Face Pressure Calculation Red Line-Dubai Metro
Face Pressure Calculation Red Line-Dubai Metro
Face Pressure Calculation Red Line-Dubai Metro
Bored Tunnel
Table of Contents
0 REVISION RECORD...........................................................................................................................5
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................6
1.1 General................................................................................................................................................6
3 ALIGNMENT .......................................................................................................................................8
4 GEOTECHNICAL................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Geotechnical Conditions .....................................................................................................................9
4.1.1 Tunnel Drive 1 – Southern Drive:........................................................................................................9
4.1.2 Tunnel Drive 2 – Northern Drive .......................................................................................................10
4.2 Design Parameters............................................................................................................................10
4.3 Factors of Safety ...............................................................................................................................11
5 CALCULATIONS ..............................................................................................................................12
5.1 Approach for Face Stability ...............................................................................................................12
5.1.1 Drained case .....................................................................................................................................12
5.1.2 Undrained case .................................................................................................................................12
5.2 Approach for Tail Void Grouting Pressure ........................................................................................12
5.3 Approach for Compressed Air Support .............................................................................................13
5.4 Calculation Sections..........................................................................................................................13
5.5 Analysis of Face Support Pressures .................................................................................................15
6 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................................17
6.1 General..............................................................................................................................................17
6.2 TBM Operation ..................................................................................................................................17
6.3 Check of surface settlements............................................................................................................18
7 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................19
Appendix 1 - Ground Model Plans
Appendix 2 - Geotechncial Input Parameters
Appendix 3 - Analysis Results – TBM Operation Parameters
Appendix 4 - Specific Reference Literature
Appendix 5 - Drawings with Specific requirements
Appendix 6 - Additional Discussions
1.1 General
Dubai Rapid Link (DURL) has been awarded the contract for the design, construction, and
commissioning of the Dubai Metro Project Phase 1. The project has been divided into two phases.
Phase 1 (the Red Line) consists of 47.4km of elevated track with 25 over-ground stations and 4.7km of
subterranean track with 4 underground stations.
The tunnel section between the four underground stations will be constructed using an earth pressure
balanced tunnel boring machine (EPB TBM), providing active face support during advance by
maintaining specified pressures in the cutter head. For settlement minimisation the EPB TBM is
equipped with earth pressure chamber separated by a bulk head, screw conveyor system for muck
removal under pressurised condition and a tail void grouting system for backfilling the void between the
extrados of the segmental lining and the excavation circumference.
This document deals with calculations of TBM face support pressure, air support pressure during
interventions into the cutter head in flowing ground conditions.
Individual analysis cross sections are identified along the alignment. Based on the results of these
analyses, above parameters relevant for TBM operation are derived.
The report provides recommendations for the following TBM operation parameters:
• TBM face pressures to maintain stability of excavation face during tunnel excavation
• Air pressures for interventions into the cutter head under flowing groundwater conditions
• Pressures for tail void grouting system in order to control the volume loss within the values used to
derive ground settlements and for construction impact assessment.
During TBM driving, the recommended operation parameters shall be continuously controlled and
reviewed based on actual ground conditions encountered and interpretation of monitoring data.
During TBM driving maintaining the required face pressures is required in order to ensure that the
volume loss scenarios, which have been the basis of assessments presented in the previous
documents, are not exceeded and face stability is maintained within the desired limit.
The bored tunnel section will be constructed by two EPB TBMs launched in opposite directions from
separate launching shafts at either end of Union Square Station.
Tunnel Drive 1 – Southern Drive:
This tunnel drive extends from approximate chainage km01+540 at Union Square Station to Burjuman
Station at approximately chainage km00+060 (driven against decreasing chainage).
After launching from the Western end of Union Square Station, the TBM will gain depth and turn into a
curve in order to pass underneath the Dubai Municipality Traffic Control building and follow on a straight
alignment between the Hotel Intercontinental and the Dubai Municipality main building before reaching
the Dubai Creek about 370m after launching. The TBM will pass under the Dubai Creek with a clear
cover of approximately 9m and, on the other side, pass Annex 1 structure before arriving at the
permanent diaphragm walls of Burjuman Station.
Tunnel Drive 2 – Northern Drive:
This tunnel drive extends from approximate chainage km01+770 at Union Square Station to
approximate km04+000 at City Centre Station (drive with increasing chainage).
After launching from the Eastern end of Union Square Station, the TBM will turn slightly into Al Rigga
Street and passing Annex 2 structure before arrival at Al Rigga Station, about 950m after the launch.
The TBM will cut through the permanent diaphragm wall of Al Rigga Station, be moved through the
station and re-launched at the other station end wall in order to continue underneath the centre divider
of Al Rigga Street. After passing Annex 3 structure it will pass underneath a number of existing buildings
before reaching the large structure of the Dnata Emirates Airline building. After Annex 3 the alignment
gains depth in order to get maximum clearance to the piled foundation of the Dnata Emirates Airline
building, which will be underpassed at about chainage km03+600. About 400m later the TBM will arrive
at the permanent diaphragm wall of City Centre Station.
Site location and geological conditions are discussed in section below and presented in Appendix 1.
Also refer to Ref. [3] for detailed geotechnical profiles.
Unit 1 Marine deposits Medium dense to very dense, light brown to light grey,
fine to medium grained SAND with variable carbonate
cementation and shells.
Unit 2a(i) Carbonate Sand Dense to very dense, light brown to light grey, fine to
medium grained carbonate SAND with variable
carbonate cementation and some calcareous
sandstone bands.
Unit 2a(ii) Calcareous Sandstone Light brown and light grey, slightly to moderately
Siliceous Calcarenite weathered, very weak to weak, siliceous
CALCARENITE/ calcareous SANDSTONE with layers
of variably cemented carbonate sand.
Unit 2b Gypsiferous Sandstone Red-brown, slightly to moderately weathered, very
weak to weak, gypsiferous SANDSTONE with layers of
variably cemented carbonate sand.
Unit 3 Siltstone / Calcisiltite Light grey, slightly to moderately weathered, very weak
to weak, CALCISILTITE/ SILTSTONE with some
layers of cemented carbonate silt.
Ground water table level varies slightly but is typically about 2m below the ground surface at level
RL +/- 0.0mDMD.
Geotechnical parameters of these soil/rock types are summarized and presented in Appendix 2, and are
described more in detail further below.
The Marine sands are typically 10 to 15m deep but between the Intercontinental Hotel and the Creek
may extend to more than 20m depth.
Unit 1 is expected to reach down to levels below tunnel crown level for the first almost 300m. At a
around chainage km00+500 Unit 1 is expected to extend down to tunnel level as well.
Nevertheless, over most of the length in this section, the tunnel will be excavated within Unit 2a(ii).
Between approximate chainages km00+800 and km01+200, the tunnel will be excavated below the
Dubai Creek where Unit 1 is expected to extend below the river bed and Unit 2a(ii) is expected to
provide a cover above the tunnel crown of 4 to 6m.
In this tunnel section, Gypsiferous Sandstone (Unit 2b) and Siltstone / Calcisiltite (Unit 3) are situated
further below the tunnel invert and are not expected to affect tunnel operation.
In this tunnel section, Marine Sands (Unit 1) material is not expected to be encountered within the
excavation face. Unit 2a(i), however, is expected to occur within the upper face section at several
locations and for the last approximately 150m before City Centre Station.
Input parameters used for face stability analyses presented in this document are presented in
Appendix 2.
Volume Loss
160.0 180.0 200.0 220.0 240.0 260.0 280.0 300.0
Factor 1.2 indicates that the volume loss reduces from 0.5% to half when face pressures are increased by this factor
Compressed air pressures recommended for cutter head interventions in flowing conditions are derived
from ground water pressures considering a factor of safety of 1.10.
With respect to the soil strength partial factors for material strength are considered as per table in
Appendix 2.
The calculation approach investigates stability of the tunnel face considering limit equilibrium of a sliding
wedge at the face loaded by a prismatic body under effective stress (drained) condition.
Input parameters used in calculation are summarized in Appendix 2 and calculation results are
presented in Appendix 3.
The following design considerations can be mentioned in particular:
1. The ground conditions at tunnel level and above are taken from the geotechnical interpretive report
and the geotechnical soil profiles.
2. Surcharge at the ground surface are considered based on actual conditions at the location of the
analysis section.
This is a conservative approach to address potential variations in the prediction levels of various soil
Design consideration related to the analysis sections are summarized in Table 5.1below:
18 02+510 Tunnel level going up, but still large cover of Unit 2a(ii)
above crown
2. Compressed air support pressure for control of groundwater inflow during cutter head interventions
in unstable ground conditions with groundwater inflows (for example during maintenance and
changing of cutting tools).
3. Tail void grouting pressure range in order to maintain the anticipated volume loss values.
Face pressures are derived from face stability analyses carried out based on the approach presented in
Ref.[10] (drained condition) and Ref.[11] (undrained condition). Both drained and undrained behaviour
of relevant soil materials are examined. However, undrained results are suppressed if Unit 1 is present
in the tunnel crown as the high permeability of this soil material will make undrained behaviour unlikely.
If undrained conditions are considered relevant, the required minimum face pressure is taken as the
maximum of the actual face pressure calculated and of a minimum nominal value of 120kPa.
Owing to the temporary and transient character of loading conditions involved during the TBM advance,
a Factor of Safety of 1.2 is used in the face stability analyses.
The imposed loads on the sliding wedge at tunnel level comprise of a general surface surcharge of
20 kPa and gravity as well as water pressure loading of soil above the tunnel. For the analysis section
at the Dnata building a total surcharge of 90kPa was considered (building load).
Both, effective as well as total required support pressures are presented in the calculation results.
Ground water seepage pressures acting on the failure wedge are considered in the analyses. As a
conservative approach 50% depressurization at the face is allowed in order to derive seepage forces
acting on the failure wedge in the face.
As a conservative approach ground treatment areas for example at TBM launching, TBM arrival and at
Annex structures are not considered in face pressure calculations.
6.1 General
Based on existing ground conditions at tunnel level required face pressure are calculated and presented
in Appendix 3 respectively.
The face pressures are derived based on the geotechnical ground model presented in Appendix 1.
Variation in the layering structure of the soil strata at tunnel level or the extent of soft soil depressions
may result in variations with respect to the proposed chainage for which a specific face pressure is
required. Dealing with such possible variations and the identification of actual ground conditions during
TBM tunnelling shall be addressed in the TBM Tunnelling Method Statement.
Recommended pressure values are based on drained soil behaviour.
However, assessment based on undrained behaviour has been provided for verification purposes and
special case considerations during construction, for which undrained behaviour can be considered
reasonable. Undrained behaviour can be justified if the soil’s permeability is less than k=10-6 m/s
together with excavation scenarios where the TBM advances at least 5 rings per day.
