Ingredients For Change: Revisiting A Conceptual Framework: Viewpoint
Ingredients For Change: Revisiting A Conceptual Framework: Viewpoint
Ingredients For Change: Revisiting A Conceptual Framework: Viewpoint
Finding ways to deliver care based on the best possible tiveness (PACE) programme4 and the South
evidence remains an ongoing challenge. Further Thames Evidence-based Practice Project (STEP)5
indicate that the reality is messy and challenging
theoretical developments of a conceptual framework are and not easily represented by rational models.
presented which influence the uptake of evidence into
practice. A concept analysis has been conducted on the BACKGROUND
In 1998 we presented a conceptual framework
key elements of the framework—evidence, context, and (the Promoting Action on Research Implementa-
facilitation—leading to refinement of the framework. tion in Health Services (PARIHS) framework)
While these three essential elements remain key to the which we proposed represented the interplay and
interdependence of the many factors influencing
process of implementation, changes have been made to the uptake of evidence into practice.1 This multi-
their constituent sub-elements, enabling the detail of the dimensional framework was developed in an
framework to be revised. The concept analysis has attempt to represent the complexity of the change
process involved in implementing evidence-based
shown that the relationship between the elements and practice.
sub-elements and their relative importance need to be The framework—developed from collective
better understood when implementing evidence based experience gained from research, practice devel-
opment, and quality improvement projects—
practice. Increased understanding of these relationships suggested that successful implementation can be
would help staff to plan more effective change explained by a function of the relationship
strategies. Anecdotal reports suggest that the framework between three elements: evidence, context, and
facilitation. The framework considers these ele-
has a good level of validity. It is planned to develop it ments to have a dynamic simultaneous relation-
into a practical tool to aid those involved in planning, ship, and each is positioned on a “high” to “low”
implementing, and evaluating the impact of changes in continuum. The hypothesis offered is that, for
implementation of evidence to be successful,
health care. there needs to be clarity about the nature of the
.......................................................................... evidence being used, the quality of the context,
and the type of facilitation needed to ensure a
“Despite growing acknowledgement within the research successful change process. Theoretical and retro-
community that the implementation of research into spective analysis of four studies undertaken by
practice is a complex and messy task, conceptual models the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Institute led
describing the process still tend to be unidimensional, to a proposal that the most successful implemen-
suggesting some linearity and logic.”1 tation occurs when (1) the evidence is scientifi-
cally robust and matches professional consensus
and patient needs (“high” evidence); (2) the con-
trategies for improving the delivery of health
care at a national and international level text is receptive to change with sympathetic
include evidence based practice, clinical cultures, strong leadership, and appropriate
effectiveness, evidence based clinical guidelines, monitoring and feedback systems (“high” con-
and audit, and considerable investment is being text); and (3) there is appropriate facilitation of
made in a new infrastructure to support these change with input from skilled external and
initiatives. Finding ways to deliver care based on internal facilitators (“high” facilitation).
See end of article for the best possible evidence remains an ongoing Since the framework was proposed and opened
authors’ affiliations challenge. For a healthcare professional entering up to scrutiny it has received much attention and
....................... practice, it would not be unreasonable (although interest and appears to have face validity to those
possibly naïve) to expect that, given the political in the field implementing evidence-based practice
Correspondence to:
Ms J Rycroft-Malone, enthusiasm behind such evidence based tools as and quality improvement. It now seems timely to
Research & Development guidelines, the natural course of action would be report on the theoretical developments that the
Fellow, RCN Institute, for practitioners automatically to use them in framework has undergone since its conception.
