Belarus 2022 User Manual Eng
Belarus 2022 User Manual Eng
Belarus 2022 User Manual Eng
Operation manual has been compiled by V.G. Levkov, engineer of Headquarters Specialized Design
Supervisor for the Issue – Chief, Design Office Bobrovnik A.I., (DTecn.Sci.)
The Operation Manual contains description and technical specification of tractors MTZ 2022/2022V
manufactured by Minsk Tractor Works.
Main procedures of machines’ maintenance are set forth, adjustment and servicing data are given.
The Manual is intended for tractor operators engaged in the operation and maintenance of MTZ tractors.
As the policy of MTZ is aimed at the constant improvement of machines under manufacture, changes in
the design of some components, not elucidated in the present edition, may be introduced. Address your
local “MTZ” dealer for more details.
1. Safety regulations 5
2. General data 13
3. Technical data 17
4. Controls and instrumentation 27
5. Arrangement and operation of tractor’s components 46
6. Tractor pre-starting procedure 152
7. Tractor ganging-up 158
8. Transportation and towing 185
9. Scheduled maintenance 186
10. Storage 218
11. Supplements 219
Possible malfunctions and correction procedures:
- diesel engine 62
- clutches 71b
- gear box 78
- rear axle 83
- rear PTOS 88
- FDA 99
- brakes 113
- pneumatic system 118
- HTDS 125
- malfunction diagnosis 137
- major malfunctions 139
- average malfunctions 141
- minor malfunctions 142
MTZ 2022/2022V To attention of operators
1. Before starting the tractor, carefully study the present manual and strictly observe all operation and
maintenance directions.
2. Be sure to run-in the tractor for 30 hours. Before the first maintenance (125 hours) load diesel up to
80% of rated power.
3. Your tractor is equipped with range gear box. Ranges are shifted by means of tooth-type couplings
and synchronizers, and gears within each range are selected by synchronizers.
First the range is shifted, then the gear is put in.
- press the clutch pedal and wait until tractor comes to a full stop;
- using the range shifting lever, smoothly and without jerks shift the required range; ranges are shifted
according to recommendations given in section “Tractor pre-starting procedure”.
CAUTION! If, with clutch pedal pressed, ranges and gears are put in with grinding sound,
immediately consult your local dealer and correct malfunction.
4. Observe rules of PTOS engagement. To avoid damage of the shaft, reduction gear pinions and PTOS
during PTOS switching, pull steering lever smoothly with travel delay by 2…4 starting from the middle
of travel from neutral to PTOS switch.
5. The operating and parking brakes should be adjusted only on horizontal ground with the engine shut
down and wedges placed from the front and behind rear wheels to avoid accidental movement of the
6. The tractor shall not be operated without a storage battery in the electrical equipment.
MTZ 2022/2022V Introduction
The present manual contains description of the design, technical data, directions for operation and
maintenance of agricultural high-power wheeled tractors MTZ 2022 and MTZ 2202V (reversible
Tractor MTZ 2022 has 4×4 wheel arrangement and has been designed for performing various
agricultural works using mounted, half-mounted and trailing machines and implements, for
transportation, using loading-unloading mechanisms, harvesting complexes, as well as for driving
stationary agricultural machines.
Tractor MTZ 2022V is a reversible model, designed for prolonged operation in the reverse mode.
The difference lies in the additional reversible steering post that includes an additional steering column,
duplicate transmission control, brakes, fuel supply system, as well as special reversible seat to be used
for direct and reverse movement.
The manufacturer uses standard International symbols to describe functioning of devises and controls.
Brake Fast
Emergency alarm
Shut-off/ stoppage
Operation head-lights
Lever up
1.1.1 Strict observance of regulations ensures tractor operating safety, improves its reliability and
increases operation life.
1.1.2 The tractor can be operated by at least 17-yers old persons who received tractor operator
license and passed occupational and fire safety tests.
1.1.3 Carefully study the present manual before using the tractor. Insufficient knowledge of
tractor control and maintenance can be the reason of accidents.
1.2.1 During transportation and loading/unloading operations follow directions set forth in section
1.2.2 In preserving the tractor and additional equipment follow requirements for fire safety and
hygiene when handling chemical substances, used cleaning cloth and oil paper.
1.3.1. The tractor must by run-in in compliance with section 6.5. The tractor must be in complete
and technically operational.
1.3.2 Do not allow dismantling of protective housings and fencing being part of design, as well as
other parts and assembly units, that effect safety of its operation (fan protective grid, rear PTOS
housing, etc.)
1.3.3. Technical state of the brake system, steering, illumination and alarm systems, chassis should
comply with safety requirements, relative standards and the present manual.
1.3.4. Trailing agricultural machines and transport trailers should be provided with rigid hitching to
avoid swing and run-over the tractor.
1.3.5. Tractor’s controls should be reliably fixed in operation positions.
1.3.6. Keep all warning plates clean. Damaged or lost plates should be replaced for new ones.
1.3.7. Don’t allow leakage of electrolyte, water, fuel, oil and braking fluid.
1.3.8. Make the right choice of summer and winter fuel grades. To avoid moisture condensation
during the night, fill in the tank at the end of each working day. Use only oils and lubricants
recommended by manufacturers. The use of other greases and lubricants is STRICTLY
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 1. Safety regulations
1.4. SAFETY REGULATIONS IN diesel shut-down knob back, and brake the
1.4.11. Switch on an independent rear PTOS
CAUTION! Don’t start the engine being drive only with non-operational diesel, or at
out of operator’s working place. Always be minimum frequency of crankshaft rotation at
inside the cabin on the operator’s seat when the time of starting up or shutting down the
starting the engine and manipulating diesel.
controls. 1.4.12. When the tractor operates without
using rear PTOS, put the switching handle of
1.4.1. Before starting the engine, the parking the independent drive and PTOS control
brake should be switched on lever of the handle in position “switched off”.
power take-off shaft (PTO) should be in the 1.4.13. To switch on PTOS, move the control
“brake” position, levers of changing ranges lever smoothly with 2…4 s delay in the
and putting in gears – in “Neutral” position. middle of the travel from neutral to the PTOS
The switch of the gear box pump drive should switching time to avoid breakage of the drive
be in the driving position “off the diesel”. shaft, reduction gear pinions and PTOS end.
1.4.2 Before starting movement, give a
warning signal to those around and working
on trailing machines, make sure the parking-
stand-by brake is switched off, and slowly
start the movement. During transportation
works use fastening belts (supplied as option).
1.4.3. Don’t leave the tractor while on the
Before leaving the cabin, switch the PTOS
off, shut down the diesel, engage the parking
brake and pull out the starter key.
1.4.4. Don’t operate the tractor inside the
premises with not sufficient ventilation,
exhaust fumes may be the cause of fatal
1.4.5. If the diesel or steering fail immediately
stop the tractor. Remember, that much more
effort should be applied to the steering wheel
to drive the tractor with the diesel stopped.
Don’t work under lifted agricultural
implements. Don’t leave mounted tools in the
lifted position during prolonged stops.
1.4.6. If the tractor’s front part breaks away
off the ground when mounting heavy
machines on the hinging mechanism, place
front ballast loads.
1.4.7. No passengers are allowed in the cabin
during tractor operation (A passenger is
allowed only if an additional seat is installed
in the cabin).
1.4.8. Don’t operate the tractor with defective
1.4.9. Don’t allow the diesel fuming and
drastic drop in revolution frequency due to
1.4.10. During an accident, or excessive
increase of revolutions frequency of the diesel
crankshaft, immediately stop fuel supply, pull
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 1. Safety requirements
1.5.5. Before starting the work, switch the 1.6.4. To avoid fuel splashing during
compressor on, check the state of the brakes mechanical tractor refueling, remove meshed
pneumatic drive, air pressure in the system. filter from the fuel tank neck. The meshed
Correct malfunctioning revealed. filter is intended only for manual refueling in
1.5.6. Trailers ganged up to the tractor, should field conditions.
be equipped with the braking system capable 1.6.5. To examine places to be controlled and
of: adjusted, use portable lamp with voltage not
a) trailer braking while on the move; more than 36 V. The lamp should be
b) brakes engagement when the trailer is protected by wire mesh.
disconnected from the tractor;
c) trailer retaining when parked on slopes;
d) prevention of trailer’ s pushing action on
the tractor during sharp change in
movement speed.
The trailer should be connected to the
tractor by a reserve chain.
1.5.7. Transportation of people in trailers is
not allowed.
1.5.8. To avoid overturning, be careful when
driving the tractor. Select safe speed in
accordance with road condition, in particular,
when moving on the cross-country terrain,
crossing ditches, slopes and during sharp
1.5.9. Movement speed when making a turn
should not exceed 5 km/hour, on slippery
road – 3 km/hour. Put in 1st, or 2nd gear when
descending the hill. Movement speed on rail
road approach lines should not exceed 10
1.5.10. During trailer loading (unloading)
brake the tractor with the parking-reserve
1.5.11. Tractor can be towed with non-
operational HTDS at the speed of 10 km/hour
maximum and to the distance of 5 km.
1.5.12. When used with a trailer on public
roads, the tractor should have road train
identification sign switched on according to
“Traffic regulations”.
Tractor’s brakes –hydraulically driven, wet,
Farm high-power wheeled tractor MTZ 2022 multi-disk, installed on drive pinions of
of 3.0 class traction with 4 x 4 wheel vehicle-borne gears.
arrangement is designed for different The cabin is solid, comfortable, air-
agricultural works using mounted, half- conditioned, it has cylindrical shape and up-
mounted, trailing machines, loading- to-date exterior and interior design. To
unloading mechanisms, harvesting improve operator’s working conditions the
complexes, for driving stationary agricultural tractor is provided with toned, spherical,
machinery, including transportation in various injury-safe glass, sun-proof curtains, enlarged
climatic zones. cabin space, more convenient location of side
The tractor is equipped with an in-line six- panel levers, additional folding back seat,
cylinder diesel engine with turbo-charging additional rear window. Frameless door and
and intermediate cooling of supercharged air, glued windscreen spherical glass provide
having rated power of 210 h/p with 2100 excellent all-round visibility.
rev/min of the crankshaft. Lining and wings are of modern design.
Straight behind the diesel engine there are
power transmission mechanisms, the clutch,
gear box, rear axle with differential interlock,
rear power-take-off shaft with four-speed
independent drive (590; 720; 1105 and 1460
rev/min at 2100 rev/min of the diesel engine).
The clutch – two-disk, dry permanently
closed, with hydrostatic control drive.
Gear box – synchronized, fixed-ratio, range-
type, allows 24 front movement gears and 12
reverse movement gears.
The tractor chassis – drive rear wheels, drive
and guide front wheels. Front wheels’ tires
size – 420/70R24, rear wheels’ tires size –
The front drive axle of MTZ: portal, with one-
piece beam and planetary-cylindrical wheel
reduction gears.
Tractor’s steering – hydraulic, three-
dimensional, to ensure ease and simplicity of
tractor control in different applications.
Additional balance loads are installed on the
front beam to improve tractor’s coupling
characteristics and steering ability.
Hydraulic system of RLM control with three-
section distributor, electro-magnetically
controlled governor, gauges, panels and
BOSCH electronic control unit provide tractor
operation with agricultural machines and
implements using power, position and mixed
control of implements position relative to the
tractor frame, and power take-off to drive
agricultural machinery tools. The tractor is
equipped with a pneumatic system that
controls hydraulically driven trailers’ brakes
and one-tube and two-tube pneumatic brakes
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 2. General data
Left-side view
General data
Hydraulic system type Remote-cylinder hydraulic system allowing for power,
- position and mixed control of agricultural machines
position and dampening of agricultural machinery
swing in travel position
Pump - Gear-type, right-hand rotation
Model - NSH32M-3
Drive - From diesel via the pinion of PTO independent drive
Maximum pump capacity l/min 56
Front PTO:
0 – switched on
I – instruments, control lamps, a radio set, a
tape recorder are switched on
Combination of instruments
It includes six indicators ( 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 )
with signal lamps ( 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a)
Control lamp of maximum Control lamp of braking fluid level (red color)
clogging of air purification
filter (orange color)
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 4. Controls
Tachometer-speedometer (12)
Parameter Value
1. Switched off
2. Windshield wiper is switched on
3. Windshield wiper and washer (not fixed)
are switched on.
Fuse box is installed under cover “A”.
Five fuses protect from overload the following
electric circuits:
1. Cabin ceiling light and “road train” sign (7.5
2. Rear windshield wiper and washer (7.5A)
3. Two pairs of front operation headlights (25
4. Two pairs of rear operation headlights (25 A)
5. Cabin ventilation and heating system (15 A)
6. Reserve (15 A)
Fuse boxes
Two electric circuits’ fuse boxes BP-1 and
BP-2 are installed under the instruments
To get access to fuses unscrew screw (A) and
remove cover (B).
Eleven fuses protect the following electric
circuits from overload:
FB – 1
1. Instruments’ power supply (7.5 A);
2. Interrupter of turn indicators (7.5 A);
3. Lower light of the right-hand road
headlight (7.5 A);
4. Lower light of the left-hand road
headlight (7.5 A );
5. Right-hand side lights and instruments
panel illumination (15 A);
6. Left-hand side lights (7.5 );
Seat (34)
It can be adjusted according to:
Weight of an operator. To adjust for
greater weight, rotate the lever clockwise,
and visa versa.
Longitudinal adjustment. Move the lever
upwards to the end and move the seat - adjustment of back tilt angle
- place for safety belt attachment
forward or backwards.
- longitudinal adjustment
Back tilt. Move the back tilt adjustment
lever upwards to the end, then lower and - operator’s weight adjustment
fix the back in the required position.
Height adjustment. Move the seat
upwards by hands (to increase the seat
height). To decrease the seat height,
sharply jerk the seat up to the end and
then lower it by pushing downwards (after
pushing the seat drops to the lowest
position all by itself).
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 4. Controls
1. Tractor’s reversible control post is
designed only for agricultural
operations when moving in reverse
2. Be sure to interlock forward motion
brake pedals when working in the
reverse order.
3. Do not drive in reverse on public
roads, in operations not related
agriculture, or loading/unloading
the tractor itself.
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 4. Controls
Table 4.2
N of
teeth (Z) Tractor model
69 MTZ 570; 590; 80; 1; 890;
900; 922; 950; 1025 and
modifications thereof
23 MTZ 1021, 1221; 1222; 2022
2. Program radius of rear wheel rolling Program the diesel model (parameter <3>);
(parameter “2”): - Press button (1) and enter figure <3>on
- press button (1) and enter figure “2” on display (7) of the tachometer-
display (7); speedometer;
- press button (2) and enter value Rk - Press button (2) and enter the required
according to table below. diesel model
NOTE: If data on the type of tires assembled Seven seconds after programming is over the
is not available, before putting the tractor in device automatically is set in the operation
operation one can measure Rk as distance mode. Put the panel cover in place.
from wheel axle to support surface. Then
enter on display coded number, closest to
value measured.
MTZ 2022/2022V - Operation manual. Section 5. Design and operation
*) Presently, distribution-type fuel pumps shown above are replaced with in-line fuel pumps
“Yazda”, Russia, or “Motorpal”, Czech republic.
1 – booster pump; 2 – by-pass pipeline; 3 – fuel pump, 4- high pressure fuel lines; 5 – main filtering
element; 6 – control filtering element; 7 – air purifier; 9 – sleeve; 10 –turbo compressor; 11 – by-
pass; 12 – air purifier clogging light; 13 – exhaust pipe; 14 – muffler; 15 – injector; 16 – guard ring;
17 – fuel coarse filter; 18 – filler neck; 19 – fuel tank; 20 – fuel level float; 21 – coupler of sediment
drain; 22 – stop valve, 23 – drainage pipeline; 24 – pneumatic corrector pipeline; 25 – fuel fine
filter; 26 – sealing ring; 27 – bolt; 28 – air outlet plug; 29 – supercharged air cooler; 30 water
radiator ( for reference); 31 - input diesel manifold.
*) Diesels equipped with in-line fuel pumps have a fine filter with a paper filtering element in the
supply system.
High pressure fuel pump is of a distribution type*) and has two sections with fuel dosage by
means of supply end change, and a pneumatic anti-fume corrector. The fuel pump is driven by the
diesel crankshaft via gas distribution pinions.
