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Foreign Policy of Independent India

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Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Foreign Policy of Independent India

Saroj Kumar Timalsina
Lecturer of Political Science Cum Assistant
campus chief at Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, T .U Nepal

Abstract:- This article titled “Foreign policy of behavior patterns of a state in course of diplomatic
Independent India”is based on the reflections of Indian lobbying with other states to protect its own interests. Thus,
foreign policy adopted after independency .Foreign foreign policy is a set of norms and values adopted and
policy principles of India are panchasheela , NAM, applied by the nation states to establish, extend and protect
respect to international law, respect to UN, regionalism national interest in international political scenario
(SAARC, BIMSTIC) but in terms of foreign policy
practice India is dominating towards its immediate It is strategy in dealing with other nations. It is also
neighbors but bowing towards powerful nations . called means to conduct foreign relations consisting of self-
interest strategieschosen by the state to safeguard its
 Objectives of the Study: national interests and to achieve goals within its
Broadly, this article has made its objective to study international relationsmilieu. In next term, it can be termed
the overall Indian foreign policy but specially, India’s as the plan of action adopted by one nation in regards toits
foreign policy of independent India and to find out its diplomatic dealings with other countries
dual role in terms of implementation contradiction is (https://en.m.Wikipedia.org/www.businessdictionary.com).
It is such wheel around that the machinery of
 Methodology of Study: international politics revolves and operates (www.
This study is carried out on the basis of available Studylecturenotes.com). Likewise, foreign policies are
resources i.e. books, journals, newspapers, interviews of claimed to be driven by ideology but in reality this is more
scholarly people broadcasted and published, online so in rhetoric and articulation of foreign policy than in its
materials, internet articles and so on. It means substantive evolution and implementation. Thus, foreign
descriptive method of study is mainly applied while policy followed by a nation in its diplomatic intercourse
conducting this research. with other nations that is designed to attain national
objectives. It means, foreign policy refers to how a
 Limitation of Study: government deals with other countries in the interests of the
This study is limited on Indian foreign policy since nations. It includes such matters as international trade and
1950-2019 A. D. The article has defined basic principles defense. It ischosen to safeguard the interests of the nation
of Indian foreign policy as well as it has described the and its citizens.
Indian foreign policy under Prime Minister Nehru
(1947 - 63), Lal Bahadur Shastri (1964 – 66), Mrs. While knowing about India’s foreign policy,
Indira Gandi (1967 – 76), Morarji Desai (1977 – 1980), Geopolitical Theory of international relation is more
Mrs. Indira Gandi (1980 – 84), Rajeev Gandi (1984 – relevant because intellectual society from Indiaviews that
1989), VP. Singh (1989 – 1991), P.V. Narsimha Rao the geographical location, physical layout, extent of
(1991 – 1996), H.D. DeveGowda (1996 – 1997), I.K. territory, population size, National character and the policy
Gajral (1997 – 1998), Atal Behari Bajapayee (1998 – of government etc. are the major components of this theory.
2004), Dr. Man Mohan Singh (2004 – 2014), Narendra
Modi 2014 onwards are referred here. II. FOREIGN POLICY OF INDIA

Keywords:- Foreign Policy, Panchasheela, Non-Alignment, Constitutionally, Indian foreign policy is to be guided
National Interest, Security Perspective. by the principles of the United Nations Charter, NON-
Alignment Movement, Panchasheela, International law,
I. INTRODUCTION Regionalism (SAARC, BIMSTIC), globalization and the
norms of world peace and prosperity. Indian foreign
Foreign policy is the manifestation of internal policy policyis shaped by the traditional principles drawn from the
of state. It is the study of actions, interactions and reaction religious epics i.e. Gita and Mahabharata and mostly from
between state and states, organizations and organizations the doctrine of statecraft framed by kautilya that guided
and state and organizations (Dahal, 2002). George Indian foreign policy.Before independency, India was
Modelski defines foreign it is the systematic activities lacking its formal foreign policy because it wasruled by
evolved by a nation for bringing change in the behavior of British East India Company Government, BEICG. Pre-
other states and for adjusting their own activities to the independency, foreign policy of India was disserved to
environment.It also involves the formulation and have peace and friendship with neighbors. But after
implementation of a group of principles which shape the independency, India adopted Nehruvian foreign policy.

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Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Indian foreign policy aims, principles and parameters  TO maintain dynamic neutrality in the worldwide
were framed by Jawharlal Nehru. They are:- power conflict.