Radcliffe Infirmary,
Woodstock Road, Oxford
their everyday practice. Indeed, some early
OX2 6HE, UK; conceptual models of the implementation of evi- CLARIFYING THE ELEMENTS OF THE
joanne.rycroft-malone@ dence into practice advocated a linear and logical FRAMEWORK process where the emphasis was on informing Although the implementation framework pre-
Accepted for publication
and monitoring with a view to changing sented in 1998 resonates with people’s real and
16 January 2002 practice.2 3 More recent experience via projects practical experiences of applying new knowledge
....................... such as the Promoting Action on Clinical Effec- to practice, the elements outlined had not been
Conceptual framework 175
subjected to a systematic analysis derived from relevant Box 1 Evidence as a social construct
literature. Morse6 argues that clarity of the concepts used in
practice is needed as relatively little time has been spent on
examining the theoretical foundations that underpin the Ferlie et al11 report a case study of the uptake of low
delivery of health care. To provide some theoretical rigour and molecular weight heparin (described as a novel drug) as
conceptual clarity to the constituent elements, a concept antithrombolytic prophylaxis after elective orthopaedic
analysis of each of the three dimensions was conducted.6 7 One surgery for hips and knees. Its use in orthopaedic surgery
of the outcomes of this process has been a refinement of the is controversial because the research evidence base is
framework (shown in Appendix 1). variable. In this study the use of the drug was found to be
influenced by the beliefs of a core group of orthopaedic
surgeons, the views of practitioners about the “formal sci-
ence” versus a different model of knowledge based on
In 1998 we identified three different strands of “evidence”
tacit or experiential knowledge, and other factors such as
that can be used in clinical decision making—research, clinical
whether a critical mass of colleagues adopted the new
experience, and patient preferences. Located on a continuum
prescribing practices. There was no consensus among the
of high to low, “high” research evidence was presented as sys-
orthopaedic surgeons about the evidence base of the
tematic reviews and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and
practice and, as a result, uptake of the new drug was
“low” as anecdotal and descriptive information. Similarly,
“patchy”. It is possible that the chances of successful
patient preferences were located on a high to low continuum
implementation may have been increased by articulating
where “high” was indicated by a partnership approach to
the differences in opinions and perhaps by seeking to
decision making and “low” by a lack of involvement. It was
reach a consensus.
suggested that, to maximise the uptake of evidence into prac-
tice, evidence on all three continua needs to be located
towards “high” on these dimensions.
The concept analysis work undertaken still identifies knowledge also make a contribution. Titchen12 defined profes-
research evidence as only one part of the picture in clinical sional craft knowledge or professional “know how” as the
decision making, but more thought has been given to the fac- often tacit and sometimes intuitive knowledge that is embed-
tors that might influence its uptake in practice. Importantly, ded in practice, and argued that it can be made more widely
while evidence from research, clinical experience, and the available if it is “articulated, critically reviewed, generated and
validated by individual practitioners and their peers, through
users of health care are recognised as important sources, it is
critical reflection on practice”. As a result, it is possible for
argued here that, whatever source of knowledge is drawn
professional craft knowledge to be transformed to proposi-
upon, it needs to have been subjected to scrutiny and found to
tional knowledge and verified consensually through critical
be credible.8 This acknowledges the importance of conducting
reflection, critique, and debate of clinical experience. Thus,
critical appraisal before considering implementation.
when knowledge from clinical experience is used as part of
Different sources of evidence will be valued in different
decision making, we argue that it should be made explicit and
ways by different groups of people—for example, research
verified through these processes. Similarly, Upshur13 argues
evidence can be counter to patient preferences. One such that clinical common sense needs to be evaluated to the same
example concerns the use of beta-interferon in the treatment extent as trial evidence, otherwise no honing of clinical
of multiple sclerosis, where the Appraisal Committee of the reasoning is possible. This can be achieved by testing against
National Institute for Clinical Excellence considers that “the the professional craft knowledge, research knowledge, and
modest clinical benefit (of beta-interferon) appears to be out- theoretical knowledge of others.12
weighed by its very high cost”.9 Upshur10 considers that “the Ferlie et al11 also acknowledge the necessity for a reflective
production, interpretation, dissemination and implementa- practitioner to examine his or her own practice to identify
tion of evidence is a social process subject to the forces and local patterns. They argue for the need for some scepticism in
vagaries of social life”. He draws our attention to the the successful implementation of interventions based on the
“unarticulated or unacknowledged extra-evidential consid- principles of evidence-based medicine on three counts:
erations” such as values, underscoring evidence and concludes
• Much of the science is seen in practice as inconclusive or
that “the evidence we seek is partly constituted by what we
value and what we need to know” (box 1). In recognising the
social aspects of evidence we propose in the framework that • Groups of professionals retain substantial autonomy over
individuals and teams need to agree on the results of the their work practices and tend to resist external interven-
appraisal to reach a consensus about it so that it becomes val- tions from research and development functions.
