E6010 - 16020415

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The Image of Perfection Since 1980

NABL-ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited, IBR & Govt. Approved Testing t boratory shed No. : 25-26, Nilkanth Avenue,
B/h. Palm Hotel, Viratnagar Cross Road,
s. P Rinq Road, odhav Ahmedabad-382415.

lt,a rY)eto,LolB', Phone t079-29292942,29292943

Off. Mobile I a866112121, 8866a12121
9925012121, 9099224444
@nterwiie E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
IGC, Coa ting Thk.. UI DP, MPT & RT. . l"lobile Spedro on Site,
Testing Facilities: . lletab aAlby: Spectro, Tensile, Bend, Impact, Hard Strand l?, og raphy, Co rrosion Test,
I'4 eta
pa rati PQ as p€ all Sta nd rd (API ASt4 & B SEN rso RU b ber PI asti
lnsitu - t4 eta ography, Onsite Ha td ness & Th ckness Mea surement PS PQ R s
lding ilaterials : Soil Investi ation, Ce A9 9regates Sand Bric ks, AAC & Paver Block, 14ix Design, N DT Test Concrete & PIT Test
PA nt ts related Test BU

Customer Name &Address Report No: ME/87 /24/49

Pratham EPC Proiects Pw Ltd. Date: 26/07 /2019

303, Abhishree Adroi! Nr.Mansi Cross Road, Letter Ref.No. PEPC/ADANI/CGD/EQTIOl

Nr.Swaminarayan Temple, trapur

Sample Details :16MM Thk.MS Weld Plate, Welder ProiecE Gadhoda-Kishorpura Pipeline Part-A. Client: Adani
Name: Sunil Shah, Welder No: 01, Weld Process: Gas Ltd. & Proiect CGD Proiect.
SMAW,Lincoln Electric 03.2mm X 350mm Long

fob: Weld Plate Technique: SWSI

Radiation Source: h 192 Material: MS

Exposure Time: 4.30 Min FiIm: Carestream AA400

Processing Time: 4To5Min Screen: Lead

Focal Spot Size: 3.15mm FIB 0.13mm

Source Stretrgth: 21.10 Ci Density 2.0 to 4.0

Procedure Ref: ASM E Sec.l I -Part -C,ED -2017

Evaluation as Perr
Acceptable std.: ASME Sec.ll-Part-C,ED -2017

STD. Remark: Density of the Radiograp hs measured & confirmed to be betvveen 2.0 to 4.0

IQI Sensltivity FiIm Size Loacation
Sr.No. ldentification (mm) (inch)

A.B Porosity Accepted

1 ACL/CGD /PEPPL/EQT / 16 L6 1B 8th 4"XL2" -D7
) 16020415/SS 'J-6
16 1B 8th 4"X12" -D7 B-C Porosiry Accepted

Date oflnspection:25 /07 /2079 FoT, METAUTB ENTERPIRSE

( 1tl

n5 iuli\AL


NSD: No Significant Defects, L/F: Lack of Fusion, L/P: Lack ofPenitration, C/P: Clustrr Porosity, U/C: under Cut (ASNT Level II)

orior to t6tinq. . oient hs to sp.oh€d tiE matM sp<jf@tim b€6e tedi nq. . Any c.mplaints about this Test Eport $eld be .ommuniot€d in wnting ,ihr
The Image of Pefection Since 1980
NABL-ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited, IBR & Govt. Approved Testing Laboratory Shed No. : 25-26, Nilkanth Avenue,
B/h. Palm Hotel, Viratnagar Cross Road,
@ S. P Ring Road, Odhav Ahmedabad-382415. (Gu

lllA TDCTo.LCIB Off. Mobile : 99250 12L2t, 9lJ992 2444

92OOO O6767t 9aO9O 9040
88661 12121, 48668 1212
@aterptite E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]

Insitu - Metallography, Onsite Hardness & Thickness Measurement.. Preparation of wPS / PQR / wPQ as per all welding Standard (API, AWS, ASI\4E & BSEN ISO). Rubber. Plasti
Paint & its r€lated Te6t .
Building l4aterials : Soal Investigation, CemenL Aggregates, Sand, water, Bricks, AAC & Paver Blocks, l,4ix Design, NDT Test of Concrete & PfT Te


bmitted To :Pratham EPC Proiects P\d. Ltd Test Cerh'ficate No :ME/rG25

03, Abhishree Adroit, Nr Mansi Cross Road, Nr. Swaminarayan Temple, Vastrapur, Date of Certifi cate lssuei0l/Ogl211g
Date of Sample Receigr'r21/O1 12079
Letter Ref:PE PCIADAN UccDlEQr l07 Dt. 23 /07 12019 Condition of Sample/Location:Stamped 8y TUV-SUD
$mple Details:16 mm Thk. MS Weld Plate For EQI Welder Name : Sunil Shah, welder No.: 01, Weld Process : SMAW Make : Lincoln Elecric,
r. E2508R
Work Detaii: Project: CGD Projects_Adani, Client i AdaniGas Limited
Submited Size: Approx 30O rfin lWlX 450 mm Long, Test No. A, B, C, D