 Opposition Colonialism and Imperialism: foreign policy India the world’s second largest populated country has
of independent India has resistively opposed all forms world’s fifth largest military expenditure occupies second
of colonialism and imperialism. India expressed her position in terms of largest armed force , third largest
solidarity with the people of Asia and Africa in their economy and regional power of South Asia intends to
fight against imperialism and colonialism. Now she is extend its regional and international glory through
showing her concern against the rise of neo-colonialism successful penetration of foreign policy. In foreign policy
in all its manifestation. there are no permanent friends or enemies, there are only
 Opposition to Racial Discrimination: From the very permanent national interest i.e.History, politics, economy,
beginning India is against of all kinds of discriminations socio- cultural relationships including security and so on
based on race and culture etc. (www.nef.org.np).
 Promotion of International Peace: In chapter IV and
article 51 of Indian constitution under directive India was declared socialist republic through 1960’s
principles of state policy it is referred that India enjoys constitutional amendment under the influence of socialist
working for International peace and security. USSR. But it could not sustain. Till the end of 1980’s
 Pansheela and faith in peaceful co-existence : Indian foreign policy was highly guided by Nehruvian
 Mutual respect for other’s territorial integrity and thought .After that Indian foreign policy is about to shift
sovereignty, from being a leader of the “third world” as a hope of rising
 Non-aggression, power of the region. Likewise, India could emerge as a
 Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, great power in its own night. Likewise, India has big
 Quality and mutual benefit and tension on increasing foot prints of china in Nepal. Since
 Peaceful co-existence, it became very popular among May 11th and 13th, 1998 nuclear test of India called
sovereign states like, USSR (erstwhile), Indonesia, (Pokharan Test) had shown the paradigm shift of Indian
Myanmar, Yugoslavia, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Laos, foreign policy.
Vietnam, etc.
 Special Relations with Asian States. India is a natural hegemony and where external actors
 Promotion of SAARC. have a history of madding is regions affairs; the contention
 Links with commonwealth. that domestic factors have had a deeper ole to play in
 Faith in UN charter. forming the limits of Indian foreign policy is explored
 Nuclear and conventional Disarmament but India has rather than converging on to the assertion of national self-
not accepted Non-proliferation, NPT yet. interest. As Nepal believe in NAM, Panchasheela,
 Sharing cooperation under New International Economic Regionalism, Globalization, UN charter, International law,
order. India also follows its foreign relations based on same
 Non-Aligned Movement, NAM (Nehru it’s one of its principles. Theoretically, Nepal-India relation is guided by
founder father), further explains Maximum participation such principles but practically, India’s big brotherhood
in internal affairs,Promotion of international policy is dominating its foreign policy.
understanding, mutual co-operation, peaceful co-
existence and respect for national sovereignty,avoidance The collapse of the USSR and the remarkable change
of local regional and global wars, Strengthening the in global political order Indianforeign policyframers started
cause of international peace and security, Consideration thinking at multiple levels. Here NAM had ceased to have
of each international issue on its own merit and much meaning and it was shunned for all practical
Pursuance of an independent foreign policy without purposes. A new course of foreign policy was sought by the
aligning itself with any power or bloc. then Prime Minister I k Gujaral and later P.V.Narsimha
 National Interest: They change according to the needs, Rao .Gujaral had given due importance to peace with
requirements and circumstances internal as well as neighbors. This doctrine is popularly known as Gujrat
external. Even then, there are certain basic interests of Doctrine which is idealistic but affected RAW’s activity.
Indian foreign policy ; Likewise, P.V .Narsimha Rao successfully grasped the
 To maintain her own territorial integrity Indian foreign policy in favor of Indian interest. During the
 To maintain friendship with the neighboring states to decade of 1990, Indian foreign policy was tilted towards
get an access to the oil of the Middle East. protecting the following interests:
 To safeguard the interests of the Indians living in the
 Western world including UN had interest in India with
Border States.
regard to Nuclear Non-proliferation but India was
 To improve her trade in foreign countries.
compelled to go ahead with its national interest.
 To enhance its defense capabilities.  India as the big emerging markets and interest on
 To get maximum aid and assistance for economic investing in Indian trade and business.
development.  ‘Look East Policy’ because south East Asia was
 To accomplish the security of the Indian AIR AND neglected since long that India wanted to make access.

