New York Institute of Photography: Getting The Most From Your Digital SLR

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Getting the Most From Your Digital SLR

New York Institute of Photography

America’s Largest Photography School — Educating Photographers Since 1910.
NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

Office of the Dean

I love photography. Obviously, you love
photography too.

I think you requested our catalog because you

want to take better pictures and master your digital
SLR camera. Maybe you’re experienced with a film
camera, and have recently purchased a digital SLR.
Or perhaps you’re completely new to photography.
Either way, this Course is designed to do one thing—
train you to be a better photographer. Since 1910
our training has helped countless people go from
being snapshooters to serious photographers.
Being a photographer has enriched my life in many ways.
Photography has brought me creative satisfaction. It has allowed me to capture
special moments in the lives of the people close to me. It has introduced me
to new people. It has exposed me to new subjects. It has allowed me to
travel—and to show others the world as I see it. NYI’s staff and faculty will
help you reach your goal in photography.
Popular Photography Magazine Recommends this Course.
We don’t offer a magic pill that will turn you into a photographer. What we
offer is the finest, most complete, most personalized home-study training you
can get anywhere. Popular Photography’s Editor-in-Chief John Owens did a great
job of summing up the multi-media approach of our Course in a recent editorial:
“This “short course” is based around a series of easy-to-digest books covering topics such as
using a gray card, reading a histogram, and working with kids and pets. It also includes audio
CDs starring NYIP’s Chuck DeLaney in folksy chats with instructors and pros. As with NYIP’s
long-running, more expensive, pro training course, this one has multiple choice tests, as well as
assignments that are reviewed by instructors. Also, each student is assigned an advisor who’ll
provide virtually unlimited phone and e-mail support.”
You may have tried to master the digital SLR on your own.
It’s not easy. Even if you have experience with a film SLR, learning the different
settings and menus on a digital SLR can be mind boggling. Your camera manual
may not give you clear instructions about how to operate your SLR. It probably
doesn’t give you much information about how to download and edit your photos
on the computer. It most definitely does not teach you how to take artistic, well-
composed pictures. If you’ve tried to figure these things out on your own, you
New York Institute of Photography

probably know that learning photography through trial and error just doesn’t
work. It only makes you feel frustrated and overwhelmed. NYI’s training goes
way beyond your camera manual to show you everything you need to take
great pictures with your digital SLR.
The NYI Digital Short Course may be just what you need.
You want to learn how to take great pictures, but you also have a busy
life. The flexibility of our Courses is one of the things our students like best.
You don’t have to spend time commuting. You don’t have to stick to a rigid
academic schedule. You can study whenever and wherever you want.
You train at home, but get the benefit of our New York-based faculty.
Our program combines the flexibility of distance education with the best
elements of classroom education. You get multi-media Course materials that
allow you to experience photographic techniques in a variety of ways. Even
better, you get support, encouragement and one-on-one instruction from
capable teachers. We hire these teachers from the enormous pool of talented
photographers living and working in New York City. They are expert educators
who are used to working with students at all different levels of experience.
NYI training costs less than any other method.
A residential photography course usually costs hundreds of dollars for a few
evening sessions, with little hands-on training. NYI’s courses offer comprehensive
training at a very low tuition rate. Our Digital Short Course has an even lower
rate than our professional courses. It is designed for people who simply want to
learn how to take great pictures. We leave out complicated technical information
that isn’t relevant to your needs. We make the process of taking great pictures
easy. Furthermore, you can enroll to try the Course under our No Risk Refund
Plan, and you can even pay for it through an installment plan.
Sound good? If so, our Digital Short Course is for you! Try the Course. Find
out for yourself. We’re going to make you a better photographer!

