Python Tutorial
Python Tutorial
Python Tutorial
Python tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Python. Our Python tutorial is
designed for beginners and professionals.
Python is a simple, general purpose, high level, and object-oriented programming language.
Python is an interpreted scripting language also. Guido Van Rossum is known as the founder
of Python programming.
Our Python tutorial includes all topics of Python Programming such as installation, control
statements, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionary, Modules, Exceptions, Date and Time, File I/O,
Programs, etc. There are also given Python interview questions to help you better
understand Python Programming.
Python Introduction
Python is a general purpose, dynamic, high level, and interpreted programming language.
It supports Object Oriented programming approach to develop applications. It is simple and
easy to learn and provides lots of high-level data structures.
Python is easy to learn yet powerful and versatile scripting language, which makes it
attractive for Application Development.
Python's syntax and dynamic typing with its interpreted nature make it an ideal language
for scripting and rapid application development.
Python is not intended to work in a particular area, such as web programming. That is why
it is known as multipurposeprogramming language because it can be used with web,
enterprise, 3D CAD, etc.
We don't need to use data types to declare variable because it is dynamically typed so we
can write a=10 to assign an integer value in an integer variable.
Python makes the development and debugging fast because there is no compilation step
included in Python development, and edit-test-debug cycle is very fast.
Python 2 vs. Python 3
In most of the programming languages, whenever a new version releases, it supports the
features and syntax of the existing version of the language, therefore, it is easier for the
projects to switch in the newer version. However, in the case of Python, the two versions
Python 2 and Python 3 are very much different from each other.
1. Python 2 uses print as a statement and used as print "something" to print some
string on the console. On the other hand, Python 3 uses print as a function and used
as print("something") to print something on the console.
2. Python 2 uses the function raw_input() to accept the user's input. It returns the
string representing the value, which is typed by the user. To convert it into the
integer, we need to use the int() function in Python. On the other hand, Python 3
uses input() function which automatically interpreted the type of input entered by
the user. However, we can cast this value to any type by using primitive functions
(int(), str(), etc.).
3. In Python 2, the implicit string type is ASCII, whereas, in Python 3, the implicit string
type is Unicode.
4. Python 3 doesn't contain the xrange() function of Python 2. The xrange() is the
variant of range() function which returns a xrange object that works similar to Java
iterator. The range() returns a list for example the function range(0,3) contains 0, 1,
5. There is also a small change made in Exception handling in Python 3. It defines a
keyword as which is necessary to be used. We will discuss it in Exception handling
section of Python programming tutorial.
Python Features
Python provides lots of features that are listed below.
Python is easy to learn and use. It is developer-friendly and high level programming
2) Expressive Language
Python language is more expressive means that it is more understandable and readable.
3) Interpreted Language
Python is an interpreted language i.e. interpreter executes the code line by line at a time.
This makes debugging easy and thus suitable for beginners.
4) Cross-platform Language
Python can run equally on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix and Macintosh
etc. So, we can say that Python is a portable language.
Python language is freely available at offical web address.The source-code is also available.
Therefore it is open source.
6) Object-Oriented Language
Python supports object oriented language and concepts of classes and objects come into
7) Extensible
It implies that other languages such as C/C++ can be used to compile the code and thus it
can be used further in our python code.
Python has a large and broad library and prvides rich set of module and functions for rapid
application development.
Python Applications
Python is known for its general purpose nature that makes it applicable in almost each
domain of software development. Python as a whole can be used in any sphere of
We can use Python to develop web applications. It provides libraries to handle internet
protocols such as HTML and XML, JSON, Email processing, request, beautifulSoup,
Feedparser etc. It also provides Frameworks such as Django, Pyramid, Flask etc to design
and delelop web based applications. Some important developments are: PythonWikiEngines,
Pocoo, PythonBlogSoftware etc.
Python provides Tk GUI library to develop user interface in python based application. Some
other useful toolkits wxWidgets, Kivy, pyqt that are useable on several platforms. The Kivy
is popular for writing multitouch applications.
3) Software Development
Python is helpful for software development process. It works as a support language and can
be used for build control and management, testing etc.
Python is popular and widely used in scientific and numeric computing. Some useful library
and package are SciPy, Pandas, IPython etc. SciPy is group of packages of engineering,
science and mathematics.
5) Business Applications
Python is used to build Bussiness applications like ERP and e-commerce systems. Tryton is a
high level application platform.
We can use Python to develop console based applications. For example: IPython.
Python is awesome to perform multiple tasks and can be used to develop multimedia
applications. Some of real applications are: TimPlayer, cplay etc.
8) 3D CAD Applications
To create CAD application Fandango is a real application which provides full features of CAD.
9) Enterprise Applications
Python can be used to create applications which can be used within an Enterprise or an
Organization. Some real time applications are: OpenErp, Tryton, Picalo etc.
10) Applications for Images
Using Python several application can be developed for image. Applications developed are:
VPython, Gogh, imgSeek etc.
There are several such applications which can be developed using Python
To open the interactive mode, open the terminal (or command prompt) and type python
(python3 in case if you have python2 and python3 both installed on your system).
It will open the following prompt where we can execute the python statement and check
their impact on the console.
Let's run a python statement to print the traditional hello world on the console. Python3
provides print() function to print some message on the console. We can pass the message
as a string into this function. Consider the following image.
Here, we get the message "Hello World !" printed on the console.
We need to write our code into a file which can be executed later. For this purpose, open an
editor like notepad, create a file named (python used .py extension) and write the
following code in it.
1. Print ("hello world"); #here, we have used print() function to print the message on the cons
To run this file named as, we need to run the following command on the terminal.
$ python3
Hence, we get our output as the message Hello World ! is printed on the console.
Get Started with PyCharm
In our first program, we have used gedit on our CentOS as an editor. On Windows, we have
an alternative like notepad or notepad++ to edit the code. However, these editors are not
used as IDE for python since they are unable to show the syntax related suggestions.
JetBrains provides the most popular and a widely used cross-platform IDE PyCharm to run
the python programs.
PyCharm installation
As we have already stated, PyCharm is a cross-platform IDE, and hence it can be installed
on a variety of the operating systems. In this section of the tutorial, we will cover the
installation process of PyCharm on Windows, MacOS, CentOS, and Ubuntu.
Installing PyCharm on Windows is very simple. To install PyCharm on Windows operating
system, visit the link
thanks.html?platform=windows to download the executable installer. Double click the
installer (.exe) file and install PyCharm by clicking next at each step.
To install PyCharm on CentOS, visit the link
pycharm-on-centos. The link will guide you to install PyCharm on the CentOS.
To install PyCharm on MacOS, visit the link
pycharm-on-mac. The link will guide you to install PyCharm on the MacOS.
To install PyCharm on Ubuntu, visit the link
pycharm-in-ubuntu. The link will guide you to install PyCharm on Ubuntu.
In the upcoming section of the tutorial, we will use PyCharm to edit the python code.
Python Variables
Variable is a name which is used to refer memory location. Variable also known as identifier
and used to hold value.
In Python, we don't need to specify the type of variable because Python is a type infer
language and smart enough to get variable type.
Variable names can be a group of both letters and digits, but they have to begin with a
letter or an underscore.
It is recomended to use lowercase letters for variable name. Rahul and rahul both are two
different variables.
Identifier Naming
Variables are the example of identifiers. An Identifier is used to identify the literals used in
the program. The rules to name an identifier are given below.
We don't need to declare explicitly variable in Python. When we assign any value to the
variable that variable is declared automatically.
1. >>>
2. 10
3. ravi
4. 20000.67
5. >>>
Multiple Assignment
Python allows us to assign a value to multiple variables in a single statement which is also
known as multiple assignment.
We can apply multiple assignments in two ways either by assigning a single value to
multiple variables or assigning multiple values to multiple variables. Lets see given
1. x=y=z=50
2. print iple
3. print y
4. print z
1. >>>
2. 50
3. 50
4. 50
5. >>>
1. a,b,c=5,10,15
2. print a
3. print b
4. print c
1. >>>
2. 5
3. 10
4. 15
5. >>>
Basic Fundamentals:
This section contains the basic fundamentals of Python like :
ii) Comments
o Tokens can be defined as a punctuator mark, reserved words and each individual
word in a statement.
o Token is the smallest unit inside the given program.
o Keywords.
o Identifiers.
o Literals.
o Operators.
o Tuple is another form of collection where different type of data can be stored.
o It is similar to list where data is separated by commas. Only the difference is that list
uses square bracket and tuple uses parenthesis.
o Tuples are enclosed in parenthesis and cannot be changed.
1. >>> tuple=('rahul',100,60.4,'deepak')
2. >>> tuple1=('sanjay',10)
3. >>> tuple
4. ('rahul', 100, 60.4, 'deepak')
5. >>> tuple[2:]
6. (60.4, 'deepak')
7. >>> tuple1[0]
8. 'sanjay'
9. >>> tuple+tuple1
10. ('rahul', 100, 60.4, 'deepak', 'sanjay', 10)
11. >>>
o Dictionary is a collection which works on a key-value pair.
o It works like an associated array where no two keys can be same.
o Dictionaries are enclosed by curly braces ({}) and values can be retrieved by square
1. >>> dictionary={'name':'charlie','id':100,'dept':'it'}
2. >>> dictionary
3. {'dept': 'it', 'name': 'charlie', 'id': 100}
4. >>> dictionary.keys()
5. ['dept', 'name', 'id']
6. >>> dictionary.values()
7. ['it', 'charlie', 100]
8. >>>
Python enables us to check the type of the variable used in the program. Python provides us
the type() function which returns the type of the variable passed.
Consider the following example to define the values of different data types and checking its
1. A=10
2. b="Hi Python"
3. c = 10.5
4. print(type(a));
5. print(type(b));
6. print(type(c));
<type 'int'>
<type 'str'>
<type 'float'>
Python provides various standard data types that define the storage method on each of
them. The data types defined in Python are given below.
1. Numbers
2. String
3. List
4. Tuple
5. Dictionary
In this section of the tutorial, we will give a brief introduction of the above data types. We
will discuss each one of them in detail later in this tutorial.
Number stores numeric values. Python creates Number objects when a number is assigned
to a variable. For example;
Python allows us to use a lower-case L to be used with long integers. However, we must
always use an upper-case L to avoid confusion.
A complex number contains an ordered pair, i.e., x + iy where x and y denote the real and
imaginary parts respectively).
The string can be defined as the sequence of characters represented in the quotation marks.
In python, we can use single, double, or triple quotes to define a string.
String handling in python is a straightforward task since there are various inbuilt functions
and operators provided.
In the case of string handling, the operator + is used to concatenate two strings as the
operation "hello"+" python" returns "hello python".
The operator * is known as repetition operator as the operation "Python " *2 returns
"Python Python ".
hello javatpointhello javatpoint
hello javatpoint how are you
Lists are similar to arrays in C. However; the list can contain data of different types. The
items stored in the list are separated with a comma (,) and enclosed within square brackets
We can use slice [:] operators to access the data of the list. The concatenation operator (+)
and repetition operator (*) works with the list in the same way as they were working with
the strings.
[1, 'hi']
[1, 'hi', 'python', 2]
[1, 'hi', 'python', 2, 1, 'hi', 'python', 2]
[1, 'hi', 'python', 2, 1, 'hi', 'python', 2, 1, 'hi', 'python', 2]
A tuple is similar to the list in many ways. Like lists, tuples also contain the collection of the
items of different data types. The items of the tuple are separated with a comma (,) and
enclosed in parentheses ().
A tuple is a read-only data structure as we can't modify the size and value of the items of a
1. t = ("hi", "python", 2)
2. print (t[1:]);
3. print (t[0:1]);
4. print (t);
5. print (t + t);
6. print (t * 3);
7. print (type(t))
8. t[2] = "hi";
('python', 2)
('hi', 'python', 2)
('hi', 'python', 2, 'hi', 'python', 2)
('hi', 'python', 2, 'hi', 'python', 2, 'hi', 'python', 2)
<type 'tuple'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in <module>
t[2] = "hi";
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Dictionary is an ordered set of a key-value pair of items. It is like an associative array or a
hash table where each key stores a specific value. Key can hold any primitive data type
whereas value is an arbitrary Python object.