The influence of slower excavation rates or stoppages shall be judged based on actual settlement
behaviour and face pressures should be adjusted accordingly.
The recommended face pressures in proposed Appendix 3 are based on the understanding that during
TBM driving, the following strategy should be adopted in principle:
• Face pressures shall be reviewed continuously during TBM driving and updated accordingly.
During these reviews, adequacy of the additives into the earth pressure chamber, such as foam
and polymer shall be judged as well.
• Procedures shall be implemented with respect to emergency scenarios of excessive settlement or
face instability during TBM driving.
• If ground settlements are excessive despite applied face pressures as provided in the respective
tables in Appendix 3, it is recommended to increase face pressures beyond the recommended
values. In this case, amendments to advance rate or soil conditioning may need to be considered
in order to manage consequential increases in cutter head torque and/ or thrust force.
• Compressed air pressures recommended for cutter head interventions apply to conditions where
the face is unstable or ground water inflow has to be controlled. The recommended air pressure
values are orientated on the maximum ground water pressure at tunnel axis level. If, during
practical application, unacceptable air losses at the tunnel crown occur, the intervention shall be
abandoned and earth pressure chamber fully pressurised immediately. As a first step the TBM
shall be advanced a short distance with injection of bentonite or other appropriate materials should
in order to create a sealing plug (bentonite cake) in front of the TBM face before carrying out
another intervention. Further pressure adjustments and measures will depend on actual conditions.
• Cutter head interventions at locations where the tunnel face is in, or the tunnel crown in close
vicinity to, Unit 1 or Unit 2a(i) should be avoided. However, if such intervention within these soil
units is unavoidable, it is recommended that compressed air pressures shall be adopted very
carefully and constantly reviewed using an observational approach considering the recorded
amount of air loss. Owing to the high permeability (10-5 m/s or more) in these layers, there is a
potentially high risk of significant air losses and rapid air bubble rise to the groundwater table.
• Before underpassing the Dnata building an additional face pressure review shall be carried out. At
this stage it is envisaged that the face pressure adopted underneath the Dnata building would be at
least 350kPa or more.
• When in “Closed Mode” operation it is to have procedures in place which would ensure that the
TBM operators will not drop the target face pressures below the water pressures calculated at
tunnel axis line level.
For the preparation of this document the following data sources were used:
[1] DURL / Atkins Document, Dubai Metro Project, Tunnel Section Burjuman Station to Union Square
Station - Geotechnical Interpretative Report, Doc. No. DM001-E-ACW-DRR-DR-DCC-375102
[2] DURL / Atkins Document, Dubai Metro Project, Tunnel Section Union Square Station to Al Rigga
Station - Geotechnical Interpretative Report, Doc. No. DM001-E-ACW-DRR-DR-DCC-375104
[3] DURL / Atkins Document, Dubai Metro Project, Tunnel Section Al Rigga Station to City Centre
Station - Geotechnical Interpretative Report, Doc. No. DM001-E-ACW-DRR-DR-DCC-375106
[4] DURL / Atkins / Geoconsult Drawings: Red Line – Bored Tunnel, Burjuman Station to Union
Square Station and City Centre Station, Geotechnical: DWG. No. DM001-E-S07-CSU-SK-DCC-
339011 to 339015.
[5] DURL / Atkins / Geoconsult Drawings: Red Line North – Bored Tunnel, Burjuman Station to City
Centre Station, Ring Reinforcement Types & TBM Operation Parameters – 5 Sheets, DWG. No.
DM001-E-ACW-CBT-DD-DCC-339131 to 33913
[6] DURL / Atkins / Geoconsult Document, Dubai Metro Project – Red Line, Bored Tunnel –
Geotechnical Parameters, Doc. No. DM001-E-ACW-DDR-DR-DCC-339913
[7] DURL / Atkins / Geoconsult Drawings: Red Line – Bored Tunnel Volume Loss Assessment, Doc.
No. DM001-E-ACW-DDR-DR-DCC-339940
[8] DURL / Atkins / Geoconsult Drawings: Red Line – Analysis of Ground Movement due to
Construction of Bored Tunnel, Doc. No. DM001-E-ACW-DDR-DR-DCC-339941
[9] DURL / Atkins / Geoconsult Drawings: Red Line – Construction Impact Assessment due to Bored
Tunnelling Doc. No. DM001-E-ACW-DDR-DR-DCC-339902
[10] G. Anagostou, K. Kovari: “Face Stability in Slurry and EPB Shield Tunnelling”; Tunnels &
Tunnelling; December 1996, Refer to Appendix 4.
[11] Davis E.H., Gunn M.J., Mair R.J., Senevirantes H.N.: “The stability of shallow tunnels and
underground openings in cohesive material”; Geotechnique 30 (1980), No. 4, 397-416
[13] Florence A.L., Schwer L.E.; Axisymmetric compression of Mohr-Coulomb medium around a
circular hole, Int.J.Num.Anal.Meth.Geomech, Vol 2, pp 367-379, 1978.
[14] Hoek E., Brown E.T.; Underground excavations in rock; p 249 ff.
Geotechnical Profiles
Tunnel Geometry
Design Parameters 11 12 2 13 10 6
Soil / Rock Type c' φ' γ Cu K'o,min E'
[kPa] [deg] [kN/m3] [kPa] [-] [MPa]
Unit 1 0 33 18 0 0.46 25
Unit 2a(i) 5 35 20 0 0.43 55
Unit 2a(ii) 26 31 20 125 0.48 80
Unit 2b 55 35 20 175 0.43 100
Unit 3 37 28 21 250 0.53 65
DM_TBM-face-pressures_A1-2.xls Input
Dubai Metro Project – Red Line
TBM Face Pressure Calculations WS ATKINS & PARTNERS OVERSEAS
Summary Table
Air Pressure and Tail Void Grouting – Summary Table and diagram
Face Pressures – Summary Table and diagram
Expected Volume Loss
Face Pressures (total stres: σ'+u) Air Pressure Tail Void Grout Expected
Pressure Settlement
Borehole Tunnel Face (drained soil (Control of min. air pressure for for control of volume tunnel centre
behaviour) Groundwater inflow cutter head intervention loss
From To [kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [mm]
1 Burjuman 00+120 Unit 1 Unit 2a(ii) 230 280 199 255 - 500 17
2 00+120 00+540 Unit 1 Unit 2a(ii) 291 340 247 313 - 500 17
3 00+540 00+760 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 296 346 263 355 - 500 15
4 00+760 00+820 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 289 339 257 345 - 500 15
5 00+820 00+880 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 253 302 254 309 - 500 15
6 00+880 01+000 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 247 297 246 300 - 500 14
7 01+000 01+180 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 253 302 228 285 - 500 19
8 01+180 01+260 Unit 1 Unit 2a(ii) 238 288 205 260 - 500 19
9 01+260 01+340 Unit 1 Unit 1 225 274 182 255 - 500 20
10 01+340 01+420 Unit 1 Unit 1 194 244 159 228 - 500 21
11 01+420 01+540 Unit 1 Unit 1 173 223 144 208 - 500 22
12 01+540 Launch Unit 1 Unit 1 173 223 144 208 - 500 25
13 Launch 01+810 Unit 1 Unit 2a(i) 172 222 147 202 - 500 24
14 01+810 01+930 Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(ii) 182 232 164 219 - 500 24
15 01+930 02+070 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 216 266 197 252 - 500 25
16 02+070 02+250 Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(ii) 299 349 251 335 - 500 21
17 02+250 02+350 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 287 337 252 335 - 500 16
18 02+350 02+510 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 254 304 225 293 - 500 16
19 02+510 02+710 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 204 254 187 245 - 500 17
20 02+710 Al Rigga Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 204 254 187 245 - 500 17
21 Al Rigga 02+860 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 202 251 185 243 - 500 17
22 02+860 03+060 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 205 255 211 283 - 500 17
23 03+060 03+180 Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(ii) 236 286 227 288 - 500 17
24 03+180 03+400 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 291 341 258 350 - 500 17
25 03+400 03+520 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 313 363 275 375 - 500 16
26 03+520 03+600 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 360 410 283 483 - 500 15
27 03+600 03+640 Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 313 362 281 405 - 500 12
28 03+640 03+880 Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(ii) 224 274 219 273 - 500 18
29 03+880 04+000 Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(ii) 228 278 201 255 - 500 18
30 04+000 City Center Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(ii) 228 278 201 255 - 500 17
W:\wo0_job\45\17-Dubai Metro\TECH-DOC\Calcs\TBM face press\Rev.B2\[DM_TBM-face-pressures_B1-2.xls]VolumeLoss
2) Emergency face pressures to displace groundwater at the face in order to control inflows through the screw conveyor etc.
Value is orientated on groundwater pressure at invert level and required effective pressure for face stability
3) Applies to cutter head intervention in unstable and/or flowing conditions
4) Recommended tail void pressure range. Actual minimum pressure is defined by method statement.
Actual maximum pressure is defined by segmental lining design.
5) Derived based on volume loss values which are corresponding to the proposed face pressures (=0.4%)
DM_TBM-face-pressures_B1-2.xls Summary
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 3
DM_TBM-face-pressures_B1-1.xls PLOT-FP
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 2
CHAINAGE [kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [kPa]
1 00+120 199 181 231 255
2 00+540 247 225 275 313
3 00+760 263 239 289 355 400
4 00+820 257 234 284 345
5 00+880 254 231 281 309
6 01+000 246 223 273 300
7 01+180 228 207 257 285
8 01+260 205 187 237 260
9 01+340 182 165 215 255
10 01+420 159 145 195 228 250
11 01+540 144 131 181 208
13 01+810 147 133 183 202
14 01+930 164 149 199 219
15 02+070 197 179 229 252 150
16 02+250 251 228 278 335
17 02+350 252 229 279 335
18 02+510 225 205 254 293
19 02+710 187 170 220 245
21 02+860 185 168 218 243
22 03+060 211 192 242 283 0
23 03+180 227 206 256 288 00+0 00+500 01+000 01+500 02+000 02+500 03+000 03+500 04+000 04+500
24 03+400 258 234 284 350 CHAINAGE
25 03+520 275 250 300 375
Water press. At invert Air pressure Water press. at springline Minimum tail void press.
