Effect of Auditor Quality, Good Corporate Governance and Organization Culture On Auditor Performance
Effect of Auditor Quality, Good Corporate Governance and Organization Culture On Auditor Performance
Effect of Auditor Quality, Good Corporate Governance and Organization Culture On Auditor Performance
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study aimed to investigate the effects of experience ofEnron were enough to demonstratethat fraud
audit quality, good corporate governance and is mostly committed by insiders. The disclosure of these
organization culture on auditor performance in Public scandals caused a decline in public trust, especially in the
Accounting Firms in Indonesia. Data were collected financial community, towards the reputation of the auditors.
from 100 auditor in public accounting firms in East However, external auditors need to be responsible for the
Java through a questionaire survey. Structural spread of cases of accounting manipulation.
Equation Modelling is conducted to examine the
relationships. The finding indicate that audit quality, In terms of auditing, the auditors must build trust with
good corporate governance positively influence on the service user, for example, through independence to
auditor performance. The results also indicate a positive provide services, professional skills, supervision, assessing
relationship between organization culture and auditor the internal control system, collecting highly competent
performance. To increase the generalisability of this audit evidence, applying the applicable accounting
study, future research needs to collect data from a principles consistently, full disclosure, and expressing an
different set of population or country. This will help to opinion on the fairness of financial statements (SPAP,
expand on the database of the public accounting firm 2001: 150.1).
Several cases of violations committed by auditors
Keywords:- Auditor Quality, Good Corporate Governance, were influenced by the personal characteristics of the
Organization Culture, Auditor Performance. accountants, audit experience, the independence of public
accountants, the application of ethics, the quality of the
I. INTRODUCTION auditor, and the violation of SPAP. Examples include the
cases of Muzatek, KAI, BRI for bad credit, KPMG
Auditor performance is the result of the action or the Sidharta, Malinda Dee City Bank, KAP Anderson, Bank
implementation of audit tasks that have been completed by Lippo, Worldcom, and the violation of ethics ina medical
the auditor in a certain period, starting from planning the device corruption case.
audit, conducting tests, and auditing. Auditor performance
is defined as a public accountant who objectively examines Veena and Neely (2016) proved that there is an
the financial statements of a company or other influence of auditor and audit processes on the audit
organizations to determine whether the financial statements quality. Besides, (Abidin, 2018) revealed that audit quality
fairly present the accounting principles. In all material and corporate governance have an influence on auditor
respects, financial position and business results of a performance. Arifin et al. (2013) said that organizational
company follow the predetermined work standards, namely culture has no influence on auditor performance. A
the Public Accountant Professional Standards. The auditor violation of audit quality might be caused by the lack of
performance can be measured by the results of the audit competency in the accounting field. For that reason, this
that has been carried and shows the rupiah generated in a study raises the title of the empirical study of audit quality,
certain period. High audit quality is expected to produce good governance, and organizational culture on auditor
high performance or results too. performance.
Nowadays, there are many legal cases involving II. LITERATURE REVIEW
accounting manipulation. These accounting manipulation
scandals carried out by internal and external accountants A Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses Development
have involved a number of large companies in America, The objective of this research was to examine the
such as Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, and Worldcom, and influence of audit quality and good corporate governance
several large companies in Indonesia, such as Kimia Farma, on auditor performance mediated by organizational culture
and Lippo Bank, which were previously known to have a in the context of a public accounting firm. The research
high audit quality subjects were partner/manager/supervisor working in a
public accounting firm in Indonesia stipulated in a concept
The emergence of these cases (which involved the so that the concept is defined as a paradigm explaining the
CEO, the audit commission, the audit committee, internal relationship between variables. Auditor quality consists of
and external auditors, and public accountants) and the several standards; a professional competence and
Auditor quality is defined as the quality of the auditor In addition, Deis and Giroux (1992) also conducted a
performance inproviding a service to his/her clients. study of matters related to audit quality: (1) the duration of
Auditor performance will be qualified if the auditor obeys the auditor’s audit of a company (tenure); the longer the
the professional standards of public accountants, adheres to auditor audits the same client, the higher the quality will be,
the Indonesian accountant’s code of ethics, and conducts (2) the number of clients; the bigger the number of clients,
peer review. Based on professional standards of public the better the quality, (3) the financial health of the client;
accounting, the services provided by the auditor are the healthier the client’s financial condition, the bigger the
assurance, attestation, and non-assurance services. The chance of them following the standards, and (4) a review by
assurance service is an independent professional service of a third party; audit quality will increase if the auditor
public accounting firms consisting of attestation services to knows that the work will be reviewed by a third party.
improve the quality of information for consideration
bydecision makers. Attestation services by the public According to Neely (2016), there are 28 indicators of
accounting profession involve audit services, inspection auditor quality divided into threegroups: (1) professional
services for prospective financial reports, analytical reviews auditor, (2) audit process, and (3) audit results. Professional
and procedures, mutually agreed procedures, special audit auditor includes staffing leverage, partner workload,
services, or special checks to find fraud. Non-assurance manager and staff workload, technical accounting, auditing
services excludeopinion giving services on the fairness of resources, people with specialist skills and knowledge,
financial statements. Examples of non-assurance services experience and personnel audit, industry expertise
Goodness of Fit
Cut-off Value Result Description
Chi-Square / Good fit
21.47 Good fit Model
CMIN Poor fit
> 0.050Good fit
P-value CMIN 0.090 Good Fit Model
< 0.050Poor fit
< 2.000Good Fit
CMIN/DF < 3.000 Marginal Fit 1.534 Good Fit Model
> 3.000 Poor Fit
< 0.080 Good fit
RMSEA < 0.100 Marginal Fit 0.073 Good Fit Model
> 0.100 Poor fit
GFI > 0.900 Good fit 0.951 Good Fit Model
AGFI > 0.800 Marginal fit 0.873 Marginal fit Model
TLI < 0.800 Poor fit 0.965 Good Fit Model
CFI 0.982 Good Fit Model
Table 3:- Compatibility Evaluation of the Structural Model
Organizational Culture
GCG (X2) --> H₂ 0.42 2.483 0.013 Significant
Auditor Quality
--> Auditor Quality (Y2) H₃ 0.291 2.116 0.034 Significant
Auditor Performance
GCG (X2) --> H₄ 0.347 2.412 0.016 Significant
Organizational Auditor Performance
--> H₅ 0.389 2.237 0.025 Significant
Culture (Y1) (Y2)
Table 4:- Estimation and Hypothesis Testing
Exogenous Direction Endogenous Direction Endogenous Direct Indirect Total Add. Info.
Variable Variable Variable Effect Effect Effect
Table 5:- Effect of Auditor Quality and Good Corporate Governance towards Auditor Performance mediated by Organizational