ued as a valid source of evidence (or not). • Much of the clinical knowledge is tacit and experiential so
Additional refinements as a result of the concept analysis that the findings of evidence-based medicine are not
include revisions to the indicators attached to the three accepted as valid to practice.
strands of evidence. In 1998 “high” evidence was considered
to be evidence derived from systematic reviews and RCTs. They suggest a “good practice model” which has a strong
While evidence from high quality RCTs can answer clinical emphasis on continuing professional development and indi-
questions about effectiveness, there are many types of clinical vidual learning rather than formal evidence-based principles.
problems and issues which are not about effectiveness. In such The idea of embracing “reflection on practice” has also been
cases research evidence drawn from other designs and highlighted by Berwick14 who shows how a major improve-
paradigms is appropriate. For example, it would be more ment in patient care (outcome measures for cardiovascular
appropriate to conduct an exploratory interview study to disease using an RCT design) would not have been recognised
investigate patients’ experience of having a leg ulcer than to from a conventional perspective. In this example, surgeons
carry out an RCT. The framework therefore now acknowledges were encouraged through a process of reflection and
that different types of research evidence are needed to answer evaluation to use their “hard” data to interpret more
different clinical questions. What is critical to implementation effectively what was working and what required improve-
is that well conceived, designed, and conducted research is ment. These data did not meet the RCT standard but, despite
drawn upon, whether quantitative or qualitative. this, Berwick argues that the surgeons’ openness and willing-
While research evidence aids decision making, it does not ness to debate how they could improve their clinical outcomes
dictate the process; clinical experience or professional craft added incalculable value to the data.
176 Rycroft-Malone, Kitson, Harvey, et al
The RCN publication “Ouch! Sort it out. Children’s experi- Dopson et al4 in their evaluation of the Promoting Action on
ences of pain”16 provides an example of how patients’ sto- Clinical Effectiveness (PACE) programme highlight the
ries (in this case, children’s) can be incorporated into the importance of understanding the political and cultural con-
development of an evidence linked guideline.17 Through text for achieving change. A contextual analysis identified
techniques such as a drama workshop, video workshop, the receptiveness of the context(s) to change. For the PACE
graffiti wall, sentence completion, play, and interviews, projects this information was not only important in terms of
children were given the opportunity to share their identifying potential barriers to change (individuals and
experiences of treatment and care and what they would structures), but it was also useful when planning strategies
like to happen when they are in pain. This patient experi- to overcome obstacles or engaging support.
ence was then used as one of the evidence sources which
fed into the development of a guideline that also incorpo-
rated research evidence and expert or practitioner opinion
Box 4 The impact of culture in implementation
Ward and McCormack26 in a two year action research
study of ward leaders’ development of cultural change
The third strand of evidence in the framework—from users found that the dominant organisational culture had a
of the health service—has also been reconsidered. While there significant impact on the ability of ward leaders to bring
is a great deal of rhetoric about patient or user involvement in about changes in practice. While it was possible to track
decision making and care, it is an issue that is complex and progress towards the development of a learning culture by
poorly understood. Recognising that patient preferences systematic evaluation, the power of the overall organisa-
should be part of the decision making process, we suggest that tional culture impacted significantly on the practice
patient narratives and experiences should also be seen as a contexts. The culture here was characterised by an
valid source of evidence (box 2). While it is still unclear how aggressive application of disciplinary procedures, top
best to combine these in human based rather than data based down and imposed audit, and a traditional approach to
decision making,15 the value of participatory interactions learning. In addition, repeated questions were asked
would appear to be important. about the value and time scale of the project in the current
Even though the concept analysis has resulted in some of climate of increasing efficiency and drive for immediate
the elements and indicators being refined, we still suggest that answers. While the ward leaders became more empow-
it is appropriate to consider evidence on a continuum of “high” ered to bring about changes in their own practice contexts,
to “low”. The same logic therefore applies to successful imple- the development programme itself did not impact on the
mentation which is more likely to occur when research, clini- overall organisational culture, resulting in the failure of
cal and patient experience are located towards “high”. The changes to be fully implemented.
challenge remains, however, to understand better how these
are combined in clinical decision making and how more effec-
tive care can be delivered by melding this broader evidence within the organisational context. We are therefore reiterating
base. the need to have an understanding of the prevailing values
and beliefs as a prerequisite to introducing and sustaining
Context change (box 3).