1 - oil level plug; 2 – bushing; 3 – flange; 4 – cam shaft; 5 – main lever tie-bar; 6 – adjusting lever;
7 – metering drive bushing; 8 – bolt; 9 – start spring; 10 – cover; 11 – fuel supply coupling; 12 –
damper spring; 13 – damper body; 14 – damper piston; 15 – plunger bushing; 16 – high-pressure
couplings; 17 – spring; 18 – supercharging valve; 19 – technological plug; 20 – reverse valve; 21 –
plunger; 22 – meter; 23 – plug; 24 – tooth bushing; 25 –upper plate spring; 26 – upper governor
cover; 27 – governor shaft; 28 - <stop> screw; 29 – maximum revolutions screw; 30 – intermediate
pinion; 31 – lever bushing; 32 – control lever; 33 – governor spring shackle; 34 –main level
bearing; 35 – main lever; 36 – corrector cup; 37 – governor spring; 38 – limiter; 39 – check-nut; 40
–lever; 41 –corrector spring; 42 - check nut; 43 – corrector tie-rod; 44 – lever; 45 – check nut; 46 –
pneumatic corrector cover; ,47 – diaphragm; 48 – spring; 49 – pneumatic corrector tie-rod; 50 –
corrector body; 51 – check-nut; 52 – corrector lever; 53 – plate; 54 – bearing; 55 – corrector lever
axis; 56 – governor bushing; 57 – splint; 58 – driven pinion; 59 – supercharged pump drive shaft;
60 –governor damping spring; 61 – governor shaft adjusting washer; 62 drive pinion; 63 drive
pinion; 64 – pump body; 65 – plunger pusher; 66 – pusher roller axis; 67 – pusher spring; 68 –
lower spring plate; 69 – pusher roller.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The fuel pump is aggregated with an all-mode To remove air from the supply system, the
governor and a piston-type booster pump. manual, booster, piston –type pump (1) and a
The governor has a fuel supply corrector, an plug (see figure on page 50), as well as a plug
automatic fuel supply dresser, operating at (see figure on page 48) installed in the fuel
starting revolutions velocity, and connected to pump head.
the inlet diesel collector via an air conduct. To supply fuel use pedal (24) (see figure on
The booster pump is installed on the high page 27) or lever (29) (see figure on page 28).
pressure pump body and is actuated by the To stop the diesel with an in-line pump use
camshaft eccentric. lever (26a).
To lubricate the fuel pump parts use diesel
Turbo compressor lubrication.
The turbo compressor uses exhaust gases
\energy to charge air into diesel cylinders. It
consists of a centrifugal one-step compressor
(6) and a radial centripetal turbine (1).
The turbine wheel (1) is made of heat
resistant nickel alloy welded to the rotor shaft.
The compressor wheel (6) is aluminum alloy
cast, being fastened to the rotor shaft by a
special nut (7)
The turbo compressor principle of operation
is that exhaust gases outgoing under pressure
from cylinders, pass through the exhaust
collector to the gas turbine chamber and,
being expanded, rotate the turbine wheel, at
the other end of which is the compressor
1 – turbine wheel and shaft; 2 – turbine body;
3 – bearing; 4 – oil deflector; 5 – sealing ring;
Gases go out through the exhaust pipe.
6 – compressor wheel; 7 – special nut; 8 –
The excessive air pressure behind the
bushing; 9 – diffuser; 10 – disk; 11 –
compressor at the rated diesel operation mode
compressor body; 12 – stop ring; 13 – fixing
should be 0.07…0.10 MPa (0.7…1.0
element; 14 – medium body; 15- bushing.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
1- by-pass valve; 2 – paper oil filter; 3 – heat exchanger; 4 – main oil duct; 5 - emergency oil
pressure sensor; 6 – pressure gauge; 7 - turbo compressor; 8 – fuel pump; 9 – pneumatic
compressor; 10 – intermediate pinion; 11 – oil duct of rocker axle; 12 – distribution shaft; 13 –
crankshaft; 14 – centrifugal oil filter; 15 – piston; 16 – piston cooling nozzle; 17 – oil
crankcase; 18 – drain plug; 19 – oil drain; 20 – oil pump;21 safety valve.
The oil pump intakes oil via oil pick-up (19) element. The valve is not adjustable. Besides,
from oil crankcase (17) and through ducts of the filter has a safety valve (21) adjusted to
the cylinder block supplies to the full flow oil sustaining pressure in the lubrication system
filter (2) with a paper filter element, an part of at 0.28…0.45 MPa (2.8…4.5 kgs/cm 2)
oil – to centrifugal oil filter (14) for
purification and subsequent drain in the
The filtering element of the oil filter has a
by-pass valve (1) which, with excessive
clogging of the filtering element, or when
starting cold diesel, is opened and supplies oil
to the oil dust by-passing the filtering
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
During diesel operation oil, purified in the filter and cooled in the fluid-oil heat exchanger (3), via
cylinder block ducts is supplied to all bearings of the crankshaft and the distribution shaft. Via
nozzles (16) built-in main support of the cylinder block, oil is supplied to cool pistons (15).
Oil is supplied for lubrication of turbo compressor (7) and tractor’s pneumatic system from heat
exchanger (3) via individual ducts.
The cooling system *) of the diesel is of fluid closed type with forced circulation of cooling fluid.
It consists of the water jacket, a water pump, a radiator, a fan with an automatically controlled
viscosity pipe coupling, two thermostats, expansion tank with a radiator plug having steam air
valve, connecting rods and drain valves. The water pump with a viscosity friction coupling is shown
on the next page. The expansion tank is provided with a measuring glass to control coolant level.
1 - a diesel fastening arm; 2 – water pump manifold;3 - shock absorber of water radiator rubber
suspension; 4 – water pump drive belt; 5 – lower radiator tank; 6 – radiator water drain valve; 7 –
water pump belt tensioning roller; 8 – automatic tension spring; 9 – automatically switched fan with
a coupling; 10 – water radiator core; 11 – stopper of the forced fan switching mechanism; 12 –
upper radiator tank; 13 – water radiator fill-in neck cover; 14 – steam air pipe; 15 – expansion tank;
16 – cooling fluid temperature sensor; 17 – emergency sensor of cooling liquid temperature; 18 –
indicator of diesel cooling fluid temperature (including emergency temperature signal lamp); 19 –
water pump impeller; 20 – water jacket cavity of the cylinder block; 21 – water intake pipe; 22 –
ducts for directing flows of cooling fluid system; 23 – eye-bolt; 24 – plug; 25 – valve to drain fluid
from cylinder block ( installed on the opposite side of the diesel); 26 – fluid-oil heat exchanger.
Do the following to change for the forced needed, press stopper (5) with a hand to stop
(permanent) fan operation mode: drive and driven discs.
unscrew nut (4) of stopper (5) by 4…5 Electrical equipment and starting system
turns (about 5 mm); The diesel is equipped with 1250 W and 14 V
manually rotate the fan until stopper generator.
enters opening (3) of drive disc (11). If
1 – lead of the additional storage battery charge; 2 – terminal “+14 V”; 3 – terminal “D” (lead of
excitation winding end); 4 – lead of the excitation winding start; 5 – terminal “+28V”; 6 – rectifier
block; 7 – rotor; 8 – stator; 9 – stator coil; 10 – excitation coil; 11 – generator tightening bolt; 12 –
generator coil cup; 13 – generator front cover; 14 – fan; 15 – pulley; 16 – one-time grease closed
type ball bearings; 17 – rotor bushing; 18 – 14 V integral voltage regulator; 19 – terminal “W”; 20 –
28 V integral voltage regulator; 21 – cover of the regulation device.
Generator is of brushless inductive design, alternating current with two levels of voltage regulation
(14 and 28 V) with built-in power and auxiliary rectifiers and electronic voltage regulators. The
generator is intended for operation within an electric equipment system and diesel start at rated
voltage of 24 V and vehicle-borne voltage of 12 V.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The first voltage level (terminals “+14 V”, “D”; “W” (“-”) is used for the vehicle-borne supply line,
the second voltage level (terminal + 28 V) is used for additional storage battery charging.
The generator can operate both in an independent excitation mode (with a storage battery), and in
the self-excitation mode (without storage battery). The generator is driven by the wedge belt from
the crankshaft pulley.
The diesel starting device consists of an electric starter 20.3708 with voltage of 23 V and power
5.9 kW.
The starter is a direct current electric motor of series excitation. It is remotely switched on by way
of an electric- magnetic relay and a starter switch.
1 – yoke; 2 - half-ring; 3 – starter cover; 4 – starter switching lever; 5 – switching lever axle; 6 – the
core of the traction relay and a shackle 7 – traction relay; 8 – contact disc with a rod; 9 – contact
bolts; 10 – rear starter cover; 11 – a spring; 12 – a brush; 13 – a collector; 14 - safety housing; 15 –
starter body; 16 – starter armature; 17 – a spring; 18 – coupling of free drive movement; 19 –
driving pinion; 20 armature shaft; 21 – bushing.
To start the diesel at low ambient temperature incandescent bulbs are used that heat pre-start air
inletting diesel cylinders.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
To drive trailer’s pneumatic brakes and tires
inflation the diesel is equipped with a piston,
one-cylinder, one step compressor. During
tractor’s operation in agricultural works, not
requiring compressed air power, the
compressor should be switched off. Segments
Fuel pump failure Remove the fuel pump from the diesel and
take it for repair
Fuel filters are clogged Rinse coarse fuel filter and replace filtering
` elements of fine fuel filter.
Diesel doesn’t develop capacity
Fuel pump control lever doesn’t come Adjust fuel pump control bars
to the end
The filtering element of the fine fuel Replace the filtering element of the fine fuel
filter is clogged. filter
Injection advance angle is not properly Set the required angle of injection advance.
Diesel smokes in all operation modes
A. Black fumes get out the exhaust pipe
Injector nozzle needle floats. Find out failed injector, rinse or replace the
nozzle, adjust the injector.
Fuel pump is failed. Take off the fuel pump and take it for repair to
the workshop.
B. White fumes get out the exhaust pipe
No space between valves and rockers Adjust space between valves and rockers.
* Oil entrapped in the combustion chamber Replace worn out parts of the piston group.
due to wear of piston group parts.
* Excessive oil in the diesel crankcase Drain out excessive oil having set the level
according to the upper mark of the oil metering
Diesel overheats
* Insufficient amount of cooling liquid in Fill in the cooling liquid to the normal level.
the system
* Dirt and scale in the cooling system. Clean and rinse the cooling system off dirt
and scale.
* Jamming of the tightening pulley at the Dismantle the tightening device and correct the
lever axle. failure
* Oiling of the fan and pulley’s belt. Remove the driving belt, and clean oil traces
from belt and pulley’ surface.
Underrated oil pressure of the heated diesel
* oil indicator or sensor are failed. Replace the oil pressure indicator or sensor
after gauging oil pressure with a reference
*Oil conducts sealing is no good. Find out the sealing problem and correct it.
* Oil pump is failed. Find out the problem and correct it.
* Oil level in the diesel crankcase Fill –in oil to the upper mark of the oil
is lower than rated value measuring rod
* Jamming of the safety valve in the Rinse the valve and adjust pressure in the
oil filter body lubrication system.
Turbo compressor
* Rotor of the turbo compressor doesn’t
rotate (no typical high-tone sound):
* Foreign matter hinder rotor rotation Take off inlet and exhaust manifolds, remove
foreign matter.
* Rotor is jammed in the bearing. Replace turbo compressor.
* Increased oil injection on the side of Take the turbo compressor off the diesel
the compressor or turbine, leaks from and send for repair.
oil sealing of the turbo compressor.
* During starter switching diesel crankshaft
doesn’t rotate (or rotates very slowly):
* storage battery clamps are not properly Strip lugs and tighten clamps.
tightened, or wiring lugs are oxidized
* storage battery discharged lower
allowable limit Charge or replace the battery.
* collector and brushes are dirty; Clean collector and brushes.
*brushes have poor contact with collector; Take the starter off the diesel, scrape the
collector, or replace brushes if worn out.
*burnt starter relay contacts; Scrape starter relay contacts.
*starter driving coupling slips (worn out
coupling rollers, or yoke cracked); Replace starter drive.
* After diesel start, the starter remains switched on:
* the power disc is stuck to contact bolts
of starter relay; Stop the diesel, switch off the battery and
clean contacts of the traction relay.
* driving pinion stays engaged to the Replace the return spring of the push lever.
flywheel ring due to break of push
lever spring.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
*During tractor travel the tachometer-
speedometer shows constant speed of 0.2
*One of speed sensors failed. Replace sensor
*During diesel operation tachometer
doesn’t indicate rev/min:
*open-circuit from phase winding to Correct the trouble.
tachometer – speedometer;
*no signal from generator phase winding. Replace the generator.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
5.2. THE CLUTCH The grease cup is on the left side of the clutch
body. To get access unscrew the plug.
Diesel flywheel (1) is provided with dry, two-
disc clutch of permanently closed type.
The driving elements of the clutch are
flywheel (1), pressure clutch plate (3) and
middle plate
(2) with three pins on the outside surface,
coming in special flywheel grooves (1),
driven clutch elements are two driven discs
(24) provided with torsion vibration damper
(90) installed on the power shaft (7). Required
pressure effort of friction surfaces of driving
and driven coupling parts are provided by
nine outside and nine inside springs (22). An
elastic element is installed between floating
bushing (8) connected to the driving shaft (9),
and support plate (12).
The middle disc (2) has lever mechanisms
(11) that ensure disc (2) equal distance setting
between flywheel friction surface (1) and
pressure clutch plate (3). Yokes (13) serve as 1. – flywheel; 2 – middle disc; 3 – pressure
squeeze clutch levers supports. clutch plate; 4 – driving shaft; 5 – bushing; 6
They are fixed on the support disc by way of – bearing; 7 – power shaft; 8 – floating
adjusting nuts and fixing washers (14). bushing; 9 – torsion vibration damper; 10 –
Clutch is engaged and disengaged by shifter squeeze lever; 11 – lever mechanism; 12 –
(17) and squeezing bearing (16) moving along support disc; 13 – yoke; 14 – washer; 15 –
bar (18). Shifter yoke (19) with roller (20) are nut; 16 – bearing; 17 – shifter; 18 – shifter
connected to clutch pedal via hydraulic static bar; 19 – switch off yoke; 20 – control roller;
drive. 21 – cup; 22 pressure clutch springs; 23
Squeeze bearing (16) is lubricated by means insulating washer, 24 – driven discs.
of the press-grease cup screwed in the shifting
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Clutch body (30) contains drive and driven 27) in clutch and GB bodies. The shaft of
shafts with pinions, oil pump drives of HLS needle bearings bears (25) driven pinions (19,
and 24) of
transmission hydraulic system. Drive shaft (4) two-speed independent PTO drive. Fixed
is mounted on two bearing supports. The pinions (19, 24) are connected with the shaft
shaft has a toothed ring and splints with by
installed pinion (5) forcing pinion (19) of the way of toothed clutch (23) being moved by
independent PTO (18) of driving the driven means of yoke (20) and roller (21).
shaft to rotate, and pinion (8) that drives oil HLS oil pump is driven by means of pinions
pumps. Power shaft (1) passes through shaft (5) and (8), and transmission hydraulic system
(4) which via splint pushing (6) transmits pump – by pinions (5), (8) and shafts (15),
torsion (12).
moment from the clutch to GB input shaft.
Driven shaft (18) is mounted on two bearings
1 – power shaft; 2 – bar; 3 – 3, 10, 14, 17, 25, 27 – bearings; 4 – drive shaft; 5 – pinion; 6 - splint
bushing; 7 – cover; 8 – pumps drive pinion; 9 , 15 – shaft-pinion; 11 – nut; 12 – shaft-pinion; 13 –
shaft – 16 – sealing ring; 18 – driven shaft; 19 – pinion; 20 – yoke; 21 – roller; 22 – cover; 23 –
toothed clutch; 24 – pinion; 26 – cup; 28 – roller; 29 – yoke; 30 – body.
Clutch body
1 – forward movement main cylinder; 2 – tank; 3 – spring; 4, 17 –bolt; 5, 7, 15, 18, 25, 37 – nut; 6, 13, 30 –
pusher; 8;, 16, 38 – yoke; 9, 32, 39 – pin; 10 – forward travel clutch pedal; 11 – oil conduit; 12 – reverse
mode clutch pedal; 14 – sheathing; 19 – reverse mode main cylinder; 20, 22 – pipe line; 21 – cock; 23 –
hose; 24 – support; 26 – by-pass valve; 27 – safety cup; 28 – operation cylinder; 29 – piston; 31 – hydraulic
booster; 33, 34 – arm; 35 – pull out spring; 36 – tie-bar; 40 – lever; 41 – hose.