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Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Improvement of India’s relation with china. He had firm base of Indianans as against Nehru’s emphasis on
visited china in 1993 and did a treaty with the intension internationalism (ibid).
of ending border issue with China.
 Suppression of insurgents being held in Pakistan India faced difficulties created by Arab-Israel war of
controlled Kashmir etc. 1967 due to blockage of Suez Canal. India tried to improve
its relations with Muslim countries. But due to the
The terrorist attack held in December 2001 dragged increasing threat created by US and China tie, India made
India towards coercive diplomacy with Pakistan but this Indo-soviet Treaty for lower balance. Creation of
policy shift did not give satisfaction to India because Indo – Bangladesh(1971), Normalization of relations with
Pak relations has not been normalized yet. Pakistan, following the Simla Agreement (1972), Repairing
of relations with China(1976), Strengthening of relations
The coalition government of Bharatiya Janta party with small neighbors-boundary and sea zone pacts with Sri
(BJP) under Atal Behari Vajpayee came to power in1998 lanka (1974) and (1976), with Indonesia (1974) and with
while adhering to the traditional principles of Indian Bangladesh (1974) by exchanging Dahagram and Belonia
Foreign Policy laid special emphasis on; with Bnibari enclave, conversion of Iran into a good friend
 To exercise nuclear option in the interest of national with Benibari enclave, conversion of Iran into a good friend
security. (1973), Merger of Sikkim as the 22nd state of the Indian
 To pursue vigorously for India’s permanent Union(1975), showing sturdy independence on the nuclear
membership of the UNSecurity Council. policy-refusing to be pressurized into signing the NPT, and
 To promote closer regional relations through the nuclear explosion at pokharan-explosion was meat to
development of SAARC and to improve bilateral serve as an image booster and as a domestic diversion for
relations with neighboringcountries. her shaky regime at the time of mounting economic and
 To make due check and balance for interference of political crisis.
Pakistan inIndia by supporting insurgent and terrorist
groups. Due to the negative impact of emergency congress
 To improve relations with china by thetimely resolution party loosed the craze of Lok Sabha in 1977. Janta Party
of the outstanding border problem. emerged victorious. Morarji Desai assumed the office of
 To support SriLanka for solving LTTE issue. PM. Atal Behari Vajapayee, the external affairs minister,
 To maintain warm and friendly relations with Nepal and had shown dissatisfaction of giving more preference to
to develop new avenues of fruitful co-operation with erstwhile USSR stressing to NAM. Desai government gave
that country. preference to Soviet Union for military assistance. He also
 To improve relations with Myanmar and promote tried to improve relations with USA.
greater co-operation in the field of defense, security,
economy and culture. Another outstanding feature of the Janta party
 To further consolidate friendly ties with Bhutan. Government's Foreign Policy was an attempt to develop
 To improve relation with Bangladesh and impress on closer relations with neighboring countries. India was alert
the Bangladesh authorities the need to check illegal of possible foreign interference in India’s internal affairs.
infiltration into India. India tried to improve relations with Bangladesh (Farakka
Dam), Pakistan (Salal Dam), Nepal, China (trade) and
Prime Minister Nehru was succeeded by Prime others among various treaties and understandings. Further
Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri (1964-66). He gave the Janta Government continued the policy of improving
importance to the development of Indian economy (agro relations with South-East Asian and West-Asia nationsand
sector) and necessity of defense Force due to Pakistan and extended full support to the anti-racial policies and
Chinese hostility. He sent his foreign minister Sardar liberation movements in Africa.
Swaran Singh on a good will mission to Nepal, Burma,
Ceylon, Afghanistan and other neighboring countries with a In the election of Lok sabha held in 1980 Mrs. Gandhi
view to improve India’s bilateral relations with them. But staged a dramatic comeback to power with and
he died before completing his tenure in office. Indira Gandi overwhelming mandate from the people and a steam-rolling
(1966-77) was chosen as the third prime minister of India majority in the Lok Sabha. During this term India’s
on January 24th 1966. In her first Republic Day broadcast, relations with her immediate neighbors were suddenly
she pledged to follow her father’s policy of friendship turned sour. India has again started being in a big brotherly
among nations to implement the Tashkent Declaration to manner and invited the charge of bullying with neighbors.
maintain friendliest relations with neighbors, to resolve all India’s unending search for military superiority in the name
disputes peacefully and to uphold the policy of non- of external threats created mistrust and suspicion in the
alignment. The underlying philosophy behind her foreign neighboring countries. Indira Gandhi’s tactic of negotiating
policy was implicit in her statement “where there is from a position of strength had the disadvantage of putting
friendship, we must enlarge it. Where there is difference we the neighbor’s back-up, particularly, after the Janata
must blunt it. Where there is misunderstanding we must interlude.
remove it.” Yet national interest we cannot compromise
(Chandra, 2006)*. To quote Trevor Drieberg, “She took
particular care to emphasize that she was a believer of a