Test Method: lS 8811:1998 Ra.2018, ASTM E415:2018, WOPN/o1 lssue No.:04 Date of Analysisr o1l08/2019
RefStandardr: ASME SEC ll (P-C): 2017 SFA 5.1 E5010 Ma.hine lD: ME/OES/071
Test No, A
Element Name Element Code Min Value Max \ralue Result
Carbon % c 0.200 ./ 0.742.
Silicon % si 7.ON / o.!7-t .
Mangenese % 1.200 / 0_501
Sulphur % s 0.ot2
Phosphorus % 0.008
Nickel % Ni 0.300 <0.050 /
chromium % Cr O.2OO / <0.050 -
Molybdenum % Mo 0.300 / <0-O10 z
Vanadium % O.O8O / 0.006 /
Result: Confirm as per reference standard with respect of above analysed.

Witnessed By: Mr. Kalpesh Sharma(TUV S0D),Mr. layesh Prajapati(PEPCppL),Mr Chintan Authorized Signatory

Checked 8y: Ef,*EI
it Patel IQM)

Whlle providins rtatenent of cooformi9 unce.taint! is not taken hto .onsiderari on

,.: 0 1H AS/4


prior to

tstinq. . Cient hE to speiarei the fratsial sp€dfiGnon b€fore t6nnq. . Any comptaints about this T6t report shoutd be mmuniGted n
The Image of Perfection Since 1980
NABL-ISO/IEC 17025 AccrediH,IBR & covt. Approved Testing Laboratory Shed No. : 25-26, Nilkanth Avenue,
B/h. Palm Hotel. Viratnagar Cross Road.

S. P, Ring Road, Odhav, Ahmedabad-382415. (C

lllA Off. Mobile : 99250 12L2,., 90992 244

92OOO 06767,
88661 12121, a866a 12'
9aO9O 9O4

@nterprtse E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]

hsitu - lletallography Onsite Hardness & Thickness l4easurement. . Preparation of WPS / PQR / WFQ as per all Weldinq Standa rd (APl, AWS, ASI''IE & BSEN ISO) . Rubber, Plas
Paint & its related Test . Building Materials : soil Investigation. cement, Aggregates, sand, water, Bricks, Mc & paver Blocks, l,4ix Design, NDT Test of Concrete & PIT _

Submitted To :Pratham EPC ProJects Art- Ltd. Test Certiffcate No :MEficZSnO
303, Abhishree Adroit, Nr. Mansi Cross Road, Nr Swaminarayan Temple, Vastrapur,
Date ot Certificate lss !etOUOS/2O7'
Date of Sample Receiplt2'/oi 12019
Lett€r Ref: PE Bl07 /2019
PCIADAN V C6D/EAT /o7 Dr. Condltion of Sample/Location:Stamped By TUV-SUD
ample Details:16 mm Thk. MS Weld Plate For EQL Welder Name : Sunil Shah, Welder No.: 01, Weld Process : SMAW Make : Lincoln Electrig
0 3.2 mm X 350 mm Lon8, Batch No.: 1602M15, Electrode : ASME Sec ll (PC) sFA 5.1 Gr. E6010, Base Metal : lS 2062 Gr. E250BR
Work Detaill Project : CGD Blgj9.t s_Adani, Client : Adani Gas Limited.
bmited Size: Approx 300 mm (w)X 450 mm Long, Test Ng, A, B, C,

Test Method: ASME Sectioh lx: Ed.2o17 Date of Analysis: 01/08/2019

RefStandards: lS 2062:2011 (Ra2016) Gr. E250BR (<20 mm) Machine lD: ME/UTM/50T/68
Transverse Tensile Test Test No. C
Parameter Min. Value Max, Value Result/Observation
Width (mm) 19.08
rhk. (mm) 16.02
Area (mm']) 305.56
Peak Load/Ultimate Load (kN) 742.O2
UTs {N/mm2) 410 464.63
Location of Fracture Fractured at Parent
Result: Confirm as per ASME Section lX:Ed.2017 jn respect of above results.