The items in the dictionary are separated with the comma and enclosed in the curly braces
Python Keywords
Python Keywords are special reserved words which convey a special meaning to the
compiler/interpreter. Each keyword have a special meaning and a specific operation. These
keywords can't be used as variable. Following is the List of Python Keywords.
True False None and as
Python Literals
Literals can be defined as a data that is given in a variable or constant.
I. String literals:
String literals can be formed by enclosing a text in the quotes. We can use both single as
well as double quotes for a String.
"Aman" , '12345'
Types of Strings:
a).Single line String- Strings that are terminated within a single line are known as Single
line Strings.
1. >>> text1='hello'
b).Multi line String- A piece of text that is spread along multiple lines is known as Multiple
line String.
There are two ways to create Multiline Strings:
1. >>> text1='hello\
2. user'
3. >>> text1
4. 'hellouser'
5. >>>
1. >>> str2='''''welcome
2. to
3. SSSIT'''
4. >>> print str2
5. welcome
6. to
8. >>>
II.Numeric literals:
Numeric Literals are immutable. Numeric literals can belong to following four different
numerical types.
Numbers( can be Integers of unlimited Real numbers with In the form of a+bj where a forms the
both positive and size followed by both integer and forms the imaginary part of complex nu
negative) with no lowercase or fractional part eg: -
fractional uppercase L eg: 26.2
100 87032845L
A Boolean literal can have any of the two values: True or False.
None is used to specify to that field that is not created. It is also used for end of lists in
1. >>> val1=10
2. >>> val2=None
3. >>> val1
4. 10
5. >>> val2
6. >>> print val2
7. None
8. >>>
V.Literal Collections.
o List contain items of different data types. Lists are mutable i.e., modifiable.
o The values stored in List are separated by commas(,) and enclosed within a square
brackets([]). We can store different type of data in a List.
o Value stored in a List can be retrieved using the slice operator([] and [:]).
o The plus sign (+) is the list concatenation and asterisk(*) is the repetition operator.
1. >>> list=['aman',678,20.4,'saurav']
2. >>> list1=[456,'rahul']
3. >>> list
4. ['aman', 678, 20.4, 'saurav']
5. >>> list[1:3]
6. [678, 20.4]
7. >>> list+list1
8. ['aman', 678, 20.4, 'saurav', 456, 'rahul']
9. >>> list1*2
10. [456, 'rahul', 456, 'rahul']
11. >>>
Python Operators
The operator can be defined as a symbol which is responsible for a particular operation
between two operands. Operators are the pillars of a program on which the logic is built in a
particular programming language. Python provides a variety of operators described as
o Arithmetic operators
o Comparison operators
o Assignment Operators
o Logical Operators
o Bitwise Operators
o Membership Operators
o Identity Operators
Arithmetic operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations between two operands. It
includes +(addition), - (subtraction), *(multiplication), /(divide), %(reminder), //(floor
division), and exponent (**).
Operator Description
+ (Addition) It is used to add two operands. For example, if a = 20, b = 10 => a+b = 30
- (Subtraction) It is used to subtract the second operand from the first operand. If the first operand is less t
operand, the value result negative. For example, if a = 20, b = 10 => a ? b = 10
/ (divide) It returns the quotient after dividing the first operand by the second operand. For example, i
=> a/b = 2
* It is used to multiply one operand with the other. For example, if a = 20, b = 10 => a * b =
% (reminder) It returns the reminder after dividing the first operand by the second operand. For example,
=> a%b = 0
** (Exponent) It is an exponent operator represented as it calculates the first operand power to second ope
// (Floor It gives the floor value of the quotient produced by dividing the two operands.
Comparison operator
Comparison operators are used to comparing the value of the two operands and returns
boolean true or false accordingly. The comparison operators are described in the following
Operator Description
== If the value of two operands is equal, then the condition becomes true.
!= If the value of two operands is not equal then the condition becomes true.
<= If the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand, then the condition becomes true.
>= If the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand, then the condition becomes true.
<> If the value of two operands is not equal, then the condition becomes true.
> If the first operand is greater than the second operand, then the condition becomes true.
< If the first operand is less than the second operand, then the condition becomes true.
Operator Description
= It assigns the the value of the right expression to the left operand.
+= It increases the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand and assign the modified va
operand. For example, if a = 10, b = 20 => a+ = b will be equal to a = a+ b and therefore, a = 30.
-= It decreases the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand and assign the modified va
operand. For example, if a = 20, b = 10 => a- = b will be equal to a = a- b and therefore, a = 10.
*= It multiplies the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand and assign the modified va
operand. For example, if a = 10, b = 20 => a* = b will be equal to a = a* b and therefore, a = 200.
%= It divides the value of the left operand by the value of the right operand and assign the reminder back
For example, if a = 20, b = 10 => a % = b will be equal to a = a % b and therefore, a = 0.
**= a**=b will be equal to a=a**b, for example, if a = 4, b =2, a**=b will assign 4**2 = 16 to a.
//= A//=b will be equal to a = a// b, for example, if a = 4, b = 3, a//=b will assign 4//3 = 1 to a.
Bitwise operator
The bitwise operators perform bit by bit operation on the values of the two operands.
For example,
1. if a = 7;
2. b = 6;
3. then, binary (a) = 0111
4. binary (b) = 0011
6. hence, a & b = 0011
7. a | b = 0111
8. a ^ b = 0100
9. ~ a = 1000
Operator Description
& (binary If both the bits at the same place in two operands are 1, then 1 is copied to the result. Otherwise, 0
| (binary The resulting bit will be 0 if both the bits are zero otherwise the resulting bit will be 1.
^ (binary The resulting bit will be 1 if both the bits are different otherwise the resulting bit will be 0.
~ It calculates the negation of each bit of the operand, i.e., if the bit is 0, the resulting bit will be 1 and
<< (left The left operand value is moved left by the number of bits present in the right operand.
>> (right The left operand is moved right by the number of bits present in the right operand.
Logical Operators
The logical operators are used primarily in the expression evaluation to make a decision.
Python supports the following logical operators.
Operator Description
and If both the expression are true, then the condition will be true. If a and b are the two expressions, a →
=> a and b → true.
or If one of the expressions is true, then the condition will be true. If a and b are the two expressions, a
=> a or b → true.
not If an expression a is true then not (a) will be false and vice versa.
Membership Operators
Python membership operators are used to check the membership of value inside a data
structure. If the value is present in the data structure, then the resulting value is true
otherwise it returns false.
Operator Description
in It is evaluated to be true if the first operand is found in the second operand (list, tuple, or dictionary).
not in It is evaluated to be true if the first operand is not found in the second operand (list, tuple, or dictiona
Identity Operators
Operator Description
is It is evaluated to be true if the reference present at both sides point to the same object.
is not It is evaluated to be true if the reference present at both side do not point to the same object.
Operator Precedence
The precedence of the operators is important to find out since it enables us to know which
operator should be evaluated first. The precedence table of the operators in python is given
Operator Description
** The exponent operator is given priority over all the others used in the expression.
<= < > Comparison operators (less then, less then equal to, greater then, greater then equal to).
Python Comments
Comments in Python can be used to explain any program code. It can also be used to hide
the code as well.
Comments are the most helpful stuff of any program. It enables us to understand the way,
a program works. In python, any statement written along with # symbol is known as a
comment. The interpreter does not interpret the comment.
Comment is not a part of the program, but it enhances the interactivity of the program and
makes the program readable.
In case user wants to specify a single line comment, then comment must start with ?#?
Hello Python
1. ''''' This
2. Is
3. Multipline comment'''
Hello Python
Statement Description
If The if statement is used to test a specific condition. If the condition is true, a block of code (if-block)
If - else The if-else statement is similar to if statement except the fact that, it also provides the block of the c
Statement case of the condition to be checked. If the condition provided in the if statement is false, then the els
be executed.
Nested if Nested if statements enable us to use if ? else statement inside an outer if statement.
Indentation in Python
For the ease of programming and to achieve simplicity, python doesn't allow the use of
parentheses for the block level code. In Python, indentation is used to declare a block. If
two statements are at the same indentation level, then they are the part of the same block.
Generally, four spaces are given to indent the statements which are a typical amount of
indentation in python.
Indentation is the most used part of the python language since it declares the block of code.
All the statements of one block are intended at the same level indentation. We will see how
the actual indentation takes place in decision making and other stuff in python.
The if statement
The if statement is used to test a particular condition and if the condition is true, it executes
a block of code known as if-block. The condition of if statement can be any valid logical
expression which can be either evaluated to true or false.
1. if expression:
2. statement
Example 1
1. num = int(input("enter the number?"))
2. if num%2 == 0:
3. print("Number is even")
Enter a? 100
Enter b? 120
Enter c? 130
c is largest
If the condition is true, then the if-block is executed. Otherwise, the else-block is executed.
The syntax of the if-else statement is given below.
1. if condition:
2. #block of statements
3. else:
4. #another block of statements (else-block)
The elif statement works like an if-else-if ladder statement in C. It must be succeeded by an
if statement.
1. if expression 1:
2. # block of statements
4. elif expression 2:
5. # block of statements
7. elif expression 3:
8. # block of statements
10. else:
11. # block of statements
Example 1
1. number = int(input("Enter the number?"))
2. if number==10:
3. print("number is equals to 10")
4. elif number==50:
5. print("number is equal to 50");
6. elif number==100:
7. print("number is equal to 100");
8. else:
9. print("number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100");
Python Loops
The flow of the programs written in any programming language is sequential by default.
Sometimes we may need to alter the flow of the program. The execution of a specific code
may need to be repeated several numbers of times.
For this purpose, The programming languages provide various types of loops which are
capable of repeating some specific code several numbers of times. Consider the following
diagram to understand the working of a loop statement.
Loop Description
for loop The for loop is used in the case where we need to execute some part of the code until the given condi
The for loop is also called as a per-tested loop. It is better to use for loop if the number of iteration is
while The while loop is to be used in the scenario where we don't know the number of iterations in advance.
loop statements is executed in the while loop until the condition specified in the while loop is satisfied. It is
tested loop.
do-while The do-while loop continues until a given condition satisfies. It is also called post tested loop. It is use
loop necessary to execute the loop at least once (mostly menu driven programs).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Python for loop example : printing the table of the given number
1. i=1;
2. num = int(input("Enter a number:"));
3. for i in range(1,11):
4. print("%d X %d = %d"%(num,i,num*i));
Enter a number:10
10 X 1 = 10
10 X 2 = 20
10 X 3 = 30
10 X 4 = 40
10 X 5 = 50
10 X 6 = 60
10 X 7 = 70
10 X 8 = 80
10 X 9 = 90
10 X 10 = 100
Example 1
1. n = int(input("Enter the number of rows you want to print?"))
2. i,j=0,0
3. for i in range(0,n):
4. print()
5. for j in range(0,i+1):
6. print("*",end="")
Example 1
1. for i in range(0,5):
2. print(i)
3. else:print("for loop completely exhausted, since there is no break.");
In the above example, for loop is executed completely since there is no break statement in
the loop. The control comes out of the loop and hence the else block is executed.
Example 2
1. for i in range(0,5):
2. print(i)
3. break;
4. else:print("for
loop is exhausted");
5. print("The loop is broken due to break statement...came out of loop")
In the above example, the loop is broken due to break statement therefore the else
statement will not be executed. The statement present immediate next to else block will be
It can be viewed as a repeating if statement. The while loop is mostly used in the case
where the number of iterations is not known in advance.