The context in which healthcare practice occurs can be seen as The concept of a learning organisation20 continues to be key
infinite as it takes place in a variety of settings, communities, to a context that facilitates change. Organisations that value
and cultures that are all influenced by, for example, economic, the contributions of individuals, are open, have decentralised
social, political, fiscal, historical, and psychosocial factors. In decision making, a shared vision, and quality organisational
the PARIHS framework the term “context” is used to refer to systems tend to build innovative facilitative cultures.20–24 The
the environment or setting in which people receive healthcare idea that leadership summarises the nature of human
services or, in the context of getting research evidence into relationships whereby effective leadership gives rise to clear
practice, “the environment or setting in which the proposed roles and effective team work and effective organisational
change is to be implemented”.1 In its most simplistic form, the structures1 25 also remains a key facet of the framework for
term here means the physical environment in which practice getting evidence into practice. It is argued that “transforma-
takes place. Such an environment has boundaries and tional leaders” as opposed to those who “command and con-
structures that together shape the environment for practice. trol” have the ability to transform cultures to create a context
The concept analysis suggested that the dominant environ- more conducive to the integration of evidence into practice.24
ment in which healthcare practice exists currently is that of Further research is required to understand the cause and
Chin’s multiple clusters and multiple systems environment— effect relationship between leadership and culture (box 4).
that is, a turbulent environment characterised by competing Reconsideration has been given to the sub-element of con-
“force fields” that are never static and constantly changing.18 text labelled in 1998 as “measurement”. Measurement is both
However, the concept analysis also identified key characteris- part of the research process that generates evidence on which
tics of environment that are conducive to research to base practice and part of the evaluation or feedback process
utilisation—namely, clearly defined boundaries; clarity about that demonstrates whether or not changes in practice are
decision making processes; clarity about patterns of power appropriate/effective/efficient. As such it is an essential aspect
and authority; resources, information and feedback systems; of an environment wishing to implement evidence-based
active management of competing “force fields” that are never practice. However, recent healthcare reforms such as clinical
static; and systems in place that enable dynamic processes of governance indicate that a reliance on what could be termed
change and continuous development. “hard” outcome measures alone may not capture the
Bate19 suggests that the way organisational culture is complexities of today’s organisations. Moreover, as we argue
understood in the context of practice is essential to for the use of three strands of “evidence” in clinical decision
understanding how best to bring about cultural change. Cru- making, this stance requires different broader evaluative tech-
cially, many diverse and conflicting cultures can operate niques. We therefore suggest that it is more appropriate to
Conceptual framework 177
178 Rycroft-Malone, Kitson, Harvey, et al
facilitation. Overall, however, it would appear that the distinc- Key messages
tion between the facilitator role and that of other change
agents, particularly educational outreach workers, is far from • Getting evidence into practice is not realistically repre-
clear. sented by models that propose that implementation is a lin-
In terms of the framework as a whole, the analysis suggests ear and logical process.
that the facilitator has a key role to play, not only in effecting • The PARIHS framework attempts to represent the complexity
the context in which change is taking place, but also in work- of the processes involved in implementation and a
ing with practitioners to make sense of the “evidence” being refinement of a model first published in 1998 is presented.
implemented. The interaction between facilitation and con- • The nature of the evidence, the quality of the context, and
the type of facilitation all impact simultaneously on whether
text and evidence is still not fully understood.
implementation is successful.
