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Lac Delphinum

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Philip M.

Lac Remedies in Practice
Reading excerpt
Lac Remedies in Practice
of Philip M. Bailey
Publisher: Emryss Publisher


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Lac delphinum has a very distinct energy in women (I have seen
no male cases).
There is a combination of innocence, warmth, and sensuality that
tends to be irresistible to men.
The most obvious example of this energy is Marilyn Monroe. A sex
kitten, not a cat. The combination of child-like vulnerability and sexual-
ity is very typical of Lac delphinum. Her helplessness makes her seem even
more desirable. And yet a man who falls for her finds he has taken on
more than he bargained for. She can be very demanding of his attention.
She needs constant reassurance that he loves her and finds her attractive,
and she is so moody and volatile that he runs away from her.

I have found that Lac delphinum women lack many of the defence
mechanisms that help other Lac people to cope with grief and loneliness.
In this sense they resemble Lac caninum. They are more open emotion-
ally, less analytical, and more in touch with their feelings. As a result, they
are so sensitive that they easily feel overwhelmed by their own emotions.


Fear is the emotion which dominates Lac delphinum. She has

many fears, but the most important are fears of attack and fears of
abandonment. Lac delphinum is both psychic and highly imaginative.
This works against her, as she can imagine hidden dangers, partic-
ularly at night. She senses attackers in the shadows, or ghosts by
her bed. Some such women are terrified by horror stories, yet also

Lac delphi / Sensual, helpless, warm, feminine, addicted, chaotic,

escapist, vulnerable, panicky, dreamy, magical, thinking.
The Lac Remedies in Practice

attracted. They watch horror movies, then feel terrified and haunted
for weeks.

Lac delphinum has a peculiar relationship to danger. She seeks

dangerous situations, and feels calm in them. For example, she will
drink too much, and then drive. This can be compared to the dolphin
who is always aware of sharks nearby, yet is not threatened. Dolphins
will chase sharks away from the pod, and it is only sick and young
who fall victim to sharks. Yet dolphins are very aware of the danger
from sharks. Several Lac delphinum women reported dreams of being
stabbed by sharp objects such as spears of knives, which may represent
the shark’s teeth.

Relationships and Sexuality

Whereas many Lac individuals complain chiefly about their rela-

tionship with their mother, Lac delphinum tends to struggle especially
with her relationships with men. She knows she is sexually attractive,
and may use her sexuality to hook a man, from whom she seeks
security. Lac delphinum is often clingy and dependent in relation-
ships, and this tends to push partners away. She very easily goes into
a helpless, childlike mode, where she expects to be looked after. She
is also moody in relationships, because she easily feels neglected, hurt
and indignant. As a result she is prone to brief and stormy relation-
ships. She will also push men away deliberately, because she easily
feels trapped.

Another pattern I have seen in Lac delphinum is a tendency to

attract older men, who become father figures. They provide security
for Lac delphinum, but are seldom sensitive enough for her. Hence she

Lac Delphinum

pouts and fights with them, and eventually leaves them. Often in the
process she becomes a single mother.

Sexuality is a prominent feature in the proving of Lac delphinum.

Most of my patients who responded to the remedy had a high sex
drive and a strongly sensual feel. Yet many also reported problems
with sexuality. The most common complaint was that they could
not connect sexuality with their heart. They either felt love, or sexual,
but not both at the same time. Often there was an inability to reach
orgasm during intercourse, part of a general inability to let go during
sex. And some reported fear during sex, as if they were being raped.
The same women felt some masochistic desire to be raped by their
partner, and some also felt violent themselves during sex. It appears
these symptoms relate to the fact that male dolphins are very aggres-
sive when mating. Several males will chase a female and effectively
gang rape her.

Heart-centred and Dreamy

Lac delphinum has a very warm heart. This is part of her attrac-
tiveness. She feels great empathy for almost everyone, and will give
and give when she feels needed. As a mother she tends to be a natural,
exuding maternal warmth whilst dreamily floating through the early
stages of being a parent. Very often motherhood is the one stable
element of her life, the one relationship she can count on to endure.
She is generally a permissive mother, who delights in every aspect of
her child.

Although Lac delphinum often has a sharp intellect, she is

frequently unable to focus. She is particularly liable to space out when
she is anxious. Her boundaries are not strong, and she easily feels

The Lac Remedies in Practice

overwhelmed by pressure. She then panics and goes into a fugue-like

state, where she feels dreamy and cannot think straight. Indecision is
a keynote symptom of Lac delphinum. She fears making a mistake,
and hence will not decide. Perhaps this also relates to the life and
death situations that dolphins face with regard to sharks.