1. while expression:
2. statements
Here, the statements can be a single statement or the group of statements. The expression
should be any valid python expression resulting into true or false. The true is any non-zero
Example 1
1. i=1;
2. while i<=10:
3. print(i);
4. i=i+1;
Example 2
1. i=1
2. number=0
3. b=9
4. number = int(input("Enter the number?"))
5. while i<=10:
6. print("%d X %d = %d \n"%(number,i,number*i));
7. i = i+1;
10 X 1 = 10
10 X 2 = 20
10 X 3 = 30
10 X 4 = 40
10 X 5 = 50
10 X 6 = 60
10 X 7 = 70
10 X 8 = 80
10 X 9 = 90
10 X 10 = 100
Any non-zero value in the while loop indicates an always-true condition whereas 0 indicates
the always-false condition. This type of approach is useful if we want our program to run
continuously in the loop without any disturbance.
Example 1
1. while (1):
2. print("Hi! we are inside the infinite while loop");
1. i=1;
2. while i<=5:
3. print(i)
4. i=i+1;
5. else:print("The while loop exhausted");
The while loop exhausted
Example 2
1. i=1;
2. while i<=5:
3. print(i)
4. i=i+1;
5. if(i==3):
6. break;
7. else:print("The while loop exhausted");
The break is commonly used in the cases where we need to break the loop for a given
1. #loop statements
2. break;
Example 1
1. list =[1,2,3,4]
2. count = 1;
3. for i in list:
4. if i == 4:
5. print("item matched")
6. count = count + 1;
7. break
8. print("found at",count,"location");
item matched
found at 2 location
Example 2
1. str = "python"
2. for i in str:
3. if i == 'o':
4. break
5. print(i);
Example 3
1. n=2
2. while 1:
3. i=1;
4. while i<=10:
5. print("%d X %d = %d\n"%(n,i,n*i));
6. i = i+1;
7. choice = int(input("Do you want to continue printing the table, press 0 for no?"))
8. if choice == 0:
9. break;
10. n=n+1
2 X 1 = 2
2 X 2 = 4
2 X 3 = 6
2 X 4 = 8
2 X 5 = 10
2 X 6 = 12
2 X 7 = 14
2 X 8 = 16
2 X 9 = 18
2 X 10 = 20
3 X 1 = 3
3 X 2 = 6
3 X 3 = 9
3 X 4 = 12
3 X 5 = 15
3 X 6 = 18
3 X 7 = 21
3 X 8 = 24
3 X 9 = 27
3 X 10 = 30
Example 1
1. i = 0;
2. while i!=10:
3. print("%d"%i);
4. continue;
5. i=i+1;
infinite loop
Example 2
1. i=1; #initializing a local variable
2. #starting a loop from 1 to 10
3. for i in range(1,11):
4. if i==5:
5. continue;
6. print("%d"%i);
Pass Statement
The pass statement is a null operation since nothing happens when it is executed. It is used
in the cases where a statement is syntactically needed but we don't want to use any
executable statement at its place.
For example, it can be used while overriding a parent class method in the subclass but don't
want to give its specific implementation in the subclass.
Pass is also used where the code will be written somewhere but not yet written in the
program file.
1. list = [1,2,3,4,5]
2. flag = 0
3. for i in list:
4. print("Current element:",i,end=" ");
5. if i==3:
6. pass;
7. print("\nWe are inside pass block\n");
8. flag = 1;
9. if flag==1:
10. print("\nCame out of pass\n");
11. flag=0;
Python Pass
In Python, pass keyword is used to execute nothing; it means, when we don't want to
execute code, the pass can be used to execute empty. It is same as the name refers to. It
just makes the control to pass by without executing any code. If we want to bypass any
code pass statement can be used.
1. pass
1. >>>
2. 1 2 Pass when value is 3
3. 3 4 5
4. >>>
Python String
Till now, we have discussed numbers as the standard data types in python. In this section of the
tutorial, we will discuss the most popular data type in python i.e., string.
In python, strings can be created by enclosing the character or the sequence of characters in the
quotes. Python allows us to use single quotes, double quotes, or triple quotes to create the string.
Here, if we check the type of the variable str using a python script
In python, strings are treated as the sequence of strings which means that python doesn't support
the character data type instead a single character written as 'p' is treated as the string of length 1.
Here, we must notice that the upper range given in the slice operator is always exclusive i.e., if
str = 'python' is given, then str[1:3] will always include str[1] = 'p', str[2] = 'y', str[3] = 't' and
nothing else.
Reassigning strings
Updating the content of the strings is as easy as assigning it to a new string. The string object
doesn't support item assignment i.e., A string can only be replaced with a new string since its
content can not be partially replaced. Strings are immutable in python.
Example 1
1. str = "HELLO"
2. str[0] = "h"
3. print(str)
However, in example 1, the string str can be completely assigned to a new content as specified in
the following example.
Example 2
1. str = "HELLO"
2. print(str)
3. str = "hello"
4. print(str)
String Operators
Operator Description
+ It is known as concatenation operator used to join the strings given either side of the operator.
* It is known as repetition operator. It concatenates the multiple copies of the same string.
[:] It is known as range slice operator. It is used to access the characters from the specified range.
in It is known as membership operator. It returns if a particular sub-string is present in the specified stri
not in It is also a membership operator and does the exact reverse of in. It returns true if a particular substr
in the specified string.
r/R It is used to specify the raw string. Raw strings are used in the cases where we need to print the actua
escape characters such as "C://python". To define any string as a raw string, the character r or R is fo
% It is used to perform string formatting. It makes use of the format specifiers used in C programming li
map their values in python. We will discuss how formatting is done in python.
Consider the following example to understand the real use of Python operators.
1. str = "Hello"
2. str1 = " world"
3. print(str*3) # prints HelloHelloHello
4. print(str+str1)# prints Hello world
5. print(str[4]) # prints o
6. print(str[2:4]); # prints ll
7. print('w' in str) # prints false as w is not present in str
8. print('wo' not in str1) # prints false as wo is present in str1.
9. print(r'C://python37') # prints C://python37 as it is written
10. print("The string str : %s"%(str)) # prints The string str : Hello
Hello world
The string str : Hello
1. Integer = 10;
2. Float = 1.290
3. String = "Ayush"
4. print("Hi I am Integer ... My value is %d\nHi I am float ... My value is %f\n
Hi I am string ... My value is %s"%(Integer,Float,String));
Method Description
capitalize() It capitalizes the first character of the String. This function is deprecated in python3
center(width ,fillchar) It returns a space padded string with the original string centred with equal number o
count(string,begin,end) It counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a String between begin and en
encode() Encode S using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding is 'utf-8'.
endswith(suffix It returns a Boolean value if the string terminates with given suffix between begin an
expandtabs(tabsize = 8) It defines tabs in string to multiple spaces. The default space value is 8.
find(substring It returns the index value of the string where substring is found between begin index
,beginIndex, endIndex)
isalnum() It returns true if the characters in the string are alphanumeric i.e., alphabets or num
at least 1 character. Otherwise, it returns false.
isalpha() It returns true if all the characters are alphabets and there is at least one character,
isdecimal() It returns true if all the characters of the string are decimals.
isdigit() It returns true if all the characters are digits and there is at least one character, othe
islower() It returns true if the characters of a string are in lower case, otherwise false.
isprintable() It returns true if all the characters of s are printable or s is empty, false otherwise.
isupper() It returns false if characters of a string are in Upper case, otherwise False.
isspace() It returns true if the characters of a string are white-space, otherwise false.
istitle() It returns true if the string is titled properly and false otherwise. A title string is the o
first character is upper-case whereas the other characters are lower-case.
isupper() It returns true if all the characters of the string(if exists) is true otherwise it returns
ljust(width[,fillchar]) It returns the space padded strings with the original string left justified to the given
lstrip() It removes all leading whitespaces of a string and can also be used to remove partic
from leading.
partition() It searches for the separator sep in S, and returns the part before it, the separator it
after it. If the separator is not found, return S and two empty strings.
replace(old,new[,count]) It replaces the old sequence of characters with the new sequence. The max characte
max is given.
rjust(width,[,fillchar]) Returns a space padded string having original string right justified to the number of
rstrip() It removes all trailing whitespace of a string and can also be used to remove particu
rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit It is same as split() but it processes the string from the backward direction. It return
= -1) in the string. If Separator is not specified then the string splits according to the whit
split(str,num=string.count Splits the string according to the delimiter str. The string splits according to the spac
(str)) is not provided. It returns the list of substring concatenated with the delimiter.
splitlines(num=string.cou It returns the list of strings at each line with newline removed.
startswith(str,beg=0,end= It returns a Boolean value if the string starts with given str between begin and end.
title() It is used to convert the string into the title-case i.e., The string meEruT will be con
translate(table,deletechar It translates the string according to the translation table passed in the function .
s = '')
upper() It converts all the characters of a string to Upper Case.
zfill(width) Returns original string leftpadded with zeros to a total of width characters; intended
zfill() retains any sign given (less one zero).
Python List
List in python is implemented to store the sequence of various type of data. However,
python contains six data types that are capable to store the sequences but the most
common and reliable type is list.
A list can be defined as a collection of values or items of different types. The items in the list
are separated with the comma (,) and enclosed with the square brackets [].
If we try to print the type of L1, L2, and L3 then it will come out to be a list.
Lets consider a proper example to define a list and printing its values.
The index starts from 0 and goes to length - 1. The first element of the list is stored at the
0th index, the second element of the list is stored at the 1st index, and so on.
Unlike other languages, python provides us the flexibility to use the negative indexing also.
The negative indices are counted from the right. The last element (right most) of the list has
the index -1, its adjacent left element is present at the index -2 and so on until the left
most element is encountered.
Updating List values
Lists are the most versatile data structures in python since they are immutable and their
values can be updated by using the slice and assignment operator.
Python also provide us the append() method which can be used to add values to the string.
Consider the following example to update the values inside the list.
1. List = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
2. print(List)
3. List[2] = 10;
4. print(List)
5. List[1:3] = [89, 78]
6. print(List)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 10, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 89, 78, 4, 5, 6]
The list elements can also be deleted by using the del keyword. Python also provides us the
remove() method if we do not know which element is to be deleted from the list.
1. List = [0,1,2,3,4]
2. print(List)
3. del List[0]
4. print(List)
5. del List[3]
6. print(List)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3]
Python List Operations
The concatenation (+) and repetition (*) operator work in the same way as they were
working with the strings.
Membership It returns true if a particular item exists in print(2 in l1) prints True.
a particular list otherwise false.
Iteration The for loop is used to iterate over the list for i in l1:
elements. print(i)
Iterating a List
A list can be iterated by using a for - in loop. A simple list containing four strings can be
iterated as follows.
Consider the following example in which, we are taking the elements of the list from the
user and printing the list on the console.
1. l =[];
2. n = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the list")); #Number of elements will be ent
ered by the user
3. for i in range(0,n): # for loop to take the input
4. l.append(input("Enter the item?")); # The input is taken from the user and added to the l
ist as the item
5. print("printing the list items....");
6. for i in l: # traversal loop to print the list items
7. print(i, end = " ");
SN Function Description
SN Function Description
1 list.append(obj) The element represented by the object obj is added to the list.
5 list.extend(seq) The sequence represented by the object seq is extended to the list.
6 list.index(obj) It returns the lowest index in the list that object appears.
7 list.insert(index, The object is inserted into the list at the specified index.
11 list.sort([func]) It sorts the list by using the specified compare function if given.
Python Tuple
Python Tuple is used to store the sequence of immutable python objects. Tuple is similar to
lists since the value of the items stored in the list can be changed whereas the tuple is
immutable and the value of the items stored in the tuple can not be changed.
A tuple can be written as the collection of comma-separated values enclosed with the small
brackets. A tuple can be defined as follows.
1. tuple1 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
2. print(tuple1)
3. count = 0
4. for i in tuple1:
5. print("tuple1[%d] = %d"%(count, i));
Example 2
1. tuple1 = tuple(input("Enter the tuple elements ..."))
