno-
sis and management of ITP with the goal of bringing harmonization to ITP research
(Rodeghiero et al. 2009). The new definitions for ITP diagnosis were based on the
high rate of spontaneous remission in children with ITP, even after 12 months. The
recommendations were to define three phases of ITP: newly diagnosed ITP (up to
3 months from diagnosis), persistent ITP (from 3–12 months), and chronic ITP (last-
ing more than 12 months). While this standardization may be helpful for future study
design and interpretation, it does not aid in comparing older studies of chronic ITP in
childhood to more recent ones. There is also heterogeneity in the parameters that are
studied. Predictors of interest in one study may not be included in the data collection
of another, so the results cannot be compared across studies. For example, in a recent
systemic review and meta-analysis of 54 articles published from 1975 to 2013, many
potentially interesting predictors such as antinuclear antibody titer were only reported
in a handful of studies and common baseline measurements such as mean presenting
platelet counts were only reported in 18 of 54 articles (Heitink-Polle et al. 2014).
Hopefully, with the development of new multicenter groups and the growth of estab-
lished registries, future studies will take a more harmonized approach. Despite these
challenges, the current body of evidence defining predictors of ITP outcome is valu-
able for disease management and patient quality of life.
The majority of recent studies that evaluate potential predictors of chronic disease
are retrospective or prospective observational studies. There is one recent ran-
domized controlled trial that investigated potential predictors of chronic disease at
226 C.M. Bennett
Duration Patients with Patients
of ITP enrolled outcome with cITP Features measured Significant
Year Type of study (months) n data n n (%) at diagnosis of ITP predictors of cITP Ref
2006 Retrospective 6 79 72 19 (26.3) Age No prior infection (Roganovic and Letica-
Single center Gender insidious onset Crepulja 2006)
Platelet count
Onset of symptoms
2008 Retrospective 6 259 257 60 (23) Age Older age (Glanz et al. 2008)
Population-based Gender (>10 years)
Multicenter Platelet count Higher platelet
Prior infection count (>20 × 109/l)
Bleeding site No mucosal
Treatment bleeding
No prior infection
absence of
mucosal bleeding
Patients older than
10 years and with
>20 × 109/l had
highest risk of
chronic disease
C.M. Bennett
2009 Prospective 6 2605 1984 630 (31.8) Age Older age (Tamminga et al. 2009)
Matched pair Gender Higher platelet
Multicenter Platelet count (>20 × 109/l)
Prior infection No prior infection
Treatment Children treated
with IVIG were
less likely to have
chronic disease
2009 Retrospective 6 1683 1418 404 (28.5) Age Older age (Donato et al. 2009)
Multicenter Gender (>9 years)
Platelet count Higher platelet
Prior infection count
Bleeding severity (>10 × 109/l)
Type of purpura No prior infection
Treatment Infants have lowest
Seasonal incidence risk of chronic
16 ITP in Childhood: Predictors of Disease Duration
2010 Retrospective 6 409 344 120 (34.9) Age Older age (ElAlfy et al. 2010)
Multicenter Gender (>10 years)
Platelet count Higher platelet
Onset count (>20 × 109/l)
Prior infection Insidious onset
Bleeding severity No mucosal
Bleeding site bleeding
Treatment No prior infection
Table 16.1 (continued)
Duration Patients with Patients
of ITP enrolled outcome with cITP Features measured Significant
Year Type of study (months) n data n n (%) at diagnosis of ITP predictors of cITP Ref
2010 Retrospective 6 625 475 270 (56.8) Age Older age (Bansal et al. 2010)
Multicenter Gender (≥8 years)
Platelet count Male gender
Bleeding site
Bleeding severity
2011 Retrospective 6 260 260 69 Age Older age (Akbayram et al. 2011)
Single center Gender (>10 years)
Platelet count No prior infection
Onset Higher platelet
Prior infection count
2013 Retrospective 3 472 312 Not Age Older age (Revel-Vilk et al. 2013)
6 reported Gender (≥10 years)
12 Platelet count Insidious onset
Prior infection
C.M. Bennett
2014 Systemic review 6 N/A N/A N/A Age Older age (Heitink-Polle et al. 2014)
& 12 Gender (≥11 years)
Meta-analysis Platelet count Female gender
Prior infection Higher platelet
Onset count
Bleeding No prior infection
Treatment Insidious onset
Hemoglobin ANA positivity
White blood cells Treatment with
Antinuclear corticosteroids and
antibody (ANA) IVIG
Platelet antibody Treatment with
Bone marrow IVIG alone was
parameters protective
Genetic factors
2016 Prospective 12 1239 705a 286a Age Older age (Bennett et al. 2016)
Observational 24 383b 152b Gender (≥10 years)
16 ITP in Childhood: Predictors of Disease Duration
705 patients had outcome data at 12 months; 286 of these had cITP
383 patients had outcome data at 24 months; 152 of these had cITP
16 ITP in Childhood: Predictors of Disease Duration 233
Management of children with newly diagnosed ITP consists of close observation ver-
sus treatment with IVIG or corticosteroids. Two recent guidelines support the use of
careful observation over treatment in asymptomatic children with newly diagnosed
ITP (Neunert et al. 2011; Provan et al. 2010). However, several observational and
retrospective studies suggested a lower risk of chronic ITP in children treated with
IVIG. In a matched pair analysis of the ICIS I Registry data, children initially treated
with IVIG were more likely to have ITP resolution than children who received no
therapy (Tamminga et al. 2009). In the meta-analysis, 14 studies assessed the associa-
tion between initial treatment with IVIG and chronic disease (Heitink-Polle et al.
2014). This analysis showed significantly less chronic ITP in patients treated with
IVIG at diagnosis (Heitink-Polle et al. 2014). In the ICIS Registry II study, treatment
with IVIG at diagnosis was not protective against the development of chronic ITP, but
interestingly, combination therapy with IVIG and corticosteroids was associated with
a lower risk of chronic disease (Bennett et al. 2017). In contrast, the meta-analysis
reported a higher risk of chronic ITP in patients who received a combination of IVIG
and methylprednisolone at diagnosis (Heitink-Polle et al. 2014).
The initial findings of a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial
evaluating the efficacy of IVIG treatment versus close observation in children with
newly diagnosed ITP were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society
of Hematology in 2016 and appear to have settled this issue. In this study, the rate
of chronic ITP did not differ significantly between the IVIG treated group and the
observation only group (Heitink-Polle et al. 2016). However, in patients random-
ized to receive IVIG, recovery rates were higher in the first 3 months after diagno-
sis, and bleeding was less common than in the observation group (Heitink-Polle
et al. 2016). The study also investigated biomarker predictors of chronic disease and
found that the following features at diagnosis were associated with a higher risk of
developing chronic disease: older age, longer duration of symptoms, no mucosal
bleeding, lower leukocyte count, and lower lymphocyte count (Heitink-Polle et al.
2016). This study supports prior retrospective studies showing the significance of
lymphocyte and leukocyte counts in the development of chronic ITP (see above). In
the IVIG group, the absence of complete response at 1 week was associated with
development of chronic ITP (Heitink-Polle et al. 2016).
With the development of modern genetic methods, novel approaches are being used
to identify markers of disease outcome and potential therapeutic targets. Several
studies have utilized genetic approaches to investigate factors that might be involved
in the pathogenesis of ITP and might predict outcome or treatment response.
In a gene expression profile of whole blood samples of patients with newly diag-
nosed and chronic ITP, children with chronic disease showed significant upregula-
tion of interferon-regulated genes (Sood et al. 2008) and overexpression of VNN1, a
gene involved in the oxidative stress pathway (Zhang et al. 2011).
234 C.M. Bennett
16.6 Discussion
ITP in children is typically a self-limited disorder that resolves within several weeks
to months after the onset of symptoms. While the risk of clinically significant bleed-
ing is low and the outcome is favorable in the majority of patients, children with
severe thrombocytopenia require close observation and activity restrictions, which
often contribute to patient and parental anxiety and negatively impact quality of life.
Chronic ITP in childhood has a benign course in the majority of cases and may
resolve with or without therapy even several years from onset (Aronis et al. 1994).
A small but significant group of patients will have severe, chronic ITP that requires
ongoing treatment to prevent or treat bleeding. At diagnosis, it is not possible to
distinguish patients who will have a short ITP duration from those who will have
chronic disease. Identifying reliable prognostic factors at diagnosis that predict ITP
outcome would be invaluable for clinicians and families to guide treatment deci-
sions and ultimately improve quality of life.
Despite the limitations of current research, there is a considerable body of
evidence to support these predictors of chronic ITP in children which are present
at initial diagnosis: older age, higher platelet count, longer duration of
16 ITP in Childhood: Predictors of Disease Duration 235
While great progress has been made in discovering risk factors which determine
ITP outcome, important questions and challenges remain. The current predictors
present at ITP diagnosis, specifically younger age, shorter duration of symptoms,
higher leukocyte count, and higher lymphocyte count, can be applied to newly
diagnosed patients to help determine the likelihood of short disease duration, and
these patients can be managed with close observation and treated only if bleed-
ing. Unfortunately, the current predictors are not adequate in identifying those
patients who will ultimately develop clinically significant chronic disease. Future
studies utilizing large ITP registries and genetic approaches are needed to dis-
cover novel biomarkers that reliably predict ITP course.
236 C.M. Bennett
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Immune Functions of Platelets
Rick Kapur and John W. Semple
Platelets are anucleate and small cellular fragments (~2–4 μM in diameter) derived
from bone marrow-resident megakaryocytes (~50–100 μM in diameter) and are
known to be indispensable for the regulation of hemostasis (Semple et al. 2011).
Platelet generation is a complex and highly regulated process (Machlus and
Italiano 2013), and recently it has been suggested that also the lung may be an
important site for the production of platelets (Lefrancais et al. 2017). This may
perhaps reflect the diverse nature of platelets, and indeed a recent body of work
has revealed that platelets are involved in several other functional processes
beyond hemostasis, in both health and disease (Kapur et al. 2015b; Semple et al.
2011; Youssefian et al. 2002; McMorran et al. 2009; Wong et al. 2013; Clark et al.
2007; Sreeramkumar et al. 2014; Boilard et al. 2010; Kapur and Semple 2016a,
b). These non-hemostatic functions will be discussed in this chapter generally
outlined as “Platelets and Pathogens,” reflecting the ability of platelets to battle
R. Kapur
Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Lund University,
BMC C14, Klinikgatan 26, Lund 221 84, Sweden
J.W. Semple (*)
Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Lund University,
BMC C14, Klinikgatan 26, Lund 221 84, Sweden
Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science, St. Michael’s Hospital,
Toronto, ON, Canada
The Toronto Platelet Immunobiology Group, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
Canadian Blood Services, Toronto, ON, Canada
Departments of Pharmacology, Medicine, and Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
Platelets initiate their antimicrobial host defense through sensing the threat of
invading pathogens or damage during inflammation, via their immune receptors
called pattern recognition receptors. These include immunoglobulin or comple-
ment receptors and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) (Semple et al. 2011). These recep-
tors directly bind invading pathogens and microbes, including their derived
materials. Pathogens first encounter TLRs on professional phagocytes, such as
neutrophils, dendritic cells (DCs), or macrophages (Semple et al. 2011; Janeway
1992; Janeway and Medzhitov 2002). The expression of TLRs 1–9 has been
described on human as well as on murine platelets, demonstrating a functional
role for some of these TLRs (Semple et al. 2011). For instance, TLR4 was shown
to mediate lipopolysaccharide (LPS, a gram-negative endotoxin)-induced throm-
bocytopenia and TNF-α production in vivo (Andonegui et al. 2005; Cognasse
et al. 2005; Aslam et al. 2006; Semple et al. 2007; Patrignani et al. 2006; Stahl
et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2009a). Also, TLR4-knockout mice displayed decreased
circulating platelet counts and reticulated platelets, suggesting TLR4 to be of
importance in platelet production (Andonegui et al. 2005; Jayachandran et al.
2007). Triggering of TLR2 on human platelets by Pam3CSK4, a synthetic ligand
mimicking bacterial lipopeptide, enabled a thromboinflammatory response via
activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (Blair et al. 2009). Platelet TLR2 and
TLR4 were also involved in a setting of periodontitis, which is associated with
an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases (Assinger et al. 2012). The peri-
odontopathogens (A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis) upregulated the
expression of CD40L, known to mediate thrombotic and inflammatory processes,
on human platelets via TLR2 and TLR4 (Assinger et al. 2012). Additionally,
platelet TLR3 was shown to respond to poly I:C, indicating an effect on innate
immune responses when detecting viral dsRNA (Anabel et al. 2014). Platelet
TLR7, on the other hand, mediated host survival and platelet counts during infec-
tion with encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) in mice, independently of throm-
bosis (Koupenova et al. 2014). In contrast to the sensing of external danger
signals, platelet TLR9 appears to be more important as a sensor for internal sig-
nals. It was shown that platelet TLR9 was functional in a setting of oxidative
stress, through stimulation of platelet activation, granule secretion, aggregation
in vitro, and thrombosis in vivo (Panigrahi et al. 2013). Notably, thrombocytope-
nia was shown to impair the host defense during pulmonary infection with the
gram-positive bacteria S. pneumoniae in mice (van den Boogaard et al. 2015);
17 Immune Functions of Platelets 243
and/or the reticuloendothelial system (Aslam et al. 2006; Semple et al. 2007;
Patrignani et al. 2006; Stahl et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2009a). On one hand platelet-
dependent NET formation may have its beneficial effects as bacteria are entangled
in NETs; on the other hand, it may also be detrimental to the host. When neutrophils
are activated by LPS and come into contact with the endothelium, there is little
injury; however, if bound neutrophils encounter platelets with bound LPS, neutro-
phils are activated resulting in NET formation accompanied by release of reactive
oxygen species, which damages the underlying endothelium (Clark et al. 2007).
Furthermore, it has been reported that neutrophils are able to scan platelets for acti-
vation in the bloodstream via P-selectin ligand signaling, enhancing inflammation
(Sreeramkumar et al. 2014). Platelet P-selectin, soluble or cellular, was also
described to stimulate NET formation in mice through binding to neutrophil
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) (Etulain et al. 2015). Also in a setting of
diabetes, in which neutrophils are more susceptible to NET formation, NETs were
found to impair wound healing. It was therefore suggested that cleaving NETs or
inhibiting their formation may be an effective approach to improve wound healing
and reduce inflammation in diabetes (Wong et al. 2015).
Platelets have not only been implicated in detecting and retaining bacteria; they
also appear to be involved in the clearance of bacterial infections. For instance,
in infective endocarditis, thrombin-stimulated platelets were shown to facilitate
the clearance of streptococci (Dankert et al. 1995). Additionally, in murine
P. gingivalis infection, platelet TLR2 was implicated in the generation of plate-
let-neutrophil aggregates (Blair et al. 2009), and later it was demonstrated that
phagocytosis of periodontopathogens by neutrophils occurred via platelets,
TLR2, and plasma factors (Assinger et al. 2011). Also, platelets could redirect
the course of the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes from less immunogenic phago-
cytes toward the more immunologically active CD8α+ dendritic cells in the
spleen, using a mechanism dependent upon GP1b and complement component
C3 (Verschoor et al. 2011). Furthermore, McMorran and colleagues elegantly
demonstrated that activated platelets can kill the malarial parasite Plasmodium
inside the red blood cell (McMorran et al. 2009). In a follow-up study, they elu-
cidated that this platelet-mediated killing of Plasmodium was dependent upon
platelet factor 4 (PF4 or CXCL4) and the erythrocyte Duffy-antigen receptor
(Fy) (McMorran et al. 2012). This implies that Duffy-negative individuals, thus
lacking Fy, would be incapable of eliminating this intraerythrocytic malarial
parasite through activated platelets. In apparent contrast, however, a recent study
reported that there is no evidence to support Plasmodium killing by platelets and
that platelets do not contribute to a protective immune response which clears the
Plasmodium infection, but that they activate a pathogenic response to Plasmodium
using platelet CD40 (Gramaglia et al. 2017).
17 Immune Functions of Platelets 245
Platelets can also elicit immune response through release of several mediators
including platelet CD40L, which is released upon platelet activation giving rise
to soluble CD40L (sCD40L) in circulation (Henn et al. 2001). Platelet-derived
CD40L can also enhance CD8+ T-cell responses upon infection with Listeria
monocytogenes (Elzey et al. 2008; Iannacone et al. 2005) and bind to dendritic
cells (DCs) impairing differentiation, suppressing proinflammatory DC cyto-
kines (IL-12p70 and TNF), and increasing the production of the anti-inflamma-
tory cytokine IL-10 by DCs (Kissel et al. 2006). Furthermore, activated platelets
246 R. Kapur and J.W. Semple
which are ~50–100 nm in diameter and originating via exocytosis from multive-
sicular bodies (Buzas et al. 2014). Platelets are potent producers of microparti-
cles, as compared to other cell types, as was demonstrated by the high abundance
of platelet microparticles in circulation using cryotransmission electron micros-
copy and gold nanospheres conjugated to antibodies against the platelet CD41
(Arraud et al. 2014). Microparticle formation is associated with increased levels
of intracellular calcium, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and membrane phosphati-
dylserine (PS) exposure (Morel et al. 2011), which supports coagulation
considering its anionic properties, but platelet microparticles express modest
levels of tissue factor (TF) and seem to be less procoagulant than their mono-
cyte-derived counterparts, which express PS as well as TF (Owens and Mackman
2011). The proteasome also appears to be important for microparticle forma-
tion, as the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib was found to reduce platelet mic-
roparticle release following stimulation with thrombin, LPS, or ADP (Gupta
et al. 2014). Examination of platelet activation under physiological flow condi-
tions revealed elongated membrane tendrils (up to 250 μM) emerging from
platelets, so-called flow-induced protrusions (FLIPRs) (Tersteeg et al. 2014).