26 03+600 283 257 307 483
27 03+640 281 255 305 405
28 03+880 219 199 248 273
29 04+000 201 182 232 255
DM_TBM-face-pressures_B1-1.xls PLOT-AP
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 1
230.0 0.42%
220.0 0.59% 0.20%
215.0 0.73%
210.0 0.96% 0.00%
200 220 240 260 280 300
Total Face Pressure [kPa]
DM_TBM-face-pressures_B1-2.xls VolumeLoss
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 1
Chainage 0 + 120
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 5.0 5.00 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 18.15 5 Unit 1 0.0 11.9 0 33 18 25 0 0 393 214 298 12 0 11.9
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 11.9 18.1 0 33 18 25 0 0 206 112 156 6 0 6.2
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 1 18.1 21.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 21.5 24.8 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 17.3 i Unit 2a(ii) 24.8 28.1 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.7
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 83.3
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 6.1 32.5 18.5 38.0 29.5 172.6 914.2 519.2 1067.8 28.1 830.0 28.1
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.71 Average over tunnel diameter 17.3 31.7 19.3 61.7 83.3 172.6 315.4 192.6 614.2 10.0 830.0 9.96
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 23.6
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.47 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.33 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 482.5 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 327.3 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 379.1
pore pressure u kPa 181.3 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 301.3 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 146.1 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 254 255 Unit from to centre 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 255 1.020 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 11.90 5.95 18.00 127.1 9.5 117.6 0.46 53.6 63.1
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 1 11.90 18.15 15.02 18.00 290.4 100.2 190.2 0.46 86.6 186.8
radial displacem. of soil in gap (cr/s) u mm 10.1 c Unit 1 18.15 21.47 19.81 18.00 376.5 148.1 228.4 0.46 104.0 252.1
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 21.47 24.79 23.13 20.00 482.5 181.3 301.3 0.48 146.1 327.3
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 199 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 24.79 28.11 26.45 20.00 548.9 214.5 334.5 0.48 162.2 376.6
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 18.1
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 9.1 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.21 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.82 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.82 total vertical stress at crown σv kPa 228.4 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.41 Support Ratio α 0.32
F1 - 3.01 grouting pressure pi kPa 73.75
F2 - 0.60 φ' rad 0.41 c' kPa 11.56
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 98 plastic radius Re m 6.030 6.030 Plastic 1.00 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 73.75 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 230 1.0 crown mm 51.01 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.43 10.12 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
Vs m3 face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 2
H/D 1 2
A 2.2472 3.6662
A-intpol 3.4132
B -0.0777 -0.0919
B-intpol -0.0894
F0 0.41
φ'[deg] 23.60878
H/D 1.821787
H/D A1 B1
0 7.1094 -0.039 0
1 7.1094 -0.039 1
2 9.1732 -0.0469 2
5 10.816 -0.0527 5
10 10.816 -0.0527 10
H/D 1 2
A1 7.1094 9.1732
A1-intpol 8.8052
B1 -0.039 -0.0469
B1-intpol -0.0455
F1 3.01
φ'[deg] 23.60878
H/D or (h0-D)/D 0.8
H/D A3 B3
0 1.0338 -0.0206 0
0.5 1.0338 -0.0206 1
1.0 1.0004 -0.0223 1
3.0 0.9108 -0.0228 3
10.0 0.9108 -0.0228 10
H/D 1 3
A1 1.0004 0.9108
A1-intpol 1.0085
B1 -0.0223 -0.0228
B1-intpol -0.0223
F2 0.60
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 3
φ'[deg] 23.60878
H/D or (h0-D)/D 0.82
H/D A3 B3 C3 D3
0 0.0043 -0.0493 -0.0091 0.0496 0
0.5 0.0043 -0.0493 -0.0091 0.0496 1
1.0 0.0040 -0.0302 -0.0019 0.0112 1
3.0 0.0033 0.0008 6.00E-05 0.0118 3
10.0 0.0033 0.0008 0.00006 0.0118 10
H/D 1 3
A3 0.004 0.0033
A3-intpol 0.00406
B3 -0.0302 0.0008
B3-intpol -0.0330
C3 -0.0019 0.00006
C3-intpol -0.0021
D3 0.0112 0.0118
D3-intpol 0.0111
F3 0.06
Tunnel Geometry
Depth to tunnel axis hr 23.13
Tunnel height ht 9.96 Ratio: hr / ht 2.32
Length of loading sq 1.20 Ratio: sq / ht 0.12
Column 1 2
Row sq / ht 0 0.12 0.5
hr / ht
3 2 2.00 3.93 8.08
2.32 4.28
4 2.5 2.50 4.47 8.72
Tc = 4.28
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 2
Chainage 0 + 540
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 4.0 4.46 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 21.50 5 Unit 1 0.0 21.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 693 378 525 21 0 21.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 21.0 21.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 16 9 12 0 0 0.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 1 21.5 24.8 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 24.8 28.1 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 17.3 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.1 31.5 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.7
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 83.3
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 5.5 32.6 18.4 36.6 26.4 172.6 1024.8 579.5 1151.7 31.5 830.0 31.5
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.63 Average over tunnel diameter 17.3 31.7 19.3 61.7 83.3 172.6 315.4 192.6 614.2 10.0 830.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 21.2
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.42 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.21 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 549.6 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 382.3 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 438.0
pore pressure u kPa 224.8 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 324.8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 157.5 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 302 313 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 313 1.250 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius/tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 21.00 10.50 18.00 209.0 65.0 144.0 0.46 65.6 130.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 1 21.00 21.50 21.25 18.00 402.5 172.5 230.0 0.46 104.7 277.2
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.2 c Unit 1 21.50 24.82 23.16 18.00 436.8 191.6 245.3 0.46 111.7 303.3
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 24.82 28.14 26.48 20.00 549.6 224.8 324.8 0.48 157.5 382.3
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 247 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.14 31.46 29.80 20.00 616.0 258.0 358.0 0.48 173.6 431.6
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 22.5
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 11.2 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.21 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.16 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.26 σv kPa 245.3 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.53 Support Ratio α 0.36
F1 - 3.41 grouting pressure pi kPa 87.72
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.37 c' kPa 11.56
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 116 plastic radius Re m 5.970 5.970 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 87.72 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 291 1.0 crown mm 51.44 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.45 10.21 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 3
Chainage 0 + 760
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 3.15 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 21.97 5 Unit 1 0.0 13.9 0 33 18 25 0 0 459 250 348 14 0 13.9
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 13.9 22.0 26 31 20 80 125 210 250 161 645 8 1008 8.1
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 2a(ii) 22.0 25.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 25.3 28.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.6 31.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 14.7 31.9 19.1 56.1 70.6 468.7 1017.5 610.7 1789.7 31.9 2253.4 31.9
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.61 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.0
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.13 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.41 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 558.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 394.4 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 449.2
pore pressure u kPa 239.5 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 319.5 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 154.9 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 318 355 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 355 1.420 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius/tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 13.90 6.95 18.00 145.1 39.5 105.6 0.46 48.1 87.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 2a(ii) 13.90 21.97 17.93 20.00 378.7 149.3 229.3 0.48 111.2 260.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.6 c Unit 2a(ii) 21.97 25.29 23.63 20.00 492.5 206.3 286.3 0.48 138.8 345.1
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 25.29 28.61 26.95 20.00 558.9 239.5 319.5 0.48 154.9 394.4
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 263 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.61 31.93 30.27 20.00 625.3 272.7 352.7 0.48 171.0 443.7
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 23.9
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 12.0 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.21 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.40 σv kPa 286.3 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.59 Support Ratio α 0.40
F1 - 3.60 grouting pressure pi kPa 115.53
F2 - 0.63 φ' rad 0.35 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 107 plastic radius Re m 5.730 5.730 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 115.53 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 296 1.0 crown mm 53.50 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.55 10.62 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 4
Chainage 0 + 820
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 2.96 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 21.42 5 Unit 1 0.0 13.4 0 33 18 25 0 0 442 241 335 13 0 13.4
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 13.4 21.4 26 31 20 80 125 208 248 160 641 8 1002 8.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 2a(ii) 21.4 24.7 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 24.7 28.1 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.1 31.4 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 14.9 31.9 19.1 56.5 71.6 467.4 999.5 600.7 1773.1 31.4 2247.0 31.4
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.61 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.1
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.15 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.48 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 547.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 386.2 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 440.1
pore pressure u kPa 234.0 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 314.0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 152.3 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 312 345 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 345 1.380 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius/tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 13.40 6.70 18.00 140.6 37.0 103.6 0.46 47.2 84.2
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 2a(ii) 13.40 21.42 17.41 20.00 368.2 144.1 224.1 0.48 108.7 252.8
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.6 c Unit 2a(ii) 21.42 24.74 23.08 20.00 481.5 200.8 280.8 0.48 136.2 336.9
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 24.74 28.06 26.40 20.00 547.9 234.0 314.0 0.48 152.3 386.2
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 257 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.06 31.38 29.72 20.00 614.3 267.2 347.2 0.48 168.4 435.5
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 23.4
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 11.7 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.15 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.35 σv kPa 280.8 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.58 Support Ratio α 0.40
F1 - 3.58 grouting pressure pi kPa 111.04
F2 - 0.63 φ' rad 0.35 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 105 plastic radius Re m 5.750 5.750 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 111.04 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 289 1.0 crown mm 53.37 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.54 10.59 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 5
Chainage 0 + 880
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 0.0 -7.40 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 10.69 5 Unit 1 0.0 3.1 0 33 18 25 0 0 102 56 78 3 0 3.1
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 3.1 10.7 26 31 20 80 125 197 235 152 607 8 949 7.6
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 2a(ii) 10.7 14.0 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 14.0 17.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.3 20.7 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 22.1 31.3 19.7 71.7 106.2 456.3 646.4 406.8 1481.6 20.7 2193.9 20.7
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.59 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 19.4
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.70 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.57 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 333.4 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 280.5 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 298.2
pore pressure u kPa 230.7 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 102.7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 49.8 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 309 225 Unit from to 74.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 309 0.900 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius/tunnel radius re/R - 1.3 0 Unit 1 0.00 3.10 1.55 18.00 47.9 89.5 -41.6 0.46 -18.9 70.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.29 0 Unit 2a(ii) 3.10 10.69 6.90 20.00 157.9 143.0 15.0 0.48 7.3 150.2
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 5.4 c Unit 2a(ii) 10.69 14.01 12.35 20.00 267.0 197.5 69.5 0.48 33.7 231.2
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 14.01 17.33 15.67 20.00 333.4 230.7 102.7 0.48 49.8 280.5
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 254 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.33 20.65 18.99 20.00 399.8 263.9 135.9 0.48 65.9 329.8
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 74.0 -54.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 74.0 -54.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 74.0 -54.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 74.0 -54.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 74.0 -54.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 15.7
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 7.8 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.07 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.57 σv kPa 69.5 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.51 Support Ratio α -0.08
F1 - 3.36 grouting pressure pi kPa -5.71