2. print(tuple1)
3. count = 0
4. for i in tuple1:
5. print("tuple1[%d] = %s"%(count, i));
However, if we try to reassign the items of a tuple, we would get an error as the tuple
object doesn't support the item assignment.
1. T3 = ()
The tuple having a single value must include a comma as given below.
1. T4 = (90,)
A tuple is indexed in the same way as the lists. The items in the tuple can be accessed by
using their specific index value.
We will see all these aspects of tuple in this section of the tutorial.
The items in the tuple can be accessed by using the slice operator. Python also allows us to
use the colon operator to access multiple items in the tuple.
Consider the following image to understand the indexing and slicing in detail.
Unlike lists, the tuple items can not be deleted by using the del keyword as tuples are
immutable. To delete an entire tuple, we can use the del keyword with the tuple name.
1. tuple1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
2. print(tuple1)
3. del tuple1[0]
4. print(tuple1)
5. del tuple1
6. print(tuple1)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
NameError: name 'tuple1' is not defined
Like lists, the tuple elements can be accessed in both the directions. The right most element
(last) of the tuple can be accessed by using the index -1. The elements from left to right are
traversed using the negative indexing.
1. tuple1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
2. print(tuple1[-1])
3. print(tuple1[-4])
Basic Tuple operations
The operators like concatenation (+), repetition (*), Membership (in) works in the same
way as they work with the list. Consider the following table for more detail.
Membership It returns true if a particular item exists print (2 in T1) prints True.
in the tuple otherwise false.
Iteration The for loop is used to iterate over the for i in T1:
tuple elements. print(i)
SN Function Description
1 cmp(tuple1, It compares two tuples and returns true if tuple1 is greater than tuple2 otherwise false.
1. Using tuple instead of list gives us a clear idea that tuple data is constant and must not
be changed.
2. Tuple can simulate dictionary without keys. Consider the following nested structure which
can be used as a dictionary.
3. Tuple can be used as the key inside dictionary due to its immutable nature.
List VS Tuple
SN List Tuple
1 The literal syntax of list is shown by the []. The literal syntax of the tuple is shown by the ().
3 The List has the variable length. The tuple has the fixed length.
4 The list provides more functionality than The tuple provides less functionality than the list.
5 The list Is used in the scenario in which we The tuple is used in the cases where we need to store the re
need to store the simple collections with no i.e., the value of the items can not be changed. It can be us
constraints where the value of the items inside the dictionary.
can be changed.
Lets see an example of how can we store the tuple inside the list.
1. Employees = [(101, "Ayush", 22), (102, "john", 29), (103, "james", 45), (104, "Ben", 34)]
2. print("----Printing list----");
3. for i in Employees:
4. print(i)
5. Employees[0] = (110, "David",22)
6. print();
7. print("----Printing list after modification----");
8. for i in Employees:
9. print(i)
----Printing list----
(101, 'Ayush', 22)
(102, 'john', 29)
(103, 'james', 45)
(104, 'Ben', 34)
Python Set
The set in python can be defined as the unordered collection of various items enclosed
within the curly braces. The elements of the set can not be duplicate. The elements of the
python set must be immutable.
Unlike other collections in python, there is no index attached to the elements of the set, i.e.,
we cannot directly access any element of the set by the index. However, we can print them
all together or we can get the list of elements by looping through the set.
Creating a set
The set can be created by enclosing the comma separated items with the curly braces.
Python also provides the set method which can be used to create the set by the passed
1. Months = set(["January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June"])
2. print("\nprinting the original set ... ")
3. print(Months)
4. print("\nAdding other months to the set...");
5. Months.add("July");
6. Months.add("August");
7. print("\nPrinting the modified set...");
8. print(Months)
9. print("\nlooping through the set elements ... ")
10. for i in Months:
11. print(i)
To add more than one item in the set, Python provides the update() method.
1. Months = set(["January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June"])
2. print("\nprinting the original set ... ")
3. print(Months)
4. print("\nupdating the original set ... ")
5. Months.update(["July","August","September","October"]);
6. print("\nprinting the modified set ... ")
7. print(Months);
1. Months = set(["January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June"])
2. print("\nprinting the original set ... ")
3. print(Months)
4. print("\nRemoving some months from the set...");
5. Months.discard("January");
6. Months.discard("May");
7. print("\nPrinting the modified set...");
8. print(Months)
9. print("\nlooping through the set elements ... ")
10. for i in Months:
11. print(i)
Python also provide the remove() method to remove the items from the set. Consider the
following example to remove the items using remove() method.
1. Months = set(["January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June"])
2. print("\nprinting the original set ... ")
3. print(Months)
4. print("\nRemoving some months from the set...");
5. Months.remove("January");
6. Months.remove("May");
7. print("\nPrinting the modified set...");
8. print(Months)
We can also use the pop() method to remove the item. However, this method will always
remove the last item.
Consider the following example to remove the last item from the set.
Python provides the clear() method to remove all the items from the set.
If the key to be deleted from the set using discard() doesn't exist in the set, the python will
not give the error. The program maintains its control flow.
On the other hand, if the item to be deleted from the set using remove() doesn't exist in the
set, the python will give the error.
1. Months = set(["January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June"])
2. print("\nprinting the original set ... ")
3. print(Months)
4. print("\nRemoving items through discard() method...");
5. Months.discard("Feb"); #will not give an error although the key feb is not available in the se
6. print("\nprinting the modified set...")
7. print(Months)
8. print("\nRemoving items through remove() method...");
9. Months.remove("Jan") #will give an error as the key jan is not available in the set.
10. print("\nPrinting the modified set...")
11. print(Months)
{'Martin', 'David'}
{'Martin', 'David'}
{'Thursday', 'Wednesday'}
{'Thursday', 'Wednesday'}
Set comparisons
Python allows us to use the comparison operators i.e., <, >, <=, >= , == with the sets by
using which we can check whether a set is subset, superset, or equivalent to other set. The
boolean true or false is returned depending upon the items present inside the sets.
The frozen sets are the immutable form of the normal sets, i.e., the items of the frozen set
can not be changed and therefore it can be used as a key in dictionary.
The elements of the frozen set can not be changed after the creation. We cannot change or
append the content of the frozen sets by using the methods like add() or remove().
The frozenset() method is used to create the frozenset object. The iterable sequence is
passed into this method which is converted into the frozen set as a return type of the
<class 'frozenset'>
<class 'dict'>
<class 'frozenset'>
Python Built-in set methods
Python contains the following methods to be used with the sets.
SN Method Description
1 add(item) It adds an item to the set. It has no effect if the item is already present in the set.
4 difference_upda It modifies this set by removing all the items that are also present in the specified sets
6 intersection() It returns a new set that contains only the common elements of both the sets. (all the
two are specified).
7 intersection_up It removes the items from the original set that are not present in both the sets (all the
date(....) one are specified).
11 pop() Remove and return an arbitrary set element that is the last element of the set. Raises K
is empty.
12 remove(item) Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member,
13 symmetric_diff Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member,
14 symmetric_diff Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.
15 union(....) Return the union of sets as a new set.
(i.e. all elements that are in either set.)
Python Dictionary
Dictionary is used to implement the key-value pair in python. The dictionary is the data type in
python which can simulate the real-life data arrangement where some specific value exists for
some particular key.
In other words, we can say that a dictionary is the collection of key-value pairs where the value
can be any python object whereas the keys are the immutable python object, i.e., Numbers, string
or tuple.
In the above dictionary Dict, The keys Name, and Age are the string that is an immutable object.
<class 'dict'>
printing Employee data ....
{'Age': 29, 'salary': 25000, 'Name': 'John', 'Company': 'GOOGLE'}
Accessing the dictionary values
We have discussed how the data can be accessed in the list and tuple by using the indexing.
However, the values can be accessed in the dictionary by using the keys as keys are unique in the
<class 'dict'>
printing Employee data ....
Name : John
Age : 29
Salary : 25000
Company : GOOGLE
Python provides us with an alternative to use the get() method to access the dictionary values. It
would give the same result as given by the indexing.
<class 'dict'>
printing Employee data ....
{'Name': 'John', 'salary': 25000, 'Company': 'GOOGLE', 'Age': 29}
Enter the details of the new employee....
Name: David
Age: 19
Salary: 8900
printing the new data
{'Name': 'David', 'salary': 8900, 'Company': 'JTP', 'Age': 19}
<class 'dict'>
printing Employee data ....
{'Age': 29, 'Company': 'GOOGLE', 'Name': 'John', 'salary': 25000}
Deleting some of the employee data
printing the modified information
{'Age': 29, 'salary': 25000}
Deleting the dictionary: Employee
Lets try to print it again
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
NameError: name 'Employee' is not defined
Iterating Dictionary
A dictionary can be iterated using the for loop as given below.
Example 1
# for loop to print all the keys of a dictionary
Example 2
#for loop to print all the values of the dictionary
Example 3
#for loop to print the values of the dictionary by using values() method.
1. Employee = {"Name": "John", "Age": 29, "salary":25000,"Company":"GOOG
2. for x in Employee.values():
3. print(x);
Example 4
#for loop to print the items of the dictionary by using items() method.
('Name', 'John')
('Age', 29)
('salary', 25000)
('Company', 'GOOGLE')
Salary 25000
Company GOOGLE
Name Johnn
Age 29
2. In python, the key cannot be any mutable object. We can use numbers, strings, or tuple as the
key but we can not use any mutable object like the list as the key in the dictionary.
SN Function Description
1 cmp(dict1, It compares the items of both the dictionary and returns true if the first dictio
dict2) greater than the second dictionary, otherwise it returns false.
SN Method Description
3 dict.fromkeys(iter Create a new dictionary from the iterable with the values equal to value.
able, value =
None, /)
4 dict.get(key, It is used to get the value specified for the passed key.
default = "None")
8 dict.setdefault(key It is used to set the key to the default value if the key is not specified in the dictiona
,default= "None")
9 dict.update(dict2) It updates the dictionary by adding the key-value pair of dict2 to this dictionary.
11 len()
12 popItem()
13 pop()
14 count()
15 index()
Python Functions
Functions are the most important aspect of an application. A function can be defined as the
organized block of reusable code which can be called whenever required.
Python allows us to divide a large program into the basic building blocks known as function.
The function contains the set of programming statements enclosed by {}. A function can be
called multiple times to provide reusability and modularity to the python program.
In other words, we can say that the collection of functions creates a program. The function
is also known as procedure or subroutine in other programming languages.
Python provide us various inbuilt functions like range() or print(). Although, the user can
create its functions which can be called user-defined functions.
o By using functions, we can avoid rewriting same logic/code again and again in a
o We can call python functions any number of times in a program and from any place
in a program.
o We can track a large python program easily when it is divided into multiple functions.
o Reusability is the main achievement of python functions.
o However, Function calling is always overhead in a python program.
Creating a function
In python, we can use def keyword to define the function. The syntax to define a function in
python is given below.
1. def my_function():
2. function-suite
3. return <expression>
The function block is started with the colon (:) and all the same level block statements
remain at the same indentation.
A function can accept any number of parameters that must be the same in the definition
and function calling.
Function calling
In python, a function must be defined before the function calling otherwise the python
interpreter gives an error. Once the function is defined, we can call it from another function
or the python prompt. To call the function, use the function name followed by the
A simple function that prints the message "Hello Word" is given below.
1. def hello_world():
2. print("hello world")
4. hello_world()
hello world
Parameters in function
The information into the functions can be passed as the parameters. The parameters are
specified in the parentheses. We can give any number of parameters, but we have to
separate them with a comma.
Consider the following example which contains a function that accepts a string as the
parameter and prints it.
Example 1
1. #defining the function
2. def func (name):
3. print("Hi ",name);
5. #calling the function
6. func("Ayush")
Example 2
1. #python function to calculate the sum of two variables
2. #defining the function
3. def sum (a,b):
4. return a+b;
6. #taking values from the user
7. a = int(input("Enter a: "))
8. b = int(input("Enter b: "))
10. #printing the sum of a and b
11. print("Sum = ",sum(a,b))
Enter a: 10
Enter b: 20
Sum = 30
However, there is an exception in the case of mutable objects since the changes made to
the mutable objects like string do not revert to the original string rather, a new string object
is made, and therefore the two different objects are printed.