Chuck DeLaney, Dean

Cover photo © NYI Student Melissa Burns 3

NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

NYIP Short Course:

of Digital Photography

Here’s what you’ll receive:

• 16 Complete Lessons
• 7 “Learn from the Experts”
Audio CD Lesson Guides
• NYI’s Weekend Photo
Workshop — 2 DVD Set
• Monthly Web site Updates
• Personal Student Advisor
• Audio Recorded Analysis of
Your Photos
• Gray Card
• Graduation Certificate

Popular Photography Magazine Recommends The same article went on to feature NYI’s
This Course for Digital SLR Newcomers Fundamentals of Digital Photography as
one of the premiere courses for beginners,
Popular Photography discussed the power “The New York Institute of Photography is
and confusion brought on by the recent influx also reaching out to newbies. This 96-year-old
of digital SLRs in a recent editorial: “With so “correspondence school” has a new program
much photographic horsepower going into the called Fundamentals of Digital Photography:
hands of so many people, there are bound to be Getting the Most out of Your Digital SLR.
questions. Billions of questions. Even from those This “short course” is based around a series
who never stray from the full-auto “green mode” of easy-to-digest books covering the basics.”
and use their new DSLRs as high-powered
New York Institute of Photography

Our Students Love This Course!

“I have really enjoyed this Course. It “Since taking the Course, I have
was practical and very easy to finish. developed a better eye for photography
I could look at the material and use and art in general, which has greatly
the information right away so that I aided in my amateur hobby of photo
felt it was of immediate benefit to editing. With this better understanding
my picture taking.” of what makes a great picture, I am
S. Goldsack, Canada — well on my way to taking better
2007 NYI Short Course Graduate pictures through practice, practice
and more practice.”
J. Lu, New Jersey —
2007 NYI Short Course Graduate
NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

The NYI Interactive Method

Step One:
Press a Button, and Your Course Begins.
Listen as NYI faculty members explain all
the basics to you on audio. They’ll guide
you page-by-page through the Lessons,
telling you what to read, reviewing
important points, and clarifying
illustrations in the texts.

Step Two:
Learn from the Pros on DVD.
On these exclusive NYI DVDs, you will watch the pros
demonstrate the techniques you’ve just learned. They
clearly show you how these techniques can be used in
your own photos.

Step Three:
A Student Advisor Is Assigned to You.
You receive the name, telephone number,
and e-mail address of your personal Student
Advisor. You can contact your Advisor when-
ever you have a question or need advice.
With NYI you get support whenever you
need it. You never have to “go it alone.”

Step Four:
A New Batch of Lessons Arrives.
After you complete the first Unit of the Course, another series
of Lessons is sent to you in the mail.
New York Institute of Photography

Step Five:
Shoot Your Photo Projects.
You’ll have two opportunities to take a
series of photographs which allow you to
apply the principles you’ve learned. This
is the real fun! Choose your own subject;
then mail your work to us in handy,
pre-addressed envelopes.

Step Six:
Your Pictures Are Discussed at a Staff Meeting.
If your instructor feels that your pictures have unique qualities,
they will be submitted for discussion at an NYI faculty meeting.
Outstanding pictures will be nominated for an NYI Award of
Merit that can be framed and displayed with pride.

Step Seven:
Your Instructor Talks to You.
Your instructor records comments just for
you, analyzing each picture, explaining
what’s good about your pictures and
suggesting tips for improvement. Each pic-
ture you submit will be discussed in detail.

Step Eight:
You Listen to Your Instructor.
Listen as your instructor talks to you personally about your
pictures. He or she tells you how to improve your pictures. You
can replay your instructor’s comments until you understand
every detail fully.
NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

Step Nine:
You Try New Techniques.
Guided by your instructor’s suggestions, you try new techniques,
new methods, new approaches. You’ll be amazed by how quickly
your pictures begin to look professional.

Step Ten:
You Receive Your Certificate in
Digital SLR Photography.
After you finish studying your
Lessons and submit your Photo
Projects, you will receive a cer-
tificate of completion in the
mail. This certificate is attractive
and ready to be framed.

Our Interactive Learning approach is what

makes our Course the best on the market.
You’ll learn the ins-and-outs of great digital
photography using a simple and easy
step-by-step approach. It’s that easy!

Why not get started now?

New York Institute of Photography

Frequently Asked
How has NYI training worked
for others?