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 5. Design and operation
- - remove wheel cylinder 28 from arm
Adjustment of clutch control 33,having pulled out pin 32;
There are several stages of clutch control - set piston 29 in cylinder 28 to end
adjustment: right position up to the cover;
1. Adjustment of clearance between a - set piston 29 of cylinder 28 until it
piston and pusher 6 of main cylinder smoothly touches pusher 30 of
piston 1 (forward travel) hydraulic booster 31, and by screwing
- insert pusher 6 of main cylinder 2 in or unscrewing support 24, align
yoke 8, having observed distance B, support and arm openings 33;
then tighten nut 7. - screw in support 25 by ½ turns, place
- by screwing and unscrewing bolt 4 to pin 32, tighten it with a pin, tighten
set clearance between piston and check nut 25.
pusher 6 of main cylinder piston 2,
adjust free pedal movement 10 to Circulate oil through clutch control hydraulic
within 6…12 mm (as measured by system.
cover center);
- tighten check nut 5.
Table 5-2
Malfunction, appearance Correction methods
GB gears are shifted with grinding sound ( not full clutch disengagement)
Clutch control is not adjusted Make adjustments
Squeeze levers are out of level Make adjustments
Driven discs’ bushings jam in power shaft Clean and grease cotter pins. If worn out or
cotter pins damaged, replace discs or the power shaft.
Increased wobbling of driven discs’ blades Replace discs
Flywheel bearing is destroyed Replace the bearing
Air entrapped in the system Find out the trouble. Bleed the hydraulic dive
Loss of pressure in operation cavities of main Replace sealing rings. Bleed the system.
and operation cylinders due to sealing rings
Oil leakage through sealing rings of the Replace sealing rings in the hydraulic booster
hydraulic booster.
Clutch slips ( not full clutch engagement)
Oiling of driven discs lining and adjacent Remove causes of oil trapping. Rinse oiled
friction surfaces surfaces with benzene.
Lining of clutch driven discs is worn out Replace lining or discs in assembly
Jamming of main and operation cylinders’ Replace sealing rings. Bleed the system
pusher due to swelling of sealing rings
The hydraulic drive system is impossible to bleed in the reverse mode
(MTZ – 2522V/2822V)
Damage or wear out of the sealing ring of Replace sealing rings. Bleed the system.
main cylinder rod of the reversing mechanism
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The gear box is of mechanical, step-wise, synchronizers. The gear box provides 24
permanently clutched pinions, range-type gears for forward travel and 12 gears for
(four front travel ranges and two ranges of reverse movement, as well as front drive axle
reverse movement mode) design, with six drive.
gears within each range shifted by means of
1 – intermediate shaft; 2, 4, 14, 30, 33, 46, 49 – nuts; 3 – main drive; 5, 7, 8, 13, 20, 22, 23, 31, 34,
35, 38, 39, 43, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56 – pinions; 6, 12, 27, 53 – synchronizers; yokes’ body; 10,
18 – yokes; 11- hydraulic cylinder; 15 – ball fixing element; 16, 17 – levers; 19 – drag bar; 21, 36,
40 – bushings; 24, 45 – roller bearings; 25, 48 – adjusting washers; 26 – main output shaft; 28 –
shaft of pinions block; 29 – shaft of independent PTO drive; 32 – shaft of reduced gears and reverse
movement; 37, 42 – toothed clutches; 41 – stop ring; 47 – shaft; 57 – GB body.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
5.3.1. Gear box design between pinions (20) and (22) is effected by
way of synchronizer (27)
The gear box (see figure on page 72) consists Parts’ assemblies on all shafts are tighten by
of the body, gear block, reduced gears and nuts (2), (4), (14), (30), (33), (46) and (49).
reverse movement shaft; pinions block; main
output shaft – a pinion; control mechanism an
hydraulic system.
1 – control panel; 2 – a box of fuses; 3 – lever for shifting of reduction gear shifts and stages; 4 –
connecting cables; 5 – GB neutral sensor; 6 – reduction gear electric distributor; 7 – higher stage
pressure sensor; 8 – lower stage pressure sensor, 9 – connecting shoes; 10 – lower stage switching
button; 11 – higher stage switching button; 12 – higher stage light emitting diode; 13 – lower stage
light emitting diode; 14, 15 – control lamps.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
To rule out the possibility of starting diesel the intermediate relay circuit of starter (1) and
with gear engaged, the tractor is equipped starter relay tie-rod (5)
with a special locking device To adjust switch disconnection washers (9)
The locking device consists of switch (8) are provided.
installed in GB case on the left, balls (6) and
With range switched, the locking mechanism RANGE SHIFTING LEVER IN THE
disconnects contacts of the switch and breaks NEUTRAL POSITION!
1 – starter; 2 – generator; 3 – locking relay; 4 – starter switch; 5 – starter relay; 6 – balls of the
locking mechanism; 7, 7a – pins; 8 – lock switch; 9 – adjustment washers; 10 – range shift carriers;
11 – fixing element.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
1 – oil intake filter; 2 – six-pinion oil pump. 3 – safety valve; 4 – oil filter (meshed) 5, 6 – cam half-
clutches for rear axle DL; 7 – shift yoke; 8 – piston for switching rear axle DL; 9 – greasing of rear
axle differential; 10 – centrifugal oil filter-distributor; 11 – oil pressure gauge; 12 – oil conduct to
shafts and bearings; 13 – lubrication of rear axle planetary reduction gear; 14 – main outlet shaft; 15
– main valve; 16 – electric hydraulic valve of FDA control; 17 – electric hydraulic valve of rear
axle DL; 18 – reverse movement shaft; 19 – shaft of movement reducer; 20 – electric-hydraulic
valve for shifting GB reduction gear; 21 – oil pressure sensor ( lower stage of GB reduction gear);
22 – oil pressure sensor ( higher stage of GB reduction gear); 23 – hydraulic cylinder for GB
reduction gear switching; 24 – PTO friction clutch; 25 – friction clutch for braking PTO end; 26 –
friction clutch for driving FDA; 27 – hydraulic distributor for PTO control; 28 – gliding yoke
support for FDA dive.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The hydraulic system is designed for control hydraulic valves are connected by way of oil
of GB reduction gear, FDA dive, rear PTO, conduits to actuating mechanisms: friction
rear axle DL; as well as transmission bearings clutch for driving FDA (26), piston for
lubrication, cooling of its components and oil switching rear axle DL clutch on and off
purification. Six-pinion oil pump (2) with (5,6); hydraulic cylinder (23) for switching
switched off driving mechanism, is installed lower and higher stages of gear box reduction
to the left of clutch case. gear.
The pump sucks oil from the transmission Purified by centrifugal oil pump, oil is
refuel tank via meshed intake filter (1) and supplied to lubrication system under pressure
supplies it to the hydraulic system through 2.0…2.5 kgs/cm2, sustained by lubrication
safety valve (3), adjusted to pressure 18…20 valve (lower valve of filter-distributor).
kgs/cm2, to full-flow meshed filter (4) and on Through main pipeline (12) oil is supplied to
to centrifugal filter-distributor (10). Purified bearings of GB shaft bearings (14, 15, 18,
oil under pressure of 9…10 kgs/cm2 is 19), planetary reduction gears of rear axle end
supplied to electric-hydraulic valves (16, 17, transmissions (13), gliding yoke supports of
20) to control FDA drive, rear axle DL and FDA drive (28).
GB reduction gear, correspondingly. Under Oil drained through lubrication valve and
pressure oil is also supplied to hydraulic filter-distributor middle valve, lubricates the
distributor (27), controlling rear PTO, sending differential and rear axle main gear (9).
oil to friction clutches (24, 25). Electric
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The rear axle consists of the main gear, the rear axle body, and finite gears located in
differential, electrically-hydraulically driven half-axles’ coupling.
lock cam clutch; tractor-borne gears located in
5.4.1. Main gear Shafts of drive pinions (6) and (19) by way
of spline connections couple half-axle pinions
The main gear has coned shape with circular of the differential and drive pinions of
teeth, and consists of driving coned pinion, tractor-borne and brake discs (4, 17).
made in assembly with secondary GB shaft Driven pinions (22, 38) are set on spline
(see page 72) and driven pinion (1), fastened bushings (33, 39), mounted on ball bearings
with bolts (2) between differential bodies (10, on rear axle body (36) and cup (41, 44).
11a, 12a). Between cups' flanges (7, 16) and rear axle
body, 0.20 and 0.50 mm thick adjustment
5.4.2. Differential spacers are installed. By changing the number
of the latter axial clearance in coned roller
Differential is a coned, closed locked bearings (14) and side clearance of main gear
structure, consisting of three bodies (10, 11a, pinions’ engagement are adjusted.
12a) connected by bolts (2), a spider (11),
four satellite gears (12) with spherical 5.4.4. Finite gears
washers. The differential body in assembly is
mounted in rear axle case (36) on two coned Finite gears comprise of two spur planetary
roller bearings (14). The differential is locked gears situated in hoses (25, 42), and spline
by electrically-hydraulically driven cam shafts (43, 40), connecting driven pinions (23,
clutch (34, 35), mounted on bushings (33, 39) 38) to planetary gears.
of drive gears (9, 15), and by means of shafts The planetary gear consists of fixed crown
(6, 19) locks differential half-axle gears (3, pinion (32) mounted on cup teeth (44), carrier
13). (31), sun pinion (30), four satellite gears (20)
rotating on satellite gears’ axles (22) on roller
5.4.3. Tractor-borne gears bearings (21).
Coned roller bearings (45) of half-axles (24,
Tractor-borne gears consist of two pairs of 42) are adjusted by selecting a set of 0.2 mm
spur pinions (9, 38) and (15, 23). and 0.5 mm thick spacers put between half-
Drive pinions (9, 15) are set on spline shafts axle end face and washer (26).
(6, 19) mounted on roller bearings (8) in cups
(7, 16).
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
5.4.5. Mechanism of differential lock - install and fasten the arm and tighten
stopper (9);
Cam hydraulically controlled clutch for - while unscrewing screw (10) bring
differential locking is mounted on driven movable half-clutch (5) to the end of
pinions (1, 7) spline bushings (2, 6) of the end face of fixed half-clutch cams (4),
tractor-borne gear. It consists of half-clutch and then screw up the screw by 1…1.5
(4) fixed on the bushing with pin (3), and turns to ensure required clearance and
movable half-clutch (5) mounted on bushing tighten screw (9).
splines (6) and driven by electrical-hydraulic
system (see page 82).
The system of rear axle DL control consists of for switching cam clutch of rear axle DL,
control panel (1), situated in the tractor cabin connecting cables (9) with connector
to the right of an operator, sensor (10) of dive assembly (4) and shoes (12). The system
wheels turning angle, two sensors (13) of operates from tractor-borne electric circuit
work brakes operational state situated under through box of fuses (2). The system power
brake pedals electrical hydraulic distributor supply is switched on after diesel start from
(6), installed on the right GB cover and start relay block (3).
hydraulically connected to hydraulic cylinder
The control system for rear axle differential lock (DL), and front drive axle (FDA) drive:
1 – control panel; 2 – box of fuses; 3 – starting relays block; 4 – connector; 5 – reverse sensor; 6 –
electric-hydraulic distributor of DL control; 7 – sensor of automatic FDA dive switching; 8 –
hydraulic distributor of FDA drive switching; 9 – connecting cables; 10 – sensor of drive wheels
turn angle; 12 – connecting shoes; 13 – sensors of the switched state of work brakes; 14, 16 – signal
elements; 15 – switch for FDA drive control; 17 – DL control switch; 18 – HLS switch; 19 – sound
alarm switch (2022V).
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Table 5-4
Fault, appearance Correction methods
Increased noise in the main gear
Wrong adjustment of main gear pinions Make adjustment of main gear engagement according
engagement according to contact spot to contact spot.
and side clearance Make adjustment of the side clearance in main gear set
engagement (0.25…0.55 mm)
Adjustment of main gear cone bearings is Make adjustment of bearings tension
Low oil level in the transmission body Check oil level in the transmission body, re-fill, if
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Rear PTO has an independent drive with four drive is effected from the diesel via two pairs
speed modes, that are provided by a two- of cylindrical pinions in the clutch body, GB
speed reduction gear in the clutch body, and interior shaft, shifting clutch and PTO
replaceable ends (15) (540 rev/min) and (16) reduction gear. Clutch (1) is used for
(1000 rev/min) in PTO reduction gear. The switching the drive on and off.
1 – shifting clutch; 2 – drive shaft; 3 – friction disc; 4 – intermediate disc; 5 – drum; 6 – brake disc;
7 – intermediate axle; 8 – roller; 9 – pinion; 10 – body; 11 – valve; 12 – cover; 13 – thrust washer;
14 – sheath; 15, 16 – replaceable ends; 17 – bushing; 18 – coned roller bearing; 19 – ring; 20 –
washer; 21 – nut; 22,23 – pinion; 24 – brake piston; 25 – thrust disc; 26 – friction gear piston; 27 –
spring; 28 – cover.
Reduction gear of the power take-off shaft is to replaceable ends (15, 16) depending on the
mounted in the rear axle body and consists of required operation mode: with pinion (22) –
driven (22) and drive pinions (23) axially 540 rev/min*; pinion (23) – 1000 rev/min*.
placed and interconnected by means of three Ends are mounted on coned roller bearings
equally spaced intermediate pinions (9) (18) and fixed with thrust washer to avoid
assembled on axles (7) in reduction gear body axial movement. To replace the end, take off
(10). washer 13, change the end and fix it. The end
Drive and driven pinions have spline faces bear marks: “540” and “1000”
openings, by way of which they are connected correspondingly.
*) To put gear switch (35a) to position “I” (see page 40)
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
To engage and disengage PTO, multi-disc Friction disc (6) is mounted on drum splintes
friction clutch and PTO brake are used. Drive (5). When pressure rises in the brake booster,
shaft (2) clutch splintes of the friction gear are piston (24) squeezes discs (6) and (25),
provided with metal-ceramic lined discs (3), braking drum and PTO end.
and in drum (5) slots, connected to drive In neutral position, the end can be easily
pinion (23) reduction gear by way of splintes, rotated “by hand”.
and intermediate discs (4). With PTO
switched on, under oil pressure piston (26) Note: 1. Axial clearance in coned roller
squeezes discs, thus connecting PTO bearings (18) should not exceed 0.10
reduction gear to drive shaft (2). mm. Make adjustment by selecting
With friction clutch switched off, piston (26) rings (19) Torque nuts (21) to 220 Nm.
resets under impact of springs (27). Stand-by 2. With PTO speed switch (35a) (see
driven PTO brake eliminates the end move page 40) put in position “II”, and
and stoppage. The brake is mounted in replaceable ends in place , as shown
reduction gear body (10) and consists of above, two additional speeds of
piston (24), friction disc (6) and thrust disc independent PTO are obtained (720 and
(25). 1460 rev/min).
Design version
1 – control handle; 2 – pin; 3 – yoke; 4 – check nut; 5 – steel rope rod; 6 – spring; 7 – steel rope; 8 –
check nut; 9 – distributor; 10 – lever; 11 – tap; 12 – pin; 13 – tie-rod; 14 – lever; 15 lever.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Check operation of the control neutral handle (1) position. The control
mechanism. With force of maximum 30 N handle has two fixed positions: the end front –
(3 kgs) applied, handle (1) should move (PTO switched on), and end rear – “brake of
easily and with no jams , and be fixed PTO end switched on”.
accurately in three positions with diesel in
operation. With non-operational diesel it CAUTION! To engage PTO, smoothly push
should reset from end front position to the control handle with 2…4 s delay in the
neutral by means of spring (6). middle of shifting from neutral to PTO
In the hydraulic version of PTO control (see switch on.
illustrated design version below), instead of For the latter design version: (when shifting
distributor (9) a cock (11) with a damper ( in from rear position to PTO switch on) to
the form of pneumatic coupler that ensures avoid breakage of drive shaft, reduction gear
smoothness of PTO start) can be installed. pinions and PTO end.
The difference against described above design
lies in the absence of return spring (6) and
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Table 5 – 5
Malfunction, appearance Correction methods
Rear PTO doesn’t fully transfer torque, or keeps rotating after PTO brake is engaged
Low oil pressure at the outlet to friction gear Check pressure, if required, check sealing rings of
and PTO brake due to: the friction gear and PTO reduction gear brake, or
a) leakage in the distributor, friction gear replace distributor.
and PTO brake;
b) distributor main valve seizure Dismantle distributor, clean and rinse parts,
remove causes of seizure, replace damaged parts, if
Violation of friction gear or brake operation Rinse friction gear and brake parts in pure diesel
due to pistons hang or wear-out of friction fuel, replace friction discs, if required.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The front PTO (FPTO) is design for driving agricultural machinery, being mounted on front hinge
mechanism. It is independently driven with clock-wise rotation of the end, if looking at its end
face. It provides the end frequency rotation of 1000 rev/min at diesel rotation frequency of 1845
rev/min and power output of 44 kW (60 h/p) maximum.
