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Chen Style Taijiquan

Practical Method
Volume One: Theory


Hong Junsheng


Chen Zhonghua

Published by: Hunyuan Taiji Press

Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method
Volume One: Theory
Copyright © 2006 the Hong Junsheng Family.
All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, printing,
recording, digital scanning, electronic information storage and retrieval systems
and devices including publishing on the internet, without the expressed written
permission of the publisher, except for book review, and academic research.

Requests for permission to reproduce selections from this book can be sent
to the publishing address.

ISBN 0-9730045-5-X

Published by
Hunyuantaiji Press
11540-24 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6J 3R7
Toll-free: +1 (866) -779-7879
Telephone: (780) 413-0454
Fax: (780) 413-1877

English Translation by Chen Zhonghua

Edited by Jean Wong, Allan Belsheim, Richard Johnson, Todd Elihu and
Kay Terai.
Cover design and layout by Jerry Arsenault/Qualia Collective

Photographs of Hong Junsheng and other photos in this book were pro-
vided by the Hong Junsheng Family and Chen Zhonghua.

Second printing 2008

Printed in China
For the fond memories of Hong Junsheng
This book is for information only and is not an instructional book. It
is intended as information and reference for practitioners of Chen Style
Taijiquan and Taijiquan in general. For instructional materials on the same
subject, please refer to other titles by the same author and/or translator.

To the readers:
My Taijiquan is like a garden. Take what you like. Plant them
in your garden and let them grow.
Hong Junsheng

Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents 目录 xiii

英文版序言 xvii
Preface to the English Edition xviii
Acknowledgement 鸣谢 xix
Translator’s Notes 译者说明 xxi
Preface 前言 xxii
Foreword 序言 xxiv

1. Introduction 概论 1
Development and Evolution 1
The Basic Principle: Chan Fa 2
Whole-Body Coordination 6
Unity of Opposites 12
Thirteen Postures in Push Hands 14
Eyes 14
Torso 15
Stance 16
The Eight Hand Techniques 17
Mind-Intent, Strength and Dynamics 22
Common Problems 23
Chan 23
Center of Gravity 24
Double Heavy 24
Other Issues 25

2. Chen Style Taijiquan Practical Method

Three-Character Canons 三字经 27
One Introduction 28
Two Silk Reeling 30
Three Eyes 31
Four Torso 32
Five Stance 35
Six Hand Techniques 36
Seven Coordination 41
Eight Push Hands 43

Nine Double Heavy 48
Ten Understanding the Energy 53
Eleven Learning 57
Twelve Teaching 59

3. On Chen Style Taijiquan 太极拳品并序 61

Preface 61
One Solemnity 62
Two Roundedness 63
Three Agility 64
Four Stability 65
Five Power 66
Six Elevation 67
Seven Complexity 68
Eight Softness 69
Nine Spirit 70
Ten Reserve 71
Eleven Elegance 72
Twelve Meaning 73
Thirteen Natural 74

4. Annotations on Taiji Treatises 王宗岳太极拳论臆解 81

Preface 81
Verse One 84
Verse Two 85
Verse Three 87
Verse Four 89
Verse Five 90
Verse Six 91
Verse Seven 95
Verse Eight 97
Verse Nine 100
Verse Ten 101
Verse Eleven 104
Verse Twelve 105
Verse Thirteen 107
Verse Fourteen 108
Verse Fifteen 109

Verse Sixteen 110
Verse Seventeen 112
Verse Eighteen 114
Verse Nineteen 115
Verse Twenty 116
Verse Twenty-One 123
Verse Twenty-Two 124

5. Memoir of Learning 学拳回忆录 127

Chen Fake’s Background 127
How Chen Fake Came to Beijing 127
Sickness Led Me to Taijiquan 129
Meeting a Great Master 129
Gongfu is Imbedded in Hard Practice 131
Patient Tutelage 133
A Precise Art 136
High Ethics 141
Deeply Indebted 145

About the Author 作者 147

About the Translator 译者 149
Index 索引 151


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