FLIPRs also expose PS, recruit monocytes and neutrophils, and appear to shed
off PS+ microparticles (Tersteeg et al. 2014). In contrast, however, PS- mic-
roparticles have also been described in body fluids (Arraud et al. 2014; Connor
et al. 2010; Perez-Pujol et al. 2007; Cloutier et al. 2013), demonstrating the
complexity of platelet microparticle production. Platelet microparticles have
been described in various inflammatory conditions, in which platelets become
activated (Nurden 2011; Reid and Webster 2012), and clinically they may be
associated with disease progression. For example, in blood and synovial fluid of
patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), platelet microparticles were
found to be elevated (Boilard et al. 2010; Gyorgy et al. 2012; Rousseau et al.
2015; Gitz et al. 2014; Boilard et al. 2012). Moreover, in vivo depletion of plate-
lets in a murine RA model was shown to attenuate the inflammation (Boilard
et al. 2010; Mott and Lazarus 2013). As microparticles are observed in sterile,
as well as under inflammatory, conditions, it remains unclear how exactly plate-
let microparticle formation is regulated. Multiple signaling pathways may be
leading up to platelet activation and triggering the production of platelet mic-
roparticles, such as via apoptosis, high shear forces, or platelet surface recep-
tors. The disease setting, at least partly, influences how microparticles are
shedded, as in RA the collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) becomes acti-
vated, while in sepsis microparticles are produced via TLR4 signaling via LPS
(Boilard et al. 2010; Brown and McIntyre 2011). Both these signals, however,
are accompanied by increased IL-1 levels, indicating a common proinflamma-
tory source. Additionally, microparticles can be formed by signaling through
immune complexes, made up of bacterial components and well-conserved epit-
opes expressed by influenza viruses, engaging the platelet FcγRIIA (Boilard
et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2013).
248 R. Kapur and J.W. Semple
Platelets are known to express and secrete many different molecules during
platelet activation, and they do so via distinct mechanisms (Blair and Flaumenhaft
2009; Italiano et al. 2008; Sehgal and Storrie 2007; White and Rompietti 2007).
Despite being anucleate, platelets have been shown to express significant amounts
of RNA, including mRNAs (e.g., (pre)mature RNA), structural and catalytic
RNAs (e.g., ribosomal and tRNA), regulatory RNAs (e.g., microRNA), and non-
coding RNA (e.g., antisense RNA) (Rowley et al. 2011, 2012; Lood et al. 2010;
Healy et al. 2006; Goodall et al. 2010; Simon et al. 2014; Edelstein et al. 2013;
Ple et al. 2012; McManus et al. 2013; Freedman et al. 2010; Raghavachari et al.
2007; Risitano et al. 2012; Clancy and Freedman 2014; Laffont et al. 2013;
Gidlof et al. 2013; Landry et al. 2009; Rondina and Weyrich 2015). Moreover,
platelets also possess the molecular machinery which allows them to translate
mRNA into proteins and to transfer RNA to recipient cells, such as platelet
17 Immune Functions of Platelets 249
Platelets harbor two different types of MHC class I molecules: platelet plasma
membrane bound and intracellularly (Shulman et al. 1962). The MHC class I
molecules on the platelet plasma membrane are mainly adsorbed from plasma.
The platelet-membrane MHC class I molecules appear to be somewhat instable,
as can passively dissociate from the platelet during storage or can be eluted
from the membrane upon chloroquine diphosphate or acid treatment, without
affecting the platelet-membrane integrity (Blumberg et al. 1984; Kao et al.
1986; Kao 1987, 1988; Neumuller et al. 1993; Ghio et al. 1999; Gouttefangeas
et al. 2000). Interestingly, denatured MHC class I can elicit faulty interactions
with CD8+ T cells, energizing CTLs, following transfusions. For instance, allo-
geneic platelet MHC class I molecules are incapable of stimulating CTL-
mediated cytotoxicity on their own (Gouttefangeas et al. 2000) but can mediate
an immunosuppressive-like reaction to transfused blood cells. CBA mice trans-
fused with allogeneic BALB/c platelets accepted donor-specific skin grafts, in
contrast to non-transfused recipients (Aslam et al. 2008). This implies that allo-
geneic platelets may inhibit T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity reactions, like skin
graft rejections. Intracellular platelet MHC class I, on the other hand, is associ-
ated with α granules and generally consists of intact integral membrane proteins
associated with β2-microglobulin (Zufferey et al. 2014). It was also demon-
strated that platelets contain the entire proteasome system, including TAP mol-
ecules, but the endoplasmic reticulum is absent. Interestingly, the proteasome
function was found to be critical for thrombopoiesis (Shi et al. 2014b). In syn-
geneic settings, platelet activation can lead to expression of nascent MHC class
I molecules, which are capable of presenting antigens to CD8+ T cells. Activated
platelets were shown to present malarial peptides to malaria-specific T cells,
resulting in enhanced immunity against the parasite (Chapman et al. 2012).
Therefore, the type of platelet MHC class I, bound to the platelet plasma mem-
brane or intracellularly, will determine the response toward T cells (suppression
or activation).
A brief summary of the immune-sensing functions of platelets is depicted in
Fig. 17.1.
250 R. Kapur and J.W. Semple
Fig. 17.1 Immune functions of platelets. The immune-sensing functions of platelets, generally
depicted as pathogen targeting and target cell communication
17 Immune Functions of Platelets 251
Platelets have traditionally been acknowledged as master regulators of hemosta-
sis. It has now, however, become evident that platelets are in fact much more
diverse and are capable of immune-sensing functions as well. Platelets can not
only enforce sophisticated protection mechanisms against invading pathogens
but are also capable of impacting and regulating immune functions in a large
variety of cells. They do so by utilizing numerous mechanisms, via diverse sur-
face molecules, through secretion of several pro- and inflammatory mediators
and through release of microparticles carrying a varying cargo. These relatively
novel aspects have shed new light on platelet functions beyond hemostasis and
will open up new avenues of research.
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Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists:
Characteristics, Adverse Effects, 18
and Indications
Jenny Despotovic and Amanda Grimes
18.1 Introduction
While the most commonly utilized first-line therapeutics for the treatment of
immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) target the peripheral destruction of platelets, a pre-
ponderant second-line therapeutic agent targeting increased megakaryopoiesis and/
or platelet production has now emerged, in the form of thrombopoietin receptor
agonists (TPO-RAs). These TPO-RAs, eltrombopag and romiplostim, have been
proven safe and effective in treating ITP in both children and adults and have also
been approved for use in severe aplastic anemia and chronic hepatitis, with ongoing
investigation in the treatment of other clinical entities as well, including myelodys-
plastic syndrome and acute myelogenous leukemia, chemotherapy-induced throm-
bocytopenia, congenital thrombocytopenia, and other diseases. This chapter will
detail TPO-RA use in all of these different clinical settings.
18.2 Background
both the recombinant TPO and endogenous TPO in some subjects, which resulted
in severe thrombocytopenia (Li et al. 2001). This resulted in cessation of further
development of recombinant TPO products. Development of less immunogenic
second-generation TPO receptor agonists (RAs) ensued. These second-generation
TPO mimetics bind to the TPO receptor at different sites, but both stimulate
increased platelet production via the same mechanism as endogenous TPO. There
are currently two TPO-RAs licensed for the treatment of ITP. Eltrombopag
olamine is a non-peptide small-molecule TPO mimetic which activates the TPO
receptor by binding to a transmembrane site on the receptor; and romiplostim is a
peptide-antibody (Fc fragment) fusion protein which activates the TPO receptor
by binding to its extra-cytoplasmic domain just as endogenous TPO does (Kuter
2014) (See Fig. 18.1) (Imbach and Crowther 2011). Both TPO-RAs have good
efficacy and favorable safety profiles and were approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of chronic ITP in adults in 2008
( 2017a, b). Eltrombopag received FDA approval for children with ITP in
2015 ( 2017a). These agents are common second-line treatment options
for ITP and now have expanding roles in other thrombocytopenic conditions
(Rodeghiero and Carli 2017).
Eltrombopag is approved for clinical use in children and adults with chronic ITP
refractory to or recurrent after first-line therapies (including intravenous immuno-
globulin [IVIG], anti-RhD immune globulin, glucocorticoids), adults with severe
aplastic anemia (SAA) refractory to first-line therapies (immunosuppressive ther-
apy) and ineligible for hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), and adults with
chronic hepatitis secondary to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (to enable inter-
feron therapy). Romiplostim is approved for clinical use in adults with chronic ITP
refractory to or recurrent after first-line therapies.
Eltrombopag is an oral medication that is taken once daily. It should be adminis-
tered on an empty stomach in order to maximize absorption. Additionally, eltrom-
bopag binds strongly to divalent cations and cannot be taken in close proximity to a
calcium-rich meal or the administration of multivitamin and/or mineral supple-
ments (2 h before or 4 h after), as this cation binding would prevent absorption of
the eltrombopag molecule. Dose should be titrated for a goal platelet count of
50,000/μL–200,000/μL, with desired platelet response typically achieved within an
average of 7 weeks (Neunert et al. 2016). Eltrombopag is generally well tolerated
and safe for long-term use. Romiplostim is administered via subcutaneous injection
once weekly. Dosage is titrated for a goal platelet count of 50,000/μL–200,000/μL,
with desired platelet response typically achieved within an average of 6 weeks
(Neunert et al. 2016). Generally, romiplostim therapy is also well tolerated and safe
for long-term use.
18 TPO-RAs: Characteristics, Adverse Effects, and Indications 263
a b
Fc domain Thrombopoietin
receptor binding
domains CO2H
N-terminal C-terminal H3C O
Interchain Intrachain Glycine
disulfide bonds disulfide bonds linker domains CH3
Romiplostim Eltrombopag
Thrombopoietin Romiplostim
Activation of
Extracellular thrombopoietin
receptor Eltrombopag
Cell membrane
of megakaryocyte
Signal transduction P42 or P44
Fig. 18.1 Structure of romiplostim and eltrombopag and the cellular mechanisms of action. Panel
(a) shows the chemical structure of romiplostim, which is composed of the Fc portion of IgG1, to
which two thrombopoietin peptides consisting of 14 amino acids are coupled through glycine
bridges at the C-terminal of each γ heavy chain. Panel (b) shows the chemical structure of eltrom-
bopag. Panel (c) shows the cellular mechanisms of action of romiplostim, which binds to the
thrombopoietin receptor, and of eltrombopag, which binds to the thrombopoietin receptor’s trans-
membrane domain, thereby activating signaling that leads to increased platelet production. GRB2
denotes growth factor receptor-binding protein 2, JAK Janus kinase, MAPK mitogen-activated
protein kinase, P phosphorylation, RAF rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma kinase, RAS rat sarcoma
GTPase, SHC Src homology collagen protein, and STAT signal transducer and activator of tran-
scription. From The New England Journal of Medicine, Paul Imbach and Mark Crowther,
Thrombopoietin-Receptor Agonists for Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia, Volume 365, Pages
734–741, Copyright © (2011) Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission
264 J. Despotovic and A. Grimes
18.4 A
dverse Effects and Theoretical Risks Associated
with TPO-RA Use
Overall, TPO-RAs are very well tolerated; and clinical data over the past 10–15 years
demonstrate that many of the theoretical risks potentially associated with TPO-RAs
have not been seen in clinical practice. However, some adverse effects of TPO-RAs
have been identified, and some theoretical risks require further investigation before
definitive conclusions regarding actual risk associated with TPO-RA use can be
made. Providers utilizing TPO-RAs in clinical practice should therefore be aware of
these risks and adverse effects. Potential risks associated with TPO-RA use include
thrombotic and/or thromboembolic complications, bone marrow fibrosis, rebound
thrombocytopenia, cataracts, hepatic abnormalities, development of cross-reactive
antibodies, and cytogenetic abnormalities/clonal evolution.
et al. 2013; Saleh et al. 2013). The extent of thrombotic risk associated with TPO-RA
therapy is still being established, with ongoing investigation needed to verify true
incidence rates and/or associations while controlling for confounding variables. As
these data are further clarified, providers should be aware of this risk in clinical
practice and evaluate individual risk factors on a case-by-case basis when consider-
ing initiation of TPO-RA therapy. Additionally, dosage should be titrated to achieve
and maintain the minimum platelet count needed to reduce the risk of bleeding
(≥50,000/μL), but attempt should not be made to normalize platelet count. Care
should be taken to avoid thrombocytosis, as this could potentially contribute to the
risk of thrombosis.
et al. 2009; Cheng et al. 2011). There have been cataracts reported in patients treated
with both eltrombopag and romiplostim, but these patients were also exposed to
significant steroid doses. There does not appear to be an increased risk of cataract in
children. Some experts continue to recommend baseline ophthalmologic evaluation
prior to initiation of eltrombopag therapy and annually while continuing therapy, as
further clinical data accumulates.
18.5 U
se of Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists in
Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)
TPO-RA therapy is most extensively studied and widely utilized in the treatment of
patients with ITP. Early clinical trials investigating the use of both eltrombopag and
romiplostim in adults with chronic ITP resulted in an FDA indication for both
agents in adult patients with chronic ITP refractory to first-line therapies (IVIG,
anti-D immune globulin, and glucocorticoids) ( 2017a, b). Eltrombopag and
romiplostim response rates in treatment-refractory chronic ITP patients, generally
defined by achievement of platelet count ≥50,000/μL, averaged ~80% (compared to
an average of 20% or less in placebo groups), also with decreased bleeding events,
improved health-related quality of life scores, and no increased incidence of severe
adverse effects noted in eltrombopag (Saleh et al. 2013; Bussel et al. 2009; Cheng
et al. 2011; Bussel et al. 2007; Bussel et al. 2013) and romiplostim (Rodeghiero
et al. 2013; Kuter et al. 2008; Kuter et al. 2010) treatment groups. Additionally,
follow-up studies demonstrated maintenance of sustained treatment response and
continued safety in chronic ITP patients receiving long-term eltrombopag (Saleh
et al. 2013) or romiplostim (Rodeghiero et al. 2013) therapy for up to 3–5 years.
Similarly, studies in pediatric ITP patients (≥1 year of age) have demonstrated the
safety and efficacy of eltrombopag in this population (Bussel et al. 2013; Grainger
et al. 2015), with an FDA indication for the use of eltrombopag in pediatric chronic
ITP patients refractory to first-line therapies. Likewise, ongoing studies show excel-
lent safety and efficacy profiles for romiplostim use in the treatment of pediatric ITP
(Tarantino et al. 2016; Bussel et al. 2011), and this therapy is also widely utilized
clinically for the treatment of childhood ITP.
In clinical practice, the role of TPO-RA therapy in ITP continues to expand signifi-
cantly as further data proving the safety and efficacy of these agents is compiled. For
example, TPO-RA therapy is occasionally implemented earlier in the treatment of
symptomatic ITP, in an attempt to avoid splenectomy or extensive glucocorticoid
exposure, prior to possible disease resolution over the first 12 months. These agents
may be easily weaned during the persistent phase, as spontaneous recovery occurs.
Alternatively, therapy may be continued or reinitiated as indicated, if chronic disease
develops. Studies have shown that response is maintained with intermittent use
18 TPO-RAs: Characteristics, Adverse Effects, and Indications 269
18.6 U
se of Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists in
Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA)
Outside of therapy for chronic ITP, eltrombopag has a clinical indication for the
treatment of patients with SAA who are refractory to first-line immunosuppressive
therapies and are ineligible for hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). In its
original use, eltrombopag was intended to ameliorate the complications of thrombo-
cytopenia which are associated with SAA. However, during initial trials, trilineage
effects of eltrombopag were noted, with improved red blood cell (RBC) and white
blood cell (WBC) parameters in addition to the improved megakaryopoiesis and
platelet production which was expected (Desmond et al. 2014). As discussed previ-
ously, this is likely due to the direct action of the TPO-RAs on early hematopoietic
precursors via the same mechanism as endogenous TPO (Zeigler et al. 1994), creat-
ing expansion of all hematopoietic stem cells and thereby all cell lines. This finding
prompted further investigation of eltrombopag as therapy for SAA, with ongoing
trials now investigating this medication as a frontline therapeutic option (in combina-
tion with immunosuppressive therapy) for SAA. Early results are promising, with a
recently published trial enrolling 92 SAA patients to receive eltrombopag in
270 J. Despotovic and A. Grimes
18.7 U
se of Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists in Chronic
A third clinical indication for the use of eltrombopag is in the treatment of chronic hepa-
titis C virus (HCV)-associated hepatitis. The premise of this indication is based on the
frequent need for peginterferon-based therapy in patients with chronic HCV infection,
which cannot be effectively completed in the setting of comorbid thrombocytopenia.
Eltrombopag has proven effective in raising platelet counts in this population, leading to
decreased bleeding complications and, most importantly, to successful completion of
peginterferon therapy without interruptions, dose reductions, or discontinuations. This
has led to an increased rate of sustained virological response during peginterferon-based
antiviral therapy in this population of patients (Fried et al. 2002). As peginterferon ther-
apy becomes less utilized in the advent of newer antiviral therapies for HCV infection,
this indication for eltrombopag therapy may change. However, both eltrombopag and
peginterferon therapy will likely continue to play a significant role in HCV-associated
hepatitis therapy for an extended period of time, until these newer antiviral agents
become more widely available and accessible throughout the world.
18.8 O
ff-Label Uses of Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists,
Currently Under Investigation
The premise for investigation of TPO-RAs in the treatment of MDS and AML is
similar to that in SAA. Thrombocytopenia is a major problem in these patients,
occurring in 40–65% (Kantarjian et al. 2007) and contributing significantly to
bleeding complications and morbidity/mortality in this population of patients.
Eltrombopag and romiplostim are expected to ameliorate the thrombocytopenic
complications associated with MDS and AML if found to be safe and effective.
There are currently many ongoing trials among pediatric and adult patients with
MDS/AML, mostly in advanced or refractory patients (with eltrombopag) but also
in lower-risk patients (with romiplostim). Generally, treatment with both TPO-RAs
has been demonstrated to be safe, although there was early concern for increased
progression to AML in patients treated with romiplostim (with updated findings less
clear that there is any increased risk of AML progression associated with romiplos-
tim therapy (Kantarjian et al. 2015)).
