Columbia University Fall 2019 Sample Law Application
Columbia University Fall 2019 Sample Law Application
Columbia University Fall 2019 Sample Law Application
Law School
J.D. Application
Fall 2019
Application Instructions
Please note that applications to Columbia Law School must be year of a J.D. program or an LL.M. program at an ABA- approved U.S.
submitted electronically through LSAC. Paper applications will not be institution are not eligible to apply for regular admission and must
accepted. apply as transfer candidates.
To avoid any confusion or delay in the processing of your application, Law School Admission Test (LSAT)/
please ensure that you: Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
1. consistently use your proper name;
2. keep us informed of any mailing address, telephone number, All applicants are required to submit scores from the Law School
or email address changes during the application process; and Admission Test (LSAT) or the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) to be
3. write your LSAC account number on all correspondence with considered for admission to Columbia Law School.
the Office of Admissions.
The LSAT and the GRE are administered in many locations throughout
Method of Application
the world. Your application will not be considered without the results
of the LSAT or GRE. For additional information about the LSAT,
Early Decision Plan contact LSAC at 215.968.1001 or visit For additional
For Early Decision candidates, the law school application process is information about the GRE, contact Educational Testing Services (ETS)
simplified and expedited considerably; it is less expensive in terms of at 866.473.4373 or visit
time, effort, and money. Early Decision candidates must complete
their applications by November 15, 2018 and are generally notified Candidates who submit scores from more than one LSAT
of the Admissions Committee’s decision in December. Candidates administration and/or GRE administration are strongly encouraged to
applying on an Early Decision basis commit themselves to matriculate provide a brief addendum that explains their testing history.
at Columbia if admitted. Successful Early Decision candidates may not
initiate any new law school applications, must immediately withdraw LSAT
other applications once notified of their Columbia acceptance, and Candidates applying for admission to the 2019 entering class as regular
must decline any acceptances they may have received prior to admission applicants may submit LSAT scores earned on or after the June 2014
to Columbia under the Early Decision Plan. Failure to honor these administration but no later than the January 2019 administration.
commitments will result in Columbia revoking its offer of admission. Candidates taking the January 2019 LSAT should be aware of the fact
Please be aware that, responding to the request of some peer law that scores from this administration may be sent via LSAC after the
schools, Columbia will provide these schools with the names of all February 15, 2019 deadline. This may place candidates at a competitive
applicants accepted under our binding Early Decision Plan. disadvantage, as their applications will be completed after the February
15, 2019 deadline. Early Decision applicants must take the LSAT no
Some Early Decision applicants not offered admission will be reviewed later than September 2018. All LSAT scores from administrations
again in April as part of the Regular applicant pool; others will be within the last five years will automatically be forwarded with a
informed that their application for admission has been denied and will candidate’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report.
not be evaluated again that year.
Regular Admission Candidates applying for admission to the 2019 entering class planning
Candidates for Regular admission should submit their applications to submit GRE scores are required to have sent from ETS all GRE
as soon as possible after September 1, 2018. Applications are not scores from exams taken within the last five years using Columbia Law
evaluated by our Admissions Committee until all required materials School’s ETS code 4046. Early Decision applicants must take the GRE
have been received and are generally evaluated in the order in which no later than a November 1, 2018 administration. Regular applicants
they are completed. Candidates who have completed their applications must submit GRE scores from no later than a February 1, 2019
Applicants must request that the Registrar of each college (and each capacity (e.g., an independent study project or thesis advisor).
graduate and professional school, if applicable) attended send an official
transcript to the CAS for processing. If you have participated in summer • Candidates who completed their undergraduate degrees in 2017 and
sessions or studied abroad, you must send these transcripts directly to earlier: Applicants with substantive work experience who are not
the CAS, unless such courses and corresponding grades are also included recent graduates must submit one professional letter and at least
on the other college transcripts being forwarded to the CAS. Please one academic letter of recommendation.
forward updates of your transcripts to the Office of Admissions as soon
as they become available. In particular, candidates enrolled in a degree- Candidates who believe they may jeopardize their employment status
granting program at the time the application is submitted are strongly by requesting professional letters of recommendation may submit an
encouraged forward their fall 2018 transcripts as soon as they become academic letter of recommendation instead and should include a brief
available. Unofficial transcript copies that include fall 2018 grades may addendum explaining why they have not included a professional letter
be submitted to [email protected]. of recommendation.
