Mini Automatic Weather Station ASL Dec 2018 - ANWAR
Mini Automatic Weather Station ASL Dec 2018 - ANWAR
Mini Automatic Weather Station ASL Dec 2018 - ANWAR
Weather information is very useful for humans because the information can be used for various purposes of
their activities. One technology that can support these interests is with the Automatic Weather Station which is a
device designed for automatic data collection of weather and processed for easier observation. In this research,
a mini Automatic Weather Station will be developed using weather shield module as a sensor integrated with
microcontroller and Wifi module as data transmission medium to server. The results of this research show the
values of weather parameters on Android such as humidity (R 2 = 098), temperature (R 2 = 098), air pressure
(R 2 = 089), wind speed (R 2 = 0.56), and wind direction (R 2 = 083) are similar compared with other AWS
standard products owned by Davis.
Adv. Sci. Lett. Vol. 24, No. 12, 2018 1936-6612/2018/24/9509/007 doi:10.1166/asl.2018.13062 9509
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 24, 9509–9515, 2018
monitor weather parameters called mini AWS. By utilizing tech- On the D3 pin of Sparkfun is successively connected to D7 pin
nological developments and realizing the principle of energy sav- of WeMos, where D3 pin serves to enumerate wind speed param-
ing by minimizing the use of electricity, a mini AWS will be eters. Pin A0 serves to enumerate wind direction parameters.
developed using solar cell as its power supply, which later results But before being connected with WeMos, the A0 pin on Spark-
from measurement of weather parameters can be monitored and fun should be given a voltage divider circuit first. This is because
displayed on Android-based smartphone. the output voltage of the Sparkfun A0 pin is 5 V, while the
Components of the mini AWS consist of WeMos D1R2, working voltage of WeMos is 3.3 V. The power supply of this
weather shield modules that include temperature and humid- mini AWS comes from solar panels. Power captured from the
ity sensors as well as air pressure sensors, wind speed sensors, sun by solar panels will be connected to the Solar Charge Con-
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wind direction sensors, solar cells, batteries and solar charge troller. This device will control the current charged to the battery
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
controllers. Delivered bytoIngenta
avoid overcharging, i.e., when the voltage from the battery is
The MQTT protocol is a protocol that runs over the TCP/IP fully charged then the Solar Charge Controller will stop charging.
stack and which has a small data packet size with a low overhead
(minimum 2 bytes) resulting in a fairly small power consumption 2.2. Software Design
effect. This protocol is a type of agnostic data protocol, which The design of the software is divided into 2 (two) namely the
can transmit any data such as binary, text, even XML or JSON design of data processing and data viewer. For the workflow of
data and this protocol uses the subscribe model.7 The workings the data processing can be seen in Figure 3.
of MQTT are shown in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows the weather parameter detected by the sensor,
Android is an operating system developed for linux-based then the data is sent and processed by the data processor. For
mobile devices. Initially, the operating system was developed by programming from data processing system using Arduino IDE
Android Inc., which was then purchased by Google in 2005. software.
Android is a mobile Operating System (OS) that grows in the
middle of other OS that is growing today. Other OSs such as
Windows Mobile, i-Phone, Symbian, and many more also offer a
wealth of content and optimization running on existing hardware
The tools used are divided into hardware and software. The hard-
ware used is Laptop and Android smartphone. The software used
are Arduino IDE, Android studio, and MQTT client. The mate-
rials used are components of mini AWS.
Adv. Sci. Lett. 24, 9509–9515, 2018 RESEARCH ARTICLE
Fig. 4. The workflow of the data viewer software. Fig. 6. Results of AWS Mini device design.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 24, 9509–9515, 2018
Fig. 7. Comparison of humidity value between Mini AWS with AWS Davis.
Fig. 9. Comparison of air pressure values between AWS Mini with AWS
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION viewer app. The test results are used as a basis for discussion to
Development of mini AWS for monitoring the Android weather-
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27 Dec 2018 03:20:48
the results already obtained by comparing with the Davis
based parameters is done through several stages. After designing
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
AWS standard performance. The mini AWS device constructed
of its systems and tools, then been tested the processingDelivered
data and byisIngenta
shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 8. Comparison of temperature values between Mini AWS with AWS Fig. 10. Comparison of wind speed values between AWS Mini with AWS
Davis. Davis.
Adv. Sci. Lett. 24, 9509–9515, 2018 RESEARCH ARTICLE
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 24, 9509–9515, 2018
parameters between Mini AWS with AWS Davis will be shown speed and wind direction, and the amount of rainfall is equipped
in Figure 10 having of 0.56. This is due to the difference height with graph data and date and time. The test results from the main
placement of each wind sensors between the mini AWS with view of the application can be seen in Figure 12.
AWS Davis ones. The graph of the result of comparison test- Testing the weather parameter data viewer on the next Android
ing of wind direction parameter values between Mini AWS with app is done by testing the mini AWS application on the smart-
AWS Davis will be shown in Figure 11 having a correlation of phone by ensuring whether. The weather parameter data can be
0.83. The wind direction value is measured by 0 in the north received by the app by running the smartphone on several differ-
direction. ent Android versions as shown in Figure 13 and Table I.
Based on Figure 13 and Table I it can be seen that the appli-
3.2. Test Results of Data Viewer App cation works well and all features work properly.
Data viewer system in this research is mini AWS application on
Android smartphone. This application is used to monitor weather
parameter data sent by data processing device. In this application
A mini AWS has been successfully developed for Android-based
only use one main menu display and optional menu. In the main
monitoring for several weather parameters. The measurements
menu view there are 6 (six) Activity Tabs to represent each mea-
results have been similarly compared with the standard Davis
sured parameter such as humidity, temperature, air pressure, wind
AWS having each correlation factors (R2 for air humidity of
0.98, temperature of 0.98, air pressure of 0.89, and wind direction
Table I. Testing applications on multiple android versions. of 0.83. Meanwhile the wind speed, R2 is achieved of 0.56 due
to the difference height placement of each wind sensors between
Smartphone Version Results
the mini AWS with Davis AWS ones.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini 4.3 (Jellybean) Good running
Samsung Grand 2 4.4.2 (Kitkat) Good running Acknowledgments: The authors thank to the Center for
Oppo F1S 5.1 (Lollipop) Good running
Atmospheric Science and Technology of the National Institute
Smartfren Andromax A 5.1.1 (Lollipop) Good running
Xiaomi Redmi 4 6.1 (Marshmallow) Good running for Aeronautics and Space (PSTA-LAPAN) Bandung who sup-
ported the facilities for our research activities.
Adv. Sci. Lett. 24, 9509–9515, 2018 RESEARCH ARTICLE
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