Eltrombopag has been studied in 98 relapsed or refractory adult patients with
intermediate-2- or high-risk MDS or AML, with good results. Rates of platelet and
red blood cell transfusion independence were improved in the eltrombopag-treated
patients vs patients receiving placebo therapy (38% vs 21% and 20% vs 6%, respec-
tively) (Platzbecker et al. 2015). In another trial investigating the efficacy and safety
of eltrombopag in intermediate-2- or high-risk MDS or AML patients, the frequency
of clinically relevant thrombocytopenic events and severe bleeding was also
decreased in the eltrombopag treatment group (Mittelman et al. 2016). In both of
these trials, there was no increased frequency of disease progression in the
eltrombopag-treated patients; and in fact, in the latter trial (Mittelman et al. 2016),
there was a reduced trend of disease progression in the eltrombopag-treated arm vs
placebo (42% vs 60%, respectively). Another ongoing study investigating eltrom-
bopag therapy in adult patients with relapsed or refractory low- and intermediate-1-
risk MDS has shown promising results as well, with 54% of patients receiving
eltrombopag therapy having achieved a platelet response at 24 weeks, compared to
27% of patients receiving placebo therapy. Again, the incidence of AML evolution
or MDS disease progression was not increased in eltrombopag-treated patients; and
of note, six patients treated with eltrombopag had gone into complete remission at
24 weeks (Oliva et al. 2015).
Romiplostim therapy in MDS has been studied largely in lower-risk patients. In
one year-long study in low- and intermediate-1-risk MDS patients receiving sup-
portive care only with platelet counts ≤50,000/μL, a durable platelet response was
achieved in 46% of romiplostim-treated patients. Notably, progression to AML was
observed in ~5% of patients (two patients) (Kantarjian et al. 2010a). Additional
smaller studies investigating the safety and efficacy of romiplostim in combination
272 J. Despotovic and A. Grimes
with azacitidine (Kantarjian et al. 2010b), lenalidomide (Wang et al. 2012), and
decitabine (Greenberg et al. 2013) in lower-risk MDS patients all demonstrated
improved thrombocytopenic events and decreased bleeding events in romiplostim-
treated patients. Numbers of patients included in each study were too small to deter-
mine romiplostim effects on disease progression. At this time, further studies are
needed to clarify whether romiplostim therapy in MDS or AML poses a risk for
accelerated disease progression. Eltrombopag, however, appears not to be associ-
ated with risk for disease progression in MDS and AML patients (Platzbecker et al.
2015; Mittelman et al. 2016; Oliva et al. 2015). This may be due to eltrombopag’s
ancillary property as a divalent ion chelator—specifically as an iron chelator in this
instance (Roth et al. 2012). Again, further investigations regarding potential antitu-
mor properties of eltrombopag are yet to be completed in the clinical setting and
will need further exploration before definitive associations are made.
TPO-RAs have not yet been extensively studied in the setting of chemotherapy-
induced or radiation-induced thrombocytopenia and/or bone marrow failure.
However, small studies investigating both eltrombopag and romiplostim use among
patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumors have shown favorable results. For
both TPO-RA agents, treatment resulted in decreased platelet count nadirs and
fewer dose modifications and/or interruption of chemotherapy (Winer et al. 2015;
Kellum et al. 2010; Parameswaran et al. 2014). Larger randomized trials are needed
to determine safety and to better identify optimal treatment groups for TPO-RA
therapy in chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia prior to recommending
TPO-RA therapy in this clinical setting.
Very little investigation regarding the role of TPO-RAs in the setting of hereditary
thrombocytopenias has been completed. However, we know that this is a rapidly
expanding category of diseases given the ongoing advances in genetic diagnostic
tools, with potential utility of TPO-RA therapy. Small studies have shown some
benefit of eltrombopag therapy in both Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and myosin
heavy chain 9 (MYH-9)-related thrombocytopenias; but more studies are needed to
delineate the safety and efficacy of TPO-RA therapy in this clinical setting.
Bartley TD, Bogenberger J, Hunt P, et al. Identification and cloning of a megakaryocyte growth
and development factor that is a ligand for the cytokine receptor Mpl. Cell. 1994;77:1117–24.
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nia after thrombopoietin mimetics discontinuation. Haematologica. Conference Publication:
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Brynes RK, Orazi A, Theodore D, et al. Evaluation of bone marrow reticulin in patients with
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bocytopenic purpura. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2237–47.
Bussel JB, Provan D, Shamsi T, et al. Effect of Eltrombopag on platelet counts and bleeding dur-
ing treatment of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: a randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2009;373:641–8.
Bussel JB, Buchanan GR, Nugent DJ, et al. A randomized, double-blind study of romiplos-
tim to determine its safety and efficacy in children with immune thrombocytopenia. Blood.
Bussel JB, Saleh MN, Vasey SY, et al. Repeated short-term use of eltrombopag in patients with
chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Br J Haematol. 2013;160:538–46.
Bussel JB, de Miguel PG, Despotovic JM, et al. Eltrombopag for the treatment of children
with persistent and chronic immune thrombocytopenia (PETIT): a randomised, multicentre,
placebo-controlled study. Lancet Haematol. 2015a;2(8):e315–25.
Bussel JB, Hsieh L, Buchanan GR, et al. Long-term use of the thrombopoietin-mimetic romiplos-
tim in children with severe chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Pediatr Blood Cancer.
Bussel J, Shah KM, Brigstocke S, et al. Tapering eltrombopag in patients with chronic ITP: how
successful is this and in whom does it work? Blood. 2015c;126:1054.
Calmettes C, Vigouroux S, Tabrizi R, et al. Romiplostim (AMG531, Nplate) for secondary failure
of platelet recovery after allo-SCT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2011;46:1587–9.
Carpenedo M, Cantoni S, Coccini V, et al. Response loss and development of neutralizing antibod-
ies during long-term treatment with romiplostim in patients with immune thrombocytopenia: a
case series. Eur J Haematol. 2016;97(1):101–3.
274 J. Despotovic and A. Grimes
Cheng G, Saleh MN, Marcher C, et al. Eltrombopag for management of chronic immune thrombo-
cytopenia (RAISE): a 6-month, randomised, phase 3 study. Lancet. 2011;377:393–402.
de Sauvage FJ, Hass PE, Spencer SD, et al. Stimulation of megakaryocytopoiesis and thrombopoi-
esis by the c-Mpl ligand. Nature. 1994;369:533–8.
Desmond R, Townsley D, Dumitriu B, et al. Eltrombopag restores trilineage hematopoiesis in
refractory severe aplastic anemia that can be sustained on discontinuation of drug. Blood.
Fried MW, Shiffman ML, Reddy KR, et al. Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin for chronic hepati-
tis C virus infection. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:975–82.
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with the use of thrombopoietin receptor agonists. Transfusion. 2013;53:2807–12.
Gill H, Leung G, Lopes D, et al. The thrombopoietin mimetics eltrombopag and romiplostim in the
treatment of refractory aplastic anaemia. Br J Haematol. 2017;176(6):991–4.
Grainger JD, Locatelli F, Chotsampancharoen T, et al. Eltrombopag for children with chronic
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Lancet. 2015;386(10004):1649–58.
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Reprinted with permission.)
Kantarjian H, Giles F, List A, et al. The incidence and impact of thrombocytopenia in myelodys-
plastic syndromes. Cancer. 2007;109:170–1714.
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18 TPO-RAs: Characteristics, Adverse Effects, and Indications 275
Thomas Kühne
19.1 Introduction
T. Kühne, MD
Division of Oncology/Hematology, University Children’s Hospital,
Postfach, Spitalstrasse 33, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
2017). This mechanism has the potential to destroy platelets and to affect their
development by inducing megakaryocyte maturation defects (Stasi 2012). In con-
trast to secondary ITP, that is defined by a known underlying disorder or trigger,
primary ITP is of unknown etiology and represents a diagnosis of exclusion without
any specific laboratory tests, leaving the diagnosis of primary ITP vague and impre-
cise. Secondary ITP is much rarer than primary ITP.
Children and adolescents of all age groups but also adults and elderly patients
may exhibit age-specific clinical characteristics. The bleeding phenotype can be
affected by coexisting factors other than thrombocytopenia, i.e., exogenous factors
(e.g., infectious diseases, drugs), endogenous factors (e.g., age, arteriovenous mal-
formations, gene polymorphisms influencing immune response or hemostatic reac-
tions, and inherited disorders of hemostasis, such as von Willebrand disease or
inherited platelet function disorders), comorbidities, drugs, and other factors (Kühne
2017; Michel et al. 2011; Kistanguri and McCrae 2013).
In 1996 the American Society of Hematology (ASH) published a clinical prac-
tice guideline article with a comprehensive literature review of the time between
1966 and 1994 (George et al. 1996). It was recognized that the management of
children and adults with ITP is mainly based on opinion rather than on evidence-
based decisions. This publication stimulated a group of pediatric hematologists to
establish an international network of scientists and physicians involved in the field
of ITP with the aim to promote evidence-based medicine (Imbach et al. 2002;
Kühne 2013). The name of the group was Intercontinental Childhood ITP Study
Group (ICIS), which was changed in 2004 to Intercontinental Cooperative ITP
Study Group (ICIS), because of collaboration with adult hematology (www.itpba- The research activities of ICIS include the planning, performing, and assess-
ing of projects with four international registries, two of them being still open for
patient registration, exchange and interpretation of data, and organization of regular
meetings. This review article summarizes the activities of ICIS and reviews regis-
tries in patients with ITP (Table 19.1).
Registries are widely used in medicine and represent ideal scientific tools for the
study of rare diseases with the opportunity to collect multicenter data of a large
number of patients from all continents within short time period (Gliklich et al.
2014). Registry data may be the basis to elaborate scientific questions and to prepare
clinical trials, particularly to investigate inclusion and exclusion criteria of patients,
to evaluate the relevance of scientific objectives and the feasibility of clinical
research. The design and infrastructure of the registry depend upon the require-
ments and research plans of the research groups, the epidemiology of the disease to
be investigated, and the availability and duration of funding (Gliklich et al. 2014).
There are attractive features and advantages of registries that include an imme-
diate access to research, interim analyses, and a structure that allows flexibility
with adaptations and modifications when new scientific questions arise during
data analyses or new knowledge occurs from the scientific community. Additionally
a registry permits “learning effects” during data acquisition, resulting in consecu-
tive changes of registry questions and structures. The database is often accessible
by the Internet and allows fast reporting and structured screening of entered data
by the system but also by the central office as part of a quality program to avoid
erroneous data.
There are also limitations of registries. Despite its flexibility, registries are under
control of scientific groups and regular authorities, and thus changes of their struc-
ture could be associated with high work load and need adaptations by their users.
There are both population-based national and international registries and case-based
registries. The former type presumes a controlled and thus costly endeavor to
include a preferably complete number of patients representing the population of a
given geographical area. Often, such registries are designed for other purposes than
the study of a specific disease or for the study of a disease group, such as public
health and cancer registries. Exact case definitions are often missing in such regis-
tries. Case-based registries depend often on voluntary registration by physicians
participating in a network. They are often designed for the study of a specific dis-
ease and benefit from its flexibility by changes of its structure, should new data and
knowledge of the disease occur. There are also economic problems particularly for
investigator-driven case-based registries. Remuneration of participating investiga-
tors and institutions and financial aspects of the development and maintenance of
the database and its structures must be considered for budgets. Databases of regis-
tries depend on sophisticated software applications and need specialists in informat-
ics. International multicenter data may contain multilevel biases based on country-,
region-, and institution-specific characteristics which may affect quality. However,
quality can be controlled by the structure of the registry, by continuous modifica-
tions of Internet access software, by the knowledge of participating institutions and
investigators, and by quality control measures, such as regular interim analyses and
on-site monitoring procedures. Quality control can be expensive and must be con-
sidered in preparing budgets. Case-based registries collect data of consecutive
patients by voluntary reporting of investigators. This must be considered when
assessing results.
19 Registries in Immune Thrombocytopenia 281
In 1997 ICIS was founded and started immediately with the activation of registries.
Based on the lack of clinical data in ITP and the fact that many, if not most clinical
decisions in children with ITP were based on expert opinion (George et al. 1996),
the objectives of ICIS included the establishment of a well-functioning and acces-
sible international network of scientists and clinicians involved in the field of throm-
bocytopenia and ITP, the prospective collection of clinical and laboratory data from
children with ITP by registries, and regular publications and organization of meet-
ings to exchange experience and scientific achievements. In 2004 ICIS decided to
change its structure to a group of pediatric and adult hematologists, because ITP—
although different in some aspects—shares many common characteristics through-
out age groups, including the rarity, the challenges to perform research, and clinical
features. Furthermore the extension of the group will benefit from an increased
strength of more experts in the field. The ICIS registries represent ideal tools to
learn more about demographics of patients, the natural history of ITP, and manage-
ment issues.
Since 2003, ICIS performs international expert meetings every third year in
Switzerland and published them in peer-reviewed scientific journals (Imbach et al.
2003; Kühne and Imbach 2006, 2010, 2013, 2016). These meetings are opportuni-
ties for experts to exchange knowledge and to discuss further projects. ICIS investi-
gators can share their research results and get most actual information in these
meetings. The most recent meeting took place in 2015 in central Switzerland with
the topic “immunomodulation and management in ITP and other autoimmune dis-
orders.” For the first time, experts not only from hematology and basic sciences but
also from other disciplines with autoimmune disorders, such as dermatology, rheu-
matology, pneumology, immunology, neurology, and gastroenterology, were invited
to give a lecture and write a manuscript on the topic “immunomodulation.” The
meeting was an exciting and successful scientific exchange of many experts (Kühne
and Imbach 2016). ICIS is currently preparing its sixth expert meeting, which will
be held in Arosa, Switzerland, in 2018 with the topic “to treat or not to treat.”
Another stimulating scientific event can be expected.
Registry I was the first initiative by ICIS with the aim to collect data of children with
ITP from all continents within short time period and to learn more about the natural
history of pediatric ITP in different countries. It was designed to register data at the
time of first presentation, with follow-up data 6 and 12 months later. The manage-
ment and outcome was assessed with a main focus on watchful waiting, corticoste-
roids, and intravenous high-dose immunoglobulins (IVIG). Findings of several
analyses included:
282 T. Kühne
The observation that a majority of children with newly diagnosed ITP has often no,
mild, or moderate bleeding in spite of a low platelet count stimulated ICIS to design
a cohort study with the aim to test the hypothesis, that major hemorrhage in children
with newly diagnosed ITP is uncommon (Neunert et al. 2008). Major hemorrhage
was defined broadly with Intracranial or other overt internal or mucous membrane
bleeding, which results in anemia or which requires local treatment to stop
19 Registries in Immune Thrombocytopenia 283
19.6 P
ediatric and Adult Registry on Chronic ITP (PARC-ITP)
(Since 2004)
In 2004, ICIS decided to collaborate with adult hematologists, and therefore, a new
global network of investigators involved in basic and clinical science was initiated.
The Pediatric and Adult Registry on Chronic ITP (PARC-ITP) was activated with
the aim to learn more about common and different clinical and laboratory aspects of
ITP in children and adults, to expand our knowledge in the natural history of ITP
and its management, and to gather data which may enable the design of future trials.
The registry has the potential to add modules to the central database. Thus, amend-
ment 1 was added in 2005, which is a DNA bank available for genetic projects in
ITP, and amendment 2 was added in 2008 with the expansion of more clinical ques-
tions including personal and family history of bleeding and thrombotic diseases,
comorbidities of patients, co-medications, and safety surveillance of drug treat-
ment. Data are registered by Internet access (
with data administration at the ICIS office in Basel, Switzerland. In 2011 an interim
analysis with data of 1784 children and 340 adults with newly diagnosed ITP unex-
pectedly revealed that there have been more common clinical and laboratory find-
ings of children and adults at the time of first presentation, including the bleeding
phenotype and the occurrence of no or mild bleeding, as well as the severity of
thrombocytopenia at first presentation and the likelihood to be treated for bleeding
(Kühne et al. 2011). A second interim analysis is currently undertaken and was
284 T. Kühne
published at the ASH annual meeting in 2016 in preliminary form (Kühne and
Schifferli 2016). The patient population consisted of 3360 children and 420 adults
with newly diagnosed ITP. Follow-up data at 6, 12, and 24 months after the diagno-
sis of ITP were available in 67, 49, and 31% of children and in 77, 64, and 47% of
adults, respectively. Of children and adults with a platelet count of <100 × 109/l at
6 months, 36 and 28% achieved again a remission at 12 months, suggesting that the
potential of recovery, which is observed in children, can also be observed in adult
patients. Patients with persistent and chronic ITP at 6, 12, and 24 months after the
diagnosis of ITP received drug treatment for their ITP in similar frequency in 58,
46, and 47% of children and in 58, 52, and 40% of adults, respectively. The PARC-
ITP Registry will continue to accept new patient data and perform analyses.
19.8 Outlook
Clinical research in children and adults with ITP faces several problems: difficulties
and high costs in recruiting patients because of the rarity of the disease, the hetero-
geneous pathomechanisms, which are usually unidentified by routine laboratory,
the diagnostic difficulties with missing laboratory tests to prove ITP, resulting in a
high degree of heterogeneity of study subjects, and the imprecision of treatment
endpoints (e.g., platelet count, bleeding, quality of life, reduction of concomitant
therapies, and patient preferences). Therefore, clinical research and daily practice
differ significantly. These problems may be at least in part resolved by registries and
represent their major advantages: cost-effectiveness, reflection of “real life” of
patients and physicians, ideal tools for the study of rare diseases, international
research with registration of a large number of patients from different origins, and
assessing results, which may serve as a basis for clinical trials. Registries may reveal
information serving as new ideas and focusing on unexpected areas of research. In
most countries registries are feasible with minimal administrative investment.
Internet, software developments, biostatistics, and database technologies underlie
fast-changing processes, and their application and knowledge are the basis for suc-
cessful registries.
In summary the performance of registries represents a success story of ICIS
since 20 years in the attempt to fill the gaps and increase knowledge of ITP in chil-
dren and adults by establishing an international network, bringing physicians and
scientists together to exchange their ideas, and coordinating research with a careful
use of resources.