International Transcripts While the Committee will accept up to four letters of recommendation,
Applicants who have completed over one year of post-secondary we suggest that applicants use discretion when determining the
work outside the United States and Canada are required to submit appropriate number of letters to submit. Kindly note that your
such transcripts to the CAS for processing. Such transcripts must be application will be deemed complete after we have received two letters
submitted in their original language with an official English translation, unless we are notified otherwise in question 9.2.
if the original language is not English. Please forward updates of your
transcripts to the Office of Admissions as soon as they become available. Suggested Content
Recommenders should address matters of significance that speak to
strongly encouraged to submit official copies of their transcripts if the and written communication, motivation, self-confidence, concern for
grades do not appear on the home institution’s transcript. If candidates others, emotional maturity, personal initiative, judgment, leadership
run into difficulty having these transcripts sent from institutions abroad, ability, and organizational skills.
then an unofficial copy of the transcript (PDF format preferred) may
be uploaded in the “Addendum” section of the application. In most Submission of Letters of Recommendation
instances, the Admissions Committee prefers to consider a candidate’s Columbia Law School strongly prefers that letters of recommendation
be sent through the LSAC Letter of Recommendation Service. LSAC
JD Program Information
Personal Statement Please refer to the Columbia Law School Admissions website for a full
Applicants must submit a personal essay or statement. It must be description and exploration of the JD program. You may also access an
electronically submitted at the time of the initial application. We kindly electronic copy of the Viewbook or contact the Office of Admissions to
ask that applicants submit a personal statement that is double-spaced request a copy.
and approximately two pages.
Résumé Admission to the JD Program
Applicants must submit a résumé, detailing significant full- or part-time The Admissions program at Columbia Law School is designed
employment positions they have held. This may include internships, to identify and select individuals with diverse backgrounds and
summer employment, and community service. In addition, the résumé interests. We aim to compose a student body that shares a discernible
should include a summary of written scholarship, presentations, commitment to excellence, has demonstrated unusual promise for
principal extracurricular activities, and any honors or awards received. distinguished performance at the Law School, and possesses potential
It must be electronically submitted at the time of the initial application. for high service to the legal profession and the community.
Applicants may submit résumés longer than one page in length but
should exercise discretion when determining résumé length.
Notice to All Applicants
Optional Supplemental Statements An application is considered complete when all required application
Applicants, if they wish, may submit brief supplemental statements materials have been received by Columbia, including receipt of the
that will provide useful information to the Admissions Committee in candidate’s LSAC Law School Report. In taking steps to ensure that
evaluating the application. The Committee especially welcomes addenda his or her application to Columbia is completed before the appropriate
that allow it to understand the contribution your personal background deadline, an applicant should factor into his or her planning the few
would add to the Columbia Law School community. weeks that it will take the Law School Admission Council to produce
the LSAC Law School Report.
Dean’s Letter, if applicable
If you answered yes to question 8.1 and/or 8.2, please have the dean or
administrative officer in charge of student records forward a detailed Submission of Additional Materials
explanation of the incident in hard copy form (emailed or faxed copies Applicants are expected to be diligent in providing all necessary
cannot be accepted) to the Office of Admissions. Should you receive an information for review of their candidacy prior to the completion
offer of admission and ultimately matriculate at Columbia Law School, of their applications. Once an application is complete, please do not
you are also required to complete the Dean’s Certification Form, which submit additional materials unless they convey essential information, as
will be made available to you by the Office of Admissions at a later date. there is no guarantee such materials will be placed in your application
prior to the evaluation and may potentially slow down the review of
Application Fee your candidacy. Applicants may submit address changes and letters of
The application fee is $85 (U.S. funds only). It is strongly preferred continued interest (Hold or Reserve applicants only) through our online
that applicants pay online with a credit card when submitting their upload portal (
applications through LSAC. Applicants who can only pay using a check upload). Notification of events that are responsive to questions 8.1-8.6
or money order must print out, sign, and mail the Certification Letter must be emailed to [email protected].