With immense success. We’ve been

teaching photography longer than any
school in the world. Since 1910, tens
of thousands of men and women have
enrolled in NYI Courses. Many of
them have met the goal of becoming
professional photographers. Most of
them have met the goal of taking pic-
tures that look as if they were taken
by a professional. We’re proud of our
record. And we expect that you’ll
be proud to be an NYI student. © NYI Student C. Sauer

Do I need prior training or How many Lessons are in

experience? the Course?

No. Our Digital SLR Course is You will receive sixteen lessons
designed to meet the needs of covering everything you need to
anyone who is new to using a digital know in order to take great pictures.
SLR or other high-performance Our curriculum covers all the topics
camera. Whether you are new that will show you how to get great
to photography, or an old-hand results from your digital SLR. This
photographer who is new to the includes information on the settings
digital world, you’ll find what you’re of your camera, the qualities of good
looking for in the Fundamentals of photo composition, and the basics of
Digital Photography Course. The editing your images on the computer.
material is relevant and accessible to
students at all levels of experience. If How long does it take to complete
at any time you need help with the Course?
the material, your Student Advisor
is ready and willing to give you This depends on you. You can move
assistance—just like a private tutor. through the Course at your own pace.
Because a great deal of material is
covered, you won’t be able to just
race through the Course. If you apply

NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

© NYI Student J. Lane

yourself, you might be able to finish it

in three or four months. If, like many
of our students, you have a busy
schedule, you can finish your Lessons
at a more leisurely pace. You have up
to two years to complete your Course
at no extra charge.

I’ve studied photography before.

Will the Digital SLR Course be
too easy?

Probably not. This Course is designed

for people who are new to photogra-
phy. However, it’s also appropriate for
experienced film photographers who
need help applying their skills to the
digital SLR.

10 © Liz Roberts
New York Institute of Photography

© NYI Student Jeong Hwa Min

If you are interested in pursuing a Do I need a lot of expensive

career in professional photography, or photography equipment?
if you want in-depth explanations of
different areas of photography, such as No. The only photo equipment
studio portraiture and photojournalism, you need is a digital SLR, or
you might want to consider taking NYI’s another type of digital camera with
Complete Course in Professional adjustable aperture and shutter
Photography. Only you can decide speed. Throughout the Course we
which NYI Course is best for you. stress that it’s possible to take great
For information about the different pictures without a lot of expensive
NYI course offerings, call us at camera accessories.
1-800-445-7279, or visit us online
at We also suggest that you consider
acquiring an inexpensive tripod to
Whichever Course you choose, you help you take razor-sharp pictures.
will benefit from our unique interac-
tive method and Three Guidelines for
great photographs. That’s why we
offer our Risk-Free-Trial.

NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

What else will I need to take For PC:

this Course? • 300 MHz Pentium® processor.
• Microsoft® Windows 2000 or
To utilize our unique multi-media
Microsoft Windows XP.
educational program, you will
need to own or have access to
For Macintosh:
the following:
• G4 running OS X or higher.
1) A CD and DVD player; or a com-
puter that can play CDs and DVDs. Please note that these are the
minimum computer requirements
2) Basic photo viewing and editing for using a high-performance
software. The software that came digital camera and completing the
with your camera is sufficient. Fundamentals of Digital Photography
Course. Computers possessing
3) A computer that will allow you to these minimum requirements may
download and view photos from not be compatible with all digital
your digital camera. Minimum cameras, and may not be able to
requirements are described below: run advanced photo editing software.
• CD-R optical drive (CD
• 150 MB available hard
drive space (200 MB
• USB port.
• 64 MB RAM (128 MB

© Liz Roberts
New York Institute of Photography

About You.
Even though we haven’t met you yet, based on years of
working with people interested in learning more about
photography, we have some understanding of who you are,
and what you’re looking for.

 We know you love photography.

That’s why you contacted us.

 We know that you want your pictures to be

more powerful. You love your family and friends,
and you want to record them, and the places that you
visit in your travels.

How to take great photographs is the most important thing

we teach at NYI. And we promise that you’ll take better
photographs soon after you begin studying with us.

 We know that you’ve read your camera’s manual.