FPTO (fig A) is driven by pulley (1) of diesel crankshaft and reduction gear (4) via distance piece
(2), permanently installed in pulley (1), and crankshaft (3).
1 – pulley; 2 – distance piece (spacer); 3 – crankshaft; 4 – FPTO reduction gear “A” – distance of
rod extension
MTZ 2022/2022V –Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
In FPTO reduction gear (figure B, page 89) connected to turn roller (18) effecting levers
power is transferred from shaft (12) to end (1) (19) of belt brakes.
by means of shifted toothed clutch (11) Hydraulic cylinder (5) rod (see figure below)
installed on shaft (12), pinion (10), moves by changing oil flow direction in
intermediate pinion (24), pinion (17) mounted electric-hydraulic distributor (1).
on shaft (16), which is connected to crown Oil flow coming along forced pipelined (2) is
pinion (9) of the planetary reduction gear. directed either to pipeline (3) connected to rod
FPTO is unified with rear PTO planetary end head of cylinder (5) ( FPTO is switched
reduction gear of tractors MTZ-80. It is off – rod is drawn in), or to pipeline (4),
controlled by hydraulic cylinder (5), connected to piston end head of cylinder (5),
(FPTO is switched on – the rod is withdrawn).
1 - electric-hydraulic distributor; 2 – forced oil conduit; 3 - oil conduit of hydraulic cylinder rod
head end; 4 – oil conduit of hydraulic cylinder piston head end; 5 – hydraulic cylinder.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
1 – oil intake filter; 2 – six-pinion oil pump. 3 – safety valve; 4 – oil filter (meshed) 5, 6 – cam half-
clutches for rear axle DL; 7 – shift yoke; 8 – piston for switching rear axle DL; 9 – greasing of rear
axle differential; 10 – centrifugal oil filter-distributor; 11 – oil pressure gauge; 12 – oil conduct to
shafts and bearings; 13 – lubrication of rear axle planetary reduction gear; 14 – main outlet shaft; 15
– main valve; 16 – electric hydraulic valve of FDA control; 17 – electric hydraulic valve of rear
axle DL; 18 – reverse movement shaft; 19 – shaft of movement reducer; 20 – electric-hydraulic
valve for shifting GB reduction gear; 21 – oil pressure sensor ( lower stage of GB reduction gear);
22 – oil pressure sensor ( higher stage of GB reduction gear); 23 – hydraulic cylinder for GB
reduction gear switching; 24 – PTO friction clutch; 25 – friction clutch for braking PTO end; 26 –
friction clutch for driving FDA; 27 – hydraulic distributor for PTO control; 28 – gliding yoke
support for FDA dive.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The hydraulic system is designed for control hydraulic valves are connected by way of oil
of GB reduction gear, FDA dive, rear PTO, conduits to actuating mechanisms: friction
rear axle DL; as well as transmission bearings clutch for driving FDA (26), piston for
lubrication, cooling of its components and oil switching rear axle DL clutch on and off
purification. Six-pinion oil pump (2) with (5,6); hydraulic cylinder (23) for switching
switched off driving mechanism, is installed lower and higher stages of gear box reduction
to the left of clutch case. gear.
The pump sucks oil from the transmission Purified by centrifugal oil pump, oil is
refuel tank via meshed intake filter (1) and supplied to lubrication system under pressure
supplies it to the hydraulic system through 2.0…2.5 kgs/cm2, sustained by lubrication
safety valve (3), adjusted to pressure 18…20 valve (lower valve of filter-distributor).
kgs/cm2, to full-flow meshed filter (4) and on Through main pipeline (12) oil is supplied to
to centrifugal filter-distributor (10). Purified bearings of GB shaft bearings (14, 15, 18,
oil under pressure of 9…10 kgs/cm2 is 19), planetary reduction gears of rear axle end
supplied to electric-hydraulic valves (16, 17, transmissions (13), gliding yoke supports of
20) to control FDA drive, rear axle DL and FDA drive (28).
GB reduction gear, correspondingly. Under Oil drained through lubrication valve and
pressure oil is also supplied to hydraulic filter-distributor middle valve, lubricates the
distributor (27), controlling rear PTO, sending differential and rear axle main gear (9).
oil to friction clutches (24, 25). Electric
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The rear axle consists of the main gear, the rear axle body, and finite gears located in
differential, electrically-hydraulically driven half-axles’ coupling.
lock cam clutch; tractor-borne gears located in
5.4.1. Main gear Shafts of drive pinions (6) and (19) by way
of spline connections couple half-axle pinions
The main gear has coned shape with circular of the differential and drive pinions of
teeth, and consists of driving coned pinion, tractor-borne and brake discs (4, 17).
made in assembly with secondary GB shaft Driven pinions (22, 38) are set on spline
(see page 72) and driven pinion (1), fastened bushings (33, 39), mounted on ball bearings
with bolts (2) between differential bodies (10, on rear axle body (36) and cup (41, 44).
11a, 12a). Between cups' flanges (7, 16) and rear axle
body, 0.20 and 0.50 mm thick adjustment
5.4.2. Differential spacers are installed. By changing the number
of the latter axial clearance in coned roller
Differential is a coned, closed locked bearings (14) and side clearance of main gear
structure, consisting of three bodies (10, 11a, pinions’ engagement are adjusted.
12a) connected by bolts (2), a spider (11),
four satellite gears (12) with spherical 5.4.4. Finite gears
washers. The differential body in assembly is
mounted in rear axle case (36) on two coned Finite gears comprise of two spur planetary
roller bearings (14). The differential is locked gears situated in hoses (25, 42), and spline
by electrically-hydraulically driven cam shafts (43, 40), connecting driven pinions (23,
clutch (34, 35), mounted on bushings (33, 39) 38) to planetary gears.
of drive gears (9, 15), and by means of shafts The planetary gear consists of fixed crown
(6, 19) locks differential half-axle gears (3, pinion (32) mounted on cup teeth (44), carrier
13). (31), sun pinion (30), four satellite gears (20)
rotating on satellite gears’ axles (22) on roller
5.4.3. Tractor-borne gears bearings (21).
Coned roller bearings (45) of half-axles (24,
Tractor-borne gears consist of two pairs of 42) are adjusted by selecting a set of 0.2 mm
spur pinions (9, 38) and (15, 23). and 0.5 mm thick spacers put between half-
Drive pinions (9, 15) are set on spline shafts axle end face and washer (26).
(6, 19) mounted on roller bearings (8) in cups
(7, 16).
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
5.4.5. Mechanism of differential lock - install and fasten the arm and tighten
stopper (9);
Cam hydraulically controlled clutch for - while unscrewing screw (10) bring
differential locking is mounted on driven movable half-clutch (5) to the end of
pinions (1, 7) spline bushings (2, 6) of the end face of fixed half-clutch cams (4),
tractor-borne gear. It consists of half-clutch and then screw up the screw by 1…1.5
(4) fixed on the bushing with pin (3), and turns to ensure required clearance and
movable half-clutch (5) mounted on bushing tighten screw (9).
splines (6) and driven by electrical-hydraulic
system (see page 82).
The system of rear axle DL control consists of for switching cam clutch of rear axle DL,
control panel (1), situated in the tractor cabin connecting cables (9) with connector
to the right of an operator, sensor (10) of dive assembly (4) and shoes (12). The system
wheels turning angle, two sensors (13) of operates from tractor-borne electric circuit
work brakes operational state situated under through box of fuses (2). The system power
brake pedals electrical hydraulic distributor supply is switched on after diesel start from
(6), installed on the right GB cover and start relay block (3).
hydraulically connected to hydraulic cylinder
The control system for rear axle differential lock (DL), and front drive axle (FDA) drive:
1 – control panel; 2 – box of fuses; 3 – starting relays block; 4 – connector; 5 – reverse sensor; 6 –
electric-hydraulic distributor of DL control; 7 – sensor of automatic FDA dive switching; 8 –
hydraulic distributor of FDA drive switching; 9 – connecting cables; 10 – sensor of drive wheels
turn angle; 12 – connecting shoes; 13 – sensors of the switched state of work brakes; 14, 16 – signal
elements; 15 – switch for FDA drive control; 17 – DL control switch; 18 – HLS switch; 19 – sound
alarm switch (2022V).
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Table 5-4
Fault, appearance Correction methods
Increased noise in the main gear
Wrong adjustment of main gear pinions Make adjustment of main gear engagement according
engagement according to contact spot to contact spot.
and side clearance Make adjustment of the side clearance in main gear set
engagement (0.25…0.55 mm)
Adjustment of main gear cone bearings is Make adjustment of bearings tension
Low oil level in the transmission body Check oil level in the transmission body, re-fill, if
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Rear PTO has an independent drive with four drive is effected from the diesel via two pairs
speed modes, that are provided by a two- of cylindrical pinions in the clutch body, GB
speed reduction gear in the clutch body, and interior shaft, shifting clutch and PTO
replaceable ends (15) (540 rev/min) and (16) reduction gear. Clutch (1) is used for
(1000 rev/min) in PTO reduction gear. The switching the drive on and off.
1 – shifting clutch; 2 – drive shaft; 3 – friction disc; 4 – intermediate disc; 5 – drum; 6 – brake disc;
7 – intermediate axle; 8 – roller; 9 – pinion; 10 – body; 11 – valve; 12 – cover; 13 – thrust washer;
14 – sheath; 15, 16 – replaceable ends; 17 – bushing; 18 – coned roller bearing; 19 – ring; 20 –
washer; 21 – nut; 22,23 – pinion; 24 – brake piston; 25 – thrust disc; 26 – friction gear piston; 27 –
spring; 28 – cover.
Reduction gear of the power take-off shaft is to replaceable ends (15, 16) depending on the
mounted in the rear axle body and consists of required operation mode: with pinion (22) –
driven (22) and drive pinions (23) axially 540 rev/min*; pinion (23) – 1000 rev/min*.
placed and interconnected by means of three Ends are mounted on coned roller bearings
equally spaced intermediate pinions (9) (18) and fixed with thrust washer to avoid
assembled on axles (7) in reduction gear body axial movement. To replace the end, take off
(10). washer 13, change the end and fix it. The end
Drive and driven pinions have spline faces bear marks: “540” and “1000”
openings, by way of which they are connected correspondingly.
*) To put gear switch (35a) to position “I” (see page 40)
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
To engage and disengage PTO, multi-disc Friction disc (6) is mounted on drum splintes
friction clutch and PTO brake are used. Drive (5). When pressure rises in the brake booster,
shaft (2) clutch splintes of the friction gear are piston (24) squeezes discs (6) and (25),
provided with metal-ceramic lined discs (3), braking drum and PTO end.
and in drum (5) slots, connected to drive In neutral position, the end can be easily
pinion (23) reduction gear by way of splintes, rotated “by hand”.
and intermediate discs (4). With PTO
switched on, under oil pressure piston (26) Note: 1. Axial clearance in coned roller
squeezes discs, thus connecting PTO bearings (18) should not exceed 0.10
reduction gear to drive shaft (2). mm. Make adjustment by selecting
With friction clutch switched off, piston (26) rings (19) Torque nuts (21) to 220 Nm.
resets under impact of springs (27). Stand-by 2. With PTO speed switch (35a) (see
driven PTO brake eliminates the end move page 40) put in position “II”, and
and stoppage. The brake is mounted in replaceable ends in place , as shown
reduction gear body (10) and consists of above, two additional speeds of
piston (24), friction disc (6) and thrust disc independent PTO are obtained (720 and
(25). 1460 rev/min).
Design version
1 – control handle; 2 – pin; 3 – yoke; 4 – check nut; 5 – steel rope rod; 6 – spring; 7 – steel rope; 8 –
check nut; 9 – distributor; 10 – lever; 11 – tap; 12 – pin; 13 – tie-rod; 14 – lever; 15 lever.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Check operation of the control neutral handle (1) position. The control
mechanism. With force of maximum 30 N handle has two fixed positions: the end front –
(3 kgs) applied, handle (1) should move (PTO switched on), and end rear – “brake of
easily and with no jams , and be fixed PTO end switched on”.
accurately in three positions with diesel in
operation. With non-operational diesel it CAUTION! To engage PTO, smoothly push
should reset from end front position to the control handle with 2…4 s delay in the
neutral by means of spring (6). middle of shifting from neutral to PTO
In the hydraulic version of PTO control (see switch on.
illustrated design version below), instead of For the latter design version: (when shifting
distributor (9) a cock (11) with a damper ( in from rear position to PTO switch on) to
the form of pneumatic coupler that ensures avoid breakage of drive shaft, reduction gear
smoothness of PTO start) can be installed. pinions and PTO end.
The difference against described above design
lies in the absence of return spring (6) and
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Table 5 – 5
Malfunction, appearance Correction methods
Rear PTO doesn’t fully transfer torque, or keeps rotating after PTO brake is engaged
Low oil pressure at the outlet to friction gear Check pressure, if required, check sealing rings of
and PTO brake due to: the friction gear and PTO reduction gear brake, or
c) leakage in the distributor, friction gear replace distributor.
and PTO brake;
d) distributor main valve seizure Dismantle distributor, clean and rinse parts,
remove causes of seizure, replace damaged parts, if
Violation of friction gear or brake operation Rinse friction gear and brake parts in pure diesel
due to pistons hang or wear-out of friction fuel, replace friction discs, if required.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The front PTO (FPTO) is design for driving agricultural machinery, being mounted on front hinge
mechanism. It is independently driven with clock-wise rotation of the end, if looking at its end
face. It provides the end frequency rotation of 1000 rev/min at diesel rotation frequency of 1845
rev/min and power output of 44 kW (60 h/p) maximum.
FPTO (fig A) is driven by pulley (1) of diesel crankshaft and reduction gear (4) via distance piece
(2), permanently installed in pulley (1), and crankshaft (3).
1 – pulley; 2 – distance piece (spacer); 3 – crankshaft; 4 – FPTO reduction gear “A” – distance of
rod extension
MTZ 2022/2022V –Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
In FPTO reduction gear (figure B, page 89) connected to turn roller (18) effecting levers
power is transferred from shaft (12) to end (1) (19) of belt brakes.
by means of shifted toothed clutch (11) Hydraulic cylinder (5) rod (see figure below)
installed on shaft (12), pinion (10), moves by changing oil flow direction in
intermediate pinion (24), pinion (17) mounted electric-hydraulic distributor (1).
on shaft (16), which is connected to crown Oil flow coming along forced pipelined (2) is
pinion (9) of the planetary reduction gear. directed either to pipeline (3) connected to rod
FPTO is unified with rear PTO planetary end head of cylinder (5) ( FPTO is switched
reduction gear of tractors MTZ-80. It is off – rod is drawn in), or to pipeline (4),
controlled by hydraulic cylinder (5), connected to piston end head of cylinder (5),
(FPTO is switched on – the rod is withdrawn).
1 - electric-hydraulic distributor; 2 – forced oil conduit; 3 - oil conduit of hydraulic cylinder rod
head end; 4 – oil conduit of hydraulic cylinder piston head end; 5 – hydraulic cylinder.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
1. With minimum stable diesel revolutions, - to switch FPTO off, press upper part of
engage FPTO drive; to this end turn lever key (20), signal lamp (21) goes out,
(22) (figure B, page 89), mounted on top which indicates that FPTO is switched
of reduction gear body, anti clockwise, off.
having released bolt (23) in advance. To CAUTION!
disengage the dive, turn lever (22) When FPTO is not used, switch FPTO
clockwise. After switching is completed, drive off.
tighten bolt (23). Before starting the diesel make sure that
2. Switching FPTO on and off is carried out key (20) and pushbutton (22) are in
in the following way (see figure below): position “FPTO is switched off”
- to switch FPTO on, press lower part of (indicating lamp (21) doesn’t light).
key (20), then push button (22) and When the control system is deenergized
release it. After that indicating lamp (21) (generator out of order, belt breakage,
should light (yellow color), which means etc.), switch off the drive, as shown
that FPTO is switched on; above in item 1, to exclude before time
failures of FPTO reduction gear parts.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
3. Switch FPTO with diesel idling, and only 5. When changing oil in the reduction gear,
after tractor acceleration increase diesel new oil should be refilled to control plug
rotation frequency to required value. level (13).
4. To replace end (1) (figure B, page 89), 6. Periodically check extension of control
switch off FPTO, stop the diesel , unscrew cylinder rod (size “A”, figure A, page 89).
six bolts (3), take out plate (2), pull out If in position “FPTO switched off” the rod
the end (1) and mount the required one, extends less then by 25 mm, or in position
having lubricated in advance centering “FPTO switched on” – more than 90 mm,
surface with thin layer of consistent replace lining of belt brakes (20, 21)
grease. Follow reverse order for assembly (figure B, page 89) of the planetary
operation. reduction gear.
