Ikan Bilis
Ikan Bilis
Ikan Bilis
Delegates from 66 member states and observers from two nonmember states
participated. Representatives and observers from eight U.N. agencies and programs
also participated. Three other intergovernmental organizations and 20 international
nongovernmental organizations also were represented. In all, 265 delegates and 65
representatives and observers took part in the conference.
I. The Conference recommends the adoption of certain criteria which will help
to guide efforts to develop environmental education at the national, regional, and
global levels:
II. The Conference endorses the following goals, objectives, and guiding
principles for environmental education:
1. to foster clear awareness of, and concern about, economic, social, political,
and ecological interdependence in urban and rural areas;
2. to provide every person with opportunities to acquire the knowledge, values,
attitudes, commitment, and skills needed to protect and improve the
3. to create new patterns of behavior of individuals, groups, and society as a
whole towards the environment.
Knowledge—to help social groups and individuals gain a variety of experience in,
and acquire a basic understanding of, the environment and its associated problems.
Attitudes—to help social groups and individuals acquire a set of values and
feelings of concern for the environment and the motivation for actively
participating in environmental improvement and protection.
Skills—to help social groups and individuals acquire the skills for identifying and
solving environmental problems.