F2 - 0.66 φ' rad 0.34 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.04 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 72 plastic radius Re m 6.610 6.610 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) -5.71 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 253 1.0 crown mm 27.19 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 1.29 5.40 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.29 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 6
Chainage 1 + 000
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 0.0 -6.12 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 11.26 5 Unit 1 0.0 4.3 0 33 18 25 0 0 142 77 108 4 0 4.3
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 4.3 11.3 26 31 20 80 125 181 216 139 557 7 870 7.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 2a(ii) 11.3 14.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 14.6 17.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.9 21.2 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 20.7 31.4 19.6 68.9 99.7 439.8 666.3 415.7 1460.9 21.2 2114.6 21.2
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.58 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 19.2
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.59 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.37 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 344.7 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 282.2 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 303.1
pore pressure u kPa 223.4 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 121.4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 58.9 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 300 238 Unit from to 61.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 300 0.950 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 4.30 2.15 18.00 58.7 82.5 -23.8 0.46 -10.8 71.7
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.23 0 Unit 2a(ii) 4.30 11.26 7.78 20.00 175.6 138.8 36.8 0.48 17.8 156.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 4.8 c Unit 2a(ii) 11.26 14.58 12.92 20.00 278.3 190.2 88.2 0.48 42.8 232.9
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 14.58 17.90 16.24 20.00 344.7 223.4 121.4 0.48 58.9 282.2
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 246 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.90 21.22 19.56 20.00 411.1 256.6 154.6 0.48 75.0 331.5
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 61.0 -41.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 61.0 -41.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 61.0 -41.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 61.0 -41.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 61.0 -41.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 16.2
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 8.1 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.13 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.63 σv kPa 88.2 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.53 Support Ratio α 0.16
F1 - 3.42 grouting pressure pi kPa 14.13
F2 - 0.66 φ' rad 0.34 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.04 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 73 plastic radius Re m 5.930 5.930 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 14.13 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 247 1.0 crown mm 24.01 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 1.14 4.76 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.23 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 7
Chainage 1 + 180
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 2.43 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 17.73 5 Unit 1 0.0 10.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 330 180 250 10 0 10.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) 10.0 17.7 26 31 20 80 125 201 240 155 618 8 966 7.7
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 2a(ii) 17.7 21.0 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 21.0 24.4 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 24.4 27.7 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 16.6 31.7 19.3 60.1 79.9 459.8 878.3 533.7 1664.9 27.7 2210.8 27.7
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.60 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.0
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.28 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.53 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 474.1 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 336.6 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 382.4
pore pressure u kPa 207.1 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 267.1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 129.5 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 283 285 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 285 1.140 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 10.00 5.00 18.00 110.0 30.0 80.0 0.46 36.4 66.4
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 2a(ii) 10.00 17.73 13.86 20.00 297.3 118.6 178.6 0.48 86.6 205.3
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.1 c Unit 2a(ii) 17.73 21.05 19.39 20.00 407.7 173.9 233.9 0.48 113.4 287.3
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 21.05 24.37 22.71 20.00 474.1 207.1 267.1 0.48 129.5 336.6
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 228 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 24.37 27.69 26.03 20.00 540.5 240.3 300.3 0.48 145.6 385.9
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 20.7
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 10.4 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.78 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.08 σv kPa 233.9 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.57 Support Ratio α 0.33
F1 - 3.54 grouting pressure pi kPa 77.94
F2 - 0.64 φ' rad 0.35 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 95 plastic radius Re m 5.980 5.980 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 77.94 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 253 1.0 crown mm 50.99 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.43 10.12 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 8
Chainage 1 + 260
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 2.40 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 15.69 5 Unit 1 0.0 11.9 0 33 18 25 0 0 393 214 298 12 0 11.9
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 11.9 15.7 0 33 18 25 0 0 125 68 95 4 0 3.8
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 1 15.7 19.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) 19.0 22.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 17.3 i Unit 2a(ii) 22.3 25.7 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.7
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 83.3
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 6.7 32.5 18.5 39.2 32.4 172.6 833.3 475.0 1006.5 25.7 830.0 25.7
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.61 Average over tunnel diameter 17.3 31.7 19.3 61.7 83.3 172.6 315.4 192.6 614.2 10.0 830.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.5
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.52 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.07 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 433.5 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 306.4 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 348.7
pore pressure u kPa 186.7 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 246.7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 119.7 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 260 225 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 260 0.900 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.3 0 Unit 1 0.00 11.90 5.95 18.00 127.1 39.5 87.6 0.46 39.9 79.4
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 1 11.90 15.69 13.80 18.00 268.3 118.0 150.4 0.46 68.5 186.4
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 9.7 c Unit 1 15.69 19.01 17.35 18.00 332.4 153.5 178.8 0.46 81.4 235.0
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) 19.01 22.33 20.67 20.00 433.5 186.7 246.7 0.48 119.7 306.4
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 205 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 22.33 25.65 23.99 20.00 499.9 219.9 279.9 0.48 135.8 355.7
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 18.7
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 9.3 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.21 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.58 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.87 σv kPa 178.8 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.53 Support Ratio α 0.21
F1 - 3.40 grouting pressure pi kPa 38.27
F2 - 0.64 φ' rad 0.36 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 101 plastic radius Re m 6.380 6.380 Plastic 1.00 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 38.27 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 238 1.0 crown mm 49.04 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.34 9.73 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 9
Chainage 1 + 340
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 2.23 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 13.53 5 Unit 1 0.0 11.9 0 33 18 25 0 0 393 214 298 12 0 11.9
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 11.9 13.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 54 29 41 2 0 1.6
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 1 12 c Unit 1 13.5 16.8 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 1 16.8 20.2 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 8.7 i Unit 2a(ii) 20.2 23.5 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 41.7
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 3.7 32.7 18.3 32.8 17.7 86.3 768.4 429.4 769.7 23.5 415.0 23.5
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.63 Average over tunnel diameter 8.7 32.3 18.7 43.3 41.7 86.3 322.0 185.9 431.6 10.0 415.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 21.6
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.28 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.24 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 353.1 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 250.7 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 284.8
pore pressure u kPa 165.1 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 188.0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 85.6 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 236 255 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 255 1.020 Elastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.0 0 Unit 1 0.00 11.90 5.95 18.00 127.1 39.5 87.6 0.46 39.9 79.4
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 1 11.90 13.53 12.71 18.00 248.8 107.1 141.7 0.46 64.5 171.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 12.4 c Unit 1 13.53 16.85 15.19 18.00 293.3 131.9 161.5 0.46 73.5 205.4
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 1 16.85 20.17 18.51 18.00 353.1 165.1 188.0 0.46 85.6 250.7
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 182 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 20.17 23.49 21.83 20.00 456.5 198.3 258.3 0.48 125.2 323.5
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 16.5
E' Mpa 25.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 10.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 8.3 Eu Mpa 33.3 νu 0.50 G MPa 11.1
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.36 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.66 σv kPa 161.5 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.46 Support Ratio α 0.56
F1 - 3.17 grouting pressure pi kPa 89.95
F2 - 0.63 φ' rad 0.38 c' kPa 5.78
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 109 plastic radius Re m 4.980 5.110 Elastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 89.95 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 225 1.0 crown mm 62.34 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.97 12.37 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 10
Chainage 1 + 420
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.5 2.72 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 12.02 5 Unit 1 0.0 10.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 330 180 250 10 0 10.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 10.0 12.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 66 36 50 2 0 2.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 1 12 c Unit 1 12.0 15.3 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 1 15.3 18.7 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 8.7 i Unit 2a(ii) 18.7 22.0 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 41.7
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 3.9 32.7 18.3 33.3 18.9 86.3 718.5 402.2 732.0 22.0 415.0 22.0
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.68 Average over tunnel diameter 8.7 32.3 18.7 43.3 41.7 86.3 322.0 185.9 431.6 10.0 415.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 23.3
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.30 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.05 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 325.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 227.4 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 260.2
pore pressure u kPa 145.0 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 181.0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 82.4 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 214 228 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 228 0.910 Elastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.0 0 Unit 1 0.00 10.00 5.00 18.00 110.0 25.0 85.0 0.46 38.7 63.7
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 1 10.00 12.02 11.01 18.00 218.1 85.1 133.1 0.46 60.6 145.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 12.4 c Unit 1 12.02 15.34 13.68 18.00 266.2 111.8 154.4 0.46 70.3 182.1
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 1 15.34 18.66 17.00 18.00 325.9 145.0 181.0 0.46 82.4 227.4
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 159 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 18.66 21.98 20.32 20.00 426.3 178.2 248.2 0.48 120.3 298.5
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 14.5
E' Mpa 25.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 10.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 7.2 Eu Mpa 33.3 νu 0.50 G MPa 11.1
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.21 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.46 σv kPa 154.4 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.39 Support Ratio α 0.53
F1 - 2.92 grouting pressure pi kPa 82.55
F2 - 0.61 φ' rad 0.41 c' kPa 5.78
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 99 plastic radius Re m 4.980 5.100 Elastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 82.55 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 194 1.0 crown mm 62.62 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.98 12.42 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 11
Chainage 1 + 540
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.7 2.71 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 10.85 5 Unit 1 0.0 5.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 165 90 125 5 0 5.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 5.0 10.8 0 33 18 25 0 0 193 105 146 6 0 5.8
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 1 12 c Unit 1 10.8 14.2 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 1 14.2 17.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 8.7 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.5 20.8 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 41.7
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 4.1 32.7 18.3 33.8 19.9 86.3 680.0 381.2 702.8 20.8 415.0 20.8
