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Design of 1.50KL OH Tank 9M Staging PDF

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Design of Overhead tank Capacity 1.

50 lakh litres
Tank Full Conditions
Capacity of tank 150000 litres 150 m3
Height of Supporting tower 9 m
Number of columns 6 Nos
Depth of foundation 2.5 m
Grade of Concrete M-20 30 N/mm2
Grade of Steel Fe-415 500 N/mm2
σct 1.5 N/mm2
σcb 2.3 N/mm2
σst 205 N/mm2
8 N/mm2
σcb 10 N/mm2
m 9
Q 1.304
j 0.91
Deimensions of tank
D 6.34 m
D 7.00 m
Depth of Conical Dome a 1.01 m
Height of Tank h 3.60 m
Spacing of bracing S 3.00 m
Total Height of tank Ht 5.62 m
Volume of water as designed V 144.67 M3 144673 Litres
Design of Top Dome
Base Diameter D 7.18 m
Rise of Dome r 1.01 m
Live Load on Dome 1.5 Kn/sqm
Thickness of Dome t 0.125 m 125 mm
Thickness of Wall t1 0.18 m
R 6.89 m
SinѲ 0.5214
CosѲ 0.8533

Load analysis
Self weight of dome 3.125 Kn/sqm
Live load 1.5 Kn/sqm
Finishes 0.55 Kn/sqm
Total Load 5.175 Kn/sqm

Stresses in dome
Meridional thrust T1 wR/(1+CosѲ) T1 19.23 Kn/m

Meridional Compressive stresses 1.92 N/mm2

Less than 8 N/mm2
Circimferential force Fc wR[CosѲ-(1/(1+CosѲ)] 11.18 Kn/m

Hoop stress wR/t[CosѲ - 1/(1+CosѲ)] 46.63 Kn/Sqm

0.047 N/mm2
Less than 8 N/mm2
Minimum Steel 0.24% 300 mm2
Spacing of Bar
8# 168 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C
10# 262 mm C/C Provided 200 mm C/C
12# 377 mm C/C Provided 250 mm C/C

Top Dome thickness 125mm

Main bar & Dist bar 8# @ 150mm C/C

Design of Ring Beam B1 (450x250)

Horizontal Component T1CosѲ 16.41 Kn/m

Hoop Stress in Ring Beam 58.90 Kn

Ast T1xCosѲxD/2/σcc 575 mm2

Provide Top & Bot 6Nos-16# & Stirrups 8#-2Legged @ 150mm C/C
Top Bar
10# 8 Nos Provided 8 Nos 628
12# 6 Nos 6 Nos 678
16# 4 Nos 5 Nos 1005
20# 3 Nos 3 Nos 942
Bot Bar
10# 8 Nos Provided 8 Nos 628
12# 6 Nos 6 Nos 678
16# 4 Nos 5 Nos 1005
20# 3 Nos 3 Nos 942

Check Equivalent area of concrete

Tensile stress in concrete σt 1.5 N/mm2
m 9

F/Ac+Mast=σt 35494 mm2

Width of Ring Beam 450 mm

Depth of Ring Beam 79 mm

However Provide Ring Beam of 450mmx250mm

Reinforcement B1(450x250)
Top TOR 16# 5 Nos
Bottom TOR 16# 5 Nos
Stirrups TOR 8# 150 mm C/C

Design of Top sperical Vent Dome of dia 1.20m

Dome thickness 100 mm
Provide 8# 150mm C/C
Stub Column studs 150mm x150mm 4 Nos
Vertical bar 10# 4Nos 10#
Ties 6# 100mm C/c

Design of Cylindrical wall

Maximum Hoop tension in the wall
Ft= whd/2 126.00 Kn/m
Area of steel Ast= Ft/σst 615 mm2
Minimum Steel 0.24% 600 mm2
Spacing of Vertical bars

0m to 2m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C

2m to 3.75m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C

Minimum steel at top 720 mm2

Spacing of Horizontal bars
0m to 2m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C
2m to 3.75m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C

Thickness of dome 0.125 m

Thickness of Cylindrical wall 0.18 m
Height of wall 3.50 m
width of top ring beam 0.45 m
Depth of top ring beam 0.25 m
width of bottom ring beam 0.30 m
Depth of bottom ring beam 0.60 m
SinѲ 0.5214

Design of Bottom Ring Beam B2(300X600)

Loads on bottom Ring Beam
Load due to top dome 10.02 Kn/m
Load due to top ring beam 2.81 Kn
Load due to Cylindrical wall 15.75 Kn
Self weight of ring beam 4.50 Kn
Total Vertical load V1 33.09 Kn
Horizontal force H=V1xCotѲ 33.09 Kn
CotѲ 1
Hoop tension due to vertical loads He=HD/2
115.80 Kn

