This document provides a listing of various electronic components including transistors, triacs, capacitors, integrated circuits, LEDs, and other components. It includes specifications such as voltage and current ratings. The components are organized by type and include both through-hole and surface mount packages.
This document provides a listing of various electronic components including transistors, triacs, capacitors, integrated circuits, LEDs, and other components. It includes specifications such as voltage and current ratings. The components are organized by type and include both through-hole and surface mount packages.
This document provides a listing of various electronic components including transistors, triacs, capacitors, integrated circuits, LEDs, and other components. It includes specifications such as voltage and current ratings. The components are organized by type and include both through-hole and surface mount packages.
This document provides a listing of various electronic components including transistors, triacs, capacitors, integrated circuits, LEDs, and other components. It includes specifications such as voltage and current ratings. The components are organized by type and include both through-hole and surface mount packages.