Types of arguments
There may be several types of arguments which can be passed at the time of function
1. Required arguments
2. Keyword arguments
3. Default arguments
4. Variable-length arguments
Required Arguments
Till now, we have learned about function calling in python. However, we can provide the
arguments at the time of function calling. As far as the required arguments are concerned,
these are the arguments which are required to be passed at the time of function calling with
the exact match of their positions in the function call and function definition. If either of the
arguments is not provided in the function call, or the position of the arguments is changed,
then the python interpreter will show the error.
Example 1
1. #the argument name is the required argument to the function func
2. def func(name):
3. message = "Hi "+name;
4. return message;
5. name = input("Enter the name?")
6. print(func(name))
Example 2
1. #the function simple_interest accepts three arguments and returns the simple interest accor
2. def simple_interest(p,t,r):
3. return (p*t*r)/100
4. p = float(input("Enter the principle amount? "))
5. r = float(input("Enter the rate of interest? "))
6. t = float(input("Enter the time in years? "))
7. print("Simple Interest: ",simple_interest(p,r,t))
Example 3
1. #the function calculate returns the sum of two arguments a and b
2. def calculate(a,b):
3. return a+b
4. calculate(10) # this causes an error as we are missing a required arguments b.
Keyword arguments
Python allows us to call the function with the keyword arguments. This kind of function call
will enable us to pass the arguments in the random order.
The name of the arguments is treated as the keywords and matched in the function calling
and definition. If the same match is found, the values of the arguments are copied in the
function definition.
Example 1
1. #function func is called with the name and message as the keyword arguments
2. def func(name,message):
3. print("printing the message with",name,"and ",message)
4. func(name = "John",message="hello") #name and message is copied with the values Joh
n and hello respectively
If we provide the different name of arguments at the time of function call, an error will be
Example 3
1. #The function simple_interest(p, t, r) is called with the keyword arguments.
2. def simple_interest(p,t,r):
3. return (p*t*r)/100
5. print("Simple Interest: ",simple_interest(time=10,rate=10,principle=1900)) # doesn't f
ind the exact match of the name of the arguments (keywords)
The python allows us to provide the mix of the required arguments and keyword arguments
at the time of function call. However, the required argument must not be given after the
keyword argument, i.e., once the keyword argument is encountered in the function call, the
following arguments must also be the keyword arguments.
Example 4
1. def func(name1,message,name2):
2. print("printing
the message with",name1,",",message,",and",name2)
3. func("John",message="hello",name2="David") #the first argument is not the keyword a
The following example will cause an error due to an in-proper mix of keyword and required
arguments being passed in the function call.
Example 5
1. def func(name1,message,name2):
2. print("printing the message with",name1,",",message,",and",name2)
3. func("John",message="hello","David")
Default Arguments
Python allows us to initialize the arguments at the function definition. If the value of any of
the argument is not provided at the time of function call, then that argument can be
initialized with the value given in the definition even if the argument is not specified at the
function call.
Example 1
1. def printme(name,age=22):
2. print("My
name is",name,"and age is",age)
3. printme(name = "john") #the variable age is not passed into the function however the def
ault value of age is considered in the function
Example 2
1. def printme(name,age=22):
2. print("My name is",name,"and age is",age)
3. printme(name = "john") #the variable age is not passed into the function however the def
ault value of age is considered in the function
4. printme(age = 10,name="David") #the value of age is overwritten here, 10 will be printed
as age
However, at the function definition, we have to define the variable with * (star) as
*<variable - name >.
1. def printme(*names):
2. print("type of passed argument is ",type(names))
3. print("printing the passed arguments...")
4. for name in names:
5. print(name)
6. printme("john","David","smith","nick")
Scope of variables
The scopes of the variables depend upon the location where the variable is being declared.
The variable declared in one part of the program may not be accessible to the other parts.
In python, the variables are defined with the two types of scopes.
1. Global variables
2. Local variables
The variable defined outside any function is known to have a global scope whereas the
variable defined inside a function is known to have a local scope.
Example 1
1. def print_message():
2. message = "hello !! I am going to print a message." # the variable message is lo
cal to the function itself
3. print(message)
4. print_message()
5. print(message) # this will cause an error since a local variable cannot be accessible here.
Example 2
1. def calculate(*args):
2. sum=0
3. for arg in args:
4. sum = sum +arg
5. print("The sum is",sum)
6. sum=0
7. calculate(10,20,30) #60 will be printed as the sum
8. print("Value of sum outside the function:",sum) # 0 will be printed
The sum is 60
Value of sum outside the function: 0
1. # integer number
2. integer = -20
3. print('Absolute value of -40 is:', abs(integer))
5. # floating number
6. floating = -20.83
7. print('Absolute value of -40.83 is:', abs(floating))
1. x = 10
2. y = bin(x)
3. print (y)
Python bool()
The python bool() converts a value to boolean(True or False) using the standard truth
testing procedure.
1. test1 = []
2. print(test1,'is',bool(test1))
3. test1 = [0]
4. print(test1,'is',bool(test1))
5. test1 = 0.0
6. print(test1,'is',bool(test1))
7. test1 = None
8. print(test1,'is',bool(test1))
9. test1 = True
10. print(test1,'is',bool(test1))
11. test1 = 'Easy string'
12. print(test1,'is',bool(test1))
[] is False
[0] is True
0.0 is False
None is False
True is True
Easy string is True
Python bytes()
The python bytes() in Python is used for returning a bytes object. It is an immutable
version of the bytearray() function.
<class 'code'>
sum = 15
1. x = 8
2. exec('print(x==8)')
3. exec('print(x+4)')
Python sum() Function
As the name says, python sum() function is used to get the sum of numbers of an iterable,
i.e., list.
1. s = sum([1, 2,4 ])
2. print(s)
4. s = sum([1, 2, 4], 10)
5. print(s)
1. l = [4, 3, 2, 0]
2. print(any(l))
4. l = [0, False]
5. print(any(l))
7. l = [0, False, 5]
8. print(any(l))
10. l = []
11. print(any(l))
Python ascii() Function
The python ascii() function returns a string containing a printable representation of an
object and escapes the non-ASCII characters in the string using \x, \u or \U escapes.
'Python is interesting'
'Pyth\xf6n is interesting'
Pythön is interesting
Python bytearray()
The python bytearray() returns a bytearray object and can convert objects into bytearray
objects, or create an empty bytearray object of the specified size.
1. x = 8
2. print(eval('x + 1'))
Python float()
The python float() function returns a floating-point number from a number or string.
1. # for integers
2. print(float(9))
4. # for floats
5. print(float(8.19))
7. # for string floats
8. print(float("-24.27"))
10. # for string floats with whitespaces
11. print(float(" -17.19\n"))
13. # string float error
14. print(float("xyz"))
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'xyz'
Python frozenset()
The python frozenset() function returns an immutable frozenset object initialized with
elements from the given iterable.
1. # tuple of letters
2. letters = ('m', 'r', 'o', 't', 's')
4. fSet = frozenset(letters)
5. print('Frozen set is:', fSet)
6. print('Empty frozen set is:', frozenset())
A Symbol table is defined as a data structure which contains all the necessary information
about the program. It includes variable names, methods, classes, etc.
1. age = 22
3. globals()['age'] = 22
4. print('The age is:', age)
1. l = [4, 3, 2, 0]
2. print(any(l))
4. l = [0, False]
5. print(any(l))
7. l = [0, False, 5]
8. print(any(l))
10. l = []
11. print(any(l))
1. # list of numbers
2. list = [1,2,3,4,5]
4. listIter = iter(list)
6. # prints '1'
7. print(next(listIter))
9. # prints '2'
10. print(next(listIter))
12. # prints '3'
13. print(next(listIter))
15. # prints '4'
16. print(next(listIter))
18. # prints '5'
19. print(next(listIter))
1. strA = 'Python'
2. print(len(strA))
Python list()
The python list() creates a list in python.
1. # empty list
2. print(list())
4. # string
5. String = 'abcde'
6. print(list(String))
8. # tuple
9. Tuple = (1,2,3,4,5)
10. print(list(Tuple))
11. # list
12. List = [1,2,3,4,5]
13. print(list(List))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
A Symbol table is defined as a data structure which contains all the necessary information
about the program. It includes variable names, methods, classes, etc.
1. def localsAbsent():
2. return locals()
4. def localsPresent():
5. present = True
6. return locals()
8. print('localsNotPresent:', localsAbsent())
9. print('localsPresent:', localsPresent())
localsAbsent: {}
localsPresent: {'present': True}
1. def calculateAddition(n):
2. return n+n
4. numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4)
5. result = map(calculateAddition, numbers)
6. print(result)
8. # converting map object to set
9. numbersAddition = set(result)
10. print(numbersAddition)
1. #A random bytearray
2. randomByteArray = bytearray('ABC', 'utf-8')
4. mv = memoryview(randomByteArray)
6. # access the memory view's zeroth index
7. print(mv[0])
9. # It create byte from memory view
10. print(bytes(mv[0:2]))
12. # It create list from memory view
13. print(list(mv[0:3]))
[65, 66, 67]
Python object()
The python object() returns an empty object. It is a base for all the classes and holds the
built-in properties and methods which are default for all the classes.
<class 'object'>
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
'__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__',
'__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
'__str__', '__subclasshook__']
Since the mode is omitted, the file is opened in 'r' mode; opens for reading.
1. # Calling function
2. result = chr(102) # It returns string representation of a char
3. result2 = chr(112)
4. # Displaying result
5. print(result)
6. print(result2)
7. # Verify, is it string type?
8. print("is it string type:", type(result) is str)
Python complex()
Python complex() function is used to convert numbers or string into a complex number.
This method takes two optional parameters and returns a complex number. The first
parameter is called a real and second as imaginary parts.
1. class Student:
2. id = 101
3. name = "Pranshu"
4. email = ""
5. # Declaring function
6. def getinfo(self):
7. print(,,
8. s = Student()
9. s.getinfo()
10. delattr(Student,'course') # Removing attribute which is not available
11. s.getinfo() # error: throws an error
1. # Calling function
2. att = dir()
3. # Displaying result
4. print(att)
(5, 0)
1. # Calling function
2. result = enumerate([1,2,3])
3. # Displaying result
4. print(result)
5. print(list(result))
Python dict()
Python dict() function is a constructor which creates a dictionary. Python dictionary
provides three different constructors to create a dictionary:
1. # Calling function
2. result = dict() # returns an empty dictionary
3. result2 = dict(a=1,b=2)
4. # Displaying result
5. print(result)
6. print(result2)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
The first argument can be none, if the function is not available and returns only elements
that are true.
Hashable types: * bool * int * long * float * string * Unicode * tuple * code object.
1. # Calling function
2. info = help() # No argument
3. # Displaying result
4. print(info)
1. # Calling function
2. small = min(2225,325,2025) # returns smallest element
3. small2 = min(1000.25,2025.35,5625.36,10052.50)
4. # Displaying result
5. print(small)
6. print(small2)
1. # Calling function
2. result = set() # empty set
3. result2 = set('12')
4. result3 = set('javatpoint')
5. # Displaying result
6. print(result)
7. print(result2)
8. print(result3)
{'1', '2'}
{'a', 'n', 'v', 't', 'j', 'p', 'i', 'o'}
1. # Calling function
2. result = hex(1)
3. # integer value
4. result2 = hex(342)
5. # Displaying result
6. print(result)
7. print(result2)
1. # Calling function
2. val = id("Javatpoint") # string object
3. val2 = id(1200) # integer object
4. val3 = id([25,336,95,236,92,3225]) # List object
5. # Displaying result
6. print(val)
7. print(val2)
8. print(val3)
1. class Student:
2. id = 0
3. name = ""
5. def __init__(self, id, name):
6. = id
7. = name
9. student = Student(102,"Sohan")
10. print(
11. print(
12. #print( product error
13. setattr(student, 'email','') # adding new attribute
14. print(
1. # Calling function
2. result = slice(5) # returns slice object
3. result2 = slice(0,5,3) # returns slice object
4. # Displaying result
5. print(result)
6. print(result2)
slice(None, 5, None)
slice(0, 5, 3)
['a', 'a', 'i', 'j', 'n', 'o', 'p', 't', 't', 'v']
This method calls on iterator and throws an error if no item is present. To avoid the error,
we can set a default value.