Hoop tension due to water pressure Hw=whdD/2

72.10 Kn

Total Hoop tension H=He+Hw 187.91 Kn

Area of steel Ast=H/σst 917 mm2

Top Bar
12# 9 Nos Provided 9 Nos 1017
16# 6 Nos 6 Nos 1206
20# 4 Nos 4 Nos 1256
Bot Bar
12# 9 Nos Provided 9 Nos 1017
16# 6 Nos 6 Nos 1206
20# 4 Nos 4 Nos 1256

Check for tensile stress

σt= H/(Ac+mAst) 1.00 N/mm2

Less than 2.3 N/mm2

Reinforcement B2(300X600)
Top TOR 16# 6 Nos
Bottom TOR 16# 6 Nos
Stirrups 4L
support TOR 10# 150 C/C
Stirrups 4L
mid span TOR 10# 200 C/C
Design of Circular Bottom Slab
Load Analysis of Circular Bottom Slab
Thickness of Slab 250 mm
Effective depth slab 213 mm
Dia of Tank 6.23 m
DEAD LOAD 6.25 Kn/M2
Water Load 35.00 Kn/M2
FINISHES 1.875 Kn/M2
43.13 Kn/M2
Dynamic factored Load 49.59 Kn/M2
Grade of Concrete 30 N/mm2
Grade of Steel 500 N/mm2
Positive Radial Bending moment
BM=-3/16 x W X R^2 90 Kn-m
Circumferential Bending moment
BM=1/16 x W X R^2 30 Kn-m
Maximum moment 90 Kn-m
Effective depth of slab required 148 mm
Provide depth of slab 250 mm
Effective depth of slab required 213 mm
Area of Main Steel 2375 mm2
Minimum steel=0.24% 600 mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia Bar= 66 mm C/C limit spacing 100 mm c/c
Spacing of 12mm dia Bar= 95 mm C/C limit spacing 150 mm c/c
Spacing of 16mm dia Bar= 169 mm C/C limit spacing 150 mm c/c

Area of Dist Steel 600 mm2

Spacing 0f 10mm dia Bar= 262 mm C/C limit spacing 150 mm c/c

Depth of Slab Provided= 250 MM

Provided Top
Main bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c
Dist bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c
Provided bottom
Main bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c
Dist bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c

Load Analysis of Overhead Tank

PCC Bed 0.7854x(9.73^2-4.63^2)x0.15x25 230.22 KN
Raft Slab 0.7854x(9.43^2-4.93^2)x0.60x25 820.27 KN
Raft beam 3.14x7.18x0.45x0.90x25 2771.67 KN
Circular Column 6x0.30^2x11.66x25 1507.41 KN
Circular Wall 3.14x7.20x3.75x0.20x25 423.90 KN
Bottom slab 0.7854x9.15^2x0.25*25 116.78 KN
Bottom Ring Girder 3.14x7.18x0.3*0.60x25 101.45 KN
Top Dome 4/3x0.7854x7.80^2x0.125x25 199.10 KN
Top Ring Girder 3.14x7.18x0.45x0.25x25 63.41 KN
Bracing 3x3.14x7.18x0.30x0.30x25 152.18 KN
Top Dome & Circular wall
4/3x0.7854x7.80^2x0.125x25+3.14x1.5x1x0.125x25228.54 KN
Live Load 0.7854x67.80^2x0.75 35.84 KN
Water Load 10x7.00^2x3.6 1385.45 KN
8036.20 KN
Say 8100 KN
Total design load on ring beam W= 8100 KN
Number of Columns 6
Load on each column 1350.00 KN
The Circular beam in supported on 6 Columns using moment coefficients from table
R 3.18 m
Maximum negetive moment at support section =0.0083WR 36 Kn-m
Maximum positive moment at mid span section =0.0041WR 18 Kn-m
Tortional moment =0.0006WR 2.58 Kn-m
Shear force at support section V=wD1/2(π/4)/2 1685 Kn
Shear force at section of maximum torsionn is (At an angle 9.5deg from higher 974 Kn

Design of Support section

Maximum moment M= 36 Kn-m
Maximum shear force V= 1685 Kn

Effective depth of beam d=√M/Qb 364 mm

Effective depth considered d=D-Cover+bar 512.50 mm

Area of steel Ast=M/jdσst 407 mm2

Minimum Steel 0.24% 432 mm2
Top Bars
16# 3 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 2 25# 2

Bot Bars
16# 3 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 2 25# 2

Check for Shear stresses

σV=V/bd 10.96 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 1.28
σc 0.73 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 97 Kn
Balance shear Vus 1588 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 18 mm

Design of mid span section

Maximum moment M= 18 Kn-m
Maximum shear force V= 843 Kn

Effective depth of beam d=√M/Qb 196 mm

Effective depth considered d=D-Cover+bar 512.50 mm

Area of steel Ast=M/jdσst 254 mm2

Minimum Steel 0.24% 369 mm2
Top Bars
16# 2 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 2 25# 2

Bot Bars
16# 2 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 2 25# 2

Check for Shear stresses

σV=V/bd 5.48 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 1.28
σc 0.58 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 89 Kn
Balance shear Vus 753 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 28 mm