Lac delphinum’s dreaminess is an essential characteristic of the

remedy. It is there even when she is not stressed. She will laugh easily,
and seem unable to take problems seriously. She has a child-like gig-
gle, reminiscent of Ignatia and Pulsatilla, and she likes to fool around
and make others laugh.

Play, Escape and Magical Thinking

Playfulness is another keynote of Lac delphinum, closely tied to

her dreaminess. Dolphins are famous for their playfulness. I feel it
is more than coincidence that dolphins are so often used in New Age
images of spirituality. Those New Agers who are attracted to the dol-
phin image often share characteristics with Lac delphinum, including
innocence, dreaminess and unrealistic optimism. I have found that
Lac delphinum people are attracted to using aphorisms to attract what
they want, and to ward off trouble. It is a kind of magical thinking that
can be seen as an escapist or immature form of spirituality, associated
not only with dolphins, but also fairies, unicorns and angels.

Lac delphinum is a very escapist type. One way she will escape
is to bury her head in the sand. She simply will not look at difficult
issues, and so she can feel quite slippery when she seeks psychological
help. Instead of responding when asked a question that touches on a
painful issue, she may laugh, or stay silent, or change the subject.

Lac Delphinum

Another way Lac delphinum escapes is by taking drugs. It is a

very addictive type, particularly to alcohol and sedatives like valium
and marijuana.


Lac delphinum is prone to depressive illness. Her life is very

often chaotic, and lacking in support. She is extremely sensitive to
the world’s harshness, and she easily feels overwhelmed, and then
sinks into depression. When depressed she is very tearful, and full
of self-pity and self-loathing. She is also prone to anxiety when she
is depressed. At such times she isolates herself, though she can also
behave in a clinging way if she trusts someone. A depressed Lac del-
phinum usually appears lost and hopeless, and has little idea how
to help herself. She tends to feel extremely disconnected from other
people, and hence very lonely.

Lac delphinum has many characteristics in common with China.

In particular, both types tend to be dreamy and psychic, and both
types are prone to panic. They also share the same defence mecha-
nism. Both can be very stubborn and defiant, particularly with men.
One Lac delphinum patient told me that she studied astrophysics at
university, just so that she could beat her father at something. She was
beautiful and sensual and dreamy, the kind of woman you would only
expect to be an astrophysicist in Hollywood movies.
As children, Lac delphinum are shy, sensitive and dreamy. They
tend to live in an imaginary world, and are easily frightened. As with
other Lac types, sibling rivalry is often strong.

The Lac Remedies in Practice

Case 1

36 year-old woman, dark hair.

Past Medical History

Recurrent bladder infections
Cervical dysplasia

-- Tiredness for six months, since working on fishing boats. Feels
run down.
-- Moodiness:

~ My mood has been very up and down lately, excited then depressed.
When I am low I have no motivation. It lasts a day or so. Often I
feel anxious if I am under pressure. I am in an on-off relationship.
I have a fear of commitment, of being trapped. I need space. That is
why I took the boat job, so I could watch whales all day. I love their
power and their beauty. I also get needy in relationships.
~ I have a fear of death, of loved ones dying.

~ As a child I was shy and sensitive. I was afraid of making mistakes.

I felt alone. I was a very giving child, keen to please. I mixed well
with other children, yet I still felt alone.
~ I have a fear of committing to anything. I can be very indecisive. I
like to learn. I am intuitive, I love dance, music and art.
~ I have had several dreams about dolphins and whales. And I often
dream of flying.
~ I can be very wild, but in a safe way. I am very playful. I get
really giggly.

Lac Delphinum

~ I would like to have children. My libido is pretty high. I tend to

daydream a lot.
~ I get scared very easily, and then I space out, especially if I have big
tasks in front of me.
~ In relationships I expect a lot of attention. I expect to be listened to.
I am also giving, and very sensitive to energies.


This woman struck me as highly unusual. On the one hand she

appeared sensible and mature, and on the other hand what she said
contradicted that. She spoke of being dreamy, wild and spaced out, of
being anxious and unstable. And yet she appeared calm and focused.
I have found this kind of dichotomy quite often in Lac delphinum
cases. They have a certain self-possession and a good intellect, yet they
are prone to spacing out and to attacks of anxiety.

One of the most characteristic features of this case is her fear

of being trapped in relationships. She cannot commit, and so the
relationship is on and off. This is another common feature of Lac
delphinum cases. There is a great need for closeness, opposed by an
equally great fear of being trapped. (Dolphins are very social animals,
that often get trapped in nets.)