to the Office of Admissions along with the check or money order (made
out to Columbia University).
professional achievements, and other nonquantifiable factors that serve
Please note that once an applicant receives an “Application Complete” to enrich the student body, affect an applicant’s chance of admission.
designation, no further updates are communicated via the status Thus, although Columbia is among a handful of the most highly
checker. selective law schools in the country (as measured by grade point
averages and LSAT statistics), it is not possible to predict with precision
Candidates should understand that all Admissions Committee decisions the probability of admission using those numerical indices alone.
may be communicated to the applicant only in writing. Under no
circumstances may an applicant be informed of the outcome of his Committee Decisions
or her application by telephone. This policy is designed to protect the In addition to its “Admit” and “Deny” decision categories, Columbia
confidentiality entrusted to our Office of Admissions by each candidate. Law School maintains “Hold” and “Reserve” groups of candidates.
Selection Criteria When an applicant is placed in the Hold category, the Admissions
Evaluation of an applicant for admission to Columbia Law School Committee has opted to postpone making a decision on his or her
includes a determination of the candidate’s intellectual and academic candidacy at the time of initial review; in other words, the Admissions
qualifications, aptitude for legal study as measured by the LSAT and/ Committee has not yet made a determination on the application, which
or the GRE, and assessment of whether or not the candidate has will be reviewed again by the Committee later in the admissions season.
demonstrated personal qualities considered requisite to scholastic Hold category applicants can expect to receive a decision on their
success, professional distinction, and public service. In addition, the candidacy (Admit, Reserve, or Deny) by the end of April.
Admissions Committee examines the applicant’s personal statement and
letters of recommendation, as well as the course selection, special honors Unlike applicants who are “waitlisted” at some law schools, candidates
and awards, fellowship opportunities, publications, extracurricular placed on Reserve at Columbia are at no point ranked ordinally. Rather,
involvement, community service, political activity, professional each application on Reserve is reviewed again in its entirety by the
contributions, and other work experience. Admissions Committee on a periodic basis during the summer months,
as openings in the entering class materialize. Upon each review, some
Undergraduate Preparation candidates will be offered or denied admission, while others will be
Columbia Law School subscribes to the curricular guidelines provided asked if they wish to remain in consideration for any future openings in
by the Association of American Law Schools’ “Statements on Prelegal the class later in the summer.
Education.” These guidelines recommend a prelaw program involving
education for “comprehension and expression in words, a critical The difference between the Hold and Reserve categories is that the
understanding of the human institutions and values with which the initial review process is completed for candidates placed on Reserve.
law deals, and creative power in thinking.” A review of undergraduate Reserve candidates will not be reevaluated for admission until the
majors of recently enrolled students indicates that approximately 23 summer months, as openings in the entering class materialize.
percent have backgrounds in political science and government, 13 Applications placed on Hold are still being actively reviewed by the
percent in pure science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, 12 Committee, and Hold candidates should expect to receive a decision
percent in humanities such as classics and religious studies, 9 percent (Admit, Reserve, or Deny) by the end of April.
board, books, and personal expenses is $97,850. Expenses are adjusted
A Dean’s Certification Form (as distinct from the Dean’s letter referred annually.