B4 (450x900)
Support Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Mid span Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 4 nos
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ support 150 mm C/C
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ mid span 250 mm C/C

Design of section to maximum torsion

T 2.58 Kn-m D 900 mm
V 974 Kn b 450 mm
M 0 Kn-m d 512.50 mm

Mt=T(1+(D/b)/1.7) 4.55 Kn-m

Met=M+Mt 4.55 Kn-m
Area of steel Ast=Met/jσstd 66 mm2
Minimum steel 692 mm2

Provide TOR 16# 5 Nos

Equivalent shear Vs=V+1.6(T/d) 973.6 Kn

Check for Shear stresses
σV=V/bd 4.22 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.61
σc 0.38 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 88 Kn
Balance shear Vus 886 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 32 mm C/C

Provide Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 150 mm C/C

Design of foundations
A circular girder with raft with equal projections on either side of circular ring beam
b 450 mm
D 900 mm

Circular Ring beam details B4(450x900)

Support Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Mid span Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ support 200 mm C/C
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ mid span 300 mm C/C

Design of section to maximum torsion

T 2.58 Kn-m D 900 mm
V 843 Kn b 450 mm
M 36 Kn-m d 852.00 mm

Mt=T(1+(D/b)/1.7) 4.55 Kn-m

Met=M+Mt 40.18 Kn-m
Area of steel Ast=Met/jσstd 349 mm2
Minimum steel 1150 mm2

Provide TOR 25# 3 Nos

Equivalent shear Vs=V+1.6(T/d) 842.5 Kn

Check for Shear stresses
σV=V/bd 2.20 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.41
σc 0.37 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 142 Kn
Balance shear Vus 701 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 50 mm C/C

Provide Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 200 mm C/C

Provided Column Reinforcement

main bar TOR 20# 12 Nos
Ties/Rings 10# 230mm C/C

Design of Raft slab

Maximum projection 1.2 m

Soil Pressure 152.00 Kn/m2

Maximum Bending moment 618.45 Kn-m

Maximum shear 182.40 Kn

effective depth 'd' 830 mm

Over all depth 900 mm
Provided effective depth 832 mm

Area of steel required Ast 1670 mm2 3

Minimum steel 540 mm2

Spacing of 12# bar 135 mm C/C

Say 125 mm C/C

Distribution steel 10# 291 mm C/C

Say 200 mm C/C

Check for shear stresses

Shear stress 0.22 N/mm2

100Ast/bd 0.11 Less than 0.29 N/mm2
σc 0.29 N/mm2

The thickness of the footing is retained at 600mm upto to a distance of 500mm from the
column face and there after gradually decreased to 300mm at the edges.

Raft reinforcement
Provide main bar 12# 125 mm C/C
Provide dist bar 12# 125 mm C/C

Design of Column
Vertical load on each column 1350.00 KN
Total vertical Load 1350.00 KN
Wind forces in column
intensity of wind1.5Kn/m2
Reduction coefficient 0.70
wind force on top of dome & cylindrical wall )6.36x(3.75+1.5/2)x0.7x1.5 30.05 12.255
windforce on ring girder 6.47x0.6x0.7x1.5 4.08 9.67 7.17 4.67
wind force on bracings 3x6.47x0.45x0.7x1.5 9.17 10.015
Total wind load 43.30

Moments at base of column 231.02x4/2 M 86.60 KN-m

Moments at base column due to wind loads

M1 608.13 KN-m
M1=ΣM+V/r1x(Σr1^2) 608.13=89.59+V/4x((2x3^2)+3(3/(1.414)^2)
V= 65.20 KN

Total load on leeward column at base =606.67+65.20 1415.20 KN

Moment in each column at base 86.60/6 14.43 KN-m

Axial load =P 1350.00 KN

Moment=M 14.43 KN-m
eccentricity in column e=M/P 10.69 mm


Column C
1) Column Width X-X 300 mm Grade of Concrete 'Fck' 30
2) Column Depth Y-Y 300 mm Grade of Steel 'Fy' 500
3) Column length 3000 mm

Check for eccentricity

emin = L/500 + D/30 or 20mm whichever is greater
eminxx = 16.00 mm
eminyy = 10.00 mm

4) Area of Steel ' Ast' = 2412 mm2

5) Area of Column = 70686 mm2
6) Modular ratio ' m ' = 9
7) Equivalent area of Column 'Ae' = 100836 mm2
8) Equivalent Moment of Ineritia 'Ie' xx= 50808387600 mm4
9) Equivalent Moment of Ineritia 'Ie' yy= 50808387600 mm4
10) Load carrying Capacity of Column 2872 KN
Check for Stresses
10) Load 1350.00 Kn Less than 2872 KN
11) Moment xx 14.43 Kn-m FOS 2.13
12) Moment yy 14.43 Kn-m
13) Direct Stress v cc cal 13.39 N/mm2
14) Bending Stress v cbc cal XX 0.03 N/mm2
15) Bending Stress v cbc cal YY 0.03 N/mm2
16) Total Bending Stress v cbc cal XX & YY 0.07 N/mm2