Acknowledgments The author thanks the numerous ICIS investigators and their patients for pro-
viding their data and for their ongoing support. Many thanks go to Paul Imbach for his invitation
to write this article and for his help. I thank Caroline Martin Asal, Verena Stahel, and Monika
Imbach of the ICIS office in Basel, Switzerland, for their patience and help and all members of the
ICIS Board for their continuous support of our group.
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19 Registries in Immune Thrombocytopenia 287
Tim Niehues
Abs Antibodies
ACR American College of Rheumatology
ADAs Anti-drug antibodies
ADCC Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
ADCP Antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis
AEs Adverse events
AML Acute myeloid leukemia)
APC Antigen-presenting cell
BRM Biological response modifiers
CDC Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity
CDCC Complement Dependent Cell mediated Cytotoxicity
CDCP Complement Dependent Cell mediated Phagocytosis
CDRs Complementarity determining regions
CMC Complement dependent cytotoxicity
CSA Ciclosporine A
DAMP Damage-associated molecular pattern
Declaration COI: Tim Niehues is receiving honoraria from as a reviewer and author.
T. Niehues
Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, HELIOS KLINIKUM Krefeld,
Lutherplatz 40, 47805 Krefeld, Germany
Akad. Lehrkrankenhaus, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
EGFR (synonyms
erbb1, HER1) Epithelial growth factor receptors
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EULAR European League against Rheumatism
Fab Variable region of antibody, antigen-binding fragment
FAEs Fatal adverse events
Fc Constant region of antibody, crystalizable fragment
FcR Fc receptors
FcRn Neonatal FC receptor
FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA)
GD2 Glykolipiddisialoganglioside
GMCSF Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor
HAMAs Human anti-mouse antibodies
HAT Medium containing hypoxanthine, aminopterin, thymidine
HER-2 Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
IBD Inflammatory bowel disease
Ig Immunoglobulin
irAEs Immune related adverse events
ITP Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
IVIG Intravenous immunoglobulins
JAK Janus Kinase
JC virus John Cunningham virus
JiA Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
mAbs Monoclonal antibodies
MAC Membrane attack complex
MS Multiple sclerosis
MTX Methotrexate
NSAIDS Non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs
PAMP Pathogen-associated molecular pattern
PDGFR Platelet-derived growth factor receptor
PEG Polyethylene glycol
PJP Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
PIGF Placental growth factor
PML Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
PRRs Pathogen recognition receptors
RA Rheumatoid arthritis
RANK Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB
RANKL Receptor activator of NFκb ligand
SIRs Standard infusion reactions
sJIA Systemic onset JIA
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SYK Spleen tyrosine kinases
TAA Tumor associated antigens
TCR T-cell receptor
TDM Therapeutic drug monitoring
TNF Tumor necrosis factor
Tregs T-regulatory cells
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents 293
20.1 Introduction
Immunotherapy has been a long wish among immunologists. In the late 19th cen-
tury, the first proof of immunotherapy was probably the successful treatment of
diphtheria by Emil von Behring, using serum (Behring and Kitasato 1890). In 1952,
Ogden Bruton showed that patients devoid of immunoglobulins (X-linked agam-
maglobulinemia) can successfully be treated with plasma containing polyclonal
antibodies (Bruton et al. 1952). In 1981, Paul Imbach and colleagues demonstrated
that polyclonal antibody preparations can be used to treat immune-mediated disease
(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)) (Imbach et al. 1981).
In 1948 Astrid Fagraeus had published the first detailed chemical structure of
antibodies (Fagraeus 1948). In the early 1970s Milstein and colleagues used trans-
formed B-cells (myelomas) and myeloma fusion partners to generate hybrid cells
(so-called hybridomas) that produced large amounts of different antibodies. Georges
Köhler joined Milstein in 1973, immunized mice with sheep red blood-cells and then
fused the lymphocytes from their spleen with myelomas. These hybridomas pro-
duced specific antibodies to sheep red blood-cells with a single type of specific anti-
body termed monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (Köhler and Milstein 1975). Milstein
and Köhler received the Nobel Prize in 1984 but never patented their findings. In
2014, the top ten therapeutic mAbs sold for annual global sales of more than 72 bil-
lion dollars ( In 2020, it
is estimated that 70 monoclonal antibody products will be on the market with world-
wide sales of nearly 125 billion dollars (Ecker et al. 2015).
20.2 Definitions
Table 20.1 Targets for therapeutic morbs on hematopoietic cells other than lymphocytes, licensed by FDA (last updated in 03/2017)
Target system Target molecule Antibody Brand name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
Granulocytes (adhesion molecules)
Alpha-4 integrin Natalizumab Tysabri Humanized IgG4κ i.v. Relapsing forms of
MS, Crohn’s disease
Integrin α4β7 (LPAM-1, Vedolizumab Entyvio Humanized i.v. Ulcerative colitis
lymphocyte Peyer’s patch
adhesion molecule 1)
GPIIb/IIIa Abciximab ReoPro Chimeric/human i.v. Cardiac ischemia
monoclonal antibody; Fab
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
MS: In relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis Interferons, Natalizumab, Alemtuzumab, Daclizumab, and other drugs were examined. Alemtuzumab,
Natalizumab, and Fingolimod were the best choices of preventing clinical relapse in a 24-month follow-up. For prevention of disability only Natalizumab
showed a beneficial effect (Tramacere, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Sep 18;(9):CD011381)
IBD: Controlled randomized trials on moderate to severe Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis were examined regarding mucosal healing as an endpoint
(observation periods of 6–12 weeks for induction, 32–54 weeks for maintenance). Anti-TNF was more effective than placebo for maintaining mucosal
healing in Crohn’s disease. In ulcerative colitis Adalimumab was inferior to Infliximab. Both Infliximab and Adalimumab were similar in Crohn’s disease.
(Cholapraneh, Elementary pharmacology and therapeutics 2017;45:1291–1302)
T. Niehues
Table 20.2 Targets for therapeutic mabs licensed by FDA (last updated in 03/2017) on lymphocytes, T-cells and antigen-presenting cells (APC), B cells and
soluble targets (B cell specific cytokines)
Target Target Brand
system molecule Antibody name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
Lymphocyte subpopulation
CD52 Alemtuzumab Campath, Humanized IgG1κ, recombinant i.v. Chronic B-lymphocyte Leukemia
Lemtrada (B-CLL)
IL2RA Basiliximab Simulect Chimeric IgG1κ, recombinant i.v. Prophylaxis of acute organ rejection in
IL2R Daclizumab Zinbryta Humanized s.c. Multiple sclerosis
IL-2R Denileukin ONTAK Recombinant fusion protein expressing i.v. Recurrent CD25 positive, cutaneous T-cell
diftitox amino acid residues of diphtheria toxin lymphoma
fragment A & B, followed by the
sequence for IL-2
CD3/CD19 Blinatumomab Blincyto Mouse, bispecific i.v. Precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Table 20.2 (continued)
Target Target Brand
manifestations of SLE (Navarra SV, Lancet 2011;377:721; Furie, Arthritis and Rheumatism 2011;63:3918). Atacicept, a fusion protein blocking BLYS and
APRIL showed no difference to placebo at a standard dose (Isenberg, Annals of rheumatic diseases 2015;74:2006)
Table 20.3 Therapeutic mabs and fusion proteins against tumor necrosis factor (TNF), licensed by FDA (last update 03/2017)
molecule Antibody Brand name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
TNF Adalimumab Humira Human IgG1κ, recombinant s.c. Rheumatoid arthritis; juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
psoriatic arthritis; ankylosing spondylitis; Crohn’s
disease; plaque psoriasis
TNF Certolizumab Cimzia Humanized, recombinant Fab’ s.c. Crohn’s disease
pegol fragment conjugated to
polyethylene glycol
TNFα and Etanercept Enbrel TNFR-IgG1 Fc fusion protein s.c. Rheumatoid arthritis; juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
TNFβ psoriatic arthritis; ankylosing spondylitis; Crohn’s
disease; plaque psoriasis
TNF alpha Infliximab Remicade Chimeric IgG1k, recombinant i.v. Rheumatoid arthritis (in combination with methotrexate);
monoclonal antibody Ankylosing spondylitis; Psoriatic arthritis; Plaque
psoriasis; Crohn’s disease; Ulcerative colitis; Pediatric
ulcerative colitis
TNF Infliximab- Inflectra Chimeric, biosimilar i.v. Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, Ankylosing
dyyb spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Plaque psoriasis
TNF Golimumab Simponi Aria Fully human i.v. Rheumatoid arthritis
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Table 20.3 (continued)
molecule Antibody Brand name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
TNF Golimumab Simponi Human IgG1κ, recombinant s.c. Rheumatoid arthritis; Psoriatic arthritis; Ankylosing
TNF Adalimumab- Amjevita Fully human, biosimilar s.c. Rheumatoid arthritis
TNF Infliximab- Renflexis Chimeric, biosimilar i.v. Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, Rheumatoid arthritis,
abda Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Plaque
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
Rheumatoid arthritis RA: Abatacept, Adalimumab, Etanercept, Infliximab, and Rituximab were associated with significant improvement in the ACR 50
rate. Anakinra was less effective than all the other biologics. (Singh CMAJ, Canadian Medical Association Journal 2009;181:787). Patients were more
likely to withdraw from the trials if they were on biologics. There is no evidence that any one of the TNF inhibitors has greater efficacy than the others
(Medical Letters drugs therapy 2010:52(1338):38)
Ankylosing spondylitis: TNF inhibitors increase the chance of achieving partial remission and slight improvement of spinal inflammation as measured by
MRI. (Maxwell, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Apr 18;(4):CD005468). In the biologics group more patients dropped out of the studies because of
side-effects. Compared to placebo, improvement with TNF blockers was rated between 25 and 40%. Partial remission was reached in 10–44%. TNFα
blockers were shown to improve disease activity and functional capacity in a clinically meaningful manner (Callhoff et al. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases
JIA Polyarthritis: The majority of trials show a flawed trial design (so-called withdrawal design). The only properly designed double blind randomized
placebo controlled trial did not show a significant effect regarding efficacy of Infliximab (Ruperto, Arthritis and Rheumatism 2007;56:3098)
Pediatric psoriasis: There is a single randomized controlled trial (industry sponsored and observation of 12 weeks) Sanclemente, Cochrane Skin Group
2015 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010017.pub2)
T. Niehues
Table 20.4 Therapeutic mabs and fusion proteins against Interleukin 1 (IL 1) and Interleukin 6 (IL 6), licensed by FDA (last update 03/2017)
system Target molecule Antibody Brand name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
Interleukin 1
Interleukin-1 Anakinra Kineret Recombinant, s.c. Moderately to severely active rheumatoid
type I receptor nonglycosylated form of arthritis, in patients 18 years of age or older
(IL-1RI) the human interleukin-1 who have failed 1 or more disease modifying
receptor antagonist antirheumatic drugs
IL1B Canakinumab Ilaris Human anti-human-IL-1β s.c. Treatment of CAPS, including Familial Cold
IgG1 monoclonal antibody Autoinflammatory Syndrome (FCAS), and
Muckle-Wells Syndrome (MWS), in adults
and children 4 years of age and older
IL-1 beta Rilonacept Arcalyst Dimeric fusion protein; s.c. Cryopyrin-associated periodic fever
(IL-1β) ligand-binding domains of syndromes (CAPS), including Muckle-Wells
IL-1 receptor (IL-1R) & syndrome (MWS) and familial cold
IL-1 receptor accessory autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS) in
protein (IL-1RAcP) linked children 12 years and older
to human IgG1
Interleukin 6
IL6 Siltuximab Sylvant Chimeric i.v. Multicentric Castleman’s disease
IL6R Tocilizumab Actemra Humanized i.v., s.c. Rheumatoid arthritis, Polyarticular juvenile
idiopathic arthritis, Systemic juvenile
idiopathic arthritis
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
RA: The Il1-blocking Anakinra was less effective than all the other biologics. (Singh, Canadian Medical Association Journal 2009;181:787)
Crohn’s disease: A Tocilizumab trial has been stopped as a number of bowel perforations were observed that might have been obscured by the fact that
CRP levels cannot be judged in antiIL6R treatment because CRP levels depend on IL6
Castleman’s disease: Is due to an excessive release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and excess proliferation of B-and T-cells. Targeting IL6 may be a
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Type of antibody/
Target system Target molecule Antibody Brand name protein Route Indication (FDA)
IgE Omalizumab Xolair Humanized IgG1κ, i.v. Moderate to severe IgE-mediated, persistent
recombinant asthma (US) or severe asthma (EU), in adults
and children over 12 years old, inadequately
controlled by inhaled corticosteroid treatment
Interleukin 4
IL4RA Dupilumab Dupixent Fully human s.c. Atopic dermatitis
Interleukin 5
IL5 Mepolizumab Nucala Humanized IgG1κ s.c. Severe eosinophilic asthma in patients aged
monoclonal antibody 12 years or older
IL5 Reslizumab Cinqair Humanized i.v Severe asthma
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
Asthma: Omalizumab was effective in reducing asthma exacerbations and hospitalizations as an adjunctive therapy to inhaled steroids and during steroid
tapering phases of clinical trials. It remains to be tested prospectively whether the addition of omalizumab has a prednisolone-sparing effect and whether
there is a threshold level of baseline serum IgE for optimum efficacy of omalizumab. Given the high cost of the drug, identification of biomarkers
predictive of response is of major importance for future research. (Normansell, The Cochrane Library: 13 January 2014; DOI: 10.1002/14651858.
Severe eosinophilic asthma: There is a single study on Mepolizumab in participants with severe eosinophilic asthma: improvement in health-related quality
of life scores and reduction of asthma exacerbations. There are no studies reporting results from children. (Powell, Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2015, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD010834. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010834.pub2))
T. Niehues
Table 20.6 Therapeutic mabs against Interleukin 17 (IL 17), Interleukin 12 (IL 12), and Interleukin 23 (IL 23), licensed by FDA (last update 03/2017)
Type of antibody/
Target system Target molecule Antibody Brand name protein Route Indication (FDA)
Interleukin 17
IL17A Ixekizumab Taltz Humanized s.c. Plaque psoriasis
IL17A Secukinumab Cosentyx Human s.c. Moderate to severe plaque
immunoglobulin G1k psoriasis; ankylosing
(IgG1k) subclass spondylitis; psoriatic
monoclonal antibody arthritis
IL17RA Brodalumab Siliq Chimeric s.c Plaque psoriasis
Interleukin 12, Interleukin 23
IL12 Ustekinumab Stelara Human IgG1k s.c Adult patients (18 years or
monoclonal antibody older) with moderate to
severe plaque psoriasis who
are candidates for
phototherapy or systemic
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
Severe Crohn’s disease: Ustekinumab was not significantly better than placebo in moderate to severe Crohn’s disease (Rogler, Digestive diseases
Psoriasis: Biologics are highly effective for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis, and anti-IL-17 drugs have the same, or even greater, efficacy
than anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and anti-IL-12/23 drugs. (de Carvalho, Drugs R D. 2017 Mar; 17(1): 29–51)
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Table 20.7 Targets on vessels and bone as well as soluble targets (complement) for therapeutic mabs and fusion proteins, licensed by FDA
Gastric cancer: Ramucirumab has been used in cases of advanced gastric cancer. It is unclear how effective it is
Table 20.8 Tumor associated antigenes (TAA) and growth factor receptors as targets for therapeutic mabs, licensed by FDA (last update 03/2017)
molecule Antibody Brand name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
HER2 Ado- Kadcyla Humanized IgG1κ mAb i.v. HER-2 positive metastatic breast cancer
EGFR Cetuximab Erbitux Chimeric monoclonal antibody i.v. Metastatic colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer
GD2 Dinutuximab Unituxin Chimeric i.v. Pediatric high-risk neuroblastoma
EGFR Panitumumab Vectibix Recombinant human IgG2κ i.v. Treatment of EGFR-expressing, metastatic
monoclonal antibody colorectal carcinoma with disease progression on or
following fluoropyrimidine-, oxaliplatin-, and
irinotecan- containing chemotherapy regimens
HER2 Pertuzumab Perjeta Humanized IgG1κ monoclonal i.v. HER2 overexpressing breast cancer, in combination
antibody, glycosylated with trastuzumab and docetaxel
PDGFRA Olaratumab Lartruvo Fully human i.v. Soft tissue sarcoma
HER2 Trastuzumab Herceptin Humanized receptor antagonist i.v. HER2 overexpressing breast cancer
EGFR Necitumumab Portrazza Fully human i.v. Metastatic squamous non-small cell lung carcinoma
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
Breast cancer: Trastuzumab has improved 5-year disease-free survival in tumors overexpressing the receptor HER2 significantly
Neuroblastoma: Dinutuximab and addition of cytokines GMCSF, IL2 and Isotretinoin improves outcome (Yu, NEJM 2010)
Metastatic colorectal cancer: Cetuximab and Panitumumab have varying success
Soft-tissue sarcoma including gastrointestinal tumors: Studies have focused on inoperable metastatic and/or recurrent disease using Olaratumab either
with Doxorubicin or without
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Table 20.9 Targets on hematopoietic malignant cells, licensed by FDA (last update 03/2017)
Target Target
system molecule Antibody Brand name Type of antibody/protein Route Indication (FDA)
CD38 Daratumumab Darzalex Fully human i.v. Multiple myeloma
SLAMF7 Elotuzumab Empliciti Humanized i.v. Multiple myeloma
CD19 Blinatumomab Blincyto Mouse, bispecific i.v. Precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic
CD30 Brentuximab Adcetris Chimeric IgG1k monoclonal i.v. Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Systemic
vedotin antibody conjugated to a microtubule anaplastic large cell lymphoma
disrupting agent MMAE by a
protease-cleavable linker
CD20 Ibritumomab Zevalin Murine IgG1κ monoclonal antibody, i.v. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (CD20
tiuxetan conjugated to a chelator (tiuxetan) positive, low-grade or follicular) which
for labeling with Indium-111 or is relapsed or refractory to rituximab, in
Yttrium-90 combination with rituximab
CD20 Tositumomab Bexxar Murine, monoclonal; covalently Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (CD20
bound to Iodine-131 positive, follicular) which is refractory to
rituximab and relapsed following
CD20 Obinutuzumab Gazyva Humanized IgG1 monoclonal i.v. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in
antibody combination with chemotherapy in
treatment-naïve patients
CD20 Ofatumumab Arzerra Human IgG1κ monoclonal antibody, i.v. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia resistant
recombinant to fludarabine and alemtuzumab
Comments/Meta-analyses (emphasis on Cochrane library, last 10 years):
Lymphoma B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Hodgkins Lymphoma and Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma: Rituximab has
been used for B-cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and is included in current chemotherapy standard chemotherapy protocols as it has been shown to be
effective (Chop-R). Brentuximab has been used in Hodgkin lymphoma but is not part of the standard chemotherapy protocols
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL): Obinutuzumab and Ofatumumab, Alemtuzumab have been used but are not part of the standard protocols.