1 – left finite reduction gear; 2 – king pin axle; 3 - front drive axle beam; 4 – two-rod hydraulic
cylinder of steering control; 5 – central reduction gear; 6 – central brake; 7 – axial spherical hinge; 8
– steering tie-rod; 9 – right finite reduction gear; 10 – arm.
The front drive axle is designed for torque to axle beam by means of king pin axles (2).
transfer from the diesel to driven drive front Central reduction gear body has two-rod
wheels. FDA consists of whole cast beam (3), hydraulic cylinder (4), coupled with steering
central reduction gear (5) with main gear and knuckles’ arms (10) by means of axial
differential fastened by bolts to FDA beam, spherical hinge (7) and tie-rod (8).
finite gears’ reduction gears (1, 9), connected
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
5.7.1. CENTRAL REDUCTION GEAR Tension of bearings (11, 24) and engagement
WITH FINAL DRIVE AND of final drive pinions (12, 25) are adjusted by
DIFFERENTIAL nuts (7, 19) with retaining plates (18) and
bolts (10).
Body of central reduction gear (6) is fastened
to FDA beam with bolts. The body houses
coned pinions (12, 25) of the final drive
increased friction self-locking differential,
consisting of half-axle pinions (23),
differential (15) cups, discs (16, 17), satellites
(21), satellites’ axles (20) installed in boxes
(13, 14) that are tightened with bolts (5). Self-
locking differential automatically unites both
half-axle shafts (9, 22) to function as one
assembly, when front wheels slip separately.
Under impact of axial forces cups squeeze
discs (16, 17), locking half-axle pinions to
differential boxes, resulting in differential
locking during straight movement. When
tractor is making a turn, outside forces exceed
friction in discs, which start to slip, and
differential unlocks.
Central disc brake comprises of disc (27),
fastened to flange (29) fixed by nut (28) to 1 – nut; 2, 4 – coned roller bearing; 3 –
splined end of the drive pinion of final drive distance sleeve; 5 – bolt; 6 – body; 7, 19 –
(25), and carriage (26), that is fastened to adjustment nut; 8 – control –refilling plug; 9,
central reduction gear body (6) with brake 22 – half-axle shaft; 10 – locking bolt; 11, 24
blocks, driven with hydrostatic drive, thus – coned roller bearing; 12 – driven pinion; 13,
ensuring braking of front wheels, when tractor 14 – differential box; 15 – cup; 16, 17 – discs;
is braked with linked pedals of working 18 – retaining plate; 20 – axle; 21 – satellite;
brakes. 23 – half-axle pinion; 25 – drive pinion; 26 –
Tension of bearings (2, 4) of the drive pinion carriage; 27 – brake disc; 28 – nut; 29 –
is adjusted by some grinding of distance flange; 30 – sealing ring.
sleeve (3) and tightening of nut (2) to required
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
FDA drive is designed for transfer of torsion (1) freely rotates (with clutch disengaged). It
movement from gear box countershaft by is in permanent engagement with the pinion
means of driving pinion of synchronized of synchronized PTO drive; with clutch being
PTO, multi-disc friction hydraulically engaged, the pinion is connected by a set of
controlled clutch, torsion bar and crankshaft friction discs with drum (3) of hydraulically
to front drive axle. pressed clutch, discs are pressed by piston
Switching PTO drive on/off is carried out by (2)under oil pressure. The drum and jaw half-
means of hydraulically pressed clutch upon clutch (4) of the overrunning clutch are
sensor signal, which is effected by the installed on shaft splines (6), and splined joint
overrunning clutch depending on rear wheels allows the drum to rotate by 45 0 in relation to
slippage. the shaft. The half-clutch is constantly spring-
FDA drive is situated in GB case on the right loaded (5) to drum knuckles and can axially
of tractor travel; in this case torsion bar passes move and act on pusher (13) of automatic
through clutch body. Support of crankshaft drive switching sensor (item 7 of the figure
sliding yoke is installed in clutch body. on page 97). Torsion bar (8) connects shaft
The drive consists of the following main parts (6) by way of splined bushing (7) with
and assemblies. Shaft (6) is mounted in GB crankshaft sliding yoke.
case on roller bearings. On the shaft pinion
MTZ 2022/2022V - Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Operation of FDA drive the half-clutch moves pusher (13), switch (14)
closes electric circuit of the electric magnet of
With no slippage forward travel of the tractor, hydraulic distributor (10), oil under pressure
shaft (6) (figure on page 95), connected to is supplied to the clutch booster, moving
FDA wheels, has greater rotation frequency, piston (2). With this, a set of discs squeezes,
than pinion (1) and drum (3) rotate against blocking pinion (1) with drum (3), and
shaft. Drum (3) cams axially move the half- providing transfer of torque.
clutch along shaft splines, squeezing spring With forced FDA switching on, oil is supplied
(5). to the clutch booster irrespective of rear
With this, contacts of switch (14) of the drive wheels slippage. When FDA is switched off,
automatic switching on sensor are open and the distributor shuts off pressurized duct, and
hydraulic distributor electric magnet is from the clutch booster oil is forced to drain.
deenergized, and there is no pressure in the General arrangement and operation modes of
friction clutch booster. the FDA drive control system are described
When rear wheels slip and exceed the rated below. Diagnostics opening covered with
value, frequency of shaft (6) rotation drops to plug (15) is provided for checking pressure in
an extend for drum (3) to start rotating in the drive clutch booster. Switch (14) and
reverse direction and spring (5) resets half- electric-hydraulic distributor (12) are
clutch (4) to initial position. By its coned part protected with clamp (10) and shield (11).
5.7.2. The system of FDA drive control Automatic switching sensor (7) consists of
(see fig. on page 97) pusher (13), guide and switch (14), (page 95).
Key-type switch (15) for FDA drive control
The system includes panel (1), drive wheels and indicating lamp (14) of drive switched on
turn angle sensor (11), installed on the FDA state, are placed on panel (1).
right side, reverse sensor (5), installed on the Switch (15) has three positions:
right GB side, two sensors (13) of work - “Automatic FDA control” (upper fixed);
brakes switching on, sensor (7) of automatic - “ Forced FDA switching on” ( lower
FDA drive switching on, electric-hydraulic fixed);
distributor (8) installed on the GB cover right - “ FDA switched off” (middle fixed).
side, electrical cables (9), connector (4) and With switch (15) position “FDA switched
sockets (12). off”, power is not supplied to electric-
The system is supplied is similar to hydraulic distributor (8), FDA drive clutch is
described above rear axle DL system. connected to drain, and FDA drive is
switched off.
MTZ 2022/2022V Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The control system for rear axle differential locking (DL) and front drive axle (FDA) drive:
1 – control panel; 2 – a box of fuses; 3 – a box of starting relay; 4 – plug-and-socket; 5 – reverse
sensor; 6 – hydraulic distributor of DL control; 7 – sensor of automatic FDA drive switching on; 8
– hydraulic distributor for FDA drive control; 9 – connecting cables; 11 – sensor of drive wheels
turning angle (25 degrees); 12 – connectors; 13 – sensor of work brakes switched on state; 14, 16 –
indicator lamps; 15 – switch for control of FDA drive; 17 – switch of DL control; 18 – HLS
switch; 19 – sound alarm switch (2022V).
With switch (15) in position “Automatic when pressing interlocked brake
FDA control”, FDA drive automatically pedals, FDA drive switches on
switches on when travelling forward by irrespective of switch (15) position.
means of sensor (7), giving signal of When travelling on hard surface roads,
switching on depending on slippage, to the be sure to SWITCH FDA OFF (
solenoid of electric-hydraulic distributor (8), middle position of key (15)) to avoid
which sends oil flow under pressure to FDA increased wear-out of front wheels’
drive clutch. FDA drive automatically tires and drive parts.
switches off when front wheels turn at a When tractor operates in the reverse
certain angle in any direction. mode, use only forced FDA switching.
When switch (15) is set to position “Forced DO NOT switch FDA by force with
FDA switching on”, FDA drive is switched tractor movement speed over 15 km/h.
on by force both when travelling forward or
moving in reverse irrespective of front
wheels turning angles and slippage.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
In position I, size A from pusher end face (3)
to switch (5) end face of less than 11.5 mm
is not allowable.
Violation of the requirement may lead to
switch (5) failure. 1 – drum; 2 – half –clutch; 3 – pusher; 4 –
spacer; 5 – switch; 6 – cover.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Table 5-6
Malfunction, appearance Correction methods
Increased final drive noise
Abnormal backlash in drive pinion Address high-skilled specialist or dealer
bearings of final drive
Oil leakage on wheel reduction gear
Sealing rings of wheel flange or steering Replace sealing
knuckle are worn-out or damaged
Increased wear-out and separation of front wheel tires
Improper convergence adjustment Make adjustments
Non-compliance of tires’ air pressure with Adjust tires’ pressure according to
recommended rated values manufacturer’s recommendations
FDA constantly operates in the forced Observe directions laid out in the present manual
switched on mode
Driving clutch doesn’t transfer torque
No pressure in the clutch booster Disassembly the distributor, rinse the body and
slide valve
Electrical part of the system is faulty Find out and correct the trouble
Torque is not sufficiently transferred
Leakage in the hydraulic system of drive
-wear-out of rubber sealing rings; Replace sealing rings.
- wear-out of piston and drum sealing Replace sealing rings
- wear-out of adjacent surfaces:
bearing race –drum bushing, drum-
- wear-out of a set of discs; Replace worn-out parts
- slippage of FDA drive clutch Adjust pressure in the transmission hydraulic
system (9…10 kgs/cm2)
Insufficient oil pressure in the Make adjustments
transmission hydraulic system
The drive doesn’t operate in the automatic mode
Switch of sensor automatic switching on Adjust the switch
is poorly adjusted
MTZ 2022/2022V Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Tractors are equipped with left-side and right-side working brakes with
foot pedals control (5, 6) (see figure on page 104), and a parking brake
with hand independent mechanical control by means of handle (9)at left
operator’s hand, effecting working brakes (see figure on page 102).
Working brakes are driven hydraulically by means of left and right main wheel cylinders (7), left
and right working cylinders (9, 11), correspondingly (see figure on page 104). Brakes are
independently mechanically controlled by means of a handle via lever system.
Table 5-7
Brakes Brakes Brakes drive Brakes type Installation
control place
Working Foot operated Hydrostatic “Wet” disc Drive pinion
shafts of final
Parking Hand Mechanical, with drives
operated independent working
brakes drive
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Left and right multi-disc “wet” brakes are system, rotating shaft (5), and its cam (14)
mounted on shafts of final drive driving acts on pushers (13); pressure clutch plates
pinions. Each brake consists of six friction (1, 9) rotate relatively each other and as a
discs (2) with metal-ceramic lining; five result of that balls (8) roll out of hollows and
intermediate discs (11, 12), two pressure spread pressure clutch plates. The whole set
clutch discs (1,9) brought together by four of discs (2, 11, 12) compresses and brakes
springs (17), six steel balls (8) placed in the shaft on which it is installed. Braking
drop-like hollows of pressure clutch plates; discs are lubricated and cooled by oil
two pushers (13) with springs (15), cam supplied from transmission lubricating
(14), shaft (5) mounted on two needle roller system through opening “A”. Assembly
bearings (4) with sealing ring (7); lever (6) clearance of 1.2…1.8 mm between discs is
and cover (3) with spacers, fastened to pipe provided by placement of required number
(10) by seven bolts. of spacers (18).
When pressing brake pedal, force is
transferred to lever (6) via hydraulic drive
1, 9 – pressure clutch plate; 2 – friction disc; 3 – cover; 4 – needle roller bearing; 5 – shaft; 6 –
lever; 7 – sealing ring; 8 – ball; 10 – pipe; 11, 12 – intermediate disc; 13 – pusher; 14 – cam; 15 –
spring; 16 – pin; 17 – spring; 18 – spacers (1…3 pieces); “A” – opening for oil conduit.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Main working brakes with independent drive of rear wheels are used as parking brakes.
The drive (see figure on page 102) consists of Pressure clutch plates, rotating towards each
the draw out mechanism (5) unified with the other, and with their contour grooves’ tilted
mechanism of tractor MTZ 1523, mounted on surfaces rolling on balls (8) expand, thus
axle (6), which is fastened to cabin left side squeezing sets of brakes discs (2, 11) and
off the operator’s seat, and mechanical braking final drives’ driving pinions.
transmission, comprising of lever (2), freely When turning handle (9) (see figure on page
set on brakes roller (10) with its hub, levers 102) with tie-rod (3) by 35…400 around its
(11 and 20) connected to the roller by way of axis, tie-rod toothed comb disengages fixing
keyed joints. lock (8), and tie0rod is free to go downwards,
To lever (2) plate (1) is welded, abutted by unbraking driving pinions of rear wheels’
adjusting bolt (4), screwed in left-side brake final drives.
lever (20).
Levers (11 and 20) via tie-rods (13 and 16) 5.8.3. Brakes hydraulic drive
are connected to two-arm levers (14 and 17), (see figure on page 104)
fastened to splined ends of left and right
brakes. Their lower arms are connected to Brakes hydraulic drive provides independent
main cylinders’ (15, 18) rods by means of control of main brakes using two pedals (5, 6)
yokes and pins. and consists of two wheel cylinders (7) with
When pulling tie-rod (3) using draw-out rods jointed to brake pedals; two wheel
mechanism handle (9), the effort is transferred cylinders (1 and 9), interconnected by
to lever (2), and from its stop (1) – to bolt (4), pipelines (3, 4, 10, 13) and hoses (11, 12)
thus rotating lever (2) and roller (10), with main cylinders (7). Wheel cylinders’
connected with it by means of key, lever (11), rods are joint coupled with levers (2, 8) of
tie-rods (13 and 16), brakes levers (14 and main brakes correspondingly.
17), moving pressure clutch plates (1, 9) of When pressing pedals the force via hydraulic
brakes ( see figure on page 101) via shaft (5), drive can be transferred to:
cam (14) and pushers (13). - left main brake – via lever (8);
- right main brake – via lever (2).
MTZ 2022/2022V –Operation manual Section 5. Design operation
1 – right-side wheel cylinder; 2 – right-side brake lever; 3,4,10,13 – pipelines; 5 – left-side brake
pedal; 6 – right-side brake pedal; 7 – wheel cylinders; 8 - right-side brake lever; 9 – left-side wheel
cylinder; 11, 12 – brakes flexible hoses
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
3. Set rod (1) length of the left brake (8) with yoke (4), correspondingly, with
hydraulic booster to 120 mm, if measured piston fully drawn in, and pin (3) must
between where hydraulic booster abuts touch yoke slot from hydraulic cylinder
piston and axis of pin connecting lever (5) side.
Make adjustment using yoke (4), and carry out the following operations:
unscrew check nut (2) by several turns.
Remove a cotter pin and take off pin (3), having disconnected yoke (4) from lever (5).
Screwing yoke (4) up or down the rod of hydraulic booster (8), set dimension to 120 +/- 1 mm.
Tighten check nut (2), put and secure pin (3) with a cotter pin.
Similarly adjust length of hydraulic booster rod of the right brake.
4. Fill in the drive hydraulic system with braking fluid and run through the hydraulic system in the
following sequence:
fill in tanks (12, 13) of wheel cylinders (10, 11) with braking fluid up to marks “max” ( up to
level 15 +/- 5 mm from the tank top. In the process of running through control fluid level and
don’t allow its drop below mark “min”.
Remove protective cups (9) off by-pass valves of main brakes’ hydraulic boosters, put pipes on
valves’ heads, submerging free end of pipes in reservoirs with 0.5 l minimum capacity and half-
filled with liquid fluid.
Interlock pedals (14, 15) with locking bar “A”.
Unscrew wheel cylinders valves by ½…3/4 turns, and after that press interlocked brake pedals
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Keep on pressing (bleeding air from the brakes) at least 10 times, until air bulbs from pipes
submerged in fluid, stop coming.
Keeping pedals pressed, tighten by-pass valves of both hydraulic boosters, and then release
Press interlocked brake pedals 4…5 times and, keeping them pressed, unscrew valve of the left
hydraulic booster, and after full pedal travel, when part of fluid with air withdraws from the
system, screw the valve up. Repeat the operation several times until air completely withdraws
from the system.
Repeat bleeding air operation in the same sequence for the right brake hydraulic drive.
To bleed hydraulic drive of FDA brakes, remove protective cup from air outlet valve (5) (see
figure on page 104) of FDA brake and put a pipe on the valve head, having submerged free pipe
end into braking fluid reservoir. Unscrew valve by ½…3/4 turns and bleed the system with
pedals interlocked, as described above.
Add fluid to both tanks (12, 13) up to mark “max” (10…20 mm from tank top), remove pipes
from valves and put protective cups in place.