17) v cc 8 N/mm2
18) v cbc 10 N/mm2
v cc cal/ v cc + v cbc cal/ v cbc < 1.33

1.68 Safe

Design of ties
main bar 25 mm
Tie bar 10 mm
Spacing of ties minimum of 1, 2 & 3
1) Least lateral dimension of member 300 mm
2)16 x dia of main bar 400 mm
3)48 x dia of tie 480 mm

Provided Column Reinforcement

main bar TOR 20# 12 Nos
Ties/Rings 10# 230mm C/C

Design of Bracings
Moment in brace=2xmoment in columnx1.15 33.20 Kn-m
B= 300 mm
D= 300 mm
d= 252 mm
Q= 1.304
moment of resistance of section =QxBxd^2=M1 24.84 Kn-m
Balance moment M2=M-M1 8.35 Kn-m

Area of Steel =Ast=M1/jxdxσst+M2/jxdxσst 293 mm2

Minimum Steel=0.3xB*D/100 270 mm2

Top bar Provided

12# 2 Nos 4 Nos
16# 1 Nos 4 Nos
20# 1 Nos 2 Nos

Bottom bar Provided

12# 2 Nos 4 Nos
16# 1 Nos 4 Nos
20# 1 Nos 2 Nos

Shear force in brace=Moment in brace/(0.5xlength of brace) 20.53 KN

Check for Shear stresses
σV=V/bd 0.27 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.36
σc 0.37 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 33 Kn
Balance shear Vus -13 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups -90 mm

Effective depth of beam d=√M/Qb 252 mm

Effective depth considered d=D-Cover+bar 250 mm

Permisible Shear stress

100Ast/BD M-25 M-30
0.15 0.29 0.29
0.25 0.36 0.37
0.50 0.49 0.50
0.75 0.57 0.59
1.00 0.64 0.66
1.25 0.70 0.71
1.50 0.74 0.76
1.75 0.78 0.80
2.00 0.82 0.84
2.25 0.85 0.88
2.50 0.88 0.91
2.75 0.90 0.94
3.00 0.92 0.96

Bracing Details B3 (300x300)

Support Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 4 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 4 nos
Mid span Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 4 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 4 nos
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ support 150 mm C/C
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ mid span 250 mm C/C

Tank Empty Conditions

Capacity of tank 150000 litres 150 m3
Height of Supporting tower 9 m
Number of columns 6 Nos
Depth of foundation 2.5 m
Grade of Concrete M-20 30 N/mm2
Grade of Steel Fe-415 500 N/mm2
σct 1.5 N/mm2
σcb 2.3 N/mm2
σst 205 N/mm2
8 N/mm2
σcb 10 N/mm2
m 9
Q 1.304
j 0.91
Deimensions of tank
D 6.34 m
D 7.00 m
Depth of Conical Dome a 1.01 m
Height of Tank h 3.60 m
Spacing of bracing S 3.00 m
Total Height of tank Ht 5.62 m
Volume of water as designed V 144.67 M3 144673 Litres
Design of Top Dome
Base Diameter D 7.18 m
Rise of Dome r 1.01 m
Live Load on Dome 1.5 Kn/sqm
Thickness of Dome t 0.125 m 125 mm
Thickness of Wall t1 0.18 m
R 6.89 m
SinѲ 0.5214
CosѲ 0.8533

Load analysis
Self weight of dome 3.125 Kn/sqm
Live load 1.5 Kn/sqm
Finishes 0.55 Kn/sqm
Total Load 5.175 Kn/sqm

Stresses in dome
Meridional thrust T1 wR/(1+CosѲ) T1 19.23 Kn/m

Meridional Compressive stresses 1.92 N/mm2

Less than 8 N/mm2

Circimferential force Fc wR[CosѲ-(1/(1+CosѲ)] 11.18 Kn/m

Hoop stress wR/t[CosѲ - 1/(1+CosѲ)] 46.63 Kn/Sqm

0.047 N/mm2
Less than 8 N/mm2
Minimum Steel 0.24% 300 mm2
Spacing of Bar
8# 168 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C
10# 262 mm C/C Provided 200 mm C/C
12# 377 mm C/C Provided 250 mm C/C

Top Dome thickness 125mm

Main bar & Dist bar 8# @ 150mm C/C

Design of Ring Beam B1 (450x250)

Horizontal Component T1CosѲ 16.41 Kn/m

Hoop Stress in Ring Beam 58.90 Kn

Ast T1xCosѲxD/2/σcc 575 mm2

Provide Top & Bot 6Nos-16# & Stirrups 8#-2Legged @ 150mm C/C
Top Bar
10# 8 Nos Provided 8 Nos 628
12# 6 Nos 6 Nos 678
16# 4 Nos 5 Nos 1005
20# 3 Nos 3 Nos 942
Bot Bar
10# 8 Nos Provided 8 Nos 628
12# 6 Nos 6 Nos 678
16# 4 Nos 5 Nos 1005
20# 3 Nos 3 Nos 942

