652. A 10yo boy is taken to his GP by his parents with behavioural prbs. He attends a special school
due to inappropriate behavior and during the interview with his parents the boy barks at
infrequent episodes and shouts expletives. What is the most likely dx?
a. Asperger syndrome
b. Cotard syndrome
c. Rett syndrome
d. Ekbom syndrome
e. Tourette’s syndrome
653. A 52yo male presents with sudden complete loss of vision from right eye. He also had been
complaining of right sided headaches which would come up more on chewing. On fundoscopy,
the retina was pale and a cherry red spot could be seen in the macular region. What caused this
vision loss?
c. Branch RAO
d. Branch RVO
e. Circumciliary vein occlusion
654. A 48yo woman presents with left-sided severe headache. She also has a red, watering eye and
complains of seeing colored haloes in her vision. What is the most appropriate next step?
a. Measure IOP
b. Relieve pain with aspirin
c. 100% oxygen
d. CT
e. Relieve pain with sumatriptan
655. A 31yo woman presents with 7-10days following childbirth, with loss of feeling for the child, loss
of appetite, sleep disturbance and intrusive and unpleasant thoughts of harming the baby. What
is the best tx for this pt?
a. Fluoxetine
b. Haloperidol
c. CBT
d. Reassurance
e. ECT
656. A 56yo male pt presents with intermittent vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss. What is the best
drug tx for this pt?
a. Buccal prochlorperazine
b. Oral flupenphenazine
c. TCA
d. Gentamicin patch on the round window
e. No med tx available
657. An 82yo woman has developed painful rash on one side of her forehead and ant scalp. Lesions
have also affected her cornea. What is the single most appropriate option?
a. Accessory nerve
b. Facial nerve
c. Olfactory nerve
d. Optic nerve
e. Trigeminal nerve
658. A 24yo woman presents with episodes of peri-oral tingling and carpo pedal spasms every time
she has to give a public talk. This also happens to her before interviews, exams and after
arguments. What is the best management strategy for this pt?
a. Diazepam
b. Rebreathe in a paper bag
c. Desensitization
d. Buspirone
e. Propranolol
659. A 32yo woman P3 of 39wks gestation reports having spontaneous ROM 4days ago. She didn’t
attend the delivery suite as she knew that would happen and had already decided on a home
birth. Today she feels very hot and sweaty. She thought that she was starting to have labour
pains but she describes the pain as more constant. Exam: uterus is tender throughout. Blood
tests show raised CRP and WBC. Select the most likely dx?
a. Round ligament stretching
b. Chorioamnionitis
c. Uterine rupture
d. Labor
e. DIC
660. A 63yo man continues to experience chest pain and has a temp of 37.8C 2 days after an acute
MI. His ECG shows widespread ST elevation with upward concavity. What is the single most
likely explanation for the abnormal inv?
a. Acute pericarditis
b. Cardiac tamponade
c. Atrial thrombus
d. Left ventricular aneurysm
e. Dressler syndrome
661. A 55yo man presents with an ulcer of the scrotum. Which of the following LN is involved?
a. External iliac LN e. Iliac LN
b. Pre-aortic LN f. Submental LN
c. Aortic LN g. Submandibular LN
d. Inguinal LN h. Deep cervical LN
662. A 35yo woman has butterfly rash on her face and she suffers symmetrical joint pains on knee
and elbow, ESR is raised. What is the most discriminative inv for dx?
a. Anti DNA antibodies
b. Anti Jo1 antibodies
c. Anti nuclear antibodies
d. Anti centromere antibodies
e. Anti la antibodies
663. Pt had a fight following which he developed bleeding, ringing and hearing loss from one ear.
What is the inv of choice?
a. CT
b. XR skull
c. Otoscopy
d. MRI vestibule
e. Coagulation study
664. A 35yo IVDA on penicillin and flucloxacillin for cellulitis now presents with jaundice, pale stools
and dark urine. What is the single most likely dx?
a. Hep A