2020 Knowledge and Practice of Child Survival Strategies
2020 Knowledge and Practice of Child Survival Strategies
2020 Knowledge and Practice of Child Survival Strategies
Background: Adequate knowledge and effective practice of child survival strategies play significant
role in combating the twin malady of child morbidity and mortality, especially among the under five
years old children.
Objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and practice of child survival strategies among
mothers seen at the postnatal clinic of primary health centre, Itu, South-South Nigeria.
Methodology: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study involving 296 mothers who attended the
postnatal Clinic of Primary Health Centre, West Itam, Itu, a suburban area of South-South Nigeria
between March and July, 2019. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from the
respondents on socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge of child survival strategies (CSS),
source of knowledge and practice of CSS. The data was analyzed with SPSS version 22.0.
Results: The age of the respondents ranged from 15-49 years with mean and standard deviation of
28.18±7.07 years. Results showed that most of the respondents (87.5%) were of lower reproductive
age (≤35years), 88.5% had low monthly income (≤50,000) while 88.51 were of lower parity (para ≤4).
Most of the mothers had adequate knowledge of CSS including 69.57% (growth monitoring), 67.90%
(oral rehydration therapy) and 79.39% (exclusive breastfeeding). Also most of the respondents
obtained information on CSS from health workers (85.13%). However, the actual practice of most of
the components of CSS was poor as only 26.69%, 37.5% and 42.24% practiced growth monitoring,
oral rehydration therapy and exclusive breastfeeding respectively. Although most of the mothers who
practiced CSS were of higher educational status (secondary and tertiary education), there was no
statistical significant association between educational status and the practice of any of the components
of CSS.
Conclusion: Most of the mothers in the study had knowledge of CSS while the percentage that
practiced CSS was few. We recommend a more intensive public awareness and enlightenment
campaign among mothers of under five children to stimulate them on the importance of practice of
CSS as a panacea to averting child morbidity and mortality.
Key Words: Knowledge and practice, child survival strategies, mothers, south Nigeria.
health education and essential drug list. [2,5,6] erstwhile Millennium Development Goal 4
Other activities and practices that can also (MDG4) could partly be due to poor
impact positively on the health of under five implementation of the components of child
children thereby enhancing their survival survival strategies, especially in sub-
include integrated management of childhood Saharan Africa. [9,15] The high morbidity and
illness (IMCI), use of insecticide treated bed mortality associated with the critical age of
nets (ITN), other preventive measures and under five children can be averted with
prompt treatment of malaria (roll Back appropriate practice and implementation of
Malaria), de-worming of children, safe the various components of child survival
drinking water, micronutrient strategies. This study therefore aimed at
supplementation, complementary and assessing the knowledge and practice of the
improved infant and young child feeding various components of child survival
practices, ante-natal booking and supervised strategies among mothers of under five year
deliveries of mothers. [5-8] These strategies, old children seen at a postnatal clinic of
which are important public health concerns, primary healthcare centre of a sub-urban
aimed at improving child wellbeing; have area of south-south Nigeria. This seems to
the overall benefits of enhancing the be a pioneer study on knowledge and
growth, development and survival of under practice of CSS as literature search reveals
five children, when practiced efficiently, that there has been no previous study on
hence its adoption by the WHO, UNESCO, CSS in a primary health centre in Akwa
UNICEF and the USAID. [2,5,9,10] Ibom State. It is hoped that findings from
Even with the overall benefits this study will enrich the literature pool on
accruing from child survival strategies, it this subject and form the basis for further
has been shown that in some settings the studies on child survival strategies in other
practice of CSS is poor especially in the settings.
developing countries, due to poverty and
ignorance, leading to high rate of child METHODOLOGY
morbidity and mortality. According to Study Area: The study was conducted at
UNICEF data 2018, even though under five the postnatal clinic of primary health centre,
mortality had reduced from 213/1000 in West Itam, Itu local government area of
1990 to 104/1000 in 2016, it is documented Akwa Ibom State, South-South Nigeria. The
that about 5.8million under five children facility is located at latitude 7’90363,
died across the globe in 2016, with 15,000 5’0526, north 50,3110.2503 and
0 1
dying daily, most of which occurred in sub- 7 ,413.1890 east in West Itam. It covers 10
Saharan Africa and Asia. [11] Also six settlements, with a population of 32,899 and
countries account for almost half of the it is one of the maternal and child health
global under five mortality rate namely centres in the state. The postnatal clinic runs
India, Nigeria, Parkistan, DRC (Democratic from Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 4pm
Republic of Congo), Ethiopia and China. except on public holidays.
Moreover the WHO statistics in Africa Study Design: This was a cross-sectional
shows that West African countries descriptive study that involved 296 mothers
experience under five mortality up to twice who presented at the postnatal clinic of the
higher than neighbouring countries in facility for postnatal check up between
northern and southern Africa. [11-13] March and July 2019.
According to the state of the Nigeria Sample Selection: A total of 296 mothers
children report 2015, about 2,300 under five who presented at the facility during the
children die daily in Nigeria, thereby period of the study were selected for the
making Nigeria the second contributor to study, using the formula: [16]
global child mortality. [6,14] It has been M = Z2P(1-P)
avered that the non attainment of the d2
TABLE 5: Association between mother’s educational status and practice of child survival strategies (CSS)
Yes N(%) No N(%)
Educational Level: Growth monitoring X2 = 0.001
Lower level 9(11.39) 25(11.5) DF = 1
Higher level 70(88.61) 192(88.48) P = 0.976
Educational Level: Oral Rehydration Therapy X2 = 0.009
Lower level: 13(11.71) 21(11.35) DF = 1
Higher level 98(88.22) 164(88.65) P = 0.925
Educational Level: Exclusive Breastfeeding X2 =0.012
Lower level 15(11.72) 19(11.31) DF = 1
Higher level 113(88.28) 149(88.69) P = 0.913
Educational Level: Complete Immunization X2 = 0.0009
Lower level 16(11.68) 18(6.87) DF = 1
Higher level 121(88.32) 141(93.13) P = 0.923
Educational Level: Food Fortification X2 = 0.019
Lower level 18 (12.68) 16(11.76) DF = 1
Higher level 142(87.32) 120(88.23) P = 0.890
Educational Level: Multivitamin Supplementation X2 = 0.012
Lower level 12(11.76) 22(11.34) DF = 1
Higher level 90(88.24) 172(88.66) P = 0.913
Educational Level: Family Planning X2 = 0.021
Lower level 11(11.11) 23(11.67) DF = 1
Higher level 88(88.89) 174(88.33) P = 0.886
Educational Level: Environmental Sanitation X2 = 0.016
Lower level 17(11.72) 17(11.04) DF = 1
Higher level 128(88.28) 134(88.96) P = 0.900
Educational Level: De-worming X2 = 0.082
Lower level 12(11.43) 24(12.56) DF = 1
Higher level 93(88.57) 167(87.44) P = 0.775
Educational Level: Prevention and Prompt Treatment Of Common Injury X2 = 0.304
Lower level 12(10.81) 24(12.97) DF = 1
Higher level 99(88.19) 161(87.03) P = 0.582
Educational Level: Prevention and Prompt Treatment of Malaria X2 =0.009
Lower level 13(11.71) 21(11.35) DF = 1
Higher level 98(88.29) 164(88.65) P = 0.925
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