Check Equivalent area of concrete

Tensile stress in concrete σt 1.5 N/mm2
m 9

F/Ac+Mast=σt 35494 mm2

Width of Ring Beam 450 mm

Depth of Ring Beam 79 mm

However Provide Ring Beam of 450mmx250mm

Reinforcement B1(450x250)
Top TOR 16# 5 Nos
Bottom TOR 16# 5 Nos
Stirrups TOR 8# 150 mm C/C

Design of Top sperical Vent Dome of dia 1.20m

Dome thickness 100 mm
Provide 8# 150mm C/C
Stub Column studs 150mm x150mm 4 Nos
Vertical bar 10# 4Nos 10#
Ties 6# 100mm C/c

Design of Cylindrical wall

Maximum Hoop tension in the wall
Ft= whd/2 126.00 Kn/m

Area of steel Ast= Ft/σst 615 mm2

Minimum Steel 0.24% 600 mm2
Spacing of Vertical bars

0m to 2m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C

2m to 3.75m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C
Minimum steel at top 720 mm2
Spacing of Horizontal bars
0m to 2m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C
2m to 3.75m 12# 188 mm C/C Provided 150 mm C/C

Thickness of dome 0.125 m

Thickness of Cylindrical wall 0.18 m
Height of wall 3.50 m
width of top ring beam 0.45 m
Depth of top ring beam 0.25 m
width of bottom ring beam 0.30 m
Depth of bottom ring beam 0.60 m
SinѲ 0.5214

Design of Bottom Ring Beam B2(300X600)

Loads on bottom Ring Beam
Load due to top dome 10.02 Kn/m
Load due to top ring beam 2.81 Kn
Load due to Cylindrical wall 15.75 Kn
Self weight of ring beam 4.50 Kn
Total Vertical load V1 33.09 Kn
Horizontal force H=V1xCotѲ 33.09 Kn
CotѲ 1
Hoop tension due to vertical loads He=HD/2
115.80 Kn

Hoop tension due to water pressure Hw=whdD/2

72.10 Kn

Total Hoop tension H=He+Hw 187.91 Kn

Area of steel Ast=H/σst 917 mm2

Top Bar
12# 9 Nos Provided 9 Nos 1017
16# 6 Nos 6 Nos 1206
20# 4 Nos 4 Nos 1256
Bot Bar
12# 9 Nos Provided 9 Nos 1017
16# 6 Nos 6 Nos 1206
20# 4 Nos 4 Nos 1256

Check for tensile stress

σt= H/(Ac+mAst) 1.00 N/mm2

Less than 2.3 N/mm2

Reinforcement B2(300X600)
Top TOR 16# 6 Nos
Bottom TOR 16# 6 Nos
Stirrups 4L
support TOR 10# 150 C/C
Stirrups 4L
mid span TOR 10# 200 C/C

Design of Circular Bottom Slab

Load Analysis of Circular Bottom Slab
Thickness of Slab 250 mm
Effective depth slab 213 mm
Dia of Tank 6.23 m
DEAD LOAD 6.25 Kn/M2
Water Load 35.00 Kn/M2
FINISHES 1.875 Kn/M2
43.13 Kn/M2
Dynamic factored Load 49.59 Kn/M2
Grade of Concrete 30 N/mm2
Grade of Steel 500 N/mm2
Positive Radial Bending moment
BM=-3/16 x W X R^2 90 Kn-m
Circumferential Bending moment
BM=1/16 x W X R^2 30 Kn-m
Maximum moment 90 Kn-m
Effective depth of slab required 148 mm
Provide depth of slab 250 mm
Effective depth of slab required 213 mm
Area of Main Steel 2375 mm2
Minimum steel=0.24% 600 mm2
Spacing of 10mm dia Bar= 66 mm C/C limit spacing 100 mm c/c
Spacing of 12mm dia Bar= 95 mm C/C limit spacing 150 mm c/c
Spacing of 16mm dia Bar= 169 mm C/C limit spacing 150 mm c/c

Area of Dist Steel 600 mm2

Spacing 0f 10mm dia Bar= 262 mm C/C limit spacing 150 mm c/c

Depth of Slab Provided= 250 MM

Provided Top
Main bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c
Dist bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c
Provided bottom
Main bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c
Dist bar Spacing TOR 16 150 mm c/c