Rituximab plus chemotherapy is more effective than chemotherapy alone. (Bauer, Cochrane Library 2012, DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008079.pub2)
T. Niehues
Multiple Myeloma High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has become the treatment of choice in patients under
65 years of age. In relapses Elotuzumab and Daratumumab have been tried
Table 20.10 Targets for therapeutic mabs on microorganisms, liver cells, and drugs licensed by FDA (lcs update 3/2017)
Type of antibody/
Target system Target molecule Antibody Brand name protein Route Indication (FDA)
F protein of RSV Palivizumab Synagis Humanized IgG1κ Intramuscular Prevention of serious lower respiratory
tract disease caused by respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) in pediatric
patients at high risk of RSV disease
Protective antigen of Raxibacumab Raxibacumab Human IgG1- i.v. Inhalational anthrax
Bacillus anthracis lambda mAB
Protective antigen of Obiltoxaximab Anthem Chimeric i.v. Inhalational anthrax
the Anthrax toxin
Clostridium difficile Bezlotoxumab Zinplava Fully human i.v. Prevent recurrence of Clostridium
toxin B difficile infection
Liver cells/LDL-receptors
PCSK9 Evolocumab Repatha Fully human s.c. Heterozygous familial
hypercholesterolemia; Refractory
PCSK9 Alirocumab Praluent Fully human s.c. Heterozygous familial
hypercholesterolemia; Refractory
Dabigatran Idarucizumab Praxbind Humanized Fab i.v. Emergency reversal of anticoagulant
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
306 T. Niehues
Kinase inhibitors are relative simple chemical compounds, having Janus (JAK)
and Spleen tyrosine kinases (SYK) as targets. Kinase inhibitors may result in simi-
lar effects as they may target the same pathway as a monoclonal antibody. Unlike
biologics they are not proteins and hence not biologics. They may have similar
effects on immune-mediated diseases as many mAbs, as some of them inhibit the
downstream signaling of proinflammatory cytokines (Patterson et al. 2014; Wu
et al. 2015). In this article I focus on mAbs, biosimilars, and engineered proteins
(e.g., fusion proteins, bispecific antibodies) that have entered clinical practice.
20.3 Terminology
The USAN (United States Adopted Names) Council has proposed guidelines for the
naming of mAbs (
Starting from the end of the name all monoclonal antibodies end with the suffix –
mab (Fig. 20.1) (Ballow 2005). Any monoclonal antibody name is composed of
combining key elements
1. Prefix
2. Infix, representing the target or disease and/or indicating the source
3. Stem used as suffix
Prefix Penultimate Penultimate
to create Syllable to syllable to
unique indicate target/ indicate Ultimate
name disease class source syllable
-fu / -f = fungal
-ki / -k = interleukins
-ne / -n = neurons
-bo / -b = bone
-vi / -v = viruses
Fig. 20.1 Nomenclature INN (International non-priority names) for biologicals and biotechnol-
ogy substances. Adapted from monoclonal-antibodies
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents 307
Prefixes are used to create a unique name, a distinct compatible syllable as the
starting prefix. The choice of inflix is determined by the available information
regarding clinical indications and antibody action. The target disease inflix has been
truncated with a single letter when the source inflix begins with a vowel. Examples
for target/disease class inflixes are shown in Fig. 20.1.
Recently, it has become quite difficult to capture the mAbs vowel in a single syl-
lable, so terminology is changing (Parren et al. 2017).
The basis for development of therapeutic antibodies is the precise knowledge of the
normal IgG antibody structure and activity, which is schematically outlined in
Fig. 20.2a. IgG can be engineered to a higher specificity, longer half-life, and better
bio-availability (summarized in Fig. 20.2b) The function of antibodies is dependent
on their binding affinity and target specificity. Instability or aggregation hotspots in
the antibodies CDRs can be removed, the hinge can be stabilized and glycosylation
inhibited (e.g., aglycosylated IgG4). In the variable region (Fab), affinity can be
altered and may allow targeting antigens even more selectively.
The Fc region of any antibody interacts with immune cells carrying Fc receptors
(FcR) (e.g., macrophages). By engineering glycosylation status antibody dependent
cellular cytotoxicity can be altered. The half-life of the antibody can be engineered
by altering binding of the Fc part of the mAb to the neonatal FC receptor (FcRn)
(e.g., on endothelial cells). MAbs can be associated with highly cytotoxic drugs,
cytokines, toxins, etc.
Bispecific antibodies with a simultaneous blockade of two or more targets may
be even more promising than inhibition of a single target (e.g., the bispecific anti-
body Blinatumomab).
MAbs are typically made by fusing myeloma cells with mouse spleen cells that
have been previously immunized with the desired antigen and future target.
Myeloma cells have lost the ability to grow in standard media. This can be exploited
by supplementing standard culture media with so-called HAT medium containing
hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine and thus selectively grow hybridomas.
Single cell clones are grown on microtiter wells and the antibodies secreted by dif-
ferent clones are assayed for their ability to bind antigen. The most productive and
stable clones are selected for future use. Injected into mice, these hybridomas can
produce antibody-rich fluid (ascites), containing large amounts of monoclonal anti-
body. In 1986, the first murine monoclonal antibody Muromonab (CD3 specific)
was used clinically. Initial therapeutic antibodies were composed of all mouse pro-
tein which were highly immunogenic leading to human anti-mouse antibodies
(HAMAs) and toxicities.
Moreover, mAbs are heterogeneous as they contain aggregates, degradation
products, glycosylation variants, oxidized side chains, as well as amino and c arboxyl
308 T. Niehues
Fab region
(antigen binding) C H1 CH1
FcR mediated
Disulphide bonds effector functions
Glycosylation Hinge
Sialic Acid CDCP
N-Acetyl- C1q CDCC
CH2 CH 2
Mannose Makrophage ADCP
Asn 297 region Fc R
Fucose (CD16) NK cells ADCC
CH3 CH 3 (CD32)
FcRn (CD64)
Increase stability
• Mutation of instability hotspots
in CDRs
Fab regions
Decrease immunogenicity
• Humanization and de-humanization
Limit number of structural
isomers Fc region
• IgG2/IgG4 hinge engineering, (effector Improve effector function
avoid half IgGs, disulphide function)
bridge isomers Link isotope with
instable link
Link drug with
instable linker
Link toxins, cytokines,
Glycoengineering (select enzymes
advantageous glycoforms)
• Aglycosylation ADCC ,
Shorten/increase serum half live
ADPC , CDC Increase stability and homogeneity
• Bisecting N-acetyl • Deletion of carboxy terminal lysine • Use different isotype e.g. IgG4
glucosamine ADCC residues • Mutations in Fc region
• Non-fucosylation ADCC • Decrease number of charge variants • Delete entire Fc region
Improvement/modulation of pharmaceutical progerties is depicted in green; Improvement of antibody function in red and Modulation
of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics in blue
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents 309
amino acid additions. All of these can have consequences for product potency,
bio-availability, and immunogenicity. Moreover, mAbs do not experience the
post-translational modification that physiological abs get from mammalian cells
(e.g., glycosylation).
In 1984, antibody chimerization had been described by Morrison et al. (1984).
Chimeric antibodies had been created by combining murine monoclonal antibody
variable regions with the constant region of a human antibody. In 1986, antibody
humanization was described by Jones et al. (1986). Humanized mAbs were devel-
oped which incorporated only the hypervariable or complementarity determining
regions (CDRs) of the murine monoclonal antibody to the remaining portions of the
human IgG molecule. Such a humanized antibody then had less than 10% of their
murine constituent.
In the early 1990s Phage display technology, single B-cell cultures, and usage of
transgenic mice allowed for fully humanized and then fully human antibodies (Beck
et al. 2010).
20.6 Pharmacokinetics
From polyclonal IgG preparations it is known that IgG has a half-life of 3–4 weeks.
The half-life will be influenced by lysosomal degradation that can be prevented by
binding to a scavenger receptor, the neonatal FC receptor (FcRn), e.g. expressed in
endothelial cells. The bio-distribution of mAbs was studied by using radio-labelled
mAbs and measuring their distribution by positron emission tomography PET:
mAbs are cleared gradually from the circulation by liver, spleen, and kidneys and
specifically accumulate at the target site. MAbs even are located to the human brain,
which originally was thought to be a sanctuary (Oosting et al. 2015).
Fig. 20.2 (a) Normal IgG 1 structure and its interaction at the Fc region with complement and effector
cells via different Fc receptors (e.g. Fc γ receptor, Fc receptor n) (b) Engineering of IgG1. Adapted from
Beck et al. (2010), Chan and Carter (2010), and Weiner (2015). Illustration: Oliver Hippmann,
Schwarzenbruck. ADCC = antibody dependent cellular cytoxicity; ADCP = antibody dependent cellular
phagocytosis; Asn = Asparagine at position 297; CD16 = FcγR on NK cells, mast cells, basophils, DC;
CD32, CD64 = FcγR on Makrophage, neutrophils, eosinophils, DC; CDC = complement dependent
cytotoxicity; ;CDCC = complement dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity; CDCP = complement depen-
dent cell mediated phagocytosis; CDR = complementarity determining region; CL1–3 = constant region
light chain 1–3; CH1–3 = constant region heavy chain 1–3; Fab = fragment antigen binding; Fc = frag-
ment crystallizable; FcR = Fc receptor; FcRn = neonatal Fc receptor; MAC = membrane attack com-
plex; PEG = polyethylen glycol; VL = variable region light chain; VH = variable region heavy chain
310 T. Niehues
20.7 Targets
Targets of mAbs used in the treatment of immune mediated diseases are shown in
Fig. 20.3. The inflammation starts with recognition of any antigen (be it antigen,
tumor antigen, and allergen) by cells of the innate immune system and amplification
of antigen recognition signals by specialized receptors (PRRs: pathogen recognition
receptors, e.g. TOLL-like receptors). PRRs are activated by ligands that have a
damage-associated molecular pattern DAMP or have a pathogen-associated molecu-
lar pattern PAMP (e.g., DNA, RNA from damaged cells or lipopolysaccharides LPS
on microorganisms). PRRs are expressed on tissue macrophages and other efficient
professional antigen-presenting cells. After decades of research, the events of the ini-
tial pathological immune activation are still unclear in many diseases. If setting and
exact nature of autoantigens would be known it may be possible to intervene earlier in
the disease process by antigen-specific regulation (e.g., by vaccinations). As of now,
targets of biologics are mainly downstream of the induction at the stage of perpetua-
tion of chronic inflammation or tissue/organ destruction as depicted in Fig. 20.3.
DAMP/PAMP I. Induction of
APC Activation T-cell antigen
Auto-Ag/Tumor-Ag/ HLA induced
Allergen Peptide TZR 1
Muromonab** inflammation
Daclizumab Naive T-cell CD28 2
HLA CD80/86
Basiliximab CD3 CTLA-4
Alefacept ** CD2 TGN 1412**
2 APC Avelumab Nivolumab
(e.g. Makro- Durvalumab Pembrolizumab
Alemtuzumab Peptide phage)
Costimulation Abatacept
Belatacept Ipilimumab
1. Ligand blockade
Full length IgG therapeutic antibodies, antibody fragments (e.g., Certolizumab)
or receptor fusion proteins (Etanercept) prevent the ligand from engaging with
their cognate receptors.
2. Receptor blockade
Antibodies can be directed directly to their cognate receptors and thus inhibit
receptor activation. Examples are Tocilizumab, Natalizumab, Vedolizumab, and
Fig. 20.3 Targets of monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins and biosimilars in different disease
stages of immune-mediated diseases. Adapted from Burmester et al. (2014), Davis and Ballas
(2017), and Her and Kavanaugh (2016). Illustration: Oliver Hippmann, Schwarzenbruck
Metastatic colorectal/gastric cancer
Tumor Cytotoxic
Ranibizumab VEGF-R vascu- granules
Ramucirumab larization
Aflibercept VEGF
CD10 CD19 Hyperexhausted Exhausted
T-cell T-cell
OSTEOCLAST BLOCKADE Blinatumomab (nonrecoverable) (recoverable)
Bone metastases
Denosumab CD3 Checkpoint inhibitors
CAR CTLA-4: Ipivimumab PD-L1: Atezolizumab
RANKL T-cell PD-1: Nivolumab Durvalumab
RANK Pembrolizumab Avevolumab
T-cells Osteoblast Osteoclast
cells ALL (CD10, CD19)
Bone Blinatumomab
T. Niehues
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents 315
3. Receptor downregulation
Instead of blocking the receptor binding of the antibody might lead to a down-
regulation of receptors and to their internalization. Examples are Omalizumab,
Otelixizumab, Teplizumab, and Epratuzumab.
4. Binding to the cell surface receptor may result in depletion of all or a majority of
receptor carrying cells. Depletion of cells will be achieved by complement
mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) and/or antibody-dependent monocyte/macrophage
mediated phagocytosis ADCP (antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis) anti-
body-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) (e.g., by NK-cells) (Fig. 20.2a).
Examples are Rituximab, Ofatumumab, Ocrelizumab, Alemtuzumab, Muromonab,
and Epratuzumab.
5. Signaling induction
Instead of blocking the receptor therapeutic antibodies may activate signals
after binding to the receptor. Examples are mAbs binding to the T-cell receptor
TCR/CD3, e.g. Teplizumab and Muromonab.
Fig. 20.4 Targets in antibody-based cancer immunotherapy. Adapted from Hendricks et al.
(2017), Her and Cavanaugh (2016), Martin-Liberal et al. (2017), Weiner (2015), Batlevi et al.
(2016), and Sukshari et al. (2017) Chen (2017) Illustration: Oliver Hippmann, Schwarzenbruck.
ALL = acute lymphoblastic leukemia, CART = chimeric antigen receptor T-cells, CTL = cytotoxic
T-cell, CDCC = complement dependent cellular cytotoxicity, CDCP = complement dependent cell
mediated phagocytosis, MAC = membrane complex, TAA = tumor associated antigen, EGFR =
epithelial growth factor receptor, PDGFR = platelet derived growth factor receptor, GD2 = gluco-
lipidsialoganglyosid, PD1 = programmed cell death 1PD-L1 = programmed cell death ligand 1,
CTLA4 = cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated protein 4, ADCC = antibody dependent cell medi-
ated cytotoxicity ADCP = antibody dependent cell mediated phagocytosis, VEGFR = vascular
endothelial growth factor receptor, VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor, HER2 = human
epidermal growth factor receptor 2, RANK = receptor activator of nuclear factor kB, RANKL =
receptor activated of nf kB ligand
316 T. Niehues
Adverse effects
from wash-in
Responders Continue
Randomize trial drug
Screen Wash-in with Placebo
and trial drug (e.g. effect Withdraw
recruit etanercept) trial drug
with Study
polyarticular population
Nonresponders Excluded from trial
Fig. 20.5 Example of flawed trial design. The so-called withdrawal trial design is used in the
majority of controlled trials in polyarticular JIA. Flaws include false-high response rates by inclu-
sion of the placebo response and exclusion of non-responders as well as carry-over of adverse
events in both study (continued drug) and control (withdrawal drug) groups. Adapted from Niehues
(2015) Uveitis
Adalimumab can be considered as second-line immunomodulatory agent. In
patients with JIA associated uveitis and ongoing ocular inflammation despite sys-
temic and local glucocorticoid therapy Adalimumab has been shown to be effective
in an investigator-initiated trial (Ramanan et al. 2017).
Data on non-JIA associated inflammatory uveitis and biologicals are lacking. In
Behçet’s disease and its ocular manifestations Infliximab and Adalimumab can be
considered as first-line treatment. Infliximab and Adalimumab are considered as
potential second-line immunomodulatory agents for Posterior Uveitis, Panuveitis,
severe Uveitis associated with seronegative spondylarthropathy, Scleritis. In con-
trast, Etanercept has been linked to the induction of De novo-Uveitis.
important target for biologics in the disease, but the results of some well-designed
controlled trials (e.g., rituximab) were disappointing (Merrill et al. 2010; Rovin
et al. 2012). Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease (Feldman 2017). Limited plaque
psoriasis responds to topical corticosteroids and emollients, or alternatively Vitamin
D analogs or topical retinoids. Severe psoriasis requires phototherapy or systemic
therapy with MTX, cyclosporine (CSA), or biologics (anti-TNF agents, anti-IL12/
IL23, anti-IL17) (see Tables 20.1 and 20.2). The British dermatologists recommend
offering biologics to patients who require systemic therapy, if MTX and CSA have
failed, are not tolerated or contraindicated, and psoriasis is extensive or particularly
severe at localized sites (Smith et al. 2017). Biologics can be considered earlier and
after MTX has failed, if there is psoriatic arthritis.
Target-related and unrelated AEs for biologics are listed in Table 20.2. In general
terms, pharmacodynamically large quantities (hundreds of milligrams per milli-
liter) have to be administered to achieve target saturation and the half-life of IgG
is usually quite long at around 3–4 weeks. Adverse events may occur Iate and
span over a longer time-span than in conventional chemical compound drugs.