to in the application) or an equivalent certification of good standing will
be required from all students after admission and prior to matriculation Financial Aid
at Columbia Law School. Admission decisions at Columbia Law School are made without regard
to an applicant’s financial need. Therefore, grant applications are
This Form will be mandatory from each educational institution where reviewed only after a student has been admitted. If you are interested in
you are currently enrolled in a degree program; from which you have grant assistance, you must complete your application as early as possible
already earned a degree; and at which you were matriculated toward a so that it can be evaluated soon after you have been admitted. Students
degree (regardless of whether a degree was conferred). Please note that admitted under the Early Decision Plan are reminded that they should
it is not necessary that the dean or other administrator responsible for not expect to be notified of their financial aid package before the end of
such certification know you personally. He or she may complete the March, at the earliest. We strongly recommend that applicants file the
Dean’s Certification Form (or equivalent certification) on the basis required forms by no later than February 15, 2019, even if they have
of official records. Please note that for the Dean’s Certification to be not yet received an offer of admission. Admitted candidates who submit
deemed complete, all questions on the form must be answered. the required forms after February 15, 2019 may be considered for need-
based grant assistance contingent upon availability of funds.
Accepting an Offer of Admission
An admitted student who wishes to accept Columbia Law School’s The Law School awards grant assistance primarily on the basis
offer of admission may secure his or her seat by submitting a $600 of demonstrated financial need. However, there are a number of
seat deposit on or before May 1, 2019. The deposit may be paid either fellowships which are not based on financial need that are awarded by
electronically through the Admitted Student Website (the easiest and the Office of Admissions at the time an applicant is admitted to the
strongly preferred method) or manually by check. Candidates who Law School. There is no separate application for these fellowships. Each
decide after submitting the seat deposit not to attend Columbia Law year a substantial portion of the entering class receives a Law School
School may receive a deposit refund of $150 if the written request is grant, which is in the form of a partial tuition waiver. However, by
submitted by July 1, 2019. far the largest form of financial aid for all law students is educational
a one- or two- year deferral. Permission for such deferrals is generally Unsubsidized Loans. Currently, the annual limit is $20,500 for this
granted. Please note that all deferred candidates must accept the offer program. In addition, the Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan program
of admission (including payment of the seat deposit) on or before the as well as several private educational loan programs are available to
deposit deadline of May 1, 2019, as applicable. provide financing for law students. Since these programs require
applicants to be creditworthy, you are strongly advised to obtain a copy
Tuition, Financial Aid, and Housing of your credit report to determine if there are any problems that might
Tuition make you ineligible for such loans. If you have an adverse credit history,
Tuition for 2018-2019 is $67,532. There are additional mandatory fees and are unable to correct it, you may not have access to important
for health services, student activities, and University facilities, which sources of loan funds. If this is the case, you will need to have others
will be $2,489 for 2018-2019. Insurance for hospital care and standard borrow on your behalf or find other means to finance your education.
typically need to provide a U.S. cosigner in order to apply for private • Loans and Columbia Law School Grants—February 15, 2019
educational loan programs. Please visit our website for additional loan • Loans Only—May 15, 2019
information. Since there are no fully funded fellowships for law students
in Columbia’s JD degree program, international students needing to Financial Aid Forms
finance their education may need to arrange for cosigners for each of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
three years of law school. Completed by all U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens applying
for financial aid and submitted to the federal processor to establish
How to Apply for
eligibility for federal student aid. Apply online at
Financial Aid for 2019-2020
The following is a summary of application procedures for the various CSS Profile Application
types of financial aid. For detailed information on financial aid policies Required of all applicants who are seeking consideration for Columbia
and procedures, costs, budgets, and various loan programs, please review Law School grants. Financial information must be submitted for
the financial aid website at the applicant, both of the applicant’s parents, and, if applicable, the
applicant’s spouse. Apply online at
Before completing any financial aid forms, it is important first to decide For questions, call 844.202.0524.
which types of aid you are seeking: (1) loans and Columbia Law School
grants or (2) loans only. Columbia Law School Financial Aid Questionnaire
Admitted students receive this form shortly after their offer of
1. Loans and Columbia Law School grants admission. Admitted students applying for ANY type of financial aid
Submit the following by February 15 to ensure timely consideration for must send the completed form to the Financial Aid Office.
a Law School grant. Do not wait to receive an offer of admission before
filing the FAFSA and CSS Profile Applications. 2017 Federal income tax forms
• Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the federal Admitted students applying for a Law School grant must submit
processor (U.S. Students)
complete copies of federal income tax forms for the applicant, both of
• CSS Profile application to The College Board
the applicant’s parents*, and, if applicable, the applicant’s spouse to the
• Columbia Law School Financial Aid Questionnaire to the FAO College Board using the Institutional Documentation (IDOC) Service.