1. # Calling function
2. val = input("Enter a value: ")
3. # Displaying result
4. print("You entered:",val)
Enter a value: 45
You entered: 45
If the number is not a number or if a base is given, the number must be a string.
1. # Calling function
2. val = int(10) # integer value
3. val2 = int(10.52) # float value
4. val3 = int('10') # string value
5. # Displaying result
6. print("integer values :",val, val2, val3)
integer values : 10 10 10
The isinstance() function takes two arguments, i.e., object and classinfo, and then it
returns either True or False.
1. # Calling function
2. val = oct(10)
3. # Displaying result
4. print("Octal value of 10:",val)
Python print() Function
The python print() function prints the given object to the screen or other standard output
1. # empty range
2. print(list(range(0)))
4. # using the range(stop)
5. print(list(range(4)))
7. # using the range(start, stop)
8. print(list(range(1,7 )))
[0, 1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Python reversed() Function
The python reversed() function returns the reversed iterator of the given sequence.
1. # for string
2. String = 'Java'
3. print(list(reversed(String)))
5. # for tuple
6. Tuple = ('J', 'a', 'v', 'a')
7. print(list(reversed(Tuple)))
9. # for range
10. Range = range(8, 12)
11. print(list(reversed(Range)))
13. # for list
14. List = [1, 2, 7, 5]
15. print(list(reversed(List)))
1. # for integers
2. print(round(10))
4. # for floating point
5. print(round(10.8))
7. # even choice
8. print(round(6.6))
1. class Rectangle:
2. def __init__(rectangleType):
3. print('Rectangle is a ', rectangleType)
5. class Square(Rectangle):
6. def __init__(self):
7. Rectangle.__init__('square')
9. print(issubclass(Square, Rectangle))
10. print(issubclass(Square, list))
11. print(issubclass(Square, (list, Rectangle)))
12. print(issubclass(Rectangle, (list, Rectangle)))
Python str
The python str() converts a specified value into a string.
1. t1 = tuple()
2. print('t1=', t1)
4. # creating a tuple from a list
5. t2 = tuple([1, 6, 9])
6. print('t2=', t2)
8. # creating a tuple from a string
9. t1 = tuple('Java')
10. print('t1=',t1)
12. # creating a tuple from a dictionary
13. t1 = tuple({4: 'four', 5: 'five'})
14. print('t1=',t1)
t1= ()
t2= (1, 6, 9)
t1= ('J', 'a', 'v', 'a')
t1= (4, 5)
Python type()
The python type() returns the type of the specified object if a single argument is passed to
the type() built in function. If three arguments are passed, then it returns a new type
1. List = [4, 5]
2. print(type(List))
4. Dict = {4: 'four', 5: 'five'}
5. print(type(Dict))
7. class Python:
8. a=0
10. InstanceOfPython = Python()
11. print(type(InstanceOfPython))
<class 'list'>
<class 'dict'>
<class '__main__.Python'>
1. class Python:
2. def __init__(self, x = 7, y = 9):
3. self.x = x
4. self.y = y
6. InstanceOfPython = Python()
7. print(vars(InstanceOfPython))
{'y': 9, 'x': 7}
{(5, 'five'), (4, 'four'), (6, 'six')}
The anonymous function contains a small piece of code. It simulates inline functions of C
and C++, but it is not exactly an inline function.
Example 1
1. x = lambda a:a+10 # a is an argument and a+10 is an expression which got evaluated an
d returned.
2. print("sum = ",x(20))
sum = 30
Example 2
Multiple arguments to Lambda function
1. x = lambda a,b:a+b # a and b are the arguments and a+b is the expression which gets ev
aluated and returned.
2. print("sum = ",x(20,10))
sum = 30
Example 1
1. #the function table(n) prints the table of n
2. def table(n):
3. return lambda a:a*n; # a will contain the iteration variable i and a multiple of n is retur
ned at each function call
4. n = int(input("Enter the number?"))
5. b = table(n) #the entered number is passed into the function table. b will contain a lambda
function which is called again and again with the iteration variable i
6. for i in range(1,11):
7. print(n,"X",i,"=",b(i)); #the lambda function b is called with the iteration variable i,
[3, 123]
Example 3
Use of lambda function with map
Sometimes, it is not enough to only display the data on the console. The data to be
displayed may be very large, and only a limited amount of data can be displayed on the
console, and since the memory is volatile, it is impossible to recover the programmatically
generated data again and again.
However, if we need to do so, we may store it onto the local file system which is volatile
and can be accessed every time. Here, comes the need of file handling.
In this section of the tutorial, we will learn all about file handling in python including,
creating a file, opening a file, closing a file, writing and appending the file, etc.
Opening a file
Python provides the open() function which accepts two arguments, file name and access
mode in which the file is accessed. The function returns a file object which can be used to
perform various operations like reading, writing, etc.
The files can be accessed using various modes like read, write, or append. The following are
the details about the access mode to open a file.
SN Access Description
1 r It opens the file to read-only. The file pointer exists at the beginning. The file is by default open in
access mode is passed.
2 rb It opens the file to read only in binary format. The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.
3 r+ It opens the file to read and write both. The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.
4 rb+ It opens the file to read and write both in binary format. The file pointer exists at the beginning o
5 w It opens the file to write only. It overwrites the file if previously exists or creates a new one if no f
same name. The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.
6 wb It opens the file to write only in binary format. It overwrites the file if it exists previously or create
file exists with the same name. The file pointer exists at the beginning of the file.
7 w+ It opens the file to write and read both. It is different from r+ in the sense that it overwrites the p
exists whereas r+ doesn't overwrite the previously written file. It creates a new file if no file exist
exists at the beginning of the file.
8 wb+ It opens the file to write and read both in binary format. The file pointer exists at the beginning o
9 a It opens the file in the append mode. The file pointer exists at the end of the previously written fi
creates a new file if no file exists with the same name.
10 ab It opens the file in the append mode in binary format. The pointer exists at the end of the previou
creates a new file in binary format if no file exists with the same name.
11 a+ It opens a file to append and read both. The file pointer remains at the end of the file if a file exis
new file if no file exists with the same name.
12 ab+ It opens a file to append and read both in binary format. The file pointer remains at the end of the
Let's look at the simple example to open a file named "file.txt" (stored in the same directory) in
read mode and printing its content on the console.
1. #opens the file file.txt in read mode
2. fileptr = open("file.txt","r")
4. if fileptr:
5. print("file is opened successfully")
<class '_io.TextIOWrapper'>
file is opened successfully
We can perform any operation on the file externally in the file system is the file is opened in
python, hence it is good practice to close the file once all the operations are done.
1. fileobject.close()
1. # opens the file file.txt in read mode
2. fileptr = open("file.txt","r")
4. if fileptr:
5. print("file is opened successfully")
7. #closes the opened file
8. fileptr.close()
Here, the count is the number of bytes to be read from the file starting from the beginning of the
file. If the count is not specified, then it may read the content of the file until the end.
1. #open the file.txt in read mode. causes error if no such file exists.
2. fileptr = open("file.txt","r");
4. #stores all the data of the file into the variable content
5. content =;
7. # prints the type of the data stored in the file
8. print(type(content))
10. #prints the content of the file
11. print(content)
13. #closes the opened file
14. fileptr.close()
<class 'str'>
Hi, I am
Read Lines of the file
Python facilitates us to read the file line by line by using a function readline(). The readline()
method reads the lines of the file from the beginning, i.e., if we use the readline() method two
times, then we can get the first two lines of the file.
Consider the following example which contains a function readline() that reads the first line of
our file "file.txt" containing three lines.
1. #open the file.txt in read mode. causes error if no such file exists.
2. fileptr = open("file.txt","r");
4. #stores all the data of the file into the variable content
5. content = fileptr.readline();
7. # prints the type of the data stored in the file
8. print(type(content))
10. #prints the content of the file
11. print(content)
13. #closes the opened file
14. fileptr.close()
<class 'str'>
Hi, I am the file and being used as
1. #open the file.txt in read mode. causes an error if no such file exists.
4. fileptr = open("file.txt","r");
6. #running a for loop
7. for i in fileptr:
8. print(i) # i contains each line of the file
a: It will append the existing file. The file pointer is at the end of the file. It creates a new file if
no file exists.
w: It will overwrite the file if any file exists. The file pointer is at the beginning of the file.
Example 1
1. #open the file.txt in append mode. Creates a new file if no such file exists.
2. fileptr = open("file.txt","a");
4. #appending the content to the file
5. fileptr.write("Python is the modern day language. It makes things so simple.
8. #closing the opened file
9. fileptr.close();
Now, we can check that all the previously written content of the file is overwritten with the new
text we have passed.
a: It creates a new file with the specified name if no such file exists. It appends the content to the
file if the file already exists with the specified name.
w: It creates a new file with the specified name if no such file exists. It overwrites the existing
1. #open the file.txt in read mode. causes error if no such file exists.
2. fileptr = open("file2.txt","x");
4. print(fileptr)
6. if fileptr:
7. print("File created successfully");
The advantage of using with statement is that it provides the guarantee to close the file regardless
of how the nested block exits.
It is always suggestible to use the with statement in the case of file s because, if the break, return,
or exception occurs in the nested block of code then it automatically closes the file. It doesn't let
the file to be corrupted.
1. with open("file.txt",'r') as f:
2. content =;
3. print(content)
1. # open the file file2.txt in read mode
2. fileptr = open("file2.txt","r")
4. #initially the filepointer is at 0
5. print("The filepointer is at byte :",fileptr.tell())
7. #reading the content of the file
8. content =;
10. #after the read operation file pointer modifies. tell() returns the locatio
n of the fileptr.
12. print("After reading, the filepointer is at:",fileptr.tell())
For this purpose, the python provides us the seek() method which enables us to modify the file
pointer position externally.
1. <file-ptr>.seek(offset[, from)
offset: It refers to the new position of the file pointer within the file.
from: It indicates the reference position from where the bytes are to be moved. If it is set to 0,
the beginning of the file is used as the reference position. If it is set to 1, the current position of
the file pointer is used as the reference position. If it is set to 2, the end of the file pointer is used
as the reference position.
1. # open the file file2.txt in read mode
2. fileptr = open("file2.txt","r")
4. #initially the filepointer is at 0
5. print("The filepointer is at byte :",fileptr.tell())
7. #changing the file pointer location to 10.
10. #tell() returns the location of the fileptr.
11. print("After reading, the filepointer is at:",fileptr.tell())
Python os module
The os module provides us the functions that are involved in file processing operations like
renaming, deleting, etc.
1. rename(?current-name?, ?new-name?)
1. import os;
3. #rename file2.txt to file3.txt
4. os.rename("file2.txt","file3.txt")
1. remove(?file-name?)
1. import os;
3. #deleting the file named file3.txt
4. os.remove("file3.txt")
1. mkdir(?directory name?)
1. import os;
3. #creating a new directory with the name new
4. os.mkdir("new")
1. chdir("new-directory")
1. import os;
3. #changing the current working directory to new
5. os.chdir("new")
1. os.getcwd()
1. import os;
3. #printing the current working directory
4. print(os.getcwd())
Deleting directory
The rmdir() method is used to delete the specified directory.
1. os.rmdir(?directory name?)