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.72 Average over tunnel diameter 8.7 32.3 18.7 43.3 41.7 86.3 322.0 185.9 431.6 10.0 415.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 24.6
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.32 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.65 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 304.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 210.3 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 241.9
pore pressure u kPa 131.3 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 173.6 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 79.1 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 199 208 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 208 0.830 Elastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.0 0 Unit 1 0.00 5.00 2.50 18.00 65.0 0.0 65.0 0.46 29.6 29.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 1 5.00 10.85 7.92 18.00 162.6 52.2 110.4 0.46 50.3 102.5
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 12.3 c Unit 1 10.85 14.17 12.51 18.00 245.1 98.1 147.1 0.46 67.0 165.0
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 1 14.17 17.49 15.83 18.00 304.9 131.3 173.6 0.46 79.1 210.3
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 144 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.49 20.81 19.15 20.00 403.0 164.5 238.5 0.48 115.7 280.1
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 13.1
E' Mpa 25.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 10.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 6.6 Eu Mpa 33.3 νu 0.50 G MPa 11.1
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.09 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.32 σv kPa 147.1 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.34 Support Ratio α 0.52
F1 - 2.74 grouting pressure pi kPa 76.22
F2 - 0.60 φ' rad 0.43 c' kPa 5.78
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 92 plastic radius Re m 4.980 5.080 Elastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 76.22 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 173 1.0 crown mm 61.74 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.94 12.25 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 12
Chainage #N/A
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 0.0 #N/A axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m #N/A 5 Unit 1 0.0 11.9 0 33 18 25 0 0 393 214 298 12 0 11.9
Geotechnical Unit at crown #N/A Unit 1 #N/A Unit 1 11.9 #N/A 0 33 18 25 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 c Unit 1 #N/A #N/A 0 33 18 25 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) x Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa #N/A i Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg #N/A
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa #N/A
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - #N/A Average over tunnel diameter #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg #N/A
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 #N/A SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 #N/A consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa #N/A 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa #N/A 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa #N/A
pore pressure u kPa #N/A 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa #N/A 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa #N/A 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss #N/A 300 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa #N/A 1.200 #N/A m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - #N/A 0 Unit 1 0.00 11.90 5.95 18.00 127.1 59.5 67.6 0.46 30.8 90.3
volume loss VL2 VL2 % #N/A 0 Unit 1 11.90 #N/A #N/A 18.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.46 #N/A #N/A
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm #N/A c Unit 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 18.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.46 #N/A #N/A
Air pressure for cutter head maintance x Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa #N/A 1.10 i Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m #N/A
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m #N/A Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 #N/A kp #N/A b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - #N/A shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - #N/A σv kPa #N/A 9 c
Factors F0 - #N/A Support Ratio α #N/A
F1 - #N/A grouting pressure pi kPa #N/A
F2 - #N/A φ' rad #N/A c' kPa #N/A
F3 - #N/A tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa #N/A plastic radius Re m #N/A #N/A #N/A 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) #N/A 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa #N/A 1.0 crown mm #N/A mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm #N/A #N/A average displacement
pressure at crown VL % #N/A #N/A add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 13
Chainage 1 + 810
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.5 2.48 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 10.86 5 Unit 1 0.0 3.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 99 54 75 3 0 3.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 3.0 5.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 66 36 50 2 0 2.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(i) 12 Unit 1 5.0 10.9 0 33 18 25 0 0 193 106 147 6 0 5.9
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 1 10.9 14.2 0 33 18 25 0 0 110 60 83 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 10.3 x Unit 2a(i) 14.2 17.5 5 35 20 55 0 17 116 66 183 3 0 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 33.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 17.5 20.8 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 41.7
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 4.9 33.0 18.6 38.6 19.9 102.9 687.1 388.1 802.8 20.8 415.0 20.8
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.71 Average over tunnel diameter 10.3 33.0 19.3 53.3 41.7 102.9 328.7 192.6 531.2 10.0 415.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 24.9
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.64 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.78 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 336.8 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 220.2 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 259.1
pore pressure u kPa 133.4 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 203.4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 86.7 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 202 175 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 202 0.698 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 3.00 1.50 18.00 47.0 0.0 47.0 0.46 21.4 21.4
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 1 3.00 5.00 4.00 18.00 92.0 15.0 77.0 0.46 35.1 50.1
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.1 0 Unit 1 5.00 10.86 7.93 18.00 162.8 54.3 108.4 0.46 49.4 103.7
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 1 10.86 14.18 12.52 18.00 245.4 100.2 145.2 0.46 66.1 166.3
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 147 1.10 x Unit 2a(i) 14.18 17.50 15.84 20.00 336.8 133.4 203.4 0.43 86.7 220.2
i Unit 2a(ii) 17.50 20.82 19.16 20.00 403.2 166.6 236.6 0.48 114.8 281.4
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 13.3
E' Mpa 55.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 22.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 6.7 Eu Mpa 73.3 νu 0.50 G MPa 24.4
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.39 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.09 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.34 σv kPa 145.2 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.33 Support Ratio α 0.28
F1 - 2.72 grouting pressure pi kPa 41.08
F2 - 0.59 φ' rad 0.43 c' kPa 6.89
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 89 plastic radius Re m 6.150 6.150 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 41.08 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 172 1.0 crown mm 50.92 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.42 10.10 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 14
Chainage 1 + 930
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 3.21 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 11.91 5 Unit 1 0.0 3.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 99 54 75 3 0 3.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) Unit 1 3.0 9.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 215 117 163 7 0 6.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(i) 9.5 11.9 5 35 20 55 0 12 84 48 133 2 0 2.4
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(i) 11.9 15.2 5 35 20 55 0 17 116 66 183 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 19.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 15.2 18.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3 i Unit 2a(ii) 18.6 21.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 83.3
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 9.2 32.9 19.1 49.6 37.9 201.3 720.0 418.4 1084.0 21.9 830.0 21.9
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.67 Average over tunnel diameter 19.0 32.3 20.0 71.7 83.3 189.2 322.0 199.2 713.8 10.0 830.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 22.9
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.13 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.49 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 357.8 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 250.2 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 286.1
pore pressure u kPa 148.9 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 208.9 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 101.3 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 219 188 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 219 0.750 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.3 0 Unit 1 0.00 3.00 1.50 18.00 47.0 0.0 47.0 0.46 21.4 21.4
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 1 3.00 9.50 6.25 18.00 132.5 42.5 90.0 0.46 41.0 83.5
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 9.6 0 Unit 2a(i) 9.50 11.91 10.71 20.00 234.1 87.1 147.1 0.43 62.7 149.8
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(i) 11.91 15.23 13.57 20.00 291.4 115.7 175.7 0.43 74.9 190.7
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 164 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 15.23 18.55 16.89 20.00 357.8 148.9 208.9 0.48 101.3 250.2
i Unit 2a(ii) 18.55 21.87 20.21 20.00 424.2 182.1 242.1 0.48 117.4 299.5
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 14.9
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 7.4 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.20 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.50 σv kPa 175.7 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.40 Support Ratio α 0.22
F1 - 2.97 grouting pressure pi kPa 38.58
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.40 c' kPa 12.67
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 83 plastic radius Re m 6.480 6.480 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 38.58 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 182 1.0 crown mm 48.60 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.31 9.64 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 15
Chainage 2 + 070
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 3.39 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 15.95 5 Unit 1 0.0 8.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 264 144 200 8 0 8.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 8.0 13.5 5 35 20 55 0 28 193 110 303 6 0 5.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 13.5 16.0 26 31 20 80 125 64 76 49 196 2 306 2.5
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 16.0 19.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 19.3 22.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 22.6 25.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 13.5 32.5 19.4 57.7 59.9 350.2 841.2 502.2 1495.3 25.9 1551.3 25.9
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.66 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 21.8
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.38 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.52 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 438.6 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 305.1 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 349.6
pore pressure u kPa 179.3 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 259.3 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 125.8 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 252 249 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 252 0.995 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 8.00 4.00 18.00 92.0 10.0 82.0 0.46 37.3 47.3
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 8.00 13.50 10.75 20.00 235.0 77.5 157.5 0.43 67.2 144.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.2 0 Unit 2a(ii) 13.50 15.95 14.73 20.00 314.5 117.3 197.3 0.48 95.7 212.9
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 15.95 19.27 17.61 20.00 372.2 146.1 226.1 0.48 109.6 255.7
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 197 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 19.27 22.59 20.93 20.00 438.6 179.3 259.3 0.48 125.8 305.1
i Unit 2a(ii) 22.59 25.91 24.25 20.00 505.0 212.5 292.5 0.48 141.9 354.4
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 17.9
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 9.0 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.60 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.80 σv kPa 226.1 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.48 Support Ratio α 0.31
F1 - 3.22 grouting pressure pi kPa 69.45
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.38 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 87 plastic radius Re m 6.030 6.030 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 69.45 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 216 1.0 crown mm 51.66 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.46 10.25 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 16
Chainage 2 + 250
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 3.23 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 20.83 5 Unit 1 0.0 6.2 0 33 18 25 0 0 205 112 155 6 0 6.2
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) 6.2 5.0 5 35 20 55 0 -6 -42 -24 -66 -1 0 -1.2
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(i) 5.0 20.8 5 35 20 55 0 79 554 317 870 16 0 15.8
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(i) 20.8 24.1 5 35 20 55 0 17 116 66 183 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 19.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 24.1 27.5 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3 i Unit 2a(ii) 27.5 30.8 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 83.3
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 8.5 33.7 19.6 54.4 27.0 262.4 1038.6 603.3 1673.3 30.8 830.0 30.8
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.62 Average over tunnel diameter 19.0 32.3 20.0 71.7 83.3 189.2 322.0 199.2 713.8 10.0 830.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 21.5
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.60 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.00 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 536.1 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 377.5 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 430.4
pore pressure u kPa 228.1 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 308.1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 149.4 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 306 335 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 335 1.340 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 6.20 3.10 18.00 75.8 1.0 74.8 0.46 34.1 35.1