AEs tend to be underreported. A striking example is the TENDER trial in
sJIA. Although published in a top-ranking journal, fatal adverse events in the study
drug group are not mentioned in the abstract (De Benedetti et al. 2012):
Six patients of 112 included discontinued treatment (increase in liver enzymes,
macrophage activation syndrome). Three patients died during treatment from pneu-
mothorax at week 50, a traffic accident in week 90 and a streptococcal sepsis at
week 104. Three more patients in the treatment group died after being withdrawn
from the study, two died from pulmonary hypertension after 6 months while one
more patient died from probable macrophage activation syndrome 13 months after
withdrawing from the study.
Long-term pharmacosurveillance is key in the safety of these many new com-
pounds. Pharmacosurveillance within the biological drug class is almost exclusively
done in industry-financed patient registries. Patient registries have multiple flaws
and are not the adequate tool to monitor long-term side-effects of mAbs (see above).
Mechanistically, AEs can be classified into the categories immune stimulation,
immunodeficiency alteration of homeostasis, off target activity (Boyman et al.
2014; Davis and Ballas 2017).
Standard infusion reactions (SIRs) occur but they usually remain moderate (Boyman
et al. 2014). Therapeutic mAbs resemble physiological antibodies and are highly
complex molecules. They are not identical to the human proteins and thus are rec-
ognized by the hosts’ immune system leading to hypersensitivity reactions (Picard
and Galvao 2017). Immediate hypersensitivity reactions are the result of degranula-
tion of mast cells, may be more severe, and can progress to life-threatening condi-
tion within minutes. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions usually do not occur after
the first infusion and are triggered by subsequent infusions similar to IgE mediated
reactions. Apart from neutralizing the biologic agent anti-drug antibodies can cause
clinical hypersensitivity reactions.
Antibodies to a target can lead to activation of the receptor-bearing cell (e.g.,
T-cell). This has been documented for Muromonab leading to a cytokine storm and
severe hypotension and multi-organ failure, etc. The most drastic example of a cyto-
kine storm and uncontrolled immunostimulation occurred when an anti-CD28 acti-
vating monoclonal antibody TGNIH2 was infused resulting in a cytokine storm and
multiorgan dysfunction (Suntharalingam et al. 2006) which received world-wide
press coverage.
320 T. Niehues
Fig. 20.6 Tuberculosis
reactivation after 7 months
of adalimumab treatment in
a 16-year-old boy with
Crohn’s disease. MRI shows
interstitial changes, enlarged
lymph nodes, infracarinal
tuberculoma with colliqua-
tive necrosis
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents 321
Fig. 20.7 Multiple squamous cell carcinomas on lower limb apparent after commencing
ustekinumab as treatment of moderate to severe plaque type psoriasis. Also note pre–existing
actinic damage and evidence of chronic venous stasis. Adapted from Young and Czarnecki (2012)
Fig. 20.9 Cutaneous AEs of TNF blocking agents: Verrucae vulgares after 3 months treatment
with adalimumab in a 13-year-old girl with polyarticular JIA (lower panel); vasculitis on right calf
of 13-year-old girl treated with etanercept for polyarticular JIA (upper panel)
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents 323
Fig. 20.10 Demyelinating CNS disease 57-year-old man with RA managed with infliximab, metho-
trexate, and low-dose prednisone presented with 5 days of progressive encephalopathy. Brain MRI
with and without contrast. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences demonstrate T2 hyperin-
tense lesions in the pons, right middle cerebellar, bilateral basal ganglia, left frontal and parietal lobes
(not shown). The patient had started infliximab 4 months prior to presentation. The patient’s neuro-
logic examination and the brain MRI lesions progressed over several days, and he was treated with
high-dose steroids for a presumed autoimmune demyelinating syndrome. The patient died from septic
shock. There was pathologic proof of a demyelinating process following TNF antagonism: Brain his-
topathology demonstrated an acute demyelinating process. Adapted from Bradshaw et al. (2016)
20.10.4 O
ff-Target Activity (e.g. Progressive Multifocal
Leukoencephalopathy PML)
As antibodies are highly specific for their target it appears unlikely that off-target
activity occurs. However, regarding severity and localization some unexpected
clinical findings have been made upon administration of biologics (e.g., CNS
side-effects: PML in Integrin inhibitors, TNF inhibitor side-effects in the skin).
324 T. Niehues
20.11 Summary
Immunotherapy with antibodies has moved from the use of polyclonal IgG plasma
derived mixtures to engineered, monoclonal abs. Precise understanding of the
protein-chemistry of antibodies, and modern production technologies allow us to
generate designer abs, that almost resemble human abs. They target specifically
molecules that appear central to pathophysiological processes. While this has been
a significant medical progress, caution is strongly advised:
1. These new drugs need to be as rigorously tested for efficacy and safety as con-
ventional drugs within properly designed, randomized, and placebo-controlled
clinical trials and followed up in independent registries long-term. Notably in
many biologics this has not yet been done. Just because these drugs are highly
complex and very precise in targeting it doesn’t mean they are effective and safe.
2. Nihil nocere is a prime duty for every ethically aware clinician. MAbs, biosimi-
lars, and fusion proteins have repeatedly caused severe AEs and death, which to
some degree appears to be underreported. In light of their potential harm and
currently very high cost for our health systems a strictly evidence-based approach
for using biologics is needed.
Acknowledgement Without the careful and skillful help of Andrea Groth the preparation of this
manuscript would not have been possible. I thank Kathrin Siepermann, Gregor Dückers, and Antje
Ballauff for discussing interesting cases of treatment with biologics within our team at the HELIOS
Children’s Hospital in Krefeld, Germany. I thank Ina Bruins for her additional help in manuscript
Table 20.11 Target-and target system associated adverse events of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars and fusion proteins (licensed by FDA, some
taken from market, some in development): Hematopoietic cells (granulocytes, platelets)
Target Brand
system Target molecule Antibody name Physiology/pathophysiology (Fig. 3)
Granulocytes (adhesion molecules)
Alpha-4 integrin Natalizumab Tysabri A first step in migration of inflammatory cells (especially leukocytes) to the inflamed tissue is
their adherence to endothelial cells in vessels. The endothelial cells express selectins and
integrins. Adhesion molecules are expressed both on the endothelial side and the surface of
inflammation cells (neutrophil granulocytes). Inability of neutrophil granulocytes to adhere to
endothelial cells or blood vessels in inborn adhesion defects leads to very severe necrotic
infections with a lack of pus and extremely high leukocyte numbers in blood. Neutrophil
granulocytes that adhere to endothelial cells express Beta integrins (CD18, LFA1 lymphocyte
function associated antigen) on the cell surface of neutrophil granulocytes. These integrins bind
to adhesion molecule receptors on activated endothelial cells (ICAM1, ICAM2, MadCAM-1).
Natalizumab binds to the α4 subunit found in α4β1 (VLA-4) and α4β7 integrins which are
ligands for VCAM 1 and MADCAM 1 adhesion molecules.
Alpha-4 integrin Vedolizumab Entyvio
CD11a Efalizumab Raptiva
Adverse Events (AEs):
Blocking the ingress of neutrophils into inflamed tissue sites may lead to immunodeficiency and severe infections: localized herpes zoster reactivation,
pneumonia, urinary tract infections.
PML progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy results from reactivation of the JC virus (John Cunningham) and has been fatal in many cases. Inhibition
of entry of CD4 cells to the CNS as well as a mobilization of stem cells that might harbor the JC virus are hypothesized to be responsible for this very
severe side-effect. Natalizumab as well as Efalizumab had been withdrawn from the market but in need of effective drugs for multiple sclerosis
Natalizumab was reintroduced in 2006. The risk for JC virus reactivation depends on the length of treatment and prior use of immunosuppressants. Because
of the PML risk Natalizumab should not be combined with other immunosuppressants.
GPIIb/IIIa Abciximab ReoPro GPIIb/IIIa is expressed on activated platelets
Adverse Events (AEs)
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
some taken from market, some in development): Lymphocytes, T-Lymphocytes, T-Lymphocyte/APC (synapse)
Target Target
system molecule Antibody Brand name Physiology/pathophysiology) (Fig. 4)
Lymphocyte subpopulation
CD52 Alemtuzumab Campath, Lemtrada CD52: cell surface protein of unknown function, found on neutrophils,
monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes including T, B, and NK cells
Adverse events (AEs):
It may induce severe lymphopenia, sometimes for more than 10 years. Phenotype similar to severe combined immunodeficiency. Severe systemic viral,
fungal, bacterial, and protozoal infections have been described as well as TB reactivation. Viruses (VZV, HSV, CMV, EBV) fungi (Candida, aspergillus,
cryptococcus, mucor). Due to altered hematopoiesis ITP hemolytic anemia neutropenia and pancytopenia have been observed. Live vaccines should not be
used. Emergence of autoimmune thyroid disease and immune thrombocytopenia with a case of fatal intracranial hemorrhage has been documented.
IL2RA Basiliximab Simulect IL-2, the most important cytokine for T-cell proliferation and activation, binds to
IL2R Daclizumab Zinbryta (Zanaprax until the IL2 receptor. The IL2 receptor is composed of the alpha chain and a common
2009) gamma chain which is a shared receptor for other cytokines. Recombinant human
Denileukin diftitox ONTAK IL2 (Aldesleukin) which may be useful in the activation of tumor specific
lymphocytes (metastatic renal cell carcinoma, metastatic melanoma)
CD3 Blinatumomab Blincyto CD3: classical lineage specific marker for T-cells. By stimulating CD3,
Muromonab Orthoclone OKT3 Teplizumab is supposed to induce IL10-producing CD4 cells and CD8 positive
Teplizumab N. N. T-regulatory cells (Tregs)
CD2 Alefacept Amevive CD2: Expressed on T cell, B cells, and NK cells.
Adverse Events (AEs):
By activating the IL2 receptor T-cells may be overtly stimulated leading to post administration anaphylaxis and a so-called cytokine storm, which may be
fatal. Hypotension, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia, dyspnea, pulmonary edema, thrombocytopenia, thrombosis all have been described.
Basiliximab is used in transplant patients thus underlying diseases or coadministered drugs may also be responsible for AEs. Infections observed with IL2
blocking agents have been respiratory tract infections, herpes simplex, and herpes zoster skin infections.
Daclizumab was taken from the market in 2009 and later reintroduced for MS patients. Muromonab (Orthoclone OKT3) was the first licensed therapeutic
monoclonal antibody and used in renal and liver transplantation but was withdrawn from the market in 2010. It was effective in preventing graft rejection
but caused frequent systemic infections as well as cytokine storm. Teplizumab is not expected to have the same adverse events as muromonab because it is
engineered not to bind to FcR
T. Niehues
The LFA3 IgG1 FC fusion protein (LFA3 is the ligand for CD2), alefacept was used in psoriasis but withdrawn from the market in 2011.
T-lymphocyte/APC (synapse)
B7-1 Abatacept Orencia As the crucial initial step of T-cell activation, the immunological synapse is
(CD80), formed between antigen-presenting cell (APC) and T-cell. Within the synapse
B7-2 there are many targets for the use of biologics (Figure 3). Following ligand
(CD86) receptor pairs can be inhibited by mabs: CD28/CTLA4 and CD80/CD86, PD1
CD80, Belatacept Nulojix and PD-L1/PD-L2 (CD274)CD27 and CD70, CD40 ligand and CD40, CD137,
CD86 OX40, LAG3, TIM3 may be future targets.
CTLA-4 Ipilimumab Yervoy
PD-1 Nivolumab Opdivo
Pembrolizumab Keytruda
PD-L1 Atezolizumab Tecentriq
Durvalumab Imfinzi
Avelumab Bavencio
Adverse Events (AEs):
Immune checkpoint inhibitors have a unique and broad profile of adverse events (immune related adverse events irAEs), expected to occur in about
10–20% of cases. Temporary immunosuppression with other immunosuppressive drugs may be necessary (e.g., with corticosteroids). (Postow, Journal of
clinical oncology 2015;33:1974). Fatal Adverse Events (FAEs) are significantly increased with ipilimumab. (Zhu, Exp Opin Drug Saf 2017; Zhang, Eur J
Cancer 2017). Frequently a reticular macropapular erythematous rash on extremities or trunk has been reported as well as Stevens Johnson Syndrome and
Toxic epidermal necrolysis. Diarrhea results of colitis and occurs approximately 6 weeks into treatment as a result of altered homeostasis.
Endocrinopathies effecting hypopituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands occur. Opportunistic infections result from treating the irAEs. Autoimmune
encephalitis due to NMDA receptor antibodies has been described.
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Table 20.13 Target-and target system associated adverse events of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars and fusion proteins (licensed by FDA, some
taken from market, some in development): B-cells and B-cell specific cytokines
Target molecule Antibody Brand name Physiology/pathophysiology (Fig. 3)
BLyS (BAFF) Belimumab Benlysta B-cell activating factors are BAFF (B-cell activating factor, synonym: BLYS and APRIL (a
proliferation inducing ligand), and share the ability to bind to TACI (= Transmembrane
activator and CAML interactor) expressed on mature B-cells, plasma cells, and activated
T-cells and BCMA (also known as B-cell maturation antigen) expressed on B-cells and
plasma cells. BAFF can also interact with BAFF receptor
Monoclonal antibodies can interact with B-cell differentiation by binding to BAFF and
APRIL (Atacicept = fusion protein of human IgG FC protein and TACI); Belimumab or
Tabalumab, block BAFF
CD20 Ocrelizumab Ocrevus CD20 is not expressed on pro B-cells or antibody-producing plasma cells, an exclusive
marker for mature B-cells and expressed on more than 95% of B-cells in blood and lymphoid
Rituximab Rituxan
Tositumomab Bexxar
CD22 Epratuzumab Lyphocide CD22 is a member of the lectin-like immunoglobulin superfamily and expressed to a higher
(planned name) extent in naïve versus memory B-cells. It is part of the CD19/CD21/CD22/BCR (B-cell
receptor complex)
Adverse Events (AEs):
Belimumab seems to have a less broad adverse event profile than the B-cell depleting antibodies. However, in clinical trials cases of opportunistic
infections with acinetobacterand CMV were seen. The general experience is still limited, fatal infections have been described.
Rituximab has been widely used, a lot of side-effects have been reported, many of them occur in conjunction with chemotherapy/steroids for Lymphoma.
Regarding infections one would expect the clinical phenotype of a primary antibody or B-cell deficiency (like in Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia).
Accordingly, bacterial infections like osteomyelitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, cellulitis all have been observed. Accordingly, PJP (Pneumocystis jirovecii
pneumonia) with poor outcome (30% fatal) (Martin-Garrido, Chest 2013) and PML have been observed. A recent study found an increased incidence of
AML (acute myeloid leukemia) after Rituximab treatment for B-cell lymphomas. (Tao, British Journal of Hematology 2017).
Epratuzumab is used in SLE systemic lupus erythematosus and leads to a moderate peripheral B-cell reduction (approximately 30%) and inhibition of
B-cell proliferation.
T. Niehues
Table 20.14 Target-and target system associated adverse events of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars, and fusion proteins (licensed by FDA,
some taken from market, some in development): TNF
Target molecule Antibody Brand name Physiology/pathophysiology (Fig. 3)
TNF Adalimumab Humira Cytokines are small proteins
TNF Certolizumab pegol Cimzia (5–20 kilodalton) that are important
TNFα and TNFβ Etanercept Enbrel in cell signaling. They are part of a
complex network regulating humoral
TNF Infliximab Remicade
and cell-based immune responses.
TNF Infliximab-dyyb Inflectra TNF is involved in cytokine and
TNF Golimumab Simponi Aria chemokine inducing apoptosis,
TNF Golimumab Simponi endothelial cell activation, induction
TNF Adalimumab-atto Amjevita of adhesion molecules and growth of
TNF Infliximab-abda Renflexis new blood vessels as well as
regulation of fibroblasts,
synoviocytes, and osteoclasts.
Adverse Events (AEs):
The most characteristic side-effect is reactivation of latent tuberculosis (see Fig. 7). Higher incidence of pneumonia and sepsis as well as serious bacterial
(particularly intracellular) and viral infections. Opportunistic infections such as histoplasmosis, PJP, candida, and aspergillus have been described, in
many of the reported cases concomitant immunosuppressive medication was present
Immunologically mediated side-effects include fatal infusion reactions, reactivation of hepatitis B and cytopenias. Outside of the immune system cardiac
arrhythmias and bowel obstruction have been described: Caution has to be used in patients with Congestive Heart Failure. A whole array of autoimmune
diseases or immune mediated diseases associated with TNFα blocking therapy have been described: cutaneous side effects such as psoriasis, cutaneous
lupus, necrotizing vasculitis, induction of anti double-stranded DNA antibodies, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,
exacerbations of IBD have been described. Uveitis has been repeatedly induced by Etanercept (see Fig. 6), in 2007 Ramos Casals had already described
234 cases of autoimmune diseases induced by TNF target therapies (Ramos Casals, Medicine 2007;86:242)
It is controversial to what extent anti-TNF treatment is associated with the induction of lymphomas (Hodgkins, Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma). Rare but
almost uniformly fatal is hepatosplenic γδ T-cell-lymphoma in IBD patients. There is an increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers.