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Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
After Mother Gandhi’s rule Mr. Rajiv Gandhi became The elections of House of Commons resulted victory
prime minister of India and he gave continuity to the of united progressive Alliance (UPA) under the leadership
foreign policy laid down by Nehru and Indira Gandhi and of Sonia Gandhi made Manmohan singh the prime minister
reaffirmed his faith in the USA, the Non-aligned of India. The government was also confronted with critical
movement, opposition to colonialism, old or new problems in Nepal and Sri Lanka. For continuity’s sake
(Muni,2012). India has considered developments with Pakistan first.
UPA government continued with almost the same policy as
But Prime Minister V.P. Singh (1989) opposed the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). India focused on
aligned foreign policy which was against NAM. He cooperation to friendly nations and it entered into strategic
expressed its desire to improve in relations with immediate partnerships with the United States, Russia, Japan and the
neighbors which had got stained during the past few years. EU and is pursuing strategic co-operation with China.
Soon after assumption of power it initiated moves to hold
talks with the leaders of Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan to The remarkable feature of Manmohan Singh’s foreign
remove some of the irritants present in the relations of India policy was a successful India-US civil nuclear co-operation
with these countries. agreement. India gave preference relation with Pakistan but
Mumbai attacks (2008) worsened the relations. But during
After the end of bipolar world, the Foreign Policy of second tenure of Manmohan Singh there was a three week
all most nations, for the global strategic grid was stand-off between India and China troops near line of actual
completely transformed. Prime Minister P.V. Narsimha control between Ladakh and Aksaichin in 2015. It was
Rao (1991-1996) gave focus on economic liberalization. He resolved through mutual understanding. Manmohan
gave a new orientation to the foreign relations in the light Doctrine gave high preference for economic progress.
of harsh economic realities;greater emphasis was laid on India’s relations with the global powers as well
economic diplomacy was given by Mr. Rao. He openly neighborhood countries are shaped and more focused on
declared that his government would use foreign policy as a regional institutional capacity and regional connectivity
dynamic instrument for promotion of national interest in (https://www.google.com).
the changed global context. This constituted a clear
departure from traditional foreign policy. India established The foreign policy of the PM. Modi (26th may 2014)
diplomatic relation with Israel, India came actively under government (Modi Doctrine) concerns on improving
UN PKF. relations with neighboring countries in South Asia and the
major global powers. Modi and his minister of External
H.D. Devegauda (1996-1997) the prime minister of Affairs Shusma Swaraj made several visits in friendly
India (1996) gave continuity to the earlier foreign policy. nations.
Hefurther gave emphaseson improvement of relations with
the neighboring countries. After Devegauda, I.K. Gujral Modi’s unprecedented invitation to leaders from
became prime minister in March 1997. He had developed neighboring countries to attend his swearing in ceremony
his own approach about foreign policy in the changed has to be appreciated. BRICS and G20 nations’ approach of
circumstances. His ideas on foreign policy of India came to India made happy. BJP’s manifesto calledIndia for global
be known as the Gujral Doctrine. At the core of his ideas strategic engagement that includes the country’s economic,
was the belief that as the dominant state in South Asia, scientific, cultural, political and security interests
India need not weigh the concept of reciprocity in (www.brookings.edu). He was blamed as bowing to the
numerical or arithmetic terms. As the largest country in the powerful and bullying the weak (Bharatkarnad, strategic
South Asian region, India could afford to be more generous forward Narendra D. Modi and India’s Global ambition,
while protecting its foreign policy interests. If neighbor was 2018). He sees Modi as reflexively deferential to the US
willing to move an inch forward, India should be willing to and China. Modi was popularly taken at the beginning
move a yard forward. It means Mr. Gujral gave equal years but later on he was highly criticized by various
preference to all nations for its balanced foreign relation intellectuals for his neighborhood policy.Centralization of
and special preference was given to immediate neighbors foreign policy’s decision making in the PM office is
(Dutt, 2007). another strategy of strengthening political control rather
than bureaucratic domination. Religious diplomacy adopted
After Gujral, AtalBehari Vajpayee (1998-2004) by Mr. Modi played an important role for the promotion of
became the prime minister. During his time he followed Hinduism but his constitutional amendment (November
foreign policy as need to exercise nuclear test in the interest 2019) on citizenship issue made him somehow failure as he
of national security, pursuing the matter of India’s had been failed internationally in issue of unofficial
permanent membership of the Security Council, enhancing blockade against earthquake ruined Nepal in 2015. India’s
closer regional relations through SAARC.He further foreign economic policy has adopted a distinct nationalist
emphasized on improving relation with Pakistan and other tone. And his main focus was on “neighborhood first
neighboring countries too. “foreign policy (https://academic.oup.com>isp>ekyoo8).

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Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Indianforeign policy still has strong legacy of

Neheruvian thought as well as its neighborhood policy is
also highly influenced by big brotherhood thought though
the basic foreign policy principles adopted by India and
Nepal are more or less same but due to India’s political
economic and regional influence its
immediateneighborhood policy with small nations i.e.
Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives and Sri Lanka is
domination and interference in their internal and external
affairs has been common but that do not let India to reach
in its fast growth in international political arena.


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