Test Method: ASME Section ll (C) :2017 Date of Analysir: 01/08/2019

Ref Standa.ds: ASME SEC ll (P-C): 2017 SFA 5.1 E6O1O Machine lD: ME/UTM/2oTI22
All Weld Tensile Test Test No. D
Palameter Mln. \hlue Max. Value Resuh/Obsenration
Diameter {mm) 6.57
Area {mm'1} 33.92
G. Length {mm) 26
0.2 % Proof Load (kN) L3.88
Peak Load/Ultimate Load {kN) 77.30
0.2 % Proof Stress {N/mm!) 330 ,^ 409.74.
U'rS {N/mm') 430 5to.o2 .
FinalG. Length (mm) 31.90
Elongation % 22.69 ,.
Location of Fracture WGL
Result: Confirm as per above reference standard in respect of above results

Witnessed By: Mr. Kalpesh sharmaff0v SUD),Mr. Jayesh prajapati(pEpcppL),Mr Chintan Authorized Signatory
1tl :.
Checked By: El'rE
Am it Patel (QM)
Hffi '-t .

Whrle prcvidins statenent of.ontorhity, uncerrarnty i5 nor laken into.ocideration.

v s
1H 45/4


orior to t€nina. . C ient h4 to mil€d th. matehal skifidri.n her.

The Image of Perfection Since 1 980
NABr.-ISO/IEC 170 25 Accredited, I8R & covt. Approved Testing Laborato
ry Shed No. : 25-26, Nilkanth Avenue,
B/h. Palm Hotel, Viratnagar Cross Road,

tIlA rnexaLoB'
S._P Ring Road, Odhav Ahmedabad-38241!, (Gr
Off. Mobile : 99250 1212,., 90992 244
92OOO .J6767, 98090 9O4t
8a661 12121, aa66a 12r.:
E-mail : [email protected]
Testing Facilitiea I . M€tals &Alloy: Spectro, Tensile, Bend, Impact, Hardness [email protected]
Strand Wire. I4etallography, Corrosion Test, IGC, Coating Th k., UI DPI MPr & RI .
Insitu - Metallog raphy Onsite Hardness & Thickness Measurement_ Preparation . Mobite Spectro on Sii
Paint & its related Test. Building Mat€rials :
of WPS PQR WpQ as per / / a .
Wetding Standard (Apt, AWS, ASME & BSEN ISO) Rubber, ptast
Soil Investigation, Cement, Aggregates, Sand. Water. Brick, AAC & %ver Bl ock, Mix Design, NDT Test of Concrete & pIT T(
ubmitted To :Pratham EpC prolects Art. ttd
Test Certiltcate t{o :MEf G2
03, Abhishree Adroit, Nr. Mansicross Road, Nr, Swaminarayan Temple,
Vastrapuc Date of Certificate
Ahmedabad lss uet0l/Oa/217g
Date of Sample Receiqtt2sl}7 /2079
Letter Ref: PE PCIADAN
lccD/EAT/ot Dt.23 /o712079
Condition of Sample/[ocation:stampeo 8y TUV-SU
mple Details:16 mm Thk. MS Weld plate For EQL Welder Name I Sunil Shah, Welder
No.: 01, Weld Process : SMAW Make : Lincoln Electric,
0 3.2 mm X 350 mm Lo hg, Batch No.: 16020415, Electrode : ASME Sec lt (PC)SFA 5.1 Gr E6010,
Base Metat : lS 2062 cr_ E250BR
Work Detail: P roiect : CGD
Client : AdaniGas Limited.
b mited Size: Approx 30O mm (W) X 4SO mm Lon
c, Test No. A, B, C,
Test Method: ASME Section I {C) :2017
Date of Analysis: 01/08/2019
Ref Standardsi ASME SEC P-c): 2017 SFA 5.1 E6010
Mashine lD: ME/AIMP/48
Test Test No.
Parameter Min. Value Max.llalue Resuh/Observation
ecimen Size {r,im)
Temperature {"C)
-30' c
rR1(J) 20) .. 74/
rR2 (J) 20J 44.
lR3 u)
Avg- Value {.i)
20J 54/
27J 57.33
Result Confirm as per above Reference standard in respects of
above results
Remarks: Discard of Two Values, Min. Value:30J & Max. Value: 78

Witnessed B$ Mr. Kalpesh Sharma(TUv S0D),Mr. Jayesh prajapati(pEpcppL),Mr.

Chintan Authorized Signatory

Che kd E[*E]
Whl,e p@vidins natenehr of conformny, u.e.rarnq is hot rakeh tnro .ohsrderatd
Ashok ),/Anit Patet (QM)

PR +\J 1H 4 L
i: IW

xote r Sampte (S) not drawn by HETALAB E TERPRISE : . The R€su[r reported in this
. are rct meant tor public adtranion or as an akte@ in teg6t dispute, .
This Te$ rcport shatt not be qcept in tull, widDut winen appmti-oh us. . Tn€ Repo.t s only refets to parti@iaG
report must be venfied by tie us with odginaltest repod . TIE
pnor to tEtjng. . client hs ro sledfed dE matedal<k6.arhn d*rd- sahpte (s) wi be dlspDsed ofi within 15 &ys

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