(admitted students only)
If 2017 returns are not available by February 15, 2019, admitted
• 2017 Federal income tax forms for student, spouse, and parents to students should submit complete 2016 returns by February 15 for a
the College Board using the Institutional
Documentation (IDOC) preliminary award decision, and complete 2017 tax returns by the end
Service (admitted students only: by February 15 or immediately of April for grant confirmation.
after admission)
• Loan application(s) to the FAO (admitted students intending to
Loan Application(s)
enroll--preferably by mid-May)
Admitted students intending to enroll at the Law School should submit
complete loan applications to the Financial Aid Office, preferably by
2. Loans only mid-May in order to ensure timely processing and the availability of
Submit the following by no later than mid-May to ensure timely loan funds at the start of the school year in August.
• Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the federal * Columbia requires financial information from both parents to be
processor (U.S. Students)
submitted when you are requesting financial aid. Exceptions to our
• Columbia Law School Financial Aid Questionnaire to the Financial policy are made on an individual basis -- usually when there is only
Aid Office (FAO) (admitted students only)
one parent in your life. In situations where both parents are living, an
• Loan application(s) to the FAO (admitted students only)
appeal for a waiver must be made, in writing, to the Assistant Director
supports Columbia JD graduates who pursue public interest and public
service careers by providing them with financial assistance to service the
educational debt they assumed while at the Law School. In addition
to the traditional LRAP, participants may elect to participate in both
the Columbia Law School LRAP and the Federal Public Service Loan
Forgiveness (PSLF) Program. Finally, several fellowships for public
interest have been established, and fellowship recipients may receive
assistance for all loan payments on their Law School debt. A full
description of our LRAP can be found on the financial aid website, or
may be requested from the Financial Aid Office.
Housing accommodations for Columbia Law students are excellent
in terms of availability, quality, variety, convenience and, relative to
other New York City law schools, expense. All admitted first-year law
students who apply for housing by May 15, 2019, are guaranteed some
type of University housing for all three years of law school. All Law
School student housing are apartments owned and managed by the
University, and most are located within blocks of the Law School. Rents
are significantly lower than New York City market rates, because our
Last name
_____________________________ Place of birth: State/Province ________________________
Previous (other) name _____________________________ Social security number (last 4 digits) __________________
Citizenship: c Non-Resident Alien c US Citizen c US Permanent Resident
The information below is optional. Please respond to questions 3.2 and 3.3 for Department of Education record-keeping
and reporting requirements. c I acknowledge this statement.
Are you Hispanic or Latino (person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture
or origin, regardless of race)? c Yes c No
What is your race? Select one or more of the following five categories:
c American Indian or Alaska Native
c Black or African American
c White
Additional information: This section will allow you to tell us more about your background as identified above.