1. import os;
3. #removing the new directory
4. os.rmdir("new")
The check_call() method of module subprocess is used to execute a python script and write the
output of that script to a file.
The following example contains two python scripts. The script executes the script
and writes its output to the text file output.txt
1. temperatures=[10,-20,-289,100]
2. def c_to_f(c):
3. if c< -273.15:
4. return "That temperature doesn't make sense!"
5. else:
6. f=c*9/5+32
7. return f
8. for t in temperatures:
9. print(c_to_f(t))
1. import subprocess
3. with open("output.txt", "wb") as f:
4. subprocess.check_call(["python", ""], stdout=f)
That temperature doesn't make sense!
SN Method Description
1 file.close() It closes the opened file. The file once closed, it can't be read or write any more.
3 File.fileno() It returns the file descriptor used by the underlying implementation to request I/O from th
4 File.isatty() It returns true if the file is connected to a TTY device, otherwise returns false.
7 File.readline It reads one line from the file and places the file pointer to the beginning of the new line.
8 File.readline It returns a list containing all the lines of the file. It reads the file until the EOF occurs usin
s([sizehint]) function.
9 It modifies the position of the file pointer to a specified offset with the specified reference.
10 File.tell() It returns the current position of the file pointer within the file.
Python Modules
A python module can be defined as a python program file which contains a python code
including python functions, class, or variables. In other words, we can say that our python
code file saved with the extension (.py) is treated as the module. We may have a runnable
code inside the python module.
Modules in Python provides us the flexibility to organize the code in a logical way.
To use the functionality of one module into another, we must have to import the specific
In this example, we will create a module named as which contains a function func
that contains a code to print some message on the console.
We can import multiple modules with a single import statement, but a module is loaded
once regardless of the number of times, it has been imported into our file.
Hence, if we need to call the function displayMsg() defined in the file, we have to
import that file as a module into our module as shown in the example below.
1. import file;
2. name = input("Enter the name?")
3. file.displayMsg(name)
Renaming a module
Python provides us the flexibility to import some module with a specific name so that we
can use this name to use that module in our python source file.
Enter a?10
Enter b?20
Sum = 30
1. import json
3. List = dir(json)
5. print(List)
1. reload(<module-name>)
for example, to reload the module calculation defined in the previous example, we must use
the following line of code.
1. reload(calculation)
Scope of variables
In Python, variables are associated with two types of scopes. All the variables defined in a
module contain the global scope unless or until it is defined within a function.
All the variables defined inside a function contain a local scope that is limited to this function
itself. We can not access a local variable globally.
If two variables are defined with the same name with the two different scopes, i.e., local
and global, then the priority will always be given to the local variable.
1. name = "john"
2. def print_name(name):
3. print("Hi",name) #prints the name that is local to this function only.
4. name = input("Enter the name?")
5. print_name(name)
Hi David
Python packages
The packages in python facilitate the developer with the application development
environment by providing a hierarchical directory structure where a package contains sub-
packages, modules, and sub-modules. The packages are used to categorize the application
level code efficiently.
Let's create a package named Employees in your home directory. Consider the following
2. Create a python source file with name on the path /home/Employees.
1. def getITNames():
2. List = ["John", "David", "Nick", "Martin"]
3. return List;
3. Similarly, create one more python file with name and create a function
4. Now, the directory Employees which we have created in the first step contains two
python modules. To make this directory a package, we need to include one more file here,
that is which contains the import statements of the modules defined in this
5. Now, the directory Employees has become the package containing two python modules.
Here we must notice that we must have to create inside a directory to convert
this directory to a package.
6. To use the modules defined inside the package Employees, we must have to import this
in our python source file. Let's create a simple python source file at our home directory
(/home) which uses the modules defined in this package.
1. import Employees
2. print(Employees.getNames())
We can have sub-packages inside the packages. We can nest the packages up to any level
depending upon the application requirements.
The following image shows the directory structure of an application Library management
system which contains three sub-packages as Admin, Librarian, and Student. The sub-
packages contain the python modules.
Python Exceptions
An exception can be defined as an abnormal condition in a program resulting in the
disruption in the flow of the program.
Whenever an exception occurs, the program halts the execution, and thus the further code
is not executed. Therefore, an exception is the error which python script is unable to tackle
Python provides us with the way to handle the Exception so that the other part of the code
can be executed without any disruption. However, if we do not handle the exception, the
interpreter doesn't execute all the code that exists after the that.
Common Exceptions
A list of common exceptions that can be thrown from a normal python program is given
Enter a:10
Enter b:0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
c = a/b;
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
1. try:
2. #block of code
4. except Exception1:
5. #block of code
7. except Exception2:
8. #block of code
10. #other code
We can also use the else statement with the try-except statement in which, we can place
the code which will be executed in the scenario if no exception occurs in the try block.
The syntax to use the else statement with the try-except statement is given below.
1. try:
2. #block of code
4. except Exception1:
5. #block of code
7. else:
8. #this code executes if no except block is executed
1. try:
2. a = int(input("Enter a:"))
3. b = int(input("Enter b:"))
4. c = a/b;
5. print("a/b = %d"%c)
6. except Exception:
7. print("can't divide by zero")
8. else:
9. print("Hi I am else block")
Enter a:10
Enter b:2
a/b = 5
Hi I am else block
1. try:
2. a = int(input("Enter a:"))
3. b = int(input("Enter b:"))
4. c = a/b;
5. print("a/b = %d"%c)
6. except:
7. print("can't divide by zero")
8. else:
9. print("Hi I am else block")
Enter a:10
Enter b:0
can't divide by zero
Points to remember
1. Python facilitates us to not specify the exception with the except statement.
2. We can declare multiple exceptions in the except statement since the try block may
contain the statements which throw the different type of exceptions.
3. We can also specify an else block along with the try-except statement which will be
executed if no exception is raised in the try block.
4. The statements that don't throw the exception should be placed inside the else block.
1. try:
2. #this will throw an exception if the file doesn't exist.
3. fileptr = open("file.txt","r")
4. except IOError:
5. print("File not found")
6. else:
7. print("The file opened successfully")
8. fileptr.close()
1. try:
2. #block of code
4. except (<Exception 1>,<Exception 2>,<Exception 3>,...<Exception n>)
5. #block of code
7. else:
8. #block of code
1. try:
2. a=10/0;
3. except ArithmeticError,StandardError:
4. print "Arithmetic Exception"
5. else:
6. print "Successfully Done"
Arithmetic Exception
1. try:
2. fileptr = open("file.txt","r")
3. try:
4. fileptr.write("Hi I am good")
5. finally:
6. fileptr.close()
7. print("file closed")
8. except:
9. print("Error")
file closed
Raising exceptions
An exception can be raised by using the raise clause in python. The syntax to use the raise
statement is given below.
1. raise Exception_class,<value>
Points to remember
1. To raise an exception, raise statement is used. The exception class name follows it.
2. An exception can be provided with a value that can be given in the parenthesis.
3. To access the value "as" keyword is used. "e" is used as a reference variable which
stores the value of the exception.
1. try:
2. age = int(input("Enter the age?"))
3. if age<18:
4. raise ValueError;
5. else:
6. print("the age is valid")
7. except ValueError:
8. print("The age is not valid")
1. try:
2. a = int(input("Enter a?"))
3. b = int(input("Enter b?"))
4. if b is 0:
5. raise ArithmeticError;
6. else:
7. print("a/b = ",a/b)
8. except ArithmeticError:
9. print("The value of b can't be 0")
Enter a?10
Enter b?0
The value of b can't be 0
Custom Exception
The python allows us to create our exceptions that can be raised from the program and
caught using the except clause. However, we suggest you read this section after visiting the
Python object and classes.
1. class ErrorInCode(Exception):
2. def __init__(self, data):
3. = data
4. def __str__(self):
5. return repr(
7. try:
8. raise ErrorInCode(2000)
9. except ErrorInCode as ae:
10. print("Received error:",
In python, the date is not a data type, but we can work with the date objects by importing
the module named with datetime, time, and calendar.
In this section of the tutorial, we will discuss how to work with the date and time objects in
In python, the time instants are counted since 12 AM, 1st January 1970. The function time()
of the module time returns the total number of ticks spent since 12 AM, 1st January 1970. A
tick can be seen as the smallest unit to measure the time.
1. import time;
3. #returns a time tuple
5. print(time.localtime(time.time()))
Time tuple
The time is treated as the tuple of 9 numbers. Let's look at the members of the time tuple.
1 Month 1 to 12
2 Day 1 to 31
3 Hour 0 to 23
4 Minute 0 to 59
5 Second 0 to 60
6 Day of weak 0 to 6
8 Daylight -1, 0, 1 , or -1
1. import time;
3. #returns the formatted time
5. print(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))
1. import time
2. for i in range(0,5):
3. print(i)
4. #Each element will be printed after 1 second
5. time.sleep(1)
To work with dates as date objects, we have to import datetime module into the python
source code.
Consider the following example to get the datetime object representation for the current
1. import datetime;
3. #returns the current datetime object
5. print(
2018-12-18 16:16:45.462778
2018-12-10 00:00:00
We can also specify the time along with the date to create the datetime object. Consider the
following example.
1. import datetime;
3. #returns the datetime object for the specified time
5. print(datetime.datetime(2018,12,10,14,15,10))
2018-12-10 14:15:10
1. from datetime import datetime as dt
2. #Compares the time. If the time is in between 8AM and 4PM, then it prints working hours ot
herwise it prints fun hours
3. if dt(,,,8)<<dt(,
4. print("Working hours....")
5. else:
6. print("fun hours")
fun hours
Consider the following example to print the Calendar of the last month of 2018.
1. import calendar;
2. cal = calendar.month(2018,12)
3. #printing the calendar of December 2018
4. print(cal)
1. import calendar
3. #printing the calendar of the year 2019
4. calendar.prcal(2019)
1. import re
Regex Functions
The following regex functions are used in the python.
SN Function Description
1 match This method matches the regex pattern in the string with the optional flag. It returns true if a ma
string otherwise it returns false.
2 search This method returns the match object if there is a match found in the string.
3 findall It returns a list that contains all the matches of a pattern in the string.
4 split Returns a list in which the string has been split in each match.
Metacharacter is a character with the specified meaning.
Metacharacter Description
Special Sequences
Special sequences are the sequences containing \ followed by one of the characters.
Character Description
\A It returns a match if the specified characters are present at the beginning of the string.
\b It returns a match if the specified characters are present at the beginning or the end of the string.
\B It returns a match if the specified characters are present at the beginning of the string but not at the e
\S It returns a match if the string doesn't contain any white space character.
\Z Returns a match if the specified characters are at the end of the string.
A set is a group of characters given inside a pair of square brackets. It represents the
special meaning.
SN Set Description
1 [arn] Returns a match if the string contains any of the specified characters in the set.
2 [a-n] Returns a match if the string contains any of the characters between a to n.
3 [^arn] Returns a match if the string contains the characters except a, r, and n.
4 [0123] Returns a match if the string contains any of the specified digits.
5 [0-9] Returns a match if the string contains any digit between 0 and 9.
6 [0-5][0-9] Returns a match if the string contains any digit between 00 and 59.
10 [a-zA-Z] Returns a match if the string contains any alphabet (lower-case or upper-case).
1. import re
3. str = "How are you. How is everything"
5. matches = re.findall("How", str)
7. print(matches)
9. print(matches)
['How', 'How']
1. import re
3. str = "How are you. How is everything"
5. matches ="How", str)
7. print(type(matches))
9. print(matches) #matches is the search object
<class '_sre.SRE_Match'>
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match='How'>
1. span(): It returns the tuple containing the starting and end position of the match.
2. string(): It returns a string passed into the function.
3. group(): The part of the string is returned where the match is found.
1. import re
3. str = "How are you. How is everything"
5. matches ="How", str)
7. print(matches.span())
9. print(
11. print(matches.string)
(0, 3)
How are you. How is everything
The list comprehension starts with '[' and ']'.