Check full travel of each unlocked pedal at force of 300N, which should be within 100-120 mm.
If full travel value exceeds the above-mentioned limits, make adjustments fulfilling the following
- loosen check nut (2) of hydraulic booster rod;
- screw yoke (4) up or down the rod of the left or right hydraulic booster;
- secure yokes with check nuts.
Check efficiency of brakes operation during tractor movement on dry hard surface road with
clutch disengaged. After pressing interlocked brake pedals with effort 590…600 N, with tractor
travel speed of 20 km/h, braking distance should not exceed 6.4. Difference of the beginning of rear
wheels braking should not be more than 0.5 m, as estimated by imprint with straight movement
direction. If necessary, adjust synchronism of braking start by changing length of the hydraulic
booster rod, screwing yoke (4) up or down the hydraulic booster rod.
If the thread is too small to make adjustment of pedal required travel, do the following for normal
brakes functioning:
3. Set wheel cylinder (8) length of the left fully inside. Pin (4) travel when force
brake to within 205…213 mm, if measured 350…400 N is applied to lever (5), on arm of
from cylinder end face to pin (4) axis, 60 mm, should be within 10…12 mm.
connecting lever (5) to yoke (3), with piston
Make adjustment by means of yoke (3), doing 4. Fill drive hydraulic system in with braking
the following operations: fluid “Neva-M”, and bleed the hydraulic
disconnect tie-rod (7) of the parking brake system observing the following sequence:
drive from lever (5);
unscrew check nut (2) on the cylinder rod Fill-in tanks of wheel cylinders (1) and (2)
by several turns; (see figure on page 106) with braking
rotating wheel cylinder rod (1) by flats, fluid “Neva_M” to marks “MAX” ( or to
adjust cylinder length and travel of wheel level 15 +/- 5 mm from tanks top). In the
cylinder yoke pin to required limits; process of bleeding watch the fluid level,
tighten check nut (2), connect tie-rod (7) not allowing it drop below mark “MIN”;
of the parking brake drive. Take protective cup off stop valve (9) of
left brake wheel cylinder (8), put a pipe on
If adjustment of required dimensions proves the valve head, having submerged free
to be impossible, dismount lever (5) from pipe end in a reservoir with at least 0.5 l
brake shaft (6), having before loosened capacity, filled by half with braking fluid;
tension of the bolt of lever (5) hub, and install Interlock pedals (8, 9) with a locking bar;
it back , having rotated by one slot in the Unscrew stop valve (9) by ½…3/4 turns,
required direction ( rotation by one slot and after that press interlocked braking
changes dimensions by 8 mm). pedals several times. PRESS FAST,
Similarly, adjust dimensions of the right brake RELEASE SMOOTHLY!
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Keep pressing the pedal for at least 10 times, Difference of the beginning of rear wheels
before air bulbs stop coming out of the pipe, braking should not be more than 0.5 m, if
submerged in fluid; estimated by imprint with straight movement.
keep pedals pressed, tighten stop valve of If necessary, adjust synchronism of braking
the left wheel cylinder and release pedals; by changing length of wheel cylinder rod,
press interlocked braking pedals 4…5 screwing yoke (3) up or down the wheel
times and, keeping them pressed, unscrew cylinder rod.
stop valve of the left wheel cylinder, and If the thread on the rod is not sufficient to
after full pedal travel, when part of fluid make adjustment of the required pedal travel,
and air will withdraw from the system, do the following operations for normal brakes
tighten the valve; functioning:
following the same procedure, bleed loosen coupling bolt of lever (5);
hydraulic drive of the right brake; disconnect both arms of lever (5) from
fill- fluid in both tanks to mark “MAX” yokes (3, 7);
(or 10…20 mm from tank top), put rearrange lever in braking shaft slots (6);
protective cups in place. connect yokes to the lever, tighten the bolt
and repeat adjusting operations.
Check full travel of each unlocked pedal
individually with force 300 N , which should
be within 100-120 mm. If the value of pedals’
full travel goes beyond the above-mentioned
limits, make adjustment by carrying out the
following operations:
- loosen check nut (2) of the wheel
cylinder rod;
- screw yoke (3) up or down the rod of the
left or right wheel cylinders;
- secure yokes with check nuts.
Make adjustment of parking brake drive with 3. All pins should easily rotate in couplings
handle (13) travel of 120 mm maximum. “yoke – lever head”, and move along yoke
Before adjustment of the parking brake, make slots without jams.
adjustment of the main brake. 4. Make final adjustments of hand
Observe the following sequence to adjust mechanical control of braking start
control of mechanical brakes drive (parking synchronism (by imprint of tires’ tread on
brakes): dry asphalt) on assembled tractor during
1. push handle (13) with tie-rod (4) to the movement, with brakes tension by means
end low position. The fixing pin (12) of the lever with force of 400 N.
should be in the arm slot. If required, correct the adjustment by
2. Adjust length of left brake tie-rod (15) changing length of tie-rods (9) and (15).
within (75 +/- 2) mm , right brake tie-rod
(9) – (78 +/-) mm in such a way, that pin NOTICE! When adjusting length of
(8) of the right brake touched oval yoke tie-rod, don’t allow length of threaded
slot, and pin of the left brake had tie-rod section in the yoke to be less
clearance of (3…4) mm, with brake than 12 mm. Torque tie-rod yokes’
handle in the end lower position. check nuts to 40…45 Nm.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Design and operation
3. Set preliminary length of wheel cylinder by screwing yoke (5) up or down rod (3) of
reversing gear (1) to within 204…206 mm, cylinder (1), having in advance unscrewed
and adjust it in a way to provide free coupling check nut (4). After completing adjustment
of yoke (5) with lever (6), with wheel cylinder secure the nut with a cotter-pin.
rod (3) fully pushed inside. Make adjustment
Pneumatic drive provides control of brakes as tires inflation. See pneumatic drive
for trailers and agricultural machines, diagram below.
equipped with pneumatic brakes drive, as well
1 – compressor; 2 – main pipe-line from inlet diesel collector; 3 – pressure regulator; 4 – air intake
valve; 5 – braking valve; 6 – control manifold; 7 – connecting head; 8 – air pressure indicator; 9 –
emergency pressure signal lamp; 10 – pressure sensor; 11 – emergency pressure sensor; 12 –
cylinder; 13 – condensate removal valve.
5.9.1 Check and adjustment of the brake valve of the pneumatic system and its drive
Table 5-9
Malfunction, appearance Correction methods
Slow pressure rise in the cylinder
Air leakage from the pneumatic system:
nuts of pipe-lines, fittings, and Find out leakage sites and eliminate them by
fastening clamps are not properly tightening couplings or replacing damaged
tightened or damaged; parts.
rubber sealing of the coupling head is Replace damaged sealing.
tension of sealing ring nut of the Tighten the nut.
coupling head got loose;
mud got trapped under the coupling Clean the valve.
head valve;
dust-proof cover is in touch with valve Correct the problem.
spindle of the coupling head;
valve elements are deformed:
diaphragm torn, fastening of cover in Check the state of valve elements and replace
the brake valve got loose; them, if required; tighten fastening.
Make adjustment.
valve drive adjustment disturbed;
operation of pressure regulator is
Remove and send for repair.
Rinse the filter.
filter is clogged.
Hang up or wear of compressor piston Remove head and cylinder of the compressor,
rings. clean rings of coke sediments and replace them,
if required
Pressure in the cylinder drops fast after diesel stop
Damage or wear of compressor piston rings. Clean piston rings of coke sediments, or replace
Pressure regulator switches on compressor during the idle run with pressure less than
0.77…0.80 mPa (770…800 kPa), and during working stroke – with less than 0.65 Mpa (650
kPa), or more than 0.70 MPa ( 700 Kpa)
Soiling of cavities and ducts of pressure Rinse and clean.
Adjustment cover is unlocked. Make adjustment of compressor pressure switching
Loss of elasticity , damage or destruction of Replace damaged parts.
rubber parts, shrinkage of springs.
Displacement of the rubber ring on air Unscrew the cover, check position and state of
bleed-off valve. the rubber ring.
Inefficient operation of trailer’s brakes
Brake cock doesn’t provide pressure Adjust brake valve and its drive (see page
0.77…0.80 Mpa (770…800 kPa). 116).
Brake valve doesn’t provide pressure drop Adjust the brake valve and its drive (see page
to zero in the main connecting pipe-line. 116).
Operation of trailer’s braking system is
disturbed. Adjust it.
Slow release of trailer’s brakes
Adjustment of brake valve and its drive is Make adjustments (see page 116).
Operation of trailer’s braking system is Make adjustments.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Hydraulic steering (HTDS) is intended for cylinder (see figure on page 124), that effect
steering of drive wheels’ turn, reducing tractor turn, oil supply pump (11) driven by
steering wheel force during tractor turn. It diesel and hydraulic fittings. Oil tank (1) of 6
consists of metering pump (6), two hydraulic l capacity serves as oil reservoir. It has paper
cylinders (12, 15), or one two-rod hydraulic oil filter with 25 mkm fine filtration.
1- oil tank; 2 – draw-in oil conduit; 3 – hose, 4 – drain hose; 5 – hose; 6 – metering pump; 7, 8, 9 –
high-pressure hoses, 10 – forced oil conduit; 11 – supply pump; 12 – left-side hydraulic cylinder;
13, 14 – high-pressure hose; 15 – right-side hydraulic cylinder; 16 – front drive axle; 17 – steering
oil drive.
MTZ 2022/2022V- Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
5.10.1. Design and operation of HTDS 5.10.2. HTDS of the reversible tractor
MTZ 2022V
Metering pump (6) is mounted on the steering Design of HTDS requires no rearrangement
column arm, turn hydraulic cylinders are of HTDS system pipe-lines
installed on arms in front of FDA ( or one when shifting from forward movement to
two-rod turn hydraulic cylinder is built-in reverse mode, and visa versa.
reduction gear body behind FDA beam). Oil To steer the turn when operating in the
supply pump (11)is installed on the diesel. reverse mode, the rear cabin wall bears
The metering pump is connected to cavities of auxiliary steering column with a metering
turn hydraulic cylinders by means of hoses (7, pump, connected to four high-pressure hoses,
8), oil conduits (17) and hoses (13, 14); by to be connected to cavities of turn hydraulic
means of hoses (4, 5) – to oil tank (1); by way cylinder, supply pump and forced main pipe-
of oil conduit (10) and hoses (9) – to supply line of front travel metering pump. To
pump. During straight forward movement rearrange steering wheel (1) from forward
cylinder cavities are closed by belts of travel to reverse movement mode, remove
metering pump control valve, and oil from the cover (3), unscrew clamp (2), reinstall the
supply pump comes to the metering pump and wheel on auxiliary steering column, and
returns back to oil tank. When steering wheel adjust the position, as shown in section 4
is rotated, main valve of the metering pump (page 40).
shifts, providing oil supply to turn hydraulic
cylinder cavities in the amount proportional to
angle of steering wheel rotation.
MTZ 2022/2022V –Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The metering pump (see figure below) (7), safety valve (6) and two vacuum-resistant
consists of rocking unit I, distributor II, valves (8).
check valve (9), two shock-resistant valves
1 – stator, 2 – rotor; 3 – main valve; 4 – driven shaft; 5 – sleeve; 6 –safety valve; 7 – shock-
resistance valves; ; 8 – vacuum-resistant valves; 9 – check-valve; 10 – body; I – rocking assembly;
II- distributor.
Rocking assembly I consists of stator (1) Shock-resistant valves (7) limit pressure in
fixed to body (10), and rotating rotor (2), cylinders’ main pipe-lines during shock loads.
coupled to main valve (3) via driven shaft (4). Pressure in shock-resistant valves is adjusted
Distributor II consists of body (10), sleeve (5) to 22.5…24.5 Mpa (225…245 kgs/cm2).
and main valve (3), connected by slots to the Vacuum-resistant valves (8) ensure required
end of steering column driven shaft. supply of working fluid to the hydraulic
Safety valve (6) limits maximum pressure in cylinder in the emergency mode and during
the forced main pipe-line to within operation of shock-resistant valves.
17.7…18.0 Mpa (175…180 kgs/cm ). 2
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Two piston hydraulic cylinders (12, 15) (see of hydraulic cylinders’ bodies and rods’
figure on page 121) provide tractor’s drive heads.
wheels turn and are mounted in front FDA. The tractor may be equipped with two-rod
Rods of the hydraulic cylinder are connected steering hydraulic cylinder, built-in the
to FDA steering knuckles via coned pins, and reduction gear body behind FDA beam (see
hydraulic cylinders’ bodies are connected to figure below). Piston rods (5, 8) act on
arms on the FDA body. steering knuckles’ arms (91, 12) via coaxial
Spherical joints with grease cups used for joints (4, 9), tie-rods (3, 10) tie-rods’ and tie-
periodic joints greasing are installed in eyelets rods’ joints (2, 11).
1, 12 – steering knuckle arm; 2, 11 – tie-rod joint; 3, 10 – tie-rod; 4, 9 – spherical coaxial joint; two-
rod hydraulic cylinder; 5, 8 – rod; 7 – piston.
insufficient oil pressure in tank; supply Fill the tank with oil to the required level and
pump doesn't develop required pressure; bleed the hydraulic system to remove air.
safety valve of the metering pump hangs
up in the open position , or is adjusted to Rinse safety valve and adjust to pressure
low pressure; 140…155 kgs/cm2 with rated diesel revolutions.
considerable friction or jamming in Find out and remove causes hampering free
mechanical steering column elements; travel in mechanical elements of the steering
air ingress in the draw-in main pipe-line column.
system. Check the draw-in main pipe-line, remove
leakage. Bleed the system to remove air.
Steering wheel rotates without driven wheels turning
Insufficient oil level in the oil tank. Fill the tank with oil to the required level and
bleed the hydraulic system to remove air.
Hydraulic cylinder piston sealing is worn out. Replace sealing or the hydraulic cylinder.
Increased initial effort at the beginning of steering wheel rotation
Increased oil viscosity (oil is cold) Heat up oil with diesel in operation
The steering wheel doesn’t return back to “neutral”, “motoring” of the metering pump
Increased friction or jamming of mechanical Remove causes of friction and jamming.
steering wheel elements.
Splined end of the steering column and Release cardan shaft.
metering pump are misaligned (outward To increase clearance put additional 1.5 mm
thrust of cardan shaft). maximum thick washers between metering pump
and steering wheel arm.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Tractor’s drive rear wheels are installed in Inserts are tightened in the hub body by bolts
hubs which consist of cut coned inserts (3,4) (1) (M20).
and body (2).
1 – tightening bolts; 2 – hub body; 3 – upper insert; 4 – lower insert; 5 – dismantling openings.
Tractor wheel span for front wheels may be Front wheels span is set according to disc
changed within 1640-2190 mm, and for rear location relative to hub and rim.
wheels – from 1800 to 2500 mm (tires Diagram of span setting and sizes are given
580/70R38). below
(tires 420/70R24)
*) as dispatched from the works
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Tire standard Wheel position Span size “L”, Mounting dimension** of the hug K to half-
size mm axle end face, mm
580/70R38 A 1800…2110 155…0
B 2230…2500 245…110
20,8R38 A 1800…2070 135…0
B 2230…2500 245…110
* If inserts are impossible to extend using dismantling bolts, pour kerosine in inserts seats, wait for some
time, and then screw in dismantling bolts tapping the hub body until inserts fully extend.
** Changing wheel span by value K corresponds to changing hub position by value K/2 on each side
MTZ 2022/2022V-Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The system is designed for connecting to the operation of all hydraulically driven tools of
tractor mounted and semi-mounted machines, all machinery being ganged up to the tractor
control over their operation, as well as
5.12.1. Hydraulic system
The hydraulic system operates the mounting installed on the upper surface of the clutch
mechanism, as well as hydraulically driven body, gear-type oil pump (15) and drive (16),
tools of agricultural machinery ganged up to mounted on the left side of the clutch body,
the tractor. It allows to use height, power, main valve-valve regulator BOSCH (5),
positional or mixed regime of adjusting depth hydraulic distributor BOSCH (4), external
of travel of agricultural machinery tools. hydraulic cylinders control and RMD two
The mounted device is operated by way of hydraulic cylinders (7) (TS 90- x 250), drain
electromagnetic control, which provides oil filter (11)fastened to rear axle upper cover.
power, positional and mixed adjustment Hydraulic devices are interconnected by
method when operating mounted and semi- means of low-pressure main pipe-lines (10,
mounted tools. The hydraulic system (see 12), oil ducts and high-pressure hoses (6, 8, 9,
diagram below) includes welded oil tank (2), 13).