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 2a(i) 6.20 5.00 5.60 20.00 132.0 26.0 106.0 0.43 45.2 71.2
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.5 0 Unit 2a(i) 5.00 20.83 12.91 20.00 278.3 99.1 179.1 0.43 76.4 175.5
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(i) 20.83 24.15 22.49 20.00 469.7 194.9 274.9 0.43 117.2 312.1
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 251 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 24.15 27.47 25.81 20.00 536.1 228.1 308.1 0.48 149.4 377.5
i Unit 2a(ii) 27.47 30.79 29.13 20.00 602.5 261.3 341.3 0.48 165.5 426.8
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 22.8
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 11.4 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.09 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.29 σv kPa 274.9 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.51 Support Ratio α 0.39
F1 - 3.35 grouting pressure pi kPa 106.93
F2 - 0.61 φ' rad 0.38 c' kPa 12.67
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 121 plastic radius Re m 5.760 5.760 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 106.93 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 299 1.0 crown mm 52.90 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.52 10.50 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 17
Chainage 2 + 350
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 3.07 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 20.92 5 Unit 1 0.0 6.7 0 33 18 25 0 0 221 121 168 7 0 6.7
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 6.7 11.0 5 35 20 55 0 22 151 86 237 4 0 4.3
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 11.0 20.9 26 31 20 80 125 258 307 198 793 10 1240 9.9
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 20.9 24.2 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 24.2 27.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 27.6 30.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 17.4 32.0 19.6 64.6 80.5 538.3 987.8 604.2 1994.2 30.9 2484.8 30.9
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.62 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.5
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.57 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.96 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 538.0 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 378.8 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 431.9
pore pressure u kPa 229.0 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 309.0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 149.8 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 307 335 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 335 1.340 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 6.70 3.35 18.00 80.3 3.5 76.8 0.46 35.0 38.5
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 6.70 11.00 8.85 20.00 197.0 58.5 138.5 0.43 59.1 117.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.6 0 Unit 2a(ii) 11.00 20.92 15.96 20.00 339.2 129.6 209.6 0.48 101.6 231.2
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 20.92 24.24 22.58 20.00 471.6 195.8 275.8 0.48 133.7 329.5
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 252 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 24.24 27.56 25.90 20.00 538.0 229.0 309.0 0.48 149.8 378.8
i Unit 2a(ii) 27.56 30.88 29.22 20.00 604.4 262.2 342.2 0.48 165.9 428.1
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 22.9
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 11.4 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.10 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.30 σv kPa 275.8 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.56 Support Ratio α 0.38
F1 - 3.52 grouting pressure pi kPa 106.02
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.36 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 108 plastic radius Re m 5.780 5.780 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 106.02 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 287 1.0 crown mm 53.66 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.56 10.65 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 18
Chainage 2 + 510
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 3.76 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 18.49 5 Unit 1 0.0 5.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 182 99 138 6 0 5.5
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 5.5 8.5 5 35 20 55 0 15 105 60 165 3 0 3.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 8.5 18.5 26 31 20 80 125 260 310 200 799 10 1248 10.0
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 18.5 21.8 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 21.8 25.1 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 25.1 28.4 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 18.8 31.8 19.6 66.7 87.6 533.6 904.8 557.9 1898.1 28.4 2493.1 28.4
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.64 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 21.1
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.61 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.32 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 489.3 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 342.7 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 391.6
pore pressure u kPa 204.7 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 284.7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 138.0 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 280 293 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 293 1.170 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 5.50 2.75 18.00 69.5 0.0 69.5 0.46 31.6 31.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 5.50 8.50 7.00 20.00 160.0 40.0 120.0 0.43 51.2 91.2
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.5 0 Unit 2a(ii) 8.50 18.49 13.49 20.00 289.9 104.9 184.9 0.48 89.7 194.6
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 18.49 21.81 20.15 20.00 422.9 171.5 251.5 0.48 121.9 293.4
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 225 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 21.81 25.13 23.47 20.00 489.3 204.7 284.7 0.48 138.0 342.7
i Unit 2a(ii) 25.13 28.45 26.79 20.00 555.7 237.9 317.9 0.48 154.1 392.0
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 20.5
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 10.2 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.86 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.05 σv kPa 251.5 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.52 Support Ratio α 0.35
F1 - 3.38 grouting pressure pi kPa 87.85
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.37 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 99 plastic radius Re m 5.890 5.890 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 87.85 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 254 1.0 crown mm 52.70 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.51 10.46 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 19
Chainage 2 + 710
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 4.0 4.43 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 16.03 5 Unit 1 0.0 7.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 231 126 175 7 0 7.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 7.0 12.5 5 35 20 55 0 28 193 110 303 6 0 5.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 12.5 16.0 26 31 20 80 125 92 109 71 282 4 441 3.5
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 16.0 19.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 19.3 22.7 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 22.7 26.0 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 14.6 32.4 19.5 59.9 64.9 378.2 841.6 505.8 1556.5 26.0 1686.0 26.0
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.71 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 23.1
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.46 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 13.20 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 440.2 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 301.1 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 347.4
pore pressure u kPa 170.1 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 270.1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 131.0 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 242 245 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 245 0.980 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 7.00 3.50 18.00 83.0 0.0 83.0 0.46 37.8 37.8
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 7.00 12.50 9.75 20.00 215.0 57.5 157.5 0.43 67.2 124.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.5 0 Unit 2a(ii) 12.50 16.03 14.26 20.00 305.3 102.6 202.6 0.48 98.3 200.9
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 16.03 19.35 17.69 20.00 373.8 136.9 236.9 0.48 114.9 251.8
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 187 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 19.35 22.67 21.01 20.00 440.2 170.1 270.1 0.48 131.0 301.1
i Unit 2a(ii) 22.67 25.99 24.33 20.00 506.6 203.3 303.3 0.48 147.1 350.4
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 17.0
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 8.5 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.61 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.71 σv kPa 236.9 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.42 Support Ratio α 0.32
F1 - 3.04 grouting pressure pi kPa 74.92
F2 - 0.61 φ' rad 0.40 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 84 plastic radius Re m 5.950 5.950 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 74.92 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 204 1.0 crown mm 52.70 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.51 10.46 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 20
Chainage #N/A
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 0.0 #N/A axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m #N/A 5 Unit 1 0.0 7.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 231 126 175 7 0 7.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown #N/A Unit 2a(ii) #N/A Unit 2a(i) 7.0 12.5 5 35 20 55 0 28 193 110 303 6 0 5.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 12.5 #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa #N/A x Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg #N/A i Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa #N/A
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - #N/A Average over tunnel diameter #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg #N/A
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 #N/A SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 #N/A consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa #N/A 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa #N/A 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa #N/A
pore pressure u kPa #N/A 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa #N/A 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa #N/A 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss #N/A 300 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa #N/A 1.200 #N/A m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - #N/A 0 Unit 1 0.00 7.00 3.50 18.00 83.0 35.0 48.0 0.46 21.9 56.9
volume loss VL2 VL2 % #N/A 0 Unit 2a(i) 7.00 12.50 9.75 20.00 215.0 97.5 117.5 0.43 50.1 147.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm #N/A 0 Unit 2a(ii) 12.50 #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa #N/A 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
i Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m #N/A
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m #N/A Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 #N/A kp #N/A b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - #N/A shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - #N/A σv kPa #N/A 9 c
Factors F0 - #N/A Support Ratio α #N/A
F1 - #N/A grouting pressure pi kPa #N/A
F2 - #N/A φ' rad #N/A c' kPa #N/A
F3 - #N/A tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa #N/A plastic radius Re m #N/A #N/A #N/A 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) #N/A 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa #N/A 1.0 crown mm #N/A mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm #N/A #N/A average displacement
pressure at crown VL % #N/A #N/A add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 21
Chainage 2 + 860
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 4.0 4.19 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 15.83 5 Unit 1 0.0 7.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 231 126 175 7 0 7.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 7.0 12.5 5 35 20 55 0 28 193 110 303 6 0 5.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 12.5 15.8 26 31 20 80 125 87 103 67 266 3 416 3.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 15.8 19.2 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 19.2 22.5 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 22.5 25.8 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 14.5 32.4 19.5 59.7 64.4 373.1 835.5 501.8 1540.8 25.8 1661.4 25.8
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.71 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 23.2
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.46 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 13.25 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 436.2 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 298.1 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 344.2
pore pressure u kPa 168.1 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 268.1 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 130.0 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 240 243 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 243 0.970 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 7.00 3.50 18.00 83.0 0.0 83.0 0.46 37.8 37.8
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 7.00 12.50 9.75 20.00 215.0 57.5 157.5 0.43 67.2 124.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.3 0 Unit 2a(ii) 12.50 15.83 14.17 20.00 303.3 101.7 201.7 0.48 97.8 199.4
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 15.83 19.15 17.49 20.00 369.8 134.9 234.9 0.48 113.9 248.8
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 185 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 19.15 22.47 20.81 20.00 436.2 168.1 268.1 0.48 130.0 298.1
i Unit 2a(ii) 22.47 25.79 24.13 20.00 502.6 201.3 301.3 0.48 146.1 347.4
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 16.8
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 8.4 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.59 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.69 σv kPa 234.9 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.42 Support Ratio α 0.32
F1 - 3.02 grouting pressure pi kPa 74.39
F2 - 0.61 φ' rad 0.41 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 83 plastic radius Re m 5.940 5.940 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 74.39 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 202 1.0 crown mm 52.14 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.48 10.35 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 22
Chainage 3 + 060
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 4.5 4.61 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 18.74 5 Unit 1 0.0 10.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 330 180 250 10 0 10.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 10.0 12.0 5 35 20 55 0 10 70 40 110 2 0 2.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 12.0 18.7 26 31 20 80 125 175 209 135 539 7 843 6.7
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2b c Unit 2a(ii) 18.7 22.1 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 35.7 x Unit 2a(ii) 22.1 25.4 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3 i Unit 2b 25.4 28.7 55 35 20 100 175 183 116 66 332 3 581 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 141.7