Load Analysis of Overhead Tank

PCC Bed 0.7854x(9.73^2-4.63^2)x0.15x25 230.22 KN
Raft Slab 0.7854x(9.43^2-4.93^2)x0.60x25 820.27 KN
Raft beam 3.14x7.18x0.45x0.90x25 2771.67 KN
Circular Column 6x0.30^2x11.66x25 1507.41 KN
Circular Wall 3.14x7.20x3.75x0.20x25 423.90 KN
Bottom slab 0.7854x9.15^2x0.25*25 116.78 KN
Bottom Ring Girder 3.14x7.18x0.3*0.60x25 101.45 KN
Top Dome 4/3x0.7854x7.80^2x0.125x25 199.10 KN
Top Ring Girder 3.14x7.18x0.45x0.25x25 63.41 KN
Bracing 3x3.14x7.18x0.30x0.30x25 152.18 KN
Top Dome & Circular wall
4/3x0.7854x7.80^2x0.125x25+3.14x1.5x1x0.125x25228.54 KN
Live Load 0.7854x67.80^2x0.75 35.84 KN
6650.76 KN
Say 6600 KN
Total design load on ring beam W= 6600 KN
Number of Columns 6
Load on each column 1100.00 KN
The Circular beam in supported on 6 Columns using moment coefficients from table
R 3.18 m
Maximum negetive moment at support section =0.0083WR 29 Kn-m
Maximum positive moment at mid span section =0.0041WR 14 Kn-m
Tortional moment =0.0006WR 2.10 Kn-m

Shear force at support section V=wD1/2(π/4)/2 1373 Kn

Shear force at section of maximum torsionn is (At an angle 9.5deg from higher 793 Kn

Design of Support section

Maximum moment M= 29 Kn-m
Maximum shear force V= 1373 Kn
Effective depth of beam d=√M/Qb 328 mm

Effective depth considered d=D-Cover+bar 512.50 mm

Area of steel Ast=M/jdσst 331 mm2

Minimum Steel 0.24% 432 mm2
Top Bars
16# 3 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 2 25# 2

Bot Bars
16# 3 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 2 25# 2

Check for Shear stresses

σV=V/bd 8.93 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 1.28
σc 0.73 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 97 Kn
Balance shear Vus 1276 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 23 mm

Design of mid span section

Maximum moment M= 14 Kn-m
Maximum shear force V= 686 Kn

Effective depth of beam d=√M/Qb 177 mm

Effective depth considered d=D-Cover+bar 512.50 mm

Area of steel Ast=M/jdσst 207 mm2

Minimum Steel 0.24% 369 mm2
Top Bars
16# 2 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 1 25# 2

Bot Bars
16# 2 Provided 16# 5
20# 2 20# 2
25# 1 25# 2

Check for Shear stresses

σV=V/bd 4.46 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 1.28
σc 0.58 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 89 Kn
Balance shear Vus 597 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 35 mm

B4 (450x900)
Support Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Mid span Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ support 150 mm C/C
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ mid span 250 mm C/C
Design of section to maximum torsion
T 2.10 Kn-m D 900 mm
V 793 Kn b 450 mm
M 0 Kn-m d 512.50 mm

Mt=T(1+(D/b)/1.7) 3.70 Kn-m

Met=M+Mt 3.70 Kn-m
Area of steel Ast=Met/jσstd 54 mm2
Minimum steel 692 mm2

Provide TOR 16# 5 Nos

Equivalent shear Vs=V+1.6(T/d) 793.3 Kn

Check for Shear stresses
σV=V/bd 3.44 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.61
σc 0.38 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 88 Kn
Balance shear Vus 706 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 40 mm C/C

Provide Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 150 mm C/C

Design of foundations
A circular girder with raft with equal projections on either side of circular ring beam
b 450 mm
D 900 mm

Circular Ring beam details B4(450x900)

Support Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Mid span Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 5 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 5 nos
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ support 200 mm C/C
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ mid span 300 mm C/C

Design of section to maximum torsion

T 2.10 Kn-m D 900 mm
V 686 Kn b 450 mm
M 29 Kn-m d 852.00 mm

Mt=T(1+(D/b)/1.7) 3.70 Kn-m

Met=M+Mt 32.74 Kn-m
Area of steel Ast=Met/jσstd 285 mm2
Minimum steel 1150 mm2

Provide TOR 25# 3 Nos

Equivalent shear Vs=V+1.6(T/d) 686.5 Kn

Check for Shear stresses
σV=V/bd 1.79 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.41
σc 0.37 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 142 Kn
Balance shear Vus 545 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 64 mm C/C

Provide Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 200 mm C/C
Provided Column Reinforcement
main bar TOR 20# 12 Nos
Ties/Rings 10# 230mm C/C

Design of Raft slab

Maximum projection 1.2 m

Soil Pressure 123.85 Kn/m2

Maximum Bending moment 503.92 Kn-m

Maximum shear 148.62 Kn

effective depth 'd' 750 mm

Over all depth 900 mm
Provided effective depth 832 mm

Area of steel required Ast 1361 mm2 3

Minimum steel 540 mm2

Spacing of 12# bar 166 mm C/C

Say 125 mm C/C

Distribution steel 10# 291 mm C/C

Say 200 mm C/C

Check for shear stresses

Shear stress 0.18 N/mm2

100Ast/bd 0.11 Less than 0.29 N/mm2
σc 0.29 N/mm2

The thickness of the footing is retained at 600mm upto to a distance of 500mm from the
column face and there after gradually decreased to 300mm at the edges.