Regular skin cancer screening is advised. In many meta-analyses there has been no significant increase in the occurrence of lymphomas. It is difficult to
discriminate between the effects of the underlying disease, concomitant medication and induction by TNF antagonists
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
CNS leukoencephalopathy and cerebral edema have been described with Etanercept treatment (Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2015;40:b1357). Demyelinating acute
disseminated encephalomyelitis (Fig. 10) has been described as well as peripheral neuropathies (Guillain Barré syndrome), multifocal motor neuropathy,
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. TNF inhibitors should not be given in first degree relatives of patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Table 20.15 Target-and target system associated adverse events of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars, and fusion proteins (licensed by FDA,
tract infections. Non-melanoma skin cancer has been described (Figure 8) (Ehrmann, Inflammatory bowel disease 2012;18:e199; Young, Australian
journal of dermatology 2012;53:57–60.) In the latter report multiple squamous cell carcinomas developed 2–5 months after starting Ustekinumab. A single
some taken from market, some in development): complement, vessels and vascular growth, bone (osteoclast differentiation)
Target system Target molecule Antibody Brand name Physiology/pathophysiology
Complement Eculizumab Soliris The complement protein cascade is key to the recognition and killing of encapsulated
component 5 bacteria and clearance of immune complexes from blood. Dysregulation of
complement activation, e.g. unregulated production of C5A may result in hemolytic-
uremic syndrome (HUS)
Adverse Events (AEs)
Expectedly, a blockade of C5 will mimic inherited complement deficiency. Inherited deficiencies of complement are associated with susceptibility to
infections with Neisseria species. Neisseria meningitidis is a significant risk, upon eculizumab treatment. Encapsulated bacteria of concern are
Streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilus, gonococci (Gleesing, Pediatric infectious disease journal 2012;31:543)
Vessels Vascular growth
VEGF, PIGF Aflibercept Eylea VEGF, PIGF1 and 2 are key to angiogenesis, which is a key feature of new
VEGF Bevacizumab Avastin inflammation, macular edema, or tumor spread and tumor growth
VEGFR1 Ranibizumab Lucentis
VEGFR2 Ramucirumab Cyramza
VEGF, PIGR Ziv-aflibercept Zaltrap
Adverse Events (AEs):
Problems with wound dehiscence can lead to the development of gastrointestinal perforation sometimes associated with intraabdominal abscess
Bleeding can be serious. Intracranial hemorrhage has been reported (Nishimura, World Journal of Gastroenterology 2011;17:4440). Fatal Hemoptysis has
occurred quite frequently in patients with lung cancer. Hypertensive crisis, nephrotic syndrome, congestive heart failure are listed in the FDA warnings.
Aflibercept and Ranibizumab are administered intravitreally into the eye and major safety concerns include endophthalmitis, retinal detachment, increased
intraocular pressure. Arterial thrombotic events such as strokes or myocardial infarctions have been observed.
In Ziv-aflibercept perforation, gastrointestinal hemorrhage and reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy have been described, notably in combination
with 5-FU and irinotecan based chemotherapy.
T. Niehues
RANKL Denosumab Prolia, Tumor cells interact with bone matrix and provoke osteoclast activation and bone
Xgeva destruction. Osteoclasts are activated by receptor activator of NFκb ligand (RANKL).
RANKL binds to receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB (RANK). RANK
(CD265) is found on pre-osteoclasts. Bone homeostasis relies on constant and
continuous balance between bone breakdown by osteoclasts and bone synthesis by
osteoblasts. The absence of RANKL-RANK signaling prevents to some extent bone
resorption/destruction. Breast and prostate cancer as well as some hematological
conditions like multiple myeloma metastasize to the bone
Adverse Events (AEs)
Denosumab is contraindicated in hypocalcemia. Both calcium and vitamin D supplementation need to be completed before start of Denosumab therapy.
As RANKL is also expressed on some T-cells immune mediated side effects may occur, a slightly increased number of serious infections (mainly
bacterial) have been observed (Watts, Osteoporosis international 2012;23:327)
20 Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies as Immunomodulators and Anti-Cancer Agents
Table 20.19 Target-and target system associated adverse events of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies: Epithelial growth factor receptors and other tumor
Brentuximab: Cases with PML have been reported (Jalan P, Clinical neurologic neurology and neurosurgery 2012;114:1335)
Gemtuzumab/Ozogamicin caused bone marrow suppression with severe neutropenia, severe bacterial and fungal infections. It is unclear whether it is
effective against AML and was withdrawn from the market in 2010
Table 20.21 Target-and target system associated adverse events of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars, and fusion proteins (licensed by FDA,
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Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody
and Autoimmune Diseases 21
Bertrand Godeau
B. Godeau, MD
Internal Medicine Unit, Reference Center of Adults’ Autoimmune Cytopenia,
CHU Henri Mondor, APHP, UPEC, 94010 Créteil, France
e-mail: [email protected]
21.1 Introduction
Context Autoimmune diseases
Immunohematology Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)
Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Cold-agglutinin disease (CAD)
Autoimmune neutropenia (AIN)
Pure-red cell aplasia (PRCA)
Acquired hemophilia
Acquired thrombocytopenic purpura
Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) Immune cytopenia (ITP, wAHAI, Evans
syndrome syndrome)
Systemic autoimmune diseases and connective Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
tissue diseases Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Sjögren’s syndrome
Systemic sclerosis (SSc)
Inflammatory muscles diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic vasculitis ANCA-associated vasculitis
Giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis
Nervous system Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Myasthenia gravis
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 345
B cells play an important role in the immune response (Godeau and Stasi 2014).
Their major role is to produce antibodies. B cells are also efficient antigen-presenting
cells for T cells and secrete various cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-10,
IL-6, interferon-γ (IFNγ), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), which activate
macrophages, dendritic cells, and immunoregulatory cells. B cells have an impor-
tant role in the pathophysiology of AIDs, and a rational approach to AID treatment
involves B-cell depletion.
Human CD20 is a non-glycosylated phosphoprotein exclusively expressed in the
B-cell hematopoietic lineage but not in hematopoietic stem cells or plasma cells.
Rituximab is a human-to-mouse chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody that
induces rapid, profound, and prolonged B-cell depletion. It was initially developed
20 years ago to treat lymphoma but is now used to treat various AIDs.
Here, we discuss the use of rituximab in treatment of the most frequent AIDs.
Clinical Manifestations
ITP is a heterogeneous disease with a complex pathophysiology, involving enhanced
platelet clearance as well as impaired platelet production. ITP remains a diagnosis
of exclusion, and primary (or isolated) ITP and secondary ITP are commonly dif-
ferentiated. ITP manifests by bleeding, which usually occurs with platelet count
<30 G/L.
Rules of Treatment
Steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) are the first-line treatments. They
are highly effective, but relapse occurs in most adults, and second-line treatments
are frequently required. Second-line treatments include thrombopoietin receptor
agonists (TPO-RAs), dapsone, danazol, rituximab, and splenectomy. Each approach
has benefits and risks that should be considered carefully. Unlike the availability of
international guidelines, consensus remains lacking on the treatment of ITP and
should be personalized.
Results of Rituximab
More than 15 years ago, in an open prospective study, Stasi et al. (2001) gave ritux-
imab to adults with chronic ITP according to the infusion regimen used for lym-
phoma (i.e., 4 weekly infusions of 375 mg/m2 rituximab). They reported an overall
response rate of 52%. In view of these encouraging results, other groups conducted
uncontrolled studies. In a prospective multicenter registry of 248 adult patients with
ITP treated with rituximab, 61% showed an overall initial response and at a median
follow-up of 24 months, and 39% showed a lasting response (Khellaf et al. 2014).
346 B. Godeau
The pattern of response was similar with the two rituximab regimens (four infusions
of 375 mg/m2 and two fixed 1-g infusions 2 weeks apart), and reassuring data were
obtained on the safety of the treatment. In a prospective double-blind randomized
study, Ghanima et al. (2015) compared rituximab with placebo and standard care as
a second-line treatment for ITP without splenectomy. The rate of complete response
at 24 weeks was greater with rituximab than placebo, with a trend toward a lower
rate of splenectomy in the rituximab arm. However, rituximab did not reduce the
rate of treatment failure. The modest long-term effect of rituximab was confirmed
in a retrospective study of 72 adults and 65 children finding 5-year estimates of 21%
and 26% persistent response, respectively (Patel et al. 2012).
Comments and Perspectives
With its benefit/risk ratio, rituximab used off-label is a valid option for treating per-
sistent or chronic ITP. However, relapses are frequent, and the long-term response
appears modest. Therefore, strategies to ameliorate the long-term efficacy of the
treatment must be developed. Several options that may be tested include giving
rituximab first or early on after ITP diagnosis, maintenance treatment with repeated
infusions, and combining rituximab with other treatments such as dexamethasone
or anti-B-cell activating factor (BAFF, also called BLyS) monoclonal antibody for a
synergistic effect.
Clinical Manifestations
AIHA is a rare AID in which autoantibodies directed toward red blood cell (RBC)
antigens lead to their accelerated destruction. The diagnosis of AIHA mainly relies
on the direct antiglobulin test. The classification of AIHA is based on immuno-
chemical properties and especially on the thermal amplitude of the autoantibody
(“warm” or “cold” type), which in clinical practice mainly relies on the interpreta-
tion of the direct antiglobulin test pattern but also on the presence or not of an
underlying condition or disease (i.e., secondary versus primary AIHA). The distinc-
tion between AIHA due to warm antibody (wAIHA) and cold antibody is crucial
because it affects both the prognosis and treatment.
wAIHA can be isolated or associated with various diseases, including mainly
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and chronic lymphocyte leukemia (CLL).
The clinical presentation of AIHA is usually subacute and may be rather insidi-
ous anemia. An abrupt onset with the presence of dark reddish urine reflecting the
presence of intravascular hemolysis and hemoglobinuria is rarely observed.
Rules of Treatment
RBC transfusion is indicated in patients with disabling symptoms of anemia and/or
a serious underlying cardiovascular condition.
The first-line treatment of primary wAHAI remains corticosteroids given at an
initial daily dose of 1–1.5 mg/kg. The total duration of treatment lacks consensus,
but the likelihood of early relapse is very high if the treatment is prematurely
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 347
Results of Rituximab
Two open randomized controlled studies (Barcellini et al. 2012; Birgens et al. 2013)
and one double-blind controlled study (Michel et al. 2017) using a different pattern
of rituximab administration gave promising data and demonstrated the efficacy of
rituximab in primary wAHAI. In a prospective study with a placebo, the overall
response rate at 1 year was 75% with rituximab versus 31% with placebo.
Comments and Perspectives
The data from the literature support, whenever possible, the use of rituximab off-
label for patients refractory to corticosteroids and those with a chronic active and/or
relapsing primary wAIHA who need to be maintained on prednisone (or predniso-
lone) at a daily equivalent or >15 mg to maintain at least partial remission.
Clinical Manifestations
Primary chronic CAD is a clonal lymphoproliferative B-cell bone-marrow disorder.
The immune hemolysis is complement dependent, mediated by activation of the
classical pathway and phagocytosis of erythrocytes opsonized with complement
protein C3b. CAD can be an indolent disease, but typical clinical features include
episodes of transient anemia that can be acute and severe and frequently associated
with cold-induced ischemic symptoms ranging from mild to disabling.
Rules of Treatment
In the indolent disease form, no treatment is required, but patients should avoid
exposure to cold. Pharmacologic treatment should be offered for s ymptom-producing
anemia or disabling circulatory symptoms. Corticosteroids usually give disappoint-
ing results and the indication of steroids for CAD is still debatted. Splenectomy is
not a good option because hemolysis in CAD is intravascular. Successful CAD
therapy targets the pathogenic B-cell clone.
Results of Rituximab
Rituximab monotherapy can induce partial remission in about 50% of patients
(Berentsen 2013; Berentsen et al. 2017). Those with relapse after previous treatment
with rituximab may respond to a second or even a third series of monotherapy, and
the treatment is well tolerated. Despite a somewhat disappointing median response
duration of about 1 year, single-agent therapy with rituximab should still be consid-
ered first-line treatment in some patients.
348 B. Godeau
Comments and Perspectives
Combination therapy with fludarabine and rituximab is more efficient, resulting in
remission in approximately 75% of patients and complete response in 20% and a
median response duration of more than 5 years. However, because of the toxicity
profile, this treatment should be reserved for the more severe forms of CAD in
patients showing failure of remission with rituximab monotherapy. Recent study
suggests that Bendamustine could also be a good option.
In the near future, complement-modulating agents seem promising.
Clinical Manifestations
AIN is a rare and heterogeneous group of diseases with variable clinical manifes-
tations from asymptomatic to severe forms associated with infectious complica-
tions (Autrel-Moignet and Lamy 2014). It is caused by antibodies directed against
neutrophil-specific antigens. It includes primary and secondary autoimmune neu-
tropenia. Acute autoimmune neutropenia can be related to drug-induced mecha-
nisms or viral infections. Chronic autoimmune neutropenias occur in the context
of AIDs such as SLE or Sjögren’s syndrome, hematologic malignancies such as
large granular lymphocyte leukemia, primary immune deficiency syndromes, or
solid tumors.
Rules of Treatment
The therapeutic management depends on the etiology. Granulocyte growth factor is
an option and can be transiently used in cases of symptomatic profound neutrope-
nia. The question of their long-term safety is debated. Corticosteroids or immuno-
suppressive therapy (mainly cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, or cyclosporine) are
indicated in infection-related autoimmune neutropenia or with symptomatic auto-
immune disease or large granular lymphocytic leukemia.
Results of Rituximab
Rituximab has been only occasionally used, with disappointing results, and does
not seem a valid option except when autoimmune neutropenia is associated in a
setting of Evans syndrome (association of autoimmune neutropenia with ITP and/
or wAHAI).
Of note, transient profound neutropenia, which is usually asymptomatic, is a
complication of rituximab. This adverse event is mainly observed when rituximab
is used for treating CLL or malignant lymphoma but is rarely observed in the set-
ting of AIDs.
Clinical Manifestations
PRCA is a rare syndrome caused by isolated erythropoietic hypoplasia with severe
normocytic and reticulocytopenic anemia and a normally cellular bone marrow but
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 349
Rules of Treatment
Acquired PRCA is managed as an AID, by immunosuppressive therapy with corti-
costeroids and cyclosporine A as first-choice treatments.
Results of Rituximab
Only isolated case reports suggested that rituximab could be effective in PRCA. Good
response has been reported in a setting of PRCA associated with various diseases
such as SLE or CLL or after allogenic bone-marrow transplantation.
Comments and Perspectives
Rituximab should be reserved as rescue treatment for patients who are refractory to
steroids and immunosuppressive therapy such as cyclosporine A, and it cannot be
considered as first-line treatment (Tendas et al. 2016).
Clinical Manifestations
Acquired hemophilia is an AID caused by the development of specific autoanti-
bodies that inhibit factor VIII (FVIII). It is associated with a high mortality rate,
usually between 10 and 30%. Hemorrhagic manifestations of acquired hemophilia
occur as acute, spontaneous, or traumatic in patients with no prior history of
bleeding. The most common clinical findings are profuse cutaneous bleeding.
Acquired hemophilia can complicate pregnancy and can be associated with many
diseases such as various AIDs (SLE, Sjögren’s syndrome, etc.), hematological
diseases including lymphoid hemopathy, myelodysplastic syndrome, solid tumors,
chronic viral infection (hepatitis B and C virus [HBV, HCV]), and allergic reac-
tion to drugs.
Rules of Treatment
It consists of two parts: treatment targeting abortion or preventing bleeding epi-
sodes and that aimed at eradicating the autoantibody. As bypassing agents, two
drugs are used for this indication: recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa
[NovoSeven®]) and activated prothrombin complex concentrates (APCC
The first-line immunosuppressive treatment most commonly used and recom-
mended is based on corticosteroids (1 mg/kg/day) alone or associated with cyclo-
phosphamide given at low doses (1–2 mg/kg/day), for between 3 and 5 weeks. The
combination of immunosuppression and comorbidities, due to patient age and
comorbidities, leads to the occurrence of cytopenias and secondary infections in
almost half of all patients.
350 B. Godeau
Results of Rituximab
Most reviews and guidelines point to rituximab as the alternative of choice with fail-
ure of first-line treatment. The usual pattern involves the administration of weekly
doses of 375 mg/m2/week for 4 weeks. Rituximab requires several weeks or months
to achieve eradication of the inhibitor. For the more severe forms of acquired hemo-
philia, particularly with high titers of inhibitors, some authors consider that rituximab
should be combined with other immunosuppressive drugs (Collins et al. 2012).
Comments and Perspectives
A large controlled prospective study is in progress in France to better define the
place of rituximab in primary acquired hemophilia.
Clinical Manifestations
Acquired autoimmune TTP is a severe form of thrombotic microangiopathy charac-
terized by the association of a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia with a peripheral
thrombocytopenia, organ failure of variable severity due to thrombi in microvascu-
lature, and antibody-mediated severe deficiency (<10% of normal activity) in the
von Willebrand-factor-cleaving protease ADAMTS13.
TTP can complicate pregnancy and can be associated with many diseases such as
various AIDs (SLE, Sjögren’s syndrome, etc.), viral infection (HIV, etc.), reaction
to drugs (cyclosporine A), and bone-marrow transplantation.
Rules of Treatment
Daily therapeutic plasma exchange, which addresses the ADAMTS13 deficiency
and to a lesser extent removes serum anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies and possibly pro-
aggregant substances, has transformed the prognosis of TTP, with current overall
survival rates of 80–85%. Because acquired TTP is now considered an AID, immu-
nosuppressive drugs are also involved in the therapeutic strategy. In addition to the
development of plasma exchange, rituximab has been a major breakthrough in man-
aging this disease.
Results of Rituximab
For the acute phase of TTP, most studies reported that remission was achieved in most
cases, typically in <4 weeks (Froissart et al. 2015). Rituximab is now routinely recom-
mended during the acute phase, typically in patients with a suboptimal response to
plasma exchange, or even as a first-line therapy. However, whether rituximab should
be reserved for patients with suboptimal response to standard treatment or used as a
first-line therapy for all patients with autoimmune TTP is still debated.
Comments and Perspectives
At least 40% of patients experience a recurrence of TTP. Each relapse exposes the
patient to risk of death and to complications related to plasma exchange. ADAMTS13
activity represents a reliable marker of disease activity because patients who remain
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 351
with severe enzyme deficiency are at high risk of relapse. Preliminary reports sug-
gested that infusions of rituximab could prevent TTP relapse in patients with severe
persistent ADAMTS13 deficiency and otherwise in clinical and hematologic remis-
sion. These findings argue for regular systematic assessments of ADAMTS13 activ-
ity during follow-up, to identify at an early stage those patients at risk of relapse.
Preemptive rituximab represents a promising strategy that could modify the long-
term prognosis.