* If you checked any of the following: American Indian/Alaska Native, Other Hispanic, or Other,
please specify your affiliation: _________________________________________________________________________
Columbia Law School: Fall 2019 J.D. Application 9 of 19
Fall 2019 J.D. Application
Contact Information
Current Address Permanent Address
_____________________________ Country
Street address–line 3 _____________________________ Street address–line 3 _____________________________
Zip/postal code _____________________________ Zip/postal code _____________________________
Current mailing address good until date:_______________ Current permanent address good until date:___________
Day phone
_____________________________ Day phone
Secondary e-mail address___________________________ Columbia University School of Law can send text messages
Major: ______________________________________________________________________________
Country _____________________________ Start date _____________________________
GPA _____________________________ Date degree granted _____________________________
Rank _____________________________
Institution type: c High School c Undergraduate c Graduate c Law c Other Post Graduate
Rank _____________________________
Institution type: c High School c Undergraduate c Graduate c Law c Other Post Graduate
Major: ______________________________________________________________________________
Rank _____________________________
Columbia Law School: Fall 2019 J.D. Application 11 of 19
Fall 2019 J.D. Application
Education continued
Institution type: c High School c Undergraduate c Graduate c Law c Other Post Graduate
Major: ______________________________________________________________________________
State/Province _____________________________
End date _____________________________
Rank _____________________________
Have you ever attended any law school? c Yes c No
Did you leave the law school under less than good standing: c Yes c No
If you did not leave the law school in good standing, explain the circumstances:
LSAT Test Date _____________________________ LSAT Test Date _____________________________
GRE Verbal Reasoning Score _________________ GRE Verbal Reasoning Score _________________
GRE Quantitative Reasoning Score _________________ GRE Quantitative Reasoning Score _________________
GRE Analytical Writing Score _________________ GRE Analytical Writing Score _________________
Were you offered admission? If “yes,” you must provide an explanation regarding
your decision not to matriculate in the “Attachments” section of the application. c Yes c No
Are you applying under the Early Decision Plan? If you answer “Yes,” you must attach
a signed Early Decision Contract in the “Attachments” section of the application. c Yes c No
Are you applying concurrently to Columbia Law School and Columbia Business School for the
Columbia Three-Year J.D. M.B.A. Program? In order to be considered at either school, you must
complete your application to both the Law School and the Business School by February 15, 2019.
Note: If you are applying through our Early Decision Program, you must also apply via the early
Are you deferring matriculation at a law school that requires you to abstain from applying
to other law schools? If you answer “Yes,” you must attach an explanation and have a Dean
Do you intend to apply for a need-based financial aid grant? If you answer “Yes,” you must
complete the FAFSA ( and the C.S.S. Profile Application to the College
Board ( The recommended deadline is
February 15, 2019. c Yes c No
Columbia Law School: Fall 2019 J.D. Application 13 of 19
Fall 2019 J.D. Application
If you wish to identify as LGBTQ+, please check the box below.
If you checked affirmatively in response to the previous question, please indicate whether
or not you are amenable to being contacted (by phone, email, or post) by OutLaws or QTPOC. c Yes c No
If neither of your parents completed a 4-year undergraduate degree (or its equivalent), please check the box below:
Optional: In the space below, feel free to share any “fun facts” about yourself (hobbies, interests, special talents, and accom-
plishments, etc.) that the Admissions Committee may not be able to glean otherwise from your application. Please note that
whether you choose to answer the question or not, there will be no impact on your admissions decision.
In the space below, please list any languages with which you are familiar and the corresponding level of fluency (inter-
mediate, professional, fluent, native, etc.).
Have you ever been on academic probation or subjected to disciplinary action for scholastic or other reasons by any college,
university, graduate school, or professional school you have attended? This should include matters that have been expunged.
In addition to attaching a written explanation in the “Attachments” section of the application, kindly have the Dean or
administrative officer in charge of student records forward a detailed explanation of the incident.
c Yes c No
Are there any disciplinary charges pending or expected to be brought against you? In addition to attaching a written expla-
nation in the “Attachments” section of the application, kindly have the Dean or administrative officer in charge of student
records forward a detailed explanation of the incident.
c Yes c No
Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, arrested, charged with, indicted, convicted or tried for, or plead-
ed guilty to, the commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except minor parking violations, or
been the subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? This should include matters that may have
been expunged from the records or subject to a diversionary program. Please note that you should have available and be pre-
pared to submit or exhibit copies of police and court records regarding any matter you disclose in reply to this question. If
you answered “Yes,” you must attach a detailed, complete, and truthful explanation, including a statement of the charge(s),
the disposition thereof and the underlying facts. Please answer honestly, irrespective of any advice you may have received to
the contrary.
c Yes c No
Are there any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you? c Yes c No
Have you ever been subject to disciplinary action by a professional organization? c Yes c No
In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every
U.S. jurisdiction. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend
to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National
Conference of Bar Examiners.