Probably more than once, and you’ve noted that there are
lots of things your camera can do.

The manual is pretty good at telling you how to do

certain things—like how to view the histogram—but not so
good at explaining why you would do that, or what it
means. Or when you might want to use aperture priority or
shutter priority.

Your manual was written by people who know a lot about

their product, but who are more concerned with making it all
look easy and impressing you with all the features, bells, and
whistles. We’ll tell you what you need to know about the
incredible creative tools that are included in your camera.

NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

 We know that your camera was a substantial

Not only that, now or in the near future you’ll be
considering some additional gear—perhaps a new
lens (or two), a tripod, and possibly some lighting

One of the best things about NYI is

your Student Advisor. He or she is
available by telephone or e-mail and
will give you straightforward advice
about what kind of equipment you
really need, with none of the retailer’s
desire to close the sale.
NYI Student Advisor Ted Fisher

As the sign in the auction house says, “Sometimes

the best way to double your money is to fold it in
half and put it back in your wallet.” You can count
on us for no-nonsense advice. Taking this Course
might save you money. In addition, you may find
that photography is something you want to consider
as a part-time freelance opportunity, or a new
career. We’ve helped many, many people make
that transition, and some Short Course students
decide to go on to take our Professional Course.

New York Institute of Photography

About Us.
NYI was founded in 1910 and has offered at-home training
since 1922. Since 1975, we’ve done nothing else. Everyone at
NYI loves photography, and our Teachers and Student Advisors
are selected from the finest New York pros. We look for
photographers who also want to teach, and who have the
necessary verbal and writing skills to effectively communicate
with students.
Our programs feature multi-media training components that we create our-
selves. Our Interactive Training Method has worked for thousands of people
and we know it will work for you as well.

NYI has more than 20,000 active students

in the US and over 50 countries abroad.
Most students are in the 25-50 age range
when they start their training, but we’ve
also taught teenagers and people in their
eighties. Some students seek a new
career, others want to start a part-time
business, and many amateurs wish to
learn how to take professional-looking

NYI became an Internet pioneer

with the development of, the monthly online
“photography how-to” magazine
we launched in the spring of 1996.
Students in our Digital Short Course
will have access to all the same teaching
staff as students in our professional pro-
grams—The Complete Course in
Professional Photography and © NYI Student S. McCormick
“Photoshop for Photographers” the
Complete Course in Digital Photography.

NYIP Short Course: Fundamentals of Digital Photography

About Our Lesson Texts.

Fully Illustrated NYI Lessons Make Learning a Pleasure.

Our illustrated lessons are designed to make learning fun, and to make the
process of learning easier. Each lesson is filled with beautiful color photographs
that illustrate photographic techniques, and diagrams that help you understand
the concepts that are presented. They are designed to appeal to your eye as
well as your mind; and to inspire you to become a better photographer.

The sample images on this page give you a small glimpse of the scope and
coverage of the Fundamentals of Digital Photography Course.

NYI Course Fees and Payment Plans
Study at home with the Pros at NYI! At NYI we try to keep the cost of our
Course as low as possible, so that everyone can learn photography. Whether
you enroll on the monthly payment plan or the full payment plan, you always
enjoy NYI's No-Risk Refund Policy. Try the Course that interests you secure in
the knowledge that if our program isn't right for you—for any reason—you
simply let us know within 21-days after you receive your materials, and we'll
refund your entire tuition. No one else has a No-Risk policy like ours. If you can
pay-in-full, you save us a lot of work, and we're happy to pass the savings
along to you. We know not everyone can do that, so we're happy to offer
monthly payment programs where your payment is only $45 per month.

NYI Short Course:

Fundamentals of Digital Photography
Full Payment Plan: $348 Monthly Payment Plan: $398
Save $50 if you Pay in Full. Initial $28 down-payment with 8
monthly payments of $45 each and
a final payment of $10.

Canadian residents pay an additional $35 for shipping for either payment
plan. Non-U.S. and Non-Canadian residents pay $423 for Full Payment,
$473 Monthly Payment including tuition,shipping and handling.

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