Clinical Manifestations
SLE is a chronic autoimmune condition with unpredictable course, intermingled
with flares and periods of remission. It can affect the skin, muscles and articles,
heart, lung, kidney, and peripheral and central nervous system. Blood manifesta-
tions are frequent, and autoimmune cytopenias, including ITP and wAIHA, can
be severe.
Rules of Treatment
Treatments may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids,
immunosuppressants, and hydroxychloroquine. Although the prognosis has
improved in the past decades, current therapies are still associated with treatment-
related complications. Recently, there has been major progress in understanding the
pathogenesis of SLE, paving the way for the development of new biologic agents,
potentially revolutionizing the treatment of SLE.
Results of Rituximab
The use of rituximab in patients with SLE has been investigated in two random-
ized controlled trials, EXPLORER (the Exploratory Phase II/III SLE Evaluation
of Rituximab) (Merrill et al. 2010) and LUNAR (Lupus Nephritis Assessment
with Rituximab) (Rovin et al. 2012), with negative results regarding superiority to
conventional treatment. However, before concluding that rituximab is not effec-
tive in SLE, a critical evaluation of the design of the EXPLORER and LUNAR
trials is required. The results of these two trials suggested that the use of rituximab
in SLE may be controversial, but it is still extensively used “off-label,” especially
in cases refractory to standard treatment (Cobo-Ibanez et al. 2014; Duxbury et al.
2013; Sciascia et al. 2015). Rituximab is effective in autoimmune cytopenia asso-
ciated with SLE, with severe kidney involvement in case of failure of “conven-
tional treatment” such as cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate mofetil, and
azathioprine. A prospective, observational, single-center cohort study evaluated
the effectiveness of treating lupus nephritis with rituximab and mycophenolate
mofetil but no oral steroids (Condon et al. 2013). After 1 year of follow-up, over-
all response rate was >80%, which demonstrates that oral steroids can be safely
avoided in treating lupus nephritis.
Rituximab could be associated with risk of fatal multifocal progressive leukoen-
cephalopathy due to JC virus infection in the setting of SLE treated with rituximab.
However, this risk appears exceptional.
Today, unlike in the absence of a license, rituximab can be proposed for SLE
patients with lupus nephritis resistant to conventional treatment or autoimmune
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 353
Comments and Perspectives
Other B-cell-targeted therapies that inhibit BAFF currently being assessed include
belimumab, tabalumab, and blisibimod. Belimumab received a license for non-
severe SLE (without central system or kidney involvements).
Clinical Manifestations
APS is characterized by recurrent thrombosis and/or obstetric complications with
the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (lupus anticoagulant, anti-cardiolipid
antibodies, anti-beta2-GP1 antibodies). It can be isolated and considered “primary”
or associated with SLE.
The most frequent clinical manifestation is deep venous thrombosis, whereas
cerebrovascular accident is the most prevalent manifestation of arterial thrombosis.
Fetal losses (early and late), prematurity, and preeclampsia are the most frequent
obstetric manifestations. The catastrophic variant of the antiphospholipid (APL)
syndrome (CAPS) is characterized by thrombosis in multiple organs developing
over a short time. The prognosis of CAPS is severe, and mortality remains high.
Rules of Treatment
The treatment for thrombotic APS is based on control of vascular risk factors, ace-
tylsalicylic acid as primary thromboprophylaxis, and long-term anticoagulant treat-
ment as secondary thromboprophylaxis.
The combined treatment with anticoagulation therapy plus glucocorticoids plus
plasma exchange and/or IVIg results in a high recovery rate in patients with CAPS.
Results of Rituximab
For APS, we have only few data focused on the interest of rituximab in this setting.
Some case reports suggested that rituximab could be effective for treating some
non-thrombotic manifestations associated with APS, such as thrombocytopenia of
skin necrosis (Ponsa et al. 2015).
For CAPS, despite the reduced mortality with treatment, some patients are
refractory, such as those who die despite first-line treatments or those with recurrent
episodes of CAPS. A review of the literature reported 20 patients with CAPS treated
with rituximab (Berman et al. 2013). The number of patients was too low to draw
firm conclusions, but 75% of patients recovered from the acute CAPS episode and
20% died. These results suggest that rituximab could have a role in treating APL-
positive patients, especially those with refractory CAPS.
Clinical Manifestations
Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease that involves
the exocrine glands and internal organs. pSS leads to the destruction and loss of
354 B. Godeau
Rules of Treatment
Therapeutic options include mainly symptomatic and supportive measures, and tra-
ditional immunosuppressant drugs have shown no effectiveness in randomized tri-
als. The use of systemic therapies for dryness, chronic pain, or fatigue is not
warranted. The management of pSS should be organ specific, with low-dose ste-
roids in patients with moderate systemic activity, limiting the use of high-dose ste-
roids and second-line therapies to refractory or potentially severe cases.
Results of Rituximab
The number of published articles on rituximab used to treat pSS has been grow-
ing. However, most identified studies are case reports or series of specific sys-
temic manifestations, and only a few randomized studies of rituximab have
compared the effectiveness of this drug to placebo or other drugs (Souza et al.
2016). Because of multiple biases due to the design of most of these studies,
drawing firm conclusions is difficult. The effect on improving lacrimal gland
function appears modest, and we have no proof of the potential of this drug for
improving salivary flow. Also no level of evidence suggests improvement of oral
dryness. In particular, a double-blind prospective controlled study conducted in
France that compared rituximab and placebo and included 120 patients confirmed
that rituximab did not alleviate symptoms or disease activity in patients with pSS
at week 24, although it alleviated some symptoms at earlier time points
(Devauchelle-Pensec et al. 2014).
Comments and Perspectives
Rituximab is not indicated in pSS but can be discussed for some extraglandular
manifestations such as autoimmune cytopenia.
Clinical Manifestations
SSc is characterized by diffuse microangiopathy and accumulation of collagen and
other matrix constituents in the skin and target internal organs. Typical SSc symp-
toms can be skin ulcers, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and/or renal scleroderma
crisis with fibrotic cutaneous and visceral organ involvement affecting particularly
the heart and lung. Autoimmunity may contribute to both vascular and fibrotic SSc
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 355
Rules of Treatment
The effect of nonselective immunosuppressive treatments, usually used during the
early phases of SSc to control skin and lung inflammation, is often unpredictable.
High-dose steroids should be avoided because of the risk of severe renal sclero-
derma crisis. These treatments tend to lose their efficacy once the disease enters a
chronic phase, and consequently long-term treatment is not recommendable, con-
sidering the potential severe side effects.
Results of Rituximab
Small open studies and case reports suggested that rituximab could act on skin and
lung fibrosis (Giuggioli et al. 2015). However, multiple biases are present, so one
cannot conclude on the interest of rituximab in SSc. A multicenter prospective case-
control study conducted in Europe included 63 patients receiving rituximab (Jordan
et al. 2015). The comparison of rituximab-treated versus untreated matched-control
SSc patients demonstrated improved skin fibrosis and prevention of worsening lung
fibrosis, which supports the therapeutic concept of B-cell inhibition in SSc.
Comments and Perspectives
The results of the European Scleroderma Trial and Research (EUSTAR) group
remain preliminary and need to be viewed with caution, recognizing the spontane-
ous regression of skin thickening that may occur early during the disease, and
other studies are required before proposing rituximab as first-line treatment for
severe pSS.
Clinical Manifestations
To date, four main groups of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) have been
identified—polymyositis, dermatomyositis, immune-mediated necrotizing myopa-
thy, and sporadic inclusion body myositis—on the basis of clinical presentation and
muscle pathology. Important phenotypical differences (muscular and/or extramus-
cular manifestations) persist within a group. We now have routine access to assays
for detecting different antibodies, and all groups of myositis may present one of
those autoantibodies. Most allow for identifying homogenous patient groups more
precisely than with the classical international classifications of myositis.
Rules of Treatment
High-dose steroids remain the first-line treatment for inflammatory muscle diseases
except for sporadic diseases including body myositis, for which steroids are ineffec-
tive. IVIg is indicated, particularly in dermatomyositis associated with dysphagia.
Immunosuppressive treatment such as methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil, and
cyclophosphamide could be associated with steroids as a first-line treatment in the
more severe forms of diseases or in patients refractory to steroids.
356 B. Godeau
Results of Rituximab
We have only few data on the effectiveness of rituximab in IIMs. Most of the
reported studies are retrospective and included a small number of patients. Moreover,
they grouped different types of IIMs. Drawing firm conclusions is difficult, and the
exact role of rituximab in the therapeutic strategy of IIMS is still a matter of debate,
but these data suggest that rituximab could be effective in all IIMs (Hervier and
Benveniste 2015). The delay of action is sometimes long, and at least 4 months may
be needed before a response is seen. Rituximab should not be proposed alone but
should be associated with steroids and/or immunosuppressive drugs. Relapses are
frequent. In case of relapse, a new course of rituximab could be proposed.
Comments and Perspectives
Despite these relatively modest results, rituximab may play a role in the treatment
of IIMs. All other available biotherapies such as anti-IL-1, anti-IL-6, and anti-IFN-α
therapies have been not studied, and anti-TNF-α agents are contraindicated with
myositis, at least in patients with positive myositis-specific autoantibodies.
Clinical Manifestations
RA is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by joint inflammation that often
evolves into erosive joint damage with significant disability.
Rules of Treatment
Methotrexate remains the first-line treatment. Prolonged steroid treatment should be
avoided. The development of anti-TNF agents has completely revolutionized the
natural history of the disease and should be rapidly associated with methotrexate in
cases of lack of response.
Results of Rituximab
Some patients show an inadequate response to anti-TNF agents. Rituximab is indi-
cated in such cases (Cohen and Keystone 2015; Rossi et al. 2015. Several random-
ized controlled prospective studies compared two infusions of rituximab 1000 mg
to placebo. Methotrexate was used in both. Treatment with rituximab has been
clearly demonstrated as more effective than placebo in treatment-naïve patients and
those with anti-TNF treatment failure. Rituximab is more effective in “seropositive”
patients. It has been studied in combination with anti-TNF agents, and the numeri-
cal risk of serious adverse events was only slightly increased but without a signifi-
cant increase in efficacy. The optimal rituximab dose is controversial. The
2 × 1000- and 2 × 500-mg doses may be equivalent in terms of improvement in
signs and symptoms, but the 2 × 1000-mg dose showed better outcomes and should
be used. Relapses are frequent, and the duration of the effect is quite variable. So,
the optimal timing for retreatment is difficult to predict. A review of retreated
patients from the clinical trials suggested that the fixed-interval (24 week) treat-to-
target strategy was superior to retreatment at the discretion of the physician. The
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 357
Comments and Perspectives
Rituximab has been a significant addition to the short list of biologic agents approved
for treating RA. The safety is reassuring, but as with all biologics for RA, further
information regarding the safety of rituximab over longer periods is critical.
Clinical Manifestations
AAV includes granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), eosinophilic granulomato-
sis with polyangiitis (EGPA), and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), which are small-
vessel vasculitides associated with the presence of ANCAs to proteinase 3
(PR3-ANCAs) or myeloperoxidase (MPO-ANCAs). The clinical manifestations of
GPA range from limited upper respiratory tract inflammatory disease to severe
lower respiratory tract, renal, and nervous system vasculitis. MPA involves necro-
tizing systemic vasculitis of the respiratory tract, kidneys, and nervous system.
EGPA clinical manifestations include asthma, nasal polyps, peripheral blood eosin-
ophilia, and systemic vasculitis of the respiratory tract, skin, heart, and nervous
Rules of Treatment
The management of AAV is in accordance with the disease severity and is based on
extensive clinical trial and clinical practice data. High-dose steroids associated with
immunosuppressive drugs (mainly cyclophosphamide as attack treatment and meth-
otrexate or azathioprine as maintenance treatment) have been considered the corner-
stone for treating the most severe forms for a long time. Plasma exchange is also
indicated in life-threatening situations such as pulmonary hemorrhage or acute renal
Results of Rituximab
In two multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled studies, at 6 months, ritux-
imab was found to be not inferior to cyclophosphamide for inducing remission of
GPA and MPA. From these two studies, the US Food and Drug Administration
accorded marketing authorization for rituximab as remission-induction and mainte-
nance treatment for these two AAVs. In Europe, rituximab has been authorized for
only induction therapy. Now, rituximab is considered as a first-line treatment, even
for life-threatening GPA and MPA (Lutalo and D’Cruz 2015), except in France,
358 B. Godeau
For EGPA, studies comparing conventional treatment and rituximab are in progress.
To date, rituximab is not recommended in this setting, but some case reports and
retrospective data suggest that rituximab could be effective in severe cases refrac-
tory to conventional treatment, with systemic vasculitis as the predominant clinical
Comments and Perspectives
Rituximab has clearly completely revolutionized the therapeutic strategy of GPA
and MPA. However, relapses are not rare, and the best maintenance treatment with
repeated infusions or combining rituximab with other treatments should be
determined. Cryoglobulinemia
Clinical Manifestations
Cryoglobulinemia is characterized by the presence of cryoglobulins in serum. It has
two main subgroups: type I, in which the cryoglobulins are monoclonal, and types
II and III, in which the cryoglobulins are composed of a mixture of monoclonal IgM
and polyclonal IgG (type II) or only polyclonal IgG (type III). Type I is seen exclu-
sively in clonal hematologic diseases, whereas type II/III, named “mixed” cryo-
globulinemia, is seen in hepatitis C virus infection and systemic diseases such as
B-cell hemopathy and connective tissue disorders.
Clinical manifestations are various and include arthralgia, skin purpura, skin
ulcers, renal involvement, and peripheral neuropathy. Life-threatening manifesta-
tions with heart or central nervous system involvement are rarely seen. Occasionally,
when the cryocrit is high, hyperviscosity syndrome may occur, with oronasal bleed-
ing, blurred vision, deafness, headache, confusion, and heart failure.
Clinical Manifestations
GCA is a large-vessel vasculitis characterized by a granulomatous involvement of
the aorta and/or its major branches that usually affects people older than 50 years. It
is frequently associated with polymyalgia rheumatica and manifests by headache
and proximal myalgia. There is a risk of arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy, which
can result in blindness. In one quarter of patients, the aorta and its major branches
are involved.
Takayasu arteritis is a rare large-vessel vasculitis affecting the aortas and its large
branches including proximal portions of renal, coronary, and pulmonary arteritis. It
affects young patients (younger than 40 years), and it manifests by claudication of
the extremities, myalgia, decreased brachial artery pulse over the subclavian, or
abdominal aorta. Stroke is a complication of the most severe forms.
Rules of Treatment
Steroids remain the first-line treatment of GCA and Takayasu arteritis.
Immunosuppressive drugs are indicated with lack of response to steroids or with
relapse when decreasing the steroids dose. Methotrexate is the immunosuppressive
treatment most frequently used in this setting. Recently, biologic therapy based on
tocilizumab, an anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibody, showed promising results.
Results of Rituximab
We have only a few data for a small number of patients with Takayasu arteritis
treated with rituximab (Loricera et al. 2015). In view of the small number of cases,
we cannot draw definite conclusions, and so far the role of rituximab in the thera-
peutic strategy of ANCA-negative systemic vasculitis is marginal.
Clinical Manifestations
MS is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease caused by an autoimmune
response against central nervous system structures. MS attacks the myelin of the
brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation and often damaging the myelin in
360 B. Godeau
patches. The disease results in a wide variety of symptoms such as dizziness, blad-
der dysfunction, gait, optic neuritis, and sensory impairment, depending on what
part or parts of the central nervous system are affected. The symptoms improve
during periods of remission.
Rules of Treatment
Treatment is very complex and should be personalized. Many treatments now avail-
able include IFN-β, teriflunomide, fingolimod, mitoxantrone, and monoclonal anti-
bodies such as natalizumab and alemtuzumab. The choice of drug used for initial
therapy or escalation of therapy should be based on a benefit/risk evaluation and
tailored to the individual patient’s requirements. Patients should ideally receive
treatment by a specialized multidisciplinary team.
Clinical Manifestations
MG is an autoimmune neuromuscular junction disorder. It manifests by fluctuating
fatigable weakness involving specific muscle groups. Ocular weakness with asym-
metric ptosis and diplopia is the most common presentation. Oropharyngeal and
limb weakness are less common. Antibodies against acetylcholine receptor (AchR)
or muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) are always present and are useful for the
Rules of Treatment
Treatment must be individualized. Cholinesterase inhibitors are the first-line treat-
ment. Immunosuppressive treatment including steroids, azathioprine, cyclosporine,
or mycophenolate mofetil is indicated in the most severe disabling forms.
Thymectomy can be occasionally indicated. Plasma exchange or IVIg is required in
an emergency for myasthenic crisis and life-threatening situations.
Results of Rituximab
Tandan et al. (2017) recently reviewed the efficacy and safety of rituximab in 169
MG patients from case reports and series. A response was observed in 72% of
patients with MuSK antibodies and in only 30% with AchR antibodies. More than
50% of patients could have a relapse within a mean of 1.5 years after rituximab infu-
sions (Robeson et al. 2017). These results suggest that rituximab could be an attrac-
tive option in severe MG.
21 Monoclonal Anti-CD20 (B-Cell) Antibody and Autoimmune Diseases 361
Comments and Perspectives
Unlike these promising results, experts who recently published international con-
sensus guidance for MG management concluded that no formal consensus could be
reached concerning the place of rituximab in the therapeutic strategy.
Rituximab is used frequently for treating most AIDs. It has deeply changed the
treatment strategy in AAV, and a license was obtained for the treatment of
RA. However, for most AIDs, the drug is used off-label, and randomized con-
trolled studies are often lacking. It is well tolerated, even if infectious complica-
tions are possible, particularly if associated with steroids. One important caveat
is the risk of relapse. For the future, how to obtain better long-term results
remains a crucial issue. Maintenance treatment with repeated rituximab infu-
sions, association of rituximab with other biologic therapies or dexamethasone,
and recognition of predictors of long-term sustained response could be different
options to better select patients with AIDs who could receive rituximab and to
hope for better long-term results.
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