Raft reinforcement
Provide main bar 12# 125 mm C/C
Provide dist bar 12# 125 mm C/C

Design of Column
Vertical load on each column 1100.00 KN
Total vertical Load 1100.00 KN
Wind forces in column
intensity of wind1.5Kn/m2
Reduction coefficient 0.70
wind force on top of dome & cylindrical wall )7.40x(3.75+1.01/2)x0.7x1.5 34.97 13.765
windforce on ring girder 7.40x0.6x0.7x1.5 4.66 11.45 8.45 6.15
wind force on bracings 3x7.40x0.45x0.7x1.5 10.49 9.525
Total wind load 50.12

Moments at base of column 231.02x4/2 M 180.43 KN-m

Moments at base column due to wind loads

M1 787.79 KN-m
M1=ΣM+V/r1x(Σr1^2) 787.79=108.43+V/4x((2x3^2)+3(3/(1.414)^2)
V= 75.92 KN

Total load on leeward column at base =1100+75.92 1175.92 KN

Moment in each column at base 180.43/6 30.07 KN-m

Axial load =P 1100.00 KN

Moment=M 30.07 KN-m
eccentricity in column e=M/P 27.34 mm


Column C
1) Column Width X-X 300 mm Grade of Concrete 'Fck' 30
2) Column Depth Y-Y 300 mm Grade of Steel 'Fy' 500
3) Column length 3000 mm

Check for eccentricity

emin = L/500 + D/30 or 20mm whichever is greater
eminxx = 16.00 mm
eminyy = 10.00 mm

4) Area of Steel ' Ast' = 2412 mm2

5) Area of Column = 70686 mm2
6) Modular ratio ' m ' = 9
7) Equivalent area of Column 'Ae' = 100836 mm2
8) Equivalent Moment of Ineritia 'Ie' xx= 50808387600 mm4
9) Equivalent Moment of Ineritia 'Ie' yy= 50808387600 mm4
10) Load carrying Capacity of Column 2872 KN
Check for Stresses
10) Load 1100.00 Kn Less than 2872 KN
11) Moment xx 30.07 Kn-m FOS 2.61
12) Moment yy 30.07 Kn-m
13) Direct Stress v cc cal 10.91 N/mm2
14) Bending Stress v cbc cal XX 0.07 N/mm2
15) Bending Stress v cbc cal YY 0.07 N/mm2
16) Total Bending Stress v cbc cal XX & YY 0.14 N/mm2

17) v cc 8 N/mm2
18) v cbc 10 N/mm2
v cc cal/ v cc + v cbc cal/ v cbc < 1.33

1.38 Safe

Design of ties
main bar 25 mm
Tie bar 10 mm
Spacing of ties minimum of 1, 2 & 3
1) Least lateral dimension of member 300 mm
2)16 x dia of main bar 400 mm
3)48 x dia of tie 480 mm

Provided Column Reinforcement

main bar TOR 20# 12 Nos
Ties/Rings 10# 230mm C/C

Design of Bracings
Moment in brace=2xmoment in columnx1.15 69.17 Kn-m
B= 300 mm
D= 300 mm
d= 252 mm
Q= 1.304
moment of resistance of section =QxBxd^2=M1 24.84 Kn-m

Balance moment M2=M-M1 44.32 Kn-m

Area of Steel =Ast=M1/jxdxσst+M2/jxdxσst 610 mm2

Minimum Steel=0.3xB*D/100 270 mm2

Top bar Provided

12# 2 Nos 4 Nos
16# 1 Nos 4 Nos
20# 1 Nos 2 Nos

Bottom bar Provided

12# 2 Nos 4 Nos
16# 1 Nos 4 Nos
20# 1 Nos 2 Nos

Shear force in brace=Moment in brace/(0.5xlength of brace) 42.77 KN

Check for Shear stresses
σV=V/bd 0.57 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.36
σc 0.37 N/mm2
Shear carried by beam 33 Kn
Balance shear Vus 9 Kn

Spacing of 10# 4L-stirrups 643 mm

Effective depth of beam d=√M/Qb 252 mm

Effective depth considered d=D-Cover+bar 250 mm

Permisible Shear stress

100Ast/BD M-25 M-30
0.15 0.29 0.29
0.25 0.36 0.37
0.50 0.49 0.50
0.75 0.57 0.59
1.00 0.64 0.66
1.25 0.70 0.71
1.50 0.74 0.76
1.75 0.78 0.80
2.00 0.82 0.84
2.25 0.85 0.88
2.50 0.88 0.91
2.75 0.90 0.94
3.00 0.92 0.96

Bracing Details B3 (300x300)

Support Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 4 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 4 nos
Mid span Section
Top Bar @ support TOR 16# 4 nos
Bottom Bar @ mid span TOR 16# 4 nos
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ support 150 mm C/C
Provide 10# 4-legged stirrups @ mid span 250 mm C/C
Analysis of Overhead Intz Tank
Tank Full

Density of water 10 KN/m3

Diameter of cylindrical tank =D 7.4 m
Height of Cyclindrical tank +height of dome =Ho 4.03 m
CGzof tank up to foundation bed of OH =H 13.765 m

