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Over or less consumption of goods may affect our lives in different manners. We people had our limits
that we should instil in our minds in order to meet the best thing in our life. Choosing the best things would
lead us to a great life that we’ll not ever regret. Adding sugar to every actions we do, made us a sweeter one
but still like what other said, our happiness may our sadness later if we can’t handle it properly.
Unreflective consumption of sugar may affect human’s life in either positive or negative way.
According to what I’ve watched, there is increasingly awareness that we live in the age of sugar with the
population of our planet suddenly consuming massively more sugar. Sugar have different usage which
really affects our life it’s either in a good or bad ways. We people are using sugar in our daily lives to make
ease feeling with our taste but it was showed there that it has a negative effect in our body, so, we should
instil in our minds that we had to control using it because even though it is good in taste, we should still
remember that it will make a damage to our body if it is consumpted excessively. In the goods we buy, it is
not stated there of how its sugar may affect our health, it was hidden. Based on what I’ve watched, it was
clearly explained in my mind that over consumption of sugar can lead a person’s body to become fat but if it
controlled together with the proper exercise and proper diet, we can have a healthy body. Over consumption
of sugar may also lead us to an unfavourable feeling which are dizziness/headache and it weakens our body
as well. The best example that had made me scared of eating much sugar is when the guy there eats a lot of
sugar through adding it to the different foods he had eaten. After it, he felt so uncomfortable and just layed
in the sofa. After it he was checked by the doctor, then it shows that it has really a negative effect in his
body. Controlling of the consumption of sugar may give us a healthy life which is also showed in the film. It
is when the guy tried to lessen his consumption of sugar, together with a proper diet and proper exercise. We
people are consumpting a lot of sugar without knowing that it can destroy our health so much like a tooth
damage, diabetes and etc. Yes, we can see the content of every goods we bought, but, we do really know
how it affects our health immediately? Absolutely, no we don’t. We just consumpt it because it taste good
and it made us smile. But remember that smile will be limited if we don’t instil in our minds of what we
should really choose and do. Based on the video, it was shown that we had our choices so we should have
only one, it is either we choose bad effect over good effect or good effect over bad effect. It was a video
wherein we can get different learnings that may affect our life in a physical, emotional, mental and social
health. It can be our guide in order to have a healthy lifestyle that we could enjoy every day whenever and
Therefore, as a generalization, I can say that over and less or controlled consumption of sugar has
positive and negative effects in human life. We people are the only one who can make choices in our lives
that will help us to live longer and happier. We should instil in our minds that we only have a borrowed life
from above so we should take good care of it not only to enjoy it within yourselves but also to enjoy it
together with our real friends, family, relatives and etc. We should always instill in our minds that we should
choose longer happiness over the shorter one that may lead to everyone’s happiness also. Take note of this,
‘’consumpting of sugar always can make us smile because of the sweetness it gives’’, but remember, regret
is always at the end.

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