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Icarus and Daedalus

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NARRATOR: Daedalus is the master builder who lived with his son Icarus in

DAEDALUS: I am Daedalus, I live in Athens where I am known for being a great

craftsman, inventor and an architect. And I have a son whose name is Icarus.

NARRATOR: Unfortunately, Daedalus is a jealous streak. His nephew Talus

invented the saw. Daedalus became jealous that he tosses him off the
Acropolis. Daedalus banished from his homeland because of what he did and
heads to the Island of Crete.

MINOS: I am Minos the king of Crete.The husband of Pasiphae and the father of
three children. I called famous craftsman of Athens Daedalus to build me a
Labyrinth to imprison the dreaded Minotaur.

: Daedalus I called you to build a maze that even you barely find the way out of
it. A maze with countless passages then changes into new ways.

DAEDALUS: My king, it is an honor to build you a maze, but why?

MINOS: I called you to build a maze to imprison a Minotaur.

NARRATOR: A Minotaur is a monster with a head of a bull and a body of a man.

He is the son of Pasiphaae with a bull that Poseidon had sent to Minos as a gift.

: The Minotaur demands human sacrifice. Every year King Minos sends seven
young men and women into the labyrinth to be feed to the Minotaur.

THESEUS: I am Theseus the heroic king of Athens volunteer myself to be sent to

the Minotaur in the hopes of killing the beast.

NARRATOR: When Theseus arrived to Crete, Ariadne, Minos daughter fell in love
with him. Ariadne wants Theseus to be safe from the Minotaur and the only
person she can think of that can help her beloved Theseus is the one who built it.

ARIADNE: Daedalus I beg you, don't let Theseus perish in the maze. You're the
only one who really knows the maze since you designed it.

DAEDALUS: Well there might be a way.

NARRATOR: Daedalus visited Theseus in his prison cell the night before the
sacrifice was to take place.

DAEDALUS: Take this ball of thread with you. Tie this to the door as you enter and
whuch you could find the way out after killing the best, simply by following the
thread back.

THESEUS: Thank you so much.

NARRATOR: The next day, Theseus was put in the maze. Daedalus instructed
Ariadne to wait out for Theseus outside the maze. : And sure enough, after
Theseus killed the Minotaur he was able to escape. And he and Ariadne leave
Crete together. : When king Minos found out what Daedalus had done he was
so enraged.

MINOS: Daedalus, you're the only person who knows the inside od the maze.
You are the only one who could have helped them escape. As a punishment
you and your son Icarus will be imprisoned in the labyrinth forever.

Narrator: Because of King Minos command, Daedalus and his son, Icarus, is
trapped in the maze.

ICARUS: Father, isn’t there anything you can do?

DAEDALUS: I don’t think so. I made the maze so difficult. I’m afraid there’s no
hope. But I’ll think of something.

NARRATOR: Daedalus and Icarus have spent many sleepless nights thinking of a
way out of the Labyrinth knowing that the land and water of Crete is perfectly
guarded by King Minos army, thus they would not be able to escape by sea
either. And the only way left was the air.

DAEDALUS: Son, I saw this branches of Osier, we can use this to make wings and
the wax I made to stick it together.

ICARUS: That’s a brilliant idea, Father. And I can help you build it.

DAEDALUS: Let’s start making that wing so that we can go out of this maze
quickly as possible.

NARRATOR: After much work, Daedalus and Icarus finally to finish the set of
wings. Daedalus managed to create gigantic wings using the branches of Osier
and connected it with wax with the help of his son’s sling.
DAEDALUS: Son, listen to me carefully I will teach you how to fly. Follow me
closely and fly at a middle height. If you fly too low the seawater will dampen
your wings and if you fly too high the sun will melt your wings. Got it?

ICARUS: Got it, dad.

NARRATOR: Daedalus and Icarus managed to escape the Labyrinth and flew to
the sky, free. Icarus being too young and enthusiastic he got to excited of flying
so he started flying high, diving low and fly high up again.

ICARUS: Father, we are flying so high.

DAEDALUS: Icarus, son I told you don’t fly too high or else the sun will melt the
wax and the wings will fall off.

NARRATOR: Being of a youthful mind, Icarus didn’t listen in his father’s warning,
thus the wax on his wings melted and his wings fell off.


NARRATOR: Deadalus tried to save his son, but it was too late. The feathers
floating on the water is the only thing he can find. Daedalus is devastated by his
son’s death, but he must go on. As an honor for a not-so-well behaved son,
Deadalus named the ocean Icarian Sea where Icarus fell.

NARRATOR: Still mourning, of the death of his son Daedalus flies to the island of
Sicily where he was welcomed at the court of King Cocalus. On the island’s
South Coast built a temple for Apollo, and hung up his wings as an offering to
the Olympian God.

NARRATOR: As Daedalus lived peacefully in the court of the king of Sicily. King
Minos was pacing back and forth in his throne thinking on how to find Daedalus.

MINOS: How can I find Daedalus? I already search all the places I think he can
go OR I will make daedalus come out from where he’s hiding.

NARRATOR: King Minos thinks of tricking the great inventor into revealing himself.
At each city he visited, King Minos offered a reward to whoever could thread a
spiral seashell, a seemingly impossible task .Eventually, King Minos came to Sicily
and presented the contest at Cocalus court.

NARRATOR: Cocalus knew of Daedalus talents and gave the shell to him.
COCALUS: Daedalus I believe in your talents, and I know you can solve this

DAEDALUS: I will try my best, my King.

NARRATOR: Daedalus examined the puzzle on how he could finish the task. He
tied the string to an ant, placed the ant at one end of the shell, and allowed the
ant to walk through the spiral chambers until it came out at the other end.

NARRATOR: Minos saw that someone had solved the puzzle.

MINOS: Cocalus surrender Deadalus, for he had made a terrible sin to me, that
lead to disappearance of my daughter and for helping Theseus kill the Minotaur.

COCALUS: Well then, I promise to surrender Daedalus to you but first take a bath
and enjoy yourself while I send my men to bring Deadalus here.

MINOS: Thank you for kindness, but I think I’m not going to take a long time here.

COCALUS: I don’t take no for an answer.

MINOS: If you insist.

NARRATOR: While Minos is taking his time, King Cocalus send his daughter to kill
Minos with scalding water freeing Daedalus from his hands.

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