BM=DxHo/2xH KN-m

Wind Calculation as per IS : 875 (Part 3) - 2015

Basic wind pressure Vb -m/sec 39 m/sec
Design Life of Structure 100 Years
K1 Probability factor (risk coefficient) 1.06 Table-1 Clause-6.3.1
K2- terrain roughness and height factor Category-II 1.17 Table-2 Clause-
K3- Topography factor K3=1+CxSo 1.27 Annexure-C
C=0.36 So=0.75 for cliffs
K4-Importance factor in cyclonic region 1
Design wind speed Vz=VbxK1xK2xK3xK4 61.43 m/sec

Design wind pressure Pz=0.60 x Vz^2 2264 N

2.26 Kn
BM=DxHo/2xH 927.73 KN-m

Analysis of Overhead Intz Tank

Tank Empty
Density of water 10 KN/m3
Diameter of cylindrical tank =D 9.25 m
Height of Cyclindrical tank +height of dome =Ho 4.03 m
CGzof tank up to foundation bed of OH =H 13.765 m

Wind Calculation as per IS : 875 (Part 3) - 2015

Basic wind pressure Vb -m/sec 39 m/sec
Design Life of Structure 100 Years
K1 Probability factor (risk coefficient) 1.06 Table-1 Clause-6.3.1
K2- terrain roughness and height factor Category-II 1.17 Table-2 Clause-
K3- Topography factor K3=1+CxSo 1.27 Annexure-C
C=0.36 So=0.75 for cliffs
K4-Importance factor in cyclonic region 1
Design wind speed Vz=VbxK1xK2xK3xK4 61.43 m/sec

Design wind pressure Pz=0.60 x Vz^2 2264 N

2.26 Kn

Load Analysis of Overhead Tank

PCC Bed 0.7854x(9.73^2-4.63^2)x0.15x25 230.22 KN
Raft Slab 0.7854x(9.43^2-4.93^2)x0.60x25 820.27 KN
Raft beam 3.14x7.18x0.45x0.90x25 2771.67 KN
Circular Column 6x0.30^2x11.66x25 1507.41 KN
Circular Wall 3.14x7.20x3.75x0.20x25 423.90 KN
Bottom slab 0.7854x9.15^2x0.25*25 116.78 KN
Bottom Ring Girder 3.14x7.18x0.3*0.60x25 101.45 KN
Top Dome 4/3x0.7854x7.80^2x0.125x25 199.10 KN
Top Ring Girder 3.14x7.18x0.45x0.25x25 63.41 KN
Bracing 3x3.14x7.18x0.30x0.30x25 152.18 KN
Top Dome & Circular wall
228.54 KN
Live Load 0.7854x67.80^2x0.75 35.84 KN
Water Load 10x7.00^2x3.6 1385.45 KN
8036.20 KN
Say 8100 KN

SBC 170 KN/m2

D1= 9.73 m
D2= 4.63 m
A= 57.52 Sqm
P= 8100 KN
Wind Pressure M= 927.73 KN-m
Z=3.14/32x(D1^3-D2^3) Z= 80.65 m3

Max. Stress=P/A+M/Z 152.32 KN/Sqm

Min. Stress=P/A-M/Z 129.32 KN/Sqm

Less than SBC hence safe 170 KN/Sqm

Seismic Calculation as per IS 1893 Part-1 2016

When Overhead tank Is Full
Town Muddur
Zone III
Weight of structure when Overhead Tank is Full 8100 KN

Zone factor (table-03) 0.16

Importance factor Table-8 1.5
Response reduction factor Table-09 3
Design acceleration coefficient Sa/g clause 6.4.2 2.5
Fundamental Natural period in sec Clause 7.6.2 T=0.075h^0.75 0.422 sec
Ductile detailing as per IS 13920 Required
Type of soil table-2 Type-II

Design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah=Z/2 x I/R X sa/g 0.1000

Horizontal Base Shear= Vb= Ah x W 810.00 KN

Vertical base Shear=2/3xVb 540.00 KN
Total weight of Structure V=W 8100.00 KN
Since The weight of Structure is more than the Horizonal Seismic force the Structure is safe

Seismic Calculation as per IS 1893 Part-1 2016

When Overhead tank Is Empty
Town Muddur
Zone III
Weight of structure when Overhead Tank is Empty 63.80

Zone factor (table-03) 0.16

Importance factor Table-8 1.5
Response reduction factor Table-09 3
Design acceleration coefficient Sa/g clause 6.4.2 2.5
Fundamental Natural period in sec Clause 7.6.2 T=0.075h^0.75 0.422 sec
Ductile detailing as per IS 13920 Required
Type of soil table-2 Type-II

Design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah=Z/2 x I/R X sa/g 0.1000

Horizontal Base Shear= Vb= Ah x W 671.46 KN

Vertical base Shear=2/3xVb 447.64 KN
Total weight of Structure V=W 6714.55 KN

Since The weight of Structure is more than the Horizonal Seismic force the Structure is safe

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