Y8 - Ecosystem - Short Test

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1. How many layers are there in a Rainforest? ____________(Two, Three, Four, Five)
2. Epiphytes can be found on all of the following EXCEPT ______. (branches ,trunks, the ground, canopy)
3. ______is a kind of large ecosystem such as desert or tundra (Habitat, Biome, Region, Continent)
4. Decaying organisms put ____________ back into the soil. (Soil, Leaves, animals, Nutrients]
5. _________ are the tops of the tallest trees in the rainforest (Canopy, Emergent, Shrubs, Ferns)
6. A layer of permanently frozen subsoil called ___________. (Permafrost, Perma soil, Freezing land, Humus)
7. Plants are_______ and group together to resist the cold temperatures. (Big, short, green, thick)
8. Many animals ________ during the winter because food is not abundant.(Camouflage, Hibernate, Transform, Mate)
9. Tundra areas include Northern parts of Canada, Russia and ______. (China, Japan, Alaska, Germany)
10. In tundra , narrow leaves helping to reduce____________ (transpiration, evaporation, condensation, generalisation)
11. The darker leaves helps absorb _____ from Sun (Water, Energy, Heat, Carbon dioxide)
12. _____ are woody vines that use trees to climb up to the canopy. (Buttress roots, Epiphytes, Lianas, Fans)

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