1 – oil filling neck plug; 2 – oil tank; 3 – oil level indicator; 9 – high-pressure oil conduct; 4 –
distributor BOSCH for external hydraulic cylinders control; 6, 8 – high-pressure hoses; 7 – RMD
hydraulic cylinders; 5* - main-valve – valve regulator BOSCH; 11 – drain oil filter; 10 – low-
pressure oil duct; 12 – drain oil duct; 13 – forced oil duct; 14 – draw-in oil duct; 15 – oil HMS
pump; 16 – oil pump drive, 17 – oil tank breather.
*) part of integral block BOSCH
MTZ 2022/2022V Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Oil tank (2) – is of welded design with 35 l independent from clutch and is installed on
capacity.l is filled through filling neck plug the left side of the clutch body.
(1). The oil tank is provided with breather The drive consists of body (1), pinion (2)
(18) and oil level indicator (3). The bottom of installed on shaft slots, rotating on two ball
the tank has oil drain plug. bearings. Balls (4), placed in shaft openings,
Hydraulic system oil pump is of six-gear engage or disengage the shaft with splined
right-side rotation design. The pump drive is bushings (5, 7) by way of race (6) driven by
yoke via four-faceted roller (8)
1 - drive body; 2 – drive pinion; 3 shaft; 4 – balls; 5 – pump shaft bushing; 6 – race; 7 – bushing; 8
switching roller; 9 stop plate; 10 – bolt; 11 – pump.
Pinion (2) is permanently engaged with PTO left position) balls are brought to bushing (5)
drive pinion. In disengaged position (see hollows by means of race cone (6), and
switching diagram) race (6) is shifted to the rotation from pinion (2) via shaft (3) and
end right position, balls under centrifugal splined bushing (5) is transferred to the pump
forces disengage bushing (5) , and shaft (3) shaft. The drive can bear the second pump
with pinion (2) freely rotate in bearings. In the (NSH 10/16) driven from splined bushing (7).
engaged position (race is shifted to the end
MTZ 2022/2022V- Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The drive provides 1980 rev/min of pump b) using a wrench, turn via tetrahedron the
shaft at rated diesel revolutions, and clutch (3, switching roller (8) counter (clock-wise)
4, 5, 6, 7) allows to switch the mump on and as far as it goes.
off with diesel in operation at minimum idle c) tighten bolt (10)
run revolutions.
To switch the pump on/off: Hydraulic distributor (5) is a three-section,
four position, flow-type device made by
Integral block BOSCH consists of main valve BOSCH. Control valves of sections 2 and 3
distributor, control of external hydraulic are fixed in positions “neutral” and “floating”.
cylinders and regulator (9) with Control valve of section 1 can also be fixed in
electromagnetic control of mounting device. position “lift”. It is provided with automatic
a) release bolt (10) by 1.5…2.0 turns; reset from position "“lift" to position
”neutral” when rated pressure is reached.
11- high-pressure hoses; 9 regulator EHR –23 LS; 5 – hydraulic distributor; 8a – control valves
(adapters; 6 – control steel ropes; 7 – arm; 8 – control levers; 12 – hydraulic cylinder TS 90 x 250 (
2 pieces); “I” – lever of control valve 3; “II” lever of control valve 2; “III”- lever of control valve
1; 1 – drain hose; 2 – low-pressure oil conduit; 3 – drain filter; 4 – high-pressure oil conduit; 10 –
forced oil conduit.
MTZ 2022/2022V- Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
The following elements are brought out on the 1 – clamp; 2 – clamp fixing bolt (2pcs.); 3 –
main panel (page 135):handle (1) for arm; 4 – lower tie-rod; 5 – power-gauging pin
adjustment of lowering speed; handle (2) for (power sensor).
selection of the control method; handle (3) for
limitation of mounted mechanism lifting
height; lever (4) for adjusting depth of soil
tillage; handle (7) for lifting-lowering of rear
mounted machines, as well as lamps:
lifting/lowering signal lamps (5, 6) and
diagnostics (8).
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
1 – a box of instrument panel relays; 2 – a box of instrument panel fuses; 3 – electronic unit; 4 –
main RMD control panel; 5 – sensor of RMD position; 6 – remote control button for RMD
lowering; 7 – remote button for RMD lifting control; 8 – electric lifting valve; 9 – electric lowering
valve; 10 – left-side force sensor; 11 – right-side force sensor; 12 electric sockets.
1 – handle for lowering speed control ( up – faster, down – slower); 2 – handle for selection of
adjustment method ( upper position – positional, lower – power, in-between – mixed adjustment); 3
- handle for control of mounted machine lifting height limitation (clockwise – minimum limitation,
anti clockwise – maximum limitation); 4 – lever for adjustment of soil tillage depth ( clockwise –
lesser depth, anti clockwise – greater depth; 5 – control lamp of mounted machine lifting (red light);
6 – control lamp of mounted machine lowering ( green light); 7 lever mounted machine control (up
– lifting, down – lowering, when pressing lever further down – putting the plough deeper, middle
position – switch off); 7a – locking switch (transportation) – locks lever (7) in the upper position by
shifting the switch to the right); 8 – control diagnostics lamp ( see malfunctions diagnostics).
After handle (7) is released, it resets to fixed WARNING! When using remote buttons,
position “lowering” to the depth, set by do not stand between the tractor and
handle (4). machine being ganged up. To avoid
To shallow the plough up, move handle (7) to accidents, in no way use buttons of
upper position. During lifting lamp (5) lights. mechanical transfer of electrical valves (8,
9) (page 134) for lowering/lifting of the
CAUTION! To avoid RMD pump failure, mounted machine. They are intended for
do not operate the tractor if lamp (5) adjustment of the control system by skilled
doesn’t go out after tool lifting. specialists.
1. “Damping” mode is active only when When major defects are detected, adjustment
handle (7) is in position “Lifting”. stops and the system switches off. It can’t be
2. During field works (ploughing, operated neither by the main panel, nor by
cultivation, etc.), “Damping” mode remote pushbuttons. The control lamp gives
switch should be in position “Switched out malfunction code. After the malfunction is
off” corrected and diesel start, the system
operation is restored.
Malfunction diagnosis Average malfunctions result in system
Electric hydraulic control system BOSCH has locking and stop of adjustment. The system is
self-testing capability and upon finding the not controlled by the main panel, but is
fault gives coded information for the operator controlled by remote pushbuttons. The control
by means of control diagnostics lamp (page lamp displays malfunction code. After the
135, pos. 8) on the control panel. After engine malfunction is corrected and diesel starts, the
start, if the system has no malfunctions, the system operation is restored.
control lamp is constantly alight. After With minor defects the control diagnostics
shifting RMD control lever (page 135, pos.7) lamp displays malfunction code. The system
up or down, the control lamp goes down. is under control and not locked. After the
When shifting the control lever down, green defect is removed, the diagnostics lamp goes
RMD lowering control lamp lights (page 135, down.
pos. 6), upwards shifting leads to red control
lamp lighting (mounting device lifting) (page
135, pos.5).When the system has
malfunctions (after diesel start), the control
diagnostics lamp gives coded information on
malfunctions and, if required, the system
operation is locked
Malfunction code is a two digit number, the
first digit equals the number of control lamp
blinking after long pause, the second digit
corresponds to the number of blinking after a
short pause.
For example, long pause – three times lamp
blinking, short pause – six times lamp
blinking. It means that the system has
malfunction under code (36). When the
system has several malfunctions, their codes
are displayed one after another, separated by a
long pause.
All malfunctions are divided into three
groups: major, average and minor.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
Table 5 –12
Defect Description, possible cause Method of defect check
11 Malfunction in the Disconnect cable assembly from the electromagnet and test
electromagnetic lifting it for break. Electromagnet resistance should be 2…4
valve control circuit. Break Ohm maximum. If the electromagnet is healthy, check
in the electric magnet cable assembly for mechanical damage and using tester
winding or cable assembly check wire between terminal of electromagnet socket
of electric magnet control (page 143) and terminal (37) of 55- pole socket of the
(8) (page 135) electronic unit for break (page 143, 144)
12 Malfunction in the Disconnect cable assembly from the electromagnet and test
electromagnet lowering it for break. Electromagnet resistance should be 2…4 Ohm
valve control circuit. Break maximum. If the electromagnet is healthy, check cable
in the electric magnet assembly for mechanical damage and using tester check
winding or cable assembly wire between terminal of electromagnet socket (page 143)
of electric magnet control and terminal (19) of 55-pole socket of the electronic unit
(9) (page 135) for break (page 143, 144).
13 Malfunction in the Disconnect cable assembles from the electromagnet, test
electromagnet lowering or electromagnets for short-circuit. Electromagnet resistance
lifting control circuit. should be 1.6 Ohm maximum. You may also check
Short-circuit in one of electromagnet consumption current by supplying 6V
electromagnets, or shorting voltage. Current should not exceed 3.2 A. Having
of wires of electromagnets disconnected the socket from the electronic unit, test
control in cable assembly terminals (19) and (35) for short circuit (page 143, 144).
9page 135, pos.8, 9) Electromagnets should be disconnected.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
23 Malfunction of the main Check if control panel and electronic unit are properly
control panel. Potentiometer connected, also check cable assembly for mechanical
of depth ploughing is faulty damage. Check output voltage according to electrical
(page 135, pos.4) diagram.
24 Malfunction of the main Check if control panel and electronic unit are properly
control panel. Potentiometer connected, as well as cable assembly for mechanical
of the RMD upper end damage. Check output voltage according to an electric
position is faulty. diagram. (page 144)
28 Malfunction of the main Check if control panel and electronic unit are properly
control panel. RMD control connected, as well as cable assembly for mechanical
lever is faulty (page 135, item damage. Check output voltage according to electric
7) diagram (page 144).
MTZ 2022/2022V –Operation manual Section5. Design and operation
Minor defects
Wiring colors:
Г – blue
Ж – yellow
З – green
К – red
Кч – brown
О – orange
Р – rosy
С – grey
Ф – violet
Ч – black
Rear mounting device is intended for coupling Cylinders’ rods are connected to outside left-
mounted and semi-mounted agricultural machinery to side and right-side levers (3) by means of pins
the tractor. Mounted machinery is ganged up to the (3a). Outside levers through splined openings
tractor via three points: joints of lower tie-rod, upper are installed on shaft (2) on the rear axle
tie-rod or my means of automatic pick-up hitch. cover (1) Levers (3) are connected to lower
Rear axle hoses bear arms (11) on which two hydraulic tie-rods (7) by means of braces (5)
cylinders are installed by means of pins (10).
1 – rear axle cover; 2 – rotation shaft; 3 – outside levers (left-side and right-side); 3a – pins of hydraulic
cylinders’ rods; 4 – hydraulic cylinders; 5 – braces; 6 – upper tie-rod; 7 – lower tie-rods; 8 – eyelets; 9 – ties;
10 – pins; 11 – arms; 12 – arms of ties; 13 – pins ( force sensors); 14 – arms.
Lower tie-rods with their front joints are put in arms their yoke section by means of pins. Braids
(14) ( left-side and right-side) on special pins (13) provide adjustment of transversal movements
which are force adjustment sensors. Lower tie-rods
have eyelets (8) to which braces (9) are fastened with
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation Brace
TCD if the lifting type includes the yoke and arm (5), tie-rod (6) connected to the arm with
(optional), towing beam and device of pin (7).
“Python” type. Tie-rod (6) can be adjusted to size 395 and
Yoke (TCD-3V) 495 mm from PTO end face to the place of
The yoke is intended for operating one and trailer yoke connection by rearranging pin (7)
two-axle trailers. in tie-rod (6) openings.
It consists of traction yoke (1) with pivot and Device of “Python” type (TCD-2P)
housing (2). The housing of the traction yoke It is designed for operating the tractor with
is connected to arm (4) by means of pin (3). semi-mounted machines and one-axle trailers.
The height of housing with traction yoke can IMPORTANT! First remove tie-rod (6) of
be changed by its movement along guides in the mounting device.
arm (4) and is fixed by pin (3). Device (item 8) is installed in arm guides (4)
Trailing device (TCD –1M-01) traction and fixed by bolts (9). To couple a trailer,
beam remove pin (10), put trailer’s towing shackle
It is intended for coupling heavy trailing and on pivot (8) and put pin (10) in place. The
semi-trailing machines. It consists of support latter prevents trailer’s towing shackle
1 – traction yoke with pivot; 2 – housing; 3 – pin; 4 – arm; 5 – support arm; 6 – tie-rod; 7 pin; 8 –
pivot; 9 – bolts; 10 – pin.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 5. Design and operation
- side outlets; 2 – oil conduit; 3 – oil conduit; 4 – rotation shaft; 5, 6 – levers; 8 – lever; 9 –
hydraulic cylinder; 10 – arm; 11 – brace; 11, 12 – lower tie-rod; 14, 15 – braces; 16 – arm, axle of
lower tie-rods.
FMD –equipped tractor can have independent Double-action hydraulic cylinders on one side
power take-off shaft, installed on the front are fastened to arm (10), and by means of
arm surface. rods – to steering levers (5, 6) installed on
Procedure of coupling agricultural machinery steering shaft (4) splines. Steering levers with
to the FMD is similar to that of their braces (11) are connected to lower tie-
rear mounting device, except that it uses rods (12, 13) of the mounted machine, put on
automatic coupling SA-1. axle (17), going through arm (10). The same
FMD has the mechanism for limiting down axle also bears arms (16) connected to lower
travel of lower tie-rods’ front joints during tie-rods by means of braids (14, 15)
operation with machines. The rotation shaft has lever (8) of lowering
FMD is installed on the front beam plane limitation mechanism. In operational position
and fastened to beam side surface and spars it rests against the pin, installed in arm (10).
by means of plates. Oil conduits (2, 3) Upper tie-rod (7) with one end is connected to
connect side outlets (1) to hydraulic cylinders lever (8), and with another one – to an
(9) of the mounting device. agricultural machine.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual. Section 5. Design and operation
If after turning key to position “III” the Starting at low temperatures (+ 4 0C and
control lamp is flashing at small below)
frequency (about 1.5 Hz), it means that
GB shifting lever is not in neutral position IMPORTANT! To avoid power
or break in the circuit if diesel start transmission damage, do not push or tow the
locking is possible. Control lamp flashing tractor to start diesel by towing.
at greater frequency (about 3 Hz) testifies
to the fact, that the circuit of the generator
phase winding is faulty (terminal “W”). Turn starter key to position “II” (Plugs) In
Keep the key in before diesel start, but for this case in the box of control lamps
not more than 15s; if diesel doesn’t start plugs’ control lamp lights, giving signal of
repeat the attempt, but not earlier than in switching on and heating of pre-start air
30…40 seconds. If after the third try heating plugs. Keep the key in this
diesel doesn’t start, find out and correct position. As soon as the control lamp
the problem. starts flashing, the diesel is ready for start.
After diesel start check operation of all Turn starter key to position “III” and start
indicator lamps and devices’ readings ( the engine, as shown above for starting
cooling fluid temperature, oil pressure in the diesel at normal conditions.
the diesel and GB, storage batteries To start diesel at ambient temperature
charging, etc.) Let diesel operate at 1000 below 200 C, use special circulation
rev/min until pressure gets stable in the cooling fluid heater in combination with
operation range. pre-start heating plugs.
*) If winter-grade oil is not available, you may use
mixture of summer-grade motor oil with 10…12% of
diesel fuel.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 6. Pre-start procedures
6. 4.Tractor stop
6.4.1. Diesel stop
To stop tractor:
IMPORTANT! Before shutting diesel down,
reduce diesel speed; lower an agricultural machine down, let
press clutch pedal to the full; diesel operate at 1000 rev/min for 3…5
shift gear shifting lever and range shifting minutes. This will allow to reduce
lever to neutral position; temperature of diesel cooling fluid.
release clutch pedal;
stop tractor by means of main brakes; To shut down diesel:
engage the parking brake.
shift lever of fuel supply control to
CAUTION! For urgent tractor stop sharply position corresponding to zero supply*.
press clutch and brake pedals Switch off PTO;
simultaneously. Push all distributor handles to neutral
Lower agricultural machine down to the
Switch off SB to avoid discharging
*) Pull diesel shut down auxiliary handle back
( diesel is equipped with six –plunger in-line
fuel pump “Motorplan”, Czeckia, or
“YAZDA”, Russia)
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 6. Pre-start procedures
Front wheels
Table 7-1
Standard tires Wheels Wheel span,
size position mm
A 1640
B 1750
C 1900
420/70R24 D 2010
A’ 1820
B’ 1930
C’ Rim fixing relative to disc:
D’ A (A’), C (C’) – inside; B, (B), D (D’) –
C, D – wheel rearrangement; A’, B, C’, D’ –
Wheel position with disc rotation (letters with
disc turning round
primes) should be used only in exceptional
Rear wheels
Table 7-2
Standa Wheel Wheel Size of hub H
rd positio span K, to semi-axle
tires n mm end face, mm
580/7 A 1710…2 250…5
0R38 210
C 2150…2 250…0
20.8 A 1710…2 250…0
R38 210
C 2150…2 250…0
Table 7-3
Standard tires size in Wheel span, Mounting hub Distance piece
assembly K1,K2, mm dimensions, N, mm
20,8R38 + distance
piece + 20,8R38 K1 = 1710, 250 2522-3109030
K2 = 2905
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
Mounted machines: (ploughs, cultivators, planters, tillers, etc.); semi-mounted machines (ploughs,
soil tillage machines, planters, potato combine harvester, etc.)