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 18.8 32.4 19.3 61.4 78.5 540.5 931.0 554.0 1762.6 28.7 2253.8 28.7
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.69 Average over tunnel diameter 35.7 32.3 20.0 86.7 141.7 355.2 322.0 199.2 863.2 10.0 1411.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 23.6
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.30 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.77 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 494.4 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 338.8 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 390.7
pore pressure u kPa 192.2 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 302.2 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 146.6 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 266 283 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 283 1.130 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.1 0 Unit 1 0.00 10.00 5.00 18.00 110.0 5.0 105.0 0.46 47.8 52.8
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 10.00 12.00 11.00 20.00 240.0 65.0 175.0 0.43 74.6 139.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 11.0 0 Unit 2a(ii) 12.00 18.74 15.37 20.00 327.4 108.7 218.7 0.48 106.1 214.8
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 18.74 22.06 20.40 20.00 428.0 159.0 269.0 0.48 130.5 289.5
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 211 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 22.06 25.38 23.72 20.00 494.4 192.2 302.2 0.48 146.6 338.8
i Unit 2b 25.38 28.70 27.04 20.00 560.8 225.4 335.4 0.43 143.0 368.5
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 19.2
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 9.6 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.88 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.93 σv kPa 269.0 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.41 Support Ratio α 0.34
F1 - 3.01 grouting pressure pi kPa 90.28
F2 - 0.59 φ' rad 0.41 c' kPa 23.78
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 63 plastic radius Re m 5.650 5.650 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 90.28 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 205 1.0 crown mm 55.23 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.63 10.96 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 23
Chainage 3 + 180
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.0 3.01 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 18.66 5 Unit 1 0.0 9.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 314 171 238 10 0 9.5
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) 9.5 15.0 5 35 20 55 0 28 193 110 303 6 0 5.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(i) 15.0 18.7 5 35 20 55 0 18 128 73 202 4 0 3.7
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2b c Unit 2a(i) 18.7 22.0 5 35 20 55 0 17 116 66 183 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 28.7 x Unit 2a(ii) 22.0 25.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 33.7 i Unit 2b 25.3 28.6 55 35 20 100 175 183 116 66 332 3 581 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 100.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 11.6 33.9 19.3 53.2 34.8 331.3 969.6 553.5 1521.7 28.6 996.0 28.6
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.63 Average over tunnel diameter 28.7 33.7 20.0 78.3 100.0 285.5 335.3 199.2 780.2 10.0 996.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 22.9
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.34 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 12.02 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 492.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 345.4 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 394.5
pore pressure u kPa 206.4 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 286.4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 138.9 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 282 288 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 288 1.150 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 9.50 4.75 18.00 105.5 17.5 88.0 0.46 40.1 57.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 9.50 15.00 12.25 20.00 265.0 92.5 172.5 0.43 73.6 166.1
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.8 0 Unit 2a(i) 15.00 18.66 16.83 20.00 356.6 138.3 218.3 0.43 93.1 231.4
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(i) 18.66 21.98 20.32 20.00 426.5 173.2 253.2 0.43 108.0 281.2
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 227 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 21.98 25.30 23.64 20.00 492.9 206.4 286.4 0.48 138.9 345.4
i Unit 2b 25.30 28.62 26.96 20.00 559.3 239.6 319.6 0.43 136.3 375.9
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 20.6
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 10.3 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.49 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.87 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.07 σv kPa 253.2 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.44 Support Ratio α 0.32
F1 - 3.11 grouting pressure pi kPa 81.06
F2 - 0.60 φ' rad 0.40 c' kPa 19.11
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 80 plastic radius Re m 5.770 5.770 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 81.06 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 236 1.0 crown mm 54.33 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.59 10.78 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 24
Chainage 3 + 400
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.5 3.49 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 21.94 5 Unit 1 0.0 11.8 0 33 18 25 0 0 389 212 295 12 0 11.8
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 11.8 15.5 5 35 20 55 0 19 130 74 204 4 0 3.7
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 15.5 21.9 26 31 20 80 125 167 200 129 515 6 805 6.4
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 21.9 25.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 25.3 28.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 28.6 31.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 13.9 32.2 19.3 56.8 64.3 444.8 1027.2 614.3 1810.3 31.9 2049.6 31.9
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.62 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.6
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.26 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.77 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 558.3 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 391.4 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 447.0
pore pressure u kPa 234.2 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 324.2 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 157.2 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 312 350 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 350 1.400 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 11.80 5.90 18.00 126.2 24.0 102.2 0.46 46.5 70.5
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 11.80 15.50 13.65 20.00 293.0 101.5 191.5 0.43 81.7 183.2
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.9 0 Unit 2a(ii) 15.50 21.94 18.72 20.00 394.4 152.2 242.2 0.48 117.5 269.6
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 21.94 25.26 23.60 20.00 491.9 201.0 291.0 0.48 141.1 342.1
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 258 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 25.26 28.58 26.92 20.00 558.3 234.2 324.2 0.48 157.2 391.4
i Unit 2a(ii) 28.58 31.90 30.24 20.00 624.7 267.4 357.4 0.48 173.3 440.7
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 23.4
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 11.7 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.20 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.35 σv kPa 291.0 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.56 Support Ratio α 0.40
F1 - 3.51 grouting pressure pi kPa 115.83
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.36 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 107 plastic radius Re m 5.740 5.740 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 115.83 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 291 1.0 crown mm 54.98 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.62 10.91 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 25
Chainage 3 + 520
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.3 3.33 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 23.30 5 Unit 1 0.0 11.3 0 33 18 25 0 0 373 203 283 11 0 11.3
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 11.3 15.5 5 35 20 55 0 21 147 84 231 4 0 4.2
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 15.5 23.3 26 31 20 80 125 203 242 156 624 8 975 7.8
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 23.3 26.6 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 26.6 29.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 29.9 33.3 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 14.5 32.2 19.3 58.2 66.7 482.8 1070.5 642.6 1934.4 33.3 2220.1 33.3
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.61 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.1
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.32 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.60 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 585.6 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 412.7 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 470.3
pore pressure u kPa 249.8 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 335.8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 162.9 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 330 375 Unit from to 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 375 1.500 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.1 0 Unit 1 0.00 11.30 5.65 18.00 121.7 23.5 98.2 0.46 44.7 68.2
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 2a(i) 11.30 15.50 13.40 20.00 288.0 101.0 187.0 0.43 79.7 180.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 11.0 0 Unit 2a(ii) 15.50 23.30 19.40 20.00 408.0 161.0 247.0 0.48 119.8 280.8
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 23.30 26.62 24.96 20.00 519.2 216.6 302.6 0.48 146.8 363.4
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 275 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 26.62 29.94 28.28 20.00 585.6 249.8 335.8 0.48 162.9 412.7
i Unit 2a(ii) 29.94 33.26 31.60 20.00 652.0 283.0 369.0 0.48 179.0 462.0
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 25.0
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 12.5 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.34 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.51 σv kPa 302.6 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.58 Support Ratio α 0.41
F1 - 3.59 grouting pressure pi kPa 125.19
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.35 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 113 plastic radius Re m 5.700 5.700 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 125.19 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 313 1.0 crown mm 55.31 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.63 10.97 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 26
Chainage 3 + 600
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 3.7 3.69 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 24.40 5 Unit 1 0.0 10.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 347 189 263 11 0 10.5
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 10.5 15.5 5 35 20 55 0 25 175 100 275 5 0 5.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 15.5 24.4 26 31 20 80 125 231 276 178 712 9 1113 8.9
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(ii) 24.4 27.7 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 26.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 27.7 31.0 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 31.0 i Unit 2a(ii) 31.0 34.4 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 125.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 15.0 32.2 19.4 59.6 68.6 515.4 1106.2 666.2 2046.5 34.4 2357.8 34.4
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.62 Average over tunnel diameter 26.0 31.0 20.0 80.0 125.0 259.0 308.8 199.2 796.8 10.0 1245.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 20.3
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.39 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.72 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 607.6 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 427.0 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 487.2
pore pressure u kPa 256.8 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 350.8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 170.1 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 337 483 Unit from to centre 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 483 1.930 Elastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.0 0 Unit 1 0.00 10.50 5.25 18.00 114.5 15.5 99.0 0.46 45.1 60.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.20 0 Unit 2a(i) 10.50 15.50 13.00 20.00 280.0 93.0 187.0 0.43 79.7 172.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 5.0 0 Unit 2a(ii) 15.50 24.40 19.95 20.00 419.0 162.5 256.5 0.48 124.4 286.9
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 24.40 27.72 26.06 20.00 541.2 223.6 317.6 0.48 154.0 377.7
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 283 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 27.72 31.04 29.38 20.00 607.6 256.8 350.8 0.48 170.1 427.0
i Unit 2a(ii) 31.04 34.36 32.70 20.00 674.0 290.0 384.0 0.48 186.2 476.3
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 25.7
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 17.1 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.12 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.45 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.58 σv kPa 317.6 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.57 Support Ratio α 0.71
F1 - 3.57 grouting pressure pi kPa 225.68
F2 - 0.62 φ' rad 0.35 c' kPa 17.33
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 153 plastic radius Re m 4.980 4.670 Elastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 225.68 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 360 1.0 crown mm 25.04 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 1.19 4.97 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.20 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 27
Chainage 3 + 640
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 115.0 95.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 2.60 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 22.56 5 Unit 1 0.0 8.7 0 33 18 25 0 0 287 157 218 9 0 8.7
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(ii) Unit 2a(i) 8.7 15.0 5 35 20 55 0 32 221 126 347 6 0 6.3
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(ii) 15.0 22.6 26 31 20 80 125 197 234 151 605 8 945 7.6
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2b c Unit 2a(ii) 22.6 25.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 35.7 x Unit 2a(ii) 25.9 29.2 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3 i Unit 2b 29.2 32.5 55 35 20 100 175 183 116 66 332 3 581 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 141.7
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 17.9 32.7 19.5 62.5 72.5 583.4 1064.1 633.1 2032.2 32.5 2356.4 32.5
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.80 Average over tunnel diameter 35.7 32.3 20.0 86.7 141.7 355.2 322.0 199.2 863.2 10.0 1411.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 26.8
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.46 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 15.45 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 665.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 454.5 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 524.9