1. letters = []
2. for letter in 'Python':
3. letters.append(letter)
4. print(letters)
1. letters = [ letter for letter in 'Python' ]
2. print( letters)
1. x = {'chrome': 'browser', 'Windows': 'OS', 'C': 'language'}
2. x['mouse'] = 'hardware'
3. print(x['Windows'])
The python namedtuple() function returns a tuple-like object with names for each position
in the tuple. It was used to eliminate the problem of remembering the index of each field of
a tuple object in ordinary tuples.
The Python OrderedDict() is similar to a dictionary object where keys maintain the order of
insertion. If we try to insert key again, the previous value will be overwritten for that key.
1. import collections
2. d1=collections.OrderedDict()
3. d1['A']=10
4. d1['C']=12
5. d1['B']=11
6. d1['D']=13
8. for k,v in d1.items():
9. print (k,v)
A 10
C 12
B 11
D 13
The Python defaultdict() is defined as a dictionary-like object. It is a subclass of the built-in
dict class. It provides all methods provided by dictionary but takes the first argument as a
default data type.
The Python Counter is a subclass of dictionary object which helps to count hashable objects.
The Python deque() is a double-ended queue which allows us to add and remove elements
from both the ends.
Pie (n): It is a well-known mathematical constant and defined as the ratio of circumstance
to the diameter of a circle. Its value is 3.141592653589793.
Euler's number(e): It is defined as the base of the natural logarithmic, and its value is
This method returns the natural logarithm of a given number. It is calculated to the base e.
1. import math
2. number = 2e-7 # small value of of x
3. print('log(fabs(x), base) is :', math.log(math.fabs(number), 10))
This method returns base 10 logarithm of the given number and called the standard
1. import math
2. x=13 # small value of of x
3. print('log10(x) is :', math.log10(x))
log10(x) is : 1.1139433523068367
This method returns a floating-point number after raising e to the given number.
1. import math
2. number = 5e-2 # small value of of x
3. print('The given number (x) is :', number)
4. print('e^x (using exp() function) is :', math.exp(number)-1)
This function returns the square root of any given number.
1. import math
2. x = 20
3. y = 14
4. z = 17.8995
5. print('sqrt of 20 is ', math.sqrt(x))
6. print('sqrt of 14 is ', math.sqrt(y))
7. print('sqrt of 17.8995 is ', math.sqrt(z))
sqrt of 20 is 4.47213595499958
sqrt of 14 is 3.7416573867739413
sqrt of 17.8995 is 4.230780069916185
This method returns e raised to the power of any number minus 1. e is the base of natural
1. import math
2. number = 2e-1 # small value of of x
3. print('The given number (x) is :', number)
4. print('e^x (using expml() function) is :', math.expm1(number))
It returns the cosine of any number, in radians.
1. import math
2. angleInDegree = 60
3. angleInRadian = math.radians(angleInDegree)
4. print('Given angle :', angleInRadian)
5. print('cos(x) is :', math.cos(angleInRadian))
It returns the sine of any number, in radians.
1. import math
2. angleInDegree = 60
3. angleInRadian = math.radians(angleInDegree)
4. print('Given angle :', angleInRadian)
5. print('sin(x) is :', math.sin(angleInRadian))
It returns the tangent of any number, in radians.
1. import math
2. angleInDegree = 60
3. angleInRadian = math.radians(angleInDegree)
4. print('Given angle :', angleInRadian)
5. print('tan(x) is :', math.tan(angleInRadian))
Python OS Module
The python OS module provides functions used for interacting with the operating system
and also get related information about it. The OS comes under Python's standard utility
modules. This module offers a portable way of using operating system dependent
The python OS module lets us work with the files and directories.
There are some functions in the OS module which are given below:
This function provides the name of the operating system module that it imports.
1. import os
2. print(
It returns the Current Working Directory(CWD) of the file.
1. import os
2. print(os.getcwd())
The functions in this module defines the OS level errors. It raises OSError in case of invalid
or inaccessible file names and path etc.
1. import os
2. try:
3. # If file does not exist,
4. # then it throw an IOError
5. filename = 'Python.txt'
6. f = open(filename, 'rU')
7. text =
8. f.close()
10. # The Control jumps directly to here if
11. #any lines throws IOError.
12. except IOError:
14. # print(os.error) will <class 'OSError'>
15. print('Problem reading: ' + filename)
This function opens a file to, or from the command specified and it returns a file object
which is connected to a pipe.
1. import os
2. fd = "python.txt"
4. # popen() is similar to open()
5. file = open(fd, 'w')
6. file.write("This is awesome")
7. file.close()
8. file = open(fd, 'r')
9. text =
10. print(text)
12. # popen() provides gateway and accesses the file directly
13. file = os.popen(fd, 'w')
14. file.write("This is awesome")
15. # File not closed, shown in next function.
This is awesome
This function closes the associated file with descriptor fd.
1. import os
2. fr = "Python1.txt"
3. file = open(fr, 'r')
4. text =
5. print(text)
6. os.close(file)
In this function, a file or directory can be renamed by using the function os.rename(). A
user can rename the file if it has privilege to change the file.
1. import os
2. fd = "python.txt"
3. os.rename(fd,'Python1.txt')
4. os.rename(fd,'Python1.txt')
This function uses real uid/gid to test if the invoking user has access to the path.
1. import os
2. import sys
4. path1 = os.access("Python.txt", os.F_OK)
5. print("Exist path:", path1)
7. # Checking access with os.R_OK
8. path2 = os.access("Python.txt", os.R_OK)
9. print("It access to read the file:", path2)
11. # Checking access with os.W_OK
12. path3 = os.access("Python.txt", os.W_OK)
13. print("It access to write the file:", path3)
15. # Checking access with os.X_OK
16. path4 = os.access("Python.txt", os.X_OK)
17. print("Check if path can be executed:", path4)
There are different types of functions used in a random module which is as follows:
This function generates a random float number between 0.0 and 1.0.
This function returns a randomly selected element from the range created by the start,
stop, and step arguments. Value of start is 0 by default.
mean() function
The mean() function is used to calculate the arithmetic mean of the numbers in the list.
1. import statistics
2. # list of positive integer numbers
3. datasets = [5, 2, 7, 4, 2, 6, 8]
4. x = statistics.mean(datasets)
5. # Printing the mean
6. print("Mean is :", x)
Mean is : 4.857142857142857
median() function
The median() function is used to return the middle value of the numeric data in the list.
1. import statistics
2. datasets = [4, -5, 6, 6, 9, 4, 5, -2]
3. # Printing median of the
4. # random data-set
5. print("Median of data-set is : % s "
6. % (statistics.median(datasets)))
mode() function
The mode() function returns the most common data that occurs in the list.
1. import statistics
2. # declaring a simple data-set consisting of real valued positive integers.
3. dataset =[2, 4, 7, 7, 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 8]
4. # Printing out the mode of given data-set
5. print("Calculated Mode % s" % (statistics.mode(dataset)))
Calculated Mode 2
stdev() function
The stdev() function is used to calculate the standard deviation on a given sample which is
available in the form of the list.
1. import statistics
2. # creating a simple data - set
3. sample = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
4. # Prints standard deviation
5. print("Standard Deviation of sample is % s "
6. % (statistics.stdev(sample)))
The median_low function is used to return the low median of numeric data in the list.
1. import statistics
2. # simple list of a set of integers
3. set1 = [4, 6, 2, 5, 7, 7]
4. # Note: low median will always be a member of the data-set.
5. # Print low median of the data-set
6. print("Low median of data-set is % s "
7. % (statistics.median_low(set1)))
The median_high function is used to return the high median of numeric data in the list.
1. import statistics
2. # list of set of the integers
3. dataset = [2, 1, 7, 6, 1, 9]
4. print("High median of data-set is %s "
5. % (statistics.median_high(dataset)))
import sys
First, we have to import the sys module in our program before running any functions.
This function provides the name of the existing python modules which have been imported.
This function returns a list of command line arguments passed to a Python script. The name
of the script is always the item at index 0, and the rest of the arguments are stored at
subsequent indices.
This function provides an efficient way to the same value as exec_prefix. If not running a
virtual environment, the value will remain the same.
It is set up during Python startup, before is run, to the same value as prefix.
This function shows the PYTHONPATH set in the current system. It is an environment
variable that is a search path for all the python modules.
It is an object that contains the original values of stdin at the start of the program and used
during finalization. It can restore the files.
This function is used to exit from either the Python console or command prompt, and also
used to exit from the program in case of an exception.
sys executable
The value of this function is the absolute path to a Python interpreter. It is useful for
knowing where python is installed on someone else machine.
This value of this function is used to identify the platform on which we are working.
Python IDEs
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment is defined as a coding tool that helps
to automate the process of editing, compiling, testing, etc. in an SDLC and it provides ease
to the developer to run, write and debug the code.
It is specially designed for software development that consists of several tools which is used
for developing and testing the software.
o PyCharm
o Spyder
o PyDev
o Atom
o Wing
o Jupyter Notebook
o Thonny
o Rodeo
o Microsoft Visual Studio
o Eric
It is a complete python IDE that is loaded with a rich set of features like auto code
completion, quick project navigation, fast error checking and correction, remote
development support, database accessibility, etc.
o Smart code navigation
o Errors Highlighting
o Powerful debugger
o Supports Python web development frameworks, i.e., Angular JS, Javascript
Spyder is an open-source that has high recognition in the IDE market and most suitable for
data science. The full name of Spyder is Scientific Python Development Environment. It
supports all the significant platforms Linux, Windows, and MacOS X.
It provides a set of features like localized code editor, document viewer, variable explorer,
integrated console, etc. and supports no. of scientific modules like NumPy, SciPy, etc.
o Proper syntax highlighting and auto code completion
o Integrates strongly with IPython console
o Performs well in multi-language editor and auto code completion mode
PyDev is defined as one of the commonly used Python IDE, which is an external plugin for
Eclipse. It is a natural choice of the Python developers that are coming from the Java
background and very popular in the market as Python interpreter.
Aleksandar Totic is famous for his contribution to Mosaic browser and worked on Pydev
project during 2003-2004.
Pydev has a feature which includes Django integration, automatic code completion, smart
indents and block indents, etc.
o Strong Parameters like refactoring, debugging, code analysis, and code coverage
o It supports virtual environments, Mypy, and black formatter.
o Also supports PyLint integration, remote debugger, Unit test integration, etc.
o Visualize the results on Atom without open any other window.
o A plugin named "Markdown Preview Plus" provides built-in support for editing and
visualizing Markdown files.
It is defined as a cross-platform IDE that is packed with necessary features and with decent
development support. Its personal edition is free of cost. The pro version comes with a 30
days trial for the developers to try it out.
It has several features that include auto-completion, syntax highlighting, indents, and
o Customizable and can have extensions as well.
o Supports remote development, test-driven development along with the unit test.
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter is one of the most used IPython notebook editors that is used across the Data
Science industry. It is a web application that is based on the server-client structure and
allows you to create and manipulate notebook documents. It makes the best use of the fact
that python is an interpreted language.
o Supports markdowns
o Easy creation and editing of codes
o Ideal for beginners in data science
Thonny is another IDE which is best suited for learning and teaching programming. It is a
software developed at the University of Tartu and supports code completion and highlight
syntax errors.
o Simple debugger
o Supports highlighting errors and auto code completion
Rodeo is defined as one of the best IDE for python that is most widely used for data science
projects like taking data and information from different resources.
o Allows the functions for comparing data, interact, plot, and inspect data.
o Auto code completion, syntax highlighter, visual file navigator, etc.
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an open-source code editor which was best suited for development
and debugging of latest web and cloud projects. It has its own marketplace for extensions.
o Supports Python Coding in Visual studio
o Available in both paid and free version
Eric Python
The Eric Python is an editor which is developed in Python itself and can be used for both
professional and non-professional work.
o Offers configurable window layout, editors, source code folding
o Advanced project management capability, version control
o In-built debugger and task management support