Half-mounted machines (planters, potato planters, potato combine harvesters, vegetable harvesting
machines, etc.); half-trailed machines (mowers, pick-up presses, top-gathering machines, etc.)
Table 7-6
Description Device parameters
Coupler TCD-1 ( single cross-piece)
Installation place Suspension axle of lower tie-rods
Distance from PTO end face to coupling pin 650
axle, mm
Diameter of coupling pin, mm 30
Half-trailed machines (same as for TCD-2V, TCD-2V), trailed machines (same as for TCD-2V and
Table 7-7
Description Device parameters
Table 7-8
Description Device parameters
Coupler “Python”-type
Distance from yoke to support 507…897
surface for not PTO-driven
machines, mm
Pin position for PTO-driven Utmost lower, or utmost higher
Distance from PTO end-face to 115
coupling pin axis, mm
Coupling pin diameter, mm 40
Vertical load on TCD, kN 25
Trailed machines (two-axle, truck-type trailers, etc), half-trailed machines (same as for TCD-1ZH).
Table 7-9
Description Device parameters
**) Yoke reversal. In this case two upper openings with 27 mm diameter in the lifting device guard
arms are not used.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
(8 splines)
(6 splines)
( 21 splines)
(20 splines)
Table 7-11
Cardan shaft Torque, Length of cardan shaft, mm Housing diameter, D,
designation* N.m mm
L L1
10.016 160 510 150
10.040 400 560 175
L1 = 1.35 l 200
10.063 630 610
710 220
10.1000 1000 610
Designation after the dot refers to cardan shafts of type 20, 40, 50
L – distance between centers of fully shifted cardan shaft (nominal length).
L1 – operation length of the cardan shaft.
D1 = 1.75 – diameter of cardan joint housing of equal angular velocitis.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
Table 7-12
Cardan shaft Coupler The end type Nominal length of
type cardan shaft, mm
MD-3 PTO 1C, 1, 3 610, 710
10 or 40 TCD-1ZH PTO 1C, 1,2 510
TCD-1 PTO3 710
20 or 50 TCD-2 PTO 1C, 1 710
Table 7-13
Angle (degrees, max) of
cardan joints’ tilt
PTO General- Of equal
purpose angular
Swithe 22 25 (50 for
d on short time)
Switch 55 55
ed off
Usually, operation manuals of mounted machines list required power and rotation frequency of
PTO. In selecting a cardan shaft the most important characteristic is torque, which can be
determined in accordance with given below alignment shart:
- шпильки – pins
- 2 отв. Глубина резьбы 25 мм – two openings, thread depth
- корпус ВОМ –PTO housing
- агрегатируемое средство – coupled machine
The tractor can be ganged up to traction class To improve towing-coupling capability of the
3 machines, and machines completed with tractor, and provide steering criteria, one has
wheeled tractor of class 4. Besides, under to use ballast. To provide rational loads
unfavorable conditions , on hard soils tractor distribution and reduce number of MTA
may be coupled to machines in complete with passages, the use of combined assemblies is
tractors of class 1.4 and 2. Design of lifting reasonable.
and towing-coupling mechanisms, PTO and Three types of completeness are distinguished
hydraulic drives according to international according to ballast installation:
standards allows ganging up with foreign- - A – without front ballast;
made models. - B – with front ballast;
- C - with front ballast and mortar in front
To provide reliable, long-term and safe tires.
operation, observe recommendations on CaCl 2 (25 parts by weight) dissolved in water
tractor loading and stability if tractor-machine (75 parts by weight) can serve as mortar
assembly (MTA). Load on tractor front and poured in tires. The freezing temperature of
rear axles as part of MTA are determined by such mortar is – 32 0C, specific weight is 1.2 (
calculations. More easy way of determining as measured by hydrometer.
actual load on tractor axles is by weighing.
Index of longitudinal MTA stability is criteria
of steering, which equals relation of load on
driven axle to operational tractor weight.:
10 2 Tn
Ku = m
Table 7-15
Machinery Specific resistance, kN/M Possible operation width, m
- Hard 18…25 1.2…1.6
- average 12…14 2.1…2.5
- light 6…8 up to 30
Disc harrows 1.6…2.1 Up to 15
Stubble breakers 6.0…10.0 3…5
Cultivators 1.6…3.00 Up to 15
Reaper 1.2…1.5 Up to 20
Combine harvesters:
Silage combine 2.6…3.3 Up to 3.0
Sugar beat harvester 6…12 Up to 3.0
Potato harvester 10…12 Up to 2.7
To control MTA operation, the control panel MTA assembling should take into account
of a mounted machine may be used. To install recommendations of a machine operation
the panel, one can drill holes in the cabin side manual. The manufacturer recommends to use
wall to fix it by means of self-threaded machines and tools that are designed for
screws. operating in its assembly. If there is no
To gang up mounted technical means protocol of agreement as to ganging up of
(spraying reservoirs, loaders , hay-stackers, technical means, the works is not liable for
etc), one can use erection openings of the tractor breakage, in cases of complicated
tractor to install framing beams and other ganging up in particular (mounted machines,
elements. combined and harvesting assemblies).
MTZ 2022/2022V- Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
Table 7-16
Standa Spe Load on one tire, KN, and air pressure corresponding to it, MPa Amount
rd tires of
ed, mortar
km/ 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 per each
h tire, l
Tires inflation
- disconnect hose from tire valve and
Inflate tires via air intake valve of pressure coupling of air bleed-off valve;
regulator (1), having carried out the following - switch off the compressor and screw the
operations: wing nut up the coupling of air bleed-off
- release air from the cylinder through valve.
condensate removal cock;
- unscrew wing nut (2) of coupling air
bleed-off valve;
- connect air inflation hose to the coupling
air bleed-off valve and tire valve;
- switch on the compressor and inflate tire
to required pressure, checking by pressure
7.6.2. Plaughing
Table 7-17
Soil Soil background Specific resistance (P) of ploughs for soils, Kn/m2:
Perennials 74 56 43 30
Wild land 92 71 50 40
Wild land 98 58 55 29
B = 30 ( A x P), where
B – operation plough width, m;
A – tillage depth, m;
P- specific resistance, KN/m2.
MTZ 2022/2022V –Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
Furrow wall
To calculate wheel track, add width of the corresponding tire contour to dimensions A and B.
Furrow wall
*) Size “A” should be 1220 mm minimum to avoid damage of rear wheels.
MTZ 2022/2022V- Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
Ploughing completion
Table 7-18
Operation Tractor features Speed, km/h, Notes
Operation on slopes 10
Sharp MTA turns 10
MTA transportation to
operation site (except
transport vehicles) 20 Public roads
MTA transfer ( from one Mortar in tires 20 With no travel on
field to another) Double tires 20 public roads
Double tires 20
Transport works TCD-2P, TCD- On public roads
Transport movement speed may be limited by slope and roads conditions. Accounting for
coupled machine capabilities according to allowed longitudinal slope of 12 degrees, total
sign imprinted on it. mass of a semi-trailer (trailer) must not
Load carrying capacity of a transport vehicle exceed 12000 kg, for relatively level terrain –
depends on terrain, 14000…15000 kg.
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 7. Ganging up
Tractors can be transported by rail road, Fix steel ropes to front axle beam and half-
trucks and trailers, as well as by towing, or axles of rear wheels, as shown in the diagram
under its own power. below.
When transporting the tractor: Tractor can be towed with non-operational
shift GB lever to gear 1; HTDS pump at speed of 10 km/h maximum
engage parking-reserve brake; and for distance of up to 10 km/h.
fasten tractor to platform using wire with To connect towing steel rope, use an eyelet
3…5 mm diameter, chains, tension fixed to front ballast and loads arm.
members. Strictly observe traffic regulations when
During tractor loading-unloading use lifting towing the tractor.
mechanisms having load carrying capacity at
least 10 tons.
Operator must daily examine tractor to CAUTION! Make sure mask (1)
prevent fixing loosening, cooling fluid and oil and hood (2) are securely fixed in
leaks, clean tractor mechanisms, and do other raised position.
preventive works to provide tractor operation
ability, its fire safety, and safety of operation
as part of machine-tractor assembly.
Before starting maintenance works, take off 1 – mask, 2 – hood, 3 – hood side panel.
side panels, and raise engine hood. To this
pull back lower front mask section (1), lift
it and fix in the raised position with
supporting tie-rod;
press down catch handle and take off left
and right-side panels (3);
pull back handle of hood lock on the left
side of tractor, raise hood (2) and fix it in
raised position with by placing tie-rod in
fixing arm opening.
MTZ 2022/2022V- Operation manual Section 9. Maintenance
Filtering elements of the ventilation system Take care not to damage paper filtering
are installed on both sides of the tractor cabin. element!
To get access to the filter place a platform
or small ladder;
Unscrew two screws (1) with plastic
heads under extended edge of cabin roof;
MTZ 2022/2022V – Operation manual Section 9 Maintenance.
Put filter in place, fulfilling operation in
Clean filter by compressed air under the reverse order. Repeat operations and
pressure of 1 MPa maximum. Not to clean filter on the other tractor side.
damage paper filtering element keep the
hose tip not closer than 300 mm away NOTE: When tractor operates in very
from filter. Direct air jet through the filter dusty conditions, clean filter after 8-10
opposite to normal air flow movement, hours of operation, i.e., each shift.
indicated by arrows, imprinted on the
Release air from the fuel system, having * Bleed fuel system off by manual pump (2),
fulfilled the following operations: turn by turn screwing up ( when fuel without
Unscrew plug (5) by 2…3 turns to release air bulbs comes out) plug (3) on fine filter,
air from fuel pump (1), installed on the then plug (5) on the fuel pump. Screw up
block of cylinders’ side. lever (2) of manual pumping.
Unscrew plug (3) by 2…3 turns on body
(4) of fuel fine filters
Table S-1
Description Unit of Value
Oil pressure in the heated diesel lubrication system at MPa 0.28-0.45
rated frequency of crankshaft rotation Kgs/cm2 (2.8-4.5)
Cooling fluid temperature in the cooling system 80-95
Drive belt sag at effort of 40 N (4 kgs) on branch between 29…33
generator and crankshaft pulleys
Mm 3/cycle 82…90
NOTE: Check parameters to be adjusted according to items 1…7 with forced switching off of
pneumatic corrector ( air pressure in the pneumatic corrector is 0.8…1.0 kgs/cm 2)
NOTES: 1. To check parameters use nozzles with sprayers Motorpal DOP 119S534.
2. Check parameters under item 9 at charging pressure 0.5 kgs/cm2
NOTE: Check parameters under items 1…8 with forced switching off pneumatic
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 11. Supplements
If parts and assembly units of final drives adjustment operations should be in the
need to be changed, subsequent assembly and following order:
Assemble by a forced fit heated in oil washer and stop plate (3) in place. Torque
inside ring of outside bearing (10) on half- bolt to 500…550 N.m.
axle to the end inside bushing (7). Check half-axle turning moment. If it
Press-in outside rings of bearings (10, 11) exceeds given above limits, increase
in sleeve (6) to the end in sleeve bead. number of spacers, and visa versa.
Install half-axle in assembly with inside Secure stop plate bolt, having greased
ring of the outside bearing in the sleeve, plate surface, adjacent to washer, with
and put inside ring of inside bearing (11) grease Litol-24 or Bechem LCP-GM.
on half-axle. Nibs of plate must go into grooves of
Put carrier in assembly (12) on half-axle , carrier (12). If required, screw bolt up
place washer (5) without a set of until a nib and groove align. Do not
adjustment spacers and tighten bolt (4) in unscrew the bolt. !
a way to select backlash in half-axle Install crown gear (2).
bearings, and turning half-axle moment Install sun gear (13) in assembly with
was within 3…5 N.m. shaft (1) in planetary gear carrier and
Using a calliper square, measure distance check smoothness of rotation in assembly.
from half-axle end face to the outside Install cover (8) in assembly with sealing
washer surface through an opening in ring, having greased the sealing ring and
washer (5). rubber ring with grease Litol-24 or
Subtract washer thickness (12 mm) from Bechem LCP-GM. Tighten bolys of cover
measured value and calculate clearance fastening.
between washer and half-axle end face.
Unscrew bolt (4), remove the washer and
fill in clearance with a set of spacers. Put
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 11. Supplements
Table S-5
Description Air Grades Substitutes (duplicate)
temperature (main)
Diesel From – 35 0 Diesel fuel 3- 3-0.5-35, 975-68 SAE (USA)
C 0, 2-35
Up to +5 0 C A-0.4, 3-0.2 Mil-F-16884F; DEF 2402B, sort 47/0 Die SO
from +5 0 C L-0.2- 40 (m) Mil –F-896, 1 klass;DEF-24021, 1 klass
up to +30 0 C L-0.4-40 (s) BS8269 (Britain);ASTM-D-W-F (USA)
Diesel From – 45 0
M-8DM M-8G 2k;Mobil ND 10W/20 (USA), HESSOL
up to +5 0C Novoil-M ROTELLA SX20W/20 (Britain); BELC –1; SAE
M-4/12G 10W-30 API; MOBIL DELVAC 1200 (USA)
From + 5 0 C M-10G 2k; M-10G 2; SHELL ROTELLA TX 30
to +40 0 C (Britain); HESSOL TURBO DIESEL SAE 15W-
M-10 DM 40 API CF-4 (Germany); MOBIL DELVAC XHP
SAE 15W –40 (Britain); SHELL ROTELLA SX30
(USA); M7ADS 111 (Chechia)
Front PTO M10B 2 SAE 30; Essolube DX30; Mobil Delvac Oil 1230;
transmissio M10G 2 Rimula Oil 30 series 3; Energol Diesel 230
n M12 By
Front drive TCp-15K SAE 80/90; Spirax EP80/90; Gear oul 80/90GP
axle Tan-15 V Mobilube GX 80/90; Gear oil 80/90EP
RMD Industrial oil M-8G 2k; I-30l; Hessoil Hydraulikoel HLP 32;
hydraulic Bechem m-G 2k; I-30A; Hessoil Hydraulikoil HLP 32
system; staroil # 32;
HTDS Bechem
Staroil #32
Table 11.9
Designation Description Quantity Notes
A2 Plugs 6 Part of
engine set
A3 Control panel AP70.3709-01 TU AP 3813.001-98 1
Wires colors
Г – blue, Ж – yellow, З -green
К –red, Кч – brown, О – orange
Р –rosy, С –grey, Ф -violet
Ч -black
1. Switch of DL control 13 Relay of FDA switching on
2. Switch of FDA control 14 Receptacle
3. Sound alarm button 19 Electric magnet of FDA hydraulic
4. Lamp of FDA signal distributor
5. Lamp of DL signal 20 Electric magnet of DL hydraulic
6, 7 Relay of left side brake distributor
8, 9 Relay of right side brake 21 Sensor of automatic FDA control
10,16,17 – Diode 22 Reverse sensor
11 – Capacitor 23 , 24 , 28 Connecting receptacle
12- Box of fuses 24 Sensor of front wheels turning angle
11 Relay of DL switching on (for DL)
12 Reverse relay
11.10 Electric diagram of the control system of rear axle DL and FDA
Панель управления БД…- control panel for DL, FDA and reduction gear
Из щитка приборов – from instrument panel
К системе управления БД…- to control system of DL and FDA
К системе управления…- to control system of mounting mechanism BOSCH.
- Дизель - diesel;
- Компрессор кондиционера - compressor of air conditioner;
- Муфта сцепления - clutch;
- Шина пневматическая - pneumatic tires
- Насос - pump;
- Остановочный тормоз (совмещен со стояночным) - stop brake (combined with parking brake)
- Задний мост - rear axl
MTZ 2022/2022V Section 11. Supplements
Gear ratios of GB, FDA, PTO and rocker bearings (see kinematic diagram on page 233)
Forward movement
Main pair
Rear axle
Main pair
Side gear
Final drive
Rocker bearings
Pos. Designation in Quan Po Designation in Qu
No. catalogue tity s. catalogue ant
per No ity
tract . per
or tra