If you answered “Yes,” please indicate if you would like us to delay the completion of your file
until all letters of recommendation are received by our office. If you answered “No,” we will
complete your application upon receipt of the first two letters of recommendation. c Yes c No
List the names of all recommenders:
Relationship: ________________________________________________________________________
Age: ________________________________________________________________________
Deceased: c Yes c No
Birthplace: ________________________________________________________________________
US Citizen? c Yes c No
Employment information (occupation; employer; retired). Enter N/A if not applicable.
College information (college; degree; year of graduation). Enter N/A if not applicable.
Professional or graduate school information (university; degree; year of graduation). Enter N/A if not applicable.
Parent/Guardian 2
Relationship: ________________________________________________________________________
Age: ________________________________________________________________________
Deceased: c Yes c No
Birthplace: ________________________________________________________________________
US Citizen? c Yes c No
College information (college; degree; year of graduation). Enter N/A if not applicable.
Professional or graduate school information (university; degree; year of graduation). Enter N/A if not applicable.
Columbia Law School: Fall 2019 J.D. Application 17 of 19
Fall 2019 J.D. Application
Have you served or are you now serving on full-time, active US military duty? c Yes c No
Rank __________________________________________________________________
Branch __________________________________________________________________
Discharge type __________________________________________________________________
Have you ever been separated from any branch of the US armed forces under less
than honorable conditions? c Yes c No
If you have been separated from any branch of the US armed forces under less than honorable conditions, explain the
Please upload a résumé of up to two pages detailing significant full- or part-time employment positions held. This may
include internships, summer employment, and community service. In addition, the résumé should include a summary of
written scholarships, presentations, awards and honors, and extracurricular activities. I confirm that I have uploaded my
c Yes c No
Personal Statement
Candidates to Columbia Law School are required to submit a personal statement supplementing required application
materials. We are curious about your interests, goals, and aspirations and how the J.D. program at Columbia can help you
achieve these. You are encouraged to think about the contributions you hope to make to both the Columbia community
and the legal profession while considering your personal, intellectual, and professional background and any relevant
information that you may not have otherwise conveyed through your other application materials. Please note that the
personal statement should be double-spaced and approximately two pages in length. I confirm that I have uploaded my
personal statement:
c Yes c No
Columbia Law School: Fall 2019 J.D. Application 18 of 19
Fall 2019 J.D. Application
Please be aware that this application and the materials filed in support, including your answers and any information
included in the Character and Fitness section, will be retained by Columbia Law School and made available to the
committee of character and fitness of the state(s) in which you intend to practice. Admission to any state bar depends on
adequate academic performance, satisfactory completion of the bar examination, and proof of good character as required
by the particular jurisdiction. Honesty in the law school application and admission process is essential in satisfying the
requirements of good character required by state bars. Please be sure to consult the bar admission authorities in the state(s)
in which you intend to practice for all the requirements necessary for admission to that jurisdiction.
By submitting this application, I certify that the above information is true, correct, and complete to the best of my
knowledge. I shall promptly amend the foregoing application should there be a change in any of the facts therein and shall
notify the Office of Admissions of such changes as they occur.
I agree and understand that any misrepresentation due to misdirected, inaccurate, or omitted information will be grounds
for an examination of misconduct in the admissions process, rescission of admission offer, disciplinary action, expulsion, or
revocation of degree if discovered at a later date.
I further agree and understand that Columbia Law School reserves the right to withdraw an offer of admission if I: (1)
show a significant decline in academic performance or fail to graduate; (2) misrepresent any matter in dealing with the
Office of Admissions, Financial Aid Office, or any other representative of Columbia Law School; (3) behave in a manner
that indicates a serious lack of judgment, sincerity, or integrity; or (4) reserve a place in Columbia Law School’s entering
class and simultaneously commit to enroll at another law school or submit a deposit to another law school. I also agree and
understand that Columbia Law School further reserves the right to make the continuing validity of an offer of admission
contingent upon my providing further information or authorizing the release of information from other parties in
connection with any matter relevant to the foregoing.
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Applicant’s Signature Date