pore pressure u kPa 255.4 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 410.4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 199.0 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 336 405 Unit from to centre 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 405 1.620 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.1 0 Unit 1 0.00 8.70 4.35 18.00 193.3 23.5 169.8 0.46 77.3 100.8
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.57 0 Unit 2a(i) 8.70 15.00 11.85 20.00 352.0 98.5 253.5 0.43 108.1 206.6
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 13.2 0 Unit 2a(ii) 15.00 22.56 18.78 20.00 490.6 167.8 322.8 0.48 156.6 324.4
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(ii) 22.56 25.88 24.22 20.00 599.5 222.2 377.2 0.48 182.9 405.2
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 281 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 25.88 29.20 27.54 20.00 665.9 255.4 410.4 0.48 199.0 454.5
i Unit 2b 29.20 32.52 30.86 20.00 732.3 288.6 443.6 0.43 189.2 477.8
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0 0.0 115.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0 0.0 115.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0 0.0 115.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115.0 0.0 115.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 25.5
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 12.8 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 2.27 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 1.56 σv kPa 377.2 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.31 Support Ratio α 0.40
F1 - 2.62 grouting pressure pi kPa 149.57
F2 - 0.53 φ' rad 0.47 c' kPa 23.78
F3 - 0.08 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 107 plastic radius Re m 5.360 5.360 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 149.57 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 313 1.0 crown mm 66.73 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 3.18 13.24 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.57 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 28
Chainage 3 + 880
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 2.93 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 16.89 5 Unit 1 0.0 9.5 0 33 18 25 0 0 314 171 238 10 0 9.5
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) 9.5 5.0 5 35 20 55 0 -23 -158 -90 -248 -5 0 -4.5
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(i) 5.0 16.9 5 35 20 55 0 59 416 238 654 12 0 11.9
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2b c Unit 2a(i) 16.9 20.2 5 35 20 55 0 17 116 66 183 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 28.7 x Unit 2a(ii) 20.2 23.5 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 33.7 i Unit 2b 23.5 26.8 55 35 20 100 175 183 116 66 332 3 581 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 100.0
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 12.0 33.8 19.3 53.0 37.1 322.5 907.3 517.9 1423.9 26.8 996.0 26.8
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.61 Average over tunnel diameter 28.7 33.7 20.0 78.3 100.0 285.5 335.3 199.2 780.2 10.0 996.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 22.2
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 19.29 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.66 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 457.3 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 324.1 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 368.5
pore pressure u kPa 198.7 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 258.7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 125.4 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 273 263 Unit from to centre 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 273 1.050 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 9.50 4.75 18.00 105.5 27.5 78.0 0.46 35.5 63.0
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.49 0 Unit 2a(i) 9.50 5.00 7.25 20.00 165.0 52.5 112.5 0.43 48.0 100.5
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.4 0 Unit 2a(i) 5.00 16.89 10.94 20.00 238.9 89.4 149.4 0.43 63.7 153.2
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(i) 16.89 20.21 18.55 20.00 390.9 165.5 225.5 0.43 96.1 261.6
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 219 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 20.21 23.53 21.87 20.00 457.3 198.7 258.7 0.48 125.4 324.1
i Unit 2b 23.53 26.85 25.19 20.00 523.7 231.9 291.9 0.43 124.5 356.3
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 19.9
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 9.9 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.49 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.70 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.99 σv kPa 225.5 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.46 Support Ratio α 0.28
F1 - 3.19 grouting pressure pi kPa 63.84
F2 - 0.61 φ' rad 0.39 c' kPa 19.11
F3 - 0.06 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 75 plastic radius Re m 5.910 5.910 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 63.84 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 224 1.0 crown mm 52.24 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.49 10.36 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.49 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 29
Chainage 4 + 000
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 2.0 2.73 axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m 15.26 5 Unit 1 0.0 5.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 165 90 125 5 0 5.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown OK Unit 2a(i) Unit 2a(i) Unit 1 5.0 14.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 297 162 225 9 0 9.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 2a(i) 14.0 15.3 5 35 20 55 0 6 44 25 70 1 0 1.3
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 2a(i) 15.3 18.6 5 35 20 55 0 17 116 66 183 3 0 3.3
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa 19.0 x Unit 2a(ii) 18.6 21.9 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg 32.3 i Unit 2a(ii) 21.9 25.2 26 31 20 80 125 86 103 66 266 3 415 3.3
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa 83.3
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden 7.8 32.8 18.9 44.9 32.9 195.6 828.3 476.5 1133.3 25.2 830.0 25.2
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - 0.62 Average over tunnel diameter 19.0 32.3 20.0 71.7 83.3 189.2 322.0 199.2 713.8 10.0 830.0 10.0
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg 21.4
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 18.89 SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 11.51 consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa 424.9 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa 300.0 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa 341.6
pore pressure u kPa 182.4 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa 242.4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa 117.6 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss 255 243 Unit from to centre 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa 255 0.970 Plastic m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - 1.2 0 Unit 1 0.00 5.00 2.50 18.00 65.0 5.0 60.0 0.46 27.3 32.3
volume loss VL2 VL2 % 0.50 0 Unit 1 5.00 14.00 9.50 18.00 191.0 75.0 116.0 0.46 52.8 127.8
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm 10.1 0 Unit 2a(i) 14.00 15.26 14.63 20.00 312.6 126.3 186.3 0.43 79.5 205.8
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 2a(i) 15.26 18.58 16.92 20.00 358.5 149.2 209.2 0.43 89.2 238.5
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa 201 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) 18.58 21.90 20.24 20.00 424.9 182.4 242.4 0.48 117.6 300.0
i Unit 2a(ii) 21.90 25.22 23.56 20.00 491.3 215.6 275.6 0.48 133.7 349.3
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m 18.2
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m 9.1 Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 1 kp 3.30 b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - 1.53 shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - 0.83 σv kPa 209.2 9 c
Factors F0 - 0.49 Support Ratio α 0.29
F1 - 3.26 grouting pressure pi kPa 60.06
F2 - 0.63 φ' rad 0.37 c' kPa 12.67
F3 - 0.05 tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa 95 plastic radius Re m 6.210 6.210 Plastic 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) 60.06 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa 228 1.0 crown mm 50.66 mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm 2.41 10.05 average displacement
pressure at crown VL % 0.50 1.00 add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Geoconsult Asia Singapore Page 30
Chainage #N/A
Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Surcharge q kPa 20.0 0.0 Average soil parameter upto tunnel centerline level
Tunnel diameter D m 9.960 Mark "x" Geot. depth depth c' φ' γ E N300 Cu c' xΔL φ' xΔL γ xΔL E xΔL N300 xΔL cu xΔL ΔL
Length of TBM cutter head P m 1.2 for tunnel Unit from to -- --
Groundwater below surface zw m 0.0 #N/A axis level m m kPa deg kN/m3 [MPa] [--] [m]
Overburden above crown C m #N/A 5 Unit 1 0.0 3.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 99 54 75 3 0 3.0
Geotechnical Unit at crown #N/A Unit 1 #N/A Unit 1 3.0 5.0 0 33 18 25 0 0 66 36 50 2 0 2.0
Geotechnical Unit at tunnel axis level Unit 2a(ii) 12 Unit 1 5.0 #N/A 0 33 18 25 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Geotechnical Unit at invert Unit 2a(ii) c Unit 1 #N/A #N/A 0 33 18 25 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Drained cohesion at face c' kPa #N/A x Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Drained friction angle at face φ' deg #N/A i Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A 26 31 20 80 125 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Undrained cohesion at face Cu kPa #N/A
Allow undrained case ("yes" for allow) n
Factor of safety overall FStot - 1.2
Factors for material strength γcu - 1.5
γφ - 1.5 Average over overburden #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
shear reduction factor (excess pwp) fφ - #N/A Average over tunnel diameter #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
reduced friction angle (excess pwp) φ' deg #N/A
Avg overburden bulk unit weight γ kN/m3 #N/A SPT
Avg overburden bouyant unit weight γ' kN/m3 #N/A consider zw and q depth [m]
Ground stresses at tunnel centre line N300 not used not used
total vertical stress σv kPa #N/A 7
total horizontal stress σh kPa #N/A 12 Average SPT #DIV/0!
total octaeder stress σct kPa #N/A
pore pressure u kPa #N/A 8 In-situ stress at centre of each layer
effective vertical stress σ'v kPa #N/A 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
effective horizontal stress σ'h kPa #N/A 11 Geot. depth depth Δd γ σv u σ'v k'o, min σ'h σh
Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss #N/A 500 Unit from to centre 0.0 Water pressure at ground surface
minimum tail void grouting pressure ptv kPa #N/A 2.000 #N/A m m m kN/m3 kPa kPa kPa - kPa kPa
ratio plastic radius / tunnel radius re/R - #N/A 0 Unit 1 0.00 3.00 1.50 18.00 47.0 15.0 32.0 0.46 14.6 29.6
volume loss VL2 VL2 % #N/A 0 Unit 1 3.00 5.00 4.00 18.00 92.0 40.0 52.0 0.46 23.7 63.7
radial displacement of soil in gap u mm #N/A 0 Unit 1 5.00 #N/A #N/A 18.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.46 #N/A #N/A
Air pressure for cutter head maintance c Unit 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A 18.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.46 #N/A #N/A
required air-pressure (u at centre) ua kPa #N/A 1.10 x Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
i Unit 2a(ii) #N/A #N/A #N/A 20.00 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.48 #N/A #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in undrained condition limit N 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Stability Number Tc - #N/A 6.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Calculated face pressure σTc kPa #N/A 7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Applied face pressure σ_face kPa #N/A 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 20.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Driving Mode #N/A
Face pressure for stable face in drained condition Calculation of minimum Tail Void Pressure to restrict Volume Loss
water table above axis h0 m #N/A
E' Mpa 80.0 ν' 0.25 G' Mpa 32.0
porewater pressure diff. due to flow Δh m #N/A Eu Mpa 106.7 νu 0.50 G MPa 35.6
check if h0 <H+D; yes=1, no=0 #N/A kp #N/A b 0.90 overcut m 0.010 0.0 0% part only due to
relation H/D - #N/A shield sitting in the invert
(h0-D)/D - #N/A σv kPa #N/A 9 c
Factors F0 - #N/A Support Ratio α #N/A
F1 - #N/A grouting pressure pi kPa #N/A
F2 - #N/A φ' rad #N/A c' kPa #N/A
F3 - #N/A tunnel radius R m 4.980
Effective support pressure σ' kPa #N/A plastic radius Re m #N/A #N/A #N/A 1.05 tolerance for plastic state
displacements pv = pi - g' * (Re-R) #N/A 0
Total support pressure σTOT kPa #N/A 1.0 crown mm #N/A mg = 1 / ν 4.00
consider pore side mm #N/A #N/A average displacement
pressure at crown VL % #N/A #N/A add closure along shield and increase if total
face support is less than required tail void pressure
Dubai Metro Project – Red Line
TBM Face Pressure Calculations WS ATKINS & PARTNERS OVERSEAS
5 Summary Drawings:
Nakayama san,
a) We prefer to adjust face pressure rather than annulus grouting pressures as a first action
to reduce likely settlement as it has a greater control impact and hence, intend not to
amend grouting pressure at this stage;
Therefore, despite the non-linear relationship between Volume Loss vs Face Pressure, given the
required volume loss change magnitude and applied face pressure range, we interpolate that an
increase by 35kPa in Total Face Pressure, will reduce Volume Loss by approximately 0.1%, that
is, a greater reduction than is required.
Min. face pressure
Stretch Chainage Original Revised
From To pressure pressure
(kPa) (kPa)
This advice may need to be refined by further analysis and the extent of changes may vary.
Notwithstanding this, as you know, we will need to validate the face pressure application and its
control of settlement through observation as tunnelling proceeds, on which basis our
assessments may need to be updated.
Stretch Chainage Min Cover (m) Depth to base Tunnel Volume loss VL Trough width Max settlement
From To Units 1 & 2ai (m) excavation (%) parameter, k (mm)
diameter (m)
1 Burjuman 00+120 18.2 21.5 9.59 0.49 0.30 20.6
2 00+120 00+540 21.5 24.8 9.59 0.49 0.30 17.9
3 00+540 00+760 22.0 13.9 9.59 0.49 0.27 19.7
4 00+760 00+820 21.4 13.4 9.59 0.49 0.27 20.1
5 00+820 00+880 10.7 3.1 9.59 0.29 0.29 19.0
6 00+880 01+000 11.3 4.3 9.59 0.23 0.28 14.7
7 01+000 01+180 17.7 10.0 9.59 0.49 0.27 23.1
8 01+180 01+260 15.7 19.0 9.59 0.50 0.30 23.5
9 01+260 01+340 13.5 20.2 9.59 0.50 0.30 26.3
10 01+340 01+420 12.0 18.7 9.59 0.50 0.30 28.6
11 01+420 01+540 11.0 17.5 9.59 0.49 0.30 29.9
12 01+540 Union Sq - - - - - - Fig 4-1 extracted from Report DM001-E-ACW-DDR-DR-DCC-339970, Rev B1
13 Union Sq 01+810 13.0 17.5 9.59 0.50 0.30 27.0
14 01+810 01+930 14.1 15.2 9.59 0.50 0.30 25.5
15 01+930 02+070 16.0 13.5 9.59 0.50 0.26 27.0
16 02+070 02+250 20.8 24.1 9.59 0.49 0.30 18.4
17 02+250 02+350 20.9 11.0 9.59 0.50 0.27 20.5
18 02+350 02+510 18.5 8.5 9.59 0.50 0.28 22.4
19 02+510 02+710 16.0 12.5 9.59 0.50 0.26 26.6
20 02+710 Al Rigga - - - - - -
21 Al Rigga 02+860 15.8 12.5 9.59 0.50 0.26 26.9
22 02+860 03+060 18.7 12.0 9.59 0.50 0.27 22.9
23 03+060 03+180 18.7 22.0 9.59 0.50 0.30 20.5
24 03+180 03+400 21.9 15.5 9.59 0.50 0.26 20.4
25 03+400 03+520 23.3 15.5 9.59 0.50 0.27 19.3
26 03+520 03+600 24.4 15.5 9.59 0.20 0.27 7.4
27 03+600 03+640 22.6 15.0 9.59 0.57 0.27 22.6
28 03+640 03+880 16.9 20.2 9.59 0.49 0.30 21.8
29 03+880 04+000 15.3 18.6 9.59 0.50 0.30 24.0
30 04+000 City Centre - - - - - -