• Implementation is more likely to be successful when:
Summary • Evidence (research, clinical experience, and patient
The concept analysis has allowed the project team to scrutinise experience) is well conceived, designed, and
the sub-elements and indicators and consequently to refine executed and there is consensus about it.
further the framework presented in 1998. However, it would • The context in which the evidence is being
be premature to suggest that this represents a final version. implemented is characterised by clarity of roles,
This process has highlighted the timeliness of conducting fur- decentralised decision making, transformational
ther work on the framework and the concepts contained leadership, and a reliance on multiple sources of
within it. information on performance.
• Facilitation mechanisms appropriate to the needs of
FUTURE PLANS the situation have been instigated.
Research work is currently underway to validate and refine • One of the intended outcomes of this project is to provide
the framework further. This phase will provide a data set to practitioners with a tool and resource that they can use to
ensure that the framework is comprehensive, but will also plan, implement, and track their own strategies for change.
provide us with an opportunity to ensure that the language of
the framework is comprehensible and relevant to practitioners
and those implementing evidence-based practice. of the three elements that constitute the framework has been
We are aware that the framework has been used by others to important in verifying and challenging the content as it was
structure change and develop practice. In these projects the originally presented in 1998. The essential elements of the
main elements of the framework have been used as an “aide framework are the same in that we believe evidence, context,
memoire” to think through the areas that require targeting. and facilitation remain key to the process of implementation.
So, for example, with regard to evidence, practitioners would be The changes made represent the results of a process of critical
encouraged to seek out research evidence about the topic thinking about what constitutes the sub-elements of evi-
identified for change, see how that matches with their clinical dence, context, and facilitation and how these relate to
experience and that of their colleagues, and ascertain how successful implementation of evidence-based practice. It is
congruent it is with the experience of patients. The framework therefore the detail of the framework that has been revised.
has also been used to evaluate projects where the framework The sub-elements now reflect a critical review of the literature
becomes a post hoc check list. and are more distinct than those first proposed in 1998.
Given its apparent usefulness, it has the potential to be Although some of the content of the framework has been
developed into a practical tool to aid those involved in refined, the basic mechanics of it remain the same. We still
planning, implementing, and evaluating the impact of propose that successful implementation is more likely to occur
changes in health care. It is envisaged that a “toolkit” will be when evidence and context are located towards “high” and
developed which will include a self-assessment tool (based on appropriate facilitation has been instigated. However, the con-
the elements in the framework) to be completed to assess cept analysis process has also highlighted that more needs to
readiness for change, leading to a set of scores which would be understood about the relationship(s) between evidence,
indicate the sort of intervention(s) and work that would be context, and facilitation and their relative importance when
required to facilitate implementation. The toolkit will also implementing evidence-based practice. If we can increase our
outline the methods by which change and progress through- understanding of this, we would be better placed to help staff
out an implementation project can be tracked. The piloting begin to plan and implement more effective change strategies.
and testing of such a toolkit will form part of a bigger imple- It is hoped that the planned future work will begin to uncover
mentation project to be led by the RCN Institute in collabora- the answers to some of these complex issues.
tion with project partners.
The authors thank Alison Loftus-Hills for her contribution to the
CONCLUSIONS evidence base of facilitation.
The implicit assumption of this framework remains that the
implementation of good quality research is likely to have .....................
improved outcomes for patients and is therefore important for Authors’ affiliations
quality patient care. While health professionals are still seek- J Rycroft-Malone, A Kitson, G Harvey, K Seers, A Titchen, RCN
Institute, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HE, UK
ing ways of achieving this, the framework presents our B McCormack , University of Ulster, Royal Hospitals Trust, Belfast, UK
conceptualisation of the key ingredients. The concept analysis C Estabrooks, University of Alberta, Canada
Conceptual framework 179
Research Low High
Judged as relevant
Importance weighted
Conclusions drawn
Anecdote, with no critical reflection Clinical experience and expertise reflected upon,
Seen as only one type of evidence Seen as one part of the decision
Judged as relevant
Importance weighted
Conclusions drawn
Seen as the only type of evidence Partnerships with health care professionals
Judged as relevant
Importance weighted
Conclusions drawn
Context Low High
Receptiveness to change
on performance
180 Rycroft-Malone, Kitson, Harvey, et al
Low High
No mechanisms or Appropriate
facilitation in place
credibility Realness/authenticity