Equally typical of Lac delphinum is her labile mood. These are

creatures of whim, almost like mermaids, magical and inconsistent.
They are often very beautiful, and they exude a soft sensuality, but
they cannot be caught.
Of course, her love of dolphins and whales, and dreams of them,
immediately put me in mind of Lac delphinum.

The Lac Remedies in Practice

Treatment: Lac delphinum 1M.

Follow up after six weeks

~ I went through a lot after seeing you last. It was like I couldn’t do
anything for a week. I just couldn’t focus. Lots of memories came
up from my childhood, sadness over feeling separate from other
kids. And a memory of my mother being really hard on me. She
didn’t understand me. I even cried over my sister always getting
more approval from my mother than I did. And now I am feeling a
lot better. My energy has gone from about 40% to about 80%, and
my mood seems more stable. I have a sense I can cope better with
stresses now. I am getting on well with my boyfriend, but I am still
not really ready for total commitment.

No treatment

Follow up after a further two months

~ What did I come to you about originally?

Philip: ‘Your energy and your mood?’

~ Oh yeah. My energy seems fi ne now, except when I have too

many late nights. And my mood is the most stable it has been for
a long time. My boyfriend says I am much easier to be with. I am
beginning to feel more able to commit to him. It is still scary, but
not so much. And I have noticed that I don’t get so scared now
when he seems aloof. I used to fear that he would leave me. We

Lac Delphinum

have been talking about having a child, and we both seem more
open to it now.

Case 2

32 year-old woman, blond, slightly overweight.

This woman was in a state of distress when she first came to see me.
She was tearful and vulnerable, and seemed very young emotionally.

~ I have suffered from anxiety and depression since I was 21. I think
I have been depressed on and off my whole life. When I get anxious
lights seem to shimmer, and distances go unclear. For the past six
weeks I have felt overwhelmed. I split with my partner, and since
then my self-esteem has been really low. It was only a brief relation-
ship. I feel my career plans are disintegrating. I want to paint. I have
painted my arse off, blindly believing I could make it as a painter,
and now I don’t have that faith anymore. I feel pathetic, without
any direction, and I feel so tired.

~ It feels very uncomfortable crying here with you.

~ I get by with sedatives and alcohol. I take valium every day.
~ I am a single mother. My daughter is six years old. I work as a top-
less waitress. I am good at it, but it’s not very stimulating.
~ I had a bad relationship with my parents. My mother used to throw
stuff. But she supported me. Dad tried to have me put in a children’s
home, because I lied and smoked pot. Dad had a short fuse. He
smacked me with a wooden spoon. It was humiliating.
~ I am very sensitive, to everything. I used to be angry and defensive
with my parents. I am also very compassionate with everyone. I

The Lac Remedies in Practice

connect strongly to people, and try to help them. I am very intuitive

with the men at work. I can give them what they need.

~ I tend to isolate myself. I feel unlovable. If I am attracted to a man

I feel afraid. When men see my fear they reject me. The last three
guys left me. They all said, ‘Something is missing.’ It was devastat-
ing. I was very close to the last one.
~ I am needy, starved of love. And I can get pushy. I resist if things
don’t go my way. And I can hold onto resentment. I resent my
mother. She is so horrible to me. And I am so dependent on her.
She babysits for my daughter. She is vicious and cruel. I always felt
unloved as a child. I was picked on at school. I used to cry all the
~ I was afraid of the dark. I didn’t want to go to bed. I still am afraid
of the dark. I am afraid of seeing dead people. Once I saw a guy by
my bed at night. He was transparent.
~ Sometimes I smell my grandmother at night.

~ I used to be promiscuous. Now my heart is more connected. I don’t

orgasm, except during foreplay. I think too much during sex.
~ I am very sensitive to injustice. I have campaigned for Greenpeace.
I give to charities. I can’t watch the news. It horrifies me, makes me
feel sickened, defeated.
~ When I am depressed I feel guilty, a loser. I hate myself. Then I tend
to rush around. I used to feel like a victim. I still do in relation to
my parents. I feel so broken.

~ I want to be in the sea all the time. I surf when I can. I feel cleansed
by the sea. I dream of the deep ocean, of whales. I love sharks. They
are monsters. They hunt us. Humans are so arrogant.

Lac Delphinum

~ On a very deep level I feel disconnected. Everything is happening

all around, without me. Sometimes I have dreams where I know
that I am dreaming. I like to paint spirals. I get spaced out easily.
~ I am also very playful. I goof around. I was a smart-arse, the school
clown. I was told I was too communicative.
~ I have a fear of getting old. I like challenging situations. In Vietnam
I was doing heroin, and there were these junkies around me, yet I
felt perfectly safe. I drive the car when I am drunk. I have just lost
my driving licence.

~ I am really into affirmations. They help me to feel positive when

things are hard. And I am constantly noticing synchronicity, how
everything is connected with everything else.
~ Last week I had a strong dream: I was swimming under the water.
There was a lot of light. I swam around my ex-partner. I wanted to
eat him. A wave knocked me into him.


This woman was also highly unusual. I had never before treated
a case where the patient was so sensual, and yet so warm-hearted. She
worked as a topless waitress, and used to be very promiscuous, yet
the energy she gave off was centred more in the heart-chakra than
anywhere else. Furthermore, she was highly sensitive emotionally,
and intuitive. And despite her warmth, her attractiveness and her
depth, she was depressed to the point where she appeared to be
falling apart.
These extremes of light and dark are typical of Lac delphinum.
Not the light and dark of Stramonium or Mandragora, but a more
human spectrum, where the individual’s strong positive qualities can
barely enable her to cope with her extreme vulnerability and lack of

The Lac Remedies in Practice

boundaries. Her combination of inner and outer beauty, and pathos,

was similar to that I had seen in some Phosphorus cases, a beautiful
damsel in distress, almost pleading to be rescued.

A superficial overview of the case could lead to the prescription

of a Fluoratum remedy. There is strong sexuality, weak boundaries,
despair and dependence on narcotics. And yet I was sure that Fluora-
tums would not cover the case. There is a detachment and a cynicism
in Fluoratum cases that was entirely absent here.

The patient’s previous campaigning for the environment, and

her tendency to help people, suggest a Lac remedy, as does her victim
status in relation to her mother. She is an intuitive single mother
with low self-esteem, who relies upon New Age affirmations, a very
common Lac presentation. She never felt loved, and still resents her
mother. In fact her mother is the only person she expressed resent-
ment toward, despite having had an abusive father and some difficult
romantic relationships.

Within the Lac group of remedies the only remedy, apart from
Lac delphinum, that I have seen to be effective in cases that were this
boundary-less is Lac leoninum. In both remedies there is often a lot
of chaos and impulsiveness around romantic relationships, which can
lead to depression and anxiety.

There are, however, many features which favour Lac delphinum

over Lac leoninum. First of all, the woman is playful in a sensuous,
girlish way. Lac leoninums I have treated were less sensual, and less
playful than this patient. Secondly, her dependence upon narcotics
is far more typical of Lac delphinum, as is her spaciness. Then there
is the keynote of the remedy, feeling safe in dangerous situations.
She drives when she is drunk, and in Vietnam she was surrounded

Lac Delphinum

by junkies, and shooting up heroin, yet she felt perfectly safe. And
of course there is her special relationship to the sea, with dreams of
whales and sharks (both frequent companions to dolphins in the wild,
one safe and one dangerous).

Treatment: Lac delphinum LM1 daily.

Follow up after six weeks:

~ I have felt a lot better on the remedy. I haven’t needed to take valium
for the past three weeks. Previously I was taking it nearly every day.
I feel like I can cope with things better. I am not so tearful, and I
feel like I have more to give my daughter now. I was just in survival
mode before. I had a dream last week:

~ I am in a tower, surrounded by armies of soldiers. They are carrying

spears. They are all aiming for my heart. I felt so vulnerable. A spear
goes through my back into my heart. I am in front of a family. My
heart is bleeding. I try to tell them. I can’t. I vomit blood.
~ When I woke up there was such a feeling of sadness. My eczema
has been a bit worse.


She is clearly doing well. The dream appears to express very

poignantly the heart-pain that she is processing. Literally a bleeding-
heart, dying in front of a family she cannot reach.

Treatment: Continue Lac delphinum LM1 daily.

The Lac Remedies in Practice

Follow up at 12 weeks:

I have had a good few weeks. I seem to be on a more even keel.

I don’t get so low, and I don’t get as stressed as I used to. I am begin-
ning to feel in control of my life for the first time in years. I haven’t
taken any valium since last time, and I am drinking a lot less beer. I
realized the other day that I don’t know how to receive love. I push it
away. I don’t let people get close. I want to change that.

Lac delphi / Sensual, helpless, warm, feminine, addicted, chaotic, es-

capist, vulnerable, panicky, dreamy, magical, thinking.
Philip M. Bailey
Lac Remedies in Practice
Clinical Materia Medica with Cases

220 pages, hb
publication 2010

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